* Copyright ( c ) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd .
* Copyright ( c ) 2013 - present Facebook , Inc .
* All rights reserved .
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree . An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory .
* )
open ! IStd
(* * Support for localisation *)
module F = Format
(* * type of string used for localisation *)
type t = string [ @@ deriving compare ]
let equal = [ % compare . equal : t ]
(* * pretty print a localised string *)
let pp fmt s = Format . fprintf fmt " %s " s
(* * create a localised string from an ordinary string *)
let from_string s = s
(* * convert a localised string to an ordinary string *)
let to_string s = s
let analysis_stops = " ANALYSIS_STOPS "
let array_out_of_bounds_l1 = " ARRAY_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_L1 "
let array_out_of_bounds_l2 = " ARRAY_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_L2 "
let array_out_of_bounds_l3 = " ARRAY_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_L3 "
let buffer_overrun = " BUFFER_OVERRUN "
let class_cast_exception = " CLASS_CAST_EXCEPTION "
let comparing_floats_for_equality = " COMPARING_FLOAT_FOR_EQUALITY "
let condition_is_assignment = " CONDITION_IS_ASSIGNMENT "
let condition_always_false = " CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE "
let condition_always_true = " CONDITION_ALWAYS_TRUE "
let context_leak = " CONTEXT_LEAK "
let dangling_pointer_dereference = " DANGLING_POINTER_DEREFERENCE "
let deallocate_stack_variable = " DEALLOCATE_STACK_VARIABLE "
let deallocate_static_memory = " DEALLOCATE_STATIC_MEMORY "
let deallocation_mismatch = " DEALLOCATION_MISMATCH "
let divide_by_zero = " DIVIDE_BY_ZERO "
let empty_vector_access = " EMPTY_VECTOR_ACCESS "
let field_not_null_checked = " IVAR_NOT_NULL_CHECKED "
let inherently_dangerous_function = " INHERENTLY_DANGEROUS_FUNCTION "
let memory_leak = " MEMORY_LEAK "
let null_dereference = " NULL_DEREFERENCE "
let parameter_not_null_checked = " PARAMETER_NOT_NULL_CHECKED "
let null_test_after_dereference = " NULL_TEST_AFTER_DEREFERENCE "
let pointer_size_mismatch = " POINTER_SIZE_MISMATCH "
let precondition_not_found = " PRECONDITION_NOT_FOUND "
let precondition_not_met = " PRECONDITION_NOT_MET "
let premature_nil_termination = " PREMATURE_NIL_TERMINATION_ARGUMENT "
let quandary_taint_error = " QUANDARY_TAINT_ERROR "
let registered_observer_being_deallocated = " REGISTERED_OBSERVER_BEING_DEALLOCATED "
let resource_leak = " RESOURCE_LEAK "
let retain_cycle = " RETAIN_CYCLE "
let return_value_ignored = " RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED "
let return_expression_required = " RETURN_EXPRESSION_REQUIRED "
let return_statement_missing = " RETURN_STATEMENT_MISSING "
let skip_function = " SKIP_FUNCTION "
let skip_pointer_dereference = " SKIP_POINTER_DEREFERENCE "
let stack_variable_address_escape = " STACK_VARIABLE_ADDRESS_ESCAPE "
let static_initialization_order_fiasco = " STATIC_INITIALIZATION_ORDER_FIASCO "
let tainted_value_reaching_sensitive_function = " TAINTED_VALUE_REACHING_SENSITIVE_FUNCTION "
let thread_safety_violation = " THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION "
let unary_minus_applied_to_unsigned_expression = " UNARY_MINUS_APPLIED_TO_UNSIGNED_EXPRESSION "
let unsafe_guarded_by_access = " UNSAFE_GUARDED_BY_ACCESS "
let uninitialized_value = " UNINITIALIZED_VALUE "
let use_after_free = " USE_AFTER_FREE "
type error_desc = {
descriptions : string list ;
advice : string option ;
tags : ( string * string ) list ;
dotty : string option ;
} [ @@ deriving compare ]
(* * empty error description *)
let no_desc : error_desc = {
descriptions = [] ;
advice = None ;
tags = [] ;
dotty = None ;
(* * verbatim desc from a string, not to be used for user-visible descs *)
let verbatim_desc s = { no_desc with descriptions = [ s ] }
let custom_desc s tags = { no_desc with descriptions = [ s ] ; tags = tags }
let custom_desc_with_advice description advice tags =
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ description ] ; advice = Some advice ; tags = tags }
(* * pretty print an error description *)
let pp_error_desc fmt err_desc =
let pp_item fmt s = F . fprintf fmt " %s " s in
Pp . seq pp_item fmt err_desc . descriptions
(* * pretty print an error advice *)
let pp_error_advice fmt err_desc =
match err_desc . advice with
| Some advice -> F . fprintf fmt " %s " advice
| None -> ()
(* * get tags of error description *)
let error_desc_get_tags err_desc = err_desc . tags
let error_desc_get_dotty err_desc = err_desc . dotty
