
600 lines
19 KiB

* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** LLAIR (Low-Level Analysis Internal Representation) *)
[@@@warning "+9"]
type inst =
| Move of {reg_exps: (Reg.t * Exp.t) iarray; loc: Loc.t}
| Load of {reg: Reg.t; ptr: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
| Store of {ptr: Exp.t; exp: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
| Memset of {dst: Exp.t; byt: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
| Memcpy of {dst: Exp.t; src: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
| Memmov of {dst: Exp.t; src: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
| Alloc of {reg: Reg.t; num: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
| Free of {ptr: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
| Nondet of {reg: Reg.t option; msg: string; loc: Loc.t}
| Abort of {loc: Loc.t}
[@@deriving sexp]
type cmnd = inst iarray [@@deriving sexp]
type label = string [@@deriving sexp]
type jump = {mutable dst: block; mutable retreating: bool}
and 'a call =
{ callee: 'a
; typ: Typ.t
; actuals: Exp.t list
; areturn: Reg.t option
; return: jump
; throw: jump option
; mutable recursive: bool
; loc: Loc.t }
and term =
| Switch of {key: Exp.t; tbl: (Exp.t * jump) iarray; els: jump; loc: Loc.t}
| Iswitch of {ptr: Exp.t; tbl: jump iarray; loc: Loc.t}
| Call of Exp.t call
| Return of {exp: Exp.t option; loc: Loc.t}
| Throw of {exc: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
| Unreachable
and block =
{ lbl: label
; cmnd: cmnd
; term: term
; mutable parent: func
; mutable sort_index: int }
and func =
{ name: Global.t
; formals: Reg.t list
; freturn: Reg.t option
; fthrow: Reg.t
; locals: Reg.Set.t
; entry: block }
let sexp_cons (hd : Sexp.t) (tl : Sexp.t) =
match tl with
| List xs -> Sexp.List (hd :: xs)
| Atom _ -> Sexp.List [hd; tl]
let sexp_ctor label args = sexp_cons (Sexp.Atom label) args
let sexp_of_jump {dst; retreating} =
[%sexp {dst: label = dst.lbl; retreating: bool}]
let sexp_of_term = function
| Switch {key; tbl; els; loc} ->
sexp_ctor "Switch"
{key: Exp.t; tbl: (Exp.t * jump) iarray; els: jump; loc: Loc.t}]
| Iswitch {ptr; tbl; loc} ->
sexp_ctor "Iswitch" [%sexp {ptr: Exp.t; tbl: jump iarray; loc: Loc.t}]
| Call {callee; typ; actuals; areturn; return; throw; recursive; loc} ->
sexp_ctor "Call"
{ callee: Exp.t
; typ: Typ.t
; actuals: Exp.t list
; areturn: Reg.t option
; return: jump
; throw: jump option
; recursive: bool
; loc: Loc.t }]
| Return {exp; loc} ->
sexp_ctor "Return" [%sexp {exp: Exp.t option; loc: Loc.t}]
| Throw {exc; loc} -> sexp_ctor "Throw" [%sexp {exc: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}]
| Unreachable -> Sexp.Atom "Unreachable"
let sexp_of_block {lbl; cmnd; term; parent; sort_index} =
{ lbl: label
; cmnd: cmnd
; term: term
; parent: Reg.t =
; sort_index: int }]
let sexp_of_func {name; formals; freturn; fthrow; locals; entry} =
{ name: Global.t
; formals: Reg.t list
; freturn: Reg.t option
; fthrow: Reg.t
; locals: Reg.Set.t
; entry: block }]
(* blocks in a [t] are uniquely identified by [sort_index] *)
let compare_block x y = x.sort_index y.sort_index
let equal_block x y = Int.equal x.sort_index y.sort_index
type functions = func String.Map.t [@@deriving sexp_of]
type t = {globals: Global.t iarray; functions: functions}
[@@deriving sexp_of]
let pp_inst fs inst =
let pf pp = Format.fprintf fs pp in
match inst with
| Move {reg_exps; loc} ->
let regs, exps = IArray.unzip reg_exps in
pf "@[<2>@[%a@]@ := @[%a@];@]\t%a" (IArray.pp ",@ " Reg.pp) regs
(IArray.pp ",@ " Exp.pp) exps Loc.pp loc
| Load {reg; ptr; len; loc} ->
