You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
203 lines
4.9 KiB
203 lines
4.9 KiB
1.9.1 / 2018-09-10
* Fix using special characters in format
* deps: depd@~1.1.2
- perf: remove argument reassignment
1.9.0 / 2017-09-26
* Use `res.headersSent` when available
* deps: basic-auth@~2.0.0
- Use `safe-buffer` for improved Buffer API
* deps: debug@2.6.9
* deps: depd@~1.1.1
- Remove unnecessary `Buffer` loading
1.8.2 / 2017-05-23
* deps: debug@2.6.8
- deps: ms@2.0.0
1.8.1 / 2017-02-04
* deps: debug@2.6.1
- Fix deprecation messages in WebStorm and other editors
- Undeprecate `DEBUG_FD` set to `1` or `2`
1.8.0 / 2017-02-04
* Fix sending unnecessary `undefined` argument to token functions
* deps: basic-auth@~1.1.0
* deps: debug@2.6.0
- Allow colors in workers
- Deprecated `DEBUG_FD` environment variable
- Fix error when running under React Native
- Use same color for same namespace
- deps: ms@0.7.2
* perf: enable strict mode in compiled functions
1.7.0 / 2016-02-18
* Add `digits` argument to `response-time` token
* deps: depd@~1.1.0
- Enable strict mode in more places
- Support web browser loading
* deps: on-headers@~1.0.1
- perf: enable strict mode
1.6.1 / 2015-07-03
* deps: basic-auth@~1.0.3
1.6.0 / 2015-06-12
* Add `morgan.compile(format)` export
* Do not color 1xx status codes in `dev` format
* Fix `response-time` token to not include response latency
* Fix `status` token incorrectly displaying before response in `dev` format
* Fix token return values to be `undefined` or a string
* Improve representation of multiple headers in `req` and `res` tokens
* Use `res.getHeader` in `res` token
* deps: basic-auth@~1.0.2
- perf: enable strict mode
- perf: hoist regular expression
- perf: parse with regular expressions
- perf: remove argument reassignment
* deps: on-finished@~2.3.0
- Add defined behavior for HTTP `CONNECT` requests
- Add defined behavior for HTTP `Upgrade` requests
- deps: ee-first@1.1.1
* pref: enable strict mode
* pref: reduce function closure scopes
* pref: remove dynamic compile on every request for `dev` format
* pref: remove an argument reassignment
* pref: skip function call without `skip` option
1.5.3 / 2015-05-10
* deps: basic-auth@~1.0.1
* deps: debug@~2.2.0
- deps: ms@0.7.1
* deps: depd@~1.0.1
* deps: on-finished@~2.2.1
- Fix `isFinished(req)` when data buffered
1.5.2 / 2015-03-15
* deps: debug@~2.1.3
- Fix high intensity foreground color for bold
- deps: ms@0.7.0
1.5.1 / 2014-12-31
* deps: debug@~2.1.1
* deps: on-finished@~2.2.0
1.5.0 / 2014-11-06
* Add multiple date formats
- `clf` for the common log format
- `iso` for the common ISO 8601 date time format
- `web` for the common RFC 1123 date time format
* Deprecate `buffer` option
* Fix date format in `common` and `combined` formats
* Fix token arguments to accept values with `"`
1.4.1 / 2014-10-22
* deps: on-finished@~2.1.1
- Fix handling of pipelined requests
1.4.0 / 2014-10-16
* Add `debug` messages
* deps: depd@~1.0.0
1.3.2 / 2014-09-27
* Fix `req.ip` integration when `immediate: false`
1.3.1 / 2014-09-14
* Remove un-used `bytes` dependency
* deps: depd@0.4.5
1.3.0 / 2014-09-01
* Assert if `format` is not a function or string
1.2.3 / 2014-08-16
* deps: on-finished@2.1.0
1.2.2 / 2014-07-27
* deps: depd@0.4.4
- Work-around v8 generating empty stack traces
1.2.1 / 2014-07-26
* deps: depd@0.4.3
- Fix exception when global `Error.stackTraceLimit` is too low
1.2.0 / 2014-07-19
* Add `:remote-user` token
* Add `combined` log format
* Add `common` log format
* Add `morgan(format, options)` function signature
* Deprecate `default` format -- use `combined` format instead
* Deprecate not providing a format
* Remove non-standard grey color from `dev` format
1.1.1 / 2014-05-20
* simplify method to get remote address
1.1.0 / 2014-05-18
* "dev" format will use same tokens as other formats
* `:response-time` token is now empty when immediate used
* `:response-time` token is now monotonic
* `:response-time` token has precision to 1 μs
* fix `:status` + immediate output in node.js 0.8
* improve `buffer` option to prevent indefinite event loop holding
* deps: bytes@1.0.0
- add negative support
1.0.1 / 2014-05-04
* Make buffer unique per morgan instance
* deps: bytes@0.3.0
* added terabyte support
1.0.0 / 2014-02-08
* Initial release