module Tags = struct
let accessed_line = " accessed_line " (* line where value was last accessed *)
let alloc_function = " alloc_function " (* allocation function used *)
let alloc_call = " alloc_call " (* call in the current procedure which triggers the allocation *)
let alloc_line = " alloc_line " (* line of alloc_call *)
let array_index = " array_index " (* index of the array *)
let array_size = " array_size " (* size of the array *)
let assigned_line = " assigned_line " (* line where value was last assigned *)
let bucket = " bucket " (* bucket to classify likelyhood of real bug *)
let call_procedure = " call_procedure " (* name of the procedure called *)
let call_line = " call_line " (* line of call_procedure *)
let dealloc_function = " dealloc_function " (* deallocation function used *)
let dealloc_call = " dealloc_call " (* call in the current procedure which triggers the deallocation *)
let dealloc_line = " dealloc_line " (* line of dealloc_call *)
let dereferenced_line = " dereferenced_line " (* line where value was dereferenced *)
let escape_to = " escape_to " (* expression wher a value escapes to *)
let line = " line " (* line of the error *)
let type1 = " type1 " (* 1st Java type *)
let type2 = " type2 " (* 2nd Java type *)
let value = " value " (* string describing a C value, e.g. "x.date" *)
let parameter_not_null_checked = " parameter_not_null_checked " (* describes a NPE that comes from parameter not nullable *)
let field_not_null_checked = " field_not_null_checked " (* describes a NPE that comes from field not nullable *)
let nullable_src = " nullable_src " (* @Nullable-annoted field/param/retval that causes a warning *)
let weak_captured_var_src = " weak_captured_var_src " (* Weak variable captured in a block that causes a warning *)
let empty_vector_access = " empty_vector_access "
let create () = ref []
let add tags tag value = tags := ( tag , value ) :: ! tags
let update tags tag value =
let tags' = List . filter ~ f : ( fun ( t , _ ) -> t < > tag ) tags in
( tag , value ) :: tags'
let get tags tag =
List . find ~ f : ( fun ( t , _ ) -> String . equal t tag ) tags | >
Option . map ~ f : snd
module BucketLevel = struct
let b1 = " B1 " (* highest likelyhood *)
let b2 = " B2 "
let b3 = " B3 "
let b4 = " B4 "
let b5 = " B5 " (* lowest likelyhood *)
(* * takes in input a tag to extract from the given error_desc
and returns its value * )
let error_desc_extract_tag_value err_desc tag_to_extract =
let find_value tag v =
match v with
| ( t , _ ) when String . equal t tag -> true
| _ -> false in
match List . find ~ f : ( find_value tag_to_extract ) err_desc . tags with
| Some ( _ , s ) -> s
| None -> " "
let error_desc_to_tag_value_pairs err_desc = err_desc . tags
(* * returns the content of the value tag of the error_desc *)
let error_desc_get_tag_value error_desc = error_desc_extract_tag_value error_desc Tags . value
(* * returns the content of the call_procedure tag of the error_desc *)
let error_desc_get_tag_call_procedure error_desc = error_desc_extract_tag_value error_desc Tags . call_procedure
(* * get the bucket value of an error_desc, if any *)
let error_desc_get_bucket err_desc =
Tags . get err_desc . tags Tags . bucket
(* * set the bucket value of an error_desc; the boolean indicates where the bucket should be shown in the message *)
let error_desc_set_bucket err_desc bucket show_in_message =
let tags' = Tags . update err_desc . tags Tags . bucket bucket in
let l = err_desc . descriptions in
let l' =
if not show_in_message then l
else ( " [ " ^ bucket ^ " ] " ) :: l in
{ err_desc with descriptions = l' ; tags = tags' }
(* * get the value tag, if any *)
let get_value_line_tag tags =
let value = snd ( List . find_exn ~ f : ( fun ( tag , _ ) -> String . equal tag Tags . value ) tags ) in
let line = snd ( List . find_exn ~ f : ( fun ( tag , _ ) -> String . equal tag Tags . line ) tags ) in
Some [ value ; line ]
with Not_found -> None
(* * extract from desc a value on which to apply polymorphic hash and equality *)
let desc_get_comparable err_desc =
match get_value_line_tag err_desc . tags with
| Some sl' -> sl'
| None -> err_desc . descriptions
(* * hash function for error_desc *)
let error_desc_hash desc =
Hashtbl . hash ( desc_get_comparable desc )
(* * equality for error_desc *)
let error_desc_equal desc1 desc2 =
[ % compare . equal : string list ]
( desc_get_comparable desc1 )
( desc_get_comparable desc2 )
let _ line_tag tags tag loc =
let line_str = string_of_int loc . Location . line in
Tags . add tags tag line_str ;
