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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
open Result.Monad_infix
type exec_fun =
-> Location.t
-> ret:Ident.t * Typ.t
-> actuals:(PulseDomain.AddrTracePair.t * Typ.t) list
-> PulseAbductiveDomain.t
-> PulseAbductiveDomain.t list PulseOperations.access_result
type model = exec_fun
module Misc = struct
let shallow_copy model_desc : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) ~actuals astate ->
let event = PulseDomain.ValueHistory.Call {f= Model model_desc; location} in
( match actuals with
| [(dest_pointer_hist, _); (src_pointer_hist, _)] ->
PulseOperations.eval_access location src_pointer_hist Dereference astate
>>= fun (astate, obj) ->
PulseOperations.shallow_copy location obj astate
>>= fun (astate, obj_copy) ->
let obj_hist = snd obj in
PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:dest_pointer_hist
~obj:(obj_copy, event :: obj_hist)
| _ ->
Ok astate )
>>| fun astate -> [PulseOperations.havoc_id ret_id [event] astate]
let early_exit : model = fun ~caller_summary:_ _ ~ret:_ ~actuals:_ _ -> Ok []
let skip : model = fun ~caller_summary:_ _ ~ret:_ ~actuals:_ astate -> Ok [astate]
module C = struct
let free : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret:_ ~actuals astate ->
match actuals with
| [(deleted_access, _)] ->
PulseOperations.invalidate location
(PulseDomain.InterprocAction.Immediate {imm= PulseDomain.Invalidation.CFree; location})
deleted_access astate
>>| List.return
| _ ->
Ok [astate]
module Cplusplus = struct
let delete : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret:_ ~actuals astate ->
match actuals with
| [(deleted_access, _)] ->
PulseOperations.invalidate location
(PulseDomain.InterprocAction.Immediate {imm= PulseDomain.Invalidation.CppDelete; location})
deleted_access astate
>>| List.return
| _ ->
Ok [astate]
let placement_new : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) ~actuals astate ->
let event = PulseDomain.ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "<placement new>()"; location} in
match List.rev actuals with
| ((address, _), _) :: _ ->
Ok [PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (address, [event]) astate]
| _ ->
Ok [PulseOperations.havoc_id ret_id [event] astate]
module StdFunction = struct
let operator_call : model =
fun ~caller_summary location ~ret ~actuals astate ->
let havoc_ret (ret_id, _) astate =
let event = PulseDomain.ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::function::operator()"; location} in
[PulseOperations.havoc_id ret_id [event] astate]
match actuals with
| [] ->
Ok (havoc_ret ret astate)
| (lambda_ptr_hist, _) :: actuals -> (
PulseOperations.eval_access location lambda_ptr_hist Dereference astate
>>= fun (astate, (lambda, _)) ->
(PulseDomain.InterprocAction.Immediate {imm= (); location})
lambda astate
>>= fun astate ->
match PulseAbductiveDomain.Memory.get_closure_proc_name lambda astate with
| None ->
(* we don't know what proc name this lambda resolves to *) Ok (havoc_ret ret astate)
| Some callee_proc_name -> ~caller_summary location callee_proc_name ~ret ~actuals astate )
module StdVector = struct
let internal_array =
(Typ.CStruct (QualifiedCppName.of_list ["std"; "vector"]))
let to_internal_array location vector astate =
PulseOperations.eval_access location vector (FieldAccess internal_array) astate
let element_of_internal_array location vector index astate =
to_internal_array location vector astate
>>= fun (astate, vector_internal_array) ->
PulseOperations.eval_access location vector_internal_array
(ArrayAccess (Typ.void, index))
let reallocate_internal_array trace vector vector_f location astate =
to_internal_array location vector astate
>>= fun (astate, array_address) ->
let invalidation =
{imm= PulseDomain.Invalidation.StdVector vector_f; location}
PulseOperations.invalidate_array_elements location invalidation array_address astate
>>= PulseOperations.invalidate_deref location invalidation array_address
