Cx330 2 years ago
parent c132f41642
commit a0bf16a2f7

@ -36,38 +36,13 @@
分析系统的功能需求和界面需求,编制用户手册如下。 分析系统的功能需求和界面需求,编制用户手册如下。
### C1: 信息创建 ### C1: 启动程序
创建学生基本信息便于之后查询和浏览。利用结构体————定义STU结构体存储学生学号、姓名、各科成绩总成绩和平均成绩利用文件来存储读取数据 命令行中执行命令./app,系统启动,显示提示信息,然后显示功能菜单,等待用户输入命令
``` ```
typedef struct student{ Management for Students'scores
long num; //每个学生的学号
char name[MAX_LEN]; //每个学生的姓名
float score[COURSE_NUM]; //每个学生COURSE_NUM门功课的成绩
float sum; //每个学生的总成绩
float aver; //每个学生的平均成绩
### C2: 成绩录入
成绩录入时对结构体中班级、姓名、学号和五门成绩的录入,同时加上对五门成绩平均成绩的计算。按照基本的录入,只需用 scanf 函数对数据输入,用 printf 函数进行汉字的打印即可。然后进行文件保存该组数据,最后判断是否继续录入。
Input student number(n<%d)
Input course number(m<=%d):
### C3显示命令菜单
Management for Students' scores
1 Input record 1 Input record
2 Calculate total and average score of every course 2 Calculate total and average score of every course
3 Calculate total and average score of every student 3 Calculate total and average score of every student
@ -82,98 +57,297 @@ Management for Students' scores
12 Write to a file 12 Write to a file
13 Read from a file 13 Read from a file
0 Exit 0 Exit
Please Input your choice: //用户输入选项后将结果返回到主函数
Please Input your choice:
``` ```
### C3: 计算每个学生各门课程的总分和平均分
选择菜单命令2通过学号查找到该学生的结构体通过结构体找到各科的成绩然后进行求和和平均 ### C2: 显示命令菜单
调用 Menu() 函数显示命令菜单,用户输入选项后,将结果返回主函数
``` ```
stu[i].sum+=stu[i].score[j];//求和 Management for Students'scores
1 Input record
2 Calculate total and average score of every course
3 Calculate total and average score of every student
4 Sort in descending order by score
5 Sort in ascending order by score
6 Sort in ascending order by number
7 Sort in dictionary order by name
8 Search by number
9 Search by name
10 Statistic analysis
11 List record
12 Write to a file
13 Read from a file
0 Exit
Please Input your choice:
``` ```
### C4:计算每门课程的总分和平均分
选择菜单命令3计算每门课程的总分和平均分,并将其按正确格式输出 ### C3: 退出程序
选择菜单命令 0 ,再输入 y 确认,则退出程序。
``` ```
student n:sum = ,aver = Please Input your choice: 0
Are you sure you want to exit?(Y/N): y
End of program!
``` ```
### C5:按每个学生的总分由高到低排出名次表 ### C4: 添加学生信息
选择菜单命令4将结构体中的总分按降序排列在此功能中需注意的是排序时要将整组数据随着总分一起改变,首先提示函数功能然后输出每个同学各科成绩总分平均分其间用Tab键分隔并按总分高低逐个输出 选择菜单命令 1 假设n=4,m=3,提示输入学生的学号,姓名和成绩,然后利用循环逐个输入学生的学号和姓名以及各科成绩。
``` ```
Sort in descending order by score: Please Input your choice: 1
Input student's ID, name and score:
2214111006 XuZilin 100 95 86
2214111009 XuZigui 77 89 99
2214111011 ZhangYu 85 91 98
2214111025 LiYujia 75 89 100
### C5: 计算学生各门课程总分和平均分
选择菜单命令 2 ,计算学生各门课程总分和平均分,然后利用循环逐个输出学生的顺序,总成绩和平均分,结果都取整数。
``` ```
### C6:按每个学生的总分由低到高排出名次表 Please Input your choice: 2
student 1: sum = 281, aver = 93
student 2: sum = 265, aver = 88
