@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use core::fmt;
use core::fmt::Debug;
use spin::{Mutex, MutexGuard, Once};
use x86_64::{PrivilegeLevel, VirtAddr};
use x86_64::structures::gdt::SegmentSelector;
use x86_64::structures::gdt::*;
use x86_64::structures::tss::TaskStateSegment;
/// Alloc TSS & GDT at kernel heap, then init and load it.
@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ pub fn init() {
let tss = Box::into_raw(tss);
let gdt = Box::new({
let mut gdt = Gdt::new();
let mut gdt = GlobalDescriptorTable::new();
// KDATA use segment 0
// gdt.add_entry(KDATA);
@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ static CPUS: [Once<Mutex<Cpu>>; MAX_CPU_NUM] = [
pub struct Cpu {
gdt: &'static Gdt,
gdt: &'static GlobalDescriptorTable,
tss: &'static mut TaskStateSegment,
@ -92,131 +93,8 @@ const UDATA32: Descriptor = Descriptor::UserSegment(0x00cff200_0000ffff); // EX
pub const KCODE_SELECTOR: SegmentSelector = SegmentSelector::new(1, PrivilegeLevel::Ring0);
pub const UCODE_SELECTOR: SegmentSelector = SegmentSelector::new(2, PrivilegeLevel::Ring3);
pub const KDATA_SELECTOR: SegmentSelector = SegmentSelector::new(3, PrivilegeLevel::Ring0);
pub const UDATA_SELECTOR: SegmentSelector = SegmentSelector::new(4, PrivilegeLevel::Ring3);
pub const UCODE32_SELECTOR: SegmentSelector = SegmentSelector::new(5, PrivilegeLevel::Ring3);
pub const UDATA32_SELECTOR: SegmentSelector = SegmentSelector::new(6, PrivilegeLevel::Ring3);
pub const TSS_SELECTOR: SegmentSelector = SegmentSelector::new(7, PrivilegeLevel::Ring0);
pub struct Gdt {
table: [u64; 10],
next_free: usize,
impl Gdt {
pub fn new() -> Gdt {
Gdt {
table: [0; 10],
next_free: 1,
pub fn add_entry(&mut self, entry: Descriptor) -> SegmentSelector {
let index = match entry {
Descriptor::UserSegment(value) => self.push(value),
Descriptor::SystemSegment(value_low, value_high) => {
let index = self.push(value_low);
SegmentSelector::new(index as u16, PrivilegeLevel::Ring0)
pub fn load(&'static self) {
use x86_64::instructions::tables::{DescriptorTablePointer, lgdt};
use core::mem::size_of;
let ptr = DescriptorTablePointer {
base: self.table.as_ptr() as u64,
limit: (self.table.len() * size_of::<u64>() - 1) as u16,
unsafe { lgdt(&ptr) };
fn push(&mut self, value: u64) -> usize {
if self.next_free < self.table.len() {
let index = self.next_free;
self.table[index] = value;
self.next_free += 1;
} else {
panic!("GDT full");
pub enum Descriptor {
SystemSegment(u64, u64),
impl Descriptor {
pub fn tss_segment(tss: &'static TaskStateSegment) -> Descriptor {
use core::mem::size_of;
use bit_field::BitField;
let ptr = tss as *const _ as u64;
let mut low = DescriptorFlags::PRESENT.bits();
// base
low.set_bits(16..40, ptr.get_bits(0..24));
low.set_bits(56..64, ptr.get_bits(24..32));
// limit (the `-1` in needed since the bound is inclusive)
low.set_bits(0..16, (size_of::<TaskStateSegment>() - 1) as u64);
// type (0b1001 = available 64-bit tss)
low.set_bits(40..44, 0b1001);
let mut high = 0;
high.set_bits(0..32, ptr.get_bits(32..64));
Descriptor::SystemSegment(low, high)
bitflags! {
/// Reference: https://wiki.osdev.org/GDT
struct DescriptorFlags: u64 {
const ACCESSED = 1 << 40;
const DATA_WRITABLE = 1 << 41;
const CODE_READABLE = 1 << 41;
const CONFORMING = 1 << 42;
const EXECUTABLE = 1 << 43;
const USER_SEGMENT = 1 << 44;
const USER_MODE = 1 << 45 | 1 << 46;
const PRESENT = 1 << 47;
const LONG_MODE = 1 << 53;
impl Debug for Descriptor {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
match self {
Descriptor::UserSegment(flags) =>
write!(f, "UserSegment( {:?} )", DescriptorFlags{bits: *flags}),
Descriptor::SystemSegment(low, high) =>
write!(f, "SystemSegment{:?}", (low, high)),
pub mod test
pub fn print_flags() {
use super::*;
// The following 4 GDT entries were copied from xv6 x86_64
let list: [(&str, Descriptor); 4] = [
("KCODE", super::KCODE), // Code, DPL=0, R/X
("UCODE", super::UCODE), // Code, DPL=3, R/X
("KDATA", super::KDATA), // Data, DPL=0, W
("UDATA", super::UDATA), // Data, DPL=3, W
// Let's see what that means
println!("GDT Segments from xv6 x86_64:");
for (name, desc) in list.iter() {
println!(" {}: {:?}", name, desc);
pub const KDATA_SELECTOR: SegmentSelector = SegmentSelector::new(0, PrivilegeLevel::Ring0);
pub const UDATA_SELECTOR: SegmentSelector = SegmentSelector::new(3, PrivilegeLevel::Ring3);
pub const UCODE32_SELECTOR: SegmentSelector = SegmentSelector::new(4, PrivilegeLevel::Ring3);
pub const UDATA32_SELECTOR: SegmentSelector = SegmentSelector::new(5, PrivilegeLevel::Ring3);
pub const TSS_SELECTOR: SegmentSelector = SegmentSelector::new(6, PrivilegeLevel::Ring0);