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// File: ProgramGLSL.h
// Author: Changchang Wu
// Description : Interface for ProgramGLSL classes
// ProgramGLSL: Glsl Program
// FilterGLSL: Glsl Gaussian Filters
// ShaderBag: base class of ShaderBagPKSL and ShaderBagGLSL
// Copyright (c) 2007 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
// All Rights Reserved
// Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
// documentation for educational, research and non-profit purposes, without
// fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the
// above copyright notice and the following paragraph appear in all copies.
// The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill make no representations
// about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided
// 'as is' without express or implied warranty.
// Please send BUG REPORTS to
#include "ProgramGPU.h"
class ProgramGLSL:public ProgramGPU
class ShaderObject
GLuint _shaderID;
int _type;
int _compiled;
static int ReadShaderFile(const char * source, char *& code);
void CheckCompileLog();
void PrintCompileLog(ostream & os );
int inline IsValidShaderObject(){ return _shaderID && _compiled;}
int IsValidVertexShader();
int IsValidFragmentShader();
GLuint GetShaderID(){return _shaderID;}
ShaderObject(int shadertype, const char * source, int filesource =0);
int _linked;
GLint _TextureParam0;
GLuint _programID;
void AttachShaderObject(ShaderObject& shader);
void DetachShaderObject(ShaderObject& shader);
void ReLink();
int IsNative();
int UseProgram();
void PrintLinkLog(std::ostream&os);
int ValidateProgram();
void CheckLinkLog();
int LinkProgram();
operator GLuint (){return _programID;}
virtual void * GetProgramID() { return (void*) _programID; }
ProgramGLSL(const char* frag_source);
class GLTexImage;
class FilterGLSL : public FilterProgram
ProgramGPU* CreateFilterH(float kernel[], int width);
ProgramGPU* CreateFilterV(float kernel[], int height);
ProgramGPU* CreateFilterHPK(float kernel[], int width);
ProgramGPU* CreateFilterVPK(float kernel[], int height);
void MakeFilterProgram(float kernel[], int width);
FilterGLSL(float sigma) ;
class SiftParam;
//class ShaderBag
//desciption: pure virtual class
// provides storage and usage interface of all the shaders for SIFT
// two implementations are ShaderBagPKSL and ShaderBagGLSL
class ShaderBag
//shader: rgb to gray
ProgramGPU * s_gray;
//shader: copy keypoint to PBO
ProgramGPU * s_copy_key;
//shader: debug view
ProgramGPU * s_debug;
//shader: orientation
//shader: assign simple orientation to keypoints if hardware is low
ProgramGPU * s_orientation;
//shader: display gaussian levels
ProgramGPU * s_display_gaussian;
//shader: display difference of gassian
ProgramGPU * s_display_dog;
//shader: display gradient
ProgramGPU * s_display_grad;
//shader: display keypoints as red(maximum) and blue (minimum)
ProgramGPU * s_display_keys;
//shader: up/down-sample
ProgramGPU * s_sampling;
//shader: compute gradient/dog
ProgramGPU * s_grad_pass;
ProgramGPU * s_dog_pass;
//shader: keypoint detection in one pass
ProgramGPU * s_keypoint;
ProgramGPU * s_seperate_sp;
//shader: feature list generations..
ProgramGPU * s_genlist_init_tight;
ProgramGPU * s_genlist_init_ex;
ProgramGPU * s_genlist_histo;
ProgramGPU * s_genlist_start;
ProgramGPU * s_genlist_step;
ProgramGPU * s_genlist_end;
ProgramGPU * s_zero_pass;
//shader: generate vertex to display SIFT as a square
ProgramGPU * s_vertex_list;
//shader: descriptor
ProgramGPU * s_descriptor_fp;
//shader: copy pixels to margin
ProgramGPU * s_margin_copy;
FilterProgram * f_gaussian_skip0;
vector<FilterProgram*> f_gaussian_skip0_v;
FilterProgram * f_gaussian_skip1;
FilterProgram ** f_gaussian_step;
int _gaussian_step_num;
virtual void SetGenListInitParam(int w, int h){};
virtual void SetGenListEndParam(int ktex){};
virtual void SetMarginCopyParam(int xmax, int ymax){};
virtual void LoadDescriptorShader(){};
virtual void SetFeatureDescirptorParam(int gtex, int otex, float dwidth, float fwidth, float width, float height, float sigma){};
virtual void SetFeatureOrientationParam(int gtex, int width, int height, float sigma, int stex, float step){};
virtual void SetSimpleOrientationInput(int oTex, float sigma, float sigma_step){};
