* Copyright ( c ) 2016 - present Facebook , Inc .
* All rights reserved .
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree . An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory .
* )
(* * Definition and parsing of command line arguments *)
open ! IStd
val warnf : ( ' a , Format . formatter , unit ) format -> ' a
(* * Print to stderr in case of error, fails in strict mode *)
type parse_mode =
| InferCommand (* * parse arguments as arguments for infer *)
| Javac (* * parse arguments passed to the Java compiler *)
| NoParse (* * all arguments are anonymous arguments, no parsing is attempted *)
[ @@ deriving compare ]
(* * Main modes of operation for infer *)
type command =
| Analyze (* * analyze previously captured source files *)
| Capture
(* * capture compilation commands and translate source files into infer's intermediate
language * )
| Clang
(* * run and accept the same arguments as the clang compiler, may also capture the source
files compiled , and may also not actually compile the files depending on other options
* )
| Compile
(* * set up the infer environment then run the compilation commands without capturing the
source files * )
| Diff (* * orchestrate a diff analysis *)
| Explore (* * explore infer reports *)
| Report (* * post-process infer results and reports *)
| ReportDiff (* * compute the difference of two infer reports *)
| Run (* * orchestrate the capture, analysis, and reporting of a compilation command *)
[ @@ deriving compare ]
val equal_command : command -> command -> bool
val all_commands : command list
val infer_exe_name : string
val name_of_command : command -> string
val exe_name_of_command : command -> string
val command_of_exe_name : string -> command option
val is_originator : bool
val init_work_dir : string
(* * The [mk_ * ] functions declare command line options, while [parse] parses then according to the
declared options .
The arguments of the declaration functions are largely treated uniformly :
- [ long ] declares the option [ - - long ]
- [ short ] declares the option [ - short ] as an alias
- [ deprecated ] declares the option [ - key ] as an alias , for each [ key ] in [ deprecated ]
- [ default ] specifies the default value
- [ default_to_string ] is used to document the default value
- [ f ] specifies a transformation to be performed on the parsed value before setting the config
- [ symbols ] is an association list sometimes used in place of [ f ]
- [ parse_mode ] declares which parse mode the option is for
- [ in_help ] indicates the man pages in which the command should be documented , as generated by
calling infer with - - help . Otherwise it appears only in - - help - full .
- [ meta ] is a meta - variable naming the parsed value for documentation purposes
- a documentation string
* )
type ' a t =
? deprecated : string list -> long : string -> ? short : char -> ? parse_mode : parse_mode
-> ? in_help : ( command * string ) list -> ? meta : string -> string -> ' a
val mk_set : ' a ref -> ' a -> unit t
(* * [mk_set variable value] defines a command line option which sets [variable] to [value]. *)
val mk_option :
? default : ' a option -> ? default_to_string : ( ' a option -> string ) -> f : ( string -> ' a option )
-> ? mk_reset : bool -> ' a option ref t
val mk_bool : ? deprecated_no : string list -> ? default : bool -> ? f : ( bool -> bool ) -> bool ref t
(* * [mk_bool long short doc] defines a [bool ref] set by the command line flag [--long] ( and
[ - s ] ) , and cleared by the flag [ - - no - long ] ( and [ - S ] ) . If [ long ] already has a " no- " prefix ,
or [ s ] is capital , then the existing prefixes will instead be removed . The default
value is [ false ] unless overridden by [ ~ default : true ] . The [ doc ] string will be prefixed with
either " Activates: " or " Deactivates: " , so should be phrased accordingly . * )
val mk_bool_group :
? deprecated_no : string list -> ? default : bool -> ? f : ( bool -> bool )
-> ( bool ref list -> bool ref list -> bool ref ) t
(* * [mk_bool_group children not_children] behaves as [mk_bool] with the addition that all the
[ children ] are also set and the [ no_children ] are unset . A child can be unset by including
" --no-child " later in the arguments . * )
val mk_int : default : int -> ? f : ( int -> int ) -> int ref t
val mk_int_opt : ? default : int -> ? f : ( int -> int ) -> int option ref t
val mk_float : default : float -> float ref t
val mk_float_opt : ? default : float -> float option ref t
val mk_string : default : string -> ? f : ( string -> string ) -> string ref t
val mk_string_opt :
? default : string -> ? f : ( string -> string ) -> ? mk_reset : bool -> string option ref t
(* * An option "--[long]-reset" is automatically created that resets the reference to None when found
on the command line , unless [ mk_reset ] is false . * )
val mk_string_list : ? default : string list -> ? f : ( string -> string ) -> string list ref t
(* * [mk_string_list] defines a [string list ref], initialized to [[]] unless overridden by
[ ~ default ] . Each argument of an occurrence of the option will be prepended to the list , so the
final value will be in the reverse order they appeared on the command line .
