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// File: ProgramGLSL.cpp
// Author: Changchang Wu
// Description : GLSL related classes
// class ProgramGLSL A simple wrapper of GLSL programs
// class ShaderBagGLSL GLSL shaders for SIFT
// class FilterGLSL GLSL gaussian filters for SIFT
// Copyright (c) 2007 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
// All Rights Reserved
// Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
// documentation for educational, research and non-profit purposes, without
// fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the
// above copyright notice and the following paragraph appear in all copies.
// The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill make no representations
// about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided
// 'as is' without express or implied warranty.
// Please send BUG REPORTS to
#include "GL/glew.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
#include "GlobalUtil.h"
#include "ProgramGLSL.h"
#include "GLTexImage.h"
#include "ShaderMan.h"
#include "SiftGPU.h"
ProgramGLSL::ShaderObject::ShaderObject(int shadertype, const char * source, int filesource)
_type = shadertype;
_compiled = 0;
_shaderID = glCreateShader(shadertype);
if(_shaderID == 0) return;
GLint code_length;
if(filesource ==0)
const char* code = source;
code_length = (GLint) strlen(code);
glShaderSource(_shaderID, 1, (const char **) &code, &code_length);
char * code;
if((code_length= ReadShaderFile(source, code)) ==0) return;
glShaderSource(_shaderID, 1, (const char **) &code, &code_length);
delete code;
if(!_compiled) std::cout << source;
int ProgramGLSL::ShaderObject::ReadShaderFile(const char *sourcefile, char*& code )
code = NULL;
FILE * file;
int len=0;
if(sourcefile == NULL) return 0;
file = fopen(sourcefile,"rt");
if(file == NULL) return 0;
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
len = ftell(file);
if(len >1)
code = new char[len+1];
fread(code, sizeof( char), len, file);
code[len] = 0;
len = 0;
return len;
void ProgramGLSL::ShaderObject::CheckCompileLog()
GLint status;
glGetShaderiv(_shaderID, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status);
_compiled = (status ==GL_TRUE);
if(_compiled == 0) PrintCompileLog(std::cout);
if(_shaderID) glDeleteShader(_shaderID);
int ProgramGLSL::ShaderObject::IsValidFragmentShader()
return _type == GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER && _shaderID && _compiled;
int ProgramGLSL::ShaderObject::IsValidVertexShader()
return _type == GL_VERTEX_SHADER && _shaderID && _compiled;
void ProgramGLSL::ShaderObject::PrintCompileLog(ostream&os)
GLint len = 0;
glGetShaderiv(_shaderID, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH , &len);
if(len <=1) return;
char * compileLog = new char[len+1];
if(compileLog == NULL) return;
glGetShaderInfoLog(_shaderID, len, &len, compileLog);
os<<"Compile Log\n"<<compileLog<<"\n";
delete[] compileLog;
_linked = 0;
_TextureParam0 = -1;
_programID = glCreateProgram();
void ProgramGLSL::AttachShaderObject(ShaderObject &shader)
if(_programID && shader.IsValidShaderObject())
glAttachShader(_programID, shader.GetShaderID());
void ProgramGLSL::DetachShaderObject(ShaderObject &shader)
if(_programID && shader.IsValidShaderObject())
glDetachShader(_programID, shader.GetShaderID());
int ProgramGLSL::LinkProgram()
_linked = 0;
if(_programID==0) return 0;
// GlobalUtil::StartTimer("100 link test");
// for(int i = 0; i<100; i++) glLinkProgram(_programID);
// GlobalUtil::StopTimer();
return _linked;
void ProgramGLSL::CheckLinkLog()
GLint status;
glGetProgramiv(_programID, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status);
_linked = (status == GL_TRUE);
int ProgramGLSL::ValidateProgram()
if(_programID && _linked)
/// GLint status;
// glValidateProgram(_programID);
// glGetProgramiv(_programID, GL_VALIDATE_STATUS, &status);
// return status == GL_TRUE;
return 1;
return 0;
void ProgramGLSL::PrintLinkLog(std::ostream &os)
GLint len = 0;
glGetProgramiv(_programID, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH , &len);
if(len <=1) return;
char* linkLog = new char[len+1];
if(linkLog == NULL) return;
glGetProgramInfoLog(_programID, len, &len, linkLog);
linkLog[len] = 0;
if(strstr(linkLog, "failed"))
os<<linkLog + (linkLog[0] == ' '? 1:0)<<"\n";
_linked = 0;
delete[] linkLog;
int ProgramGLSL::UseProgram()
if (_TextureParam0 >= 0) glUniform1i(_TextureParam0, 0);
return true;
return false;
ProgramGLSL::ProgramGLSL(const char *frag_source)
_linked = 0;
_programID = glCreateProgram();
_TextureParam0 = -1;
ShaderObject shader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, frag_source);
} else
_TextureParam0 = glGetUniformLocation(_programID, "tex");
_linked = 0;
ProgramGLSL::ProgramGLSL(char*frag_source, char * vert_source)
_used = 0;
_linked = 0;
_programID = glCreateProgram();
ShaderObject shader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, frag_source);
ShaderObject vertex_shader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, vert_source);
void ProgramGLSL::ReLink()
int ProgramGLSL::IsNative()
return _linked;
FilterGLSL::FilterGLSL(float sigma)
//pixel inside 3*sigma box
int sz = int( ceil( GlobalUtil::_FilterWidthFactor * sigma -0.5) ) ;//
int width = 2*sz + 1;
//filter size truncation
if(GlobalUtil::_MaxFilterWidth >0 && width > GlobalUtil::_MaxFilterWidth)
std::cout<<"Filter size truncated from "<<width<<" to "<<GlobalUtil::_MaxFilterWidth<<endl;
sz = GlobalUtil::_MaxFilterWidth>>1;
width = 2 * sz + 1;
int i;
float * kernel = new float[width];
float rv = 1.0f/(sigma*sigma);
float v, ksum =0;
// pre-compute filter
for( i = -sz ; i <= sz ; ++i)
kernel[i+sz] = v = exp(-0.5f * i * i *rv) ;
ksum += v;
//normalize the kernel
rv = 1.0f / ksum;
for(i = 0; i< width ;i++) kernel[i]*=rv;
MakeFilterProgram(kernel, width);
_size = sz;
delete[] kernel;
if(GlobalUtil::_verbose && GlobalUtil::_timingL) std::cout<<"Filter: sigma = "<<sigma<<", size = "<<width<<"x"<<width<<endl;
void FilterGLSL::MakeFilterProgram(float kernel[], int width)
s_shader_h = CreateFilterHPK(kernel, width);
s_shader_v = CreateFilterVPK(kernel, width);
s_shader_h = CreateFilterH(kernel, width);
s_shader_v = CreateFilterV(kernel, width);
ProgramGPU* FilterGLSL::CreateFilterH(float kernel[], int width)
ostringstream out;
out<< "uniform sampler2DRect tex;";
out<< "\nvoid main(void){ float intensity = 0.0 ; vec2 pos;\n";
int half_width = width / 2;
for(int i = 0; i< width; i++)
if(i == half_width)
out<<"float or = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).r;\n";
out<<"intensity+= or * "<<kernel[i]<<";\n";
out<<"pos = gl_TexCoord[0].st + vec2(float("<< (i - half_width) <<") , 0);\n";
out<<"intensity+= "<<kernel[i]<<"*texture2DRect(tex, pos).r;\n";
//copy original data to red channel
out<<"gl_FragColor.r = or;\n";
out<<"gl_FragColor.b = intensity;}\n"<<'\0';
return new ProgramGLSL(out.str().c_str());
ProgramGPU* FilterGLSL::CreateFilterV(float kernel[], int height)
ostringstream out;
out<< "uniform sampler2DRect tex;";
out<< "\nvoid main(void){ float intensity = 0.0;vec2 pos; \n";
int half_height = height / 2;
for(int i = 0; i< height; i++)
if(i == half_height)
out<<"vec2 orb = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).rb;\n";
out<<"intensity+= orb.y * "<<kernel[i]<<";\n";
out<<"pos = gl_TexCoord[0].st + vec2(0, float("<<(i - half_height) <<") );\n";
out<<"intensity+= texture2DRect(tex, pos).b * "<<kernel[i]<<";\n";
out<<"gl_FragColor.b = orb.y;\n";
out<<"gl_FragColor.g = intensity - orb.x;\n"; // difference of gaussian..
out<<"gl_FragColor.r = intensity;}\n"<<'\0';
// std::cout<<buffer<<endl;
return new ProgramGLSL(out.str().c_str());
ProgramGPU* FilterGLSL::CreateFilterHPK(float kernel[], int width)
//both h and v are packed...
int i, j , xw, xwn;
int halfwidth = width >>1;
float * pf = kernel + halfwidth;
int nhpixel = (halfwidth+1)>>1; //how many neighbour pixels need to be looked up
int npixel = (nhpixel<<1)+1;//
float weight[3];
ostringstream out;;
out<< "uniform sampler2DRect tex;";
out<< "\nvoid main(void){ vec4 result = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);\n";
///use multi texture coordinate because nhpixels can be at most 3
out<<"vec4 pc; vec2 coord; \n";
for( i = 0 ; i < npixel ; i++)
out<<"coord = gl_TexCoord[0].xy + vec2(float("<<i-nhpixel<<"),0);\n";
out<<"pc=texture2DRect(tex, coord);\n";
if(GlobalUtil::_PreciseBorder) out<<"if(coord.x < 0.0) pc = pc.rrbb;\n";
//for each sub-pixel j in center, the weight of sub-pixel k
xw = (i - nhpixel)*2;
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
xwn = xw + j -1;
weight[j] = xwn < -halfwidth || xwn > halfwidth? 0 : pf[xwn];
if(weight[1] == 0.0)
out<<"result += vec4("<<weight[2]<<","<<weight[0]<<","<<weight[2]<<","<<weight[0]<<")*pc.grab;\n";
out<<"result += vec4("<<weight[1]<<", "<<weight[0]<<", "<<weight[1]<<", "<<weight[0]<<")*pc.rrbb;\n";
out<<"result += vec4("<<weight[2]<<", "<<weight[1]<<", "<<weight[2]<<", "<<weight[1]<<")*pc.ggaa;\n";
out<<"gl_FragColor = result;}\n"<<'\0';
return new ProgramGLSL(out.str().c_str());
ProgramGPU* FilterGLSL::CreateFilterVPK(float kernel[], int height)
//both h and v are packed...