student 3: sum = 274, aver = 91
student 4: sum = 264, aver = 88
选择菜单命令5将结构体中的总分按升序排列在此功能中需要注意的是将整组数据随着总分一起改变首先提示函数功能是根据总分按升序排列然后调用函数进行排序最后输出每个同学各科成绩总分平均分其间用Tab键分隔并按总分低高逐个输出 ```
### C6: 计算每门课程的总分和平均分
选择菜单命令 3 ,计算每门课程的总分和平均分,然后利用循环逐个输出每门课程的总分和平均分,结果都取整数。
``` ```
Sort in ascending order by score: Please Input your choice: 3
course 1: sum = 337, aver = 84
course 2: sum = 364, aver = 91
course 3: sum = 383, aver = 95
### C7: 学生总分排序
如果a < b, 4 sum
如果a > b,则按降序排序。选择菜单命令 5 ,按选择法将数组 sum 的元素值按降序进行排序,显示提示信息,最后打印出学生成绩。
``` ```
Please Input your choice: 4
Sort in descending order by score:
2214111006 XuZilin 100 95 86 281 93
2214111011 ZhangYu 85 91 98 274 91
2214111009 XuZigui 77 89 99 265 88
2214111025 LiYujia 75 89 100 264 88
### C7:按学号由小到大排出成绩表 Please Input your choice: 5
Sort in ascending order by score:
2214111025 LiYujia 75 89 100 264 88
2214111009 XuZigui 77 89 99 265 88
2214111011 ZhangYu 85 91 98 274 91
2214111006 XuZilin 100 95 86 281 93
选择菜单命令6将结构体中的学号按升序排序在此功能中需要注意的是将整组数据随着学号一起改变首先提示学号按升序排列,接着调用函数实现其功能,最后调用函数打印学生成绩 ### C8: 学号顺序排序
选择菜单命令 6 ,按学号从小到大进行排序,显示提示信息,最后打印学生信息。
``` ```
Please Input your choice: 6
Sort in ascending order by number: Sort in ascending order by number:
2214111006 XuZilin 100 95 86 281 93
2214111009 XuZigui 77 89 99 265 88
2214111011 ZhangYu 85 91 98 274 91
2214111025 LiYujia 75 89 100 264 88
``` ```
### C8:按姓名的字母顺序排出成绩表
选择菜单命令7将结构体中的姓名字母按一定顺序排序在此功能中需要注意的是将整组数据随着姓名一起改变首先调用函数实现其功能接着提示姓名按升序排列最后调用函数打印学生成绩 ### C9: 姓名顺序排序
选择菜单命令 7 ,按姓名的字典顺序进行排序,显示提示信息,最后打印学生信息。
``` ```
Please Input your choice: 7
Sort in dictionary order by name: Sort in dictionary order by name:
2214111025 LiYujia 75 89 100 264 88
2214111009 XuZigui 77 89 99 265 88
2214111006 XuZilin 100 95 86 281 93
2214111011 ZhangYu 85 91 98 274 91
``` ```
### C9:按学号查询学生排名及其考试成绩
选择菜单命令8依据学号查找学生排名及考试成绩然后打印出来。输入学号然后再循环体中对结构体进行遍历如果找到所查找的结构体的下标值将该下标值对应学生的信息打印出来。如果没有找到则提示“Not found!" ### C10: 学生信息查询
- 选择菜单命令 8 ,提示输入学生学号,若该学号存在,则输出学生信息;否则提示没有找到并结束。
``` ```
Input the number you want to search: Please Input your choice: 8
Input the number you want to search:2214111011
2214111011 ZhangYu 85 91 98 274 91
1 Input record
2 Calculate total and average score of every course
3 Calculate total and average score of every student
4 Sort in descending order by score
5 Sort in ascending order by score
6 Sort in ascending order by number
7 Sort in dictionary order by name
8 Search by number
9 Search by name
10 Statistic analysis
11 List record
12 Write to a file
13 Read from a file
0 Exit
Please Input your choice: 8
Input the number you want to search:2214111001
Not found! Not found!
