@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
import pygame
import random
import sys
# 定义类
class Player():
def __init__(self, image, name, isPlayer):
self.name = name
self.money = 10000
self.isGoingToMove = False
self.movable = True
self.image = image
self.position = 0
self.temp_position = False
self.dice_value = 0
self.locatedBuilding = 0
self.showText = []
self.isPlayer = isPlayer
self.ownedBuildings = []
self.isShowText = False
self.soundPlayList = 0
self.caishen = 0
self.shuaishen = 0
self.tudishen = 0
self.pohuaishen = 0
def judgePosition(self, buildings): # 位置判断 返回值是所在位置的建筑
for each in buildings:
for every in each.location:
if self.position == every:
return each
# 当使用元组时 当元组中只有一个元素时 发现该元素不可迭代
# 出现错误 换成列表后解决
def buyaBuilding(self, isPressYes): # 购买方法
if isPressYes and self.locatedBuilding.owner != self.name:
self.locatedBuilding.owner = self.name
self.locatedBuilding.wasBought = True
self.money -= self.locatedBuilding.price
self.showText = [self.name + '购买了' + self.locatedBuilding.name + '!']
self.soundPlayList = 1
return True
return False
def addaHouse(self, isPressYes): # 在建筑物上添加一个房子
if isPressYes and self.locatedBuilding.owner == self.name:
self.locatedBuilding.builtRoom += 1
self.money -= self.locatedBuilding.payment
self.showText = [self.name + '在' + self.locatedBuilding.name + '上!', '盖了一座房子!', \
'有%d' % self.locatedBuilding.builtRoom + '个房子了!', \
"它的过路费是%d" % (self.locatedBuilding.payment * \
(self.locatedBuilding.builtRoom + 1))]
self.soundPlayList = 2
return True
return False
def move(self, buildings, allplayers): # 移动方法 返回值是所在的建筑位置
self.dice_value = random.randint(1, 6)
self.position += self.dice_value
if self.position >= 16:
self.position -= 16
self.locatedBuilding = self.judgePosition(buildings)
self.isShowText = True
return self.eventInPosition(allplayers)
def eventInPosition(self, allplayers): # 判断在建筑位置应该发生的事件
building = self.locatedBuilding
if building.name != '空地':
if self.locatedBuilding.wasBought == False: # 未购买的时候显示建筑的数据!
if self.isPlayer == True:
textLine0 = self.name + '扔出了' + '%d' % self.dice_value + '点!'
textLine1 = self.name + '来到了' + building.name + '!'
textLine2 = '购买价格:%d' % building.price
textLine3 = '过路收费:%d' % building.payment
textLine4 = '是否购买?'
self.showText = [textLine0, textLine1, textLine2, textLine3, textLine4]
return True
self.addaHouse(not self.buyaBuilding(True))
# ----- 动画 -------
# ----- 是否购买 ------
elif building.owner == self.name: # 路过自己的房子开始加盖建筑!
if self.pohuaishen == 1:
textLine0 = self.name + '破坏神附体!'
textLine1 = '摧毁了自己的房子!'
building.owner = 'no'
building.wasBought = False
self.showText = [textLine0, textLine1]
self.pohuaishen = 0
if self.isPlayer == True:
textLine0 = self.name + '扔出了' + '%d' % self.dice_value + '点!'
textLine1 = '来到了ta的' + self.locatedBuilding.name + '!'
textLine2 = '可以加盖小房子!'
textLine3 = '加盖收费:%d' % building.payment
textLine4 = '是否加盖?'
self.showText = [textLine0, textLine1, textLine2, textLine3, textLine4]
return True
# ----- 动画-------
for each in allplayers: # 被收费!
if self.locatedBuilding.owner == each.name and each.name != self.name:
if self.caishen == 1:
textLine0 = self.name + '财神附体!'
