@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
class GameState:
def __init__(self):
@ -33,13 +30,16 @@ class GameState:
self.color = 'r' if self.red_to_move else 'b'
def color(self):
return 'r' if self.red_to_move else 'b'
# 判断特殊位置
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class GameState:
return True
return False
def inTrap(self,row,col,color):
def inTrap(self,row,col,color): #是否在color方的陷阱中
if color=="b":
if (row,col) in self.blue_trap_loc:
return True
@ -68,7 +68,10 @@ class GameState:
return False
def Eliminate(self,row,col,nxt_row,nxt_col):#下一步可吃对手的棋
return self.board[nxt_row][nxt_col] == '00' or self.board[nxt_row][nxt_col][0] != self.board[row][col][0] and (eval(self.board[row][col][1]) >= eval(self.board[nxt_row][nxt_col][1]) and not (eval(self.board[row][col][1]) == 7 and eval(self.board[nxt_row][nxt_col][1]) == 1 ) or eval(self.board[row][col][1])==1 and eval(self.board[nxt_row][nxt_col][1])==7)
next_blank = self.board[nxt_row][nxt_col] == '00'
attack = self.board[nxt_row][nxt_col][0] != self.board[row][col][0] and (eval(self.board[row][col][1]) >= eval(self.board[nxt_row][nxt_col][1]) and not (eval(self.board[row][col][1]) == 7 and eval(self.board[nxt_row][nxt_col][1]) == 1 ) or eval(self.board[row][col][1])==1 and eval(self.board[nxt_row][nxt_col][1])==7)
other_in_trap = self.board[row][col][0] != self.board[nxt_row][nxt_col][0] and (self.board[nxt_row][nxt_col][0] == 'r' and self.inTrap(nxt_row,nxt_col,'b') or self.board[nxt_row][nxt_col][0] == 'b' and self.inTrap(nxt_row,nxt_col,'r'))
return next_blank or attack or other_in_trap
# 定义移动方式
@ -94,9 +97,9 @@ class GameState:
new_col = col + direction[1]*1
if 0<=new_row<=6 and 0<=new_col<=8 :
nxt_piece = self.board[new_row][new_col]
if nxt_piece == '00' and not self.inWater(new_row,new_col) and not self.inHome(new_row,new_col,self.color):#如果下一个位置是空的,则可以移动
if nxt_piece == '00' and not self.inWater(new_row,new_col) and not self.inHome(new_row,new_col,self.color()):#如果下一个位置是空的,则可以移动
elif nxt_piece[0]==enemy_color and not self.inWater(new_row,new_col) and not self.inHome(new_row,new_col,self.color) and self.Eliminate(row,col,new_row,new_col):#如果是敌方棋子,且不在水里,且可以消除,则添加到可行路径中
elif nxt_piece[0]==enemy_color and not self.inWater(new_row,new_col) and not self.inHome(new_row,new_col,self.color()) and self.Eliminate(row,col,new_row,new_col):#如果是敌方棋子,且不在水里,且可以消除,则添加到可行路径中
return moves
@ -108,6 +111,7 @@ class GameState:
new_col = col + direction[1]*1
if 0<=new_row<=6 and 0<=new_col<=8 :
nxt_piece = self.board[new_row][new_col]
if self.inHome(new_row,new_col,self.color()): continue
if nxt_piece == '00':
elif nxt_piece[0]==enemy_color and self.Eliminate(row,col,new_row,new_col) and not self.inWater(row,col):
@ -117,34 +121,45 @@ class GameState:
def getEagMoves(self,row,col,moves):
enemy_color = 'b' if self.red_to_move else 'r'
moveNum_row = -6
moveNum_col = -8
new_row = row
new_col = col
while(moveNum_row <= 6 ):
new_row = row + moveNum_row
if 0<=new_row<=6:
nxt_piece = self.board[new_row][col]
if nxt_piece == '00':
elif nxt_piece[0]==enemy_color and not self.inWater(new_row,col) and not self.inHome(row,new_col,self.color) and self.Eliminate(row,col,new_row,new_col):
else :
moveNum_row += 1
while(moveNum_row <= 8):
new_col = col + moveNum_col
if 0 <= new_col <= 8:
