# Conflicts: # crate/memory/src/memory_set.rs # kernel/src/arch/riscv32/compiler_rt.rs # kernel/src/arch/riscv32/memory.rs # kernel/src/arch/riscv32/paging.rs # kernel/src/memory.rs # kernel/src/process/mod.rsmaster
@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
//! memory set, area
//! and the inactive page table
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::fmt::{Debug, Error, Formatter};
use super::*;
use crate::paging::*;
/// an inactive page table
/// Note: InactivePageTable is not a PageTable
/// but it can be activated and "become" a PageTable
/// Why this trait is in this file?(seems should in paging/mod.rs)
pub trait InactivePageTable {
/// the active version of page table
type Active: PageTable;
** @brief create a inactive page table with kernel memory mapped
** @retval InactivePageTable the created inactive page table
fn new() -> Self;
** @brief create an inactive page table without kernel memory mapped
** @retval InactivePageTable the created inactive page table
fn new_bare() -> Self;
** @brief temporarily active the page table and edit it
** @retval impl FnOnce(&mut Self::Active)
** the function of the editing action,
** which takes a temporarily activated page table as param
** @retval none
fn edit(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut Self::Active));
** @brief activate the inactive page table
** @retval none
unsafe fn activate(&self);
** @brief execute function with this inactive page table
** @param f: impl FnOnce() the function to be executed
** @retval none
unsafe fn with<T>(&self, f: impl FnOnce() -> T) -> T;
** @brief get the token of the inactive page table
** @retval usize the token of the inactive page table
fn token(&self) -> usize;
/// Why the methods below are in this trait?
** @brief allocate a frame for use
** @retval Option<PhysAddr> the physics address of the beginning of allocated frame, if present
fn alloc_frame() -> Option<PhysAddr>;
** @brief deallocate a frame for use
** @param PhysAddr the physics address of the beginning of frame to be deallocated
** @retval none
fn dealloc_frame(target: PhysAddr);
/// a continuous memory space when the same attribute
/// like `vma_struct` in ucore
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct MemoryArea {
start_addr: VirtAddr,
end_addr: VirtAddr,
phys_start_addr: Option<PhysAddr>,
flags: MemoryAttr,
name: &'static str,
impl MemoryArea {
** @brief create a memory area from virtual address
** @param start_addr: VirtAddr the virtual address of beginning of the area
** @param end_addr: VirtAddr the virtual address of end of the area
** @param flags: MemoryAttr the common memory attribute of the memory area
** @param name: &'static str the name of the memory area
** @retval MemoryArea the memory area created
pub fn new(start_addr: VirtAddr, end_addr: VirtAddr, flags: MemoryAttr, name: &'static str) -> Self {
assert!(start_addr <= end_addr, "invalid memory area");
MemoryArea { start_addr, end_addr, phys_start_addr: None, flags, name }
** @brief create a memory area from virtual address which is identically mapped
** @param start_addr: VirtAddr the virtual address of beginning of the area
** @param end_addr: VirtAddr the virtual address of end of the area
** @param flags: MemoryAttr the common memory attribute of the memory area
** @param name: &'static str the name of the memory area
** @retval MemoryArea the memory area created
// TODO: VirtAddr and PhysAddr should not be the same `usize`, it's not type safe.
