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评论来源显示 扩展评论来源显示 - comment:subject-ref:create

Console 的评论管理列表的评论来源默认仅支持显示来自文章和页面的评论,如果其他插件中的业务模块也使用了评论,那么就可以通过该拓展点来扩展评论来源的显示。

:::info 提示 此扩展点需要后端配合使用,请参考 评论主体展示。 :::



export default definePlugin({
  extensionPoints: {
    "comment:subject-ref:create": (): CommentSubjectRefProvider[] => {
      return [
          kind: "Example",
          group: "",
          resolve: (subject: Extension): CommentSubjectRefResult => {
            return {
              label: "foo",
              title: subject.title,
              externalUrl: `/example/${}`,
              route: {
                name: "Example",
export type CommentSubjectRefProvider = {
  kind: string;
  group: string;
  resolve: (subject: Extension) => CommentSubjectRefResult;
export interface CommentSubjectRefResult {
  label: string;
  title: string;
  route?: RouteLocationRaw;
  externalUrl?: string;


此示例以瞬间插件为例,目前瞬间插件中的评论是通过 Halo 的内置的评论功能实现的,所以需要扩展评论来源显示。

import {
  type CommentSubjectRefResult,
} from "@halo-dev/console-shared";
import { markRaw } from "vue";
import type { Moment } from "@/types";
import { formatDatetime } from "./utils/date";
import type { Extension } from "@halo-dev/api-client/index";

export default definePlugin({
  extensionPoints: {
    "comment:subject-ref:create": () => {
      return [
          kind: "Moment",
          group: "",
          resolve: (subject: Extension): CommentSubjectRefResult => {
            const moment = subject as Moment;
            return {
              label: "瞬间",
              title: determineMomentTitle(moment),
              externalUrl: `/moments/${}`,
              route: {
                name: "Moments",

const determineMomentTitle = (moment: Moment) => {
  const pureContent = stripHtmlTags(moment.spec.content.raw);
  const title = !pureContent?.trim()
    ? formatDatetime(new Date(moment.spec.releaseTime || ""))
    : pureContent;
  return title?.substring(0, 100);

const stripHtmlTags = (str: string) => {
  // strip html tags
  const stripped = str?.replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/gi, "") || "";
  // strip newlines and collapse spaces
  return stripped.replace(/\n/g, " ").replace(/\s+/g, " ");