nxt_piece = self.board[row][new_col]
if nxt_piece == '00' and not self.inWater(row,new_col) and not self.inHome(row,new_col,self.color):
elif nxt_piece[0]==enemy_color and self.Eliminate(row,col,new_row,new_col):
else :
moveNum_col += 1
#U&D direction
while new_row >= 0:
nxt_piece = self.board[new_row][col]
if nxt_piece == '00' and not self.inTrap(new_row,col,enemy_color):
if not self.inHome(new_row,col,self.color()) and not self.inWater(new_row,col): moves.append(Move((row,col),(new_row,col),self.board))
if self.Eliminate(row,col,new_row,col): moves.append(Move((row,col),(new_row,col),self.board))
if new_row != row: break
new_row -= 1
new_row = row
while new_row <= 6:
nxt_piece = self.board[new_row][col]
if nxt_piece == '00' and not self.inTrap(new_row,new_col,enemy_color):
if not self.inHome(new_row,col,self.color()) and not self.inWater(new_row,col): moves.append(Move((row,col),(new_row,col),self.board))
if self.Eliminate(row,col,new_row,col): moves.append(Move((row,col),(new_row,col),self.board))
if new_row != row: break
new_row += 1
#L&R Direction
while new_col >= 0:
nxt_piece = self.board[row][new_col]
if nxt_piece == '00' and not self.inTrap(row,new_col,enemy_color):
if not self.inHome(row,new_col,self.color()) and not self.inWater(row,new_col): moves.append(Move((row,col),(row,new_col),self.board))
if self.Eliminate(row,col,row,new_col): moves.append(Move((row,col),(row,new_col),self.board))
if new_col != col: break
new_col -= 1
new_col = col
while new_col <= 8:
nxt_piece = self.board[row][new_col]
if nxt_piece == '00' and not self.inTrap(row,new_col,enemy_color):
if not self.inHome(row,new_col,self.color()) and not self.inWater(row,new_col): moves.append(Move((row,col),(row,new_col),self.board))
if self.Eliminate(row,col,row,new_col): moves.append(Move((row,col),(row,new_col),self.board))
if new_col != col: break
new_col += 1
return moves
@ -157,51 +172,79 @@ class GameState:
new_col = col + direction[1]*1
if 0<=new_row<=6 and 0<=new_col<=8 :
nxt_piece = self.board[new_row][new_col]
if nxt_piece == '00' and not self.inWater(new_row,new_col) and not self.inHome(new_row,new_col,self.color):#如果下一个位置是空的,则可以移动
if nxt_piece == '00' and not self.inWater(new_row,new_col) and not self.inHome(new_row,new_col,self.color()):#如果下一个位置是空的,则可以移动
elif nxt_piece[0]==enemy_color and not self.inWater(new_row,new_col) and not self.inHome(new_row,new_col,self.color) and self.Eliminate(row,col,new_row,new_col):#如果是敌方棋子,且不在水里,且可以消除,则添加到可行路径中
elif nxt_piece[0]==enemy_color and not self.inWater(new_row,new_col) and not self.inHome(new_row,new_col,self.color()) and self.Eliminate(row,col,new_row,new_col):#如果是敌方棋子,且不在水里,且可以消除,则添加到可行路径中
return moves
def getLionMoves(self,row,col,moves):
directions = ((-1, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1))
enemy_color = "b" if self.red_to_move else "r"
directions = [(1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1)]
enemy_color = 'b' if self.red_to_move else 'r'
for direction in directions:
for i in range(1, 2):
end_row = row + direction[0] * 1
end_col = col + direction[1] * 1
if 0 <= end_row <= 6 and 0 <= end_col <= 8: # check for possible moves only in boundaries of the board
end_piece = self.board[end_row][end_col]
if end_piece == "--" and not self.inWater(end_row,end_col) and self.moveNotOwnDen(end_row,end_col,enemy_color): # empty space is valid and Not in Water
