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Dataset Name: Roszman1 (Roszman1.dat)
File Format: ASCII
Starting Values (lines 41 to 44)
Certified Values (lines 41 to 49)
Data (lines 61 to 85)
Procedure: Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
Description: These data are the result of a NIST study involving
quantum defects in iodine atoms. The response
variable is the number of quantum defects, and the
predictor variable is the excited energy state.
The argument to the ARCTAN function is in radians.
Reference: Roszman, L., NIST (19??).
Quantum Defects for Sulfur I Atom.
Data: 1 Response (y = quantum defect)
1 Predictor (x = excited state energy)
25 Observations
Average Level of Difficulty
Observed Data
Model: Miscellaneous Class
4 Parameters (b1 to b4)
pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279E0
y = b1 - b2*x - arctan[b3/(x-b4)]/pi + e
Starting Values Certified Values
Start 1 Start 2 Parameter Standard Deviation
b1 = 0.1 0.2 1.20196866396E-0 1.9172666023E-02
b2 = -0.00001 -0.000005 -6.1953516256E-06 3.2058931691E-06
b3 = 1000 1200 1.2044556708E+03 7.4050983057E+01
b4 = -100 -150 -1.8134269537E+02 4.9573513849E+01
Residual Sum of Squares: 4.9484847331E-04
Residual Standard Deviation: 4.8542984060E-03
Degrees of Freedom: 21
Number of Observations: 25
Data: y x
0.252429 -4868.68
0.252141 -4868.09
0.251809 -4867.41
0.297989 -3375.19
0.296257 -3373.14
0.295319 -3372.03
0.339603 -2473.74
0.337731 -2472.35
0.333820 -2469.45
0.389510 -1894.65
0.386998 -1893.40
0.438864 -1497.24
0.434887 -1495.85
0.427893 -1493.41
0.471568 -1208.68
0.461699 -1206.18
0.461144 -1206.04
0.513532 -997.92
0.506641 -996.61
0.505062 -996.31
0.535648 -834.94
0.533726 -834.66
0.568064 -710.03
0.612886 -530.16
0.624169 -464.17