You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

799 lines
21 KiB

** Zabbix
** Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../include/CWebTest.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../traits/TableTrait.php';
* @backup alerts
* @onBefore prepareInsertActionsData
class testPageReportsActionLog extends CWebTest {
use TableTrait;
public static function prepareInsertActionsData() {
DBexecute("INSERT INTO alerts (alertid, actionid, eventid, userid, clock, mediatypeid, sendto, subject, ".
"message, status, retries, error, esc_step, alerttype, parameters) VALUES (130, 13, 1, 1, ".
"1329724870, 10, '', 'subject here', 'message here', 1, 0, '', 1, 0, '');"
DBexecute("INSERT INTO alerts (alertid, actionid, eventid, userid, clock, mediatypeid, sendto, subject, ".
"message, status, retries, error, esc_step, alerttype, parameters) VALUES (131, 13, 1, 9, ".
"1329724880, 3, '77777777', 'subject here', 'message here', 1, 0, '', 1, 0, '');"
DBexecute("INSERT INTO alerts (alertid, actionid, eventid, userid, clock, mediatypeid, sendto, subject, ".
"message, status, retries, error, esc_step, alerttype, parameters) VALUES (132, 13, 1, 9, ".
"1329724890, 3, '77777777', 'subject_no_space', 'message_no_space', 1, 0, '', 1, 0, '');"
DBexecute("INSERT INTO alerts (alertid, actionid, eventid, userid, clock, mediatypeid, sendto, subject, ".
"message, status, retries, error, esc_step, alerttype, parameters) VALUES (133, 13, 1, 1, ".
"1597439400, 3, '', 'time_subject_1', 'time_message_1', 1, 0, '', 1, 0, '');"
DBexecute("INSERT INTO alerts (alertid, actionid, eventid, userid, clock, mediatypeid, sendto, subject, ".
"message, status, retries, error, esc_step, alerttype, parameters) VALUES (134, 12, 1, 9, ".
"1597440000, 3, '', 'time_subject_2', 'time_message_', 1, 0, '', 1, 0, '');"
public function testPageReportsActionLog_CheckLayout() {
// Check header and title.
$this->page->assertHeader('Action log');
$this->page->assertTitle('Action log');
$form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one();
// If the time selector is not visible - enable it.
if ($this->query('xpath://li[@aria-labelledby="ui-id-1" and @aria-selected="false"]')->exists()) {
// Check that filter set to display Last hour data.
$this->assertEquals('selected', $this->query('xpath://a[@data-label="Last 1 hour"]')->one()
// Check data set values in input field.
$this->assertEquals('now-1h', $this->query('id:from')->one()->getValue());
$this->assertEquals('now', $this->query('id:to')->one()->getValue());
// Press to display filter.
// Check filter buttons.
foreach (['Apply', 'Reset'] as $button) {
// Check that Export to CSV button is clickable.
$this->assertTrue($this->query('button:Export to CSV')->one()->isClickable());
// Check form labels.
$this->assertEquals(['Recipients', 'Actions', 'Media types', 'Status', 'Search string'], $form->getLabels()->asText());
// Check Search string field max length.
$this->assertEquals(255, $form->getField('Search string')->waitUntilVisible()->getAttribute('maxlength'));
// Check table headers.
$this->assertEquals(['Time', 'Action', 'Media type', 'Recipient', 'Message', 'Status', 'Info'],
// Check status available values.
$this->assertEquals(['In progress', 'Sent/Executed', 'Failed'], $this->query('id:filter_status')
public static function getCheckFilterData() {
return [
// #0.
'fields' => [
'Recipients' => ['test-timezone']
'result' => [
['Recipient' => "test-timezone\n77777777"],
['Recipient' => "test-timezone\n77777777"]
// #1.
'fields' => [
'Actions' => ['Trigger action 2']
'result' => [
['Action' => 'Trigger action 2'],
['Action' => 'Trigger action 2'],
['Action' => 'Trigger action 2'],
['Action' => 'Trigger action 2'],
['Action' => 'Trigger action 2'],
['Action' => 'Trigger action 2'],
['Action' => 'Trigger action 2']
// #2.
'fields' => [
'Actions' => ['Simple action']
'result' => []
// #3.
'fields' => [
'Recipients' => ['filter-update']
'result' => []
// #4.
'fields' => [
'Media types' => ['Discord']
'result' => [
['Media type' => 'Discord']
// #5.
'fields' => [
'Media types' => ['Discord', 'SMS']
'result' => [
['Media type' => 'SMS'],
['Media type' => 'SMS'],
['Media type' => 'Discord']
// #6.
'fields' => [
'Media types' => ['Github']
'result' => []
// #7.
'fields' => [
'Actions' => ['Trigger action 2'],
'Media types' => ['Discord']
'result' => []
// #8.