textLine1 = '免除过路费%d!' % (building.payment * (building.builtRoom + 1))
self.showText = [textLine0, textLine1]
self.caishen = 0
if self.tudishen == 1:
textLine0 = self.name + '土地神附体!'
textLine1 = '强占土地!'
textLine2 = building.name + '现在属于' + self.name
self.locatedBuilding.owner = self.name
self.showText = [textLine0, textLine1, textLine2]
self.tudishen = 0
if self.pohuaishen == 1:
textLine0 = self.name + '破坏神附体!'
textLine1 = '摧毁了对手的房子!'
building.owner = 'no'
building.wasBought = False
self.showText = [textLine0, textLine1]
self.pohuaishen = 0
textLine0 = self.name + '扔出了' + '%d' % self.dice_value + '点!'
textLine1 = self.name + '来到了' + each.name + '的:'
textLine2 = building.name + ',被收费!'
if self.shuaishen == 1:
textLine3 = '过路收费:%d*2!' % (building.payment * (building.builtRoom + 1) * 2)
self.shuaishen = 0
textLine3 = '过路收费:%d' % (building.payment * (building.builtRoom + 1))
textLine4 = '哦!' + self.name + '好倒霉!'
self.showText = [textLine0, textLine1, textLine2, textLine3, textLine4]
# 收费!
self.money -= building.payment * (building.builtRoom + 1)
each.money += building.payment * (building.builtRoom + 1)
self.soundPlayList = 3
# ----- 动画-------
# 发现不能处理在空地上的情况 于是使用 try & except 来解决!然后加入了幸运事件功能!
# 后来发现 try except 弊端太大 找不到错误的根源 换为if else嵌套。。
whichone = self.dice_value % 4
if whichone == 0:
self.caishen = 1
textLine2 = '遇到了财神!'
textLine3 = '免一次过路费!'
if whichone == 1:
self.shuaishen = 1
textLine2 = '遇到了衰神!'
textLine3 = '过路费加倍一次!'
if whichone == 2:
self.tudishen = 1
textLine2 = '遇到了土地神!'
textLine3 = '强占一次房子!'
if whichone == 3:
self.pohuaishen = 1
textLine3 = '摧毁路过的房子!'
textLine2 = '遇到了破坏神!'
textLine0 = self.name + '扔出了' + '%d' % self.dice_value + '点!'
textLine1 = '来到了运气地点!'
self.showText = [textLine0, textLine1, textLine2, textLine3]
class Building(): # 好像所有功能都在Player类里实现了=_=
def __init__(self, name, price, payment, location):
self.name = name
self.price = price
self.payment = payment
self.location = location
self.wasBought = False # 是否被购买
self.builtRoom = 0 # 小房子建造的数目
self.owner = 'no'
# 带透明度的绘图方法 by turtle 2333
def blit_alpha(target, source, location, opacity):
x = location[0]
y = location[1]
temp = pygame.Surface((source.get_width(), source.get_height())).convert()
temp.blit(target, (-x, -y))
temp.blit(source, (0, 0))
target.blit(temp, location)
def main():
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# 初始化屏幕
size = (1270, 768)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
pygame.display.set_caption("工大大富翁 - made by 刘启伦")
# 读取字体以及有关数据
textColorInMessageBox = (141, 146, 152)
blue = (0, 0, 255)
black = (0, 0, 0)
red = (255, 0, 0)
font = pygame.font.Font('resource\\font\\myfont.ttf', 30)
# 读取资源
backgroud = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\GameMap.png")
chess = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\chess.png")
chess_com = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\chess1.png")
bigdice_image = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\dice.png").convert_alpha()
dice_1 = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\dice_1.png")
dice_2 = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\dice_2.png")
dice_3 = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\dice_3.png")
dice_4 = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\dice_4.png")
dice_5 = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\dice_5.png")
dice_6 = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\dice_6.png")
dices = [dice_1, dice_2, dice_3, dice_4, dice_5, dice_6]
