Let on-demand control whether to start at all the analysis of a procedure.

Reviewed By: @dulmarod

Differential Revision: D2507562
Cristiano Calcagno 10 years ago committed by facebook-github-bot-1
parent 9db0648cb1
commit 7d95e284d2

@ -217,7 +217,11 @@ let iterate_callbacks store_summary call_graph exe_env =
let reset_summary proc_name =
let attributes_opt =
Specs.proc_resolve_attributes proc_name in
Specs.reset_summary call_graph proc_name attributes_opt in
let should_reset =
not !Config.ondemand_enabled ||
Specs.get_summary proc_name = None in
if should_reset
then Specs.reset_summary call_graph proc_name attributes_opt in
(* Make sure summaries exists. *)

@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ let eradicate = ref false
(** should the checkers be run? *)
let checkers_enabled () = not !eradicate
(** flag to activate ondemand mode. *)
let ondemand_enabled = ref false
(** Flag for footprint discovery mode *)
let footprint = ref true

@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ let compute_files_changed_map _exe_env (source_dirs : DB.source_dir list) exclud
let exe_env_from_cluster cluster =
let _exe_env =
let active_procs_opt =
if Ondemand.enabled ()
if !Config.ondemand_enabled
then None
else Some (cluster_to_active_procs cluster) in
Exe_env.create active_procs_opt in
@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ let () =
match !cluster_cmdline with
| None ->
if !Config.curr_language = Config.C_CPP &&
not (Ondemand.enabled ()) then
not !Config.ondemand_enabled then
Objc_preanal.do_objc_preanalysis ();
L.stdout "Starting analysis (Infer version %s)@." Version.versionString;
| Some clname -> L.stdout "Cluster %s@." clname in
@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ let () =
L.err "Found %d source files in %s@." (list_length source_dirs) !Config.results_dir;
let clusters =
if Ondemand.enabled ()
if !Config.ondemand_enabled
compute_ondemand_clusters source_dirs

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ open Utils
let trace = false
let enabled () = false
let () = Config.ondemand_enabled := Config.from_env_variable "INFER_ONDEMAND"
let across_files () = true
@ -33,7 +33,34 @@ let unset_analyze_prop () =
let nesting = ref 0
let do_analysis (get_proc_desc : get_proc_desc) curr_pname proc_name =
let procedure_should_be_analyzed curr_pdesc proc_name =
match AttributesTable.load_attributes proc_name with
| Some proc_attributes ->
let currently_analyzed =
Specs.summary_exists proc_name &&
Specs.is_active proc_name in
let already_analyzed = match Specs.get_summary proc_name with
| Some summary ->
Specs.get_timestamp summary > 0
| None ->
false in
(* The procedure to be analyzed is in the same file as the current one. *)
let same_file proc_attributes =
(Cfg.Procdesc.get_loc curr_pdesc).Location.file
proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.loc.Location.file in
!Config.ondemand_enabled &&
proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.is_defined && (* we have the implementation *)
not currently_analyzed && (* avoid infinite loops *)
not already_analyzed && (* avoid re-analysis of the same procedure *)
(across_files () (* whether to push the analysis into other files *)
|| same_file proc_attributes)
| None ->
let do_analysis (get_proc_desc : get_proc_desc) curr_pdesc proc_name =
let curr_pname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name curr_pdesc in
let really_do_analysis analyze_proc proc_desc =
if trace then L.stderr "[%d] really_do_analysis %a -> %a@."
@ -73,31 +100,9 @@ let do_analysis (get_proc_desc : get_proc_desc) curr_pname proc_name =
(Printexc.get_backtrace ());
raise e in
let currently_analyzed =
Specs.summary_exists proc_name &&
Specs.is_active proc_name in
let already_analyzed = match Specs.get_summary proc_name with
| Some summary ->
Specs.get_timestamp summary > 0
| None ->
false in
(* The procedure to be analyzed is in the same file as the current one. *)
let same_file proc_attributes =
match get_proc_desc curr_pname with
| Some curr_pdesc ->
(Cfg.Procdesc.get_loc curr_pdesc).Location.file
| None -> false in
match !analyze_proc_fun, AttributesTable.load_attributes proc_name with
| Some analyze_proc, Some proc_attributes
when enabled () &&
proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.is_defined && (* we have the implementation *)
not currently_analyzed && (* avoid infinite loops *)
not already_analyzed && (* avoid re-analysis of the same procedure *)
(across_files () (* whether to push the analysis into other files *)
|| same_file proc_attributes) ->
match !analyze_proc_fun with
| Some analyze_proc
when procedure_should_be_analyzed curr_pdesc proc_name ->
match get_proc_desc proc_name with
| Some proc_desc ->