pf "@[<2>%a@ := load %a@ %a;@]\t%a" Reg.pp reg Exp.pp len Exp.pp ptr
Loc.pp loc
| Store {ptr; exp; len; loc} ->
pf "@[<2>store %a@ %a@ %a;@]\t%a" Exp.pp len Exp.pp ptr Exp.pp exp
Loc.pp loc
| Memset {dst; byt; len; loc} ->
pf "@[<2>memset %a %a %a;@]\t%a" Exp.pp len Exp.pp dst Exp.pp byt
Loc.pp loc
| Memcpy {dst; src; len; loc} ->
pf "@[<2>memcpy %a %a %a;@]\t%a" Exp.pp len Exp.pp dst Exp.pp src
Loc.pp loc
| Memmov {dst; src; len; loc} ->
pf "@[<2>memmov %a %a %a;@]\t%a" Exp.pp len Exp.pp dst Exp.pp src
Loc.pp loc
| Alloc {reg; num; len; loc} ->
pf "@[<2>%a@ := alloc [%a x %a];@]\t%a" Reg.pp reg Exp.pp num Exp.pp
len Loc.pp loc
| Free {ptr; loc} -> pf "@[<2>free %a;@]\t%a" Exp.pp ptr Loc.pp loc
| Nondet {reg; msg; loc} ->
pf "@[<2>%anondet \"%s\";@]\t%a"
(Option.pp "%a := " Reg.pp)
reg msg Loc.pp loc
| Abort {loc} -> pf "@[<2>abort;@]\t%a" Loc.pp loc
let pp_actuals pp_actual fs actuals =
Format.fprintf fs "@ (@[%a@])" (List.pp ",@ " pp_actual)
(List.rev actuals)
let pp_formal fs reg = Reg.pp fs reg
let pp_jump fs {dst; retreating} =
Format.fprintf fs "@[<2>%s%%%s@]"
(if retreating then "" else "")
let pp_term fs term =
let pf pp = Format.fprintf fs pp in
let pp_goto fs jmp = Format.fprintf fs "goto %a;" pp_jump jmp in
match term with
| Switch {key; tbl; els; loc} -> (
match IArray.to_array tbl with
| [||] -> pf "@[%a@]\t%a" pp_goto els Loc.pp loc
| [|(z, jmp)|] when Exp.is_false z ->
pf "@[if %a@;<1 2>%a@ @[else@;<1 2>%a@]@]\t%a" Exp.pp key pp_goto
els pp_goto jmp Loc.pp loc
| _ ->
pf "@[<2>switch %a@ @[%a@ else: %a@]@]\t%a" Exp.pp key
(IArray.pp "@ " (fun fs (case, jmp) ->
Format.fprintf fs "%a: %a" Exp.pp case pp_goto jmp ))
tbl pp_goto els Loc.pp loc )
| Iswitch {ptr; tbl; loc} ->
pf "@[<2>iswitch %a@ @[<hv>%a@]@]\t%a" Exp.pp ptr
(IArray.pp "@ " (fun fs jmp ->
Format.fprintf fs "%s: %a" jmp.dst.lbl pp_goto jmp ))
tbl Loc.pp loc
| Call {callee; actuals; areturn; return; throw; recursive; loc; _} ->
pf "@[<2>@[<7>%acall @[<2>%s%a%a@]@]@ @[returnto %a%a;@]@]\t%a"
(Option.pp "%a := " Reg.pp)
(if recursive then "" else "")
Exp.pp callee (pp_actuals Exp.pp) actuals pp_jump return
(Option.pp "@ throwto %a" pp_jump)
throw Loc.pp loc
| Return {exp; loc} ->
pf "@[<2>return%a@]\t%a" (Option.pp " %a" Exp.pp) exp Loc.pp loc
| Throw {exc; loc} -> pf "@[<2>throw %a@]\t%a" Exp.pp exc Loc.pp loc
| Unreachable -> pf "unreachable"
let pp_cmnd = IArray.pp "@ " pp_inst
let pp_block fs {lbl; cmnd; term; parent= _; sort_index} =
Format.fprintf fs "@[<v 2>%%%s: #%i@ @[<v>%a%t%a@]@]" lbl sort_index
pp_cmnd cmnd
(fun fs -> if IArray.is_empty cmnd then () else Format.fprintf fs "@ ")
pp_term term
(** Initial cyclic values *)
let rec dummy_block =
{ lbl= "dummy"
; cmnd= IArray.empty
; term= Unreachable
; parent= dummy_func
; sort_index= 0 }
and dummy_func =
let dummy_reg = Reg.program ~global:() Typ.ptr "dummy" in
{ name= dummy_reg Typ.ptr Loc.none
; formals= []
; freturn= None
; fthrow= dummy_reg
; locals= Reg.Set.empty
; entry= dummy_block }
(** Instructions *)
module Inst = struct
type t = inst [@@deriving sexp]
let pp = pp_inst
let move ~reg_exps ~loc = Move {reg_exps; loc}
let load ~reg ~ptr ~len ~loc = Load {reg; ptr; len; loc}
let store ~ptr ~exp ~len ~loc = Store {ptr; exp; len; loc}
let memset ~dst ~byt ~len ~loc = Memset {dst; byt; len; loc}
let memcpy ~dst ~src ~len ~loc = Memcpy {dst; src; len; loc}
let memmov ~dst ~src ~len ~loc = Memmov {dst; src; len; loc}
let alloc ~reg ~num ~len ~loc = Alloc {reg; num; len; loc}
let free ~ptr ~loc = Free {ptr; loc}
let nondet ~reg ~msg ~loc = Nondet {reg; msg; loc}
let abort ~loc = Abort {loc}
let loc = function
| Move {loc; _}
|Load {loc; _}
|Store {loc; _}
