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What's New for FreeImage Delphi Wrapper
* : fixed
- : removed
! : changed
+ : added
June 3, 2016
+ [Lorenzo Monti] added preprocessor tests for Delphi 10.1 Berlin
January 6, 2016
+ [Lorenzo Monti] updated wrapper for FreeImage 3.18.0
+ [Lorenzo Monti] added preprocessor tests for Delphi 10 Seattle
September 17, 2015
+ [Lorenzo Monti] updated wrapper for FreeImage 3.17.0
+ [Lorenzo Monti] added preprocessor tests for Delphi XE7..XE8
May 5, 2014
+ [Lorenzo Monti] updated wrapper for FreeImage 3.16.1
+ [Lorenzo Monti] added preprocessor tests for Delphi XE2..XE6
+ [Lorenzo Monti] merged changes for OSX compatibility (submitted by Maurício)
December 8, 2012
+ [Lorenzo Monti] updated wrapper for FreeImage 3.15.4
June 4, 2012
+ [Lorenzo Monti] updated wrapper for FreeImage 3.15.3
March 4, 2011
* [Jean-Marc Bottura] some bugfixes in FreeBitmap.pas
+ [Jean-Marc Bottura] added support for 64 bit compilers
February 15, 2011
+ [Lorenzo Monti] updated wrapper for FreeImage 3.15.0
January 4, 2011
+ [Lorenzo Monti] updated ImagePreview demo to support latest Graphics32 components (1.9) and Delphi 2010 / XE
November 12, 2010
+ [Lorenzo Monti] updated wrapper for FreeImage 3.14.1
+ [Lorenzo Monti] added Delphi XE support
July 29, 2010
+ [Lorenzo Monti] added Free Pascal / Lazarus 32 bit support
July 14, 2010
+ [Lorenzo Monti] updated wrapper for FreeImage 3.13.1
* [Lorenzo Monti] fixed declaration of FreeImageIO functions (FI_ReadProc, FI_WriteProc, FI_SeekProc, FI_TellProc)
! [Lorenzo Monti] renamed structure PluginStruct to Plugin, according to FreeImage.h
* [Lorenzo Monti] fixed declaration of JPEG_CMYK constant
* [Lorenzo Monti] fixed declaration of type FreeImage_OutputMessageFunction
* [Lorenzo Monti] fixed declaration of FreeImage_OutputMessageProc
+ [Lorenzo Monti] added wrapper for FreeImage_OutputMessageProc for older Delphi compilers (<6) not supporting varargs
* [Lorenzo Monti] fixed declaration of FreeImage_LookupX11Color and FreeImage_LookupSVGColor
! [Lorenzo Monti] changed declaration of FreeImage_GetPixelIndex, FreeImage_GetPixelColor, FreeImage_SetPixelIndex, FreeImage_SetPixelColor
! [Lorenzo Monti] changed declaration of FreeImage_GetInfo
! [Lorenzo Monti] changed declaration of FreeImage_GetICCProfile, FreeImage_CreateICCProfile, FreeImage_DestroyICCProfile
* [Lorenzo Monti] fixed declaration of FreeImage_SetComplexChannel
+ [Lorenzo Monti] added Delphi 2010 support
+ [Lorenzo Monti] added to determine compiler version
! [Lorenzo Monti] moved all "external" definitions to implementation section
! [Lorenzo Monti] changed FreeBitmap.pas, FreeUtils.pas and TargaImage.pas to reflect changes in the FreeImage.pas unit
July 17, 2006
+ [Hervé Drolon] added FIF_FAXG3 and FIF_SGI definitions, added FreeImage_MakeThumbnail definition.
January 20, 2006
! [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] updated WinBitmap demo
* [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] fixed TFreeBitmap.ConvertToStandartType renamed to TFreeBitmap.ConvertToStandardType
* [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] fixed using of SetFreeImageMarker (only for HDR dib)
October 19, 2005
+ [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] updated wrapper for FreeImage 3.8.0
+ [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] added Delphi 5 support
+ [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] added TFreeBitmap.OnChanging event
! [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] changed declaration of TFreeBitmap.Assign method
+ [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] added TFreeBitmap.CanSave function
! [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] property TFreeBitmap.Dib now have read/write access
+ [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] added TFreeTag class incapsulating FreeImage FITAG type
August 5, 2005
* [kaare-nysite] fixed the prototype of FreeImage_ConvertFromRawBits
June 21, 2005
* [Maarten Veerman] fixed the prototype of FreeImage_OpenMultiBitmap
February 17, 2005 - Version 1.3.0
+ [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] updated the wrapper for FreeImage 3.6.0
! [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] FreeImage.pas unit has been reworked
January 14, 2005 - Version 1.2.1
+ [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] updated the wrapper for FreeImage 3.5.3
+ [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] added TFreeBitmap.SetHorizontalResolution and TFreeBitmap.SetVerticalResolution
+ [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] added TFreeBitmap.MakeThumbnail procedure ( an adapted version of function given by Enzo Costantini)
+ [Enzo Costantini] added FIU_GetFIFType utility function
+ [Enzo Costantini] added TFreeWinBitmap.CopyToBitmapH function
* [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] fixed TFreeBitmap.Rotate (fix from FreeImage CVS)
+ [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] added TFreeBitmap.ConvertToStandartType
December 20, 2004 - Version 1.2.0
+ [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] added MultiBitmap Demo
* [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] fixed TFreeMultiBitmap.LockPage due to error with Locking/Unlocking pages
+ [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] added TFreeBitmap.ConvertTo4Bits
* [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] TFreeBitmap.ConvertToGrayScale fixed converting bitmaps with FIC_MINISWHITE color type
* [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] fixed TFreeWinBitmap.DrawEx FDisplayDib deleting
+ [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] updated the wrapper for FreeImage 3.5.2
November 12, 2004 - Version 1.1.0
+ [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] added TFreeBitmap.Assign(Source: PFIBITMAP)
- [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] removed TFreeBitmap.SetDib
! [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] TFreeBitmap.Dib property now read-only
* [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] TFreeMultiBitmap.UnlockPage implemented
* [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] fixed TFreeBitmap.Rescale not applies changes
November 8, 2004 - Version 1.0.0
+ [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] added Delphi version of FreeImagePlus
+ [Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy] updated the wrapper for FreeImage 3.5.0
January 7, 2004
+ [Tommy] added TargaImage unit
October 28, 2003
+ [Peter Byström] updated the wrapper for FreeImage 3.0.2
August 9, 2003
+ [Simon Beavis] added a wrapper for FreeImage 2.6.1