int i, j, yw, ywn;
int halfh = height >>1;
float * pf = kernel + halfh;
int nhpixel = (halfh+1)>>1; //how many neighbour pixels need to be looked up
int npixel = (nhpixel<<1)+1;//
float weight[3];
ostringstream out;;
out<< "uniform sampler2DRect tex;";
out<< "\nvoid main(void){ vec4 result = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);\n";
///use multi texture coordinate because nhpixels can be at most 3
out<<"vec4 pc; vec2 coord;\n";
for( i = 0 ; i < npixel ; i++)
out<<"coord = gl_TexCoord[0].xy + vec2(0, float("<<i-nhpixel<<"));\n";
out<<"pc=texture2DRect(tex, coord);\n";
if(GlobalUtil::_PreciseBorder) out<<"if(coord.y < 0.0) pc = pc.rgrg;\n";
//for each sub-pixel j in center, the weight of sub-pixel k
yw = (i - nhpixel)*2;
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
ywn = yw + j -1;
weight[j] = ywn < -halfh || ywn > halfh? 0 : pf[ywn];
if(weight[1] == 0.0)
out<<"result += vec4("<<weight[2]<<","<<weight[2]<<","<<weight[0]<<","<<weight[0]<<")*pc.barg;\n";
out<<"result += vec4("<<weight[1]<<","<<weight[1]<<","<<weight[0]<<","<<weight[0]<<")*pc.rgrg;\n";
out<<"result += vec4("<<weight[2]<<","<<weight[2]<<","<<weight[1]<<","<<weight[1]<<")*pc.baba;\n";
out<<"gl_FragColor = result;}\n"<<'\0';
return new ProgramGLSL(out.str().c_str());
s_debug = 0;
s_orientation = 0;
s_display_gaussian = 0;
s_display_dog = 0;
s_display_grad = 0;
s_display_keys = 0;
s_sampling = 0;
s_grad_pass = 0;
s_dog_pass = 0;
s_keypoint = 0;
s_genlist_init_tight = 0;
s_genlist_init_ex = 0;
s_genlist_histo = 0;
s_genlist_start = 0;
s_genlist_step = 0;
s_genlist_end = 0;
s_vertex_list = 0;
s_descriptor_fp = 0;
s_margin_copy = 0;
f_gaussian_skip0 = NULL;
f_gaussian_skip1 = NULL;
f_gaussian_step = NULL;
_gaussian_step_num = 0;
if(s_debug)delete s_debug;
if(s_orientation)delete s_orientation;
if(s_display_gaussian)delete s_display_gaussian;
if(s_display_dog)delete s_display_dog;
if(s_display_grad)delete s_display_grad;
if(s_display_keys)delete s_display_keys;
if(s_sampling)delete s_sampling;
if(s_grad_pass)delete s_grad_pass;
if(s_dog_pass) delete s_dog_pass;
if(s_keypoint)delete s_keypoint;
if(s_genlist_init_tight)delete s_genlist_init_tight;
if(s_genlist_init_ex)delete s_genlist_init_ex;
if(s_genlist_histo)delete s_genlist_histo;
if(s_genlist_start)delete s_genlist_start;
if(s_genlist_step)delete s_genlist_step;
if(s_genlist_end)delete s_genlist_end;
if(s_vertex_list)delete s_vertex_list;
if(s_descriptor_fp)delete s_descriptor_fp;
if(s_margin_copy) delete s_margin_copy;
if(f_gaussian_skip1) delete f_gaussian_skip1;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < f_gaussian_skip0_v.size(); i++)
if(f_gaussian_skip0_v[i]) delete f_gaussian_skip0_v[i];
if(f_gaussian_step && _gaussian_step_num > 0)
for(int i = 0; i< _gaussian_step_num; i++)
delete f_gaussian_step[i];
delete[] f_gaussian_step;
void ShaderBag::SelectInitialSmoothingFilter(int octave_min, SiftParam¶m)
float sigma = param.GetInitialSmoothSigma(octave_min);
if(sigma == 0)
f_gaussian_skip0 = NULL;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < f_gaussian_skip0_v.size(); i++)
if(f_gaussian_skip0_v[i]->_id == octave_min)
f_gaussian_skip0 = f_gaussian_skip0_v[i];
return ;
FilterGLSL * filter = new FilterGLSL(sigma);
filter->_id = octave_min;
f_gaussian_skip0 = filter;
void ShaderBag::CreateGaussianFilters(SiftParam¶m)
FilterGLSL * filter;
f_gaussian_skip0 = filter = new FilterGLSL(param._sigma_skip0);
filter->_id = GlobalUtil::_octave_min_default;
f_gaussian_skip1 = new FilterGLSL(param._sigma_skip1);
f_gaussian_step = new FilterProgram*[param._sigma_num];
for(int i = 0; i< param._sigma_num; i++)
f_gaussian_step[i] = new FilterGLSL(param._sigma[i]);
_gaussian_step_num = param._sigma_num;
void ShaderBag::LoadDynamicShaders(SiftParam& param)
LoadKeypointShader(param._dog_threshold, param._edge_threshold);
LoadGenListShader(param._dog_level_num, 0);
void ShaderBagGLSL::LoadFixedShaders()
s_gray = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; void main(void){\n"
"float intensity = dot(vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114), texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st ).rgb);\n"
"gl_FragColor = vec4(intensity, intensity, intensity, 1.0);}");
s_debug = new ProgramGLSL( "void main(void){gl_FragColor.rg = gl_TexCoord[0].st;}");
s_sampling = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; void main(void){gl_FragColor.rg= texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).rg;}");
s_grad_pass = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; void main ()\n"
" vec4 v1, v2, gg;\n"
" vec4 cc = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);\n"
" gg.x = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[1].xy).r;\n"
" gg.y = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[2].xy).r;\n"
" gg.z = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[3].xy).r;\n"
" gg.w = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[4].xy).r;\n"
" vec2 dxdy = (gg.yw - gg.xz); \n"
" float grad = 0.5*length(dxdy);\n"
" float theta = grad==0.0? 0.0: atan(dxdy.y, dxdy.x);\n"
" gl_FragData[0] = vec4(cc.rg, grad, theta);\n"
ProgramGLSL * program;
s_margin_copy = program = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; uniform vec2 truncate;\n"
"void main(){ gl_FragColor = texture2DRect(tex, min(gl_TexCoord[0].xy, truncate)); }");
_param_margin_copy_truncate = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "truncate");
GlobalUtil::_OrientationPack2 = 0;
if(s_orientation == NULL)
//Load a simplified version if the right version is not supported
s_orientation = program = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; uniform sampler2DRect oTex;\n"
" uniform float size; void main(){\n"
" vec4 cc = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st);\n"
" vec4 oo = texture2DRect(oTex, cc.rg);\n"
" gl_FragColor.rg = cc.rg;\n"
" gl_FragColor.b = oo.a;\n"
" gl_FragColor.a = size;}");
_param_orientation_gtex = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "oTex");
_param_orientation_size = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "size");
GlobalUtil::_MaxOrientation = 0;
GlobalUtil::_FullSupported = 0;
std::cerr<<"Orientation simplified on this hardware"<<endl;
if(GlobalUtil::_DescriptorPPT) LoadDescriptorShader();
if(s_descriptor_fp == NULL)
GlobalUtil::_DescriptorPPT = GlobalUtil::_FullSupported = 0;
std::cerr<<"Descriptor ignored on this hardware"<<endl;
s_zero_pass = new ProgramGLSL("void main(){gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);}");
void ShaderBagGLSL::LoadDisplayShaders()
s_copy_key = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; void main(){\n"
"gl_FragColor.rg= texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).rg; = vec2(0.0,1.0); }");
ProgramGLSL * program;
s_vertex_list = program = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform vec4 sizes; uniform sampler2DRect tex;\n"
"void main(void){\n"
"float fwidth = sizes.y; float twidth = sizes.z; float rwidth = sizes.w; \n"
"float index = 0.1*(fwidth*floor(gl_TexCoord[0].y) + gl_TexCoord[0].x);\n"
"float px = mod(index, twidth);\n"
"vec2 tpos= floor(vec2(px, index*rwidth))+0.5;\n"
"vec4 cc = texture2DRect(tex, tpos );\n"
"float size = 3.0 * cc.a; //sizes.x;// \n"
" = vec2(0.0, 1.0);\n"
"if(any(lessThan(cc.xy,vec2(0.0)))) {gl_FragColor.xy = cc.xy; }\n"
"else {float type = fract(px);\n"
"vec2 dxy = vec2(0); \n"
"dxy.x = type < 0.1 ? 0.0 : (((type <0.5) || (type > 0.9))? size : -size);\n"
"dxy.y = type < 0.2 ? 0.0 : (((type < 0.3) || (type > 0.7) )? -size :size); \n"
"float s = sin(cc.b); float c = cos(cc.b); \n"
"gl_FragColor.x = cc.x + c*dxy.x-s*dxy.y;\n"
"gl_FragColor.y = cc.y + c*dxy.y+s*dxy.x;}\n}\n");
_param_genvbo_size = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "sizes");
s_display_gaussian = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; void main(void){float r = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).r;\n"
"gl_FragColor = vec4(r, r, r, 1);}" );
s_display_dog = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; void main(void){float g = 0.5+(20.0*texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).g);\n"
"gl_FragColor = vec4(g, g, g, 0.0);}" );
s_display_grad = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; void main(void){\n"
" vec4 cc = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st);gl_FragColor = vec4(5.0* cc.bbb, 1.0);}");
s_display_keys= new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; void main(void){\n"
" vec4 cc = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st);\n"
" if(cc.r ==0.0) discard; gl_FragColor = (cc.r==1.0? vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0,1.0):vec4(0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0));}");
void ShaderBagGLSL::LoadKeypointShader(float threshold, float edge_threshold)
float threshold0 = threshold* (GlobalUtil::_SubpixelLocalization?0.8f:1.0f);
float threshold1 = threshold;
float threshold2 = (edge_threshold+1)*(edge_threshold+1)/edge_threshold;
ostringstream out;;
streampos pos;
//X: (CLR) (CENTER 0, LEFT -1, RIGHT +1)
//Y: (CDU) (CENTER 0, DOWN -1, UP +1)
out << "#define THRESHOLD0 (" << threshold0 << " * min(2.0 * cc.r + 0.1, 1.0))\n"
"#define THRESHOLD1 (" << threshold1 << " * min(2.0 * cc.r + 0.1, 1.0))\n"
"#define THRESHOLD2 " << threshold2 << "\n";
out << "#define THRESHOLD0 " << threshold0 << "\n"
"#define THRESHOLD1 " << threshold1 << "\n"
"#define THRESHOLD2 " << threshold2 << "\n";
"uniform sampler2DRect tex, texU, texD; void main ()\n"
" vec4 v1, v2, gg, temp;\n"
" vec2 TexRU = vec2(gl_TexCoord[2].x, gl_TexCoord[4].y); \n"
" vec4 cc = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);\n"
" temp = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[1].xy);\n"
" v1.x = temp.g; gg.x = temp.r;\n"
" temp = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[2].xy) ;\n"
" v1.y = temp.g; gg.y = temp.r;\n"
" temp = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[3].xy) ;\n"
" v1.z = temp.g; gg.z = temp.r;\n"
" temp = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[4].xy) ;\n"
" v1.w = temp.g; gg.w = temp.r;\n"
" v2.x = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[5].xy).g;\n"
" v2.y = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[6].xy).g;\n"
" v2.z = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[7].xy).g;\n"
" v2.w = texture2DRect(tex, TexRU.xy).g;\n"
" vec2 dxdy = (gg.yw - gg.xz); \n"
" float grad = 0.5*length(dxdy);\n"
" float theta = grad==0.0? 0.0: atan(dxdy.y, dxdy.x);\n"
" gl_FragData[0] = vec4(cc.rg, grad, theta);\n"
//test against 8 neighbours
//use variable to identify type of extremum
//1.0 for local maximum and 0.5 for minimum
" float dog = 0.0; \n"
" gl_FragData[1] = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0); \n"
" dog = cc.g > float(THRESHOLD0) && all(greaterThan(cc.gggg, max(v1, v2)))?1.0: 0.0;\n"
" dog = cc.g < float(-THRESHOLD0) && all(lessThan(cc.gggg, min(v1, v2)))?0.5: dog;\n"
" if(dog == 0.0) return;\n";
pos = out.tellp();
//do edge supression first..
