@ -0,0 +1,858 @@
# 返回的json文件标识符:
# type:0表示推荐算法返回 1表示兼容性检测返回
# flag:0表示正常返回请求内容 1表示出现错误,为错误报告
import json
import pymysql
class Accessories:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.budget = -1
self.price = -1
self.link = ''
self.socket = None
self.length = None
self.height = None
self.size = None
self.m2Num = None
class AccessoriesList:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.budget = -1
self.price = 0
self.CPU = Accessories('CPU')
self.GPU = Accessories('GPU')
self.case = Accessories('case')
self.memory = Accessories('memory')
self.HDD = Accessories('HDD')
self.SSD = Accessories('SSD')
self.motherboard = Accessories('motherboard')
self.powerSupply = Accessories('powerSupply')
self.CPURadiator = Accessories('CPURadiator')
def parse(questionAnswersData):
res = {}
res['version'] = questionAnswersData['version']
if(questionAnswersData['version'] == 'primary'):
res['Q1'] = questionAnswersData['Q1']
res['Q1'][0] = eval(res['Q1'][0])
res['Q1'][1] = eval(res['Q1'][1])
res['Q2'] = primaryQuestionDict['Q2'][eval(questionAnswersData['Q2'])]
res['Q3'] = primaryQuestionDict['Q3'][eval(questionAnswersData['Q3'])]
res['Q4'] = primaryQuestionDict['Q4'][eval(questionAnswersData['Q4'])]
res['Q5'] = eval(questionAnswersData['Q5'])
elif(questionAnswersData['version'] == 'advanced'):
res['Q1'] = questionAnswersData['Q1']
res['Q1'][0] = eval(res['Q1'][0])
res['Q1'][1] = eval(res['Q1'][1])
res['Q2'] = []
for i in questionAnswersData['Q2']:
k = eval(i)
res['Q3'] = advancedQuestionDict['Q5'][eval(questionAnswersData['Q3'])]
res['Q4'] = questionAnswersData['Q4'].split()
res['Q5'] = advancedQuestionDict['Q5'][eval(questionAnswersData['Q5'])]
res['Q6'] = questionAnswersData['Q6'].split()
res['Q7'] = questionAnswersData['Q7'].split()
res['Q8'] = questionAnswersData['Q8'].split()
res['Q9'] = questionAnswersData['Q9'].split()
res['Q10'] = questionAnswersData['Q10'].split()
res['Q11'] = questionAnswersData['Q11'].split()
res['Q12'] = questionAnswersData['Q12'].split()
res['Q13'] = advancedQuestionDict['Q13'][eval(questionAnswersData['Q13'])]
res['Q14'] = advancedQuestionDict['Q14'][eval(questionAnswersData['Q14'])]
res['Q15'] = advancedQuestionDict['Q15'][eval(questionAnswersData['Q15'])]
res['Q16'] = advancedQuestionDict['Q16'][eval(questionAnswersData['Q16'])]
res['Q17'] = advancedQuestionDict['Q17'][eval(questionAnswersData['Q17'])]
res['Q18'] = advancedQuestionDict['Q18'][eval(questionAnswersData['Q18'])]
res['Q19'] = eval(questionAnswersData['Q19'])
res['Q20'] = advancedQuestionDict['Q20'][eval(questionAnswersData['Q20'])]
res['Q21'] = advancedQuestionDict['Q21'][eval(questionAnswersData['Q21'])]
print('Error: There is no version named', questionAnswersData['version'])
return None
return res
def check(questionAnswers):
errorInf = {'type': 0, 'flag': 1, 'errorList': []}
if(questionAnswers['Q1'][1] < 1500):
inf = 'Error: 给出预算上限太低,无法生成配置单'
if(questionAnswers['Q1'][0] > 150000):
inf = 'Error: 给出预算下限太高,无法生成配置单'
if(questionAnswers['version'] == 'primary'):
if((questionAnswers['Q5']*100) % 25 != 0):
inf = 'Error: 给出硬盘容量不是0.25的整数倍,无法生成配置单'
elif(questionAnswers['version'] == 'advanced'):
# 连接数据库
db = pymysql.connect("localhost", "root", "08239015",
# 使用cursor()方法创建一个游标对象
cursor = db.cursor()
# Q2
if('无特殊要求' in questionAnswers['Q2'] and len(questionAnswers['Q2']) > 1):
inf = 'Error: Q2既有高性能要求,又无特殊要求,产生冲突,无法生成配置单'
# Q4
cursor.execute("SELECT brand FROM motherboard")
data = cursor.fetchall()
for brand in questionAnswers['Q4']:
if((brand.upper(),) not in data):
inf = 'Error: 数据库中没有%s品牌,无法生成配置单' % brand
# Q6
cursor.execute("SELECT brand,card_type FROM graphics_card")
data = cursor.fetchall()
for brand in questionAnswers['Q6']:
if((brand.upper(), questionAnswers['Q5'].upper()) not in data):
inf = 'Error: 数据库中没有%s %s品牌,无法生成配置单' % questionAnswers['Q5'], brand
# Q7
cursor.execute("SELECT brand FROM memory")
data = cursor.fetchall()
# print(data)
for brand in questionAnswers['Q7']:
if((brand.upper(),) not in data):
inf = 'Error: 数据库中没有%s品牌,无法生成配置单' % brand
# Q8
cursor.execute("SELECT brand FROM ssd")
data = cursor.fetchall()
# print(data)
for brand in questionAnswers['Q8']:
# print(brand.upper())
if((brand.upper(),) not in data):
inf = 'Error: 数据库中没有%s品牌,无法生成配置单' % brand
# Q9
cursor.execute("SELECT brand FROM hdd")
data = cursor.fetchall()
for brand in questionAnswers['Q9']:
if((brand.upper(),) not in data):
inf = 'Error: 数据库中没有%s品牌,无法生成配置单' % brand
# Q10
cursor.execute("SELECT brand FROM computer_case")
data = cursor.fetchall()
for brand in questionAnswers['Q10']:
if((brand.upper(),) not in data):
inf = 'Error: 数据库中没有%s品牌,无法生成配置单' % brand
# Q11
cursor.execute("SELECT brand FROM cpu_radiator")
data = cursor.fetchall()
for brand in questionAnswers['Q11']:
if((brand.upper(),) not in data):
inf = 'Error: 数据库中没有%s品牌,无法生成配置单' % brand
# Q12
cursor.execute("SELECT brand FROM power_supply")
data = cursor.fetchall()
for brand in questionAnswers['Q12']:
if((brand.upper(),) not in data):
inf = 'Error: 数据库中没有%s品牌,无法生成配置单' % brand
# Q19
if((questionAnswers['Q19']*100) % 25 != 0):
inf = 'Error: 给出硬盘容量不是0.25的整数倍,无法生成配置单'
# 关闭游标和数据库的连接
if(errorInf['errorList'] != []):
# 返回报错信息
res = open('result.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
json.dump(errorInf, res, ensure_ascii=False)
def calculateBudget(listX, CPUPercent, motherboardPercent, memoryPercent, SSDPercent, GPUPercent, casePercent,
powerSupplyPercent, CPURadiatorPercent, HDDPercent):
listX.CPU.budget = round(CPUPercent * listX.budget)
listX.motherboard.budget = round(motherboardPercent * listX.budget)
listX.memory.budget = round(memoryPercent * listX.budget)
listX.SSD.budget = round(SSDPercent * listX.budget)
listX.GPU.budget = round(GPUPercent * listX.budget)
listX.case.budget = round(casePercent * listX.budget)
listX.powerSupply.budget = round(powerSupplyPercent * listX.budget)
listX.CPURadiator.budget = round(CPURadiatorPercent * listX.budget)
listX.HDD.budget = round(HDDPercent * listX.budget)
return listX
def preferParse(preDict, questionAnswers):
if(questionAnswers['version'] == 'primary'):
# Q3
if(questionAnswers['Q3'] == '无光'):
preDict['CPURadiatorRGB'] = '无'
preDict['GPURGB'] = '无'
preDict['memoryVest'] = '马甲条'
elif(questionAnswers['Q3'] == 'RGB'):
preDict['CPURadiatorRGB'] = 'RGB'
preDict['GPURGB'] = '支持RGB'
preDict['memoryVest'] = 'RGB灯条'
elif(questionAnswers['Q3'] == 'ARGB'):
preDict['CPURadiatorRGB'] = 'ARGB'
preDict['GPURGB'] = '支持RGB'
preDict['memoryVest'] = 'RGB灯条'
# Q4
if(questionAnswers['Q4'] != '无要求'):
preDict['caseSize'] = questionAnswers['Q4']
preDict['MBSize'] = questionAnswers['Q4']
if(preDict['caseSize'] == 'MINI-ITX'):
preDict['powerSupplySize'] = 'SFX'
preDict['powerSupplySize'] = 'ATX'
# Q5
if(questionAnswers['Q5'] != None):
preDict['hardDiskCapacity'] = questionAnswers['Q5']
preDict['hardDiskCapacity'] = 0.125
elif(questionAnswers['version'] == 'advanced'):
# Q3
preDict['CPUBrand'] = questionAnswers['Q3']
# Q4
brandList = questionAnswers['Q4']
for brand in brandList:
# Q5
preDict['GPUAN'] = questionAnswers['Q5']
# Q6
brandList = questionAnswers['Q6']
for brand in brandList:
# Q7
brandList = questionAnswers['Q7']
for brand in brandList:
# Q8
brandList = questionAnswers['Q8']
for brand in brandList:
# Q9
brandList = questionAnswers['Q9']
for brand in brandList:
# Q10
brandList = questionAnswers['Q10']
for brand in brandList:
# Q11
brandList = questionAnswers['Q11']