let s = " line " ^ line_str in
if ( loc . Location . col < > - 1 ) then
let col_str = string_of_int loc . Location . col in
s ^ " , column " ^ col_str
else s
let at_line_tag tags tag loc =
" at " ^ _ line_tag tags tag loc
let _ line tags loc =
_ line_tag tags Tags . line loc
let at_line tags loc =
at_line_tag tags Tags . line loc
let call_to tags proc_name =
let proc_name_str = Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string proc_name in
Tags . add tags Tags . call_procedure proc_name_str ;
" call to " ^ proc_name_str
let call_to_at_line tags proc_name loc =
( call_to tags proc_name ) ^ " " ^ at_line_tag tags Tags . call_line loc
let by_call_to tags proc_name =
" by " ^ call_to tags proc_name
let by_call_to_ra tags ra =
" by " ^ call_to_at_line tags ra . PredSymb . ra_pname ra . PredSymb . ra_loc
let rec format_typ = function
| Typ . Tptr ( typ , _ ) when Config . curr_language_is Config . Java ->
format_typ typ
| Typ . Tstruct name ->
Typename . name name
| typ ->
Typ . to_string typ
let format_field f =
if Config . curr_language_is Config . Java
then Ident . java_fieldname_get_field f
else Ident . fieldname_to_string f
let format_method pname =
match pname with
| Typ . Procname . Java pname_java ->
Typ . Procname . java_get_method pname_java
| _ ->
Typ . Procname . to_string pname
let mem_dyn_allocated = " memory dynamically allocated "
let lock_acquired = " lock acquired "
let released = " released "
let reachable = " reachable "
(* * dereference strings used to explain a dereference action in an error message *)
type deref_str =
{ tags : ( string * string ) list ref ; (* * tags for the error description *)
value_pre : string option ; (* * string printed before the value being dereferenced *)
value_post : string option ; (* * string printed after the value being dereferenced *)
problem_str : string ; (* * description of the problem *) }
let pointer_or_object () =
if Config . curr_language_is Config . Java then " object " else " pointer "
let _ deref_str_null proc_name_opt _ problem_str tags =
let problem_str = match proc_name_opt with
| Some proc_name ->
_ problem_str ^ " " ^ by_call_to tags proc_name
| None -> _ problem_str in
{ tags = tags ;
value_pre = Some ( pointer_or_object () ) ;
value_post = None ;
problem_str = problem_str ; }
(* * dereference strings for null dereference *)
let deref_str_null proc_name_opt =
let problem_str = " could be null and is dereferenced " in
_ deref_str_null proc_name_opt problem_str ( Tags . create () )
let access_str_empty proc_name_opt =
let problem_str = " could be empty and is accessed " in
_ deref_str_null proc_name_opt problem_str ( Tags . create () )
(* * dereference strings for null dereference due to Nullable annotation *)
let deref_str_nullable proc_name_opt nullable_obj_str =
let tags = Tags . create () in
Tags . add tags Tags . nullable_src nullable_obj_str ;
(* to be completed once we know if the deref'd expression is directly or transitively @Nullable *)
let problem_str = " " in
_ deref_str_null proc_name_opt problem_str tags
(* * dereference strings for null dereference due to weak captured variable in block *)
let deref_str_weak_variable_in_block proc_name_opt nullable_obj_str =
let tags = Tags . create () in
Tags . add tags Tags . weak_captured_var_src nullable_obj_str ;
let problem_str = " " in
_ deref_str_null proc_name_opt problem_str tags
(* * dereference strings for nonterminal nil arguments in c/objc variadic methods *)
let deref_str_nil_argument_in_variadic_method pn total_args arg_number =
let tags = Tags . create () in
let function_method , nil_null =
if Typ . Procname . is_c_method pn then ( " method " , " nil " ) else ( " function " , " null " ) in
let problem_str =
Printf . sprintf
" could be %s which results in a call to %s with %d arguments instead of %d \
( % s indicates that the last argument of this variadic % s has been reached ) "
nil_null ( Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string pn ) arg_number ( total_args - 1 ) nil_null function_method in
_ deref_str_null None problem_str tags
(* * dereference strings for an undefined value coming from the given procedure *)
let deref_str_undef ( proc_name , loc ) =
let tags = Tags . create () in
let proc_name_str = Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string proc_name in
Tags . add tags Tags . call_procedure proc_name_str ;
{ tags = tags ;
value_pre = Some ( pointer_or_object () ) ;
value_post = None ;
problem_str = " could be assigned by a call to skip function " ^ proc_name_str ^
