* Copyright ( c ) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd .
* Copyright ( c ) 2013 - present Facebook , Inc .
* All rights reserved .
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree . An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory .
* )
(* * Symbolic Execution *)
module L = Logging
module F = Format
open Utils
let rec idlist_assoc id = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| ( i , x ) :: l -> if Ident . equal i id then x else idlist_assoc id l
let rec fldlist_assoc fld = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| ( fld' , x , a ) :: l -> if Sil . fld_equal fld fld' then x else fldlist_assoc fld l
let rec explist_assoc e = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| ( e' , x ) :: l -> if Sil . exp_equal e e' then x else explist_assoc e l
let append_list_op list_op1 list_op2 =
match list_op1 , list_op2 with
| None , _ -> list_op2
| _ , None -> list_op1
| Some list1 , Some list2 -> Some ( list1 @ list2 )
let reverse_list_op list_op =
match list_op with
| None -> None
| Some list -> Some ( IList . rev list )
let rec unroll_type tenv typ off =
match ( typ , off ) with
| Sil . Tvar _ , _ ->
let typ' = Sil . expand_type tenv typ in
unroll_type tenv typ' off
| Sil . Tstruct ( ftal , sftal , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ ) , Sil . Off_fld ( fld , _ ) ->
try fldlist_assoc fld ftal
with Not_found ->
L . d_strln " .... Invalid Field Access .... " ;
L . d_strln ( " Fld : " ^ Ident . fieldname_to_string fld ) ;
L . d_str " Type : " ; Sil . d_typ_full typ ; L . d_ln () ;
raise ( Exceptions . Bad_footprint ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
| Sil . Tarray ( typ' , _ ) , Sil . Off_index _ ->
| _ , Sil . Off_index ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint i ) ) when Sil . Int . iszero i ->
| _ ->
L . d_strln " .... Invalid Field Access .... " ;
L . d_str " Fld : " ; Sil . d_offset off ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " Type : " ; Sil . d_typ_full typ ; L . d_ln () ;
assert false
(* Given a node, returns a list of pvar of blocks that have been nullified in the block *)
let get_nullified_block node =
let null_blocks = IList . flatten ( IList . map ( fun i -> match i with
| Sil . Nullify ( pvar , _ , true ) when Sil . is_block_pvar pvar -> [ pvar ]
| _ -> [] ) ( Cfg . Node . get_instrs node ) ) in
(* Given a proposition and an objc block checks whether by existentially quantifying *)
(* captured variables in the block we obtain a leak *)
let check_block_retain_cycle cfg tenv pname _ prop block_nullified =
let mblock = Sil . pvar_get_name block_nullified in
let block_captured = ( match Cfg . get_block_pdesc cfg mblock with
| Some pd -> fst ( IList . split ( Cfg . Procdesc . get_captured pd ) )
| None -> [] ) in
let _ prop' = Cfg . remove_seed_captured_vars_block block_captured _ prop in
let _ prop'' = Prop . prop_rename_fav_with_existentials _ prop' in
let _ = Abs . abstract_junk ~ original_prop : _ prop pname tenv _ prop'' in
(* * Apply function [f] to the expression at position [offlist] in [strexp].
If not found , expand [ strexp ] and apply [ f ] to [ None ] .
The routine should maintain the invariant that strexp and typ correspond to
each other exactly , without involving any re - interpretation of some type t
as the t array . The [ fp_root ] parameter indicates whether the kind of the
root expression of the corresponding pointsto predicate is a footprint identifier .
The function can expand a list of higher - order [ hpara_psto ] predicates , if
the list is stored at [ offlist ] in [ strexp ] initially . The expanded list
is returned as a part of the result . All these happen under [ p ] , so that it
is sound to call the prover with [ p ] . Finally , before running this function ,
the tool should run strexp_extend_value in rearrange . ml for the same strexp
and offlist , so that all the necessary extensions of strexp are done before
this function . If the tool follows this protocol , it will never hit the assert
false cases for field and array accesses . * )
let rec apply_offlist
footprint_part pdesc tenv p fp_root nullify_struct
( root_lexp , strexp , typ ) offlist ( f : Sil . exp option -> Sil . exp ) inst lookup_inst =
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let pp_error () =
L . d_strln " .... Invalid Field .... " ;
L . d_str " strexp : " ; Sil . d_sexp strexp ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " offlist : " ; Sil . d_offset_list offlist ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " type : " ; Sil . d_typ_full typ ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " prop : " ; Prop . d_prop p ; L . d_ln () ; L . d_ln () in
match offlist , strexp with
| [] , Sil . Eexp ( e , inst_curr ) ->
let inst_is_uninitialized = function
| Sil . Ialloc ->
(* java allocation initializes with default values *)
! Config . curr_language < > Config . Java
| Sil . Iinitial -> true
| _ -> false in
let is_hidden_field () =
match State . get_instr () with
| Some ( Sil . Letderef ( _ , Sil . Lfield ( _ , fieldname , _ ) , _ , _ ) ) ->
Ident . fieldname_is_hidden fieldname
| _ -> false in
let inst_new = match inst with
| Sil . Ilookup when inst_is_uninitialized inst_curr && not ( is_hidden_field () ) -> (* we are in a lookup of an uninitialized value *)
lookup_inst := Some inst_curr ;
let alloc_attribute_opt =
if inst_curr = Sil . Iinitial then None
else Prop . get_undef_attribute p root_lexp in
let deref_str = Localise . deref_str_uninitialized alloc_attribute_opt in
let err_desc = Errdesc . explain_memory_access deref_str p ( State . get_loc () ) in
let exn = ( Exceptions . Uninitialized_value ( err_desc , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) ) in
let pre_opt = State . get_normalized_pre ( Abs . abstract_no_symop pname ) in
Reporting . log_warning pname ~ pre : pre_opt exn ;
Sil . update_inst inst_curr inst
| Sil . Ilookup -> (* a lookup does not change an inst unless it is inst_initial *)
lookup_inst := Some inst_curr ;
| _ -> Sil . update_inst inst_curr inst in
let e' = f ( Some e ) in
( e' , Sil . Eexp ( e' , inst_new ) , typ , None )
| [] , Sil . Estruct ( fesl , inst' ) ->
if not nullify_struct then ( f None , Sil . Estruct ( fesl , inst' ) , typ , None )
else if fp_root then ( pp_error () ; assert false )
L . d_strln " WARNING: struct assignment treated as nondeterministic assignment " ;
( f None , Prop . create_strexp_of_type ( Some tenv ) Prop . Fld_init typ inst , typ , None )
| [] , Sil . Earray _ ->
let offlist' = ( Sil . Off_index Sil . exp_zero ) :: offlist in
footprint_part pdesc tenv p fp_root nullify_struct
( root_lexp , strexp , typ ) offlist' f inst lookup_inst
| ( Sil . Off_fld ( fld , _ ) ) :: offlist' , Sil . Earray _ ->
let offlist_new = Sil . Off_index ( Sil . exp_zero ) :: offlist in
footprint_part pdesc tenv p fp_root nullify_struct
( root_lexp , strexp , typ ) offlist_new f inst lookup_inst
| ( Sil . Off_fld ( fld , fld_typ ) ) :: offlist' , Sil . Estruct ( fsel , inst' ) ->
let typ' = Sil . expand_type tenv typ in
let ftal , sftal , csu , nameo , supers , def_mthds , iann = match typ' with Sil . Tstruct ( ftal , sftal , csu , nameo , supers , def_mthds , iann ) -> ftal , sftal , csu , nameo , supers , def_mthds , iann | _ -> assert false in
let t' = unroll_type tenv typ ( Sil . Off_fld ( fld , fld_typ ) ) in
let _ , se' = IList . find ( fun fse -> Ident . fieldname_equal fld ( fst fse ) ) fsel in
let res_e' , res_se' , res_t' , res_pred_insts_op' =
footprint_part pdesc tenv p fp_root nullify_struct
( root_lexp , se' , t' ) offlist' f inst lookup_inst in
let replace_fse fse = if Sil . fld_equal fld ( fst fse ) then ( fld , res_se' ) else fse in
let res_se = Sil . Estruct ( IList . map replace_fse fsel , inst' ) in
let replace_fta ( f , t , a ) = if Sil . fld_equal fld f then ( fld , res_t' , a ) else ( f , t , a ) in
let res_t = Sil . Tstruct ( IList . map replace_fta ftal , sftal , csu , nameo , supers , def_mthds , iann ) in
( res_e' , res_se , res_t , res_pred_insts_op' )
with Not_found ->
pp_error () ;
assert false
(* This case should not happen. The rearrangement should
have materialized all the accessed cells . * )
| ( Sil . Off_fld _ ) :: _ , _ ->
pp_error () ;
assert false
| ( Sil . Off_index idx ) :: offlist' , Sil . Earray ( size , esel , inst1 ) ->
let nidx = Prop . exp_normalize_prop p idx in
let typ' = Sil . expand_type tenv typ in
let t' , size' = match typ' with Sil . Tarray ( t' , size' ) -> ( t' , size' ) | _ -> assert false in
let idx_ese' , se' = IList . find ( fun ese -> Prover . check_equal p nidx ( fst ese ) ) esel in
let res_e' , res_se' , res_t' , res_pred_insts_op' =
footprint_part pdesc tenv p fp_root nullify_struct
( root_lexp , se' , t' ) offlist' f inst lookup_inst in
let replace_ese ese = if Sil . exp_equal idx_ese' ( fst ese ) then ( idx_ese' , res_se' ) else ese in
let res_se = Sil . Earray ( size , IList . map replace_ese esel , inst1 ) in
let res_t = Sil . Tarray ( res_t' , size' ) in
( res_e' , res_se , res_t , res_pred_insts_op' )
with Not_found -> (* return a nondeterministic value if the index is not found after rearrangement *)
L . d_str " apply_offlist: index " ; Sil . d_exp idx ; L . d_strln " not materialized -- returning nondeterministic value " ;
let res_e' = Sil . Var ( Ident . create_fresh Ident . kprimed ) in
( res_e' , strexp , typ , None )
| ( Sil . Off_index idx ) :: offlist' , _ ->
pp_error () ;
raise ( Exceptions . Internal_error ( Localise . verbatim_desc " Array out of bounds in Symexec " ) )
(* This case should not happen. The rearrangement should
have materialized all the accessed cells . * )
(* * Given [lexp |-> se: typ], if the location [offlist] exists in [se],
function [ ptsto_lookup p ( lexp , se , typ ) offlist id ] returns a tuple .
The first component of the tuple is an expression at position [ offlist ] in [ se ] .
The second component is an expansion of the predicate [ lexp | -> se : typ ] ,
where the entity at [ offlist ] in [ se ] is expanded if the entity is a list of
higher - order parameters [ hpara_psto ] . If this expansion happens ,
the last component of the tuple is a list of pi - sigma pairs obtained
by instantiating the [ hpara_psto ] list . Otherwise , the last component is None .
All these steps happen under [ p ] . So , we can call a prover with [ p ] .
Finally , before running this function , the tool should run strexp_extend_value
in rearrange . ml for the same se and offlist , so that all the necessary
extensions of se are done before this function . * )
let ptsto_lookup footprint_part pdesc tenv p ( lexp , se , typ , st ) offlist id =
let f =
function Some exp -> exp | None -> Sil . Var id in
let fp_root =
match lexp with Sil . Var id -> Ident . is_footprint id | _ -> false in
let lookup_inst = ref None in
let e' , se' , typ' , pred_insts_op' =
footprint_part pdesc tenv p fp_root false
( lexp , se , typ ) offlist f Sil . inst_lookup lookup_inst in
let lookup_uninitialized = (* true if we have looked up an uninitialized value *)
match ! lookup_inst with
| Some ( Sil . Iinitial | Sil . Ialloc | Sil . Ilookup ) -> true
| _ -> false in
let ptsto' = Prop . mk_ptsto lexp se' ( Sil . Sizeof ( typ' , st ) ) in
( e' , ptsto' , pred_insts_op' , lookup_uninitialized )
(* * [ptsto_update p ( lexp,se,typ ) offlist exp] takes
[ lexp | -> se : typ ] , and updates [ se ] by replacing the
expression at [ offlist ] with [ exp ] . Then , it returns
the updated pointsto predicate . If [ lexp | -> se : typ ] gets
expanded during this update , the generated pi - sigma list from
the expansion gets returned , and otherwise , None is returned .