#[cfg(target_arch = "riscv32")]
pub fn new_identity(start_addr: VirtAddr, end_addr: VirtAddr, flags: MemoryAttr, name: &'static str) -> Self {
assert!(start_addr <= end_addr, "invalid memory area");
MemoryArea { start_addr, end_addr, phys_start_addr: Some(start_addr), flags, name }
#[cfg(target_arch = "riscv64")]
pub fn new_identity(start_addr: VirtAddr, end_addr: VirtAddr, flags: MemoryAttr, name: &'static str) -> Self {
assert!(start_addr <= end_addr, "invalid memory area");
let paddr = start_addr - 0xFFFF_FFFF_0000_0000;
MemoryArea { start_addr, end_addr, phys_start_addr: Some(paddr), flags, name }
** @brief create a memory area from physics address
** @param start_addr: PhysAddr the physics address of beginning of the area
** @param end_addr: PhysAddr the physics address of end of the area
** @param offset: usiz the offset between physics address and virtual address
** @param flags: MemoryAttr the common memory attribute of the memory area
** @param name: &'static str the name of the memory area
** @retval MemoryArea the memory area created
pub fn new_physical(phys_start_addr: PhysAddr, phys_end_addr: PhysAddr, offset: usize, flags: MemoryAttr, name: &'static str) -> Self {
let start_addr = phys_start_addr + offset;
let end_addr = phys_end_addr + offset;
assert!(start_addr <= end_addr, "invalid memory area");
let phys_start_addr = Some(phys_start_addr);
MemoryArea { start_addr, end_addr, phys_start_addr, flags, name }
** @brief get slice of the content in the memory area
** @retval &[u8] the slice of the content in the memory area
pub unsafe fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u8] {
use core::slice;
slice::from_raw_parts(self.start_addr as *const u8, self.end_addr - self.start_addr)
** @brief get mutable slice of the content in the memory area
** @retval &mut[u8] the mutable slice of the content in the memory area
pub unsafe fn as_slice_mut(&self) -> &mut [u8] {
use core::slice;
slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.start_addr as *mut u8, self.end_addr - self.start_addr)
** @brief test whether a virtual address is in the memory area
** @param addr: VirtAddr the virtual address to test
** @retval bool whether the virtual address is in the memory area
pub fn contains(&self, addr: VirtAddr) -> bool {
addr >= self.start_addr && addr < self.end_addr
** @brief test whether the memory area is overlap with another memory area
** @param other: &MemoryArea another memory area to test
** @retval bool whether the memory area is overlap with another memory area
fn is_overlap_with(&self, other: &MemoryArea) -> bool {
let p0 = Page::of_addr(self.start_addr);
let p1 = Page::of_addr(self.end_addr - 1) + 1;
let p2 = Page::of_addr(other.start_addr);
let p3 = Page::of_addr(other.end_addr - 1) + 1;
!(p1 <= p2 || p0 >= p3)
** @brief map the memory area to the physice address in a page table
** @param pt: &mut T::Active the page table to use
** @retval none
fn map<T: InactivePageTable>(&self, pt: &mut T::Active) {
match self.phys_start_addr {
Some(phys_start) => {
for page in Page::range_of(self.start_addr, self.end_addr) {
let addr = page.start_address();
let target = page.start_address() - self.start_addr + phys_start;
self.flags.apply(pt.map(addr, target));
None => {
for page in Page::range_of(self.start_addr, self.end_addr) {
let addr = page.start_address();
let target = T::alloc_frame().expect("failed to allocate frame");
self.flags.apply(pt.map(addr, target));
// for frame delayed allocation
// let entry = pt.map(addr,0);
// self.flags.apply(entry);
// let entry = pt.get_entry(addr).expect("fail to get entry");
// entry.set_present(false);
// entry.update();
** @brief unmap the memory area from the physice address in a page table
** @param pt: &mut T::Active the page table to use
** @retval none
fn unmap<T: InactivePageTable>(&self, pt: &mut T::Active) {
for page in Page::range_of(self.start_addr, self.end_addr) {
let addr = page.start_address();
if self.phys_start_addr.is_none() {
if pt.get_entry(addr).expect("fail to get entry").present(){
let target = pt.get_entry(addr).expect("fail to get entry").target();
// set valid for pt.unmap function
pt.get_entry(addr).expect("fail to get entry").set_present(true);
pub fn get_start_addr(&self) -> VirtAddr {
pub fn get_end_addr(&self) -> VirtAddr{
pub fn get_flags(&self) -> &MemoryAttr{
/// The attributes of the memory
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Default)]
pub struct MemoryAttr {
user: bool,
readonly: bool,
execute: bool,
mmio: bool,
hide: bool,
impl MemoryAttr {
** @brief set the memory attribute's user bit
** @retval MemoryAttr the memory attribute itself
pub fn user(mut self) -> Self {
self.user = true;
** @brief set the memory attribute's readonly bit
** @retval MemoryAttr the memory attribute itself
pub fn readonly(mut self) -> Self {