for brand in brandList:
# Q12
brandList = questionAnswers['Q12']
for brand in brandList:
# Q13
if(questionAnswers['Q13'] != '无要求'):
preDict['caseSize'] = questionAnswers['Q13']
preDict['MBSize'] = questionAnswers['Q13']
if(preDict['caseSize'] == 'MINI-ITX'):
preDict['powerSupplySize'] = 'SFX'
preDict['powerSupplySize'] = 'ATX'
# Q14
preDict['caseTransparent'] = questionAnswers['Q14']
# Q15
preDict['CPURadiatorType'] = questionAnswers['Q15']
# Q16
preDict['CPURadiatorRGB'] = questionAnswers['Q16']
# Q17
preDict['memoryVest'] = questionAnswers['Q17']
# Q18
preDict['GPURGB'] = questionAnswers['Q18']
# Q19
if(questionAnswers['Q19'] != None):
preDict['hardDiskCapacity'] = questionAnswers['Q19']
preDict['hardDiskCapacity'] = 0.125
# Q20
preDict['powerSupplyModule'] = questionAnswers['Q20']
# Q21
preDict['memoryCapacity'] = questionAnswers['Q21']
return preDict
def suggest(listX, preDict):
# 连接数据库
db = pymysql.connect("localhost", "root", "08239015", "computer_accessories")
# 使用cursor()方法创建一个游标对象
cursor = db.cursor()
# 推荐CPU
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM cpu")
data = cursor.fetchall()
itemList = []
for item in data:
#print(item[7], preDict['CPUBrand'])
#print(abs(item[5] - listX.CPU.budget))
# print('\n--------------------------\n')
if((item[7] == preDict['CPUBrand'] or preDict['CPUBrand'] == None) and abs(item[5] - listX.CPU.budget) <= 100):
#print(itemList == [])
if(itemList == []):
minD = 9999999
for item in data:
if((item[7] == preDict['CPUBrand'] or preDict['CPUBrand'] == None) and abs(item[5] - listX.CPU.budget) <= minD):
#print(item[1], item[5], minD, abs(item[5] - listX.GPU.budget), minD > abs(item[5] - listX.GPU.budget))
if(minD > abs(item[5] - listX.CPU.budget)):
itemList = []
minD = abs(item[5] - listX.CPU.budget)
# print(listX.CPU.budget)
# for i in itemList:
#print(i[1], i[5])
itemList.sort(key=lambda x: (x[15], x[3]*50 + x[2]), reverse=True)
# print('------------------------------')
# for i in itemList:
#print(i[1], i[5])
# print('\n---------------------------------\n')
listX.CPU.name = itemList[0][1]
listX.CPU.price = itemList[0][5]
listX.CPU.link = itemList[0][6]
listX.CPU.socket = itemList[0][12]
listX.price += listX.CPU.price
# 推荐主板
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM motherboard")
data = cursor.fetchall()
itemList = []
for item in data:
if((item[7] in preDict['MBBrand'] or preDict['MBBrand'] == []) and (item[9] == preDict['MBSize'] or preDict['MBSize'] == None) and item[11] == listX.CPU.socket and abs(item[5] - listX.motherboard.budget) <= 100):
#print(preDict['MBSize'], item[9])
#print(listX.CPU.socket, item[11])
#print(abs(item[5] - listX.motherboard.budget))
# print('\n-------------------------------\n')
if(itemList == []):
minD = 9999999
for item in data:
if((item[7] in preDict['MBBrand'] or preDict['MBBrand'] == []) and (item[9] == preDict['MBSize'] or preDict['MBSize'] == None) and item[11] == listX.CPU.socket and abs(item[5] - listX.motherboard.budget) <= minD):
if(minD > abs(item[5] - listX.motherboard.budget)):
itemList = []
minD = abs(item[5] - listX.motherboard.budget)
#print(preDict['MBSize'], item[9])
#print(listX.CPU.socket, item[11])
#print(abs(item[5] - listX.motherboard.budget))
#print((item[9] == preDict['MBSize'] or preDict['MBSize'] == None) and item[11] == listX.CPU.socket and abs(item[5] - listX.motherboard.budget) < minD)
# print('\n-------------------------------\n')
itemList.sort(key=lambda x: x[3]*50 + x[2], reverse=True)
#print(preDict['MBSize'], item[9])
listX.motherboard.name = itemList[0][1]
listX.motherboard.price = itemList[0][5]
listX.motherboard.link = itemList[0][6]
listX.motherboard.socket = itemList[0][11]