//vector v1 is < (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0,-1), (0, 1)>
//vector v2 is < (-1,-1), (-1,1), (1,-1), (1, 1)>
" float fxx, fyy, fxy; \n"
" vec4 D2 = v1.xyzw - cc.gggg;\n"
" vec2 D4 = v2.xw - v2.yz;\n"
" fxx = D2.x + D2.y;\n"
" fyy = D2.z + D2.w;\n"
" fxy = 0.25*(D4.x + D4.y);\n"
" float fxx_plus_fyy = fxx + fyy;\n"
" float score_up = fxx_plus_fyy*fxx_plus_fyy; \n"
" float score_down = (fxx*fyy - fxy*fxy);\n"
" if( score_down <= 0.0 || score_up > THRESHOLD2 * score_down)return;\n";
out<<" \n"
" vec2 D5 = 0.5*(v1.yw-v1.xz); \n"
" float fx = D5.x, fy = D5.y ; \n"
" float fs, fss , fxs, fys ; \n"
" vec2 v3; vec4 v4, v5, v6;\n"
//read 9 pixels of upper level
" v3.x = texture2DRect(texU, gl_TexCoord[0].xy).g;\n"
" v4.x = texture2DRect(texU, gl_TexCoord[1].xy).g;\n"
" v4.y = texture2DRect(texU, gl_TexCoord[2].xy).g;\n"
" v4.z = texture2DRect(texU, gl_TexCoord[3].xy).g;\n"
" v4.w = texture2DRect(texU, gl_TexCoord[4].xy).g;\n"
" v6.x = texture2DRect(texU, gl_TexCoord[5].xy).g;\n"
" v6.y = texture2DRect(texU, gl_TexCoord[6].xy).g;\n"
" v6.z = texture2DRect(texU, gl_TexCoord[7].xy).g;\n"
" v6.w = texture2DRect(texU, TexRU.xy).g;\n"
//compare with 9 pixels of upper level
//read and compare with 9 pixels of lower level
//the maximum case
" if(dog == 1.0)\n"
" {\n"
" if(cc.g < v3.x || any(lessThan(cc.gggg, v4)) ||any(lessThan(cc.gggg, v6)))return; \n"
" v3.y = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[0].xy).g;\n"
" v5.x = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[1].xy).g;\n"
" v5.y = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[2].xy).g;\n"
" v5.z = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[3].xy).g;\n"
" v5.w = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[4].xy).g;\n"
" v6.x = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[5].xy).g;\n"
" v6.y = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[6].xy).g;\n"
" v6.z = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[7].xy).g;\n"
" v6.w = texture2DRect(texD, TexRU.xy).g;\n"
" if(cc.g < v3.y || any(lessThan(cc.gggg, v5)) ||any(lessThan(cc.gggg, v6)))return; \n"
" }\n"
//the minimum case
" else{\n"
" if(cc.g > v3.x || any(greaterThan(cc.gggg, v4)) ||any(greaterThan(cc.gggg, v6)))return; \n"
" v3.y = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[0].xy).g;\n"
" v5.x = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[1].xy).g;\n"
" v5.y = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[2].xy).g;\n"
" v5.z = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[3].xy).g;\n"
" v5.w = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[4].xy).g;\n"
" v6.x = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[5].xy).g;\n"
" v6.y = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[6].xy).g;\n"
" v6.z = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[7].xy).g;\n"
" v6.w = texture2DRect(texD, TexRU.xy).g;\n"
" if(cc.g > v3.y || any(greaterThan(cc.gggg, v5)) ||any(greaterThan(cc.gggg, v6)))return; \n"
" }\n";
// sub-pixel localization FragData1 = vec4(dog, 0, 0, 0); return;
out <<
" fs = 0.5*( v3.x - v3.y ); \n"
" fss = v3.x + v3.y - cc.g - cc.g;\n"
" fxs = 0.25 * ( v4.y + v5.x - v4.x - v5.y);\n"
" fys = 0.25 * ( v4.w + v5.z - v4.z - v5.w);\n"
// let dog difference be quatratic function of dx, dy, ds;
// df(dx, dy, ds) = fx * dx + fy*dy + fs * ds +
// + 0.5 * ( fxx * dx * dx + fyy * dy * dy + fss * ds * ds)
// + (fxy * dx * dy + fxs * dx * ds + fys * dy * ds)
// (fx, fy, fs, fxx, fyy, fss, fxy, fxs, fys are the derivatives)
//the local extremum satisfies
// df/dx = 0, df/dy = 0, df/dz = 0
//that is
// |-fx| | fxx fxy fxs | |dx|
// |-fy| = | fxy fyy fys | * |dy|
// |-fs| | fxs fys fss | |ds|
// need to solve dx, dy, ds
// Use Gauss elimination to solve the linear system
" vec3 dxys = vec3(0.0); \n"
" vec4 A0, A1, A2 ; \n"
" A0 = vec4(fxx, fxy, fxs, -fx); \n"
" A1 = vec4(fxy, fyy, fys, -fy); \n"
" A2 = vec4(fxs, fys, fss, -fs); \n"
" vec3 x3 = abs(vec3(fxx, fxy, fxs)); \n"
" float maxa = max(max(x3.x, x3.y), x3.z); \n"
" if(maxa >= 1e-10 ) { \n"
" if(x3.y ==maxa ) \n"
" { \n"
" vec4 TEMP = A1; A1 = A0; A0 = TEMP; \n"
" }else if( x3.z == maxa ) \n"
" { \n"
" vec4 TEMP = A2; A2 = A0; A0 = TEMP; \n"
" } \n"
" A0 /= A0.x; \n"
" A1 -= A1.x * A0; \n"
" A2 -= A2.x * A0; \n"
" vec2 x2 = abs(vec2(A1.y, A2.y)); \n"
" if( x2.y > x2.x ) \n"
" { \n"
" vec3 TEMP = A2.yzw; \n"
" A2.yzw = A1.yzw; \n"
" A1.yzw = TEMP; \n"
" x2.x = x2.y; \n"
" } \n"
" if(x2.x >= 1e-10) { \n"
" A1.yzw /= A1.y; \n"
" A2.yzw -= A2.y * A1.yzw; \n"
" if(abs(A2.z) >= 1e-10) { \n"
// compute dx, dy, ds:
" \n"
" dxys.z = A2.w /A2.z; \n"
" dxys.y = A1.w - dxys.z*A1.z; \n"
" dxys.x = A0.w - dxys.z*A0.z - dxys.y*A0.y; \n"
//one more threshold which I forgot in versions prior to 286
" bool dog_test = (abs(cc.g + 0.5*dot(vec3(fx, fy, fs), dxys ))<= float(THRESHOLD1)) ;\n"
" if(dog_test || any(greaterThan(abs(dxys), vec3(1.0)))) dog = 0.0;\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
//keep the point when the offset is less than 1
" gl_FragData[1] = vec4( dog, dxys); \n";
" gl_FragData[1] = vec4( dog, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ; \n";
"}\n" <<'\0';
ProgramGLSL * program = new ProgramGLSL(out.str().c_str());
s_keypoint = program ;
delete program;
out <<
" gl_FragData[1] = vec4(dog, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ; \n"
"}\n" <<'\0';
s_keypoint = program = new ProgramGLSL(out.str().c_str());
GlobalUtil::_SubpixelLocalization = 0;
std::cerr<<"Detection simplified on this hardware"<<endl;
_param_dog_texu = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "texU");
_param_dog_texd = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "texD");
void ShaderBagGLSL::SetDogTexParam(int texU, int texD)
glUniform1i(_param_dog_texu, 1);
glUniform1i(_param_dog_texd, 2);
void ShaderBagGLSL::SetGenListStepParam(int tex, int tex0)
glUniform1i(_param_genlist_step_tex0, 1);
void ShaderBagGLSL::SetGenVBOParam( float width, float fwidth, float size)
float sizes[4] = {size*3.0f, fwidth, width, 1.0f/width};
glUniform4fv(_param_genvbo_size, 1, sizes);
void ShaderBagGLSL::UnloadProgram()
void ShaderBagGLSL::LoadGenListShader(int ndoglev, int nlev)
ProgramGLSL * program;
s_genlist_init_tight = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; void main (void){\n"
"vec4 helper = vec4( texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy).r, texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[1].xy).r,\n"
"texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[2].xy).r, texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[3].xy).r);\n"
"gl_FragColor = vec4(greaterThan(helper, vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)));\n"
s_genlist_init_ex = program = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex;uniform vec2 bbox;\n"
"void main (void ){\n"
"vec4 helper = vec4( texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy).r, texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[1].xy).r,\n"
"texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[2].xy).r, texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[3].xy).r);\n"
"bvec4 helper2 = bvec4( \n"
"all(lessThan(gl_TexCoord[0].xy , bbox)) && helper.x >0.0,\n"
"all(lessThan(gl_TexCoord[1].xy , bbox)) && helper.y >0.0,\n"
"all(lessThan(gl_TexCoord[2].xy , bbox)) && helper.z >0.0,\n"
"all(lessThan(gl_TexCoord[3].xy , bbox)) && helper.w >0.0);\n"
"gl_FragColor = vec4(helper2);\n"
_param_genlist_init_bbox = glGetUniformLocation( *program, "bbox");
//reduction ...
s_genlist_histo = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; void main (void){\n"
"vec4 helper; vec4 helper2; \n"
"helper = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy); helper2.xy = helper.xy +; \n"
"helper = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[1].xy); = helper.xy +; \n"
"gl_FragColor.rg = helper2.xz + helper2.yw;\n"
"helper = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[2].xy); helper2.xy = helper.xy +; \n"
"helper = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[3].xy); = helper.xy +; \n"
" helper2.xz+helper2.yw;\n"
//read of the first part, which generates tex coordinates
s_genlist_start= program = LoadGenListStepShader(1, 1);
_param_ftex_width= glGetUniformLocation(*program, "width");
_param_genlist_start_tex0 = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "tex0");
s_genlist_step = program = LoadGenListStepShader(0, 1);
_param_genlist_step_tex0= glGetUniformLocation(*program, "tex0");
void ShaderBagGLSL::SetMarginCopyParam(int xmax, int ymax)
float truncate[2] = {xmax - 0.5f , ymax - 0.5f};
glUniform2fv(_param_margin_copy_truncate, 1, truncate);
void ShaderBagGLSL::SetGenListInitParam(int w, int h)
float bbox[2] = {w - 1.0f, h - 1.0f};
glUniform2fv(_param_genlist_init_bbox, 1, bbox);
void ShaderBagGLSL::SetGenListStartParam(float width, int tex0)
glUniform1f(_param_ftex_width, width);
glUniform1i(_param_genlist_start_tex0, 0);
ProgramGLSL* ShaderBagGLSL::LoadGenListStepShader(int start, int step)
int i;
// char chanels[5] = "rgba";
ostringstream out;
for(i = 0; i < step; i++) out<<"uniform sampler2DRect tex"<<i<<";\n";
out<<"uniform float width;\n";
out<<"void main(void){\n";
out<<"float index = floor(gl_TexCoord[0].y) * width + floor(gl_TexCoord[0].x);\n";
out<<"vec2 pos = vec2(0.5, 0.5);\n";
out<<"uniform sampler2DRect tex;\n";
out<<"void main(void){\n";
out<<"vec4 tc = texture2DRect( tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);\n";
out<<"vec2 pos = tc.rg; float index = tc.b;\n";
out<<"vec2 sum; vec4 cc;\n";
out<<"vec2 cpos = vec2(-0.5, 0.5);\t vec2 opos;\n";
for(i = 0; i < step; i++)
out<<"cc = texture2DRect(tex"<<i<<", pos);\n";
out<<"sum.x = cc.r + cc.g; sum.y = sum.x + cc.b; \n";
out<<"if (index <cc.r){ opos = cpos.xx;}\n";
out<<"else if(index < sum.x ) {opos = cpos.yx; index -= cc.r;}\n";
out<<"else if(index < sum.y ) {opos = cpos.xy; index -= sum.x;}\n";
out<<"else {opos = cpos.yy; index -= sum.y;}\n";
out<<"pos = (pos + pos + opos);\n";
out<<"gl_FragColor = vec4(pos, index, 1.0);\n";
return new ProgramGLSL(out.str().c_str());
void ShaderBagGLSL::LoadOrientationShader()
ostringstream out;
out << "#pragma optionNV(ifcvt none)\n"
"#pragma optionNV(unroll all)\n";
"#define GAUSSIAN_WF float("<<GlobalUtil::_OrientationGaussianFactor<<") \n"
"#define SAMPLE_WF float("<<GlobalUtil::_OrientationWindowFactor<< " )\n"
"#define ORIENTATION_THRESHOLD "<< GlobalUtil::_MulitiOrientationThreshold << "\n"
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; \n"
"uniform sampler2DRect gradTex; \n"
"uniform vec4 size; \n"
<< ((GlobalUtil::_SubpixelLocalization || GlobalUtil::_KeepExtremumSign)? " uniform sampler2DRect texS; \n" : " ") <<
"void main() \n"
"{ \n"
" vec4 bins[10]; \n"
" bins[0] = vec4(0.0);bins[1] = vec4(0.0);bins[2] = vec4(0.0); \n"
" bins[3] = vec4(0.0);bins[4] = vec4(0.0);bins[5] = vec4(0.0); \n"
" bins[6] = vec4(0.0);bins[7] = vec4(0.0);bins[8] = vec4(0.0); \n"
" vec4 loc = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy); \n"
" vec2 pos = loc.xy; \n"
" bool orientation_mode = (size.z != 0.0); \n"
" float sigma = orientation_mode? abs(size.z) : loc.w; \n";
if(GlobalUtil::_SubpixelLocalization || GlobalUtil::_KeepExtremumSign)
" if(orientation_mode){\n"
" vec4 offset = texture2DRect(texS, pos);\n"
" pos.xy = pos.xy + offset.yz; \n"
" sigma = sigma * pow(size.w, offset.w);\n"
" #if "<< GlobalUtil::_KeepExtremumSign << "\n"
" if(offset.x < 0.6) sigma = -sigma; \n"
" #endif\n"
" }\n";
" //bool fixed_orientation = (size.z < 0.0); \n"
" if(size.z < 0.0) {gl_FragData[0] = vec4(pos, 0.0, sigma); return;}"
" float gsigma = sigma * GAUSSIAN_WF; \n"
" vec2 win = abs(vec2(sigma * (SAMPLE_WF * GAUSSIAN_WF))) ; \n"
" vec2 dim = size.xy; \n"
" float dist_threshold = win.x*win.x+0.5; \n"
" float factor = -0.5/(gsigma*gsigma); \n"
" vec4 sz; vec2 spos; \n"
" //if(any(pos.xy <= 1)) discard; \n"
" sz.xy = max( pos - win, vec2(1,1)); \n"
" = min( pos + win, dim-vec2(2, 2)); \n"
" sz = floor(sz)+0.5;";
//loop to get the histogram
" for(spos.y = sz.y; spos.y <= sz.w; spos.y+=1.0) \n"
" { \n"
" for(spos.x = sz.x; spos.x <= sz.z; spos.x+=1.0) \n"
" { \n"
" vec2 offset = spos - pos; \n"
" float sq_dist = dot(offset,offset); \n"
" if( sq_dist < dist_threshold){ \n"
" vec4 cc = texture2DRect(gradTex, spos); \n"
" float grad = cc.b; float theta = cc.a; \n"
" float idx = floor(degrees(theta)*0.1); \n"
" if(idx < 0.0 ) idx += 36.0; \n"
" float weight = grad*exp(sq_dist * factor); \n"
" float vidx = fract(idx * 0.25) * 4.0;//mod(idx, 4.0) ; \n"
" vec4 inc = weight*vec4(equal(vec4(vidx), vec4(0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0)));";
//dynamic indexing may not be faster
" int iidx = int((idx*0.25)); \n"
" bins[iidx]+=inc; \n"
" } \n"
" } \n"
" }";
//nvfp40 still does not support dynamic array indexing
//unrolled binary search...