at_line_tag tags Tags . call_line loc ^ " and is dereferenced or freed " ; }
(* * dereference strings for a freed pointer dereference *)
let deref_str_freed ra =
let tags = Tags . create () in
let freed_or_closed_by_call =
let freed_or_closed = match ra . PredSymb . ra_res with
| PredSymb . Rmemory _ -> " freed "
| PredSymb . Rfile -> " closed "
| PredSymb . Rignore -> " freed "
| PredSymb . Rlock -> " locked " in
freed_or_closed ^ " " ^ by_call_to_ra tags ra in
{ tags = tags ;
value_pre = Some ( pointer_or_object () ) ;
value_post = None ;
problem_str = " was " ^ freed_or_closed_by_call ^ " and is dereferenced or freed " }
(* * dereference strings for a dangling pointer dereference *)
let deref_str_dangling dangling_kind_opt =
let dangling_kind_prefix = match dangling_kind_opt with
| Some PredSymb . DAuninit -> " uninitialized "
| Some PredSymb . DAaddr_stack_var -> " deallocated stack "
| Some PredSymb . DAminusone -> " -1 "
| None -> " " in
{ tags = Tags . create () ;
value_pre = Some ( dangling_kind_prefix ^ ( pointer_or_object () ) ) ;
value_post = None ;
problem_str = " could be dangling and is dereferenced or freed " ; }
(* * dereference strings for a pointer size mismatch *)
let deref_str_pointer_size_mismatch typ_from_instr typ_of_object =
let str_from_typ typ =
let pp f = Typ . pp_full Pp . text f typ in
F . asprintf " %t " pp in
{ tags = Tags . create () ;
value_pre = Some ( pointer_or_object () ) ;
value_post = Some ( " of type " ^ str_from_typ typ_from_instr ) ;
problem_str = " could be used to access an object of smaller type " ^ str_from_typ typ_of_object ; }
(* * dereference strings for an array out of bound access *)
let deref_str_array_bound size_opt index_opt =
let tags = Tags . create () in
let size_str_opt = match size_opt with
| Some n ->
let n_str = IntLit . to_string n in
Tags . add tags Tags . array_size n_str ;
Some ( " of size " ^ n_str )
| None -> None in
let index_str = match index_opt with
| Some n ->
let n_str = IntLit . to_string n in
Tags . add tags Tags . array_index n_str ;
" index " ^ n_str
| None -> " an index " in
{ tags = tags ;
value_pre = Some " array " ;
value_post = size_str_opt ;
problem_str = " could be accessed with " ^ index_str ^ " out of bounds " ; }
(* * dereference strings for an uninitialized access whose lhs has the given attribute *)
let deref_str_uninitialized alloc_att_opt =
let tags = Tags . create () in
let creation_str = match alloc_att_opt with
| Some ( Sil . Apred ( Aresource ( { ra_kind = Racquire } as ra ) , _ ) ) ->
" after allocation " ^ by_call_to_ra tags ra
| _ -> " after declaration " in
{ tags = tags ;
value_pre = Some " value " ;
value_post = None ;
problem_str = " was not initialized " ^ creation_str ^ " and is used " ; }
(* * Java unchecked exceptions errors *)
let java_unchecked_exn_desc proc_name exn_name pre_str : error_desc =
{ no_desc with descriptions = [
Typ . Procname . to_string proc_name ;
" can throw " ^ ( Typename . name exn_name ) ;
" whenever " ^ pre_str ] ;
let desc_context_leak pname context_typ fieldname leak_path : error_desc =
let fld_str = Ident . fieldname_to_string fieldname in
let leak_root = " Static field " ^ fld_str ^ " |-> \n " in
let leak_path_entry_to_str acc entry =
let entry_str = match entry with
| ( Some fld , _ ) -> Ident . fieldname_to_string fld
| ( None , typ ) -> Typ . to_string typ in
(* intentionally omit space; [typ_to_string] adds an extra space *)
acc ^ entry_str ^ " |-> \n " in
let context_str = Typ . to_string context_typ in
let path_str =
let path_prefix =
if List . is_empty leak_path then " Leaked "
else ( List . fold ~ f : leak_path_entry_to_str ~ init : " " leak_path ) ^ " Leaked " in
path_prefix ^ context_str in
let preamble =
let pname_str = match pname with
| Typ . Procname . Java pname_java ->
Printf . sprintf " %s.%s "
( Typ . Procname . java_get_class_name pname_java )
( Typ . Procname . java_get_method pname_java )
| _ ->
" " in
" Context " ^ context_str ^ " may leak during method " ^ pname_str ^ " : \n " in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ preamble ; leak_root ; path_str ] }
let desc_unsafe_guarded_by_access pname accessed_fld guarded_by_str loc =
let line_info = at_line ( Tags . create () ) loc in
let accessed_fld_str = Ident . fieldname_to_string accessed_fld in
let annot_str = Printf . sprintf " `@GuardedBy( \" %s \" )` " guarded_by_str in
let msg =
Printf . sprintf
" The field `%s` is annotated with %s, but the lock `%s` is not held during the access to the field `%s`. Consider wrapping the access in a `synchronized(%s)` block or annotating %s with %s "
