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Map collection as specified in ECMAScript6

v0.1 version does not ensure O(1) algorithm complexity (but O(n)). This shortcoming will be addressed in v1.0


Its safest to use es6-map as a ponyfill a polyfill which doesnt touch global objects:

var Map = require('es6-map');

If you want to make sure your environment implements Map globally, do:


If you strictly want to use the polyfill even if the native Map exists, do:

var Map = require('es6-map/polyfill');


$ npm install es6-map

To port it to Browser or any other (non CJS) environment, use your favorite CJS bundler. No favorite yet? Try: Browserify, Webmake or Webpack


Best is to refer to specification. Still if you want quick look, follow examples:

var Map = require('es6-map');

var x = {}, y = {}, map = new Map([['raz', 'one'], ['dwa', 'two'], [x, y]]);

map.size;                 // 3
map.get('raz');           // 'one'
map.get(x);               // y
map.has('raz');           // true
map.has(x);               // true
map.has('foo');           // false
map.set('trzy', 'three'); // map
map.size                  // 4
map.get('trzy');          // 'three'
map.has('trzy');          // true
map.has('dwa');           // true
map.delete('dwa');        // true
map.size;                 // 3

map.forEach(function (value, key) {
  // { 'raz', 'one' }, { x, y }, { 'trzy', 'three' } iterated

// FF nightly only:
for (value of map) {
 // ['raz', 'one'], [x, y], ['trzy', 'three'] iterated

var iterator = map.values();; // { done: false, value: 'one' }; // { done: false, value: y }; // { done: false, value: 'three' }; // { done: true, value: undefined }

map.clear(); // undefined
map.size; // 0

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$ npm test