listX.motherboard.m2Num = itemList[0][12]
listX.price += listX.motherboard.price
# 推荐内存
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM memory")
data = cursor.fetchall()
itemList = []
for item in data:
if((item[11] == preDict['memoryVest'] or preDict['memoryVest'] == None) and (item[9] == preDict['memoryCapacity'] or preDict['memoryCapacity'] == None) and (item[7] in preDict['memoryBrand'] or preDict['memoryBrand'] == []) and item[12] == 'DDR4' and abs(item[5] - listX.memory.budget) <= 50):
if(itemList == []):
minD = 9999999
for item in data:
# if(item[7] in preDict['memoryBrand']):
#print(item[11] == preDict['memoryVest'])
#print(type(item[9]), type(preDict['memoryCapacity']))
#print(item[7] in preDict['memoryBrand'])
#print(item[12] == 'DDR4')
#print(abs(item[5] - listX.memory.budget))
# print('\n---------------------------\n')
if((item[11] == preDict['memoryVest'] or preDict['memoryVest'] == None) and (item[9] == preDict['memoryCapacity'] or preDict['memoryCapacity'] == None) and (item[7] in preDict['memoryBrand'] or preDict['memoryBrand'] == []) and item[12] == 'DDR4' and abs(item[5] - listX.memory.budget) <= minD):
# print(1111)
if(minD > abs(item[5] - listX.memory.budget)):
itemList = []
minD = abs(item[5] - listX.memory.budget)
itemList.sort(key=lambda x: x[3]*50 + x[2], reverse=True)
listX.memory.name = itemList[0][1]
listX.memory.price = itemList[0][5]
listX.memory.link = itemList[0][6]
listX.price += listX.memory.price
# 推荐GPU
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM graphics_card")
data = cursor.fetchall()
itemList = []
for item in data:
if((item[10] == preDict['GPURGB'] or preDict['GPURGB'] == None) and (item[7] in preDict['GPUBrand'] or preDict['GPUBrand'] == []) and (item[11] == preDict['GPUAN'] or preDict['GPUAN'] == None) and abs(item[5] - listX.GPU.budget) <= 100):
if(itemList == []):
minD = 9999999
for item in data:
if((item[10] == preDict['GPURGB'] or preDict['GPURGB'] == None) and (item[7] in preDict['GPUBrand'] or preDict['GPUBrand'] == []) and (item[11] == preDict['GPUAN'] or preDict['GPUAN'] == None) and abs(item[5] - listX.GPU.budget) <= minD):
if(minD > abs(item[5] - listX.GPU.budget)):
itemList = []
minD = abs(item[5] - listX.GPU.budget)
itemList.sort(key=lambda x: (x[12], x[3]*50 + x[2]), reverse=True)
listX.GPU.name = itemList[0][1]
listX.GPU.price = itemList[0][5]
listX.GPU.link = itemList[0][6]
listX.GPU.length = itemList[0][9]
listX.price += listX.GPU.price
# 推荐散热器
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM cpu_radiator")
data = cursor.fetchall()
itemList = []
typeDict = {0: '风冷', 120: '水冷', 240: '水冷', 280: '水冷', 360: '水冷'}
for item in data:
socket = item[9].split('~')
if((item[11] == preDict['CPURadiatorRGB'] or preDict['CPURadiatorRGB'] == None) and (item[7] in preDict['CPURadiatorBrand'] or preDict['CPURadiatorBrand'] == []) and (typeDict[item[10]] == preDict['CPURadiatorType'] or preDict['CPURadiatorType'] == None) and listX.CPU.socket in socket and abs(item[5] - listX.CPURadiator.budget) <= 50):
if(item[7] in preDict['CPURadiatorBrand']):
print(preDict['CPURadiatorRGB'], item[11])
print(preDict['CPURadiatorRGB'] == item[11])
print(listX.CPU.socket, socket)
print(listX.CPU.socket in socket)
print(item[7], preDict['CPURadiatorBrand'])
print(item[7] in preDict['CPURadiatorBrand'])
print(typeDict[item[10]], preDict['CPURadiatorType'])
print(typeDict[item[10]] == preDict['CPURadiatorType'])
print(abs(item[5] - listX.CPURadiator.budget))
if(itemList == []):
minD = 9999999
for item in data:
socket = item[9].split('~')
