
192 lines
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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Process SMT-LIB benchmarks using SLEdge's first-order theory solver. *)
module Smt = Smtlib_utils.V_2_6
open Fol
module VarEnv = Map.Make (String)
type var_env = Term.t VarEnv.t
type frame = {mutable asserts: Smt.Ast.term list; mutable var_env: var_env}
let init_stack = [{asserts= []; var_env= VarEnv.empty}]
let stack = ref init_stack
let top () = List.hd_exn !stack
let push () =
let {asserts; var_env} = top () in
stack := {asserts; var_env} :: !stack
let pop () =
match !stack with
| [] -> assert false
| [_] -> ()
| _ :: tl -> stack := tl
let reset () = stack := init_stack
let id =
let count = ref (-1) in
fun () ->
incr count ;
let decl_var name =
let v = Term.var (Var.identified ~name ~id:(id ())) in
let top = top () in
top.var_env <- VarEnv.add_exn ~key:name ~data:v top.var_env
let assert_term term =
let top = top () in
top.asserts <- term :: top.asserts
let rec x_let env nes =
List.fold nes env ~f:(fun (name, term) ->
VarEnv.add_exn ~key:name ~data:(x_trm env term) )
and x_trm : var_env -> Smt.Ast.term -> Term.t =
fun n term ->
match term with
| Const s -> (
try VarEnv.find_exn s n
with _ -> (
try Term.rational (Q.of_string s)
with _ -> (
try Term.rational (Q.of_float (Float.of_string_exn s))
with _ -> fail "not a rational: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term () ) ) )
| Arith (Add, e :: es) ->
List.fold ~f:(fun e -> Term.add (x_trm n e)) es (x_trm n e)
| Arith (Minus, e :: es) ->
List.fold ~f:(fun e -> Term.sub (x_trm n e)) es (x_trm n e)
| Arith (Mult, es) -> (
match ~f:(x_trm n) es with
| e :: es ->
List.fold es e ~f:(fun e p ->
match Term.get_const e with
| Some q -> Term.mulq q p
| None -> (
match Term.get_const p with
| Some q -> Term.mulq q e
| None -> fail "nonlinear: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term () ) )
| [] -> fail "malformed: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term () )
| Arith (Div, es) -> (
match ~f:(x_trm n) es with
| e :: es ->
List.fold es e ~f:(fun e p ->
match Term.get_const e with
| Some q -> Term.mulq (Q.inv q) p
| None -> fail "nonlinear: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term () )
| [] -> fail "malformed: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term () )
| If (c, t, e) ->
Term.ite ~cnd:(x_fml n c) ~thn:(x_trm n t) ~els:(x_trm n e)
| App _ -> todo "%a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Let (nes, e) -> x_trm (x_let n nes) e
| Attr (e, _) -> x_trm n e
| Fun _ | HO_app _ -> fail "higher-order: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Match _ -> fail "datatype: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Cast _ -> fail "cast: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Arith ((Add | Minus), _) -> fail "malformed: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| True | False
|Arith ((Leq | Lt | Geq | Gt), _)
|Is_a _ | Eq _ | Imply _ | And _ | Or _ | Not _ | Distinct _ | Forall _
|Exists _ ->
Formula.inject (x_fml n term)
and x_fml : var_env -> Smt.Ast.term -> Formula.t =
fun n term ->
match term with
| True ->
| False -> Formula.ff
| If (cnd, pos, neg) ->
Formula.cond ~cnd:(x_fml n cnd) ~pos:(x_fml n pos) ~neg:(x_fml n neg)
| App _ -> todo "%a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Let (nes, b) -> x_fml (x_let n nes) b
| Eq (d, e) -> Formula.eq (x_trm n d) (x_trm n e)
| Imply (a, b) -> x_fml n (Or [Not a; b])
| And bs -> Formula.andN ( ~f:(x_fml n) bs)
| Or bs -> Formula.orN ( ~f:(x_fml n) bs)
| Distinct es ->
|> ~f:(x_trm n)
|> Iter.diagonal_l
|> ~f:(fun (d, e) -> Formula.dq d e)
|> Iter.to_list
|> Formula.andN
| Not b -> Formula.not_ (x_fml n b)
| Attr (b, _) -> x_fml n b
| Cast _ -> fail "cast: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Arith ((Leq | Lt | Geq | Gt), _) ->
fail "inequality: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Fun _ | HO_app _ -> fail "higher-order: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Match _ | Is_a _ -> fail "datatype: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Forall _ | Exists _ -> fail "quantifier: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_term term ()
| Const _ | Arith ((Add | Minus | Mult | Div), _) ->
Formula.dq0 (x_trm n term)
let x_context {asserts; var_env} =
Context.dnf (Formula.andN ( ~f:(x_fml var_env) asserts))
let check_unsat (_, asserts, ctx) =
[ fun {pf} ->
pf "%a@ %a@ %a" Formula.pp asserts Context.pp ctx Context.pp_raw ctx]
( Context.is_unsat ctx
|| Formula.equal Formula.ff
(Formula.map_terms ~f:(Context.normalize ctx) asserts) )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%b"]
exception Unsound
exception Incomplete
let expect_unsat = ref false
let check_sat () =
let unsat = Iter.for_all ~f:check_unsat (x_context (top ())) in
if (not unsat) && !expect_unsat then raise Incomplete
else if unsat && not !expect_unsat then raise Unsound
let process_stmt (stmt : Smt.Ast.statement) =
match stmt.stmt with
| Stmt_set_logic _ -> ()
| Stmt_set_info (":status", "unsat") -> expect_unsat := true
| Stmt_set_info (":status", _) -> expect_unsat := false
| Stmt_set_info _ | Stmt_set_option _ | Stmt_decl_sort _ -> ()
| Stmt_decl {fun_name; fun_args= []} -> decl_var fun_name
| Stmt_decl _ -> todo "%a" Smt.Ast.pp_stmt stmt ()
| Stmt_fun_def {fr_decl= {fun_name; fun_args= []}; fr_body} ->
assert_term (Eq (Const fun_name, fr_body))
| Stmt_fun_def _ | Stmt_fun_rec _ | Stmt_funs_rec _ ->
fail "function definition: %a" Smt.Ast.pp_stmt stmt ()
| Stmt_data _ -> fail "datatype definition" ()
| Stmt_assert term -> assert_term term
| Stmt_get_assertions | Stmt_get_assignment | Stmt_get_info _
|Stmt_get_model | Stmt_get_option _ | Stmt_get_proof
|Stmt_get_unsat_assumptions | Stmt_get_unsat_core | Stmt_get_value _ ->
| Stmt_check_sat -> check_sat ()
| Stmt_check_sat_assuming _ -> fail "check-sat-assuming" ()
| Stmt_pop n ->
for _ = 1 to n do
pop ()
| Stmt_push n ->
for _ = 1 to n do
push ()
| Stmt_reset | Stmt_reset_assertions -> reset ()
| Stmt_exit -> ()
let process filename =
List.iter ~f:process_stmt (Smt.parse_file_exn filename) ;
| Unsound -> Report.Unsound
| Incomplete -> Report.Incomplete