" if(idx < 16.0) \n"
" { \n"
" if(idx < 8.0) \n"
" { \n"
" if(idx < 4.0) { bins[0]+=inc;} \n"
" else { bins[1]+=inc;} \n"
" }else \n"
" { \n"
" if(idx < 12.0){ bins[2]+=inc;} \n"
" else { bins[3]+=inc;} \n"
" } \n"
" }else if(idx < 32.0) \n"
" { \n"
" if(idx < 24.0) \n"
" { \n"
" if(idx <20.0) { bins[4]+=inc;} \n"
" else { bins[5]+=inc;} \n"
" }else \n"
" { \n"
" if(idx < 28.0){ bins[6]+=inc;} \n"
" else { bins[7]+=inc;} \n"
" } \n"
" }else \n"
" { \n"
" bins[8]+=inc; \n"
" } \n"
" } \n"
" } \n"
" }";
ProgramGLSL * program = new ProgramGLSL(out.str().c_str());
s_orientation = program ;
_param_orientation_gtex = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "gradTex");
_param_orientation_size = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "size");
_param_orientation_stex = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "texS");
delete program;
void ShaderBagGLSL::WriteOrientationCodeToStream(std::ostream& out)
//smooth histogram and find the largest
smoothing kernel: (1 3 6 7 6 3 1 )/27
the same as 3 pass of (1 1 1)/3 averaging
maybe better to use 4 pass on the vectors...
//the inner loop on different array numbers is always unrolled in fp40
//bug fixed here:)
" //mat3 m1 = mat3(1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, 6, 3, 1)/27.0; \n"
" mat3 m1 = mat3(1, 3, 6, 0, 1, 3,0, 0, 1)/27.0; \n"
" mat4 m2 = mat4(7, 6, 3, 1, 6, 7, 6, 3, 3, 6, 7, 6, 1, 3, 6, 7)/27.0;\n"
" #define FILTER_CODE(i) { \\\n"
" vec4 newb = (bins[i]* m2); \\\n"
" += ( prev.yzw * m1); \\\n"
" prev = bins[i]; \\\n"
" newb.wzy += ( bins[i+1].zyx *m1); \\\n"
" bins[i] = newb;}\n"
" for (int j=0; j<2; j++) \n"
" { \n"
" vec4 prev = bins[8]; \n"
" bins[9] = bins[0]; \n";
" for (int i=0; i<9; i++) \n"
" { \n"
" FILTER_CODE(i); \n"
" } \n"
" }";
//manually unroll the loop for ATI.
out <<
" FILTER_CODE(0);\n"
" FILTER_CODE(1);\n"
" FILTER_CODE(2);\n"
" FILTER_CODE(3);\n"
" FILTER_CODE(4);\n"
" FILTER_CODE(5);\n"
" FILTER_CODE(6);\n"
" FILTER_CODE(7);\n"
" FILTER_CODE(8);\n"
" }\n";
//find the maximum voting
" vec4 maxh; vec2 maxh2; \n"
" vec4 maxh4 = max(max(max(max(max(max(max(max(bins[0], bins[1]), bins[2]), \n"
" bins[3]), bins[4]), bins[5]), bins[6]), bins[7]), bins[8]);\n"
" maxh2 = max(maxh4.xy,; maxh = vec4(max(maxh2.x, maxh2.y));";
std::string testpeak_code;
std::string savepeak_code;
//save two/three/four orientations with the largest votings?
" vec4 Orientations = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); \n"
" vec4 weights = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); ";
testpeak_code = "\\\n"
" {test = greaterThan(bins[i], hh);";
//save the orientations in weight-decreasing order
if(GlobalUtil::_MaxOrientation ==2)
savepeak_code = "\\\n"
" if(weight <=weights.g){}\\\n"
" else if(weight >weights.r)\\\n"
" {weights.rg = vec2(weight, weights.r); Orientations.rg = vec2(th, Orientations.r);}\\\n"
" else {weights.g = weight; Orientations.g = th;}";
}else if(GlobalUtil::_MaxOrientation ==3)
savepeak_code = "\\\n"
" if(weight <=weights.b){}\\\n"
" else if(weight >weights.r)\\\n"
" {weights.rgb = vec3(weight, weights.rg); Orientations.rgb = vec3(th, Orientations.rg);}\\\n"
" else if(weight >weights.g)\\\n"
" { = vec2(weight, weights.g); = vec2(th, Orientations.g);}\\\n"
" else {weights.b = weight; Orientations.b = th;}";
savepeak_code = "\\\n"
" if(weight <=weights.a){}\\\n"
" else if(weight >weights.r)\\\n"
" {weights = vec4(weight, weights.rgb); Orientations = vec4(th, Orientations.rgb);}\\\n"
" else if(weight >weights.g)\\\n"
" {weights.gba = vec3(weight,; Orientations.gba = vec3(th,;}\\\n"
" else if(weight >weights.b)\\\n"
" { = vec2(weight, weights.b); = vec2(th, Orientations.b);}\\\n"
" else {weights.a = weight; Orientations.a = th;}";
" float Orientation; ";
testpeak_code ="\\\n"
" if(npeaks<=0.0){\\\n"
" test = equal(bins[i], maxh) ;";
" npeaks++; \\\n"
" Orientation = th;";
//find the peaks
out <<"\n"
" #define FINDPEAK(i, k)" <<testpeak_code<<"\\\n"
" if( any ( test) ) \\\n"
" { \\\n"
" if(test.r && bins[i].x > prevb && bins[i].x > bins[i].y ) \\\n"
" { \\\n"
" float di = -0.5 * (bins[i].y-prevb) / (bins[i].y+prevb-bins[i].x - bins[i].x) ; \\\n"
" float th = (k+di+0.5); float weight = bins[i].x;"
" }\\\n"
" else if(test.g && all( greaterThan(bins[i].yy , bins[i].xz)) ) \\\n"
" { \\\n"
" float di = -0.5 * (bins[i].z-bins[i].x) / (bins[i].z+bins[i].x-bins[i].y- bins[i].y) ; \\\n"
" float th = (k+di+1.5); float weight = bins[i].y; "
<<savepeak_code<<" \\\n"
" }\\\n"
" if(test.b && all( greaterThan( bins[i].zz , bins[i].yw)) ) \\\n"
" { \\\n"
" float di = -0.5 * (bins[i].w-bins[i].y) / (bins[i].w+bins[i].y-bins[i].z- bins[i].z) ; \\\n"
" float th = (k+di+2.5); float weight = bins[i].z; "
<<savepeak_code<<" \\\n"
" }\\\n"
" else if(test.a && bins[i].w > bins[i].z && bins[i].w > bins[i+1].x ) \\\n"
" { \\\n"
" float di = -0.5 * (bins[i+1].x-bins[i].z) / (bins[i+1].x+bins[i].z-bins[i].w - bins[i].w) ; \\\n"
" float th = (k+di+3.5); float weight = bins[i].w; "
<<savepeak_code<<" \\\n"
" }\\\n"
" }}\\\n"
" prevb = bins[i].w;";
//the following loop will be unrolled anyway in fp40,
//taking more than 1000 instrucsions..
" vec4 hh = maxh * ORIENTATION_THRESHOLD; bvec4 test; \n"
" bins[9] = bins[0]; \n"
" float npeaks = 0.0, k = 0.0; \n"
" float prevb = bins[8].w; \n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) \n"
" {\n"
" FINDPEAK(i, k);\n"
" k = k + 4.0; \n"
" }";
//loop unroll for ATI.