All these happen under the proposition [ p ] , so it is ok call
prover with [ p ] . Finally , before running this function ,
the tool should run strexp_extend_value in rearrange . ml for the same
se and offlist , so that all the necessary extensions of se are done
before this function . * )
let ptsto_update footprint_part pdesc tenv p ( lexp , se , typ , st ) offlist exp =
let f _ = exp in
let fp_root =
match lexp with Sil . Var id -> Ident . is_footprint id | _ -> false in
let lookup_inst = ref None in
let _ , se' , typ' , pred_insts_op' =
let pos = State . get_path_pos () in
footprint_part pdesc tenv p fp_root true ( lexp , se , typ )
offlist f ( State . get_inst_update pos ) lookup_inst in
let ptsto' = Prop . mk_ptsto lexp se' ( Sil . Sizeof ( typ' , st ) ) in
( ptsto' , pred_insts_op' )
let update_iter iter pi sigma =
let iter' = Prop . prop_iter_update_current_by_list iter sigma in
IList . fold_left ( Prop . prop_iter_add_atom false ) iter' pi
let execute_letderef pdesc tenv id rhs_exp acc_in iter =
let iter_ren = Prop . prop_iter_make_id_primed id iter in
let prop_ren = Prop . prop_iter_to_prop iter_ren in
match Prop . prop_iter_current iter_ren with
| ( Sil . Hpointsto ( lexp , strexp , Sil . Sizeof ( typ , st ) ) , offlist ) ->
let contents , new_ptsto , pred_insts_op , lookup_uninitialized =
ptsto_lookup false pdesc tenv prop_ren ( lexp , strexp , typ , st ) offlist id in
let update acc ( pi , sigma ) =
let pi' = Sil . Aeq ( Sil . Var ( id ) , contents ) :: pi in
let sigma' = new_ptsto :: sigma in
let iter' = update_iter iter_ren pi' sigma' in
let prop' = Prop . prop_iter_to_prop iter' in
let prop'' =
if lookup_uninitialized
let check_attr_change att_old att_new = () in
Prop . add_or_replace_exp_attribute check_attr_change prop' ( Sil . Var id ) ( Sil . Adangling Sil . DAuninit )
else prop' in
prop'' :: acc in
match pred_insts_op with
| None -> update acc_in ( [] , [] )
| Some pred_insts -> IList . rev ( IList . fold_left update acc_in pred_insts )
| ( Sil . Hpointsto _ , _ ) ->
Errdesc . warning_err ( State . get_loc () ) " no offset access in execute_letderef -- treating as skip@. " ;
( Prop . prop_iter_to_prop iter_ren ) :: acc_in
(* The implementation of this case means that we
ignore this dereferencing operator . When the analyzer treats
numerical information and arrays more precisely later , we
should change the implementation here . * )
| _ -> assert false
let execute_set pdesc tenv rhs_exp acc_in iter =
let ( lexp , strexp , typ , st , offlist ) =
match Prop . prop_iter_current iter with
| ( Sil . Hpointsto ( lexp , strexp , Sil . Sizeof ( typ , st ) ) , offlist ) -> ( lexp , strexp , typ , st , offlist )
| _ -> assert false in
let p = Prop . prop_iter_to_prop iter in
let new_ptsto , pred_insts_op =
ptsto_update false pdesc tenv p ( lexp , strexp , typ , st ) offlist rhs_exp in
let update acc ( pi , sigma ) =
let sigma' = new_ptsto :: sigma in
let iter' = update_iter iter pi sigma' in
let prop' = Prop . prop_iter_to_prop iter' in
prop' :: acc in
match pred_insts_op with
| None -> update acc_in ( [] , [] )
| Some pred_insts -> IList . fold_left update acc_in pred_insts
(* * Module for builtin functions with their symbolic execution handler *)
module Builtin = struct
type ret_typ = ( Prop . normal Prop . t * Paths . Path . t ) list
type sym_exe_builtin =
Cfg . cfg -> Cfg . Procdesc . t -> Sil . instr -> Sil . tenv -> Prop . normal Prop . t -> Paths . Path . t ->
Ident . t list -> ( Sil . exp * Sil . typ ) list -> Procname . t -> Location . t -> ret_typ
(* builtin function names for which we do symbolic execution *)
let builtin_functions = Procname . Hash . create 4
(* builtin plain function names: they match all the function names whose plain name is the given string *)
let builtin_plain_functions = Hashtbl . create 4
(* Check if the function is a builtin *)
let is_registered name =
Procname . Hash . mem builtin_functions name
| |
Hashtbl . mem builtin_plain_functions ( Procname . to_string name )
(* get the symbolic execution handler associated to the builtin function name *)
let get_sym_exe_builtin name : sym_exe_builtin =
try Procname . Hash . find builtin_functions name
with Not_found ->
try Hashtbl . find builtin_plain_functions ( Procname . to_string name )
with Not_found -> assert false
(* register a builtin function name and symbolic execution handler *)
let register proc_name_str ( sym_exe_fun : sym_exe_builtin ) =
let proc_name = Procname . from_string_c_fun proc_name_str in
Procname . Hash . replace builtin_functions proc_name sym_exe_fun ;
(* register a builtin plain function name and symbolic execution handler *)
let register_plain proc_name_str ( sym_exe_fun : sym_exe_builtin ) =
let proc_name = Procname . from_string_c_fun proc_name_str in
Hashtbl . replace builtin_plain_functions proc_name_str sym_exe_fun ;
(* register a builtin [Procname.t] and symbolic execution handler *)
let register_procname proc_name ( sym_exe_fun : sym_exe_builtin ) =
Procname . Hash . replace builtin_functions proc_name sym_exe_fun
(* register a builtin plain [Procname.t] and symbolic execution handler *)
let register_plain_procname proc_name ( sym_exe_fun : sym_exe_builtin ) =
Hashtbl . replace builtin_plain_functions ( Procname . to_string proc_name ) sym_exe_fun
(* * print the functions registered *)
let pp_registered fmt () =
let builtin_names = ref [] in
Procname . Hash . iter ( fun name _ -> builtin_names := name :: ! builtin_names ) builtin_functions ;
builtin_names := IList . sort Procname . compare ! builtin_names ;
let pp pname = Format . fprintf fmt " %a@ \n " Procname . pp pname in
Format . fprintf fmt " Registered builtins:@ \n @[ " ;
IList . iter pp ! builtin_names ;
Format . fprintf fmt " @]@. "
(* * print the builtin functions and exit *)
let print_builtins () =
Builtin . pp_registered Format . std_formatter () ;
exit 0
(* * Check if the function is a builtin *)
let function_is_builtin = Builtin . is_registered
(* * Precondition: se should not include hpara_psto
that could mean nonempty heaps . * )
let rec execute_nullify_se = function
| Sil . Eexp _ ->
Sil . Eexp ( Sil . exp_zero , Sil . inst_nullify )
| Sil . Estruct ( fsel , _ ) ->
let fsel' = IList . map ( fun ( fld , se ) -> ( fld , execute_nullify_se se ) ) fsel in
Sil . Estruct ( fsel' , Sil . inst_nullify )
| Sil . Earray ( size , esel , inst ) ->
let esel' = IList . map ( fun ( idx , se ) -> ( idx , execute_nullify_se se ) ) esel in
Sil . Earray ( size , esel' , Sil . inst_nullify )
(* * Do pruning for conditional [if ( e1 != e2 ) ] if [positive] is true
and [ ( if ( e1 = = e2 ) ] if [ positive ] is false * )
let prune_ne tenv positive e1 e2 prop =
let is_inconsistent =
if positive then Prover . check_equal prop e1 e2
else Prover . check_disequal prop e1 e2 in
if is_inconsistent then Propset . empty else
let new_prop =
if positive then Prop . conjoin_neq ~ footprint : ( ! Config . footprint ) e1 e2 prop
else Prop . conjoin_eq ~ footprint : ( ! Config . footprint ) e1 e2 prop
in if Prover . check_inconsistency new_prop then Propset . empty
else Propset . singleton new_prop
let rec prune_polarity tenv positive ( condition : Sil . exp ) ( prop : Prop . normal Prop . t ) = match condition with
| Sil . Var _ | Sil . Lvar _ ->
prune_ne tenv positive condition Sil . exp_zero prop
| Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint i ) when Sil . Int . iszero i ->
if positive then Propset . empty else Propset . singleton prop
| Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint _ ) | Sil . Sizeof _ | Sil . Const ( Sil . Cstr _ ) | Sil . Const ( Sil . Cclass _ ) ->
if positive then Propset . singleton prop else Propset . empty
| Sil . Const _ ->
assert false
| Sil . Cast ( _ , condition' ) ->
prune_polarity tenv positive condition' prop
| Sil . UnOp ( Sil . LNot , condition' , _ ) ->
prune_polarity tenv ( not positive ) condition' prop
| Sil . UnOp _ ->
assert false
| Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Eq , e , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint i ) )
| Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Eq , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint i ) , e ) when Sil . Int . iszero i && not ( Sil . Int . isnull i ) ->
prune_polarity tenv ( not positive ) e prop
| Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Eq , e1 , e2 ) ->
prune_ne tenv ( not positive ) e1 e2 prop
| Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Ne , e , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint i ) )
| Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Ne , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint i ) , e ) when Sil . Int . iszero i && not ( Sil . Int . isnull i ) ->
prune_polarity tenv positive e prop
| Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Ne , e1 , e2 ) ->
prune_ne tenv positive e1 e2 prop
| Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Ge , e2 , e1 ) | Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Le , e1 , e2 ) ->
(* e1<=e2 Case. Encode it as ( e1<=e2 ) =1 *)
if Sil . exp_equal e1 e2 then
if positive then Propset . singleton prop else Propset . empty
let e2_lt_e1 = Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Lt , e2 , e1 ) in (* e2 < e1 *)
let e1_le_e2 = Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Le , e1 , e2 ) in (* e1 <= e2 *)
let is_inconsistent =
if positive then Prover . check_atom prop ( Prop . mk_inequality e2_lt_e1 ) (* e2 < e1 *)
else Prover . check_atom prop ( Prop . mk_inequality e1_le_e2 ) (* e1 <= e2 *) in
if is_inconsistent then
Propset . empty
else if positive then
Propset . singleton
( Prop . conjoin_eq ~ footprint : ( ! Config . footprint ) e1_le_e2 Sil . exp_one prop )
Propset . singleton
( Prop . conjoin_eq ~ footprint : ( ! Config . footprint ) e2_lt_e1 Sil . exp_one prop )
| Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Gt , e2 , e1 ) | Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Lt , e1 , e2 ) ->
(* e1 < e2 Case. Encode it as ( e1<e2 ) =1 *)
if Sil . exp_equal e1 e2 then
if positive then Propset . empty else Propset . singleton prop
let e1_lt_e2 = Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Lt , e1 , e2 ) in (* e1 < e2 *)
let e2_le_e1 = Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Le , e2 , e1 ) in (* e2 <= e1 *)
let is_inconsistent =
if positive then Prover . check_atom prop ( Prop . mk_inequality e2_le_e1 ) (* e2 <= e1 *)
else Prover . check_atom prop ( Prop . mk_inequality e1_lt_e2 ) (* e1 < e2 *) in
if is_inconsistent then
Propset . empty
else if positive then
Propset . singleton
( Prop . conjoin_eq ~ footprint : ( ! Config . footprint ) e1_lt_e2 Sil . exp_one prop )
Propset . singleton
( Prop . conjoin_eq ~ footprint : ( ! Config . footprint ) e2_le_e1 Sil . exp_one prop )
| Sil . BinOp ( Sil . LAnd , condition1 , condition2 ) ->
( if positive then prune_polarity_inter else prune_polarity_union ) tenv positive condition1 condition2 prop
| Sil . BinOp ( Sil . LOr , condition1 , condition2 ) ->
( if positive then prune_polarity_union else prune_polarity_inter ) tenv positive condition1 condition2 prop
| Sil . BinOp _ | Sil . Lfield _ | Sil . Lindex _ ->
prune_ne tenv positive condition Sil . exp_zero prop
and prune_polarity_inter tenv positive condition1 condition2 prop =
let res = ref Propset . empty in
let pset1 = prune_polarity tenv positive condition1 prop in
let do_p p =
res := Propset . union ( prune_polarity tenv positive condition2 p ) ! res in
Propset . iter do_p pset1 ;
! res
and prune_polarity_union tenv positive condition1 condition2 prop =
let pset1 = prune_polarity tenv positive condition1 prop in
let pset2 = prune_polarity tenv positive condition2 prop in
Propset . union pset1 pset2
let prune_prop tenv condition prop =
match condition with
| Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint i ) when Sil . Int . iszero i -> Propset . empty
| Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint _ ) -> Propset . singleton prop
| _ -> prune_polarity tenv true condition prop
let dangerous_functions =
let dangerous_list = [ " gets " ] in
ref ( ( IList . map Procname . from_string_c_fun ) dangerous_list )
let check_inherently_dangerous_function caller_pname callee_pname =
if IList . exists ( Procname . equal callee_pname ) ! dangerous_functions then
let exn = Exceptions . Inherently_dangerous_function ( Localise . desc_inherently_dangerous_function callee_pname ) in
let pre_opt = State . get_normalized_pre ( Abs . abstract_no_symop caller_pname ) in
Reporting . log_warning caller_pname ~ pre : pre_opt exn
let is_defined cfg pname =
match Cfg . Procdesc . find_from_name cfg pname with
| None -> false
| Some pdesc -> Cfg . Procdesc . is_defined pdesc
let call_should_be_skipped callee_pname summary =
(* skip all procedures in intra-precedural mode *)
! Config . intraprocedural
(* check skip flag *)
| | Specs . get_flag callee_pname proc_flag_skip < > None
(* skip abstract methods *)
| | summary . Specs . attributes . ProcAttributes . is_abstract
(* treat calls with no specs as skip functions in angelic mode *)
| | ( ! Config . angelic_execution && Specs . get_specs_from_payload summary = = [] )
let report_raise_memory_leak tenv msg hpred prop =
L . d_strln msg ;
L . d_increase_indent 1 ;
L . d_strln " PROP: " ;
Prop . d_prop prop ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_strln " PREDICATE: " ;
Prop . d_sigma [ hpred ] ;
L . d_decrease_indent 1 ;
L . d_ln () ;
let footprint_part = false in
let resource = match Errdesc . hpred_is_open_resource prop hpred with
| Some res -> res
| None -> Sil . Rmemory Sil . Mmalloc in
raise ( Exceptions . Leak ( footprint_part , prop , hpred , Errdesc . explain_leak tenv hpred prop None None , false , resource , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
(* * In case of constant string dereference, return the result immediately *)
let check_constant_string_dereference lexp =
let string_lookup s n =
let c = try Char . code ( String . get s ( Sil . Int . to_int n ) ) with Invalid_argument _ -> 0 in
Sil . exp_int ( Sil . Int . of_int c ) in
match lexp with
| Sil . BinOp ( Sil . PlusPI , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cstr s ) , e )
| Sil . Lindex ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cstr s ) , e ) ->
let value = match e with
| Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint n ) when Sil . Int . geq n Sil . Int . zero && Sil . Int . leq n ( Sil . Int . of_int ( String . length s ) ) ->
string_lookup s n
| _ -> Sil . exp_get_undefined false in
Some value
| Sil . Const ( Sil . Cstr s ) ->
Some ( string_lookup s Sil . Int . zero )
| _ -> None
(* * Normalize an expression and check for arithmetic problems *)