yes = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\yes.png")
yes2 = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\yes2.png")
no = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\no.png")
no2 = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\no2.png")
GameStart = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\GameStart.png")
StartGameButton = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\StartGameButton.png").convert_alpha()
turnover = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\turnover.png")
turnover2 = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\turnover2.png")
shuaishen = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\shuaishen.png").convert_alpha()
tudishen = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\tudishen.png").convert_alpha()
caishen = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\caishen.png").convert_alpha()
pohuaishen = pygame.image.load("resource\\pic\\pohuaishen.png").convert_alpha()
rollDiceSound = pygame.mixer.Sound("resource\\sound\\rolldicesound.wav")
# bgm = pygame.mixer.music.load("resource\\sound\\bgm.ogg")
throwcoin = pygame.mixer.Sound("resource\\sound\\throwcoin.wav")
moneysound = pygame.mixer.Sound("resource\\sound\\moneysound.wav")
aiyo = pygame.mixer.Sound("resource\\sound\\aiyo.wav")
didong = pygame.mixer.Sound("resource\\sound\\didong.wav")
# PlayList 在对象中设置应该播放的声音
playList = [moneysound, throwcoin, aiyo]
# 各种Surface的rect
bigdice_rect = bigdice_image.get_rect()
bigdice_rect.left, bigdice_rect.top = 50, 600
yes_rect = yes.get_rect()
yes_rect.left, yes_rect.top = 500, 438
no_rect = no.get_rect()
no_rect.left, no_rect.top = 630, 438
button_rect = StartGameButton.get_rect()
button_rect.left, button_rect.top = 1003, 30
turnover_rect = turnover.get_rect()
turnover_rect.left, turnover_rect.top = 1035, 613
# 实例化对象
players = []
computers = []
allplayers = []
player_1 = Player(chess, '玩家', True)
player_com1 = Player(chess_com, '电脑', False)
presentPlayer = player_com1
# 初始化建筑物数据
gate = Building('大门', 1000, 200, [1, 2])
fountain = Building('水池', 2000, 400, [3, 4])
path = Building('小道', 800, 160, [5])
library = Building('图书馆', 2000, 400, [6, 7])
kongdi1 = Building('空地', 0, 0, [8])
classroomTen = Building('电教', 1200, 240, [9, 10])
classroomNine = Building('主教', 1200, 240, [11, 12])
resOne = Building('北苑', 800, 160, [13])
resTwo = Building('东苑', 800, 160, [14])
resThree = Building('一餐厅', 800, 160, [15])
kongdi2 = Building('空地', 0, 0, [0])
buildings = [gate, fountain, path, library, classroomNine, \
classroomTen, resOne, resThree, resTwo, kongdi1, kongdi2]
# 坐标数据 同时处理坐标数据 使之合适
MapXYvalue = [(435.5, 231.5), (509.5, 231.5), (588.5, 231.5), (675.5, 231.5), (758.5, 231.5), \
(758.5, 317.0), (758.5, 405.5), (758.5, 484.5), (758.5, 558.5), (679.5, 558.5), \
(601.5, 558.5), (518.5, 556.5), (435.5, 556.5), (435.5, 479.5), (435.5, 399.0), \
(435.5, 315.5)
MapChessPosition_Player = []
MapChessPosition_Com = []
MapChessPosition_Original = []
MapChessPosition_Payment = []
MapMessageBoxPosition = (474.1, 276.9)
YesNoMessageBoxPosition = [(500, 438), (630, 438)]
StartGameButtonPosition = (1003, 30)
TurnOvwrButtonPosition = (1035, 613)
# 调整位置
for i in range(0, 16):
MapChessPosition_Original.append((MapXYvalue[i][0] - 50, MapXYvalue[i][1] - 80))
MapChessPosition_Player.append((MapXYvalue[i][0] - 70, MapXYvalue[i][1] - 60))
MapChessPosition_Com.append((MapXYvalue[i][0] - 30, MapXYvalue[i][1] - 100))
MapChessPosition_Payment.append((MapXYvalue[i][0] - 30, MapXYvalue[i][1] - 15))