if((item[11] == preDict['CPURadiatorRGB'] or preDict['CPURadiatorRGB'] == None) and (item[7] in preDict['CPURadiatorBrand'] or preDict['CPURadiatorBrand'] == []) and (typeDict[item[10]] == preDict['CPURadiatorType'] or preDict['CPURadiatorType'] == None) and listX.CPU.socket in socket and abs(item[5] - listX.CPURadiator.budget) <= minD):
if(minD > abs(item[5] - listX.CPURadiator.budget)):
itemList = []
minD = abs(item[5] - listX.CPURadiator.budget)
itemList.sort(key=lambda x: x[3]*50 + x[2], reverse=True)
listX.CPURadiator.name = itemList[0][1]
listX.CPURadiator.price = itemList[0][5]
listX.CPURadiator.link = itemList[0][6]
listX.CPURadiator.socket = listX.CPU.socket
listX.CPURadiator.height = itemList[0][8]
listX.CPURadiator.size = itemList[0][10]
listX.price += listX.CPURadiator.price
# 推荐硬盘
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM ssd")
data1 = cursor.fetchall()
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM hdd")
data2 = cursor.fetchall()
itemList = []
if(listX.HDD.budget == 0):
for item in data1:
#print(item[8], listX.motherboard.m2Num)
#print(item[3], preDict['SSDBrand'])
#print(item[9], preDict['hardDiskCapacity'])
#print(abs(item[5] - listX.SSD.budget))
# print('\n---------------------------\n')
if(item[8] == 'M.2' and listX.motherboard.m2Num == 0):
if((item[7] in preDict['SSDBrand'] or preDict['SSDBrand'] == []) and item[9] == preDict['hardDiskCapacity'] and abs(item[5] - listX.SSD.budget) <= 100):
if(itemList == []):
minD = 9999999
for item in data1:
if(item[8] == 'M.2' and listX.motherboard.m2Num == 0):
if((item[7] in preDict['SSDBrand'] or preDict['SSDBrand'] == []) and item[9] == preDict['hardDiskCapacity'] and abs(item[5] - listX.SSD.budget) <= minD):
if(minD > abs(item[5] - listX.SSD.budget)):
itemList = []
minD = abs(item[5] - listX.SSD.budget)
#print(listX.motherboard.name, listX.motherboard.m2Num)
itemList.sort(key=lambda x: x[3]*50 + x[2], reverse=True)
listX.SSD.name = itemList[0][1]
listX.SSD.price = itemList[0][5]
listX.SSD.link = itemList[0][6]
listX.price += listX.SSD.price
for ssd in data1:
for hdd in data2:
if(ssd[8] == 'M.2' and listX.motherboard.m2Num == 0):
if((ssd[9] + hdd[10]) == preDict['hardDiskCapacity'] and (ssd[7] in preDict['SSDBrand'] or preDict['SSDBrand'] == []) and (hdd[7] in preDict['HDDBrand'] or preDict['HDDBrand'] == []) and abs((ssd[5]+hdd[5]) - (listX.SSD.budget+listX.HDD.budget)) <= 100):
itemList.append((ssd, hdd))
if(itemList == []):
minD = 9999999
for ssd in data1:
for hdd in data2:
if((ssd[9] + hdd[10]) == preDict['hardDiskCapacity'] and (ssd[7] in preDict['SSDBrand'] or preDict['SSDBrand'] == []) and (hdd[7] in preDict['HDDBrand'] or preDict['HDDBrand'] == []) and abs((ssd[5]+hdd[5]) - (listX.SSD.budget+listX.HDD.budget)) <= minD):
if(minD > abs((ssd[5]+hdd[5]) - (listX.SSD.budget+listX.HDD.budget))):
itemList = []
minD = abs((ssd[5]+hdd[5]) - (listX.SSD.budget+listX.HDD.budget))
itemList.append((ssd, hdd))
itemList.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0][3]+x[1][3]) /
2 * 50 + x[0][2] + x[1][2], reverse=True)
listX.SSD.name = itemList[0][0][1]
listX.SSD.price = itemList[0][0][5]
listX.SSD.link = itemList[0][0][6]
listX.price += listX.SSD.price
listX.HDD.name = itemList[0][1][1]
listX.HDD.price = itemList[0][1][5]
listX.HDD.link = itemList[0][1][6]
listX.price += listX.HDD.price
# 推荐电源
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM power_supply")
data = cursor.fetchall()
itemList = []
for item in data:
#print(item[11], preDict['powerSupplyModule'])
#print(item[10], preDict['powerSupplySize'])
#print(item[7], preDict['powerSupplyBrand'])
if((item[11] == preDict['powerSupplyModule'] or preDict['powerSupplyModule'] == None) and (item[10] == preDict['powerSupplySize'] or preDict['powerSupplySize'] == None) and (item[7] in preDict['powerSupplyBrand'] or preDict['powerSupplyBrand'] == []) and abs(item[5] - listX.powerSupply.budget) <= 50):
