* Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module CLOpt = CommandLineOption
module F = Format
module L = Logging
type path_filter = SourceFile.t -> bool
type error_filter = Localise.t -> bool
type proc_filter = Typ.Procname.t -> bool
type filters = {path_filter: path_filter; error_filter: error_filter; proc_filter: proc_filter}
let default_path_filter : path_filter = function _ -> true
let default_error_filter : error_filter = function _ -> true
let default_proc_filter : proc_filter = function _ -> true
let do_not_filter : filters =
{ path_filter= default_path_filter
; error_filter= default_error_filter
; proc_filter= default_proc_filter }
type filter_config =
{ whitelist: string list
; blacklist: string list
; blacklist_files_containing: string list
; suppress_errors: string list }
let is_matching patterns source_file =
let path = SourceFile.to_rel_path source_file in
~f:(fun pattern ->
try Int.equal (Str.search_forward pattern path 0) 0
with Not_found -> false)
(** Check if a proc name is matching the name given as string. *)
let match_method language proc_name method_name =
not (BuiltinDecl.is_declared proc_name)
&& Config.equal_language (Typ.Procname.get_language proc_name) language
&& String.equal (Typ.Procname.get_method proc_name) method_name
(* Module to create matcher based on strings present in the source file *)
module FileContainsStringMatcher = struct
type matcher = SourceFile.t -> bool
let default_matcher : matcher = fun _ -> false
let file_contains regexp file_in =
let rec loop () =
try Str.search_forward regexp (In_channel.input_line_exn file_in) 0 >= 0 with
| Not_found
-> loop ()
| End_of_file
-> false
loop ()
let create_matcher s_patterns =
if List.is_empty s_patterns then default_matcher
let source_map = ref SourceFile.Map.empty in
let regexp = Str.regexp (String.concat ~sep:"\\|" s_patterns) in
fun source_file ->
try SourceFile.Map.find source_file !source_map
with Not_found ->
let file_in = In_channel.create (SourceFile.to_abs_path source_file) in
let pattern_found = file_contains regexp file_in in
In_channel.close file_in ;
source_map := SourceFile.Map.add source_file pattern_found !source_map ;
with Sys_error _ -> false
type method_pattern =
{class_name: string; method_name: string option; parameters: string list option}
type pattern =
| Method_pattern of Config.language * method_pattern
| Source_contains of Config.language * string
(* Module to create matcher based on source file names or class names and method names *)
module FileOrProcMatcher = struct
type matcher = SourceFile.t -> Typ.Procname.t -> bool
let default_matcher : matcher = fun _ _ -> false
let create_method_matcher m_patterns =
if List.is_empty m_patterns then default_matcher
let pattern_map =
~f:(fun map pattern ->
let previous =
try String.Map.find_exn map pattern.class_name
with Not_found -> []
String.Map.add ~key:pattern.class_name ~data:(pattern :: previous) map)
~init:String.Map.empty m_patterns
let do_java pname_java =
let class_name = Typ.Procname.java_get_class_name pname_java
and method_name = Typ.Procname.java_get_method pname_java in
let class_patterns = String.Map.find_exn pattern_map class_name in
~f:(fun p ->
match p.method_name with None -> true | Some m -> String.equal m method_name)
with Not_found -> false
fun _ proc_name ->
match proc_name with Typ.Procname.Java pname_java -> do_java pname_java | _ -> false
let create_file_matcher patterns =
let s_patterns, m_patterns =
let collect (s_patterns, m_patterns) = function
| Source_contains (_, s)
-> (s :: s_patterns, m_patterns)
| Method_pattern (_, mp)
-> (s_patterns, mp :: m_patterns)
List.fold ~f:collect ~init:([], []) patterns
let s_matcher =
let matcher = FileContainsStringMatcher.create_matcher s_patterns in
fun source_file _ -> matcher source_file
and m_matcher = create_method_matcher m_patterns in
fun source_file proc_name -> m_matcher source_file proc_name || s_matcher source_file proc_name
