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//Singleton Texture Manager class
//Written by Ben English
//For use with OpenGL and the FreeImage library
#ifndef TextureManager_H
#define TextureManager_H
#include <windows.h>
#include <gl/gl.h>
#include "FreeImage.h"
#include <map>
class TextureManager
static TextureManager* Inst();
virtual ~TextureManager();
//load a texture an make it the current texture
//if texID is already in use, it will be unloaded and replaced with this texture
bool LoadTexture(const char* filename, //where to load the file from
const unsigned int texID, //arbitrary id you will reference the texture by
//does not have to be generated with glGenTextures
GLenum image_format = GL_RGB, //format the image is in
GLint internal_format = GL_RGB, //format to store the image in
GLint level = 0, //mipmapping level
GLint border = 0); //border size
//free the memory for a texture
bool UnloadTexture(const unsigned int texID);
//set the current texture
bool BindTexture(const unsigned int texID);
//free all texture memory
void UnloadAllTextures();
TextureManager(const TextureManager& tm);
TextureManager& operator=(const TextureManager& tm);
static TextureManager* m_inst;
std::map<unsigned int, GLuint> m_texID;