let exp_norm_check_arith pname prop exp =
match Prop . find_arithmetic_problem ( State . get_path_pos () ) prop exp with
| Some ( Prop . Div0 div ) , prop' ->
let desc = Errdesc . explain_divide_by_zero div ( State . get_node () ) ( State . get_loc () ) in
let exn = Exceptions . Divide_by_zero ( desc , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) in
let pre_opt = State . get_normalized_pre ( Abs . abstract_no_symop pname ) in
Reporting . log_warning pname ~ pre : pre_opt exn ;
Prop . exp_normalize_prop prop exp , prop'
| Some ( Prop . UminusUnsigned ( e , typ ) ) , prop' ->
let desc = Errdesc . explain_unary_minus_applied_to_unsigned_expression e typ ( State . get_node () ) ( State . get_loc () ) in
let exn = Exceptions . Unary_minus_applied_to_unsigned_expression ( desc , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) in
let pre_opt = State . get_normalized_pre ( Abs . abstract_no_symop pname ) in
Reporting . log_warning pname ~ pre : pre_opt exn ;
Prop . exp_normalize_prop prop exp , prop'
| None , prop' -> Prop . exp_normalize_prop prop exp , prop'
(* * Check if [cond] is testing for NULL a pointer already dereferenced *)
let check_already_dereferenced pname cond prop =
let find_hpred lhs =
try Some ( IList . find ( function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , _ , _ ) -> Sil . exp_equal e lhs
| _ -> false ) ( Prop . get_sigma prop ) )
with Not_found -> None in
let rec is_check_zero = function
| Sil . Var id ->
Some id
| Sil . UnOp ( Sil . LNot , e , _ ) ->
is_check_zero e
| Sil . BinOp ( ( Sil . Eq | Sil . Ne ) , Sil . Const Sil . Cint i , Sil . Var id )
| Sil . BinOp ( ( Sil . Eq | Sil . Ne ) , Sil . Var id , Sil . Const Sil . Cint i ) when Sil . Int . iszero i ->
Some id
| _ -> None in
let dereferenced_line = match is_check_zero cond with
| Some id ->
( match find_hpred ( Prop . exp_normalize_prop prop ( Sil . Var id ) ) with
| Some ( Sil . Hpointsto ( _ , se , _ ) ) ->
( match Tabulation . find_dereference_without_null_check_in_sexp se with
| Some n -> Some ( id , n )
| None -> None )
| _ -> None )
| None ->
None in
match dereferenced_line with
| Some ( id , ( n , pos ) ) ->
let desc = Errdesc . explain_null_test_after_dereference ( Sil . Var id ) ( State . get_node () ) n ( State . get_loc () ) in
let exn = ( Exceptions . Null_test_after_dereference ( desc , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) ) in
let pre_opt = State . get_normalized_pre ( Abs . abstract_no_symop pname ) in
Reporting . log_warning pname ~ pre : pre_opt exn
| None -> ()
let run_with_abs_val_eq_zero f =
let abs_val_old = ! Config . abs_val in
Config . abs_val := 0 ;
let res = try f () with
| exn ->
Config . abs_val := abs_val_old ;
raise exn in
Config . abs_val := abs_val_old ;
(* * Check whether symbolic execution de-allocated a stack variable or a constant string, raising an exception in that case *)
let check_deallocate_static_memory prop_after =
let check_deallocated_attribute = function
| Sil . Lvar pv , Sil . Aresource ( { Sil . ra_kind = Sil . Rrelease } as ra ) when Sil . pvar_is_local pv | | Sil . pvar_is_global pv ->
let freed_desc = Errdesc . explain_deallocate_stack_var pv ra in
raise ( Exceptions . Deallocate_stack_variable freed_desc )
| Sil . Const ( Sil . Cstr s ) , Sil . Aresource ( { Sil . ra_kind = Sil . Rrelease } as ra ) ->
let freed_desc = Errdesc . explain_deallocate_constant_string s ra in
raise ( Exceptions . Deallocate_static_memory freed_desc )
| _ -> () in
let exp_att_list = Prop . get_all_attributes prop_after in
IList . iter check_deallocated_attribute exp_att_list ;
(* * create a copy of a procdesc with a new proc name *)
let proc_desc_copy cfg pdesc pname pname' =
if ( Procname . equal pname pname' ) then pdesc
( match Cfg . Procdesc . find_from_name cfg pname' with
| Some pdesc' -> pdesc'
| None ->
Cfg . Procdesc . create {
Cfg . Procdesc . cfg = cfg ;
proc_attributes =
{ ( ProcAttributes . copy ( Cfg . Procdesc . get_attributes pdesc ) ) with
ProcAttributes . proc_name = pname' ; } ;
} )
let method_exists right_proc_name methods =
if ! Config . curr_language = Config . Java then
IList . exists ( fun meth_name -> Procname . equal right_proc_name meth_name ) methods
else (* ObjC case *)
Specs . summary_exists right_proc_name
let resolve_method tenv class_name proc_name =
let found_class =
let visited = ref Mangled . MangledSet . empty in
let rec resolve class_name =
visited := Mangled . MangledSet . add class_name ! visited ;
let right_proc_name =
if Procname . is_java proc_name then
Procname . java_replace_class proc_name ( Mangled . to_string class_name )
else Procname . c_method_replace_class proc_name ( Mangled . to_string class_name ) in
let type_name = Sil . TN_csu ( Sil . Class , class_name ) in
match Sil . tenv_lookup tenv type_name with
| Some ( Sil . Tstruct ( _ , _ , Sil . Class , cls , super_classes , methods , iann ) ) ->
if method_exists right_proc_name methods then
Some right_proc_name
( match super_classes with
| ( Sil . Class , super_class ) :: interfaces ->
if not ( Mangled . MangledSet . mem super_class ! visited )
then resolve super_class
else None
| _ -> None )
| _ -> None in
resolve class_name in
match found_class with
| None ->
Logging . d_strln
( " Couldn't find method in the hierarchy of type " ^ ( Mangled . to_string class_name ) ) ;
| Some proc_name -> proc_name
let resolve_typename prop arg =
let ( arg_exp , _ ) = arg in
let typexp_opt =
let rec loop = function
| [] -> None
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , _ , typexp ) :: _ when Sil . exp_equal e arg_exp -> Some typexp
| _ :: hpreds -> loop hpreds in
loop ( Prop . get_sigma prop ) in
match typexp_opt with
| Some ( Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . Tstruct ( _ , _ , Sil . Class , class_name_opt , _ , _ , _ ) , _ ) ) -> class_name_opt
| _ -> None
(* * If the dynamic type of the object calling a method is known, the method from the dynamic type
is called * )
let resolve_virtual_pname cfg tenv prop args pname : Procname . t =
match args with
| [] -> failwith " Expecting the first parameter to be the object expression "
| obj_exp :: _ ->
match resolve_typename prop obj_exp with
| Some class_name -> resolve_method tenv class_name pname
| _ -> pname
(* let resolve_procname cfg tenv prop args pname : Procname.t = *)
(* * recognize calls to shared_ptr procedures and re-direct them to infer procedures for modelling *)
let redirect_shared_ptr tenv cfg pname actual_params =
let class_shared_ptr typ =
try match Sil . expand_type tenv typ with
| Sil . Tstruct ( _ , _ , Sil . Class , Some cl_name , _ , _ , _ ) ->
let name = Mangled . to_string cl_name in
name = " shared_ptr " | | name = " __shared_ptr "
| t -> false
with exn when exn_not_timeout exn -> false in
(* We pattern match over some specific library function, *)
(* so we make precise matching to distinghuis between *)
(* references and pointers in C++ *)
let ptr_to filter = function
| Sil . Tptr ( t , Sil . Pk_pointer )
| Sil . Tptr ( t , Sil . Pk_objc_weak )
| Sil . Tptr ( t , Sil . Pk_objc_unsafe_unretained )
| Sil . Tptr ( t , Sil . Pk_objc_autoreleasing ) -> filter t
| _ -> false in
let ref_to filter = function
| Sil . Tptr ( t , Sil . Pk_reference ) -> filter t
| _ -> false in
let ptr_to_shared_ptr typ = ptr_to class_shared_ptr typ in
let ref_to_shared_ptr typ = ref_to class_shared_ptr typ in
let ptr_to_something typ = ptr_to ( fun _ -> true ) typ in
let pname' = match Procname . to_string pname , actual_params with
| " shared_ptr " , [ ( _ , this_t ) ; ( _ , t1 ) ] when ptr_to_shared_ptr this_t && ptr_to_something t1 ->
Procname . from_string_c_fun " __infer_shared_ptr "
| " shared_ptr " , [ ( _ , this_t ) ; ( _ , t1 ) ] when ptr_to_shared_ptr this_t && ref_to_shared_ptr t1 ->
Procname . from_string_c_fun " __infer_shared_ptr_ref "
| " operator= " , [ ( _ , this_t ) ; ( _ , t1 ) ] when ptr_to_shared_ptr this_t && ref_to_shared_ptr t1 ->
Procname . from_string_c_fun " __infer_shared_ptr_eq "
| " operator== " , [ ( _ , t1 ) ; ( _ , t2 ) ] when ref_to_shared_ptr t1 && ref_to_shared_ptr t2 ->
Procname . from_string_c_fun " __infer_shared_ptr_eqeq "
| ( " operator-> " | " operator* " ) , [ ( _ , t1 ) ] when ptr_to_shared_ptr t1 ->
Procname . from_string_c_fun " __infer_shared_ptr_arrow "
| " ~shared_ptr " , [ ( _ , t1 ) ] ->
Procname . from_string_c_fun " __infer_shared_ptr_destructor "
| _ -> pname in
if Procname . equal pname pname' then pname
let found = Specs . summary_exists pname' in
if found then
match Cfg . Procdesc . find_from_name cfg pname with
| None -> pname
| Some pdesc ->
let _ pdesc = proc_desc_copy cfg pdesc pname pname' in
else pname
(* * recognize calls to the constructor java.net.URL and splits the argument string
to be only the protocol . * )
let call_constructor_url_update_args pname actual_params =
let url_pname = Procname . mangled_java
( ( Some " java.net " ) , " URL " ) None " <init> " [ ( Some " java.lang " ) , " String " ] Procname . Non_Static in
if ( Procname . equal url_pname pname ) then
( match actual_params with
| [ this ; ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cstr s ) , atype ) ] ->
let parts = Str . split ( Str . regexp_string " :// " ) s in
( match parts with
| frst :: parts ->
if ( frst = " http " ) | | ( frst = " ftp " ) | | ( frst = " https " ) | | ( frst = " mailto " ) | | ( frst = " jar " ) then
[ this ; ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cstr frst ) , atype ) ]
else actual_params
| _ -> actual_params )
| [ this ; _ , atype ] -> [ this ; ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cstr " file " ) , atype ) ]
| _ -> actual_params )
else actual_params
(* * Handles certain method calls in a special way *)
let handle_special_cases_call tenv cfg pname actual_params =
if ( ! Config . curr_language = Config . Java ) then
pname , ( call_constructor_url_update_args pname actual_params )
else if ( ! Config . curr_language = Config . C_CPP ) then
( redirect_shared_ptr tenv cfg pname actual_params ) , actual_params
else pname , actual_params
let handle_objc_method_call actual_pars actual_params pre tenv cfg ret_ids pdesc callee_pname loc path =
let path_description = " Message " ^ ( Procname . to_simplified_string callee_pname ) ^ " with receiver nil returns nil. " in
let receiver = ( match actual_pars with
| ( e , _ ) :: _ -> e
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Internal_error
( Localise . verbatim_desc " In Objective-C instance method call there should be a receiver. " ) ) ) in
let is_receiver_null =
match actual_pars with
| ( e , _ ) :: _ when Sil . exp_equal e Sil . exp_zero | | Option . is_some ( Prop . get_objc_null_attribute pre e ) -> true
| _ -> false in
let add_objc_null_attribute_or_nullify_result prop =
match ret_ids with
| [ ret_id ] ->
( match Prop . find_equal_formal_path receiver prop with
| Some info ->
Prop . add_or_replace_exp_attribute ( fun a1 a2 -> () ) prop ( Sil . Var ret_id )
( Sil . Aobjc_null info )
| None -> Prop . conjoin_eq ( Sil . Var ret_id ) Sil . exp_zero prop )
| _ -> prop in
if is_receiver_null then (* objective-c instance method with a null receiver just return objc_null ( res ) *)
let path = Paths . Path . add_description path path_description in
L . d_strln ( " Object-C method " ^ Procname . to_string callee_pname ^ " called with nil receiver. Returning 0/nil " ) ;
(* We wish to nullify the result. However, in some cases, we want to add the attribute OBJC_NULL to it so that we *)
(* can keep track of how this object became null, so that in a NPE we can separate it into a different error type *)
[ ( add_objc_null_attribute_or_nullify_result pre , path ) ]
let res = Tabulation . exe_function_call tenv cfg ret_ids pdesc callee_pname loc actual_params pre path in
let is_undef =
Option . is_some ( Prop . get_undef_attribute pre receiver ) in
if ! Config . footprint && not is_undef then
let res_null = (* returns: ( objc_null ( res ) /\ receiver=0 ) or an empty list of results *)
let pre_with_attr_or_null = add_objc_null_attribute_or_nullify_result pre in
let propset = prune_ne tenv false receiver Sil . exp_zero pre_with_attr_or_null in
if Propset . is_empty propset then []
let prop = IList . hd ( Propset . to_proplist propset ) in
let path = Paths . Path . add_description path path_description in
[ ( prop , path ) ] in
res_null @ res
else res (* Not known if receiver = 0 and not footprint. Standard tabulation *)
let normalize_params pdesc prop actual_params =
let norm_arg ( p , args ) ( e , t ) =
let e' , p' = exp_norm_check_arith pdesc p e in
( p' , ( e' , t ) :: args ) in
let prop , args = IList . fold_left norm_arg ( prop , [] ) actual_params in
( prop , IList . rev args )
let do_error_checks node_opt instr pname pdesc = match node_opt with
| Some node ->
if ! Config . curr_language = Config . Java then
PrintfArgs . check_printf_args_ok node instr pname pdesc
| None ->
(* * Execute [instr] with a symbolic heap [prop]. *)
let rec sym_exec cfg tenv pdesc _ instr ( _ prop : Prop . normal Prop . t ) path
: ( Prop . normal Prop . t * Paths . Path . t ) list =
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
State . set_instr _ instr ; (* mark instruction last seen *)
State . set_prop_tenv_pdesc _ prop tenv pdesc ; (* mark prop,tenv,pdesc last seen *)
SymOp . pay () ; (* pay one symop *)
let ret_old_path pl = (* return the old path unchanged *)
IList . map ( fun p -> ( p , path ) ) pl in
let instr = match _ instr with
| Sil . Call ( ret , exp , par , loc , call_flags ) ->
let exp' = Prop . exp_normalize_prop _ prop exp in
let instr' = match exp' with
| Sil . Const ( Sil . Ctuple ( e1 :: el ) ) -> (* closure: combine arguments to call *)
let e1' = Prop . exp_normalize_prop _ prop e1 in
let par' = IList . map ( fun e -> ( e , Sil . Tvoid ) ) el in
Sil . Call ( ret , e1' , par' @ par , loc , call_flags )
| _ ->
Sil . Call ( ret , exp' , par , loc , call_flags ) in
| _ -> _ instr in
match instr with
| Sil . Letderef ( id , rhs_exp , typ , loc ) ->
let n_rhs_exp , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop rhs_exp in
let n_rhs_exp' = Prop . exp_collapse_consecutive_indices_prop prop typ n_rhs_exp in
match check_constant_string_dereference n_rhs_exp' with
| Some value ->
ret_old_path [ Prop . conjoin_eq ( Sil . Var id ) value prop ]
| None ->
let exp_get_undef_attr exp =
let fold_undef_pname callee_opt attr =
if Option . is_none callee_opt && Sil . attr_is_undef attr then Some attr
else callee_opt in
IList . fold_left fold_undef_pname None ( Prop . get_exp_attributes prop exp ) in
let prop' =
if ! Config . angelic_execution then
(* when we try to deref an undefined value, add it to the footprint *)
match exp_get_undef_attr n_rhs_exp' with