let load_matcher = create_file_matcher
let _pp_pattern fmt pattern =
let pp_string fmt s = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" s in
let pp_option pp_value fmt = function
| None
-> pp_string fmt "None"
| Some value
-> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" pp_value value
let pp_key_value pp_value fmt (key, value) =
Format.fprintf fmt " %s: %a,@\n" key (pp_option pp_value) value
let pp_method_pattern fmt mp =
let pp_params fmt l =
Format.fprintf fmt "[%a]" (Pp.semicolon_seq_oneline Pp.text pp_string) l
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a" (pp_key_value pp_string) ("class", Some mp.class_name)
(pp_key_value pp_string) ("method", mp.method_name) (pp_key_value pp_params)
("parameters", mp.parameters)
and pp_source_contains fmt sc = Format.fprintf fmt " pattern: %s@\n" sc in
match pattern with
| Method_pattern (language, mp)
-> Format.fprintf fmt "Method pattern (%s) {@\n%a}@\n" (Config.string_of_language language)
pp_method_pattern mp
| Source_contains (language, sc)
-> Format.fprintf fmt "Source contains (%s) {@\n%a}@\n" (Config.string_of_language language)
pp_source_contains sc
(* of module FileOrProcMatcher *)
(* Module to create patterns that will match all overriding methods in the pattern *)
module OverridesMatcher = struct
let load_matcher patterns is_subtype proc_name =
let is_matching = function
| Method_pattern (language, mp)
-> is_subtype mp.class_name
&& Option.value_map ~f:(match_method language proc_name) ~default:false mp.method_name
| _
-> failwith "Expecting method pattern"
List.exists ~f:is_matching patterns
let patterns_of_json_with_key (json_key, json) =
let default_method_pattern = {class_name= ""; method_name= None; parameters= None} in
let default_source_contains = "" in
let language_of_string = function
| "Java"
-> Ok Config.Java
| l
-> Error ("JSON key " ^ json_key ^ " not supported for language " ^ l)
let rec detect_language = function
| []
-> Error ("No language found for " ^ json_key)
| ("language", `String s) :: _
-> language_of_string s
| _ :: tl
-> detect_language tl
(* Detect the kind of pattern, method pattern or pattern based on the content of the source file.
Detecting the kind of patterns in a first step makes it easier to parse the parts of the
pattern in a second step *)
let detect_pattern assoc =
match detect_language assoc with
| Ok language
-> let is_method_pattern key = List.exists ~f:(String.equal key) ["class"; "method"]
and is_source_contains key = List.exists ~f:(String.equal key) ["source_contains"] in
let rec loop = function
| []
-> Error ("Unknown pattern for " ^ json_key)
| (key, _) :: _ when is_method_pattern key
-> Ok (Method_pattern (language, default_method_pattern))
| (key, _) :: _ when is_source_contains key
-> Ok (Source_contains (language, default_source_contains))
| _ :: tl
-> loop tl
loop assoc
| Error _ as error
-> error
(* Translate a JSON entry into a matching pattern *)
let create_pattern (assoc: (string * Yojson.Basic.json) list) =
let collect_params l =
let collect accu = function
| `String s
-> s :: accu
| _
-> failwith ("Unrecognised parameters in " ^ Yojson.Basic.to_string (`Assoc assoc))
List.rev (List.fold ~f:collect ~init:[] l)
let create_method_pattern assoc =
let loop mp = function
| key, `String s when String.equal key "class"
-> {mp with class_name= s}
| key, `String s when String.equal key "method"
-> {mp with method_name= Some s}
| key, `List l when String.equal key "parameters"
-> {mp with parameters= Some (collect_params l)}
| key, _ when String.equal key "language"
-> mp
| _
-> failwith ("Fails to parse " ^ Yojson.Basic.to_string (`Assoc assoc))
List.fold ~f:loop ~init:default_method_pattern assoc
and create_string_contains assoc =
let loop sc = function
| key, `String pattern when String.equal key "source_contains"
-> pattern
| key, _ when String.equal key "language"
-> sc
| _
-> failwith ("Fails to parse " ^ Yojson.Basic.to_string (`Assoc assoc))