virtual void LoadOrientationShader() =0;
virtual void SetGenListStartParam(float width, int tex0) =0;
virtual void LoadGenListShader(int ndoglev, int nlev)=0;
virtual void UnloadProgram()=0;
virtual void LoadKeypointShader(float threshold, float edgeTrheshold) = 0;
virtual void LoadFixedShaders()=0;
virtual void LoadDisplayShaders() = 0;
virtual void SetDogTexParam(int texU, int texD)=0;
virtual void SetGradPassParam(int texP=0){}
virtual void SetGenListStepParam(int tex, int tex0) = 0;
virtual void SetGenVBOParam( float width, float fwidth, float size)=0;
void CreateGaussianFilters(SiftParam¶m);
void SelectInitialSmoothingFilter(int octave_min, SiftParam¶m);
void LoadDynamicShaders(SiftParam& param);
virtual ~ShaderBag();
class ShaderBagGLSL:public ShaderBag
GLint _param_dog_texu;
GLint _param_dog_texd;
GLint _param_ftex_width;
GLint _param_genlist_start_tex0;
GLint _param_genlist_step_tex0;
GLint _param_genvbo_size;
GLint _param_orientation_gtex;
GLint _param_orientation_size;
GLint _param_orientation_stex;
GLint _param_margin_copy_truncate;
GLint _param_genlist_init_bbox;
GLint _param_descriptor_gtex;
GLint _param_descriptor_size;
GLint _param_descriptor_dsize;
virtual void SetMarginCopyParam(int xmax, int ymax);
void SetSimpleOrientationInput(int oTex, float sigma, float sigma_step);
void LoadOrientationShader();
void LoadDescriptorShaderF2();
virtual void LoadDescriptorShader();
virtual void SetFeatureOrientationParam(int gtex, int width, int height, float sigma, int stex = 0, float step = 1.0f);
virtual void SetFeatureDescirptorParam(int gtex, int otex, float dwidth, float fwidth, float width, float height, float sigma);
static void WriteOrientationCodeToStream(ostream& out);
static ProgramGLSL* LoadGenListStepShader(int start, int step);
virtual void SetGenListInitParam(int w, int h);
virtual void SetGenListStartParam(float width, int tex0);
virtual void LoadGenListShader(int ndoglev, int nlev);
virtual void UnloadProgram();
virtual void LoadKeypointShader(float threshold, float edgeTrheshold);
virtual void LoadFixedShaders();
virtual void LoadDisplayShaders();
virtual void SetDogTexParam(int texU, int texD);
virtual void SetGenListStepParam(int tex, int tex0);
virtual void SetGenVBOParam( float width, float fwidth, float size);
virtual ~ShaderBagGLSL(){}
class ShaderBagPKSL:public ShaderBag
GLint _param_dog_texu;
GLint _param_dog_texd;
GLint _param_dog_texi;
GLint _param_margin_copy_truncate;
GLint _param_grad_pass_texp;
GLint _param_genlist_init_bbox;
GLint _param_genlist_start_tex0;
GLint _param_ftex_width;
GLint _param_genlist_step_tex0;
GLint _param_genlist_end_ktex;
GLint _param_genvbo_size;
GLint _param_orientation_gtex;
GLint _param_orientation_otex;
GLint _param_orientation_size;
GLint _param_descriptor_gtex;
GLint _param_descriptor_otex;
GLint _param_descriptor_size;
GLint _param_descriptor_dsize;
ProgramGLSL* s_rect_description;
ShaderBagPKSL () {s_rect_description = NULL; }
virtual ~ShaderBagPKSL() {if(s_rect_description) delete s_rect_description; }
virtual void LoadFixedShaders();
virtual void LoadDisplayShaders();
virtual void LoadOrientationShader() ;
virtual void SetGenListStartParam(float width, int tex0) ;
virtual void LoadGenListShader(int ndoglev, int nlev);
virtual void UnloadProgram();
virtual void LoadKeypointShader(float threshold, float edgeTrheshold) ;
virtual void LoadDescriptorShader();
virtual void LoadDescriptorShaderF2();
static ProgramGLSL* LoadDescriptorProgramRECT();
static ProgramGLSL* LoadDescriptorProgramPKSL();
virtual void SetDogTexParam(int texU, int texD);
virtual void SetGradPassParam(int texP);
virtual void SetGenListStepParam(int tex, int tex0);
virtual void SetGenVBOParam( float width, float fwidth, float size);
virtual void SetFeatureDescirptorParam(int gtex, int otex, float dwidth, float fwidth, float width, float height, float sigma);
virtual void SetFeatureOrientationParam(int gtex, int width, int height, float sigma, int stex, float step);
virtual void SetSimpleOrientationInput(int oTex, float sigma, float sigma_step);
virtual void SetGenListEndParam(int ktex);
virtual void SetGenListInitParam(int w, int h);
virtual void SetMarginCopyParam(int xmax, int ymax);