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title description
入口文件 UI 扩展部分的入口文件

入口文件即 Halo 核心会加载的文件,所有插件有且只有一个入口文件,构建之后会放置在插件项目的 src/resources/console 下,名为 main.js

为了方便开发者,我们已经在 halo-dev/plugin-starter 配置好了基础项目结构,包括构建配置,后续文档也会以此为准。


import { definePlugin } from "@halo-dev/console-shared";

export default definePlugin({
  components: {},
  routes: [],
  ucRoutes: [],
  extensionPoints: {}


export function definePlugin(plugin: PluginModule): PluginModule {
  return plugin;
import type { Component, Ref } from "vue";
import type { RouteRecordRaw, RouteRecordName } from "vue-router";
import type { FunctionalPage } from "../states/pages";
import type { AttachmentSelectProvider } from "../states/attachment-selector";
import type { EditorProvider, PluginTab } from "..";
import type { AnyExtension } from "@halo-dev/richtext-editor";
import type { CommentSubjectRefProvider } from "@/states/comment-subject-ref";
import type { BackupTab } from "@/states/backup";
import type { PluginInstallationTab } from "@/states/plugin-installation-tabs";
import type { EntityFieldItem } from "@/states/entity";
import type { OperationItem } from "@/states/operation";
import type { ThemeListTab } from "@/states/theme-list-tabs";
import type {
} from "@halo-dev/api-client";

export interface RouteRecordAppend {
  parentName: RouteRecordName;
  route: RouteRecordRaw;

export interface ExtensionPoint {
  // @deprecated
  "page:functional:create"?: () => FunctionalPage[] | Promise<FunctionalPage[]>;

  "attachment:selector:create"?: () =>
    | AttachmentSelectProvider[]
    | Promise<AttachmentSelectProvider[]>;

  "editor:create"?: () => EditorProvider[] | Promise<EditorProvider[]>;

  "plugin:self:tabs:create"?: () => PluginTab[] | Promise<PluginTab[]>;

  "default:editor:extension:create"?: () =>
    | AnyExtension[]
    | Promise<AnyExtension[]>;

  "comment:subject-ref:create"?: () => CommentSubjectRefProvider[];

  "backup:tabs:create"?: () => BackupTab[] | Promise<BackupTab[]>;

  "plugin:installation:tabs:create"?: () =>
    | PluginInstallationTab[]
    | Promise<PluginInstallationTab[]>;

  "post:list-item:operation:create"?: (
    post: Ref<ListedPost>
  ) => OperationItem<ListedPost>[] | Promise<OperationItem<ListedPost>[]>;

  "plugin:list-item:operation:create"?: (
    plugin: Ref<Plugin>
  ) => OperationItem<Plugin>[] | Promise<OperationItem<Plugin>[]>;

  "backup:list-item:operation:create"?: (
    backup: Ref<Backup>
  ) => OperationItem<Backup>[] | Promise<OperationItem<Backup>[]>;

  "attachment:list-item:operation:create"?: (
    attachment: Ref<Attachment>
  ) => OperationItem<Attachment>[] | Promise<OperationItem<Attachment>[]>;

  "plugin:list-item:field:create"?: (
    plugin: Ref<Plugin>
  ) => EntityFieldItem[] | Promise<EntityFieldItem[]>;

  "post:list-item:field:create"?: (
    post: Ref<ListedPost>
  ) => EntityFieldItem[] | Promise<EntityFieldItem[]>;

  "theme:list:tabs:create"?: () => ThemeListTab[] | Promise<ThemeListTab[]>;

  "theme:list-item:operation:create"?: (
    theme: Ref<Theme>
  ) => OperationItem<Theme>[] | Promise<OperationItem<Theme>[]>;

export interface PluginModule {
  components?: Record<string, Component>;

  routes?: RouteRecordRaw[] | RouteRecordAppend[];

  ucRoutes?: RouteRecordRaw[] | RouteRecordAppend[];

  extensionPoints?: ExtensionPoint;
  • components组件列表key 为组件名称value 为组件对象,在此定义之后,加载插件时会自动注册到 Vue App 全局。
  • routesConsole 控制台路由定义,详细文档可参考 路由定义
  • ucRoutesUC 个人中心路由定义,详细文档可参考 路由定义
  • extensionPoints:扩展点定义,详细文档可参考 扩展点