| Some ( Sil . Aundef ( callee_pname , callee_loc , _ ) ) ->
add_constraints_on_retval pdesc prop n_rhs_exp' typ callee_pname callee_loc
| _ -> prop
else prop in
let iter_list = Rearrange . rearrange pdesc tenv n_rhs_exp' typ prop' loc in
let prop_list =
IList . fold_left ( execute_letderef pdesc tenv id n_rhs_exp' ) [] iter_list in
ret_old_path ( IList . rev prop_list )
| Rearrange . ARRAY_ACCESS ->
if ( ! Config . array_level = 0 ) then assert false
let undef = Sil . exp_get_undefined false in
ret_old_path [ Prop . conjoin_eq ( Sil . Var id ) undef _ prop ]
| Sil . Set ( lhs_exp , typ , rhs_exp , loc ) ->
let n_lhs_exp , _ prop' = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lhs_exp in
let n_rhs_exp , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop' rhs_exp in
let prop = Prop . replace_objc_null prop n_lhs_exp n_rhs_exp in
let n_lhs_exp' = Prop . exp_collapse_consecutive_indices_prop prop typ n_lhs_exp in
let iter_list = Rearrange . rearrange pdesc tenv n_lhs_exp' typ prop loc in
let prop_list = IList . fold_left ( execute_set pdesc tenv n_rhs_exp ) [] iter_list in
ret_old_path ( IList . rev prop_list )
| Rearrange . ARRAY_ACCESS ->
if ( ! Config . array_level = 0 ) then assert false
else ret_old_path [ _ prop ]
| Sil . Prune ( cond , loc , true _ branch , ik ) ->
let check_condition_always_true_false () =
let report_condition_always_true_false i =
let skip_loop = match ik with
| Sil . Ik_while | Sil . Ik_for -> not ( Sil . Int . iszero i ) (* skip wile ( 1 ) and for ( ;1; ) *)
| Sil . Ik_dowhile -> true (* skip do..while *)
| Sil . Ik_land_lor -> true (* skip subpart of a condition obtained from compilation of && and || *)
| _ -> false in
true _ branch && not skip_loop in
(* in comparisons, nil is translated as ( void * ) 0 rather than 0 *)
let is_comparison_to_nil = function
| Sil . Cast ( ( Sil . Tptr ( Sil . Tvoid , _ ) ) , exp ) ->
! Config . curr_language = Config . C_CPP && Sil . exp_is_zero exp
| _ -> false in
match Prop . exp_normalize_prop Prop . prop_emp cond with
| Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint i ) when report_condition_always_true_false i ->
let node = State . get_node () in
let desc = Errdesc . explain_condition_always_true_false i cond node loc in
let exn = Exceptions . Condition_always_true_false ( desc , not ( Sil . Int . iszero i ) , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) in
let pre_opt = State . get_normalized_pre ( Abs . abstract_no_symop pname ) in
Reporting . log_warning pname ~ pre : pre_opt exn
| Sil . BinOp ( ( Sil . Eq | Sil . Ne ) , lhs , rhs )
when true _ branch && ! Config . footprint && not ( is_comparison_to_nil rhs ) ->
(* iOS: check that NSNumber * 's are not used in conditionals without comparing to nil *)
let lhs_normal = Prop . exp_normalize_prop _ prop lhs in
let is_nsnumber = function
| Sil . Tvar ( Sil . TN_csu ( Sil . Class , name ) ) -> Mangled . to_string name = " NSNumber "
| _ -> false in
let lhs_is_ns_ptr () =
IList . exists
( function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( _ , Sil . Eexp ( exp , _ ) , Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . Tptr ( typ , _ ) , _ ) ) ->
Sil . exp_equal exp lhs_normal && is_nsnumber typ
| _ -> false )
( Prop . get_sigma _ prop ) in
if not ( Sil . exp_is_zero lhs_normal ) && lhs_is_ns_ptr () then
let node = State . get_node () in
let desc = Errdesc . explain_bad_pointer_comparison lhs node loc in
let fail = try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x in
let exn = Exceptions . Bad_pointer_comparison ( desc , fail ) in
Reporting . log_warning pname exn
| _ -> () in
check_already_dereferenced pname cond _ prop ;
check_condition_always_true_false () ;
let n_cond , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop cond in
ret_old_path ( Propset . to_proplist ( prune_prop tenv n_cond prop ) )
| Sil . Call ( ret_ids , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cfun callee_pname ) , args , loc , call_flags )
when function_is_builtin callee_pname ->
let sym_exe_builtin = Builtin . get_sym_exe_builtin callee_pname in
sym_exe_builtin cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
| Sil . Call ( ret_ids , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cfun callee_pname ) , actual_params , loc , call_flags ) ->
(* * Generic fun call with known name *)
do_error_checks ( Paths . Path . curr_node path ) instr pname pdesc ;
let ( prop_r , _ n_actual_params ) = normalize_params pname _ prop actual_params in
let fn , n_actual_params = handle_special_cases_call tenv cfg callee_pname _ n_actual_params in
let resolved_pname =
if call_flags . Sil . cf_virtual then
resolve_virtual_pname cfg tenv prop_r n_actual_params fn
else fn in
if ! Config . ondemand_enabled then
Ondemand . do_analysis pdesc callee_pname ;
let ret_typ_opt =
match Cfg . Procdesc . find_from_name cfg resolved_pname with
| None -> None
| Some pd -> Some ( Cfg . Procdesc . get_ret_type pd ) in
let skip_call prop path =
let exn = Exceptions . Skip_function ( Localise . desc_skip_function callee_pname ) in
Reporting . log_info pname exn ;
L . d_strln
( " Undefined function " ^ Procname . to_string callee_pname
^ " , returning undefined value. " ) ;
( match Specs . get_summary pname with
| None -> ()
| Some summary ->
Specs . CallStats . trace
summary . Specs . stats . Specs . call_stats callee_pname loc
( Specs . CallStats . CR_skip ) ! Config . footprint ) ;
false cfg pdesc tenv prop path
ret_ids ret_typ_opt n_actual_params resolved_pname loc in
let sentinel_result =
if ! Config . curr_language = Config . C_CPP then
cfg pdesc tenv prop_r path actual_params callee_pname loc
else [ ( prop_r , path ) ] in
let do_call ( prop , path ) =
match Specs . get_summary resolved_pname with
| None -> skip_call prop path
| Some summary when call_should_be_skipped resolved_pname summary ->
skip_call prop path
| Some summary ->
cfg pdesc tenv prop path ret_ids n_actual_params summary loc in
IList . flatten ( IList . map do_call sentinel_result )
| Sil . Call ( ret_ids , fun_exp , actual_params , loc , call_flags ) -> (* * Call via function pointer *)
let ( prop_r , n_actual_params ) = normalize_params pname _ prop actual_params in
if call_flags . Sil . cf_is_objc_block then
Rearrange . check_call_to_objc_block_error pdesc prop_r fun_exp loc ;
Rearrange . check_dereference_error pdesc prop_r fun_exp loc ;
if call_flags . Sil . cf_noreturn then begin
L . d_str " Unknown function pointer with noreturn attribute " ; Sil . d_exp fun_exp ; L . d_strln " , diverging. " ;
execute_diverge prop_r path
end else begin
L . d_str " Unknown function pointer " ; Sil . d_exp fun_exp ; L . d_strln " , returning undefined value. " ;
let callee_pname = Procname . from_string_c_fun " __function_pointer__ " in
false cfg pdesc tenv prop_r path ret_ids None n_actual_params callee_pname loc
| Sil . Nullify ( pvar , loc , deallocate ) ->
let eprop = Prop . expose _ prop in
match IList . partition
( function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( Sil . Lvar pvar' , _ , _ ) -> Sil . pvar_equal pvar pvar'
| _ -> false ) ( Prop . get_sigma eprop ) with
| [ Sil . Hpointsto ( e , se , typ ) ] , sigma' ->
let sigma'' = match deallocate with
| false ->
let se' = execute_nullify_se se in
Sil . Hpointsto ( e , se' , typ ) :: sigma'
| true -> sigma' in
let eprop_res = Prop . replace_sigma sigma'' eprop in
ret_old_path [ Prop . normalize eprop_res ]
| _ -> assert false
| Sil . Abstract loc ->
let node = State . get_node () in
let blocks_nullified = get_nullified_block node in
IList . iter ( check_block_retain_cycle cfg tenv pname _ prop ) blocks_nullified ;
if Prover . check_inconsistency _ prop
ret_old_path []
ret_old_path [ Abs . remove_redundant_array_elements pname tenv
( Abs . abstract pname tenv _ prop ) ]
| Sil . Remove_temps ( temps , loc ) ->
ret_old_path [ Prop . exist_quantify ( Sil . fav_from_list temps ) _ prop ]
| Sil . Declare_locals ( ptl , loc ) ->
let sigma_locals =
let add_None ( x , y ) = ( x , Sil . Sizeof ( y , Sil . Subtype . exact ) , None ) in
let fp_mode = ! Config . footprint in
Config . footprint := false ; (* no footprint vars for locals *)
let sigma_locals =
IList . map
( Prop . mk_ptsto_lvar ( Some tenv ) Prop . Fld_init Sil . inst_initial )
( IList . map add_None ptl ) in
Config . footprint := fp_mode ;
sigma_locals in
let sigma' = Prop . get_sigma _ prop @ sigma_locals in
let prop' = Prop . normalize ( Prop . replace_sigma sigma' _ prop ) in
ret_old_path [ prop' ]
| Sil . Stackop _ -> (* this should be handled at the propset level *)
assert false
| Sil . Goto_node ( node_e , loc ) ->
let n_node_e , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop node_e in
match n_node_e with
| Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint i ) ->
let node_id = Sil . Int . to_int i in
State . set_goto_node node_id ;
[ ( prop , path ) ]
| _ -> (* target not known, do nothing as the next nodes are set to the possible targets by the front-end *)
[ ( prop , path ) ]
and execute_diverge prop path =
State . add_diverging_states ( Paths . PathSet . from_renamed_list [ ( prop , path ) ] ) ; (* diverge *)
(* * Like sym_exec but for generated instructions.
If errors occur and [ mask_errors ] is false , just treat as skip . * )
and sym_exec_generated mask_errors cfg tenv pdesc instrs ppl =
let exe_instr instr ( p , path ) =
L . d_str " Executing Generated Instruction " ; Sil . d_instr instr ; L . d_ln () ;
try sym_exec cfg tenv pdesc instr p path
with exn when exn_not_timeout exn && mask_errors ->
let err_name , _ , ml_source , _ , _ , _ , _ = Exceptions . recognize_exception exn in
let loc = ( match ml_source with
| Some ( src , l , c ) -> " at " ^ ( src ^ " " ^ ( string_of_int l ) )
| None -> " " ) in
L . d_warning ( " Generated Instruction Failed with: " ^ ( Localise . to_string err_name ) ^ loc ) ; L . d_ln () ;
[ ( p , path ) ] in
let f plist instr = IList . flatten ( IList . map ( exe_instr instr ) plist ) in
IList . fold_left f ppl instrs
and add_to_footprint abducted_pv typ prop =
let abducted_lvar = Sil . Lvar abducted_pv in
let fresh_fp_var = Sil . Var ( Ident . create_fresh Ident . kfootprint ) in
let lvar_pt_fpvar =
let sizeof_exp = Sil . Sizeof ( typ , Sil . Subtype . subtypes ) in
Prop . mk_ptsto abducted_lvar ( Sil . Eexp ( fresh_fp_var , Sil . Inone ) ) sizeof_exp in
let sigma_fp = Prop . get_sigma_footprint prop in
( Prop . normalize ( Prop . replace_sigma_footprint ( lvar_pt_fpvar :: sigma_fp ) prop ) , fresh_fp_var )
and add_constraints_on_retval pdesc prop exp typ callee_pname callee_loc =
if Procname . is_infer_undefined callee_pname then prop
(* To avoid obvious false positives, assume skip functions do not return null pointers *)
let add_ret_non_null exp typ prop =
match typ with
| Sil . Tptr _ -> Prop . conjoin_neq exp Sil . exp_zero prop
| _ -> prop in
let is_rec_call pname = (* TODO: ( t7147096 ) extend this to detect mutual recursion *)
Procname . equal pname ( Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc ) in
if ! Config . angelic_execution && not ( is_rec_call callee_pname ) then
(* introduce a fresh program variable to allow abduction on the return value *)
let abducted_ret_pv = Sil . mk_pvar_abducted_ret callee_pname callee_loc in
let already_has_abducted_retval p =
IList . exists
( fun hpred -> match hpred with
| Sil . Hpointsto ( Sil . Lvar pv , _ , _ ) -> Sil . pvar_equal pv abducted_ret_pv
| _ -> false )
( Prop . get_sigma_footprint p ) in
(* prevent introducing multiple abducted retvals for a single call site in a loop *)
if already_has_abducted_retval prop then prop
if ! Config . footprint then
let ( prop' , fresh_fp_var ) = add_to_footprint abducted_ret_pv typ prop in
let prop'' = Prop . conjoin_eq ~ footprint : true exp fresh_fp_var prop' in
add_ret_non_null exp typ prop''
(* find an hpred [abducted_pvar] |-> A in [prop] and add [exp] = A to prop *)
let bind_exp_to_abducted_val exp_to_bind abducted_pvar prop =
let bind_exp prop = function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( Sil . Lvar pv , Sil . Eexp ( rhs , _ ) , _ )
when Sil . pvar_equal pv abducted_pvar ->
Prop . conjoin_eq exp_to_bind rhs prop
| _ -> prop in
IList . fold_left bind_exp prop ( Prop . get_sigma prop ) in
(* bind return id to the abducted value pointed to by the pvar we introduced *)
bind_exp_to_abducted_val exp abducted_ret_pv prop
| > add_ret_non_null exp typ
else add_ret_non_null exp typ prop
and add_constraints_on_actuals_by_ref prop actuals_by_ref callee_pname callee_loc =
(* replace an hpred of the form actual_var |-> _ with new_hpred in prop *)
let replace_actual_hpred actual_var new_hpred prop =
let sigma' =
IList . map
( function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( lhs , _ , _ ) when Sil . exp_equal lhs actual_var -> new_hpred
| hpred -> hpred )
( Prop . get_sigma prop ) in
Prop . normalize ( Prop . replace_sigma sigma' prop ) in
if ! Config . angelic_execution then
let add_actual_by_ref_to_footprint prop ( actual , actual_typ ) =
match actual with
| Sil . Lvar actual_pv ->
(* introduce a fresh program variable to allow abduction on the return value *)
let abducted_ref_pv =
Sil . mk_pvar_abducted_ref_param callee_pname actual_pv callee_loc in
let already_has_abducted_retval p =
IList . exists
( fun hpred -> match hpred with
| Sil . Hpointsto ( Sil . Lvar pv , _ , _ ) -> Sil . pvar_equal pv abducted_ref_pv
| _ -> false )
( Prop . get_sigma_footprint p ) in
(* prevent introducing multiple abducted retvals for a single call site in a loop *)
if already_has_abducted_retval prop then prop
if ! Config . footprint then
let ( prop' , fresh_fp_var ) =
add_to_footprint abducted_ref_pv ( Sil . typ_strip_ptr actual_typ ) prop in
(* replace [actual] |-> _ with [actual] |-> [fresh_fp_var] *)
let filtered_sigma =
IList . map
( function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( lhs , _ , typ_exp ) when Sil . exp_equal lhs actual ->
Sil . Hpointsto ( lhs , Sil . Eexp ( fresh_fp_var , Sil . Inone ) , typ_exp )
| hpred -> hpred )
( Prop . get_sigma prop' ) in
Prop . normalize ( Prop . replace_sigma filtered_sigma prop' )
(* bind actual passed by ref to the abducted value pointed to by the synthetic pvar *)
let prop' =
let filtered_sigma =
IList . filter
( function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( lhs , _ , typ_exp ) when Sil . exp_equal lhs actual ->
| _ -> true )
( Prop . get_sigma prop ) in
Prop . normalize ( Prop . replace_sigma filtered_sigma prop ) in
IList . fold_left
( fun p hpred ->
match hpred with
| Sil . Hpointsto ( Sil . Lvar pv , rhs , texp ) when Sil . pvar_equal pv abducted_ref_pv ->
let new_hpred = Sil . Hpointsto ( actual , rhs , texp ) in
