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* Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(** Module for on-demand analysis. *)
module L = Logging
module F = Format
open Utils
let trace () = Config.from_env_variable "INFER_TRACE_ONDEMAND"
let one_cluster_per_procedure () = false
let () = Config.ondemand_enabled :=
Config.from_env_variable "INFER_ONDEMAND" &&
not Config.analyze_models
let across_files () = true
type analyze_ondemand = Procname.t -> unit
type get_proc_desc = Procname.t -> Cfg.Procdesc.t option
type callbacks =
analyze_ondemand : analyze_ondemand;
get_proc_desc : get_proc_desc;
let callbacks_ref = ref None
let set_callbacks (callbacks : callbacks) =
callbacks_ref := Some callbacks
let unset_callbacks () =
callbacks_ref := None
let nesting = ref 0
let procedure_should_be_analyzed curr_pdesc proc_name =
match AttributesTable.load_attributes proc_name with
| Some proc_attributes ->
let currently_analyzed =
Specs.summary_exists proc_name &&
Specs.is_active proc_name in
let already_analyzed = match Specs.get_summary proc_name with
| Some summary ->
Specs.get_timestamp summary > 0
| None ->
false in
(* The procedure to be analyzed is in the same file as the current one. *)
let same_file proc_attributes =
(Cfg.Procdesc.get_loc curr_pdesc).Location.file
proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.loc.Location.file in
let is_harness () =
string_contains "InferGeneratedHarness" (Procname.to_simplified_string proc_name) in
!Config.ondemand_enabled &&
proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.is_defined && (* we have the implementation *)
not currently_analyzed && (* avoid infinite loops *)
not already_analyzed && (* avoid re-analysis of the same procedure *)
(across_files () || (* whether to push the analysis into other files *)
same_file proc_attributes) &&
not (is_harness ()) (* skip harness procedures *)
| None ->
type global_state =
name_generator : Ident.NameGenerator.t;
let do_analysis curr_pdesc proc_name =
let curr_pname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name curr_pdesc in
let really_do_analysis analyze_proc proc_desc =
if trace () then L.stderr "[%d] really_do_analysis %a -> %a@."
Procname.pp curr_pname
Procname.pp proc_name;
let preprocess () =
incr nesting;
let attributes_opt =
Some (Cfg.Procdesc.get_attributes proc_desc) in
let call_graph =
let cg = Cg.create () in
Cg.add_defined_node cg proc_name;
cg in
Specs.reset_summary call_graph proc_name attributes_opt;
Specs.set_status proc_name Specs.ACTIVE;
let old_state =
name_generator = Ident.NameGenerator.get_current ();
} in
old_state in
let restore old_state =
Ident.NameGenerator.set_current old_state.name_generator in
let postprocess () =
decr nesting;
let summary = Specs.get_summary_unsafe "ondemand" proc_name in
let summary' =
{ summary with
Specs.status = Specs.INACTIVE;
timestamp = summary.Specs.timestamp + 1 } in
Specs.add_summary proc_name summary';
Checkers.ST.store_summary proc_name in
let old_state = preprocess () in
analyze_proc proc_name;
postprocess ();
restore old_state;
with e ->
L.stderr "ONDEMAND EXCEPTION %a %s %s@."
Procname.pp proc_name
(Printexc.to_string e)
(Printexc.get_backtrace ());
restore old_state;
raise e in
match !callbacks_ref with
| Some callbacks
when procedure_should_be_analyzed curr_pdesc proc_name ->
match callbacks.get_proc_desc proc_name with
| Some proc_desc ->
really_do_analysis callbacks.analyze_ondemand proc_desc
| None -> ()
| _ ->
() (* skipping *)
(** Mark the return type @Nullable by modifying the spec. *)
let proc_add_return_nullable curr_pname =
match Specs.get_summary curr_pname with
| Some summary ->
let proc_attributes = Specs.get_attributes summary in
let method_annotation = proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.method_annotation in
let method_annotation' = Annotations.method_annotation_mark_return
Annotations.Nullable method_annotation in
let proc_attributes' =
{ proc_attributes with
ProcAttributes.method_annotation = method_annotation' } in
let summary' =
{ summary with
Specs.attributes = proc_attributes' } in
Specs.add_summary curr_pname summary'
| None -> ()