out <<"\n"
" vec4 hh = maxh * ORIENTATION_THRESHOLD; bvec4 test;\n"
" bins[9] = bins[0]; \n"
" float npeaks = 0.0; \n"
" float prevb = bins[8].w; \n"
" FINDPEAK(0, 0.0);\n"
" FINDPEAK(1, 4.0);\n"
" FINDPEAK(2, 8.0);\n"
" FINDPEAK(3, 12.0);\n"
" FINDPEAK(4, 16.0);\n"
" FINDPEAK(5, 20.0);\n"
" FINDPEAK(6, 24.0);\n"
" FINDPEAK(7, 28.0);\n"
" FINDPEAK(8, 32.0);\n";
//WRITE output
" if(orientation_mode){\n"
" npeaks = dot(vec4(1,1,"
<<(GlobalUtil::_MaxOrientation>2 ? 1 : 0)<<","
<<(GlobalUtil::_MaxOrientation >3? 1 : 0)<<"), vec4(greaterThan(weights, hh)));\n"
" gl_FragData[0] = vec4(pos, npeaks, sigma);\n"
" gl_FragData[1] = radians((Orientations )*10.0);\n"
" }else{\n"
" gl_FragData[0] = vec4(pos, radians((Orientations.x)*10.0), sigma);\n"
" }\n";
" gl_FragData[0] = vec4(pos, radians((Orientation)*10.0), sigma);\n";
void ShaderBagGLSL::SetSimpleOrientationInput(int oTex, float sigma, float sigma_step)
glUniform1i(_param_orientation_gtex, 1);
glUniform1f(_param_orientation_size, sigma);
void ShaderBagGLSL::SetFeatureOrientationParam(int gtex, int width, int height, float sigma, int stex, float step)
glUniform1i(_param_orientation_gtex, 1);
if((GlobalUtil::_SubpixelLocalization || GlobalUtil::_KeepExtremumSign)&& stex)
//specify texutre for subpixel subscale localization
glUniform1i(_param_orientation_stex, 2);
float size[4];
size[0] = (float)width;
size[1] = (float)height;
size[2] = sigma;
size[3] = step;
glUniform4fv(_param_orientation_size, 1, size);
void ShaderBagGLSL::LoadDescriptorShaderF2()
//one shader outpout 128/8 = 16 , each fragout encodes 4
//const double twopi = 2.0*3.14159265358979323846;
//const double rpi = 8.0/twopi;
ostringstream out;
"#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846\n"
"#define TWO_PI (2.0*M_PI)\n"
"#define RPI 1.2732395447351626861510701069801\n"
"#define WF size.z\n"
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; \n"
"uniform sampler2DRect gradTex; \n"
"uniform vec4 dsize; \n"
"uniform vec3 size; \n"
"void main() \n"
" vec2 dim = size.xy; //image size \n"
" float index = dsize.x*floor(gl_TexCoord[0].y * 0.5) + gl_TexCoord[0].x;\n"
" float idx = 8.0 * fract(index * 0.125) + 8.0 * floor(2.0 * fract(gl_TexCoord[0].y * 0.5)); \n"
" index = floor(index*0.125) + 0.49; \n"
" vec2 coord = floor( vec2( mod(index, dsize.z), index*dsize.w)) + 0.5 ;\n"
" vec2 pos = texture2DRect(tex, coord).xy; \n"
" if(any(lessThanEqual(pos.xy, vec2(1.0))) || any(greaterThanEqual(pos.xy, dim-1.0)))// discard; \n"
" { gl_FragData[0] = gl_FragData[1] = vec4(0.0); return; }\n"
" float anglef = texture2DRect(tex, coord).z;\n"
" if(anglef > M_PI) anglef -= TWO_PI;\n"
" float sigma = texture2DRect(tex, coord).w; \n"
" float spt = abs(sigma * WF); //default to be 3*sigma \n";
" vec4 cscs, rots; \n"
" cscs.y = sin(anglef); cscs.x = cos(anglef); \n"
" = - cscs.xy; \n"
" rots = cscs /spt; \n"
" cscs *= spt; \n";
//here cscs is actually (cos, sin, -cos, -sin) * (factor: 3)*sigma
//and rots is (cos, sin, -cos, -sin ) /(factor*sigma)
//devide the 4x4 sift grid into 16 1x1 block, and each corresponds to a shader thread
//To use linear interoplation, 1x1 is increased to 2x2, by adding 0.5 to each side
"vec4 temp; vec2 pt, offsetpt; \n"
" /*the fraction part of idx is .5*/ \n"
" offsetpt.x = 4.0* fract(idx*0.25) - 2.0; \n"
" offsetpt.y = floor(idx*0.25) - 1.5; \n"
" temp = cscs.xwyx*offsetpt.xyxy; \n"
" pt = pos + temp.xz + temp.yw; \n";
//get a horizontal bounding box of the rotated rectangle
" vec2 bwin = abs(cscs.xy); \n"
" float bsz = bwin.x + bwin.y; \n"
" vec4 sz; \n"
" sz.xy = max(pt - vec2(bsz), vec2(1,1));\n"
" = min(pt + vec2(bsz), dim - vec2(2, 2)); \n"
" sz = floor(sz)+0.5;"; //move sample point to pixel center
//get voting for two box
" vec4 DA, DB; vec2 spos; \n"
" DA = DB = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); \n"
" for(spos.y = sz.y; spos.y <= sz.w; spos.y+=1.0) \n"
" { \n"
" for(spos.x = sz.x; spos.x <= sz.z; spos.x+=1.0) \n"
" { \n"
" vec2 diff = spos - pt; \n"
" temp = rots.xywx * diff.xyxy;\n"
" vec2 nxy = (temp.xz + temp.yw); \n"
" vec2 nxyn = abs(nxy); \n"
" if(all( lessThan(nxyn, vec2(1.0)) ))\n"
" {\n"
" vec4 cc = texture2DRect(gradTex, spos); \n"
" float mod = cc.b; float angle = cc.a; \n"
" float theta0 = RPI * (anglef - angle); \n"
" float theta = theta0 < 0.0? theta0 + 8.0 : theta0;;\n"
" diff = nxy + offsetpt.xy; \n"
" float ww = exp(-0.125*dot(diff, diff));\n"
" vec2 weights = vec2(1) - nxyn;\n"
" float weight = weights.x * weights.y *mod*ww; \n"
" float theta1 = floor(theta); \n"
" float weight2 = (theta - theta1) * weight;\n"
" float weight1 = weight - weight2;\n"
" DA += vec4(equal(vec4(theta1), vec4(0, 1, 2, 3)))*weight1;\n"
" DA += vec4(equal(vec4(theta1), vec4(7, 0, 1, 2)))*weight2; \n"
" DB += vec4(equal(vec4(theta1), vec4(4, 5, 6, 7)))*weight1;\n"
" DB += vec4(equal(vec4(theta1), vec4(3, 4, 5, 6)))*weight2; \n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" }\n";
" gl_FragData[0] = DA; gl_FragData[1] = DB;\n"
ProgramGLSL * program = new ProgramGLSL(out.str().c_str());
s_descriptor_fp = program ;
_param_descriptor_gtex = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "gradTex");
_param_descriptor_size = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "size");
_param_descriptor_dsize = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "dsize");
delete program;
void ShaderBagGLSL::LoadDescriptorShader()
GlobalUtil::_DescriptorPPT = 16;
void ShaderBagGLSL::SetFeatureDescirptorParam(int gtex, int otex, float dwidth, float fwidth, float width, float height, float sigma)
glUniform1i(_param_descriptor_gtex, 1);
float dsize[4] ={dwidth, 1.0f/dwidth, fwidth, 1.0f/fwidth};
glUniform4fv(_param_descriptor_dsize, 1, dsize);
float size[3];
size[0] = width;
size[1] = height;
size[2] = GlobalUtil::_DescriptorWindowFactor;
glUniform3fv(_param_descriptor_size, 1, size);
void ShaderBagPKSL::LoadFixedShaders()
ProgramGLSL * program;
s_gray = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; void main(){\n"
"float intensity = dot(vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114), texture2DRect(tex,gl_TexCoord[0].xy ).rgb);\n"
"gl_FragColor= vec4(intensity, intensity, intensity, 1.0);}" );
s_sampling = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; void main(){\n"
"gl_FragColor= vec4( texture2DRect(tex,gl_TexCoord[0].st ).r,texture2DRect(tex,gl_TexCoord[1].st ).r,\n"
" texture2DRect(tex,gl_TexCoord[2].st ).r,texture2DRect(tex,gl_TexCoord[3].st ).r);}" );
s_margin_copy = program = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; uniform vec4 truncate; void main(){\n"
"vec4 cc = texture2DRect(tex, min(gl_TexCoord[0].xy, truncate.xy)); \n"
"bvec2 ob = lessThan(gl_TexCoord[0].xy, truncate.xy);\n"
"if(ob.y) { gl_FragColor = (truncate.z ==0.0 ? cc.rrbb : cc.ggaa); } \n"
"else if(ob.x) {gl_FragColor = (truncate.w <1.5 ? cc.rgrg : cc.baba);} \n"
"else { vec4 weights = vec4(vec4(0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0) == truncate.wwww);\n"
"float v = dot(weights, cc); gl_FragColor = vec4(v);}}");
_param_margin_copy_truncate = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "truncate");
s_zero_pass = new ProgramGLSL("void main(){gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);}");
s_grad_pass = program = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; uniform sampler2DRect texp; void main ()\n"
" vec4 v1, v2, gg;\n"
" vec4 cc = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);\n"
" vec4 cp = texture2DRect(texp, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);\n"
" gl_FragData[0] = cc - cp; \n"
" vec4 cl = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[1].xy); vec4 cr = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[2].xy);\n"
" vec4 cd = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[3].xy); vec4 cu = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[4].xy);\n"
" vec4 dx = (vec4(cr.rb, - vec4(cc.rb,;\n"
" vec4 dy = (vec4(cu.rg, - vec4(cc.rg,;\n"
" vec4 grad = 0.5 * sqrt(dx*dx + dy * dy);\n"
" gl_FragData[1] = grad;\n"
" vec4 invalid = vec4(equal(grad, vec4(0.0))); \n"
" vec4 ov = atan(dy, dx + invalid); \n"
" gl_FragData[2] = ov; \n"
"}\n\0"); //when
_param_grad_pass_texp = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "texp");
GlobalUtil::_OrientationPack2 = 0;
if(s_orientation == NULL)
//Load a simplified version if the right version is not supported
s_orientation = program = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; uniform sampler2DRect oTex; uniform vec2 size; void main(){\n"
" vec4 cc = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);\n"
" vec2 co = cc.xy * 0.5; \n"
" vec4 oo = texture2DRect(oTex, co);\n"
" bvec2 bo = lessThan(fract(co), vec2(0.5)); \n"
" float o = bo.y? (bo.x? oo.r : oo.g) : (bo.x? oo.b : oo.a); \n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(cc.rg, o, size.x * pow(size.y, cc.a));}");
_param_orientation_gtex= glGetUniformLocation(*program, "oTex");
_param_orientation_size= glGetUniformLocation(*program, "size");
GlobalUtil::_MaxOrientation = 0;
GlobalUtil::_FullSupported = 0;
std::cerr<<"Orientation simplified on this hardware"<<endl;
if(s_descriptor_fp == NULL)
GlobalUtil::_DescriptorPPT = GlobalUtil::_FullSupported = 0;
std::cerr<<"Descriptor ignored on this hardware"<<endl;
void ShaderBagPKSL::LoadDisplayShaders()
ProgramGLSL * program;
s_copy_key = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex;void main(){\n"
"gl_FragColor= vec4(texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy).rg, 0,1);}");
//shader used to write a vertex buffer object
//which is used to draw the quads of each feature
s_vertex_list = program = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; uniform vec4 sizes; void main(){\n"
"float fwidth = sizes.y; \n"
"float twidth = sizes.z; \n"
"float rwidth = sizes.w; \n"
"float index = 0.1*(fwidth*floor(gl_TexCoord[0].y) + gl_TexCoord[0].x);\n"
"float px = mod(index, twidth);\n"
"vec2 tpos= floor(vec2(px, index*rwidth))+0.5;\n"
"vec4 cc = texture2DRect(tex, tpos );\n"
"float size = 3.0 * cc.a; \n"
" = vec2(0.0, 1.0);\n"
"if(any(lessThan(cc.xy,vec2(0.0)))) {gl_FragColor.xy = cc.xy;}else \n"
" float type = fract(px);\n"
" vec2 dxy; float s, c;\n"
" dxy.x = type < 0.1 ? 0.0 : (((type <0.5) || (type > 0.9))? size : -size);\n"
" dxy.y = type < 0.2 ? 0.0 : (((type < 0.3) || (type > 0.7) )? -size :size); \n"
" s = sin(cc.b); c = cos(cc.b); \n"
" gl_FragColor.x = cc.x + c*dxy.x-s*dxy.y;\n"
" gl_FragColor.y = cc.y + c*dxy.y+s*dxy.x;}\n"
/*gl_FragColor = vec4(tpos, 0.0, 1.0);}\n\0");*/
_param_genvbo_size = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "sizes");
s_display_gaussian = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; void main(){\n"
"vec4 pc = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy); bvec2 ff = lessThan(fract(gl_TexCoord[0].xy), vec2(0.5));\n"
"float v = ff.y?(ff.x? pc.r : pc.g):(ff.x?pc.b:pc.a); gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(v), 1.0);}");
s_display_dog = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; void main(){\n"
"vec4 pc = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy); bvec2 ff = lessThan(fract(gl_TexCoord[0].xy), vec2(0.5));\n"
"float v = ff.y ?(ff.x ? pc.r : pc.g):(ff.x ? pc.b : pc.a);float g = (0.5+20.0*v);\n"
"gl_FragColor = vec4(g, g, g, 1.0);}" );
s_display_grad = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; void main(){\n"
"vec4 pc = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy); bvec2 ff = lessThan(fract(gl_TexCoord[0].xy), vec2(0.5));\n"
"float v = ff.y ?(ff.x ? pc.r : pc.g):(ff.x ? pc.b : pc.a); gl_FragColor = vec4(5.0 *vec3(v), 1.0); }");
s_display_keys= new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; void main(){\n"
"vec4 oc = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy); \n"
"vec4 cc = vec4(equal(abs(oc.rrrr), vec4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0))); \n"
"bvec2 ff = lessThan(fract(gl_TexCoord[0].xy) , vec2(0.5));\n"
"float v = ff.y ?(ff.x ? cc.r : cc.g):(ff.x ? cc.b : cc.a);\n"