|Memset {loc; _}
|Memcpy {loc; _}
|Memmov {loc; _}
|Alloc {loc; _}
|Free {loc; _}
|Nondet {loc; _}
|Abort {loc; _} ->
let union_locals inst vs =
match inst with
| Move {reg_exps; _} ->
~f:(fun vs (reg, _) -> Reg.Set.add vs reg)
~init:vs reg_exps
| Load {reg; _} | Alloc {reg; _} | Nondet {reg= Some reg; _} ->
Reg.Set.add vs reg
| Store _ | Memcpy _ | Memmov _ | Memset _ | Free _
|Nondet {reg= None; _}
|Abort _ ->
let locals inst = union_locals inst Reg.Set.empty
let fold_exps inst ~init ~f =
match inst with
| Move {reg_exps; loc= _} ->
IArray.fold reg_exps ~init ~f:(fun acc (_reg, exp) -> f acc exp)
| Load {reg= _; ptr; len; loc= _} -> f (f init ptr) len
| Store {ptr; exp; len; loc= _} -> f (f (f init ptr) exp) len
| Memset {dst; byt; len; loc= _} -> f (f (f init dst) byt) len
| Memcpy {dst; src; len; loc= _} | Memmov {dst; src; len; loc= _} ->
f (f (f init dst) src) len
| Alloc {reg= _; num; len; loc= _} -> f (f init num) len
| Free {ptr; loc= _} -> f init ptr
| Nondet {reg= _; msg= _; loc= _} -> init
| Abort {loc= _} -> init
(** Jumps *)
module Jump = struct
type t = jump [@@deriving sexp_of]
let compare x y = compare_block x.dst y.dst
let equal x y = equal_block x.dst y.dst
let pp = pp_jump
let mk lbl = {dst= {dummy_block with lbl}; retreating= false}
(** Basic-Block Terminators *)
module Term = struct
type t = term [@@deriving sexp_of]
let pp = pp_term
[sledge] Rework function return value passing Summary: The current handling of the formal return variable scope is not correct. Since it is passed as an actual argument to the return continuation, it is manipulated as if it was a local variable of the caller. However, its scope is not ended with the caller's locals, leading to clashes. This diff reworks the passing of return values to avoid this problem, mainly by introducing a notion of temporary variables during parameter passing. This essentially has the effect of taking a function spec { P } f(x) { λv. Q } and generating a "temporary" variable v, applying the post λv. Q to it to obtain the pre-state for the call to the return continuation k(v). Being a temporary variable just means that it goes out of scope just after parameter passing. This amounts to a long-winded way of applying the post-state to the formal parameter of the return continuation without violating scopes or SSA. This diff also separates the manipulation of the symbolic states as they proceed from: 1. the pre-state before the return instruction; 2. the exit-state after the return instruction (including the binding of the returned value to the return formal variable); 3. the post-state, where the locals are existentially quantified; and 4. the return-state, which is expressed in terms of actual args instead of formal parameters. Also in support of summarization, formal return and throw parameters are no longer tracked on the analyzer's stack. Note that these changes involve changing the locals of blocks and functions to no longer include the formal parameters. Reviewed By: kren1 Differential Revision: D15912148 fbshipit-source-id: e41dd6e42
6 years ago
let invariant ?parent term =
Invariant.invariant [%here] term [%sexp_of: t]
@@ fun () ->
match term with
| Switch _ | Iswitch _ -> assert true
| Call {typ; actuals; areturn; _} -> (
match typ with
| Pointer {elt= Function {args; return= retn_typ; _}} ->
assert (IArray.length args = List.length actuals) ;
assert (Option.is_some retn_typ || Option.is_none areturn)
| _ -> assert false )
| Return {exp; _} -> (