if(itemList == []):
minD = 9999999
for item in data:
if((item[12] == preDict['powerSupplyModule'] or preDict['powerSupplyModule'] == None) and (item[10] == preDict['powerSupplySize'] or preDict['powerSupplySize'] == None) and (item[7] in preDict['powerSupplyBrand'] or preDict['powerSupplyBrand'] == []) and abs(item[5] - listX.powerSupply.budget) <= minD):
if(minD > abs(item[5] - listX.powerSupply.budget)):
itemList = []
minD = abs(item[5] - listX.powerSupply.budget)
itemList.sort(key=lambda x: x[3]*50 + x[2], reverse=True)
listX.powerSupply.name = itemList[0][1]
listX.powerSupply.price = itemList[0][5]
listX.powerSupply.link = itemList[0][6]
listX.powerSupply.size = itemList[0][11]
listX.price += listX.powerSupply.price
# 推荐机箱
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM computer_case")
data = cursor.fetchall()
itemList = []
# print(listX.case.budget)
for item in data:
radiatorSize = item[11].split('~')
for size in radiatorSize:
if((item[8] == preDict['caseSize'] or preDict['caseSize'] == None) and (item[7] in preDict['caseBrand'] or preDict['caseBrand'] == []) and (item[12] == preDict['caseTransparent'] or preDict['caseTransparent'] == None) and item[9] >= listX.GPU.length and item[10] >= listX.CPURadiator.height and int(size) >= listX.CPURadiator.size and abs(item[5] - listX.case.budget) <= 100):
if(itemList == []):
# print(listX.CPU.name)
# print(listX.motherboard.name)
# print(listX.GPU.name)
# print(listX.CPURadiator.name)
minD = 9999999
for item in data:
radiatorSize = item[11].split('~')
for size in radiatorSize:
if((item[8] == preDict['caseSize'] or preDict['caseSize'] == None) and (item[7] in preDict['caseBrand'] or preDict['caseBrand'] == []) and (item[12] == preDict['caseTransparent'] or preDict['caseTransparent'] == None) and item[9] >= listX.GPU.length and item[10] >= listX.CPURadiator.height and int(size) >= listX.CPURadiator.size and abs(item[5] - listX.case.budget) <= minD):
if(minD > abs(item[5] - listX.case.budget)):
itemList = []
minD = abs(item[5] - listX.case.budget)
#print(preDict['caseSize'], item[8])
#print(listX.GPU.length, item[9])
#print(listX.CPURadiator.height, item[10])
#print(listX.CPURadiator.size, size)
#print(abs(item[5] - listX.case.budget))
# print('\n-------------------------------\n')
itemList.sort(key=lambda x: x[3]*50 + x[2], reverse=True)
listX.case.name = itemList[0][1]
listX.case.price = itemList[0][5]
listX.case.link = itemList[0][6]
listX.price += listX.case.price
return listX
primaryQuestionDict = {'Q2': ['', '学习、商务办公、轻度娱乐', '3A大作', '网游', '设计'], 'Q3': ['', '无光', 'RGB', 'ARGB'],
'Q4': ['', 'E-ATX', 'ATX', 'M-ATX', 'MINI-ITX', '无要求']}
advancedQuestionDict = {'Q2': ['', 'CPU', '显卡', '硬盘', '内存', '主板', '电源', 'CPU散热器', '无特殊要求'], 'Q3': ['', 'INTEL', 'AMD'], 'Q5': ['', 'NVIDIA', 'AMD'],
'Q13': ['', 'E-ATX', 'ATX', 'M-ATX', 'MINI-ITX'], 'Q14': ['', 1, 0], 'Q15': ['', '风冷', '水冷'],
'Q16': ['', '无', 'RGB', 'ARGB'], 'Q17': ['', '普条', '马甲条', 'RGB灯条'], 'Q18': ['', '无', '支持RGB'],
'Q20': ['', '全模组化', '半模组化', '非模组化'], 'Q21': ['', 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128]}
questionAnswersFile = open('questionAnswers.json', 'r', encoding='UTF-8')
questionAnswersData = json.load(questionAnswersFile)
# print(questionAnswers)
# 解析问卷数据
questionAnswers = parse(questionAnswersData)
if(questionAnswers == None):
# 检查问卷是否存在问题
# 建立各配置单对象
listLow = AccessoriesList('listLow')
listMiddle = AccessoriesList('listMiddle')
listHigh = AccessoriesList('listHigh')
# 初始化各配件预算百分比
CPUPercent = 0.222
GPUPercent = 0.295
motherboardPercent = 0.129
memoryPercent = 0.090
SSDPercent = 0.076
casePercent = 0.038