self.readonly = true;
** @brief set the memory attribute's execute bit
** @retval MemoryAttr the memory attribute itself
pub fn execute(mut self) -> Self {
self.execute = true;
pub fn mmio(mut self) -> Self {
self.mmio = true;
** @brief set the memory attribute's hide bit
** @retval MemoryAttr the memory attribute itself
pub fn hide(mut self) -> Self {
self.hide = true;
** @brief apply the memory attribute to a page table entry
** @param entry: &mut impl Entry
** the page table entry to apply the attribute
** @retval none
fn apply(&self, entry: &mut impl Entry) {
if self.user { entry.set_user(true); }
if self.readonly { entry.set_writable(false); }
if self.execute { entry.set_execute(true); }
if self.mmio { entry.set_mmio(true); }
if self.hide { entry.set_present(false); }
if self.user || self.readonly || self.execute || self.mmio || self.hide { entry.update(); }
/// set of memory space with multiple memory area with associated page table and stack space
/// like `mm_struct` in ucore
pub struct MemorySet<T: InactivePageTable> {
areas: Vec<MemoryArea>,
page_table: T,
impl<T: InactivePageTable> MemorySet<T> {
** @brief create a memory set
** @retval MemorySet<T> the memory set created
pub fn new() -> Self {
MemorySet {
areas: Vec::<MemoryArea>::new(),
page_table: T::new(),
pub fn new_bare() -> Self {
MemorySet {
areas: Vec::<MemoryArea>::new(),
page_table: T::new_bare()
** @brief find the memory area from virtual address
** @param addr: VirtAddr the virtual address to find
** @retval Option<&MemoryArea> the memory area with the virtual address, if presented
pub fn find_area(&self, addr: VirtAddr) -> Option<&MemoryArea> {
self.areas.iter().find(|area| area.contains(addr))
** @brief add the memory area to the memory set
** @param area: MemoryArea the memory area to add
** @retval none
pub fn push(&mut self, area: MemoryArea) {
.find(|other| area.is_overlap_with(other))
.is_none(), "memory area overlap");
self.page_table.edit(|pt| area.map::<T>(pt));
** @brief get iterator of the memory area
** @retval impl Iterator<Item=&MemoryArea>
** the memory area iterator
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=&MemoryArea> {
pub fn edit(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut T::Active)) {
** @brief execute function with the associated page table
** @param f: impl FnOnce() the function to be executed
** @retval none
pub unsafe fn with(&self, f: impl FnOnce()) {
** @brief activate the associated page table
** @retval none
pub unsafe fn activate(&self) {
** @brief get the token of the associated page table
** @retval usize the token of the inactive page table
pub fn token(&self) -> usize {
** @brief clear the memory set
** @retval none
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
let Self { ref mut page_table, ref mut areas, .. } = self;
page_table.edit(|pt| {
for area in areas.iter() {
** @brief get the mutable reference for the inactive page table
** @retval: &mut T the mutable reference of the inactive page table
pub fn get_page_table_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T{
&mut self.page_table
impl<T: InactivePageTable> Clone for MemorySet<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
let mut page_table = T::new();
page_table.edit(|pt| {
for area in self.areas.iter() {
MemorySet {
areas: self.areas.clone(),
impl<T: InactivePageTable> Drop for MemorySet<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl<T: InactivePageTable> Debug for MemorySet<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), Error> {
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
use super::*;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ByFrame<T: FrameAllocator> {
flags: MemoryAttr,
allocator: T,
impl<T: FrameAllocator> MemoryHandler for ByFrame<T> {
fn box_clone(&self) -> Box<MemoryHandler> {
fn map(&self, pt: &mut PageTable, addr: VirtAddr) {
let target = self.allocator.alloc().expect("failed to allocate frame");
self.flags.apply(pt.map(addr, target));
fn unmap(&self, pt: &mut PageTable, addr: VirtAddr) {
let target = pt.get_entry(addr).expect("fail to get entry").target();
fn page_fault_handler(&self, _pt: &mut PageTable, _addr: VirtAddr) -> bool {
impl<T: FrameAllocator> ByFrame<T> {
pub fn new(flags: MemoryAttr, allocator: T) -> Self {
ByFrame { flags, allocator }
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
use super::*;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Delay<T: FrameAllocator> {
flags: MemoryAttr,
allocator: T,
impl<T: FrameAllocator> MemoryHandler for Delay<T> {
fn box_clone(&self) -> Box<MemoryHandler> {
fn map(&self, pt: &mut PageTable, addr: VirtAddr) {
let entry = pt.map(addr, 0);
fn unmap(&self, pt: &mut PageTable, addr: VirtAddr) {
let entry = pt.get_entry(addr).expect("failed to get entry");