[sledge] Rework function return value passing Summary: The current handling of the formal return variable scope is not correct. Since it is passed as an actual argument to the return continuation, it is manipulated as if it was a local variable of the caller. However, its scope is not ended with the caller's locals, leading to clashes. This diff reworks the passing of return values to avoid this problem, mainly by introducing a notion of temporary variables during parameter passing. This essentially has the effect of taking a function spec { P } f(x) { λv. Q } and generating a "temporary" variable v, applying the post λv. Q to it to obtain the pre-state for the call to the return continuation k(v). Being a temporary variable just means that it goes out of scope just after parameter passing. This amounts to a long-winded way of applying the post-state to the formal parameter of the return continuation without violating scopes or SSA. This diff also separates the manipulation of the symbolic states as they proceed from: 1. the pre-state before the return instruction; 2. the exit-state after the return instruction (including the binding of the returned value to the return formal variable); 3. the post-state, where the locals are existentially quantified; and 4. the return-state, which is expressed in terms of actual args instead of formal parameters. Also in support of summarization, formal return and throw parameters are no longer tracked on the analyzer's stack. Note that these changes involve changing the locals of blocks and functions to no longer include the formal parameters. Reviewed By: kren1 Differential Revision: D15912148 fbshipit-source-id: e41dd6e42
6 years ago
match parent with
| Some parent ->
assert (Bool.(Option.is_some exp = Option.is_some parent.freturn))
| None -> assert true )
| Throw _ | Unreachable -> assert true
let goto ~dst ~loc =
Switch {key= Exp.false_; tbl= IArray.empty; els= dst; loc}
|> check invariant
let branch ~key ~nzero ~zero ~loc =
let tbl = IArray.of_array [|(Exp.false_, zero)|] in
let els = nzero in
Switch {key; tbl; els; loc} |> check invariant
let switch ~key ~tbl ~els ~loc =
Switch {key; tbl; els; loc} |> check invariant
let iswitch ~ptr ~tbl ~loc = Iswitch {ptr; tbl; loc} |> check invariant
let call ~callee ~typ ~actuals ~areturn ~return ~throw ~loc =
{callee; typ; actuals; areturn; return; throw; recursive= false; loc}
|> check invariant
let return ~exp ~loc = Return {exp; loc} |> check invariant
let throw ~exc ~loc = Throw {exc; loc} |> check invariant
let unreachable = Unreachable |> check invariant
let loc = function
| Switch {loc; _}
|Iswitch {loc; _}
|Call {loc; _}
|Return {loc; _}
|Throw {loc; _} ->
| Unreachable -> Loc.none
let union_locals term vs =
match term with
| Call {areturn; _} -> Reg.Set.add_option areturn vs
| _ -> vs
(** Basic-Blocks *)
module Block = struct
module T = struct type t = block [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of] end
include T
module Map = Map.Make (T)
let pp = pp_block
let mk ~lbl ~cmnd ~term =
{ lbl
; cmnd
; term
; parent= dummy_block.parent
; sort_index= dummy_block.sort_index }
(* Blocks compared by label, which are unique within a function, used to
compute unique sort_index ids *)
module Block_label = struct
module T = struct
type t = block [@@deriving sexp_of]
let compare x y =
[%compare: string * Global.t] (x.lbl,
let hash b = [%hash: string * Global.t] (b.lbl,
include T
module Set = Set.Make (T)
module BlockQ = Hash_queue.Make (Block_label)
module FuncQ = Hash_queue.Make (Reg)
(** Functions *)
module Func = struct
type t = func [@@deriving sexp_of]
let is_undefined = function
| {entry= {cmnd; term= Unreachable; _}; _} -> IArray.is_empty cmnd
| _ -> false
let fold_cfg ~init ~f func =