( Typ . Procname . to_string pname )
annot_str in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ msg ] ; }
let desc_fragment_retains_view fragment_typ fieldname fld_typ pname : error_desc =
(* TODO: try advice *)
let problem =
Printf . sprintf " Fragment %s does not nullify View field %s (type %s) in %s. "
( format_typ fragment_typ )
( format_field fieldname )
( format_typ fld_typ )
( format_method pname ) in
let consequences =
" If this Fragment is placed on the back stack, a reference to this (probably dead) View will be retained. " in
let advice =
" In general, it is a good idea to initialize View's in onCreateView, then nullify them in onDestroyView. " in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ problem ; consequences ; advice ] }
let desc_custom_error loc : error_desc =
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ " detected " ; at_line ( Tags . create () ) loc ] }
(* * type of access *)
type access =
| Last_assigned of int * bool (* line, null_case_flag *)
| Last_accessed of int * bool (* line, is_nullable flag *)
| Initialized_automatically
| Returned_from_call of int
let dereference_string deref_str value_str access_opt loc =
let tags = deref_str . tags in
Tags . add tags Tags . value value_str ;
let is_call_access = match access_opt with
| Some ( Returned_from_call _ ) -> true
| _ -> false in
let value_desc =
String . concat ~ sep : " " [
( match deref_str . value_pre with Some s -> s ^ " " | _ -> " " ) ;
( if is_call_access then " returned by " else " " ) ;
value_str ;
( match deref_str . value_post with Some s -> " " ^ s | _ -> " " ) ] in
let access_desc = match access_opt with
| None ->
| Some ( Last_accessed ( n , _ ) ) ->
let line_str = string_of_int n in
Tags . add tags Tags . accessed_line line_str ;
[ " last accessed on line " ^ line_str ]
| Some ( Last_assigned ( n , _ ) ) ->
let line_str = string_of_int n in
Tags . add tags Tags . assigned_line line_str ;
[ " last assigned on line " ^ line_str ]
| Some ( Returned_from_call _ ) -> []
| Some Initialized_automatically ->
[ " initialized automatically " ] in
let problem_desc =
let nullable_text =
if Config . curr_language_is Config . Java
then " @Nullable "
else " __nullable " in
let problem_str =
match Tags . get ! tags Tags . nullable_src , Tags . get ! tags Tags . weak_captured_var_src with
| Some nullable_src , _ ->
if String . equal nullable_src value_str
then " is annotated with " ^ nullable_text ^ " and is dereferenced without a null check "
else " is indirectly marked " ^ nullable_text ^ " (source: " ^ nullable_src ^ " ) and is dereferenced without a null check "
| None , Some weak_var_str ->
if String . equal weak_var_str value_str then
" is a weak pointer captured in the block and is dereferenced without a null check "
else " is equal to the variable " ^ weak_var_str ^
" , a weak pointer captured in the block, and is dereferenced without a null check "
| None , None -> deref_str . problem_str in
[ ( problem_str ^ " " ^ at_line tags loc ) ] in
{ no_desc with descriptions = value_desc :: access_desc @ problem_desc ; tags = ! tags }
let parameter_field_not_null_checked_desc ( desc : error_desc ) exp =
let parameter_not_nullable_desc var =
let var_s = Pvar . to_string var in
let param_not_null_desc =
" Parameter " ^ var_s ^ " is not checked for null, there could be a null pointer dereference: " in
{ desc with descriptions = param_not_null_desc :: desc . descriptions ;
tags = ( Tags . parameter_not_null_checked , var_s ) :: desc . tags ; } in
let field_not_nullable_desc exp =
let rec exp_to_string exp =
match exp with
| Exp . Lfield ( exp' , field , _ ) -> ( exp_to_string exp' ) ^ " -> " ^ ( Ident . fieldname_to_string field )
| Exp . Lvar pvar -> Mangled . to_string ( Pvar . get_name pvar )
| _ -> " " in
let var_s = exp_to_string exp in
let field_not_null_desc =
" Instance variable " ^ var_s ^ " is not checked for null, there could be a null pointer dereference: " in
{ desc with descriptions = field_not_null_desc :: desc . descriptions ;
tags = ( Tags . field_not_null_checked , var_s ) :: desc . tags ; } in
match exp with
| Exp . Lvar var -> parameter_not_nullable_desc var
| Exp . Lfield _ -> field_not_nullable_desc exp
| _ -> desc
let has_tag ( desc : error_desc ) tag =
List . exists ~ f : ( fun ( tag' , _ ) -> String . equal tag tag' ) desc . tags
let is_parameter_not_null_checked_desc desc = has_tag desc Tags . parameter_not_null_checked
let is_field_not_null_checked_desc desc = has_tag desc Tags . field_not_null_checked
let is_parameter_field_not_null_checked_desc desc =