"if(v == 0.0) discard; \n"
"else if(oc.r > 0.0) gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0,1.0); \n"
"else gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0); }" );
void ShaderBagPKSL::LoadOrientationShader(void)
ostringstream out;
out << "#pragma optionNV(ifcvt none)\n"
"#pragma optionNV(unroll all)\n";
"#define GAUSSIAN_WF float("<<GlobalUtil::_OrientationGaussianFactor<<") \n"
"#define SAMPLE_WF float("<<GlobalUtil::_OrientationWindowFactor<< " )\n"
"#define ORIENTATION_THRESHOLD "<< GlobalUtil::_MulitiOrientationThreshold << "\n"
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; uniform sampler2DRect gtex;\n"
"uniform sampler2DRect otex; uniform vec4 size;\n"
"void main() \n"
"{ \n"
" vec4 bins[10]; \n"
" bins[0] = vec4(0.0);bins[1] = vec4(0.0);bins[2] = vec4(0.0); \n"
" bins[3] = vec4(0.0);bins[4] = vec4(0.0);bins[5] = vec4(0.0); \n"
" bins[6] = vec4(0.0);bins[7] = vec4(0.0);bins[8] = vec4(0.0); \n"
" vec4 sift = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy); \n"
" vec2 pos = sift.xy; \n"
" bool orientation_mode = (size.z != 0.0); \n"
" float sigma = orientation_mode? (abs(size.z) * pow(size.w, sift.w) * sift.z) : (sift.w); \n"
" //bool fixed_orientation = (size.z < 0.0); \n"
" if(size.z < 0.0) {gl_FragData[0] = vec4(pos, 0.0, sigma); return;}"
" float gsigma = sigma * GAUSSIAN_WF; \n"
" vec2 win = abs(vec2(sigma * (SAMPLE_WF * GAUSSIAN_WF))); \n"
" vec2 dim = size.xy; \n"
" vec4 dist_threshold = vec4(win.x*win.x+0.5); \n"
" float factor = -0.5/(gsigma*gsigma); \n"
" vec4 sz; vec2 spos; \n"
" //if(any(pos.xy <= float(1))) discard; \n"
" sz.xy = max( pos - win, vec2(2.0,2.0)); \n"
" = min( pos + win, dim-vec2(3.0)); \n"
" sz = floor(sz*0.5) + 0.5; ";
//loop to get the histogram
" for(spos.y = sz.y; spos.y <= sz.w; spos.y+=1.0) \n"
" { \n"
" for(spos.x = sz.x; spos.x <= sz.z; spos.x+=1.0) \n"
" { \n"
" vec2 offset = 2.0 * spos - pos - vec2(0.5); \n"
" vec4 off = vec4(offset, offset + vec2(1)); \n"
" vec4 distsq = off.xzxz * off.xzxz + off.yyww * off.yyww; \n"
" bvec4 inside = lessThan(distsq, dist_threshold); \n"
" if(any(inside)) \n"
" { \n"
" vec4 gg = texture2DRect(gtex, spos); \n"
" vec4 oo = texture2DRect(otex, spos); \n"
" vec4 weight = gg * exp(distsq * factor); \n"
" vec4 idxv = floor(degrees(oo)*0.1); \n"
" idxv+= (vec4(lessThan(idxv, vec4(0.0)))*36.0); \n"
" vec4 vidx = fract(idxv * 0.25) * 4.0;//mod(idxv, 4.0); \n";
// it might be slow on some GPUs
" for(int i = 0 ; i < 4; i++)\n"
" {\n"
" if(inside[i])\n"
" {\n"
" float idx = idxv[i]; \n"
" vec4 inc = weight[i] * vec4(equal(vec4(vidx[i]), vec4(0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0))); \n"
" int iidx = int(floor(idx*0.25)); \n"
" bins[iidx]+=inc; \n"
" } \n"
" } \n"
" } \n"
" } \n"
" }";
//nvfp40 still does not support dynamic array indexing
//unrolled binary search
//it seems to be faster than the dyanmic indexing version on some GPUs
" for(int i = 0 ; i < 4; i++)\n"
" {\n"
" if(inside[i])\n"
" {\n"
" float idx = idxv[i]; \n"
" vec4 inc = weight[i] * vec4(equal(vec4(vidx[i]), vec4(0,1,2,3))); \n"
" if(idx < 16.0) \n"
" { \n"
" if(idx < 8.0) \n"
" { \n"
" if(idx < 4.0) { bins[0]+=inc;} \n"
" else { bins[1]+=inc;} \n"
" }else \n"
" { \n"
" if(idx < 12.0){ bins[2]+=inc;} \n"
" else { bins[3]+=inc;} \n"
" } \n"
" }else if(idx < 32.0) \n"
" { \n"
" if(idx < 24.0) \n"
" { \n"
" if(idx <20.0) { bins[4]+=inc;} \n"
" else { bins[5]+=inc;} \n"
" }else \n"
" { \n"
" if(idx < 28.0){ bins[6]+=inc;} \n"
" else { bins[7]+=inc;} \n"
" } \n"
" }else \n"
" { \n"
" bins[8]+=inc; \n"
" } \n"
" } \n"
" } \n"
" } \n"
" } \n"
" }";
//reuse the code from the unpacked version..
ProgramGLSL * program = new ProgramGLSL(out.str().c_str());
s_orientation = program ;
_param_orientation_gtex = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "gtex");
_param_orientation_otex = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "otex");
_param_orientation_size = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "size");
delete program;
void ShaderBagPKSL::SetGenListStartParam(float width, int tex0)
glUniform1f(_param_ftex_width, width);
glUniform1i(_param_genlist_start_tex0, 0);
void ShaderBagPKSL::LoadGenListShader(int ndoglev,int nlev)
ProgramGLSL * program;
s_genlist_init_tight = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; void main ()\n"
" vec4 key = vec4(texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy).r, \n"
" texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[1].xy).r, \n"
" texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[2].xy).r, \n"
" texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[3].xy).r); \n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(notEqual(key, vec4(0.0))); \n"
s_genlist_init_ex = program = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; uniform vec4 bbox; void main ()\n"
" vec4 helper1 = vec4(equal(vec4(abs(texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy).r)), vec4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)));\n"
" vec4 helper2 = vec4(equal(vec4(abs(texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[1].xy).r)), vec4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)));\n"
" vec4 helper3 = vec4(equal(vec4(abs(texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[2].xy).r)), vec4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)));\n"
" vec4 helper4 = vec4(equal(vec4(abs(texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[3].xy).r)), vec4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)));\n"
" vec4 bx1 = vec4(lessThan(gl_TexCoord[0].xxyy, bbox)); \n"
" vec4 bx4 = vec4(lessThan(gl_TexCoord[3].xxyy, bbox)); \n"
" vec4 bx2 = vec4(bx4.xy,; \n"
" vec4 bx3 = vec4(bx1.xy,;\n"
" helper1 = min(min(bx1.xyxy, bx1.zzww), helper1);\n"
" helper2 = min(min(bx2.xyxy, bx2.zzww), helper2);\n"
" helper3 = min(min(bx3.xyxy, bx3.zzww), helper3);\n"
" helper4 = min(min(bx4.xyxy, bx4.zzww), helper4);\n"
" gl_FragColor.r = float(any(greaterThan(max(helper1.xy,, vec2(0.0)))); \n"
" gl_FragColor.g = float(any(greaterThan(max(helper2.xy,, vec2(0.0)))); \n"
" gl_FragColor.b = float(any(greaterThan(max(helper3.xy,, vec2(0.0)))); \n"
" gl_FragColor.a = float(any(greaterThan(max(helper4.xy,, vec2(0.0)))); \n"
_param_genlist_init_bbox = glGetUniformLocation( *program, "bbox");
s_genlist_end = program = new ProgramGLSL(
GlobalUtil::_KeepExtremumSign == 0 ?
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; uniform sampler2DRect ktex; void main()\n"
" vec4 tc = texture2DRect( tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);\n"
" vec2 pos = tc.rg; float index = tc.b;\n"
" vec4 tk = texture2DRect( ktex, pos); \n"
" vec4 keys = vec4(equal(abs(tk.rrrr), vec4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0))); \n"
" vec2 opos; \n"
" opos.x = dot(keys, vec4(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5));\n"
" opos.y = dot(keys, vec4(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5));\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(opos + pos * 2.0 + tk.yz, 1.0, tk.w);\n"
"}" :
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; uniform sampler2DRect ktex; void main()\n"
" vec4 tc = texture2DRect( tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);\n"
" vec2 pos = tc.rg; float index = tc.b;\n"
" vec4 tk = texture2DRect( ktex, pos); \n"
" vec4 keys = vec4(equal(abs(tk.rrrr), vec4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0))) \n"
" vec2 opos; \n"
" opos.x = dot(keys, vec4(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5));\n"
" opos.y = dot(keys, vec4(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5));\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(opos + pos * 2.0 + tk.yz, sign(tk.r), tk.w);\n"
_param_genlist_end_ktex = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "ktex");
//reduction ...
s_genlist_histo = new ProgramGLSL(
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; void main ()\n"
" vec4 helper; vec4 helper2; \n"
" helper = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy); helper2.xy = helper.xy +; \n"
" helper = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[1].xy); = helper.xy +; \n"
" gl_FragColor.rg = helper2.xz + helper2.yw;\n"
" helper = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[2].xy); helper2.xy = helper.xy +; \n"
" helper = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[3].xy); = helper.xy +; \n"
" helper2.xz+helper2.yw;\n"
//read of the first part, which generates tex coordinates
s_genlist_start= program = ShaderBagGLSL::LoadGenListStepShader(1, 1);
_param_ftex_width= glGetUniformLocation(*program, "width");
_param_genlist_start_tex0 = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "tex0");
s_genlist_step = program = ShaderBagGLSL::LoadGenListStepShader(0, 1);
_param_genlist_step_tex0= glGetUniformLocation(*program, "tex0");
void ShaderBagPKSL::UnloadProgram(void)
void ShaderBagPKSL::LoadKeypointShader(float dog_threshold, float edge_threshold)
float threshold0 = dog_threshold* (GlobalUtil::_SubpixelLocalization?0.8f:1.0f);
float threshold1 = dog_threshold;
float threshold2 = (edge_threshold+1)*(edge_threshold+1)/edge_threshold;
ostringstream out;;
out << "#pragma optionNV(ifcvt none)\n"
"#pragma optionNV(unroll all)\n";
out << "#define REPEAT4(FUNCTION)\\\n"
"for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)\\\n"
" FUNCTION(i);\\\n"
//loop unroll
out << "#define REPEAT4(FUNCTION)\\\n"
//X: (CLR) (CENTER 0, LEFT -1, RIGHT +1)
//Y: (CDU) (CENTER 0, DOWN -1, UP +1)
out << "#define THRESHOLD0(i) (" << threshold0 << "* ii[i])\n"
"#define THRESHOLD1 (" << threshold1 << "* ii[0])\n"
"#define THRESHOLD2 " << threshold2 << "\n"
"#define DEFINE_EXTRA() vec4 ii = texture2DRect(texI, gl_TexCoord[0].xy); "
"ii = min(2.0 * ii + 0.1, 1.0) \n"
"#define MOVE_EXTRA(idx) ii[0] = ii[idx]\n";
out << "uniform sampler2DRect texI;\n";
out << "#define THRESHOLD0(i) " << threshold0 << "\n"
"#define THRESHOLD1 " << threshold1 << "\n"
"#define THRESHOLD2 " << threshold2 << "\n"
"#define DEFINE_EXTRA()\n"
"#define MOVE_EXTRA(idx) \n" ;
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; uniform sampler2DRect texU;\n"
"uniform sampler2DRect texD; void main ()\n"
" vec2 TexRU = vec2(gl_TexCoord[2].x, gl_TexCoord[4].y); \n"
" vec4 ccc = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);\n"
" vec4 clc = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[1].xy);\n"
" vec4 crc = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[2].xy);\n"
" vec4 ccd = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[3].xy);\n"
" vec4 ccu = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[4].xy);\n"
" vec4 cld = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[5].xy);\n"
" vec4 clu = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[6].xy);\n"
" vec4 crd = texture2DRect(tex, gl_TexCoord[7].xy);\n"
" vec4 cru = texture2DRect(tex, TexRU.xy);\n"
" vec4 cc = ccc;\n"
" vec4 v1[4], v2[4];\n"
" v1[0] = vec4(clc.g, ccc.g, ccd.b, ccc.b);\n"
" v1[1] = vec4(ccc.r, crc.r, ccd.a, ccc.a);\n"
" v1[2] = vec4(clc.a, ccc.a, ccc.r, ccu.r);\n"
" v1[3] = vec4(ccc.b, crc.b, ccc.g, ccu.g);\n"
" v2[0] = vec4(cld.a, clc.a, ccd.a, ccc.a);\n"
" v2[1] = vec4(ccd.b, ccc.b, crd.b, crc.b);\n"
" v2[2] = vec4(clc.g, clu.g, ccc.g, ccu.g);\n"
" v2[3] = vec4(ccc.r, ccu.r, crc.r, cru.r);\n"
//test against 8 neighbours
//use variable to identify type of extremum
//1.0 for local maximum and -1.0 for minimum
out <<
" vec4 key = vec4(0.0); \n"
" #define KEYTEST_STEP0(i) \\\n"
" {\\\n"
" bvec4 test1 = greaterThan(vec4(cc[i]), max(v1[i], v2[i])), test2 = lessThan(vec4(cc[i]), min(v1[i], v2[i]));\\\n"
" key[i] = cc[i] > float(THRESHOLD0(i)) && all(test1)?1.0: 0.0;\\\n"
" key[i] = cc[i] < float(-THRESHOLD0(i)) && all(test2)? -1.0: key[i];\\\n"
" }\n"
" if(gl_TexCoord[0].x < 1.0) {key.rb = vec2(0.0);}\n"
" if(gl_TexCoord[0].y < 1.0) {key.rg = vec2(0.0);}\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
" if(any(notEqual(key, vec4(0.0)))) {\n";
//do edge supression first..
