@ -1,273 +1,208 @@
use alloc::{boxed::Box, collections::BTreeMap};
use scheduler::*;
use event_hub::EventHub;
use util::GetMut2;
use core::fmt::Debug;
pub struct Process<T> {
pid: Pid,
parent: Pid,
status: Status,
context: T,
pub type Pid = usize;
pub type ErrorCode = usize;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Status {
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use alloc::sync::Arc;
use spin::Mutex;
use scheduler::Scheduler;
use core::cell::UnsafeCell;
/// Process executor
/// Per-CPU struct. Defined at global.
/// Only accessed by associated CPU with interrupt disabled.
pub struct Processor {
inner: UnsafeCell<Option<ProcessorInner>>,
unsafe impl Sync for Processor {}
struct ProcessorInner {
id: usize,
proc: Option<(Pid, Box<Context>)>,
loop_context: Box<Context>,
manager: Arc<ProcessManager>,
impl Processor {
pub const fn new() -> Self {
Processor { inner: UnsafeCell::new(None) }
pub unsafe fn init(&self, id: usize, context: Box<Context>, manager: Arc<ProcessManager>) {
unsafe {
*self.inner.get() = Some(ProcessorInner {
proc: None,
loop_context: context,
pub trait Context: Debug {
unsafe fn switch(&mut self, target: &mut Self);
fn new_kernel(entry: extern fn(usize) -> !, arg: usize) -> Self;
pub struct Processor_<T: Context, S: Scheduler> {
procs: BTreeMap<Pid, Process<T>>,
current_pid: Pid,
event_hub: EventHub<Event>,
// WARNING: if MAX_PROCESS_NUM is too large, will cause stack overflow
scheduler: S,
fn inner(&self) -> &mut ProcessorInner {
unsafe { &mut *self.inner.get() }.as_mut()
.expect("Processor is not initialized")
impl<T> Process<T> {
fn exit_code(&self) -> Option<ErrorCode> {
match self.status {
Status::Exited(code) => Some(code),
_ => None,
/// Begin running processes after CPU setup.
/// This function never returns. It loops, doing:
/// - choose a process to run
/// - switch to start running that process
/// - eventually that process transfers control
/// via switch back to the scheduler.
pub fn run(&self) -> ! {
let inner = self.inner();
loop {
let proc = inner.manager.run(inner.id);
trace!("CPU{} begin running process {}", inner.id, proc.0);
inner.proc = Some(proc);
unsafe {
inner.loop_context.switch_to(&mut *inner.proc.as_mut().unwrap().1);
let (pid, context) = inner.proc.take().unwrap();
trace!("CPU{} stop running process {}", inner.id, pid);
inner.manager.stop(pid, context);
// TODO: 除schedule()外的其它函数,应该只设置进程状态,不应调用schedule
impl<T: Context, S: Scheduler> Processor_<T, S> {
pub fn new(init_context: T, scheduler: S) -> Self {
let init_proc = Process {
pid: 0,
parent: 0,
status: Status::Running,
context: init_context,
Processor_ {
procs: {
let mut map = BTreeMap::<Pid, Process<T>>::new();
map.insert(0, init_proc);
current_pid: 0,
event_hub: EventHub::new(),
/// Called by process running on this Processor.
/// Yield and reschedule.
pub fn yield_now(&self) {
let inner = self.inner();
unsafe {
inner.proc.as_mut().unwrap().1.switch_to(&mut *inner.loop_context);
pub fn set_priority(&mut self, priority: u8) {
self.scheduler.set_priority(self.current_pid, priority);
pub fn pid(&self) -> Pid {
pub fn yield_now(&mut self) {
let pid = self.current_pid;
self.set_status(pid, Status::Ready);
pub fn manager(&self) -> &ProcessManager {
fn alloc_pid(&self) -> Pid {
let mut next: Pid = 0;
for &i in self.procs.keys() {
if i != next {
return next;
} else {
next = i + 1;
return next;
fn set_status(&mut self, pid: Pid, status: Status) {
let status0 = self.get(pid).status.clone();
match (&status0, &status) {
(&Status::Ready, &Status::Ready) => return,
(&Status::Ready, _) => self.scheduler.remove(pid),
(_, &Status::Ready) => self.scheduler.insert(pid),
_ => {}
trace!("process {} {:?} -> {:?}", pid, status0, status);
self.get_mut(pid).status = status;
/// Called by timer.