Prop . normalize ( Prop . replace_sigma ( new_hpred :: ( Prop . get_sigma prop' ) ) p )
| _ -> p )
( Prop . get_sigma prop' )
| _ -> assert false in
IList . fold_left add_actual_by_ref_to_footprint prop actuals_by_ref
(* non-angelic mode; havoc each var passed by reference by assigning it to a fresh id *)
let havoc_actual_by_ref ( actual , actual_typ ) prop =
let actual_pt_havocd_var =
let havocd_var = Sil . Var ( Ident . create_fresh Ident . kprimed ) in
let sizeof_exp = Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . typ_strip_ptr actual_typ , Sil . Subtype . subtypes ) in
Prop . mk_ptsto actual ( Sil . Eexp ( havocd_var , Sil . Inone ) ) sizeof_exp in
replace_actual_hpred actual actual_pt_havocd_var prop in
IList . fold_left ( fun p var -> havoc_actual_by_ref var p ) prop actuals_by_ref
(* * execute a call for an unknown or scan function *)
and call_unknown_or_scan is_scan cfg pdesc tenv pre path
ret_ids ret_type_option actual_pars callee_pname loc =
let remove_file_attribute prop =
let do_exp p ( e , t ) =
let do_attribute q = function
| Sil . Aresource res_action as res
when res_action . Sil . ra_res = Sil . Rfile ->
Prop . remove_attribute res q
| _ -> q in
IList . fold_left do_attribute p ( Prop . get_exp_attributes p e ) in
IList . fold_left do_exp prop actual_pars in
let actuals_by_ref =
IList . filter
( function
| Sil . Lvar _ , _ -> true
| _ -> false )
actual_pars in
(* in Java, assume that skip functions close resources passed as params *)
let pre' = if ! Config . curr_language = Config . Java then remove_file_attribute pre else pre in
let pre'' = match ret_ids , ret_type_option with
| [ ret_id ] , Some ret_typ ->
add_constraints_on_retval pdesc pre' ( Sil . Var ret_id ) ret_typ callee_pname loc
| _ -> pre' in
let pre''' = add_constraints_on_actuals_by_ref pre'' actuals_by_ref callee_pname loc in
if is_scan (* if scan function, don't mark anything with undef attributes *)
then [ ( Tabulation . remove_constant_string_class pre''' , path ) ]
(* otherwise, add undefined attribute to retvals and actuals passed by ref *)
let exps_to_mark =
let ret_exps = IList . map ( fun ret_id -> Sil . Var ret_id ) ret_ids in
IList . fold_left
( fun exps_to_mark ( exp , _ ) -> exp :: exps_to_mark ) ret_exps actuals_by_ref in
let path_pos = State . get_path_pos () in
[ ( Prop . mark_vars_as_undefined pre''' exps_to_mark callee_pname loc path_pos , path ) ]
and sym_exe_check_variadic_sentinel ? ( fails_on_nil = false ) cfg pdesc tenv prop path n_formals actual_params ( sentinel , null_pos ) callee_pname loc =
(* from clang's lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp: *)
(* "nullPos" is the number of formal parameters at the end which *)
(* effectively count as part of the variadic arguments. This is *)
(* useful if you would prefer to not have * any * formal parameters, *)
(* but the language forces you to have at least one. *)
let first_var_arg_pos = if null_pos > n_formals then 0 else n_formals - null_pos in
let nargs = IList . length actual_params in
(* sentinels start counting from the last argument to the function *)
let sentinel_pos = nargs - sentinel - 1 in
let mk_non_terminal_argsi ( acc , i ) a =
if i < first_var_arg_pos | | i > = sentinel_pos then ( acc , i + 1 )
else ( ( a , i ) :: acc , i + 1 ) in
(* IList.fold_left reverses the arguments *)
let non_terminal_argsi = fst ( IList . fold_left mk_non_terminal_argsi ( [] , 0 ) actual_params ) in
let check_allocated result ( ( lexp , typ ) , i ) =
(* simulate a Letderef for [lexp] *)
let tmp_id_deref = Ident . create_fresh Ident . kprimed in
let letderef = Sil . Letderef ( tmp_id_deref , lexp , typ , loc ) in
sym_exec_generated false cfg tenv pdesc [ letderef ] result
with e when exn_not_timeout e ->
if not fails_on_nil then
let deref_str = Localise . deref_str_nil_argument_in_variadic_method callee_pname nargs i in
let err_desc =
Errdesc . explain_dereference ~ use_buckets : true ~ is_premature_nil : true
deref_str prop loc in
raise ( Exceptions . Premature_nil_termination
( err_desc , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
raise e in
(* IList.fold_left reverses the arguments back so that we report an *)
(* error on the first premature nil argument *)
IList . fold_left check_allocated [ ( prop , path ) ] non_terminal_argsi
and sym_exe_check_variadic_sentinel_if_present
cfg pdesc tenv prop path actual_params callee_pname loc =
match Specs . proc_resolve_attributes callee_pname with
| None ->
[ ( prop , path ) ]
| Some callee_attributes ->
match Sil . get_sentinel_func_attribute_value
callee_attributes . ProcAttributes . func_attributes with
| None -> [ ( prop , path ) ]
| Some sentinel_arg ->
let formals = callee_attributes . ProcAttributes . formals in
cfg pdesc tenv prop path ( IList . length formals )
actual_params sentinel_arg callee_pname loc
(* * Perform symbolic execution for a function call *)
and sym_exec_call cfg pdesc tenv pre path ret_ids actual_pars summary loc =
let caller_pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let callee_pname = Specs . get_proc_name summary in
let ret_typ = Specs . get_ret_type summary in
let check_return_value_ignored () = (* check if the return value of the call is ignored, and issue a warning *)
let is_ignored = match ret_typ , ret_ids with
| Sil . Tvoid , _ -> false
| Sil . Tint _ , _ when not ( is_defined cfg callee_pname ) ->
(* if the proc returns Tint and is not defined, *)
(* don't report ignored return value *)
| _ , [] -> true
| _ , [ id ] -> Errdesc . id_is_assigned_then_dead ( State . get_node () ) id
| _ -> false in
if is_ignored
&& Specs . get_flag callee_pname proc_flag_ignore_return = None then
let err_desc = Localise . desc_return_value_ignored callee_pname loc in
let exn = ( Exceptions . Return_value_ignored ( err_desc , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) ) in
let pre_opt = State . get_normalized_pre ( Abs . abstract_no_symop caller_pname ) in
Reporting . log_warning caller_pname ~ pre : pre_opt exn in
check_inherently_dangerous_function caller_pname callee_pname ;
let formal_types = IList . map ( fun ( _ , typ ) -> typ ) ( Specs . get_formals summary ) in
let rec comb actual_pars formal_types =
match actual_pars , formal_types with
| [] , [] -> actual_pars
| ( e , t_e ) :: etl' , t :: tl' ->
( e ,
( ! Config . Experiment . activate_subtyping_in_cpp | |
! Config . curr_language = Config . Java )
then t_e else t ) :: comb etl' tl'
| _ , [] ->
if ! Config . developer_mode then Errdesc . warning_err ( State . get_loc () ) " likely use of variable-arguments function, or function prototype missing@. " ;
L . d_warning " likely use of variable-arguments function, or function prototype missing " ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " actual parameters: " ; Sil . d_exp_list ( IList . map fst actual_pars ) ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " formal parameters: " ; Sil . d_typ_list formal_types ; L . d_ln () ;
| [] , _ ->
L . d_str ( " **** ERROR: Procedure " ^ Procname . to_string callee_pname ) ;
L . d_strln ( " mismatch in the number of parameters **** " ) ;
L . d_str " actual parameters: " ; Sil . d_exp_list ( IList . map fst actual_pars ) ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " formal parameters: " ; Sil . d_typ_list formal_types ; L . d_ln () ;
raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) ) in
let actual_params = comb actual_pars formal_types in
(* Actual parameters are associated to their formal
parameter type if there are enough formal parameters , and
to their actual type otherwise . The latter case happens
with variable - arguments functions * )
check_return_value_ignored () ;
(* In case we call an objc instance method we add and extra spec *)
(* were the receiver is null and the semantics of the call is nop *)
if ( ! Config . curr_language < > Config . Java ) && ! Config . objc_method_call_semantics &&
( Specs . get_attributes summary ) . ProcAttributes . is_objc_instance_method then
actual_pars actual_params pre tenv cfg ret_ids pdesc callee_pname loc path
else (* non-objective-c method call. Standard tabulation *)
Tabulation . exe_function_call
tenv cfg ret_ids pdesc callee_pname loc actual_params pre path
(* * perform symbolic execution for a single prop, and check for junk *)
and sym_exec_wrapper handle_exn cfg tenv pdesc instr ( ( prop : Prop . normal Prop . t ) , path )
: Paths . PathSet . t =
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let prop_primed_to_normal p = (* * Rename primed vars with fresh normal vars, and return them *)
let fav = Prop . prop_fav p in
Sil . fav_filter_ident fav Ident . is_primed ;
let ids_primed = Sil . fav_to_list fav in
let ids_primed_normal =
IList . map ( fun id -> ( id , Ident . create_fresh Ident . knormal ) ) ids_primed in
let ren_sub = Sil . sub_of_list ( IList . map ( fun ( id1 , id2 ) -> ( id1 , Sil . Var id2 ) ) ids_primed_normal ) in
let p' = Prop . normalize ( Prop . prop_sub ren_sub p ) in
let fav_normal = Sil . fav_from_list ( IList . map snd ids_primed_normal ) in
p' , fav_normal in
let prop_normal_to_primed fav_normal p = (* rename given normal vars to fresh primed *)
if Sil . fav_to_list fav_normal = [] then p
else Prop . exist_quantify fav_normal p in
let pre_process_prop p =
let p' , fav =
if Sil . instr_is_auxiliary instr
then p , Sil . fav_new ()
else prop_primed_to_normal p in
let p'' =
let map_res_action e ra = (* update the vpath in resource attributes *)
let vpath , _ = Errdesc . vpath_find p' e in
{ ra with Sil . ra_vpath = vpath } in
Prop . attribute_map_resource p' map_res_action in
p'' , fav in
let post_process_result fav_normal p path =
let p' = prop_normal_to_primed fav_normal p in
State . set_path path None ;
let node_has_abstraction node =
let instr_is_abstraction = function
| Sil . Abstract _ -> true
| _ -> false in
IList . exists instr_is_abstraction ( Cfg . Node . get_instrs node ) in
let curr_node = State . get_node () in
match Cfg . Node . get_kind curr_node with
| Cfg . Node . Prune_node _ when not ( node_has_abstraction curr_node ) ->
(* don't check for leaks in prune nodes, unless there is abstraction anyway, but force them into either branch *)
| _ ->
check_deallocate_static_memory ( Abs . abstract_junk ~ original_prop : p pname tenv p' ) in
L . d_str " Instruction " ; Sil . d_instr instr ; L . d_ln () ;
let prop' , fav_normal = pre_process_prop prop in
let res_list = run_with_abs_val_eq_zero (* no exp abstraction during sym exe *)
( fun () ->
sym_exec cfg tenv pdesc instr prop' path ) in
let res_list_nojunk = IList . map ( fun ( p , path ) -> ( post_process_result fav_normal p path , path ) ) res_list in
let results = IList . map ( fun ( p , path ) -> ( Prop . prop_rename_primed_footprint_vars p , path ) ) res_list_nojunk in
L . d_strln " Instruction Returns " ;
Propgraph . d_proplist prop ( IList . map fst results ) ; L . d_ln () ;
State . mark_instr_ok () ;
Paths . PathSet . from_renamed_list results
with exn when Exceptions . handle_exception exn && ! Config . footprint ->
handle_exn exn ; (* calls State.mark_instr_fail *)
if ! Config . nonstop
then ( Paths . PathSet . from_renamed_list [ ( prop , path ) ] ) (* in nonstop mode treat the instruction as skip *)
else Paths . PathSet . empty
(* * {2 Lifted Abstract Transfer Functions} *)
let lifted_sym_exec
handle_exn cfg tenv pdesc ( pset : Paths . PathSet . t ) node ( instrs : Sil . instr list )
: Paths . PathSet . t =
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let exe_instr_prop instr p tr ( pset1 : Paths . PathSet . t ) =
let pset2 =
if Tabulation . prop_is_exn pname p && not ( Sil . instr_is_auxiliary instr )
&& Cfg . Node . get_kind node < > Cfg . Node . exn_handler_kind
(* skip normal instructions if an exception was thrown, unless this is an exception handler node *)
L . d_str " Skipping instr " ; Sil . d_instr instr ; L . d_strln " due to exception " ;
Paths . PathSet . from_renamed_list [ ( p , tr ) ]
else sym_exec_wrapper handle_exn cfg tenv pdesc instr ( p , tr ) in
Paths . PathSet . union pset2 pset1 in
let exe_instr_pset ( pset , stack ) instr = (* * handle a single instruction at the set level *)
let pp_stack_instr pset' =
L . d_str " Stack Instruction " ; Sil . d_instr instr ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_strln " Stack Instruction Returns " ;
Propset . d Prop . prop_emp ( Paths . PathSet . to_propset pset' ) ; L . d_ln () in
match instr , stack with
| Sil . Stackop ( Sil . Push , _ ) , _ ->
pp_stack_instr pset ;
( pset , pset :: stack )
| Sil . Stackop ( Sil . Swap , _ ) , ( pset' :: stack' ) ->
pp_stack_instr pset' ;
( pset' , pset :: stack' )
| Sil . Stackop ( Sil . Pop , _ ) , ( pset' :: stack' ) ->
let pset'' = Paths . PathSet . union pset pset' in
pp_stack_instr pset'' ;
( pset'' , stack' )
| Sil . Stackop _ , _ -> (* should not happen *)
assert false
| _ ->
let pset' = Paths . PathSet . fold ( exe_instr_prop instr ) pset Paths . PathSet . empty in
( pset' , stack ) in
let stack = [] in
let pset' , stack' = IList . fold_left exe_instr_pset ( pset , stack ) instrs in
if stack' != [] then assert false ; (* final stack must be empty *)
(* ============== START of ModelBuiltins ============== *)
module ModelBuiltins = struct
(* * This module contains models for the builtin functions supported *)
let execute___no_op prop path : Builtin . ret_typ =
[ ( prop , path ) ]
(* * model va_arg as always returning 0 *)
let execute___builtin_va_arg cfg pdesc instr tenv prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args , ret_ids with
| [ ( lexp1 , typ1 ) ; ( lexp2 , typ2 ) ; ( lexp3 , typ3 ) ] , _ ->
let instr' = Sil . Set ( lexp3 , typ3 , Sil . exp_zero , loc ) in
sym_exec_generated true cfg tenv pdesc [ instr' ] [ ( prop , path ) ]
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
let mk_empty_array size =
Sil . Earray ( size , [] , Sil . inst_none )
let extract_array_type typ =
if ( ! Config . curr_language = Config . Java ) then
match typ with
| Sil . Tptr ( Sil . Tarray ( typ' , _ ) , _ ) -> Some typ'
| _ -> None
match typ with
| Sil . Tptr ( typ' , _ ) | Sil . Tarray ( typ' , _ ) ->
Some typ'
| _ -> None
(* * Return a result from a procedure call. *)
let return_result e prop ret_ids =
match ret_ids with
| [ ret_id ] -> Prop . conjoin_eq e ( Sil . Var ret_id ) prop
| _ -> prop
let execute___get_array_size cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] when IList . length ret_ids < = 1 ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let return_result_for_array_size e prop ret_ids = return_result e prop ret_ids in
let n_lexp , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lexp in