//vector v1 is < (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0,-1), (0, 1)>
//vector v2 is < (-1,-1), (-1,1), (1,-1), (1, 1)>
" float fxx[4], fyy[4], fxy[4], fx[4], fy[4];\n"
" #define EDGE_SUPPRESION(i) \\\n"
" if(key[i] != 0.0)\\\n"
" {\\\n"
" vec4 D2 = v1[i].xyzw - cc[i];\\\n"
" vec2 D4 = v2[i].xw - v2[i].yz;\\\n"
" vec2 D5 = 0.5*(v1[i].yw-v1[i].xz); \\\n"
" fx[i] = D5.x; fy[i] = D5.y ;\\\n"
" fxx[i] = D2.x + D2.y;\\\n"
" fyy[i] = D2.z + D2.w;\\\n"
" fxy[i] = 0.25*(D4.x + D4.y);\\\n"
" float fxx_plus_fyy = fxx[i] + fyy[i];\\\n"
" float score_up = fxx_plus_fyy*fxx_plus_fyy; \\\n"
" float score_down = (fxx[i]*fyy[i] - fxy[i]*fxy[i]);\\\n"
" if( score_down <= 0.0 || score_up > THRESHOLD2 * score_down)key[i] = 0.0;\\\n"
" }\n"
" if(any(notEqual(key, vec4(0.0)))) {\n";
//read 9 pixels of upper/lower level
" vec4 v4[4], v5[4], v6[4];\n"
" ccc = texture2DRect(texU, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);\n"
" clc = texture2DRect(texU, gl_TexCoord[1].xy);\n"
" crc = texture2DRect(texU, gl_TexCoord[2].xy);\n"
" ccd = texture2DRect(texU, gl_TexCoord[3].xy);\n"
" ccu = texture2DRect(texU, gl_TexCoord[4].xy);\n"
" cld = texture2DRect(texU, gl_TexCoord[5].xy);\n"
" clu = texture2DRect(texU, gl_TexCoord[6].xy);\n"
" crd = texture2DRect(texU, gl_TexCoord[7].xy);\n"
" cru = texture2DRect(texU, TexRU.xy);\n"
" vec4 cu = ccc;\n"
" v4[0] = vec4(clc.g, ccc.g, ccd.b, ccc.b);\n"
" v4[1] = vec4(ccc.r, crc.r, ccd.a, ccc.a);\n"
" v4[2] = vec4(clc.a, ccc.a, ccc.r, ccu.r);\n"
" v4[3] = vec4(ccc.b, crc.b, ccc.g, ccu.g);\n"
" v6[0] = vec4(cld.a, clc.a, ccd.a, ccc.a);\n"
" v6[1] = vec4(ccd.b, ccc.b, crd.b, crc.b);\n"
" v6[2] = vec4(clc.g, clu.g, ccc.g, ccu.g);\n"
" v6[3] = vec4(ccc.r, ccu.r, crc.r, cru.r);\n"
" #define KEYTEST_STEP1(i)\\\n"
" if(key[i] == 1.0)\\\n"
" {\\\n"
" bvec4 test = lessThan(vec4(cc[i]), max(v4[i], v6[i])); \\\n"
" if(cc[i] < cu[i] || any(test))key[i] = 0.0; \\\n"
" }else if(key[i] == -1.0)\\\n"
" {\\\n"
" bvec4 test = greaterThan(vec4(cc[i]), min(v4[i], v6[i])); \\\n"
" if(cc[i] > cu[i] || any(test) )key[i] = 0.0; \\\n"
" }\n"
" if(any(notEqual(key, vec4(0.0)))) { \n"
" ccc = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);\n"
" clc = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[1].xy);\n"
" crc = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[2].xy);\n"
" ccd = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[3].xy);\n"
" ccu = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[4].xy);\n"
" cld = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[5].xy);\n"
" clu = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[6].xy);\n"
" crd = texture2DRect(texD, gl_TexCoord[7].xy);\n"
" cru = texture2DRect(texD, TexRU.xy);\n"
" vec4 cd = ccc;\n"
" v5[0] = vec4(clc.g, ccc.g, ccd.b, ccc.b);\n"
" v5[1] = vec4(ccc.r, crc.r, ccd.a, ccc.a);\n"
" v5[2] = vec4(clc.a, ccc.a, ccc.r, ccu.r);\n"
" v5[3] = vec4(ccc.b, crc.b, ccc.g, ccu.g);\n"
" v6[0] = vec4(cld.a, clc.a, ccd.a, ccc.a);\n"
" v6[1] = vec4(ccd.b, ccc.b, crd.b, crc.b);\n"
" v6[2] = vec4(clc.g, clu.g, ccc.g, ccu.g);\n"
" v6[3] = vec4(ccc.r, ccu.r, crc.r, cru.r);\n"
" #define KEYTEST_STEP2(i)\\\n"
" if(key[i] == 1.0)\\\n"
" {\\\n"
" bvec4 test = lessThan(vec4(cc[i]), max(v5[i], v6[i]));\\\n"
" if(cc[i] < cd[i] || any(test))key[i] = 0.0; \\\n"
" }else if(key[i] == -1.0)\\\n"
" {\\\n"
" bvec4 test = greaterThan(vec4(cc[i]), min(v5[i], v6[i]));\\\n"
" if(cc[i] > cd[i] || any(test))key[i] = 0.0; \\\n"
" }\n"
" float keysum = dot(abs(key), vec4(1, 1, 1, 1)) ;\n"
" //assume there is only one keypoint in the four. \n"
" if(keysum==1.0) {\n";
out <<
" vec3 offset = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); \n"
" #define TESTMOVE_KEYPOINT(idx) \\\n"
" if(key[idx] != 0.0) \\\n"
" {\\\n"
" cu[0] = cu[idx]; cd[0] = cd[idx]; cc[0] = cc[idx]; \\\n"
" v4[0] = v4[idx]; v5[0] = v5[idx]; \\\n"
" fxy[0] = fxy[idx]; fxx[0] = fxx[idx]; fyy[0] = fyy[idx]; \\\n"
" fx[0] = fx[idx]; fy[0] = fy[idx]; MOVE_EXTRA(idx); \\\n"
" }\n"
" float fs = 0.5*( cu[0] - cd[0] ); \n"
" float fss = cu[0] + cd[0] - cc[0] - cc[0];\n"
" float fxs = 0.25 * (v4[0].y + v5[0].x - v4[0].x - v5[0].y);\n"
" float fys = 0.25 * (v4[0].w + v5[0].z - v4[0].z - v5[0].w);\n"
" vec4 A0, A1, A2 ; \n"
" A0 = vec4(fxx[0], fxy[0], fxs, -fx[0]); \n"
" A1 = vec4(fxy[0], fyy[0], fys, -fy[0]); \n"
" A2 = vec4(fxs, fys, fss, -fs); \n"
" vec3 x3 = abs(vec3(fxx[0], fxy[0], fxs)); \n"
" float maxa = max(max(x3.x, x3.y), x3.z); \n"
" if(maxa >= 1e-10 ) \n"
" { \n"
" if(x3.y ==maxa ) \n"
" { \n"
" vec4 TEMP = A1; A1 = A0; A0 = TEMP; \n"
" }else if( x3.z == maxa ) \n"
" { \n"
" vec4 TEMP = A2; A2 = A0; A0 = TEMP; \n"
" } \n"
" A0 /= A0.x; \n"
" A1 -= A1.x * A0; \n"
" A2 -= A2.x * A0; \n"
" vec2 x2 = abs(vec2(A1.y, A2.y)); \n"
" if( x2.y > x2.x ) \n"
" { \n"
" vec3 TEMP = A2.yzw; \n"
" A2.yzw = A1.yzw; \n"
" A1.yzw = TEMP; \n"
" x2.x = x2.y; \n"
" } \n"
" if(x2.x >= 1e-10) { \n"
" A1.yzw /= A1.y; \n"
" A2.yzw -= A2.y * A1.yzw; \n"
" if(abs(A2.z) >= 1e-10) {\n"
" offset.z = A2.w /A2.z; \n"
" offset.y = A1.w - offset.z*A1.z; \n"
" offset.x = A0.w - offset.z*A0.z - offset.y*A0.y; \n"
" bool test = (abs(cc[0] + 0.5*dot(vec3(fx[0], fy[0], fs), offset ))>float(THRESHOLD1)) ;\n"
" if(!test || any( greaterThan(abs(offset), vec3(1.0)))) key = vec4(0.0);\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" float keyv = dot(key, vec4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0));\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(keyv, offset);\n"
" }}}}\n"
"}\n" <<'\0';
else out << "\n"
" float keyv = dot(key, vec4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0));\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(keyv, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" }}}}\n"
"}\n" <<'\0';
ProgramGLSL * program = new ProgramGLSL(out.str().c_str());
s_keypoint = program ;
_param_dog_texu = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "texU");
_param_dog_texd = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "texD");
if(GlobalUtil::_DarknessAdaption) _param_dog_texi = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "texI");
void ShaderBagPKSL::SetDogTexParam(int texU, int texD)
glUniform1i(_param_dog_texu, 1);
glUniform1i(_param_dog_texd, 2);
if(GlobalUtil::_DarknessAdaption)glUniform1i(_param_dog_texi, 3);
void ShaderBagPKSL::SetGenListStepParam(int tex, int tex0)
glUniform1i(_param_genlist_step_tex0, 1);
void ShaderBagPKSL::SetGenVBOParam(float width, float fwidth,float size)
float sizes[4] = {size*3.0f, fwidth, width, 1.0f/width};
glUniform4fv(_param_genvbo_size, 1, sizes);
void ShaderBagPKSL::SetGradPassParam(int texP)
glUniform1i(_param_grad_pass_texp, 1);
void ShaderBagPKSL::LoadDescriptorShader()
GlobalUtil::_DescriptorPPT = 16;
s_rect_description = LoadDescriptorProgramRECT();
ProgramGLSL* ShaderBagPKSL::LoadDescriptorProgramRECT()
//one shader outpout 128/8 = 16 , each fragout encodes 4
//const double twopi = 2.0*3.14159265358979323846;
//const double rpi = 8.0/twopi;
ostringstream out;
out << "#define REPEAT4(FUNCTION)\\\n"
"for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)\\\n"
" FUNCTION(i);\\\n"
//loop unroll for ATI
out << "#define REPEAT4(FUNCTION)\\\n"
"#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846\n"
"#define TWO_PI (2.0*M_PI)\n"
"#define RPI 1.2732395447351626861510701069801\n"
"#define WF size.z\n"
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; \n"
"uniform sampler2DRect gtex; \n"
"uniform sampler2DRect otex; \n"
"uniform vec4 dsize; \n"
"uniform vec3 size; \n"
"void main() \n"
" vec2 dim = size.xy; //image size \n"
" float index = dsize.x*floor(gl_TexCoord[0].y * 0.5) + gl_TexCoord[0].x;\n"
" float idx = 8.0* fract(index * 0.125) + 8.0 * floor(2.0* fract(gl_TexCoord[0].y * 0.5)); \n"
" index = floor(index*0.125)+ 0.49; \n"
" vec2 coord = floor( vec2( mod(index, dsize.z), index*dsize.w)) + 0.5 ;\n"
" vec2 pos = texture2DRect(tex, coord).xy; \n"
" vec2 wsz = texture2DRect(tex, coord).zw;\n"
" float aspect_ratio = wsz.y / wsz.x;\n"
" float aspect_sq = aspect_ratio * aspect_ratio; \n"
" vec2 spt = wsz * 0.25; vec2 ispt = 1.0 / spt; \n";
//here cscs is actually (cos, sin, -cos, -sin) * (factor: 3)*sigma
//and rots is (cos, sin, -cos, -sin ) /(factor*sigma)
//devide the 4x4 sift grid into 16 1x1 block, and each corresponds to a shader thread
//To use linear interoplation, 1x1 is increased to 2x2, by adding 0.5 to each side
" vec4 temp; vec2 pt; \n"
" pt.x = pos.x + fract(idx*0.25) * wsz.x; \n"
" pt.y = pos.y + (floor(idx*0.25) + 0.5) * spt.y; \n";
//get a horizontal bounding box of the rotated rectangle
" vec4 sz; \n"
" sz.xy = max(pt - spt, vec2(2,2));\n"
" = min(pt + spt, dim - vec2(3)); \n"
" sz = floor(sz * 0.5)+0.5;"; //move sample point to pixel center