>>= PulseOperations.havoc_field location vector internal_array trace
let invalidate_references vector_f : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret:_ ~actuals astate ->
match actuals with
| (vector, _) :: _ ->
let crumb =
{ f=
(Format.asprintf "%a()" PulseDomain.Invalidation.pp_std_vector_function vector_f)
; location }
reallocate_internal_array [crumb] vector vector_f location astate >>| List.return
| _ ->
Ok [astate]
let at : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret ~actuals astate ->
let event = PulseDomain.ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::vector::at()"; location} in
match actuals with
| [(vector, _); (index, _)] ->
element_of_internal_array location vector (fst index) astate
>>| fun (astate, (addr, _)) -> [PulseOperations.write_id (fst ret) (addr, [event]) astate]
| _ ->
Ok [PulseOperations.havoc_id (fst ret) [event] astate]
let reserve : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret:_ ~actuals astate ->
match actuals with
| [(vector, _); _value] ->
let crumb = PulseDomain.ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::vector::reserve()"; location} in
reallocate_internal_array [crumb] vector Reserve location astate
>>| PulseAbductiveDomain.Memory.std_vector_reserve (fst vector)
>>| List.return
| _ ->
Ok [astate]
let push_back : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret:_ ~actuals astate ->
match actuals with
| [(vector, _); _value] ->
let crumb = PulseDomain.ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::vector::push_back()"; location} in
if PulseAbductiveDomain.Memory.is_std_vector_reserved (fst vector) astate then
(* assume that any call to [push_back] is ok after one called [reserve] on the same vector
(a perfect analysis would also make sure we don't exceed the reserved size) *)
Ok [astate]
(* simulate a re-allocation of the underlying array every time an element is added *)
reallocate_internal_array [crumb] vector PushBack location astate >>| List.return
| _ ->
Ok [astate]
module ProcNameDispatcher = struct
let dispatch : (unit, model) ProcnameDispatcher.ProcName.dispatcher =
let open ProcnameDispatcher.ProcName in
[ -"folly" &:: "DelayedDestruction" &:: "destroy" &--> Misc.skip
; -"folly" &:: "Optional" &:: "reset" &--> Misc.skip
; -"folly" &:: "SocketAddress" &:: "~SocketAddress" &--> Misc.skip
; -"std" &:: "function" &:: "operator()" &--> StdFunction.operator_call
; -"std" &:: "function" &:: "operator=" &--> Misc.shallow_copy "std::function::operator="
; -"std" &:: "vector" &:: "assign" &--> StdVector.invalidate_references Assign
; -"std" &:: "vector" &:: "clear" &--> StdVector.invalidate_references Clear
; -"std" &:: "vector" &:: "emplace" &--> StdVector.invalidate_references Emplace
; -"std" &:: "vector" &:: "emplace_back" &--> StdVector.invalidate_references EmplaceBack
; -"std" &:: "vector" &:: "insert" &--> StdVector.invalidate_references Insert
; -"std" &:: "vector" &:: "operator[]" &-->
; -"std" &:: "vector" &:: "push_back" &--> StdVector.push_back
; -"std" &:: "vector" &:: "reserve" &--> StdVector.reserve
; -"std" &:: "vector" &:: "shrink_to_fit" &--> StdVector.invalidate_references ShrinkToFit ]
let builtins_dispatcher =
let builtins =
[ (BuiltinDecl.__delete, Cplusplus.delete)
; (BuiltinDecl.__placement_new, Cplusplus.placement_new)
; (BuiltinDecl.abort, Misc.early_exit)
; (BuiltinDecl.exit, Misc.early_exit)
; (,
; (BuiltinDecl.objc_cpp_throw, Misc.early_exit) ]
let builtins_map =
( module struct
include Typ.Procname
let hash = Caml.Hashtbl.hash
let sexp_of_t _ = assert false
end )
List.iter builtins ~f:(fun (builtin, model) ->
let open PolyVariantEqual in
assert (Hashtbl.add builtins_map ~key:builtin ~data:model = `Ok) ) ;
fun proc_name -> Hashtbl.find builtins_map proc_name
let dispatch proc_name flags =
match builtins_dispatcher proc_name with
| Some _ as result ->
| None -> (
match ProcNameDispatcher.dispatch () proc_name with
| Some _ as result ->
| None ->
if flags.CallFlags.cf_noreturn then Some Misc.early_exit else None )