# 循环时所用的一些变量
running = True
image_alpha = 255
button_alpha = 255
half_alpha = 30
showdice = True
showYes2 = False
showNo2 = False
showYes_No = False
pressYes = False
whetherYes_NoJudge = False
gameStarted = False
showButton2 = False
# 播放背景音乐
# pygame.mixer.music.play(100)
# 循环开始!
while running:
if not gameStarted:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
# 明暗触发 鼠标位置判断
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
if button_rect.collidepoint(event.pos):
button_alpha = 255
button_alpha = 120
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if button_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 按下按钮
gameStarted = True
screen.blit(GameStart, (0, 0))
blit_alpha(screen, StartGameButton, StartGameButtonPosition, button_alpha)
if gameStarted:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
# 明暗触发 鼠标位置判断
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
if bigdice_rect.collidepoint(event.pos):
image_alpha = 255
image_alpha = 190
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if bigdice_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 按骰子
if presentPlayer != player_1:
rollDiceSound.play(1, 2000)
showYes_No = player_1.move(buildings, allplayers)
whetherYes_NoJudge = showYes_No
presentPlayer = player_1
presentPlayer.showText = ['还没到你的回合!']
if turnover_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 按回合结束
showButton2 = True
if presentPlayer != player_com1:
showYes_No = player_com1.move(buildings, allplayers)
presentPlayer = player_com1
presentPlayer.showText = ['还没到你的回合!']
showButton2 = False
# 不显示Yes_No的时候不能点击它们!
if whetherYes_NoJudge == True:
if yes_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 按是否
showYes2 = True
if no_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 按是否
showNo2 = True
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
if turnover_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 按回合结束
showButton2 = False
if yes_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 按是否
showYes2 = False
showYes_No = False
# 只有在可以判定的时候才能算按下了是 同时将判断条件置为空
if whetherYes_NoJudge == True:
pressYes = True
whetherYes_NoJudge = False
if no_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 按是否
showNo2 = False
pressYes = False
showYes_No = False
whetherYes_NoJudge = False
# 测试事件选项
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_w:
showYes_No = player_1.move(buildings, allplayers)
whetherYes_NoJudge = showYes_No
presentPlayer = player_1
if event.key == pygame.K_q:
showYes_No = player_com1.move(buildings, allplayers)
presentPlayer = player_com1
# 购买房屋!!!!!!!!
if presentPlayer.buyaBuilding(pressYes) == True:
pressYes = False
if presentPlayer.addaHouse(pressYes) == True:
pressYes = False
screen.blit(backgroud, (0, 0))
blit_alpha(screen, bigdice_image, (50, 600), image_alpha)
textPosition = [MapMessageBoxPosition[0], MapMessageBoxPosition[1]]
# 打印信息
for each in presentPlayer.showText:
text = font.render(each, True, blue, textColorInMessageBox)
screen.blit(text, textPosition)
textPosition[1] += 30
# 播放行动声音
if presentPlayer.soundPlayList != 0:
playList[presentPlayer.soundPlayList - 1].play()
presentPlayer.soundPlayList = 0
# 在位置上显示过路费
for i in range(1, 8):
for each in buildings:
for every in each.location:
if i == every:
if each.owner == presentPlayer.name:
text = font.render('%d' % (each.payment * (each.builtRoom + 1)) \
, True, red)
elif each.owner == 'no':