//get voting for two box
" vec4 DA, DB; vec2 spos; \n"
" DA = DB = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); \n"
" vec4 nox = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); \n"
" vec4 noy = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n"
" for(spos.y = sz.y; spos.y <= sz.w; spos.y+=1.0) \n"
" { \n"
" for(spos.x = sz.x; spos.x <= sz.z; spos.x+=1.0) \n"
" { \n"
" vec2 tpt = spos * 2.0 - pt - 0.5; \n"
" vec4 nx = (tpt.x + nox) * ispt.x; \n"
" vec4 ny = (tpt.y + noy) * ispt.y; \n"
" vec4 nxn = abs(nx), nyn = abs(ny); \n"
" bvec4 inside = lessThan(max(nxn, nyn) , vec4(1.0)); \n"
" if(any(inside))\n"
" {\n"
" vec4 gg = texture2DRect(gtex, spos);\n"
" vec4 oo = texture2DRect(otex, spos);\n"
//" vec4 cc = cos(oo), ss = sin(oo); \n"
//" oo = atan(ss* aspect_ratio, cc); \n"
//" gg = gg * sqrt(ss * ss * aspect_sq + cc * cc); \n "
" vec4 theta0 = (- oo)*RPI;\n"
" vec4 theta = 8.0 * fract(1.0 + 0.125 * theta0); \n"
" vec4 theta1 = floor(theta); \n"
" vec4 weight = (vec4(1) - nxn) * (vec4(1) - nyn) * gg; \n"
" vec4 weight2 = (theta - theta1) * weight; \n"
" vec4 weight1 = weight - weight2; \n"
" #define ADD_DESCRIPTOR(i) \\\n"
" if(inside[i])\\\n"
" {\\\n"
" DA += vec4(equal(vec4(theta1[i]), vec4(0, 1, 2, 3)))*weight1[i]; \\\n"
" DA += vec4(equal(vec4(theta1[i]), vec4(7, 0, 1, 2)))*weight2[i]; \\\n"
" DB += vec4(equal(vec4(theta1[i]), vec4(4, 5, 6, 7)))*weight1[i]; \\\n"
" DB += vec4(equal(vec4(theta1[i]), vec4(3, 4, 5, 6)))*weight2[i]; \\\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" }\n";
" gl_FragData[0] = DA; gl_FragData[1] = DB;\n"
ProgramGLSL * program = new ProgramGLSL(out.str().c_str());
return program;
delete program;
return NULL;
ProgramGLSL* ShaderBagPKSL::LoadDescriptorProgramPKSL()
//one shader outpout 128/8 = 16 , each fragout encodes 4
//const double twopi = 2.0*3.14159265358979323846;
//const double rpi = 8.0/twopi;
ostringstream out;
out << "#define REPEAT4(FUNCTION)\\\n"
"for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)\\\n"
" FUNCTION(i);\\\n"
//loop unroll for ATI
out << "#define REPEAT4(FUNCTION)\\\n"
"#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846\n"
"#define TWO_PI (2.0*M_PI)\n"
"#define RPI 1.2732395447351626861510701069801\n"
"#define WF size.z\n"
"uniform sampler2DRect tex; \n"
"uniform sampler2DRect gtex; \n"
"uniform sampler2DRect otex; \n"
"uniform vec4 dsize; \n"
"uniform vec3 size; \n"
"void main() \n"
" vec2 dim = size.xy; //image size \n"
" float index = dsize.x*floor(gl_TexCoord[0].y * 0.5) + gl_TexCoord[0].x;\n"
" float idx = 8.0* fract(index * 0.125) + 8.0 * floor(2.0* fract(gl_TexCoord[0].y * 0.5)); \n"
" index = floor(index*0.125)+ 0.49; \n"
" vec2 coord = floor( vec2( mod(index, dsize.z), index*dsize.w)) + 0.5 ;\n"
" vec2 pos = texture2DRect(tex, coord).xy; \n"
" if(any(lessThan(pos.xy, vec2(1.0))) || any(greaterThan(pos.xy, dim-1.0))) "
" //discard; \n"
" { gl_FragData[0] = gl_FragData[1] = vec4(0.0); return; }\n"
" float anglef = texture2DRect(tex, coord).z;\n"
" if(anglef > M_PI) anglef -= TWO_PI;\n"
" float sigma = texture2DRect(tex, coord).w; \n"
" float spt = abs(sigma * WF); //default to be 3*sigma \n";
" vec4 cscs, rots; \n"
" cscs.x = cos(anglef); cscs.y = sin(anglef); \n"
" = - cscs.xy; \n"
" rots = cscs /spt; \n"
" cscs *= spt; \n";
//here cscs is actually (cos, sin, -cos, -sin) * (factor: 3)*sigma
//and rots is (cos, sin, -cos, -sin ) /(factor*sigma)
//devide the 4x4 sift grid into 16 1x1 block, and each corresponds to a shader thread
//To use linear interoplation, 1x1 is increased to 2x2, by adding 0.5 to each side
" vec4 temp; vec2 pt, offsetpt; \n"
" /*the fraction part of idx is .5*/ \n"
" offsetpt.x = 4.0* fract(idx*0.25) - 2.0; \n"
" offsetpt.y = floor(idx*0.25) - 1.5; \n"
" temp = cscs.xwyx*offsetpt.xyxy; \n"
" pt = pos + temp.xz + temp.yw; \n";
//get a horizontal bounding box of the rotated rectangle
" vec2 bwin = abs(cscs.xy); \n"
" float bsz = bwin.x + bwin.y; \n"
" vec4 sz; \n"
" sz.xy = max(pt - vec2(bsz), vec2(2,2));\n"
" = min(pt + vec2(bsz), dim - vec2(3)); \n"
" sz = floor(sz * 0.5)+0.5;"; //move sample point to pixel center
//get voting for two box
" vec4 DA, DB; vec2 spos; \n"
" DA = DB = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); \n"
" vec4 nox = vec4(0.0, rots.xy, rots.x + rots.y); \n"
" vec4 noy = vec4(0.0, rots.wx, rots.w + rots.x); \n"
" for(spos.y = sz.y; spos.y <= sz.w; spos.y+=1.0) \n"
" { \n"
" for(spos.x = sz.x; spos.x <= sz.z; spos.x+=1.0) \n"
" { \n"
" vec2 tpt = spos * 2.0 - pt - 0.5; \n"
" vec4 temp = rots.xywx * tpt.xyxy; \n"
" vec2 temp2 = temp.xz + temp.yw; \n"
" vec4 nx = temp2.x + nox; \n"
" vec4 ny = temp2.y + noy; \n"
" vec4 nxn = abs(nx), nyn = abs(ny); \n"
" bvec4 inside = lessThan(max(nxn, nyn) , vec4(1.0)); \n"
" if(any(inside))\n"
" {\n"
" vec4 gg = texture2DRect(gtex, spos);\n"
" vec4 oo = texture2DRect(otex, spos);\n"
" vec4 theta0 = (anglef - oo)*RPI;\n"
" vec4 theta = 8.0 * fract(1.0 + 0.125 * theta0); \n"
" vec4 theta1 = floor(theta); \n"
" vec4 diffx = nx + offsetpt.x, diffy = ny + offsetpt.y; \n"
" vec4 ww = exp(-0.125 * (diffx * diffx + diffy * diffy )); \n"
" vec4 weight = (vec4(1) - nxn) * (vec4(1) - nyn) * gg * ww; \n"
" vec4 weight2 = (theta - theta1) * weight; \n"
" vec4 weight1 = weight - weight2; \n"
" #define ADD_DESCRIPTOR(i) \\\n"
" if(inside[i])\\\n"
" {\\\n"
" DA += vec4(equal(vec4(theta1[i]), vec4(0, 1, 2, 3)))*weight1[i]; \\\n"
" DA += vec4(equal(vec4(theta1[i]), vec4(7, 0, 1, 2)))*weight2[i]; \\\n"
" DB += vec4(equal(vec4(theta1[i]), vec4(4, 5, 6, 7)))*weight1[i]; \\\n"
" DB += vec4(equal(vec4(theta1[i]), vec4(3, 4, 5, 6)))*weight2[i]; \\\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" }\n";
" gl_FragData[0] = DA; gl_FragData[1] = DB;\n"
ProgramGLSL * program = new ProgramGLSL(out.str().c_str());
return program;
delete program;
return NULL;
void ShaderBagPKSL::LoadDescriptorShaderF2()
ProgramGLSL * program = LoadDescriptorProgramPKSL();
if( program )
s_descriptor_fp = program;
_param_descriptor_gtex = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "gtex");
_param_descriptor_otex = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "otex");
_param_descriptor_size = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "size");
_param_descriptor_dsize = glGetUniformLocation(*program, "dsize");
void ShaderBagPKSL::SetSimpleOrientationInput(int oTex, float sigma, float sigma_step)
glUniform1i(_param_orientation_gtex, 1);
glUniform2f(_param_orientation_size, sigma, sigma_step);
void ShaderBagPKSL::SetFeatureOrientationParam(int gtex, int width, int height, float sigma, int otex, float step)
glUniform1i(_param_orientation_gtex, 1);
glUniform1i(_param_orientation_otex, 2);
float size[4];
size[0] = (float)width;
size[1] = (float)height;
size[2] = sigma;
size[3] = step;
glUniform4fv(_param_orientation_size, 1, size);
void ShaderBagPKSL::SetFeatureDescirptorParam(int gtex, int otex, float dwidth, float fwidth, float width, float height, float sigma)
if(sigma == 0 && s_rect_description)
//rectangle description mode
GLint param_descriptor_gtex = glGetUniformLocation(*s_rect_description, "gtex");
GLint param_descriptor_otex = glGetUniformLocation(*s_rect_description, "otex");
GLint param_descriptor_size = glGetUniformLocation(*s_rect_description, "size");
GLint param_descriptor_dsize = glGetUniformLocation(*s_rect_description, "dsize");
glUniform1i(param_descriptor_gtex, 1);
glUniform1i(param_descriptor_otex, 2);
float dsize[4] ={dwidth, 1.0f/dwidth, fwidth, 1.0f/fwidth};
glUniform4fv(param_descriptor_dsize, 1, dsize);
float size[3];
size[0] = width;
size[1] = height;
size[2] = GlobalUtil::_DescriptorWindowFactor;
glUniform3fv(param_descriptor_size, 1, size);
glUniform1i(_param_descriptor_gtex, 1);
glUniform1i(_param_descriptor_otex, 2);
float dsize[4] ={dwidth, 1.0f/dwidth, fwidth, 1.0f/fwidth};
glUniform4fv(_param_descriptor_dsize, 1, dsize);
float size[3];
size[0] = width;
size[1] = height;
size[2] = GlobalUtil::_DescriptorWindowFactor;
glUniform3fv(_param_descriptor_size, 1, size);
void ShaderBagPKSL::SetGenListEndParam(int ktex)
glUniform1i(_param_genlist_end_ktex, 1);
void ShaderBagPKSL::SetGenListInitParam(int w, int h)
float bbox[4] = {(w -1.0f) * 0.5f +0.25f, (w-1.0f) * 0.5f - 0.25f, (h - 1.0f) * 0.5f + 0.25f, (h-1.0f) * 0.5f - 0.25f};
glUniform4fv(_param_genlist_init_bbox, 1, bbox);
void ShaderBagPKSL::SetMarginCopyParam(int xmax, int ymax)
float truncate[4];
truncate[0] = (xmax - 0.5f) * 0.5f; //((xmax + 1) >> 1) - 0.5f;
truncate[1] = (ymax - 0.5f) * 0.5f; //((ymax + 1) >> 1) - 0.5f;
truncate[2] = (xmax %2 == 1)? 0.0f: 1.0f;
truncate[3] = truncate[2] + (((ymax % 2) == 1)? 0.0f : 2.0f);
glUniform4fv(_param_margin_copy_truncate, 1, truncate);