| forktree | 未通过 | PANIC in src/lang.rs at line 22 <br>out of memory<br>似乎是由于“目前所有没被wait过的进程退出后,内存不会被回收”导致的问题|
| forktree | 未通过 | PANIC in src/lang.rs at line 22 <br>out of memory<br>似乎是由于“目前所有没被wait过的进程退出后,内存不会被回收”导致的问题|
| divzero | 通过 | |
| divzero | 通过 | |
| yield | 通过 | |
| yield | 通过 | |
| faultreadkernel | 未通过| 原因同faultread |
| faultreadkernel | 通过| 原因同faultread |
| exit | 通过 | |
| exit | 通过 | |
| softint | 未实现? | |
| softint | 未实现? | |
| badsegment | 通过 | |
| badsegment | 通过 | |
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
| priority | 通过 | |
| priority | 通过 | |
| badarg | 未通过 | PANIC in /home/lcy1996/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-2018-09-18-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/src/libcore/option.rs at line 345 <br> called \`Option::unwrap()\` on a \`None\` value <br> 内核bug?错误原因需要进一步探索|
| badarg | 未通过 | PANIC in /home/lcy1996/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-2018-09-18-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/src/libcore/option.rs at line 345 <br> called \`Option::unwrap()\` on a \`None\` value <br> 内核bug?错误原因需要进一步探索|
| testbss | 未通过 | PANIC in /home/lcy1996/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-2018-09-18-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/src/libcore/option.rs at line 1000<br>failed to allocate frame <br>内核bug?错误原因需要进一步探索|
| testbss | 未通过 | PANIC in /home/lcy1996/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-2018-09-18-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/src/libcore/option.rs at line 1000<br>failed to allocate frame <br>内核bug?错误原因需要进一步探索|
| sleepkill | 未通过 | PANIC in /home/lcy1996/Documents/OSTrain/RustOS/crate/process/src/event_hub.rs at line 55 <br> attempt to add with overflow <br> 推测与forktree出错原因相同|
| sleepkill | 未通过 | PANIC in /home/lcy1996/Documents/OSTrain/RustOS/crate/process/src/event_hub.rs at line 55 <br> attempt to add with overflow <br> 推测与forktree出错原因相同|