let seen = Hash_set.create (module Block_label) in
let rec fold_cfg_ s blk =
if Result.is_error (Hash_set.strict_add seen blk) then s
let s =
let f s j = fold_cfg_ s j.dst in
match blk.term with
| Switch {tbl; els; _} ->
let s = IArray.fold ~f:(fun s (_, j) -> f s j) ~init:s tbl in
f s els
| Iswitch {tbl; _} -> IArray.fold ~f ~init:s tbl
| Call {return; throw; _} ->
let s = f s return in
Option.fold ~f ~init:s throw
| Return _ | Throw _ | Unreachable -> s
f s blk
fold_cfg_ init func.entry
let fold_term func ~init ~f =
fold_cfg func ~init ~f:(fun s blk -> f s blk.term)
let iter_term func ~f =
fold_cfg func ~init:() ~f:(fun () blk -> f blk.term)
let entry_cfg func = fold_cfg ~init:[] ~f:(fun cfg blk -> blk :: cfg) func
let pp fs func =
let {name; formals; freturn; entry; _} = func in
let {cmnd; term; sort_index; _} = entry in
let pp_if cnd str fs = if cnd then Format.fprintf fs str in
Format.fprintf fs "@[<v>@[<v>%a%a@[<2>%a%a@]%t@]"
(Option.pp "%a " Typ.pp)
( match name.typ with
| Pointer {elt= Function {return; _}} -> return
| _ -> None )
(Option.pp " %a := " Reg.pp)
freturn Global.pp name (pp_actuals pp_formal) formals
(fun fs ->
if is_undefined func then Format.fprintf fs " #%i@]" sort_index
let cfg =
List.sort (List.tl_exn (entry_cfg func))
Format.fprintf fs " { #%i %a@;<1 4>@[<v>%a@ %a@]%t%a@]@ }"
sort_index Loc.pp name.loc pp_cmnd cmnd Term.pp term
(pp_if (not (List.is_empty cfg)) "@ @ ")
(List.pp "@\n@\n " Block.pp)
cfg )
let invariant func =
Invariant.invariant [%here] func [%sexp_of: t]
@@ fun () ->
assert (func == func.entry.parent) ;
match with
| Pointer {elt= Function {return; _}; _} ->
assert (
(List.contains_dup (entry_cfg func) ~compare:(fun b1 b2 -> b1.lbl b2.lbl )) ) ;
[sledge] Rework function return value passing Summary: The current handling of the formal return variable scope is not correct. Since it is passed as an actual argument to the return continuation, it is manipulated as if it was a local variable of the caller. However, its scope is not ended with the caller's locals, leading to clashes. This diff reworks the passing of return values to avoid this problem, mainly by introducing a notion of temporary variables during parameter passing. This essentially has the effect of taking a function spec { P } f(x) { λv. Q } and generating a "temporary" variable v, applying the post λv. Q to it to obtain the pre-state for the call to the return continuation k(v). Being a temporary variable just means that it goes out of scope just after parameter passing. This amounts to a long-winded way of applying the post-state to the formal parameter of the return continuation without violating scopes or SSA. This diff also separates the manipulation of the symbolic states as they proceed from: 1. the pre-state before the return instruction; 2. the exit-state after the return instruction (including the binding of the returned value to the return formal variable); 3. the post-state, where the locals are existentially quantified; and 4. the return-state, which is expressed in terms of actual args instead of formal parameters. Also in support of summarization, formal return and throw parameters are no longer tracked on the analyzer's stack. Note that these changes involve changing the locals of blocks and functions to no longer include the formal parameters. Reviewed By: kren1 Differential Revision: D15912148 fbshipit-source-id: e41dd6e42
6 years ago
assert (Bool.(Option.is_some return = Option.is_some func.freturn)) ;
iter_term func ~f:(fun term -> Term.invariant ~parent:func term)
| _ -> assert false
let find functions name = String.Map.find functions name