let hpred = IList . find ( function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , _ , _ ) -> Sil . exp_equal e n_lexp
| _ -> false ) ( Prop . get_sigma prop ) in
match hpred with
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , Sil . Earray ( size , _ , _ ) , _ ) ->
[ ( return_result_for_array_size size prop ret_ids , path ) ]
| _ -> []
with Not_found ->
let otyp' = ( extract_array_type typ ) in
match otyp' with
| Some typ' ->
let size = Sil . Var ( Ident . create_fresh Ident . kfootprint ) in
let s = mk_empty_array size in
let hpred = Prop . mk_ptsto n_lexp s ( Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . Tarray ( typ' , size ) , Sil . Subtype . exact ) ) in
let sigma = Prop . get_sigma prop in
let sigma_fp = Prop . get_sigma_footprint prop in
let prop' = Prop . replace_sigma ( hpred :: sigma ) prop in
let prop'' = Prop . replace_sigma_footprint ( hpred :: sigma_fp ) prop' in
let prop'' = Prop . normalize prop'' in
[ ( return_result_for_array_size size prop'' ret_ids , path ) ]
| _ -> []
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
let execute___set_array_size cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args , ret_ids with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ; ( size , _ ) ] , [] ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let n_lexp , _ prop' = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lexp in
let n_size , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop' size in
let hpred , sigma' = IList . partition ( function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , _ , t ) -> Sil . exp_equal e n_lexp
| _ -> false ) ( Prop . get_sigma prop ) in
match hpred with
| [ Sil . Hpointsto ( e , Sil . Earray ( _ , esel , inst ) , t ) ] ->
let hpred' = Sil . Hpointsto ( e , Sil . Earray ( n_size , esel , inst ) , t ) in
let prop' = Prop . replace_sigma ( hpred' :: sigma' ) prop in
[ ( Prop . normalize prop' , path ) ]
| _ -> raise Not_found
with Not_found ->
match typ with
| Sil . Tptr ( typ' , _ ) ->
let size_fp = Sil . Var ( Ident . create_fresh Ident . kfootprint ) in
let se = mk_empty_array n_size in
let se_fp = mk_empty_array size_fp in
let hpred = Prop . mk_ptsto n_lexp se ( Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . Tarray ( typ' , size ) , Sil . Subtype . exact ) ) in
let hpred_fp = Prop . mk_ptsto n_lexp se_fp ( Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . Tarray ( typ' , size_fp ) , Sil . Subtype . exact ) ) in
let sigma = Prop . get_sigma prop in
let sigma_fp = Prop . get_sigma_footprint prop in
let prop' = Prop . replace_sigma ( hpred :: sigma ) prop in
let prop'' = Prop . replace_sigma_footprint ( hpred_fp :: sigma_fp ) prop' in
let prop'' = Prop . normalize prop'' in
[ ( prop'' , path ) ]
| _ -> []
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
let execute___print_value cfg pdesc instr tenv prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
L . err " __print_value: " ;
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let do_arg ( lexp , typ ) =
let n_lexp , _ = exp_norm_check_arith pname prop lexp in
L . err " %a " ( Sil . pp_exp pe_text ) n_lexp in
IList . iter do_arg args ;
L . err " @. " ;
[ ( prop , path ) ]
let is_undefined_opt prop n_lexp =
let is_undef =
Option . is_some ( Prop . get_undef_attribute prop n_lexp ) in
is_undef && ( ! Config . angelic_execution | | ! Config . optimistic_cast )
(* * Creates an object in the heap with a given type, when the object is not known to be null or when it doesn't
appear already in the heap . * )
let create_type tenv n_lexp typ prop =
let prop_type =
let _ = IList . find ( function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , _ , _ ) -> Sil . exp_equal e n_lexp
| _ -> false ) ( Prop . get_sigma prop ) in
with Not_found ->
let mhpred =
match typ with
| Sil . Tptr ( typ' , _ ) ->
let sexp = Sil . Estruct ( [] , Sil . inst_none ) in
let typ'' = Sil . expand_type tenv typ' in
let texp = Sil . Sizeof ( typ'' , Sil . Subtype . subtypes ) in
let hpred = Prop . mk_ptsto n_lexp sexp texp in
Some hpred
| Sil . Tarray ( typ' , _ ) ->
let size = Sil . Var ( Ident . create_fresh Ident . kfootprint ) in
let sexp = mk_empty_array size in
let texp = Sil . Sizeof ( typ , Sil . Subtype . subtypes ) in
let hpred = Prop . mk_ptsto n_lexp sexp texp in
Some hpred
| _ -> None in
match mhpred with
| Some hpred ->
let sigma = Prop . get_sigma prop in
let sigma_fp = Prop . get_sigma_footprint prop in
let prop' = Prop . replace_sigma ( hpred :: sigma ) prop in
let prop'' =
let has_normal_variables =
Sil . fav_exists ( Sil . exp_fav n_lexp ) Ident . is_normal in
if ( is_undefined_opt prop n_lexp ) | | has_normal_variables
then prop'
else Prop . replace_sigma_footprint ( hpred :: sigma_fp ) prop' in
let prop'' = Prop . normalize prop'' in
| None -> prop in
let sil_is_null = Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Eq , n_lexp , ( Sil . exp_zero ) ) in
let sil_is_nonnull = Sil . UnOp ( Sil . LNot , sil_is_null , None ) in
let null_case = Propset . to_proplist ( prune_prop tenv sil_is_null prop ) in
let non_null_case = Propset . to_proplist ( prune_prop tenv sil_is_nonnull prop_type ) in
if ( ( IList . length non_null_case ) > 0 ) && ( ! Config . footprint ) then
else if ( ( IList . length non_null_case ) > 0 ) && ( is_undefined_opt prop n_lexp ) then
else null_case @ non_null_case
let execute___get_type_of cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] when IList . length ret_ids < = 1 ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let n_lexp , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lexp in
let props = create_type tenv n_lexp typ prop in
let aux prop =
let hpred = IList . find ( function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , _ , _ ) -> Sil . exp_equal e n_lexp
| _ -> false ) ( Prop . get_sigma prop ) in
match hpred with
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , _ , texp ) ->
( return_result texp prop ret_ids ) , path
| _ -> assert false
with Not_found -> ( return_result Sil . exp_zero prop ret_ids ) , path
end in
( IList . map aux props )
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
(* * replace the type of the ptsto rooted at [root_e] with [texp] in [prop] *)
let replace_ptsto_texp prop root_e texp =
let process_sigma sigma =
let sigma1 , sigma2 =
IList . partition ( function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , _ , _ ) -> Sil . exp_equal e root_e
| _ -> false ) sigma in
match sigma1 with
| [ Sil . Hpointsto ( e , se , _ ) ] -> ( Sil . Hpointsto ( e , se , texp ) ) :: sigma2
| _ -> sigma in
let sigma = Prop . get_sigma prop in
let sigma_fp = Prop . get_sigma_footprint prop in
let prop' = Prop . replace_sigma ( process_sigma sigma ) prop in
let prop'' = Prop . replace_sigma_footprint ( process_sigma sigma_fp ) prop' in
Prop . normalize prop''
let execute___instanceof_cast
cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc instof
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( _ val1 , typ1 ) ; ( _ texp2 , typ2 ) ] when IList . length ret_ids < = 1 ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let val1 , _ _ prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop _ val1 in
let texp2 , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ _ prop _ texp2 in
let exe_one_prop prop =
if Sil . exp_equal texp2 Sil . exp_zero then
[ ( return_result Sil . exp_zero prop ret_ids , path ) ]
let hpred = IList . find ( function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e1 , _ , _ ) -> Sil . exp_equal e1 val1
| _ -> false ) ( Prop . get_sigma prop ) in
match hpred with
| Sil . Hpointsto ( _ , _ , texp1 ) ->
let pos_type_opt , neg_type_opt = Prover . subtype_case_analysis tenv texp1 texp2 in
let mk_res type_opt res_e = match type_opt with
| None -> []
| Some texp1' ->
let prop' =
if Sil . exp_equal texp1 texp1' then prop
else replace_ptsto_texp prop val1 texp1' in
[ ( return_result res_e prop' ret_ids , path ) ] in
if ( instof ) then (* instanceof *)
let pos_res = mk_res pos_type_opt Sil . exp_one in
let neg_res = mk_res neg_type_opt Sil . exp_zero in
pos_res @ neg_res
else (* cast *)
if ( ! Config . footprint = true ) then
match pos_type_opt with
| None ->
Tabulation . raise_cast_exception
( try assert false with Assert_failure ml_loc -> ml_loc )
None texp1 texp2 val1
| Some texp1' -> ( mk_res pos_type_opt val1 )
else (* !Config.footprint = false *)
match neg_type_opt with
| Some _ ->
if ( is_undefined_opt prop val1 ) then ( mk_res pos_type_opt val1 )
Tabulation . raise_cast_exception
( try assert false with Assert_failure ml_loc -> ml_loc )
None texp1 texp2 val1
| None -> ( mk_res pos_type_opt val1 )
| _ -> []
with Not_found ->
[ ( return_result val1 prop ret_ids , path ) ]
end in
let props = create_type tenv val1 typ1 prop in
IList . flatten ( IList . map exe_one_prop props )
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
let execute___instanceof cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
( execute___instanceof_cast cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc true )
let execute___cast cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
( execute___instanceof_cast cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc false )
let set_resource_attribute prop path n_lexp loc ra_res =
let prop' = match Prop . get_resource_attribute prop n_lexp with
| Some ( Sil . Aresource ( _ as ra ) ) ->
let check_attr_change att_old att_new = () in
Prop . add_or_replace_exp_attribute check_attr_change prop n_lexp ( Sil . Aresource { ra with Sil . ra_res = ra_res } )
| _ ->
( let pname = Sil . mem_alloc_pname Sil . Mnew in
let ra = { Sil . ra_kind = Sil . Racquire ; Sil . ra_res = ra_res ; Sil . ra_pname = pname ; Sil . ra_loc = loc ; Sil . ra_vpath = None } in
let check_attr_change att_old att_new = () in
Prop . add_or_replace_exp_attribute check_attr_change prop n_lexp ( Sil . Aresource ra ) ) in
[ ( prop' , path ) ]
(* * Set the attibute of the value as file *)
let execute___set_file_attribute cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args , ret_ids with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] , _ ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let n_lexp , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lexp in
set_resource_attribute prop path n_lexp loc Sil . Rfile
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
(* * Set the attibute of the value as lock *)
let execute___set_lock_attribute cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args , ret_ids with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] , _ ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let n_lexp , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lexp in
set_resource_attribute prop path n_lexp loc Sil . Rlock
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
(* * Set the resource attribute of the first real argument of method as ignore, the first argument is assumed to be "this" *)
let execute___method_set_ignore_attribute
cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args , ret_ids with
| [ _ ; ( lexp , typ ) ] , _ ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let n_lexp , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lexp in
set_resource_attribute prop path n_lexp loc Sil . Rignore
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
(* * Set the attibute of the value as memory *)
let execute___set_mem_attribute cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args , ret_ids with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] , _ ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let n_lexp , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lexp in
set_resource_attribute prop path n_lexp loc ( Sil . Rmemory Sil . Mnew )
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
(* * Set the attibute of the value as tainted *)
let execute___set_taint_attribute cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args , ret_ids with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] , _ ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let n_lexp , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lexp in
let prop' = match Prop . get_taint_attribute prop n_lexp with
| _ ->
let check_attr_change att_old att_new = () in
let p' = Prop . add_or_replace_exp_attribute check_attr_change prop n_lexp ( Sil . Ataint ) in
p' in
[ ( prop' , path ) ]
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
(* * Set the attibute of the value as untainted *)
let execute___set_untaint_attribute cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args , ret_ids with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] , _ ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let n_lexp , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lexp in
let prop' = match Prop . get_taint_attribute prop n_lexp with
| _ ->
let check_attr_change att_old att_new = () in
let p' = Prop . add_or_replace_exp_attribute check_attr_change prop n_lexp ( Sil . Auntaint ) in
p' in
[ ( prop' , path ) ]
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
(* * take a pointer to a struct, and return the value of a hidden field in the struct *)
let execute___get_hidden_field cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let n_lexp , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lexp in
let ret_val = ref None in
let return_val p = match ! ret_val with
| Some e -> return_result e p ret_ids
| None -> p in
let foot_var = lazy ( Sil . Var ( Ident . create_fresh Ident . kfootprint ) ) in
let filter_fld_hidden ( f , _ ) = Ident . fieldname_is_hidden f in
let has_fld_hidden fsel = IList . exists filter_fld_hidden fsel in
let do_hpred in_foot hpred = match hpred with
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , Sil . Estruct ( fsel , inst ) , texp ) when Sil . exp_equal e n_lexp && ( not ( has_fld_hidden fsel ) ) ->
let foot_e = Lazy . force foot_var in
ret_val := Some foot_e ;
let se = Sil . Eexp ( foot_e , Sil . inst_none ) in
let fsel' = ( Ident . fieldname_hidden , se ) :: fsel in
Sil . Hpointsto ( e , Sil . Estruct ( fsel' , inst ) , texp )
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , Sil . Estruct ( fsel , _ ) , texp ) when Sil . exp_equal e n_lexp && not in_foot && has_fld_hidden fsel ->
let set_ret_val () =
match IList . find filter_fld_hidden fsel with
| _ , Sil . Eexp ( e , _ ) -> ret_val := Some e
| _ -> () in
set_ret_val () ;
| _ -> hpred in
let sigma' = IList . map ( do_hpred false ) ( Prop . get_sigma prop ) in
let sigma_fp' = IList . map ( do_hpred true ) ( Prop . get_sigma_footprint prop ) in
let prop' = Prop . replace_sigma_footprint sigma_fp' ( Prop . replace_sigma sigma' prop ) in
let prop'' = return_val ( Prop . normalize prop' ) in
[ ( prop'' , path ) ]