moves.append(Move((row, col), (end_row, end_col), self.board))
elif end_piece == "--" and self.inWater(end_row,end_col):
jump_row = end_row - row #Vertical jump
jump_col = end_col - col #Horizontal jump
if jump_row != 0 and self.jumpConditions(row,col,end_row,end_col,jump_row,jump_col,enemy_color):
moves.append(Move((row, col), (end_row+(3*jump_row), end_col), self.board))
elif jump_col != 0 and self.jumpConditions(row,col,end_row,end_col,jump_row,jump_col,enemy_color):
moves.append((end_row, end_col+(2*jump_col)))
elif end_piece[0] == enemy_color and not self.inWater(end_row,end_col) and self.canAttack(row, col, end_row, end_col): # capture enemy piece
moves.append(Move((row, col), (end_row, end_col), self.board))
else: # friendly piece
else: # off board
new_row = row + direction[0]*1
new_col = col + direction[1]*1
if 0<=new_row<=6 and 0<=new_col<=8 :
nxt_piece = self.board[new_row][new_col]
if nxt_piece == '00' and not self.inWater(new_row,new_col) and not self.inHome(new_row,new_col,self.color()):#如果下一个位置是空的,则可以移动
elif nxt_piece[0]==enemy_color and not self.inWater(new_row,new_col) and not self.inHome(new_row,new_col,self.color()) and self.Eliminate(row,col,new_row,new_col):#如果是敌方棋子,且不在水里,且可以消除,则添加到可行路径中
enemy_mouse = enemy_color + '1'
if (row,col) in jump_vert_loc:
if row == 0:
if self.board[1][col] != enemy_mouse and self.board[2][col] != enemy_mouse:
if self.Eliminate(row,col,3,col): moves.append(Move((row,col),(3,col),self.board))
elif row == 3:
if self.board[1][col] != enemy_mouse and self.board[2][col] != enemy_mouse:
if self.Eliminate(row,col,0,col): moves.append(Move((row,col),(0,col),self.board))
if self.board[4][col] != enemy_mouse and self.board[5][col] != enemy_mouse:
if self.Eliminate(row,col,6,col): moves.append(Move((row,col),(6,col),self.board))
elif row == 6:
if self.board[4][col] != enemy_mouse and self.board[5][col] != enemy_mouse:
if self.Eliminate(row,col,3,col): moves.append(Move((row,col),(3,col),self.board))
elif (row,col) in jump_hori_loc:
if col == 2:
lea = True
for i in range(3,6):
if self.board[row][i] == enemy_mouse: lea = False
if lea and self.Eliminate(row,col,row,6): moves.append(Move((row,col),(row,6),self.board))
elif col == 6:
lea = True
for i in range(3,6):
if self.board[row][i] == enemy_mouse: lea = False
if lea and self.Eliminate(row,col,row,2): moves.append(Move((row,col),(row,2),self.board))
return moves
# 判断是否胜利
def conquer(self):
if self.board[3][0][0] == 'r' or self.board[3][8][0] == 'b':
self.conquered = True
if self.board[3][0][0] == 'r':
self.win_person = 'r'
else: self.win_person = 'b'
elif len(self.blue_pieces) == 0:
self.conquered = True
self.win_person = 'r'
elif len(self.red_pieces) == 0:
self.conquered = True
self.win_person = 'b'
elif len(self.getAllMoves()) == 0:
self.conquered = True
self.win_person = 'r' if self.color() == 'b' else 'b'
return self.conquered
def makeMove(self,move):#cur是当前位置,nxt是下一个位置,参数传入为元组
# makeMove假设这个move一定是合法的
if self.board[move.end_row][move.end_col] != '00':
nxt_piece = self.board[move.end_row][move.end_col]
if nxt_piece[0] == 'r':
self.board[move.end_row][move.end_col] = self.board[move.start_row][move.start_col]
self.board[move.start_row][move.start_col] = '00'
self.red_to_move = not self.red_to_move