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* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! Utils
module F = Format
type base = Var.t * Typ.t
type access =
| FieldAccess of Ident.fieldname * Typ.t
| ArrayAccess of Typ.t
type raw = base * access list
type t =
| Exact of raw
| Abstracted of raw
let base_compare ((var1, typ1) as base1) ((var2, typ2) as base2) =
if base1 == base2
then 0
else var1 var2
|> next typ1 typ2
let base_equal base1 base2 =
base_compare base1 base2 = 0
let access_compare access1 access2 =
if access1 == access2
then 0
match access1, access2 with
| FieldAccess (f1, typ1), FieldAccess (f2, typ2) ->
Ident.fieldname_compare f1 f2
|> next typ1 typ2
| ArrayAccess typ1, ArrayAccess typ2 -> typ1 typ2
| FieldAccess _, _ -> 1
| _, FieldAccess _ -> -1
let access_equal access1 access2 =
access_compare access1 access2 = 0
let raw_compare ((base1, accesses1) as ap1) ((base2, accesses2) as ap2) =
if ap1 == ap2
then 0
base_compare base1 base2
|> next ( access_compare) accesses1 accesses2
let raw_equal ap1 ap2 =
raw_compare ap1 ap2 = 0
let compare ap1 ap2 = match ap1, ap2 with
| Exact ap1, Exact ap2 | Abstracted ap1, Abstracted ap2 -> raw_compare ap1 ap2
| Exact _, Abstracted _ -> 1
| Abstracted _, Exact _ -> (-1)
let equal ap1 ap2 =
compare ap1 ap2 = 0
let base_of_pvar pvar typ =
Var.of_pvar pvar, typ
let base_of_id id typ =
Var.of_id id, typ
let of_pvar pvar typ =
base_of_pvar pvar typ, []
let of_id id typ =
base_of_id id typ, []
let of_exp exp typ ~(f_resolve_id : Ident.t -> raw option) =
(* [typ] is the type of the last element of the access path (e.g., typeof(g) for x.f.g) *)
let rec of_exp_ exp typ accesses =
match exp with
| Exp.Var id ->
match f_resolve_id id with
| Some (base, base_accesses) -> Some (base, base_accesses @ accesses)
| None -> Some (base_of_id id typ, accesses)
| Exp.Lvar pvar ->
Some (base_of_pvar pvar typ, accesses)
| Exp.Lfield (root_exp, fld, root_exp_typ) ->
let field_access = FieldAccess (fld, typ) in
of_exp_ root_exp root_exp_typ (field_access :: accesses)
| Exp.Lindex (root_exp, _) ->
let array_access = ArrayAccess typ in
let array_typ = Typ.Tarray (typ, None) in
of_exp_ root_exp array_typ (array_access :: accesses)
| _ ->
(* trying to make access path from an invalid expression (e.g., a constant) *)
None in
of_exp_ exp typ []
let append (base, accesses) access =
base, accesses @ [access]
let rec is_prefix_path path1 path2 =
if path1 == path2
then true
match path1, path2 with
| [], _ -> true
| _, [] -> false
| access1 :: p1, access2 :: p2 -> access_equal access1 access2 && is_prefix_path p1 p2
let is_prefix ((base1, path1) as ap1) ((base2, path2) as ap2) =
if ap1 == ap2
then true
base_equal base1 base2 && is_prefix_path path1 path2
let extract = function
| Exact ap | Abstracted ap -> ap
let is_exact = function
| Exact _ -> true
| Abstracted _ -> false
let (<=) ~lhs ~rhs =
match lhs, rhs with
| Abstracted _, Exact _ -> false
| Exact lhs_ap, Exact rhs_ap -> raw_equal lhs_ap rhs_ap
| (Exact lhs_ap | Abstracted lhs_ap), Abstracted rhs_ap -> is_prefix rhs_ap lhs_ap
let pp_base fmt (pvar, _) =
Var.pp fmt pvar
let pp_access fmt = function
| FieldAccess (field_name, _) -> F.fprintf fmt ".%a" Ident.pp_fieldname field_name
| ArrayAccess _ -> F.fprintf fmt "[_]"
let pp_raw fmt (base, accesses) =
let pp_access_list fmt accesses =
F.pp_print_list pp_access fmt accesses in
F.fprintf fmt "%a%a" pp_base base pp_access_list accesses
let pp fmt = function
| Exact access_path -> pp_raw fmt access_path
| Abstracted access_path -> F.fprintf fmt "%a*" pp_raw access_path