An option " --[long]-reset " is automatically created that resets the list to [] when found on the
command line . * )
val mk_path : default : string -> string ref t
(* * like [mk_string] but will resolve the string into an absolute path so that children processes
agree on the absolute path that the option represents * )
val mk_path_opt : ? default : string -> string option ref t
(* * analogous of [mk_string_opt] with the extra feature of [mk_path] *)
val mk_path_list : ? default : string list -> string list ref t
(* * analogous of [mk_string_list] with the extra feature of [mk_path] *)
val mk_symbol :
default : ' a -> symbols : ( string * ' a ) list -> eq : ( ' a -> ' a -> bool ) -> ? f : ( ' a -> ' a ) -> ' a ref t
(* * [mk_symbol long symbols] defines a command line flag [--long <symbol>] where [ ( <symbol>,_ ) ] is
an element of [ symbols ] . * )
val mk_symbol_opt :
symbols : ( string * ' a ) list -> ? f : ( ' a -> ' a ) -> ? mk_reset : bool -> ' a option ref t
(* * [mk_symbol_opt] is similar to [mk_symbol] but defaults to [None]. If [mk_reset] is false then do not create an additional --[long]-reset option to reset the value of the option to [None]. *)
val mk_symbol_seq :
? default : ' a list -> symbols : ( string * ' a ) list -> eq : ( ' a -> ' a -> bool ) -> ' a list ref t
(* * [mk_symbol_seq long symbols] defines a command line flag [--long <symbol sequence>] where
[< symbol sequence >] is a comma - separated sequence of [< symbol >] s such that [ ( < symbol > , _ ) ] is an
element of [ symbols ] . * )
val mk_set_from_json :
default : ' a -> default_to_string : ( ' a -> string ) -> f : ( Yojson . Basic . json -> ' a ) -> ' a ref t
val mk_json : Yojson . Basic . json ref t
val mk_anon : unit -> string list ref
(* * [mk_anon ( ) ] defines a [string list ref] of the anonymous command line arguments, in the reverse
order they appeared on the command line . * )
val mk_rest :
? parse_mode : parse_mode -> ? in_help : ( command * string ) list -> string -> string list ref
(* * [mk_rest doc] defines a [string list ref] of the command line arguments following ["--"], in the
reverse order they appeared on the command line . For example , calling [ mk_rest ] and parsing
[ exe - opt1 - opt2 - - arg1 arg2 ] will result in the returned ref containing [ arg2 ; arg1 ] . * )
val mk_rest_actions :
? parse_mode : parse_mode -> ? in_help : ( command * string ) list -> string -> usage : string
-> ( string -> parse_mode ) -> string list ref
(* * [mk_rest_actions doc ~usage command_to_parse_mode] defines a [string list ref] of the command
line arguments following [ " -- " ] , in the reverse order they appeared on the command line . [ usage ]
is the usage message in case of parse errors or if - - help is passed . For example , calling
[ mk_action ] and parsing [ exe - opt1 - opt2 - - arg1 arg2 ] will result in the returned ref
containing [ arg2 ; arg1 ] . Additionally , the first arg following [ " -- " ] is passed to
[ command_to_parse_mode ] to obtain the parse action that will be used to parse the remaining
arguments . * )
type command_doc
val mk_command_doc :
title : string -> section : int -> version : string -> date : string -> short_description : string
-> synopsis : Cmdliner . Manpage . block list -> description : Cmdliner . Manpage . block list
-> ? options : [ ` Prepend of Cmdliner . Manpage . block list | ` Replace of Cmdliner . Manpage . block list ]
-> ? exit_status : Cmdliner . Manpage . block list -> ? environment : Cmdliner . Manpage . block list
-> ? files : Cmdliner . Manpage . block list -> ? notes : Cmdliner . Manpage . block list
-> ? bugs : Cmdliner . Manpage . block list -> ? examples : Cmdliner . Manpage . block list
-> see_also : Cmdliner . Manpage . block list -> string -> command_doc
(* * [mk_command_doc ~title ~section ~version ~short_description ~synopsis ~description ~see_also
command_exe ] records information about a command that is used to create its man page . A lot of
the concepts are taken from man - pages ( 7 ) .