let mk ~(name : Global.t) ~formals ~freturn ~fthrow ~entry ~cfg =
let locals =
let locals_cmnd locals cmnd =
IArray.fold_right ~f:Inst.union_locals cmnd ~init:locals
let locals_block locals block =
locals_cmnd (Term.union_locals block.term locals) block.cmnd
let init = locals_block Reg.Set.empty entry in
IArray.fold ~f:locals_block cfg ~init
let func = {name; formals; freturn; fthrow; locals; entry} in
let resolve_parent_and_jumps block =
block.parent <- func ;
let lookup cfg lbl : block =
IArray.find_exn cfg ~f:(fun k -> String.equal lbl k.lbl)
let set_dst jmp = jmp.dst <- lookup cfg jmp.dst.lbl in
match block.term with
| Switch {tbl; els; _} ->
IArray.iter tbl ~f:(fun (_, jmp) -> set_dst jmp) ;
set_dst els
| Iswitch {tbl; _} -> IArray.iter tbl ~f:set_dst
| Call {return; throw; _} ->
set_dst return ;
Option.iter throw ~f:set_dst
| Return _ | Throw _ | Unreachable -> ()
resolve_parent_and_jumps entry ;
IArray.iter cfg ~f:resolve_parent_and_jumps ;
func |> check invariant
let mk_undefined ~name ~formals ~freturn ~fthrow =
let entry = ~lbl:"" ~cmnd:IArray.empty ~term:Term.unreachable
let cfg = IArray.empty in
mk ~name ~entry ~formals ~freturn ~fthrow ~cfg
(** Derived meta-data *)
let set_derived_metadata functions =
let compute_roots functions =
let roots = FuncQ.create () in
String.Map.iter functions ~f:(fun func ->
FuncQ.enqueue_back_exn roots func ) ;
String.Map.iter functions ~f:(fun func ->
Func.fold_term func ~init:() ~f:(fun () -> function
| Call {callee; _} -> (
match Reg.of_exp callee with
| Some callee ->
FuncQ.remove roots callee |> (ignore : [> ] -> unit)
| None -> () )
| _ -> () ) ) ;
let topsort functions roots =
let tips_to_roots = BlockQ.create () in
let rec visit ancestors func src =
if BlockQ.mem tips_to_roots src then ()
let ancestors = Block_label.Set.add ancestors src in
let jump jmp =
if Block_label.Set.mem ancestors jmp.dst then
jmp.retreating <- true
else visit ancestors func jmp.dst
( match src.term with
| Switch {tbl; els; _} ->
IArray.iter tbl ~f:(fun (_, jmp) -> jump jmp) ;
jump els
| Iswitch {tbl; _} -> IArray.iter tbl ~f:jump
| Call ({callee; return; throw; _} as call) ->
( match
Option.bind ~f:(Func.find functions)
( (Reg.of_exp callee))
| Some func ->
if Block_label.Set.mem ancestors func.entry then
call.recursive <- true
else visit ancestors func func.entry
| None ->
(* conservatively assume all virtual calls are recursive *)
call.recursive <- true ) ;
jump return ; Option.iter ~f:jump throw
| Return _ | Throw _ | Unreachable -> () ) ;
BlockQ.enqueue_back_exn tips_to_roots src ()
FuncQ.iter roots ~f:(fun root ->
visit Block_label.Set.empty root root.entry ) ;
let set_sort_indices tips_to_roots =
let index = ref (BlockQ.length tips_to_roots) in
BlockQ.iteri tips_to_roots ~f:(fun ~key:block ~data:_ ->
block.sort_index <- !index ;
index := !index - 1 )
let functions =
List.fold functions ~init:String.Map.empty ~f:(fun m func ->
String.Map.add_exn m ~key:( ~data:func )
let roots = compute_roots functions in
let tips_to_roots = topsort functions roots in
set_sort_indices tips_to_roots ;
let invariant pgm =
Invariant.invariant [%here] pgm [%sexp_of: t]
@@ fun () ->
assert (
(IArray.contains_dup pgm.globals ~compare:(fun g1 g2 -> g1.Global.reg g2.Global.reg )) )
let mk ~globals ~functions =
{ globals= IArray.of_list_rev globals
; functions= set_derived_metadata functions }
|> check invariant
let pp fs {globals; functions} =
Format.fprintf fs "@[<v>@[%a@]@ @ @ @[%a@]@]"
(IArray.pp "@\n@\n" Global.pp_defn)
(List.pp "@\n@\n" Func.pp)
( functions
|> List.sort ~compare:(fun x y -> compare_block x.entry y.entry) )