powerSupplyPercent = 0.057
HDDPercent = 0.058
CPURadiatorPercent = 0.035
# 初始化各Flag
preDict = {'caseSize': None, 'hardDiskCapacity': 0.125, 'CPUBrand': None, 'MBBrand': [], 'GPUAN': None, 'MBSize': None,
'GPUBrand': [], 'memoryBrand': [], 'SSDBrand': [], 'HDDBrand': [], 'caseBrand': [], 'CPURadiatorBrand': [],
'powerSupplyBrand': [], 'caseTransparent': None, 'CPURadiatorType': None, 'CPURadiatorRGB': None, 'memoryVest': None,
'GPURGB': None, 'powerSupplyModule': None, 'memoryCapacity': None, 'powerSupplySize': None}
preDict = preferParse(preDict, questionAnswers)
# 根据初学者问卷计算配件预算并进行推荐
if(questionAnswers['version'] == 'primary'):
# 根据Q1初始化各配置单预算
budgetLimit = int(questionAnswers['Q1'][0])
budgetCap = int(questionAnswers['Q1'][1])
listLow.budget = budgetLimit
listMiddle.budget = (budgetLimit + budgetCap) / 2
listHigh.budget = budgetCap
# 根据Q2分配各配件预算
if(questionAnswers['Q2'] == '学习、商务办公、轻度娱乐'):
CPUPercent = 0.237
motherboardPercent = 0.139
memoryPercent = 0.092
SSDPercent = 0.081
GPUPercent = 0.259
casePercent = 0.037
powerSupplyPercent = 0.058
CPURadiatorPercent = 0.031
HDDPercent = 0.066
elif(questionAnswers['Q2'] == '3A大作'):
CPUPercent = 0.189
motherboardPercent = 0.115
memoryPercent = 0.084
SSDPercent = 0.081
GPUPercent = 0.344
casePercent = 0.043
powerSupplyPercent = 0.056
CPURadiatorPercent = 0.042
HDDPercent = 0.046
elif(questionAnswers['Q2'] == '网游'):
CPUPercent = 0.213
motherboardPercent = 0.124
memoryPercent = 0.084
SSDPercent = 0.078
GPUPercent = 0.316
casePercent = 0.037
powerSupplyPercent = 0.060
CPURadiatorPercent = 0.034
HDDPercent = 0.054
elif(questionAnswers['Q2'] == '设计'):
CPUPercent = 0.245
motherboardPercent = 0.124
memoryPercent = 0.095
SSDPercent = 0.069
GPUPercent = 0.293
casePercent = 0.033
powerSupplyPercent = 0.052
CPURadiatorPercent = 0.031
HDDPercent = 0.058
# 根据硬盘容量需求决定是否使用机械硬盘
if(questionAnswers['Q5'] == None or questionAnswers['Q5'] <= 1):
CPUPercent += CPUPercent * HDDPercent
motherboardPercent += motherboardPercent * HDDPercent
memoryPercent += memoryPercent * HDDPercent
SSDPercent += SSDPercent * HDDPercent
GPUPercent += GPUPercent * HDDPercent
casePercent += casePercent * HDDPercent
powerSupplyPercent += powerSupplyPercent * HDDPercent
CPURadiatorPercent += CPURadiatorPercent * HDDPercent
HDDPercent = 0
elif(questionAnswers['version'] == 'advanced'):
# 根据Q1初始化各配置单预算
budgetLimit = int(questionAnswers['Q1'][0])
budgetCap = int(questionAnswers['Q1'][1])
listLow.budget = budgetLimit
listMiddle.budget = (budgetLimit + budgetCap) / 2
listHigh.budget = budgetCap
# 根据Q2调整各配件预算比例
extraBudget = 0
if('CPU' in questionAnswers['Q2']):
extraBudget += CPUPercent * 0.2
CPUPercent += CPUPercent * 0.2
if('显卡' in questionAnswers['Q2']):
extraBudget += GPUPercent * 0.2
GPUPercent += GPUPercent * 0.2
if('硬盘' in questionAnswers['Q2']):
extraBudget += SSDPercent * 0.2
extraBudget += HDDPercent * 0.2
SSDPercent += SSDPercent * 0.2
HDDPercent += HDDPercent * 0.2
if('内存' in questionAnswers['Q2']):
extraBudget += memoryPercent * 0.2
memoryPercent += memoryPercent * 0.2
if('主板' in questionAnswers['Q2']):
extraBudget += motherboardPercent * 0.2
motherboardPercent += motherboardPercent * 0.2
if('电源' in questionAnswers['Q2']):
extraBudget += powerSupplyPercent * 0.2
powerSupplyPercent += powerSupplyPercent * 0.2
if('CPU散热器' in questionAnswers['Q2']):
extraBudget += CPURadiatorPercent * 0.2
CPURadiatorPercent += CPURadiatorPercent * 0.2
CPUPercent -= 0.222 * extraBudget
GPUPercent -= 0.295 * extraBudget
motherboardPercent -= 0.129 * extraBudget
memoryPercent -= 0.090 * extraBudget
SSDPercent -= 0.076 * extraBudget
casePercent -= 0.038 * extraBudget
powerSupplyPercent -= 0.057 * extraBudget
HDDPercent -= 0.058 * extraBudget