- [ command_exe ] is the name of the command , preferably an executable that selects the command
- [ title ] will be the title of the manual
- [ section ] will be the section of the manual ( the number 7 in man - pages ( 7 ) )
- [ version ] is the version string of the command
- [ date ] is the date of the last modification of the manual
- [ short_description ] is a one - line description of the command
- [ options ] can be either [ ` Replace blocks ] , which populates the OPTIONS section with [ blocks ] ,
or [ ` Prepend blocks ] , in which case the options from the command are used , prepended by
[ blocks ] . If unspecified it defaults to [ ` Prepend [] ] .
- All the other [ section_name ] options correspond to the contents of the section [ section_name ] .
Some are mandatory and some are not .
* )
val mk_subcommand :
command -> ? on_unknown_arg : [ ` Add | ` Skip | ` Reject ] -> name : string -> ? deprecated_long : string
-> ? parse_mode : parse_mode -> ? in_help : ( command * string ) list -> command_doc option -> unit
(* * [mk_subcommand command ~long command_doc] defines the subcommand [command]. A subcommand is
activated by passing [ name ] , and by passing [ - - deprecated_long ] if specified . A man page is
automatically generated for [ command ] based on the information in [ command_doc ] , if available
( otherwise the command is considered internal ) . [ on_unknown_arg ] is the action taken on unknown
anonymous arguments ; it is ` Reject by default .
[CLI] switch to infer-<command> (symlinks) executables
Introduce `infer-<command>` for each command, except for internal commands
(only `infer-clang` for now) which are not exported. Install these executables
(which are just symlinks to `infer`) on `make install`. The main executable
looks at the name it was invoked with to figure out if it should behave as a
particular command.
Get rid of `InferClang`, `InferAnalyze`, and `InferPrint`. As a bonus, we now
only need to build one executable: `infer`, which should be a few seconds
faster (less link time).
`InferAnalyze` is now `infer-analyze` and `InferPrint` is `infer-print`. To run
`InferClang`, use a symlink named `clang`, `clang++`, etc. to `infer`. There
are such symlinks available in "infer/lib/wrappers/" already.
I also noticed that the scripts in xcodebuild_wrappers/ don't seem useful
anymore, so use wrappers/ instead, as for `make`.
Reviewed By: mbouaziz
Differential Revision: D5036495
fbshipit-source-id: 4a90030
8 years ago
* )
val args_env_var : string
(* * environment variable use to pass arguments from parent to child processes *)
val strict_mode_env_var : string
val env_var_sep : char
(* * separator of argv elements when encoded into environment variables *)
val extend_env_args : string list -> unit
(* * [extend_env_args args] appends [args] to those passed via [args_env_var] *)
val parse :
? config_file : string -> usage : Arg . usage_msg -> parse_mode -> command option
-> command option * ( int -> ' a )
(* * [parse ~usage parse_mode command] parses command line arguments as specified by preceding calls
to the [ mk_ * ] functions , and returns :
- the command selected by the user on the command line , except if [ command ] is not None in which
case it is considered " pre-selected " for the user ;
- a function that prints the usage message and help text then exits with the code passed as
argument .
The decoded values of the inferconfig file [ config_file ] , if provided , are parsed , followed by
the decoded values of the environment variable [ args_env_var ] , followed by [ Sys . argv ] if
[ parse_mode ] is one that should parse command line arguments ( this is defined in the
implementation of this module ) . Therefore arguments passed on the command line supersede those
specified in the environment variable , which themselves supersede those passed via the config
file .
WARNING : An argument will be interpreted as many times as it appears in all of the config file ,
the environment variable , and the command line . The [ args_env_var ] is set to the set of options
parsed in [ args_env_var ] and on the command line . * )
val is_env_var_set : string -> bool
(* * [is_env_var_set var] is true if $[var]=1 *)
val show_manual :
? internal_section : string -> Cmdliner . Manpage . format -> command_doc -> command option -> unit
(* * Display the manual of [command] to the user, or [command_doc] if [command] is None. [format] is
used as for [ Cmdliner . Manpage . print ] . If [ internal_section ] is specified , add a section titled
[ internal_section ] about internal ( hidden ) options . * )