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
(* * take a pointer to a struct and a value, and set a hidden field in the struct to the given value *)
let execute___set_hidden_field cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( lexp1 , typ1 ) ; ( lexp2 , typ2 ) ] ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let n_lexp1 , _ prop1 = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lexp1 in
let n_lexp2 , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop1 lexp2 in
let foot_var = lazy ( Sil . Var ( Ident . create_fresh Ident . kfootprint ) ) in
let filter_fld_hidden ( f , _ ) = Ident . fieldname_is_hidden f in
let has_fld_hidden fsel = IList . exists filter_fld_hidden fsel in
let do_hpred in_foot hpred = match hpred with
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , Sil . Estruct ( fsel , inst ) , texp ) when Sil . exp_equal e n_lexp1 && not in_foot ->
let se = Sil . Eexp ( n_lexp2 , Sil . inst_none ) in
let fsel' = ( Ident . fieldname_hidden , se ) :: ( IList . filter ( fun x -> not ( filter_fld_hidden x ) ) fsel ) in
Sil . Hpointsto ( e , Sil . Estruct ( fsel' , inst ) , texp )
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , Sil . Estruct ( fsel , inst ) , texp ) when Sil . exp_equal e n_lexp1 && in_foot && not ( has_fld_hidden fsel ) ->
let foot_e = Lazy . force foot_var in
let se = Sil . Eexp ( foot_e , Sil . inst_none ) in
let fsel' = ( Ident . fieldname_hidden , se ) :: fsel in
Sil . Hpointsto ( e , Sil . Estruct ( fsel' , inst ) , texp )
| _ -> hpred in
let sigma' = IList . map ( do_hpred false ) ( Prop . get_sigma prop ) in
let sigma_fp' = IList . map ( do_hpred true ) ( Prop . get_sigma_footprint prop ) in
let prop' = Prop . replace_sigma_footprint sigma_fp' ( Prop . replace_sigma sigma' prop ) in
let prop'' = Prop . normalize prop' in
[ ( prop'' , path ) ]
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
let execute___state_untainted cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] when IList . length ret_ids < = 1 ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
( match ret_ids with
| [ ret_id ] ->
let n_lexp , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lexp in
[ ( return_result ( Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Ne , n_lexp , ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute ( ( Sil . Auntaint ) ) ) ) ) ) prop ret_ids , path ) ]
| _ -> [ ( _ prop , path ) ] )
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
(* Update the objective-c hidden counter by applying the operation op and the operand delta. *)
(* Eg. op=+/- delta is an integer *)
let execute___objc_counter_update
suppress_npe_report op delta cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] ->
let typ' = ( match Sil . expand_type tenv typ with
| Sil . Tstruct _ as s -> s
| Sil . Tptr ( t , _ ) -> Sil . expand_type tenv t
| s' ->
L . d_str ( " Trying to update hidden field of not a struc. Type: " ^ ( Sil . typ_to_string s' ) ) ;
assert false ) in
(* Assumes that lexp is a temp n$1 that has the value of the object. *)
(* This is the case as a call f ( o ) it's translates as n$1= * &o; f ( n$1 ) *)
(* n$2 = * n$1.hidden *)
let tmp = Ident . create_fresh Ident . knormal in
let hidden_field = Sil . Lfield ( lexp , Ident . fieldname_hidden , typ' ) in
let counter_to_tmp = Sil . Letderef ( tmp , hidden_field , typ' , loc ) in
(* * n$1.hidden = ( n$2 +/- delta ) *)
let update_counter = Sil . Set ( hidden_field , typ' , Sil . BinOp ( op , Sil . Var tmp , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint delta ) ) , loc ) in
let update_counter_instrs = [ counter_to_tmp ; update_counter ; Sil . Remove_temps ( [ tmp ] , loc ) ] in
sym_exec_generated suppress_npe_report cfg tenv pdesc update_counter_instrs [ ( _ prop , path ) ]
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
(* Given a list of args checks if the first is the flag indicating whether is a call to retain/release for which *)
(* we have to suppress NPE report or not. If the flag is present it is removed from the list of args. *)
let get_suppress_npe_flag args =
match args with
| ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint i ) , Sil . Tint Sil . IBool ) :: args' when Sil . Int . isone i ->
false , args' (* this is a CFRelease/CFRetain *)
| _ -> true , args
let execute___objc_retain_impl cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
let suppress_npe_report , args' = get_suppress_npe_flag args in
match args' with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] ->
let prop = return_result lexp _ prop ret_ids in
execute___objc_counter_update suppress_npe_report ( Sil . PlusA ) ( Sil . Int . one )
cfg pdesc instr tenv prop path ret_ids args' callee_name loc
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
let execute___objc_retain cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
if ! Config . objc_memory_model_on then
execute___objc_retain_impl cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
else execute___no_op _ prop path
let execute___objc_retain_cf cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
execute___objc_retain_impl cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
let execute___objc_release_impl cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
let suppress_npe_flag , args' = get_suppress_npe_flag args in
execute___objc_counter_update suppress_npe_flag ( Sil . MinusA ) ( Sil . Int . one )
cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args' callee_name loc
let execute___objc_release cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
if ! Config . objc_memory_model_on then
execute___objc_release_impl cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
else execute___no_op _ prop path
let execute___objc_release_cf cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
execute___objc_release_impl cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_name loc
(* * Set the attibute of the value as objc autoreleased *)
let execute___set_autorelease_attribute
cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args , ret_ids with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] , _ ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let prop = return_result lexp _ prop ret_ids in
if ! Config . objc_memory_model_on then
let n_lexp , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname prop lexp in
let check_attr_change att_old att_new = () in
let prop' = Prop . add_or_replace_exp_attribute check_attr_change prop n_lexp Sil . Aautorelease in
[ ( prop' , path ) ]
else execute___no_op prop path
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
(* * Release all the objects in the pool *)
let execute___release_autorelease_pool
cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
if ! Config . objc_memory_model_on then
let autoreleased_objects = Prop . get_atoms_with_attribute Sil . Aautorelease _ prop in
let prop = Prop . remove_attribute Sil . Aautorelease _ prop in
let call_release res exp =
match res with
| ( prop , path ) :: _ ->
( try
let hpred = IList . find ( function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e1 , _ , _ ) -> Sil . exp_equal e1 exp
| _ -> false ) ( Prop . get_sigma _ prop ) in
match hpred with
| Sil . Hpointsto ( _ , _ , Sil . Sizeof ( typ , st ) ) ->
let res1 =
execute___objc_release cfg pdesc instr tenv prop path ret_ids
[ ( exp , typ ) ] callee_pname loc in
| _ -> res
with Not_found -> res )
| [] -> res in
IList . fold_left call_release [ ( prop , path ) ] autoreleased_objects
else execute___no_op _ prop path
let execute___objc_cast cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( _ val1 , typ1 ) ; ( _ texp2 , typ2 ) ] when IList . length ret_ids < = 1 ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let val1 , _ _ prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop _ val1 in
let texp2 , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ _ prop _ texp2 in
( try
let hpred = IList . find ( function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e1 , _ , _ ) -> Sil . exp_equal e1 val1
| _ -> false ) ( Prop . get_sigma prop ) in
match hpred , texp2 with
| Sil . Hpointsto ( val1 , _ , texp1 ) , Sil . Sizeof ( typ , st ) ->
let prop' = replace_ptsto_texp prop val1 texp2 in
[ ( return_result val1 prop' ret_ids , path ) ]
| _ -> [ ( return_result val1 prop ret_ids , path ) ]
with Not_found -> [ ( return_result val1 prop ret_ids , path ) ] )
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
let execute_abort cfg pdesc instr tenv prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
raise ( Exceptions . Precondition_not_found ( Localise . verbatim_desc ( Procname . to_string callee_pname ) , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
let execute_exit cfg pdesc instr tenv prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
execute_diverge prop path
let _ execute_free tenv mk loc acc iter =
match Prop . prop_iter_current iter with
| ( Sil . Hpointsto ( lexp , se , _ ) , [] ) ->
let prop = Prop . prop_iter_remove_curr_then_to_prop iter in
let pname = Sil . mem_dealloc_pname mk in
let ra = { Sil . ra_kind = Sil . Rrelease ; Sil . ra_res = Sil . Rmemory mk ; Sil . ra_pname = pname ; Sil . ra_loc = loc ; Sil . ra_vpath = None } in
let p_res =
Prop . add_or_replace_exp_attribute Tabulation . check_attr_dealloc_mismatch prop lexp ( Sil . Aresource ra ) in (* mark value as freed *)
p_res :: acc
| ( Sil . Hpointsto _ , o :: os ) -> assert false (* alignment error *)
| _ -> assert false (* should not happen *)
let _ execute_free_nonzero mk pdesc tenv instr prop path lexp typ loc =
match Prover . is_root prop lexp lexp with
| None ->
L . d_strln " .... Alignment Error: Freed a non root .... " ;
assert false
| Some _ ->
let prop_list =
IList . fold_left ( _ execute_free tenv mk loc ) []
( Rearrange . rearrange pdesc tenv lexp typ prop loc ) in
IList . rev prop_list
with Rearrange . ARRAY_ACCESS ->
if ( ! Config . array_level = 0 ) then assert false
else begin
L . d_strln " .... Array containing allocated heap cells .... " ;
L . d_str " Instr: " ; Sil . d_instr instr ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " PROP: " ; Prop . d_prop prop ; L . d_ln () ;
raise ( Exceptions . Array_of_pointsto ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
let execute_free mk cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let n_lexp , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lexp in
let prop_nonzero = (* case n_lexp!=0 *)
Propset . to_proplist ( prune_polarity tenv true n_lexp prop ) in
let prop_zero = (* case n_lexp==0 *)
Propset . to_proplist ( prune_polarity tenv false n_lexp prop ) in
let plist =
prop_zero @ (* model: if 0 then skip else _execute_free_nonzero *)
IList . flatten ( IList . map ( fun p ->
_ execute_free_nonzero mk pdesc tenv instr p path
( Prop . exp_normalize_prop p lexp ) typ loc ) prop_nonzero ) in
IList . map ( fun p -> ( p , path ) ) plist
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
let execute_alloc mk can_return_null cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let rec evaluate_char_sizeof e = match e with
| Sil . Var _ -> e
| Sil . UnOp ( uop , e' , typ ) ->
Sil . UnOp ( uop , evaluate_char_sizeof e' , typ )
| Sil . BinOp ( bop , e1' , e2' ) ->
Sil . BinOp ( bop , evaluate_char_sizeof e1' , evaluate_char_sizeof e2' )
| Sil . Const _ | Sil . Cast _ | Sil . Lvar _ | Sil . Lfield _ | Sil . Lindex _ -> e
| Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . Tarray ( Sil . Tint ik , size ) , _ ) when Sil . ikind_is_char ik ->
evaluate_char_sizeof size
| Sil . Sizeof _ -> e in
let handle_sizeof_exp size_exp =
Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . Tarray ( Sil . Tint Sil . IChar , size_exp ) , Sil . Subtype . exact ) in
let size_exp = match args with
| [ ( size_exp , _ ) ] -> (* for malloc and __new *)
| [ ( num_obj , _ ) ; ( base_exp , _ ) ] -> (* for __new_array *)
Sil . BinOp ( Sil . Mult , num_obj , base_exp )
| _ ->
raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) ) in
let ret_id = match ret_ids with
| [ ret_id ] -> ret_id
| _ -> Ident . create_fresh Ident . kprimed in
let size_exp' , prop =
let n_size_exp , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop size_exp in
let n_size_exp' = evaluate_char_sizeof n_size_exp in
Prop . exp_normalize_prop prop n_size_exp' , prop in
let cnt_te = handle_sizeof_exp size_exp' in
let id_new = Ident . create_fresh Ident . kprimed in
let exp_new = Sil . Var id_new in
let ptsto_new =
Prop . mk_ptsto_exp ( Some tenv ) Prop . Fld_init ( exp_new , cnt_te , None ) Sil . Ialloc in
let prop_plus_ptsto =
let pname = Sil . mem_alloc_pname mk in
let prop' = Prop . normalize ( Prop . prop_sigma_star prop [ ptsto_new ] ) in
let ra = { Sil . ra_kind = Sil . Racquire ; Sil . ra_res = Sil . Rmemory mk ; Sil . ra_pname = pname ; Sil . ra_loc = loc ; Sil . ra_vpath = None } in
let check_attr_change att_old att_new = () in
Prop . add_or_replace_exp_attribute check_attr_change prop' exp_new ( Sil . Aresource ra ) in (* mark value as allocated *)
let prop_alloc = Prop . conjoin_eq ( Sil . Var ret_id ) exp_new prop_plus_ptsto in
if can_return_null then
let prop_null = Prop . conjoin_eq ( Sil . Var ret_id ) Sil . exp_zero prop in
[ ( prop_alloc , path ) ; ( prop_null , path ) ]
else [ ( prop_alloc , path ) ]
let execute_pthread_create cfg pdesc instr tenv prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ thread ; attr ; start_routine ; arg ] ->
let routine_name = Prop . exp_normalize_prop prop ( fst start_routine ) in
let routine_arg = Prop . exp_normalize_prop prop ( fst arg ) in
( match routine_name , ( snd start_routine ) with
| Sil . Lvar pvar , _ ->
let fun_name = Sil . pvar_get_name pvar in
let fun_string = Mangled . to_string fun_name in
L . d_strln ( " pthread_create: calling function " ^ fun_string ) ;
match Specs . get_summary ( Procname . from_string_c_fun fun_string ) with
| None -> assert false
| Some callee_summary ->
cfg pdesc tenv prop path ret_ids [ ( routine_arg , snd arg ) ] callee_summary loc
| _ ->
L . d_str " pthread_create: unknown function " ; Sil . d_exp routine_name ; L . d_strln " , skipping call. " ;
[ ( prop , path ) ] )
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
let execute_skip cfg pdesc instr tenv prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc : Builtin . ret_typ =
[ ( prop , path ) ]
let execute_scan_function
skip_n_arguments cfg pdesc instr tenv prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| _ when IList . length args > = skip_n_arguments ->
let varargs = ref args in
for i = 1 to skip_n_arguments do varargs := IList . tl ! varargs done ;
call_unknown_or_scan true cfg pdesc tenv prop path ret_ids None ! varargs callee_pname loc