CPURadiatorPercent -= 0.035 * extraBudget
# 根据硬盘容量需求决定是否使用机械硬盘
if(questionAnswers['Q5'] == None or questionAnswers['Q19'] <= 1):
CPUPercent += CPUPercent * HDDPercent
motherboardPercent += motherboardPercent * HDDPercent
memoryPercent += memoryPercent * HDDPercent
SSDPercent += SSDPercent * HDDPercent
GPUPercent += GPUPercent * HDDPercent
casePercent += casePercent * HDDPercent
powerSupplyPercent += powerSupplyPercent * HDDPercent
CPURadiatorPercent += CPURadiatorPercent * HDDPercent
HDDPercent = 0
listLow = calculateBudget(listLow, CPUPercent, motherboardPercent, memoryPercent, SSDPercent, GPUPercent, casePercent,
powerSupplyPercent, CPURadiatorPercent, HDDPercent)
listMiddle = calculateBudget(listMiddle, CPUPercent, motherboardPercent, memoryPercent, SSDPercent, GPUPercent, casePercent,
powerSupplyPercent, CPURadiatorPercent, HDDPercent)
listHigh = calculateBudget(listHigh, CPUPercent, motherboardPercent, memoryPercent, SSDPercent, GPUPercent, casePercent,
powerSupplyPercent, CPURadiatorPercent, HDDPercent)
suggest(listLow, preDict)
suggest(listMiddle, preDict)
suggest(listHigh, preDict)
# 返回配置单
listLowRes = {'CPU': [listLow.CPU.name, listLow.CPU.link, listLow.CPU.price],
'motherboard': [listLow.motherboard.name, listLow.motherboard.link, listLow.motherboard.price],
'memory': [listLow.memory.name, listLow.memory.link, listLow.memory.price],
'SSD': [listLow.SSD.name, listLow.SSD.link, listLow.SSD.price],
'GPU': [listLow.GPU.name, listLow.GPU.link, listLow.GPU.price],
'case': [listLow.case.name, listLow.case.link, listLow.case.price],
'powerSupply': [listLow.powerSupply.name, listLow.powerSupply.link, listLow.powerSupply.price],
'CPURadiator': [listLow.CPURadiator.name, listLow.CPURadiator.link, listLow.CPURadiator.price],
'HDD': [listLow.HDD.name, listLow.HDD.link, listLow.HDD.price],
'totalPrice': listLow.price}
listMiddleRes = {'CPU': [listMiddle.CPU.name, listMiddle.CPU.link, listMiddle.CPU.price],
'motherboard': [listMiddle.motherboard.name, listMiddle.motherboard.link, listMiddle.motherboard.price],
'memory': [listMiddle.memory.name, listMiddle.memory.link, listMiddle.memory.price],
'SSD': [listMiddle.SSD.name, listMiddle.SSD.link, listMiddle.SSD.price],
'GPU': [listMiddle.GPU.name, listMiddle.GPU.link, listMiddle.GPU.price],
'case': [listMiddle.case.name, listMiddle.case.link, listMiddle.case.price],
'powerSupply': [listMiddle.powerSupply.name, listMiddle.powerSupply.link, listMiddle.powerSupply.price],
'CPURadiator': [listMiddle.CPURadiator.name, listMiddle.CPURadiator.link, listMiddle.CPURadiator.price],
'HDD': [listMiddle.HDD.name, listMiddle.HDD.link, listMiddle.HDD.price],
'totalPrice': listMiddle.price}
listHighRes = {'CPU': [listHigh.CPU.name, listHigh.CPU.link, listHigh.CPU.price],
'motherboard': [listHigh.motherboard.name, listHigh.motherboard.link, listHigh.motherboard.price],
'memory': [listHigh.memory.name, listHigh.memory.link, listHigh.memory.price],
'SSD': [listHigh.SSD.name, listHigh.SSD.link, listHigh.SSD.price],
'GPU': [listHigh.GPU.name, listHigh.GPU.link, listHigh.GPU.price],
'case': [listHigh.case.name, listHigh.case.link, listHigh.case.price],
'powerSupply': [listHigh.powerSupply.name, listHigh.powerSupply.link, listHigh.powerSupply.price],
'CPURadiator': [listHigh.CPURadiator.name, listHigh.CPURadiator.link, listHigh.CPURadiator.price],
'HDD': [listHigh.HDD.name, listHigh.HDD.link, listHigh.HDD.price],
'totalPrice': listHigh.price}
resDict = {'type': 0, 'flag': 0, 'result': [
listLowRes, listMiddleRes, listHighRes]}
res = open('result.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
print('First: ')
print('Second: ')
print('Third: ')
json.dump(resDict, res, ensure_ascii=False)