'fields' => [
'Actions' => ['Trigger action 3'],
'Media types' => ['Discord']
'result' => [
['Action' => 'Trigger action 3', 'Media type' => 'Discord']
// #9.
'fields' => [
'Recipients' => ['Administrator'],
'Actions' => ['Trigger action 3']
'result' => [
['Action' => 'Trigger action 3', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\"]
// #10.
'fields' => [
'Recipients' => ['Administrator'],
'Media types' => ['Email']
'result' => [
['Media type' => 'Email', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\"],
['Media type' => 'Email', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\"],
['Media type' => 'Email', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\"],
['Media type' => 'Email', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\"],
['Media type' => 'Email', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\"]
// #11.
'fields' => [
'Recipients' => ['Administrator', 'test-timezone'],
'Media types' => ['Email', 'Discord', 'SMS'],
'Actions' => ['Trigger action 2', 'Trigger action 3']
'result' => [
'Action' => 'Trigger action 3',
'Media type' => 'SMS',
'Recipient' => "test-timezone\n77777777"
'Action' => 'Trigger action 3',
'Media type' => 'SMS',
'Recipient' => "test-timezone\n77777777"
'Action' => 'Trigger action 3',
'Media type' => 'Discord',
'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\"
'Action' => 'Trigger action 2',
'Media type' => 'Email',
'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\"
'Action' => 'Trigger action 2',
'Media type' => 'Email',
'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\"
'Action' => 'Trigger action 2',
'Media type' => 'Email',
'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\"
'Action' => 'Trigger action 2',
'Media type' => 'Email',
'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\"
'Action' => 'Trigger action 2',
'Media type' => 'Email',
'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\"
// #12.
'fields' => ['Failed' => true],
'result' => [
['Status' => 'Failed']
// #13.
'fields' => ['Sent/Executed' => true],
'result' => [
['Status' => 'Sent'],
['Status' => 'Sent'],
['Status' => 'Sent'],
['Status' => 'Executed'],
['Status' => 'Executed'],
['Status' => 'Sent'],
['Status' => 'Sent'],
['Status' => 'Sent']
// #14.
'fields' => ['In progress' => true],
'result' => [
['Status' => "In progress:\n3 retries left"]
// #15.
'fields' => [
'Failed' => true,
'In progress' => true
'result' => [
['Status' => "In progress:\n3 retries left"],
['Status' => 'Failed']
// #16.
'fields' => [
'In progress' => true,
'Sent/Executed' => true,
'Failed' => true
'result' => [
['Status' => 'Sent'],
['Status' => 'Sent'],
['Status' => 'Sent'],
['Status' => 'Executed'],
['Status' => 'Executed'],
['Status' => "In progress:\n3 retries left"],
['Status' => 'Failed'],
['Status' => 'Sent'],
['Status' => 'Sent'],
['Status' => 'Sent']
// #17.
'fields' => [
'Actions' => ['Trigger action 3'],
'Sent/Executed' => true
'result' => [
['Action' => 'Trigger action 3', 'Status' => 'Sent'],
['Action' => 'Trigger action 3', 'Status' => 'Sent'],
['Action' => 'Trigger action 3', 'Status' => 'Sent']
// #18.
'fields' => [
'Actions' => ['Trigger action 3'],
'In progress' => true
'result' => []
// #19.
'fields' => [
'Recipients' => ['Administrator', 'test-timezone'],
'In progress' => true
'result' => [
'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\",
'Status' => "In progress:\n3 retries left"
// #20.
'fields' => [
'Recipients' => ['test-timezone'],
'In progress' => true
'result' => []
// #21.
'fields' => [
'Media types' => ['Email'],
'In progress' => true
'result' => [
['Media type' => 'Email', 'Status' => "In progress:\n3 retries left"]
// #22.
'fields' => [
'Media types' => ['Email'],
'Sent/Executed' => true
'result' => [
['Media type' => 'Email', 'Status' => 'Sent'],
['Media type' => 'Email', 'Status' => 'Sent'],
['Media type' => 'Email', 'Status' => 'Sent']
// #23.
'fields' => [
'Media types' => ['Email'],
'Failed' => true
'result' => [
['Media type' => 'Email', 'Status' => 'Failed']
// #24.
'fields' => [
'Media types' => ['Email'],
'Actions' => ['Trigger action 2'],
'Recipients' => ['Administrator'],
'Sent/Executed' => true
'result' => [
'Action' => 'Trigger action 2', 'Media type' => 'Email',
'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\", 'Status' => 'Sent'
'Action' => 'Trigger action 2', 'Media type' => 'Email',
'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\", 'Status' => 'Sent'
'Action' => 'Trigger action 2', 'Media type' => 'Email',
'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\", 'Status' => 'Sent'
// #25.
'fields' => [
'Search string' => 'test'
'result' => []
// #26.
'fields' => [
'Search string' => '10:00:40'
'result' => [
'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 20\n\nMessage:\nEvent ".
"at 2012.02.20 10:00:40 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 20: PROBLEM"
// #27.