text = font.render('%d' % (each.payment * (each.builtRoom + 1)) \
, True, blue)
elif each.owner != presentPlayer.name and each.owner != 'no':
text = font.render('%d' % (each.payment * (each.builtRoom + 1)) \
, True, black)
screen.blit(text, MapChessPosition_Payment[i])
for i in range(9, 16):
for each in buildings:
for every in each.location:
if i == every:
if each.owner == presentPlayer.name:
text = font.render('%d' % (each.payment * (each.builtRoom + 1)) \
, True, red)
elif each.owner == 'no':
text = font.render('%d' % (each.payment * (each.builtRoom + 1)) \
, True, blue)
elif each.owner != presentPlayer.name and each.owner != 'no':
text = font.render('%d' % (each.payment * (each.builtRoom + 1)) \
, True, black)
screen.blit(text, MapChessPosition_Payment[i])
# 打印金钱数和幸运状态
money_1 = font.render(player_1.name + '金钱:%d' % player_1.money, True, black, blue)
screen.blit(money_1, (0, 0))
if player_1.pohuaishen == True:
screen.blit(pohuaishen, (0, 30))
blit_alpha(screen, pohuaishen, (0, 30), half_alpha)
if player_1.caishen == True:
screen.blit(caishen, (55, 30))
blit_alpha(screen, caishen, (55, 30), half_alpha)
if player_1.shuaishen == True:
screen.blit(shuaishen, (110, 30))
blit_alpha(screen, shuaishen, (110, 30), half_alpha)
if player_1.tudishen == True:
screen.blit(tudishen, (165, 30))
blit_alpha(screen, tudishen, (165, 30), half_alpha)
money_2 = font.render(player_com1.name + '金钱:%d' % player_com1.money, True, black, blue)
screen.blit(money_2, (1000, 0))
if player_com1.pohuaishen == True:
screen.blit(pohuaishen, (1000, 30))
blit_alpha(screen, pohuaishen, (1000, 30), half_alpha)
if player_com1.caishen == True:
screen.blit(caishen, (1055, 30))
blit_alpha(screen, caishen, (1055, 30), half_alpha)
if player_com1.shuaishen == True:
screen.blit(shuaishen, (1110, 30))
blit_alpha(screen, shuaishen, (1110, 30), half_alpha)
if player_com1.tudishen == True:
screen.blit(tudishen, (1165, 30))
blit_alpha(screen, tudishen, (1165, 30), half_alpha)
# 放置扔出来的骰子
if player_1.dice_value != 0 and showdice:
screen.blit(dices[player_1.dice_value - 1], (70, 450))
# 放置回合结束按钮
if showButton2:
screen.blit(turnover2, TurnOvwrButtonPosition)
screen.blit(turnover, TurnOvwrButtonPosition)
# 放置是否按钮
if showYes_No == True:
screen.blit(yes, YesNoMessageBoxPosition[0])
screen.blit(no, YesNoMessageBoxPosition[1])
if showYes2 == True:
screen.blit(yes2, YesNoMessageBoxPosition[0])
if showNo2 == True:
screen.blit(no2, YesNoMessageBoxPosition[1])
# 放置玩家与电脑的位置 如果重合则挪位
for each in players:
for every in computers:
if each.position == every.position:
screen.blit(each.image, MapChessPosition_Player[each.position])
screen.blit(every.image, MapChessPosition_Com[every.position])
each.temp_position = True
every.temp_position = True
for each in players:
if each.temp_position == False:
screen.blit(each.image, MapChessPosition_Original[each.position])
each.temp_position = True
each.temp_position = not each.temp_position
for every in computers:
if every.temp_position == False:
screen.blit(every.image, MapChessPosition_Original[every.position])
every.temp_position = True
every.temp_position = not every.temp_position
# 输赢判断
for each in allplayers:
if each.money <= 0:
font = pygame.font.Font('resource\\font\\myfont.ttf', 200)
loseText = font.render(each.name + '输了!', True, red)
screen.blit(loseText, (100, 100))
font = pygame.font.Font('resource\\font\\myfont.ttf', 30)
# 画面运行
clock.tick(60) # 刷新率
# 双击打开运行
if __name__ == "__main__":