@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ type analyze_proc = Procname.t -> unit
type get_proc_desc = Procname.t -> Cfg.Procdesc.t option
(** do_analysis get_proc_desc curr_pname proc_name
(** do_analysis get_proc_desc curr_descproc_name
performs an on-demand analysis of proc_name
triggered during the analysis of curr_pname. *)
val do_analysis : get_proc_desc -> Procname.t -> Procname.t -> unit
triggered during the analysis of curr_pdesc. *)
val do_analysis : get_proc_desc -> Cfg.Procdesc.t -> Procname.t -> unit
(** Check if on-demand is currently active. *)
val enabled : unit -> bool
(** Check if the procedure called by the current pdesc needs to be analyzed. *)
val procedure_should_be_analyzed : Cfg.Procdesc.t -> Procname.t -> bool
(** Mark the return type @Nullable by modifying the spec. *)
val proc_add_return_nullable : Procname.t -> unit

@ -57,7 +57,10 @@ module ST = struct
let store_summary proc_name =
(fun summary ->
try Specs.store_summary proc_name summary with Sys_error s -> L.err "%s@." s)
let summary' =
{ summary with
Specs.timestamp = summary.Specs.timestamp + 1 } in
try Specs.store_summary proc_name summary' with Sys_error s -> L.err "%s@." s)
(Specs.get_summary proc_name)
let report_error

@ -393,9 +393,14 @@ let callback_eradicate all_procs get_proc_desc idenv tenv proc_name proc_desc =
| Some pdesc ->
let idenv_pname = Idenv.create_from_idenv idenv pdesc in
Main.callback checks all_procs get_proc_desc idenv_pname tenv pname pdesc in
Ondemand.set_analyze_proc _ondemand;
Main.callback checks all_procs get_proc_desc idenv tenv proc_name proc_desc;
Ondemand.unset_analyze_prop ()
if not !Config.ondemand_enabled ||
Ondemand.procedure_should_be_analyzed proc_desc proc_name
Ondemand.set_analyze_proc _ondemand;
Main.callback checks all_procs get_proc_desc idenv tenv proc_name proc_desc;
Ondemand.unset_analyze_prop ()
(** Call the given check_return_type at the end of every procedure. *)
let callback_check_return_type check_return_type all_procs

@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ let check_return_annotation
if return_not_nullable && Models.Inference.enabled then
Models.Inference.proc_add_return_nullable curr_pname;
if return_not_nullable && Ondemand.enabled () then
if return_not_nullable && !Config.ondemand_enabled then
Ondemand.proc_add_return_nullable curr_pname;
if return_not_nullable || return_value_not_present then

@ -557,8 +557,8 @@ let typecheck_instr ext calls_this checks (node: Cfg.Node.t) idenv get_proc_desc
typestate (* skip othe builtins *)
| Sil.Call (ret_ids, Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun callee_pname), _etl, loc, cflags)
when Specs.proc_resolve_attributes (* AttributesTable.load_attributes *) callee_pname <> None ->
if Ondemand.enabled () then
Ondemand.do_analysis get_proc_desc curr_pname callee_pname;
if !Config.ondemand_enabled then
Ondemand.do_analysis get_proc_desc curr_pdesc callee_pname;
let callee_attributes =
match Specs.proc_resolve_attributes (* AttributesTable.load_attributes *) callee_pname with
| Some proc_attributes -> proc_attributes