if entry.present() {
fn page_fault_handler(&self, pt: &mut PageTable, addr: VirtAddr) -> bool {
let entry = pt.get_entry(addr).expect("failed to get entry");
if entry.present() {
// not a delay case
return false;
let frame = self.allocator.alloc().expect("failed to alloc frame");
impl<T: FrameAllocator> Delay<T> {
pub fn new(flags: MemoryAttr, allocator: T) -> Self {
Delay { flags, allocator }
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
use super::*;
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub struct Linear {
offset: isize,
flags: MemoryAttr,
impl MemoryHandler for Linear {
fn box_clone(&self) -> Box<MemoryHandler> {
fn map(&self, pt: &mut PageTable, addr: VirtAddr) {
let target = (addr as isize + self.offset) as PhysAddr;
self.flags.apply(pt.map(addr, target));
fn unmap(&self, pt: &mut PageTable, addr: VirtAddr) {
fn page_fault_handler(&self, _pt: &mut PageTable, _addr: VirtAddr) -> bool {
impl Linear {
pub fn new(offset: isize, flags: MemoryAttr) -> Self {
Linear { offset, flags }
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
use super::*;
// here may be a interesting part for lab
pub trait MemoryHandler: Debug + 'static {
fn box_clone(&self) -> Box<MemoryHandler>;
fn map(&self, pt: &mut PageTable, addr: VirtAddr);
fn unmap(&self, pt: &mut PageTable, addr: VirtAddr);
fn page_fault_handler(&self, pt: &mut PageTable, addr: VirtAddr) -> bool;
impl Clone for Box<MemoryHandler> {
fn clone(&self) -> Box<MemoryHandler> {
pub trait FrameAllocator: Debug + Clone + 'static {
fn alloc(&self) -> Option<PhysAddr>;
fn dealloc(&self, target: PhysAddr);
mod linear;
mod byframe;
mod delay;
//mod swap;
pub use self::linear::Linear;
pub use self::byframe::ByFrame;
pub use self::delay::Delay;
@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
//! memory set, area
//! and the inactive page table
use alloc::{vec::Vec, boxed::Box};
use core::fmt::{Debug, Error, Formatter};
use super::*;
use crate::paging::*;
use self::handler::MemoryHandler;
pub mod handler;
/// a continuous memory space when the same attribute
/// like `vma_struct` in ucore
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct MemoryArea {
start_addr: VirtAddr,
end_addr: VirtAddr,
handler: Box<MemoryHandler>,
name: &'static str,
impl MemoryArea {
** @brief get slice of the content in the memory area
** @retval &[u8] the slice of the content in the memory area
pub unsafe fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u8] {
::core::slice::from_raw_parts(self.start_addr as *const u8, self.end_addr - self.start_addr)
** @brief get mutable slice of the content in the memory area
** @retval &mut[u8] the mutable slice of the content in the memory area
pub unsafe fn as_slice_mut(&self) -> &mut [u8] {
::core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.start_addr as *mut u8, self.end_addr - self.start_addr)
** @brief test whether a virtual address is in the memory area
** @param addr: VirtAddr the virtual address to test
** @retval bool whether the virtual address is in the memory area
pub fn contains(&self, addr: VirtAddr) -> bool {
addr >= self.start_addr && addr < self.end_addr
** @brief test whether the memory area is overlap with another memory area
** @param other: &MemoryArea another memory area to test
** @retval bool whether the memory area is overlap with another memory area
fn is_overlap_with(&self, other: &MemoryArea) -> bool {
let p0 = Page::of_addr(self.start_addr);
let p1 = Page::of_addr(self.end_addr - 1) + 1;
let p2 = Page::of_addr(other.start_addr);
let p3 = Page::of_addr(other.end_addr - 1) + 1;
!(p1 <= p2 || p0 >= p3)
** @brief map the memory area to the physice address in a page table
** @param pt: &mut T::Active the page table to use
** @retval none
fn map(&self, pt: &mut PageTable) {
for page in Page::range_of(self.start_addr, self.end_addr) {
self.handler.map(pt, page.start_address());
** @brief unmap the memory area from the physice address in a page table
** @param pt: &mut T::Active the page table to use
** @retval none
fn unmap(&self, pt: &mut PageTable) {
for page in Page::range_of(self.start_addr, self.end_addr) {
self.handler.unmap(pt, page.start_address());
/// The attributes of the memory
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Default)]
pub struct MemoryAttr {
user: bool,
readonly: bool,
execute: bool,
mmio: bool,
impl MemoryAttr {
** @brief set the memory attribute's user bit
** @retval MemoryAttr the memory attribute itself
pub fn user(mut self) -> Self {
self.user = true;
** @brief set the memory attribute's readonly bit
** @retval MemoryAttr the memory attribute itself
pub fn readonly(mut self) -> Self {
self.readonly = true;
** @brief set the memory attribute's execute bit
** @retval MemoryAttr the memory attribute itself
pub fn execute(mut self) -> Self {
self.execute = true;