is_parameter_not_null_checked_desc desc | |
is_field_not_null_checked_desc desc
let desc_allocation_mismatch alloc dealloc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
let using is_alloc ( primitive_pname , called_pname , loc ) =
let tag_fun , tag_call , tag_line =
if is_alloc then Tags . alloc_function , Tags . alloc_call , Tags . alloc_line
else Tags . dealloc_function , Tags . dealloc_call , Tags . dealloc_line in
Tags . add tags tag_fun ( Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string primitive_pname ) ;
Tags . add tags tag_call ( Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string called_pname ) ;
Tags . add tags tag_line ( string_of_int loc . Location . line ) ;
let by_call =
if Typ . Procname . equal primitive_pname called_pname then " "
else " by call to " ^ Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string called_pname in
" using " ^ Typ . Procname . to_simplified_string primitive_pname ^ by_call ^ " " ^ at_line ( Tags . create () ) (* ignore the tag *) loc in
let description = Format . sprintf
" %s %s is deallocated %s "
( using true alloc )
( using false dealloc ) in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ description ] ; tags = ! tags }
let desc_comparing_floats_for_equality loc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ " Comparing floats for equality " ^ at_line tags loc ] ;
tags = ! tags }
let desc_condition_is_assignment loc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ " Boolean condition is an assignment " ^ at_line tags loc ] ;
tags = ! tags }
let desc_condition_always_true_false i cond_str_opt loc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
let value = match cond_str_opt with
| None -> " "
| Some s -> s in
let tt_ff = if IntLit . iszero i then " false " else " true " in
Tags . add tags Tags . value value ;
let description = Format . sprintf
" Boolean condition %s is always %s %s "
( if String . equal value " " then " " else " " ^ value )
( at_line tags loc ) in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ description ] ; tags = ! tags }
let desc_deallocate_stack_variable var_str proc_name loc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
Tags . add tags Tags . value var_str ;
let description = Format . sprintf
" Stack variable %s is freed by a %s "
( call_to_at_line tags proc_name loc ) in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ description ] ; tags = ! tags }
let desc_deallocate_static_memory const_str proc_name loc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
Tags . add tags Tags . value const_str ;
let description = Format . sprintf
" Constant string %s is freed by a %s "
( call_to_at_line tags proc_name loc ) in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ description ] ; tags = ! tags }
let desc_class_cast_exception pname_opt typ_str1 typ_str2 exp_str_opt loc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
Tags . add tags Tags . type1 typ_str1 ;
Tags . add tags Tags . type2 typ_str2 ;
let in_expression = match exp_str_opt with
| Some exp_str ->
Tags . add tags Tags . value exp_str ;
" in expression " ^ exp_str ^ " "
| None -> " " in
let at_line' () = match pname_opt with
| Some proc_name -> " in " ^ call_to_at_line tags proc_name loc
| None -> at_line tags loc in
let description = Format . sprintf
" %s cannot be cast to %s %s %s "
( at_line' () ) in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ description ] ; tags = ! tags }
let desc_divide_by_zero expr_str loc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
Tags . add tags Tags . value expr_str ;
let description = Format . sprintf
" Expression %s could be zero %s "
( at_line tags loc ) in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ description ] ; tags = ! tags }
let desc_empty_vector_access pname_opt object_str loc =
let vector_str = Format . sprintf " Vector %s " object_str in
let desc = access_str_empty pname_opt in
let tags = desc . tags in
Tags . add tags Tags . empty_vector_access object_str ;
let descriptions = [ vector_str ; desc . problem_str ; ( at_line tags loc ) ] in
{ no_desc with descriptions ; tags = ! tags }
let is_empty_vector_access_desc desc = has_tag desc Tags . empty_vector_access
let desc_frontend_warning desc sugg_opt loc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
let sugg = match sugg_opt with
| Some sugg -> sugg
| None -> " " in
let description = Format . sprintf
" %s %s. %s "
( at_line tags loc )
sugg in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ description ] ; tags = ! tags }