### C11:按姓名查询学生排名及考试成绩 ```
选择菜单命令9依据姓名查找学生排名及考试成绩然后打印出来。输入姓名然后再循环体中对结构体进行遍历如果找到所查找的结构体的下标值将该下标值对应学生的信息打印出来。如果没有找到则提示“Not found!" - 选择菜单命令 9 ,提示输入学生姓名,若该姓名存在,则输出学生信息;否则提示没有找到并结束。
``` ```
Input the name you want to search: Please Input your choice: 9
Input the name you want to search:LiYujia
2214111025 LiYujia 75 89 100 264 88
1 Input record
2 Calculate total and average score of every course
3 Calculate total and average score of every student
4 Sort in descending order by score
5 Sort in ascending order by score
6 Sort in ascending order by number
7 Sort in dictionary order by name
8 Search by number
9 Search by name
10 Statistic analysis
11 List record
12 Write to a file
13 Read from a file
0 Exit
Please Input your choice: 9
Input the name you want to search:SunYizhe
Not found! Not found!
### C11: 统计各分数段学生人数及所占百分比
选择菜单命令 10提示输入学生成绩通过循环得出各分数段学生人数及所占百分比
``` ```
Please Input your choice: 10
For course 1:
<60 0 0.00%
60-70 0 0.00%
70-80 2 50.00%
80-90 1 25.00%
90-100 0 0.00%
100 1 25.00%
For course 2:
<60 0 0.00%
60-70 0 0.00%
70-80 0 00.00%
80-90 2 50.00%
90-100 2 50.00%
100 0 0.00%
For course 3:
<60 0 0.00%
60-70 0 0.00%
70-80 0 0.00%
80-90 1 25.00%
90-100 2 50.00%
100 1 25.00%
### C12:统计各分数段的学生人数及所占的百分比 ```
### C12: 打印学生信息
按优秀90-100、良好80-89、中等70-79、及格60-69、不及格0-595个类别对每门课程分别统计每个类别的人数以及所占的百分比 选择菜单命令11打印
``` ```
Please Input your choice: 11
2214111006 XuZilin 100 95 86 281 93
2214111009 XuZigui 77 89 99 265 88
2214111011 ZhangYu 85 91 98 274 91
2214111025 LiYujia 75 89 100 264 88
``` ```
### C13:打印学生成绩 ### C13: 将学生信息保存在文件中
输出每个学生的学号、姓名、各科考试成绩、以及每门课程的总分和平均分 选择菜单命令 12 ,将学生信息保存在文件 student.txt 中。如果文件不存在,则给出错误信息并退出程序,否则逐个读入
``` ```
Please Input your choice: 12
Failure to open score.txt!
1 Input record
2 Calculate total and average score of every course
3 Calculate total and average score of every student
4 Sort in descending order by score
5 Sort in ascending order by score
6 Sort in ascending order by number
7 Sort in dictionary order by name
8 Search by number
9 Search by name
10 Statistic analysis
11 List record
12 Write to a file
13 Read from a file
0 Exit
Please Input your choice: 12
2214111006 XuZilin 100 95 86 281 93
2214111009 XuZigui 77 89 99 265 88
2214111011 ZhangYu 85 91 98 274 91
2214111025 LiYujia 75 89 100 264 88
``` ```
### C14:将每个学生的记录信息写入文件 ### 从文件中读取学生信息
选择菜单命令 13 ,从文件中读取学生的学号、姓名及成绩等信息写入到结构体数组 stu 中。如果文件为空,则给出错误信息并退出程序,反之,逐个读入
### C15:从文件中读出每个学生的记录信息并显示 ```
Please Input your choice: 13
Failure to open score.txt!
1 Input record
2 Calculate total and average score of every course
3 Calculate total and average score of every student
4 Sort in descending order by score
5 Sort in ascending order by score
6 Sort in ascending order by number
7 Sort in dictionary order by name
8 Search by number
9 Search by name
10 Statistic analysis
11 List record
12 Write to a file
13 Read from a file
0 Exit
Please Input your choice: 13
2214111006 XuZilin 100 95 86 281 93
2214111009 XuZigui 77 89 99 265 88
2214111011 ZhangYu 85 91 98 274 91
2214111025 LiYujia 75 89 100 264 88
## 功能设计 ## 功能设计