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
let execute__unwrap_exception cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( ret_exn , _ ) ] ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let n_ret_exn , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop ret_exn in
match n_ret_exn with
| Sil . Const ( Sil . Cexn exp ) ->
let prop_with_exn = return_result exp prop ret_ids in
[ ( prop_with_exn , path ) ]
| _ -> assert false
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
let execute_return_first_argument cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| ( _ arg1 , _ ) :: _ ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let arg1 , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop _ arg1 in
let prop' = return_result arg1 prop ret_ids in
[ ( prop' , path ) ]
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
let execute___split_get_nth cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( lexp1 , _ ) ; ( lexp2 , _ ) ; ( lexp3 , _ ) ] ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let n_lexp1 , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lexp1 in
let n_lexp2 , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lexp2 in
let n_lexp3 , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lexp3 in
( match n_lexp1 , n_lexp2 , n_lexp3 with
| Sil . Const ( Sil . Cstr str1 ) , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cstr str2 ) , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint n_sil ) ->
( let n = Sil . Int . to_int n_sil in
let parts = Str . split ( Str . regexp_string str2 ) str1 in
let n_part = IList . nth parts n in
let res = Sil . Const ( Sil . Cstr n_part ) in
[ ( return_result res prop ret_ids , path ) ]
with Not_found -> assert false )
| _ -> [ ( prop , path ) ] )
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
let execute___create_tuple cfg pdesc instr tenv prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
let el = IList . map fst args in
let res = Sil . Const ( Sil . Ctuple el ) in
[ ( return_result res prop ret_ids , path ) ]
let execute___tuple_get_nth cfg pdesc instr tenv _ prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( lexp1 , _ ) ; ( lexp2 , _ ) ] ->
let pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let n_lexp1 , _ prop' = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop lexp1 in
let n_lexp2 , prop = exp_norm_check_arith pname _ prop' lexp2 in
( match n_lexp1 , n_lexp2 with
| Sil . Const ( Sil . Ctuple el ) , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint i ) ->
let n = Sil . Int . to_int i in
let en = IList . nth el n in
[ ( return_result en prop ret_ids , path ) ]
| _ -> [ ( prop , path ) ] )
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
(* forces the expression passed as parameter to be assumed true at the point where this
builtin is called , blocks if this causes an inconsistency * )
let execute___infer_assume
cfg pdesc instr tenv prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc : Builtin . ret_typ =
match args with
| [ ( lexp , typ ) ] ->
let prop_assume = Prop . conjoin_eq lexp ( Sil . exp_bool true ) prop in
if Prover . check_inconsistency prop_assume then execute_diverge prop_assume path
else [ ( prop_assume , path ) ]
| _ -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
(* creates a named error state *)
let execute___infer_fail cfg pdesc instr tenv prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
let error_str =
match args with
| [ ( lexp_msg , _ ) ] ->
match Prop . exp_normalize_prop prop lexp_msg with
| Sil . Const ( Sil . Cstr str ) -> str
| _ -> assert false
| _ ->
raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) ) in
let set_instr =
Sil . Set ( Sil . Lvar Sil . global_error , Sil . Tvoid , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cstr error_str ) , loc ) in
sym_exec_generated true cfg tenv pdesc [ set_instr ] [ ( prop , path ) ]
(* translate builtin assertion failure *)
let execute___assert_fail cfg pdesc instr tenv prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc
: Builtin . ret_typ =
let error_str =
match args with
| l when IList . length l = 4 ->
Config . default_failure_name
| _ ->
raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) ) in
let set_instr =
Sil . Set ( Sil . Lvar Sil . global_error , Sil . Tvoid , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cstr error_str ) , loc ) in
sym_exec_generated true cfg tenv pdesc [ set_instr ] [ ( prop , path ) ]
let _ = Builtin . register " __method_set_ignore_attribute " execute___method_set_ignore_attribute
let _ = Builtin . register " __builtin_va_arg " execute___builtin_va_arg (* model va_arg *)
let _ = Builtin . register " __builtin_va_copy " execute_skip (* * NOTE: __builtin_va_copy should have been handled in the translation already ( see frontend.ml ) *)
let _ = Builtin . register " __builtin_va_end " execute_skip (* model va_end as skip *)
let _ = Builtin . register " __builtin_va_start " execute_skip (* * NOTE: __builtin_va_start should have been handled in the translation already ( see frontend.ml ) *)
let _ _ create_tuple = Builtin . register " __create_tuple " execute___create_tuple (* create a tuple value from the arguments *)
let _ _ delete = Builtin . register " __delete " ( execute_free Sil . Mnew ) (* like free *)
let _ _ delete_array = Builtin . register " __delete_array " ( execute_free Sil . Mnew_array ) (* like free *)
let _ _ exit = Builtin . register " _exit " execute_exit (* _exit from C library *)
let _ _ get_array_size = Builtin . register " __get_array_size " execute___get_array_size (* return the size of the array passed as a parameter *)
let _ = Builtin . register " __get_hidden_field " execute___get_hidden_field (* return the value of a hidden field in the struct *)
let _ _ get_type_of = Builtin . register " __get_type_of " execute___get_type_of (* return the get the type of the allocated object passed as a parameter *)
let _ _ instanceof = Builtin . register " __instanceof " execute___instanceof (* * [__instanceof ( val,typ ) ] implements java's [val instanceof typ] *)
let _ _ cast = Builtin . register " __cast " execute___cast (* * [__cast ( val,typ ) ] implements java's [typ ( val ) ] *)
let _ _ new = Builtin . register " __new " ( execute_alloc Sil . Mnew false ) (* like malloc, but always succeeds *)
let _ _ new_array = Builtin . register " __new_array " ( execute_alloc Sil . Mnew_array false ) (* like malloc, but always succeeds *)
let _ _ objc_alloc = Builtin . register " __objc_alloc " ( execute_alloc Sil . Mobjc true ) (* Objective C alloc *)
let _ _ objc_alloc_no_fail = Builtin . register " __objc_alloc_no_fail " ( execute_alloc Sil . Mobjc false ) (* like __objc_alloc, but does not return nil *)
let _ _ placement_delete = Builtin . register " __placement_delete " execute_skip (* placement delete is skip *)
let _ _ placement_new = Builtin . register " __placement_new " execute_return_first_argument (* placement new returns the first argument *)
let _ = Builtin . register " __print_value " execute___print_value (* print a value as seen by the engine *)
let _ _ set_array_size = Builtin . register " __set_array_size " execute___set_array_size (* set the size of the array passed as a parameter *)
let _ _ set_file_attribute = Builtin . register " __set_file_attribute " execute___set_file_attribute (* set the attribute of the parameter as file *)
let _ _ set_lock_attribute = Builtin . register " __set_lock_attribute " execute___set_lock_attribute (* set the attribute of the parameter as file *)
let _ _ set_mem_attribute = Builtin . register " __set_mem_attribute " execute___set_mem_attribute (* set the attribute of the parameter as memory *)
let _ _ set_autorelease_attribute = Builtin . register " __set_autorelease_attribute " execute___set_autorelease_attribute (* set the attribute of the parameter as autorelease *)
let _ _ objc_release_autorelease_pool = Builtin . register " __objc_release_autorelease_pool " execute___release_autorelease_pool (* set the attribute of the parameter as autorelease *)
let _ _ split_get_nth = Builtin . register " __split_get_nth " execute___split_get_nth (* splits a string given a separator and returns the nth string *)
(* builtin function to externally create new errors *)
let _ _ infer_fail = Builtin . register " __infer_fail " execute___infer_fail
let _ _ assert_fail = Builtin . register " __assert_fail " execute___assert_fail
let _ = Builtin . register " __set_hidden_field " execute___set_hidden_field (* set a hidden field in the struct to the given value *)
let _ = Builtin . register " __set_taint_attribute " execute___set_taint_attribute (* set the attribute of the parameter as tainted *)
let _ = Builtin . register " __set_untaint_attribute " execute___set_untaint_attribute (* set the attribute of the parameter as tainted *)
let _ = Builtin . register " __state_untainted " execute___state_untainted (* check if the parameter is tainted *)
let _ _ objc_retain = Builtin . register " __objc_retain " execute___objc_retain (* objective-c "retain" *)
let _ _ objc_release = Builtin . register " __objc_release " execute___objc_release (* objective-c "release" *)
let _ _ objc_retain_cf = Builtin . register " __objc_retain_cf " execute___objc_retain_cf (* objective-c "retain" *)
let _ _ objc_release_cf = Builtin . register " __objc_release_cf " execute___objc_release_cf (* objective-c "release" *)
let _ _ objc_cast = Builtin . register " __objc_cast " execute___objc_cast (* objective-c "cast" *)
let _ = Builtin . register " __throw " execute_skip (* * NOTE: __throw should have been handled in the translation already ( see frontend.ml ) *)
let _ _ tuple_get_nth = Builtin . register " __tuple_get_nth " execute___tuple_get_nth (* return the nth element of a tuple *)
let _ _ unwrap_exception = Builtin . register " __unwrap_exception " execute__unwrap_exception (* the correct function to unwrapp execption remains to be written *)
let _ _ infer_assume = Builtin . register " __infer_assume " execute___infer_assume
let _ = Builtin . register " abort " execute_abort (* abort from C library *)
let _ = Builtin . register " exit " execute_exit (* exit from C library *)
let _ = Builtin . register " free " ( execute_free Sil . Mmalloc ) (* free from C library, requires allocated memory *)
let _ = Builtin . register " fscanf " ( execute_scan_function 2 ) (* fscanf from C library *)
let _ = Builtin . register " fwscanf " ( execute_scan_function 2 ) (* vsscanf from C library *)
let _ = Builtin . register " malloc " ( execute_alloc Sil . Mmalloc true ) (* malloc from C library *)
let malloc_no_fail = Builtin . register " malloc_no_fail " ( execute_alloc Sil . Mmalloc false ) (* malloc from ObjC library *)
let _ = Builtin . register " pthread_create " execute_pthread_create (* register execution handler for pthread_create *)
let _ = Builtin . register " scanf " ( execute_scan_function 1 ) (* scanf from C library *)
let _ = Builtin . register " sscanf " ( execute_scan_function 2 ) (* sscanf from C library *)
let _ = Builtin . register " swscanf " ( execute_scan_function 2 ) (* vsscanf from C library *)
let _ = Builtin . register " vfscanf " ( execute_scan_function 2 ) (* vfwscanf from C library *)
let _ = Builtin . register " vfwscanf " ( execute_scan_function 2 ) (* vsscanf from C library *)
let _ = Builtin . register " vscanf " ( execute_scan_function 1 ) (* vscanf from C library *)
let _ = Builtin . register " vsscanf " ( execute_scan_function 2 ) (* vsscanf from C library *)
let _ = Builtin . register " vswscanf " ( execute_scan_function 2 ) (* vsscanf from C library *)
let _ = Builtin . register " vwscanf " ( execute_scan_function 1 ) (* vsscanf from C library *)
let _ = Builtin . register " wscanf " ( execute_scan_function 1 ) (* vsscanf from C library *)
let execute_objc_alloc_no_fail cfg pdesc tenv symb_state ret_ids typ loc =
let alloc_fun = Sil . Const ( Sil . Cfun _ _ objc_alloc_no_fail ) in
let ptr_typ = Sil . Tptr ( typ , Sil . Pk_pointer ) in
let sizeof_typ = Sil . Sizeof ( typ , Sil . Subtype . exact ) in
let alloc_instr = Sil . Call ( ret_ids , alloc_fun , [ sizeof_typ , ptr_typ ] , loc , Sil . cf_default ) in
sym_exec_generated false cfg tenv pdesc [ alloc_instr ] symb_state
let execute_objc_NSArray_alloc_no_fail cfg pdesc tenv symb_state ret_ids loc =
let nsarray_typ = Sil . Tvar ( Sil . TN_csu ( Sil . Class , Mangled . from_string " NSArray " ) ) in
let nsarray_typ = Sil . expand_type tenv nsarray_typ in
execute_objc_alloc_no_fail cfg pdesc tenv symb_state ret_ids nsarray_typ loc
let execute_NSArray_arrayWithObjects_count cfg pdesc instr tenv prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc =
let n_formals = 1 in
let res' = sym_exe_check_variadic_sentinel ~ fails_on_nil : true cfg pdesc tenv prop path n_formals args ( 0 , 1 ) callee_pname loc in
execute_objc_NSArray_alloc_no_fail cfg pdesc tenv res' ret_ids loc
let execute_NSArray_arrayWithObjects cfg pdesc instr tenv prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc =
let n_formals = 1 in
let res' = sym_exe_check_variadic_sentinel cfg pdesc tenv prop path n_formals args ( 0 , 1 ) callee_pname loc in
execute_objc_NSArray_alloc_no_fail cfg pdesc tenv res' ret_ids loc
let _ =
let method_kind = Procname . mangled_of_objc_method_kind Procname . Class_objc_method in
Builtin . register_procname
( Procname . mangled_c_method " NSArray " " arrayWithObjects:count: " method_kind )
let _ =
let method_kind = Procname . mangled_of_objc_method_kind Procname . Class_objc_method in
Builtin . register_procname
( Procname . mangled_c_method " NSArray " " arrayWithObjects: " method_kind )
let execute_objc_NSDictionary_alloc_no_fail cfg pdesc tenv symb_state ret_ids loc =
let nsdictionary_typ = Sil . Tvar ( Sil . TN_csu ( Sil . Class , Mangled . from_string " NSDictionary " ) ) in
let nsdictionary_typ = Sil . expand_type tenv nsdictionary_typ in
execute_objc_alloc_no_fail cfg pdesc tenv symb_state ret_ids nsdictionary_typ loc
let execute___objc_dictionary_literal cfg pdesc instr tenv prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc =
let n_formals = 1 in
let res' =
sym_exe_check_variadic_sentinel ~ fails_on_nil : true cfg pdesc tenv prop path
n_formals args ( 0 , 1 ) callee_pname loc in
execute_objc_NSDictionary_alloc_no_fail cfg pdesc tenv res' ret_ids loc
let _ _ objc_dictionary_literal =
let method_kind = Procname . mangled_of_objc_method_kind Procname . Class_objc_method in
let pname = Procname . mangled_c_method " NSDictionary " " __objc_dictionary_literal: " method_kind in
Builtin . register_procname pname execute___objc_dictionary_literal ;
(* ============== END of ModelBuiltins ============== *)