let desc_leak hpred_type_opt value_str_opt resource_opt resource_action_opt loc bucket_opt =
let tags = Tags . create () in
let () = match bucket_opt with
| Some bucket ->
Tags . add tags Tags . bucket bucket ;
| None -> () in
let xxx_allocated_to =
let value_str , _ to , _ on =
match value_str_opt with
| None -> " " , " " , " "
| Some s ->
Tags . add tags Tags . value s ;
s , " to " , " on " in
let typ_str =
match hpred_type_opt with
| Some ( Exp . Sizeof ( Tstruct ( TN_csu ( Class _ , _ ) as name ) , _ , _ ) ) ->
" of type " ^ Typename . name name ^ " "
| _ -> " " in
let desc_str =
match resource_opt with
| Some PredSymb . Rmemory _ -> mem_dyn_allocated ^ _ to ^ value_str
| Some PredSymb . Rfile -> " resource " ^ typ_str ^ " acquired " ^ _ to ^ value_str
| Some PredSymb . Rlock -> lock_acquired ^ _ on ^ value_str
| Some PredSymb . Rignore
| None -> if is_none value_str_opt then " memory " else value_str in
if String . equal desc_str " " then [] else [ desc_str ] in
let by_call_to = match resource_action_opt with
| Some ra -> [ ( by_call_to_ra tags ra ) ]
| None -> [] in
let is_not_rxxx_after =
let rxxx = match resource_opt with
| Some PredSymb . Rmemory _ -> reachable
| Some PredSymb . Rfile
| Some PredSymb . Rlock -> released
| Some PredSymb . Rignore
| None -> reachable in
[ ( " is not " ^ rxxx ^ " after " ^ _ line tags loc ) ] in
let bucket_str =
match bucket_opt with
| Some bucket when Config . show_buckets -> bucket
| _ -> " " in
{ no_desc with descriptions = bucket_str :: xxx_allocated_to @ by_call_to @ is_not_rxxx_after ;
tags = ! tags }
let desc_buffer_overrun bucket desc =
let err_desc = { no_desc with descriptions = [ desc ] ; } in
error_desc_set_bucket err_desc bucket Config . show_buckets
(* * kind of precondition not met *)
type pnm_kind =
| Pnm_bounds
| Pnm_dangling
let desc_precondition_not_met kind proc_name loc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
let kind_str = match kind with
| None -> []
| Some Pnm_bounds -> [ " possible array out of bounds " ]
| Some Pnm_dangling -> [ " possible dangling pointer dereference " ] in
{ no_desc with descriptions = kind_str @ [ " in " ^ call_to_at_line tags proc_name loc ] ;
tags = ! tags }
let desc_null_test_after_dereference expr_str line loc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
Tags . add tags Tags . dereferenced_line ( string_of_int line ) ;
Tags . add tags Tags . value expr_str ;
let description = Format . sprintf
" Pointer %s was dereferenced at line %d and is tested for null %s "
( at_line tags loc ) in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ description ] ; tags = ! tags }
let desc_return_expression_required typ_str loc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
Tags . add tags Tags . value typ_str ;
let description = Format . sprintf
" Return statement requires an expression of type %s %s "
( at_line tags loc ) in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ description ] ; tags = ! tags }
let desc_retain_cycle cycle loc cycle_dotty =
Logging . d_strln " Proposition with retain cycle: " ;
let ct = ref 1 in
let tags = Tags . create () in
let str_cycle = ref " " in
let remove_old s =
match Str . split_delim ( Str . regexp_string " &old_ " ) s with
| [ _ ; s' ] -> s'
| _ -> s in
let do_edge ( ( se , _ ) , f , _ ) =
match se with
| Sil . Eexp ( Exp . Lvar pvar , _ ) when Pvar . equal pvar Sil . block_pvar ->
str_cycle := ! str_cycle ^ " ( " ^ ( string_of_int ! ct ) ^ " ) a block capturing " ^ ( Ident . fieldname_to_string f ) ^ " ; " ;
ct := ! ct + 1 ;
| Sil . Eexp ( Exp . Lvar pvar as e , _ ) ->
let e_str = Exp . to_string e in
let e_str = if Pvar . is_seed pvar then
remove_old e_str
else e_str in
str_cycle := ! str_cycle ^ " ( " ^ ( string_of_int ! ct ) ^ " ) object " ^ e_str ^ " retaining " ^ e_str ^ " . " ^ ( Ident . fieldname_to_string f ) ^ " , " ;
ct := ! ct + 1
| Sil . Eexp ( Exp . Sizeof ( typ , _ , _ ) , _ ) ->
let step =
" ( " ^ ( string_of_int ! ct ) ^ " ) an object of "
^ ( Typ . to_string typ ) ^ " retaining another object via instance variable "
^ ( Ident . fieldname_to_string f ) ^ " , " in
str_cycle := ! str_cycle ^ step ;
ct := ! ct + 1
| _ -> () in
List . iter ~ f : do_edge cycle ;
let desc = Format . sprintf " Retain cycle involving the following objects: %s %s "
! str_cycle ( at_line tags loc ) in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ desc ] ; tags = ! tags ; dotty = cycle_dotty }
let registered_observer_being_deallocated_str obj_str =
" Object " ^ obj_str ^ " is registered in a notification center but not being removed before deallocation "