pub fn mmio(mut self) -> Self {
self.mmio = true;
** @brief apply the memory attribute to a page table entry
** @param entry: &mut impl Entry
** the page table entry to apply the attribute
** @retval none
pub fn apply(&self, entry: &mut Entry) {
/// set of memory space with multiple memory area with associated page table and stack space
/// like `mm_struct` in ucore
pub struct MemorySet<T: InactivePageTable> {
areas: Vec<MemoryArea>,
page_table: T,
impl<T: InactivePageTable> MemorySet<T> {
** @brief create a memory set
** @retval MemorySet<T> the memory set created
pub fn new() -> Self {
MemorySet {
areas: Vec::new(),
page_table: T::new(),
pub fn new_bare() -> Self {
MemorySet {
areas: Vec::new(),
page_table: T::new_bare(),
** @brief find the memory area from virtual address
** @param addr: VirtAddr the virtual address to find
** @retval Option<&MemoryArea> the memory area with the virtual address, if presented
pub fn find_area(&self, addr: VirtAddr) -> Option<&MemoryArea> {
self.areas.iter().find(|area| area.contains(addr))
** @brief add the memory area to the memory set
** @param area: MemoryArea the memory area to add
** @retval none
pub fn push(&mut self, start_addr: VirtAddr, end_addr: VirtAddr, handler: impl MemoryHandler, name: &'static str) {
assert!(start_addr <= end_addr, "invalid memory area");
let area = MemoryArea { start_addr, end_addr, handler: Box::new(handler), name };
.find(|other| area.is_overlap_with(other))
.is_none(), "memory area overlap");
self.page_table.edit(|pt| area.map(pt));
** @brief get iterator of the memory area
** @retval impl Iterator<Item=&MemoryArea>
** the memory area iterator
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=&MemoryArea> {
pub fn edit(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut T::Active)) {
** @brief execute function with the associated page table
** @param f: impl FnOnce() the function to be executed
** @retval none
pub unsafe fn with(&self, f: impl FnOnce()) {
** @brief activate the associated page table
** @retval none
pub unsafe fn activate(&self) {
** @brief get the token of the associated page table
** @retval usize the token of the inactive page table
pub fn token(&self) -> usize {
** @brief clear the memory set
** @retval none
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
let Self { ref mut page_table, ref mut areas, .. } = self;
page_table.edit(|pt| {
for area in areas.iter() {
** @brief get the mutable reference for the inactive page table
** @retval: &mut T the mutable reference of the inactive page table
pub fn get_page_table_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T{
&mut self.page_table
pub fn page_fault_handler(&mut self, addr: VirtAddr) -> bool {
let area = self.areas.iter().find(|area| area.contains(addr));
match area {
Some(area) => self.page_table.edit(|pt| area.handler.page_fault_handler(pt, addr)),
None => false,
impl<T: InactivePageTable> Clone for MemorySet<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
let mut page_table = T::new();
page_table.edit(|pt| {
for area in self.areas.iter() {
MemorySet {
areas: self.areas.clone(),
impl<T: InactivePageTable> Drop for MemorySet<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl<T: InactivePageTable> Debug for MemorySet<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), Error> {
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
//! Helper functions
use super::*;
pub trait PageTableExt: PageTable {
const TEMP_PAGE_ADDR: VirtAddr = 0xcafeb000;
fn with_temporary_map<T, D>(&mut self, target: PhysAddr, f: impl FnOnce(&mut Self, &mut D) -> T) -> T {
self.map(Self::TEMP_PAGE_ADDR, target);
let data = unsafe { &mut *(self.get_page_slice_mut(Self::TEMP_PAGE_ADDR).as_ptr() as *mut D) };
let ret = f(self, data);
After Width: | Height: | Size: 316 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,11 +1,28 @@
use crate::arch::interrupt::TrapFrame;
use crate::arch::interrupt::TrapFrame;
use bcm2837::timer::Timer;
use bcm2837::interrupt::Controller;
use bcm2837::interrupt::{Controller, Interrupt};
use log::*;
pub fn handle_irq(tf: &mut TrapFrame) {
pub use bcm2837::interrupt::Interrupt;
let controller = Timer::new();
static IRQ_HANDLERS: &'static [Option<fn()>; 64] = &[None; 64];
pub fn handle_irq(_tf: &mut TrapFrame) {
let controller = bcm2837::timer::Timer::new();
if controller.is_pending() {
if controller.is_pending() {
for int in Controller::new().pending_interrupts() {
if let Some(handler) = IRQ_HANDLERS[int] {
pub fn register_irq(int: Interrupt, handler: fn()) {
unsafe {
*(&IRQ_HANDLERS[int as usize] as *const _ as *mut Option<fn()>) = Some(handler);
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
/// ARM64 drivers
use once::*;
use super::board;
/// Initialize ARM64 common drivers
pub fn init() {
Reference in new issue