/// Handle events.
pub fn tick(&mut self) {
let current_pid = self.current_pid;
if self.scheduler.tick(current_pid) {
while let Some(event) = self.event_hub.pop() {
debug!("event {:?}", event);
match event {
Event::Schedule => {
self.event_hub.push(10, Event::Schedule);
Event::Wakeup(pid) => {
self.set_status(pid, Status::Ready);
pub fn tick(&self) {
let need_reschedule = self.manager().tick(self.pid());
if need_reschedule {
pub fn get_time(&self) -> usize {
pub fn add(&mut self, context: T) -> Pid {
let pid = self.alloc_pid();
let process = Process {
parent: self.current_pid,
status: Status::Ready,
self.procs.insert(pid, process);
/// Called every interrupt end
/// Do schedule ONLY IF current status != Running
pub fn schedule(&mut self) {
if self.get(self.current_pid).status == Status::Running {
let pid = self.scheduler.select().unwrap();
struct Process {
id: Pid,
status: Status,
status_after_stop: Status,
context: Option<Box<Context>>,
/// Switch to process `pid`.
/// The current status must be set before, and not be `Running`.
/// The target status must be `Ready`.
fn switch_to(&mut self, pid: Pid) {
// for debug print
let pid0 = self.current_pid;
type Pid = usize;
type ExitCode = usize;
const MAX_PROC_NUM: usize = 32;
if pid == self.current_pid {
if self.get(self.current_pid).status != Status::Running {
self.set_status(pid, Status::Running);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Status {
self.current_pid = pid;
let (from, to) = self.procs.get_mut2(pid0, pid);
assert_ne!(from.status, Status::Running);
assert_eq!(to.status, Status::Ready);
to.status = Status::Running;
info!("switch from {} to {} {:x?}", pid0, pid, to.context);
unsafe { from.context.switch(&mut to.context); }
pub trait Context {
unsafe fn switch_to(&mut self, target: &mut Context);
fn get(&self, pid: Pid) -> &Process<T> {
fn get_mut(&mut self, pid: Pid) -> &mut Process<T> {
pub fn current_context(&self) -> &T {
pub fn current_pid(&self) -> Pid {
pub struct ProcessManager {
procs: [Mutex<Option<Process>>; MAX_PROC_NUM],
scheduler: Mutex<Box<Scheduler>>,
pub fn kill(&mut self, pid: Pid) {
self.exit(pid, 0x1000); // TODO: error code for killed
impl ProcessManager {
pub fn exit(&mut self, pid: Pid, error_code: ErrorCode) {
info!("{} exit, code: {}", pid, error_code);
self.set_status(pid, Status::Exited(error_code));
if let Some(waiter) = self.find_waiter(pid) {
info!(" then wakeup {}", waiter);
self.set_status(waiter, Status::Ready);
pub fn new(scheduler: Box<Scheduler>) -> Self {
ProcessManager {
procs: Default::default(),
scheduler: Mutex::new(scheduler),
pub fn sleep(&mut self, pid: Pid, time: usize) {
self.set_status(pid, Status::Sleeping);
self.event_hub.push(time, Event::Wakeup(pid));
fn alloc_pid(&self) -> Pid {
for i in 0..MAX_PROC_NUM {
if self.procs[i].lock().is_none() {
return i;
pub fn sleep_(&mut self, pid: Pid) {
self.set_status(pid, Status::Sleeping);
pub fn wakeup_(&mut self, pid: Pid) {
self.set_status(pid, Status::Ready);
panic!("Process number exceeded");
/// Let current process wait for another
pub fn current_wait_for(&mut self, pid: Pid) -> WaitResult {
