* Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
let exists = List.exists
let filter = List.filter
let find = List.find
let fold_left = List.fold_left
let fold_left2 = List.fold_left2
let for_all = List.for_all
let for_all2 = List.for_all2
let hd = List.hd
let iter = List.iter
let iter2 = List.iter2
let iteri = List.iteri
let length = List.length
let nth = List.nth
let partition = List.partition
let rev = List.rev
let rev_append = List.rev_append
let rev_map = List.rev_map
let sort = List.sort
let stable_sort = List.stable_sort
let tl = List.tl
let rec last = function
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
| [] -> None
| [x] -> Some x
| _ :: xs -> last xs
(** tail-recursive variant of List.fold_right *)
let fold_right f l a =
let g x y = f y x in
fold_left g a (rev l)
(** fold_left with indices *)
let fold_lefti (f : 'a -> int -> 'b -> 'a) a l =
fold_left (fun (i, acc) e -> i +1, f acc i e) (0, a) l
|> snd
(** tail-recursive variant of List.combine *)
let combine =
let rec combine acc l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with
| [], [] -> acc
| x1:: l1, x2:: l2 -> combine ((x1, x2):: acc) l1 l2
| [], _:: _
| _:: _, [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "IList.combine") in
fun l1 l2 -> rev (combine [] l1 l2)
(** tail-recursive variant of List.split *)
let split =
let rec split acc1 acc2 = function
| [] -> (acc1, acc2)
| (x, y):: l -> split (x:: acc1) (y:: acc2) l in
fun l ->
let acc1, acc2 = split [] [] l in
rev acc1, rev acc2
(** Like List.mem but without builtin equality *)
let mem equal x l = exists (equal x) l
(** tail-recursive variant of List.flatten *)
let flatten =
let rec flatten acc l = match l with
| [] -> acc
| x:: l' -> flatten (rev_append x acc) l' in
fun l -> rev (flatten [] l)
let flatten_options list =
fold_left (fun list -> function | Some x -> x:: list | None -> list) [] list
|> rev
let rec drop_first n = function
| xs when n == 0 -> xs
| _ :: xs -> drop_first (n - 1) xs
| [] -> []
let drop_last n list =
rev (drop_first n (rev list))
(** Generic comparison of lists given a compare function for the elements of the list *)
let rec compare cmp l1 l2 =
match l1, l2 with
| [],[] -> 0
| [], _ -> - 1
| _, [] -> 1
| x1:: l1', x2:: l2' ->
let n = cmp x1 x2 in
if n <> 0 then n else compare cmp l1' l2'
(** Generic equality of lists given a compare function for the elements of the list *)
let equal cmp l1 l2 =
compare cmp l1 l2 = 0
(** Returns (reverse input_list) *)
let rec rev_with_acc acc = function
| [] -> acc
| x :: xs -> rev_with_acc (x:: acc) xs
(** tail-recursive variant of List.append *)
let append l1 l2 =
rev_append (rev l1) l2
(** tail-recursive variant of List.map *)
let map f l =
rev (rev_map f l)
(** like map, but returns the original list if unchanged *)
let map_changed (f : 'a -> 'a) l =
let l', changed =
(fun (l_acc, changed) e ->
let e' = f e in
e' :: l_acc, changed || e' != e)
([], false)
l in
if changed
then rev l'
else l
(** like filter, but returns the original list if unchanged *)
let filter_changed (f : 'a -> bool) l =
let l', changed =
(fun (l_acc, changed) e ->
if f e
then e :: l_acc, changed
else l_acc, true)
([], false)
l in
if changed
then rev l'
else l
(** tail-recursive variant of List.mapi *)
let mapi f l =
let i = ref 0 in
rev (rev_map
(fun x ->
incr i;
f (!i - 1) x)
(** Remove consecutive equal elements from a list (according to the given comparison functions) *)
let remove_duplicates compare l =
let rec remove compare acc = function
| [] -> rev acc
| [x] -> rev (x:: acc)
| x:: ((y:: l'') as l') ->
if compare x y = 0 then remove compare acc (x:: l'')
else remove compare (x:: acc) l' in
remove compare [] l
(** Remove consecutive equal irrelevant elements from a list (according to the given comparison and relevance functions) *)
let remove_irrelevant_duplicates compare relevant l =
let rec remove compare acc = function
| [] -> rev acc
| [x] -> rev (x:: acc)
| x:: ((y:: l'') as l') ->
if compare x y = 0 then begin
match relevant x, relevant y with
| false, _ -> remove compare acc l'
| true, false -> remove compare acc (x:: l'')
| true, true -> remove compare (x:: acc) l'
else remove compare (x:: acc) l' in
remove compare [] l
(** The function works on sorted lists without duplicates *)
let rec merge_sorted_nodup compare res xs1 xs2 =
match xs1, xs2 with
| [], _ ->
rev_with_acc xs2 res
| _, [] ->
rev_with_acc xs1 res
| x1 :: xs1', x2 :: xs2' ->
let n = compare x1 x2 in
if n = 0 then
merge_sorted_nodup compare (x1 :: res) xs1' xs2'
else if n < 0 then
merge_sorted_nodup compare (x1 :: res) xs1' xs2
merge_sorted_nodup compare (x2 :: res) xs1 xs2'
let intersect compare l1 l2 =
let l1_sorted = sort compare l1 in
let l2_sorted = sort compare l2 in
let rec f l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with
| ([], _) | (_,[]) -> false
| (x1:: l1', x2:: l2') ->
let x_comparison = compare x1 x2 in
if x_comparison = 0 then true
else if x_comparison < 0 then f l1' l2
else f l1 l2' in
f l1_sorted l2_sorted
let inter compare xs ys =
let rev_sort xs = sort (fun x y -> compare y x) xs in
let rev_xs = rev_sort xs in
let rev_ys = rev_sort ys in
let rec inter_ is rev_xxs rev_yys =
match rev_xxs, rev_yys with
| ([], _) | (_, []) ->
| (x :: rev_xs, y :: rev_ys) ->
let c = compare x y in
if c = 0 then
inter_ (x :: is) rev_xs rev_ys
else if c < 0 then
inter_ is rev_xs rev_yys
inter_ is rev_xxs rev_ys
inter_ [] rev_xs rev_ys
exception Fail
(** Apply [f] to pairs of elements; raise [Fail] if the two lists have different lenghts. *)
let map2 f l1 l2 =
let rec go l1 l2 acc =
match l1, l2 with
| [],[] -> rev acc
| x1 :: l1', x2 :: l2' ->
let x' = f x1 x2 in
go l1' l2' (x':: acc)
| _ -> raise Fail in
go l1 l2 []
(** Return the first non-None result found when applying f to elements of l *)
let rec find_map_opt f = function
| [] -> None
| e :: l' ->
let e' = f e in
if e' <> None
then e'
else find_map_opt f l'
(** Like find_map_opt, but with indices *)
let find_mapi_opt (f : int -> 'a -> 'b option) l =
let rec find_mapi_opt_ f i = function
| [] -> None
| e :: l' ->
let e' = f i e in
if e' <> None
then e'
else find_mapi_opt_ f (i + 1) l' in
find_mapi_opt_ f 0 l
let to_string f l =
let rec aux l =
match l with
| [] -> ""
| s:: [] -> (f s)
| s:: rest -> (f s)^", "^(aux rest) in
"["^(aux l)^"]"
(** Like List.mem_assoc but without builtin equality *)
let mem_assoc equal a l =
exists (fun x -> equal a (fst x)) l
(** Like List.assoc but without builtin equality *)
let assoc equal a l =
snd (find (fun x -> equal a (fst x)) l)