let desc_registered_observer_being_deallocated pvar loc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
let obj_str = Pvar . to_string pvar in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ registered_observer_being_deallocated_str obj_str ^ at_line tags loc ^
" . Being still registered as observer of the notification " ^
" center, the deallocated object "
^ obj_str ^ " may be notified in the future. " ] ; tags = ! tags }
let desc_return_statement_missing loc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ " Return statement missing " ^ at_line tags loc ] ; tags = ! tags }
let desc_return_value_ignored proc_name loc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ " after " ^ call_to_at_line tags proc_name loc ] ; tags = ! tags }
let desc_unary_minus_applied_to_unsigned_expression expr_str_opt typ_str loc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
let expression = match expr_str_opt with
| Some s ->
Tags . add tags Tags . value s ;
" expression " ^ s
| None -> " an expression " in
let description = Format . sprintf
" A unary minus is applied to %s of type %s %s "
( at_line tags loc ) in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ description ] ; tags = ! tags }
let desc_skip_function proc_name =
let tags = Tags . create () in
let proc_name_str = Typ . Procname . to_string proc_name in
Tags . add tags Tags . value proc_name_str ;
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ proc_name_str ] ; tags = ! tags }
let desc_inherently_dangerous_function proc_name =
let proc_name_str = Typ . Procname . to_string proc_name in
let tags = Tags . create () in
Tags . add tags Tags . value proc_name_str ;
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ proc_name_str ] ; tags = ! tags }
let desc_stack_variable_address_escape expr_str addr_dexp_str loc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
Tags . add tags Tags . value expr_str ;
let escape_to_str = match addr_dexp_str with
| Some s ->
Tags . add tags Tags . escape_to s ;
" to " ^ s ^ " "
| None -> " " in
let description = Format . sprintf
" Address of stack variable %s escapes %s%s "
( at_line tags loc ) in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ description ] ; tags = ! tags }
let desc_tainted_value_reaching_sensitive_function
taint_kind expr_str tainting_fun sensitive_fun loc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
Tags . add tags Tags . value expr_str ;
let description =
match taint_kind with
| PredSymb . Tk_unverified_SSL_socket ->
F . sprintf
" The hostname of SSL socket `%s` (returned from %s) has not been verified! Reading from the socket via the call to %s %s is dangerous. You should verify the hostname of the socket using a HostnameVerifier before reading; otherwise, you may be vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack. "
( format_method tainting_fun )
( format_method sensitive_fun )
( at_line tags loc )
| PredSymb . Tk_shared_preferences_data ->
F . sprintf
" `%s` holds sensitive data read from a SharedPreferences object (via call to %s). This data may leak via the call to %s %s. "
( format_method tainting_fun )
( format_method sensitive_fun )
( at_line tags loc )
| PredSymb . Tk_privacy_annotation ->
F . sprintf
" `%s` holds privacy-sensitive data (source: call to %s). This data may leak via the call to %s %s. "
( format_method tainting_fun )
( format_method sensitive_fun )
( at_line tags loc )
| PredSymb . Tk_integrity_annotation ->
F . sprintf
" `%s` holds untrusted user-controlled data (source: call to %s). This data may flow into a security-sensitive sink via the call to %s %s. "
( format_method tainting_fun )
( format_method sensitive_fun )
( at_line tags loc )
| PredSymb . Tk_unknown ->
F . sprintf
" Value `%s` could be insecure (tainted) due to call to function %s %s %s %s. Function %s %s "
( format_method tainting_fun )
" and is reaching sensitive function "
( format_method sensitive_fun )
( at_line tags loc )
( format_method sensitive_fun )
" requires its input to be verified or sanitized. " in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ description ] ; tags = ! tags }
let desc_uninitialized_dangling_pointer_deref deref expr_str loc =
let tags = Tags . create () in
Tags . add tags Tags . value expr_str ;
let prefix = match deref . value_pre with
| Some s -> s
| _ -> " " in
let description =
Format . sprintf
" %s %s %s %s "
deref . problem_str
( at_line tags loc ) in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [ description ] ; tags = ! tags }