info!("current {} wait for {:?}", self.current_pid, pid);
if self.procs.values().filter(|&p| p.parent == self.current_pid).next().is_none() {
return WaitResult::NotExist;
let pid = self.try_wait(pid).unwrap_or_else(|| {
let current_pid = self.current_pid;
self.set_status(current_pid, Status::Waiting(pid));
self.schedule(); // yield
/// Add a new process
pub fn add(&self, context: Box<Context>) -> Pid {
let pid = self.alloc_pid();
// TODO: check parent
*self.procs[pid].lock() = Some(Process {
id: pid,
status: Status::Ready,
status_after_stop: Status::Ready,
context: Some(context),
let exit_code = self.get(pid).exit_code().unwrap();
info!("{} wait end and remove {}", self.current_pid, pid);
WaitResult::Ok(pid, exit_code)
/// Try to find a exited wait target
fn try_wait(&mut self, pid: Pid) -> Option<Pid> {
match pid {
0 => self.procs.values()
.find(|&p| p.parent == self.current_pid && p.exit_code().is_some())
.map(|p| p.pid),
_ => self.get(pid).exit_code().map(|_| pid),
fn find_waiter(&self, pid: Pid) -> Option<Pid> {
self.procs.values().find(|&p| {
p.status == Status::Waiting(pid) ||
(p.status == Status::Waiting(0) && self.get(pid).parent == p.pid)
}).map(|ref p| p.pid)
pub enum WaitResult {
/// The target process is exited with `ErrorCode`.
Ok(Pid, ErrorCode),
/// The target process is not exist.
/// Make process `pid` time slice -= 1.
/// Return true if time slice == 0.
/// Called by timer interrupt handler.
pub fn tick(&self, pid: Pid) -> bool {
/// Called by Processor to get a process to run.
/// The manager first mark it `Running`,
/// then take out and return its Context.
pub fn run(&self, cpu_id: usize) -> (Pid, Box<Context>) {
let mut scheduler = self.scheduler.lock();
let pid = scheduler.select()
.expect("failed to select a runnable process");
let mut proc_lock = self.procs[pid].lock();
let mut proc = proc_lock.as_mut().unwrap();
proc.status = Status::Running(cpu_id);
(pid, proc.context.take().unwrap())
/// Called by Processor to finish running a process
/// and give its context back.
pub fn stop(&self, pid: Pid, context: Box<Context>) {
let mut proc_lock = self.procs[pid].lock();
let mut proc = proc_lock.as_mut().unwrap();
proc.status = proc.status_after_stop.clone();
proc.status_after_stop = Status::Ready;
proc.context = Some(context);
if proc.status == Status::Ready {
/// Switch the status of a process.
/// Insert/Remove it to/from scheduler if necessary.
pub fn set_status(&self, pid: Pid, status: Status) {
let mut scheduler = self.scheduler.lock();
let mut proc_lock = self.procs[pid].lock();
let mut proc = proc_lock.as_mut().unwrap();
match (&proc.status, &status) {
(Status::Ready, Status::Ready) => return,
(Status::Ready, _) => scheduler.remove(pid),
(Status::Running(_), _) => {},
(_, Status::Ready) => scheduler.insert(pid),
_ => {}
enum Event {
trace!("process {} {:?} -> {:?}", pid, proc.status, status);
match proc.status {
Status::Running(_) => proc.status_after_stop = status,
_ => proc.status = status,
impl<T: Context> GetMut2<Pid> for BTreeMap<Pid, Process<T>> {
type Output = Process<T>;
fn get_mut(&mut self, id: Pid) -> &mut Process<T> {