List.fold ~f:loop ~init:default_source_contains assoc
match detect_pattern assoc with
| Ok Method_pattern (language, _)
-> Ok (Method_pattern (language, create_method_pattern assoc))
| Ok Source_contains (language, _)
-> Ok (Source_contains (language, create_string_contains assoc))
| Error _ as error
-> error
let warn_user msg = CLOpt.warnf "WARNING: error parsing option %s@\n%s@." json_key msg in
(* Translate all the JSON entries into matching patterns *)
let rec translate accu = function
| `Assoc l -> (
match create_pattern l with
| Ok pattern
-> pattern :: accu
| Error msg
-> warn_user msg ; accu )
| `List l
-> List.fold ~f:translate ~init:accu l
| json
-> warn_user
(Printf.sprintf "expected list or assoc json type, but got value %s"
(Yojson.Basic.to_string json)) ;
translate [] json
let modeled_expensive_matcher =
OverridesMatcher.load_matcher (patterns_of_json_with_key Config.patterns_modeled_expensive)
let never_return_null_matcher =
FileOrProcMatcher.load_matcher (patterns_of_json_with_key Config.patterns_never_returning_null)
let skip_translation_matcher =
FileOrProcMatcher.load_matcher (patterns_of_json_with_key Config.patterns_skip_translation)
let load_filters analyzer =
{ whitelist= Config.analysis_path_regex_whitelist analyzer
; blacklist= Config.analysis_path_regex_blacklist analyzer
; blacklist_files_containing= Config.analysis_blacklist_files_containing analyzer
; suppress_errors= Config.analysis_suppress_errors analyzer }
let filters_from_inferconfig inferconfig : filters =
let path_filter =
let whitelist_filter : path_filter =
if List.is_empty inferconfig.whitelist then default_path_filter
else is_matching (List.map ~f:Str.regexp inferconfig.whitelist)
let blacklist_filter : path_filter =
is_matching (List.map ~f:Str.regexp inferconfig.blacklist)
let blacklist_files_containing_filter : path_filter =
FileContainsStringMatcher.create_matcher inferconfig.blacklist_files_containing
| source_file
-> whitelist_filter source_file && not (blacklist_filter source_file)
&& not (blacklist_files_containing_filter source_file)
let error_filter = function
| error_name
-> let error_str = Localise.to_issue_id error_name in
not (List.exists ~f:(String.equal error_str) inferconfig.suppress_errors)
{path_filter; error_filter; proc_filter= default_proc_filter}
(* Create filters based on .inferconfig *)
let create_filters analyzer =
if not Config.filter_paths then do_not_filter
else filters_from_inferconfig (load_filters analyzer)
(* Decide whether a checker or error type is enabled or disabled based on*)
(* white/black listing in .inferconfig and the default value *)
let is_checker_enabled checker_name =
(* no-filtering takes priority over both whitelist and blacklist *)
not Config.filtering
(* whitelist takes priority over blacklist *)
|| List.mem ~equal:String.( = ) Config.enable_checks checker_name
(* if it's blacklisted and not whitelisted then it should be disabled *)
|| not (List.mem ~equal:String.( = ) Config.disable_checks checker_name)
(* if it's not amond white/black listed then we use default value *)
&& not (List.mem ~equal:String.( = ) Config.checks_disabled_by_default checker_name)
(* This function loads and list the path that are being filtered by the analyzer. The results *)
(* are of the form: path/to/file.java -> {infer, checkers} meaning that analysis results will *)
(* be reported on path/to/file.java both for infer and for the checkers *)
let test () =
let filters =
~f:(fun (name, analyzer) -> (name, analyzer, create_filters analyzer))
let matching_analyzers path =
~f:(fun l (n, a, f) -> if f.path_filter path then (n, a) :: l else l)
~init:[] filters
(fun path ->
if DB.is_source_file path then
let source_file = SourceFile.from_abs_path path in
let matching = matching_analyzers source_file in
if matching <> [] then
let matching_s = String.concat ~sep:", " (List.map ~f:fst matching) in
L.result "%s -> {%s}@." (SourceFile.to_rel_path source_file) matching_s)
(Sys.getcwd ())