'fields' => [
'Search string' => '.'
'result' => [
'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 20\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ".
"10:00:40 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 20: PROBLEM"
'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 10\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ".
"10:00:30 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 10: PROBLEM"
'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 7\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ".
"10:00:20 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 7: PROBLEM"
'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 6\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ".
"10:00:10 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 6: PROBLEM"
'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 5\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ".
"10:00:00 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 5: PROBLEM Last value: 6"
// #28.
'fields' => [
'Search string' => '5'
'result' => [
'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 5\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ".
"10:00:00 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 5: PROBLEM Last value: 6"
// #29.
'result' => [
['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:01:30'],
['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:01:20'],
['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:01:10'],
['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:01:00'],
['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:00:50'],
['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:00:40'],
['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:00:30'],
['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:00:20'],
['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:00:10'],
['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:00:00']
// #30.
'fields' => [
'Search string' => ' '
'result' => [
'Message' => "Subject:\nsubject here\n\nMessage:\nmessage here"
'Message' => "Subject:\nsubject here\n\nMessage:\nmessage here"
'Message' => "Command:\nCommand: H1:ls -la"
'Message' => "Command:\nCommand: H1:ls -la"
'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 20\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ".
"10:00:40 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 20: PROBLEM"
'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 10\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ".
"10:00:30 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 10: PROBLEM"
'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 7\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ".
"10:00:20 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 7: PROBLEM"
'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 6\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ".
"10:00:10 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 6: PROBLEM"
'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 5\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ".
"10:00:00 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 5: PROBLEM Last value: 6"
// #31.
'fields' => [
'Search string' => ' '
'result' => []
// #32.
'fields' => [
'Search string' => 'Event at 2012.02.20 10:00:30 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 10: PROBLEM'
'result' => [
'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 10\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ".
"10:00:30 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 10: PROBLEM"
'result_count' => 1
// #33.
'fields' => [
'Search string' => '2012-02-20 10:01:00'
'result' => []
// 34.
'time' => [
'id:from' => '2020-08-15 00:00:00',
'id:to' => '2020-08-15 01:0:00'
'result' => [
['Time' => '2020-08-15 00:20:00'],
['Time' => '2020-08-15 00:10:00']
// 35.
'fields' => [
'Actions' => 'Trigger action 2'
'time' => [
'id:from' => '2020-08-15 00:00:00',
'id:to' => '2020-08-15 01:0:00'
'result' => [
['Time' => '2020-08-15 00:20:00', 'Action' => 'Trigger action 2']
* Filter action log and check results.
* @dataProvider getCheckFilterData
public function testPageReportsActionLog_CheckFilter($data) {
// Filter by time.
$form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one();
if (array_key_exists('time', $data)) {
// Enable time tab.
$time_tab = $this->query('xpath:.//li[@aria-labelledby="ui-id-1" and @aria-selected="false"]');
if ($time_tab->exists()) {
// Fill filter.
$filter_tab = $this->query('xpath:.//li[@aria-labelledby="ui-id-2" and @aria-selected="false"]');
if (array_key_exists('fields', $data)) {
// If the filter is not visible - enable it.
if ($filter_tab->exists()) {
// Reset filter for the next checks.
if ($filter_tab->exists()) {
* Check Status column colors and Info column hintbox.
public function testPageReportsActionLog_CheckStatusInfo() {
// Check status color correctness.
$table = $this->query('class:list-table')->asTable()->one();
$statuses = ['Executed' => 'green', 'In progress:' => 'yellow', 'Failed' => 'red', 'Sent' => 'green'];
foreach ($statuses as $status => $color) {
$this->assertEquals($color, $table->query("xpath:(//td/span[text()=".CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($status)."])[1]")
// Check hintbox.
$table->findRow('Status', 'Failed')->getColumn('Info')->query("xpath:.//button[@data-hintbox]")
$hintbox = $this->query('xpath://div[@class="overlay-dialogue"]')->waitUntilPresent();
$this->assertEquals('Get value from agent failed: cannot connect to [[]:10050]: [111] Connection refused',
// Close hintbox.
* Check Reset button.
public function testPageReportsActionLog_CheckResetButton() {
// If the filter is not visible - enable it.
$filter_tab = $this->query('xpath:.//li[@aria-labelledby="ui-id-2" and @aria-selected="false"]');
if ($filter_tab->exists()) {
$form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one();
$empty_form = [
'Recipients' => '',
'Actions' => '',
'Media types' => '',
'Search string' => '',
'In progress' => false,
'Sent/Executed' => false,
'Failed' => false
$filled_form = [
'Recipients' => 'test-timezone',
'Actions' => 'Trigger action 3',
'Media types' => 'SMS',
'Search string' => 'test',
'In progress' => true,
'Sent/Executed' => true,
'Failed' => true
// Check reset button with/without filter submit.
foreach ([true, false] as $submit) {
if ($submit) {