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* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! Utils
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module type Spec = sig
module Source : Source.S
module Sink : Sink.S
(** should a flow originating at source and entering sink be reported? *)
val should_report : Source.t -> Sink.t -> bool
module type S = sig
include Spec
type t
type astate = t
include AbstractDomain.S with type astate := astate
module Sources = Source.Set
module Sinks = Sink.Set
module Passthroughs = Passthrough.Set
(** get the sources of the trace. *)
val sources : t -> Sources.t
(** get the sinks of the trace *)
val sinks : t -> Sinks.t
(** get the passthroughs of the trace *)
val passthroughs : t -> Passthroughs.t
(** get the reportable source-sink flows in this trace *)
val get_reports : t -> (Source.t * Sink.t * Passthroughs.t) list
(** get logging-ready trace strings for the reportable source-sink flows in this trace *)
val get_reportable_traces :
t ->
Procname.t ->
?expand_trace:bool ->
trace_of_pname:(Procname.t -> t) ->
(Source.t * Sink.t * string) list
(** create a trace from a source *)
val of_source : Source.t -> t
(** ad a source to the current trace *)
val add_source : Source.t -> t -> t
(** add a sink to the current trace. *)
val add_sink : Sink.t -> t -> t
(** remove the given sinks from the current trace *)
val filter_sinks : t -> Sink.t list -> t
(** append the trace for given call site to the current caller trace *)
val append : t -> t -> CallSite.t -> t
(** return true if this trace has no source or sink data *)
val is_empty : t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Expand a trace element (i.e., a source or sink) into a list of trace elements bottoming out in
the "original" trace element. The list is always non-empty. *)
module Expander (TraceElem : TraceElem.S) = struct
let expand elem0 ~elems_passthroughs_of_pname =
let rec expand_ elem elems_passthroughs_acc =
let elem_site = TraceElem.call_site elem in
let elem_kind = TraceElem.kind elem in
let elems, passthroughs = elems_passthroughs_of_pname (CallSite.pname elem_site) in
let is_recursive elem_site callee_elem =
(CallSite.pname elem_site) (CallSite.pname (TraceElem.call_site callee_elem)) in
(* find sinks that are the same kind as the caller, but have a different procname *)
let matching_elems =
(fun callee_elem -> (TraceElem.kind callee_elem) elem_kind = 0 &&
not (is_recursive elem_site callee_elem))
elems in
match matching_elems with
| callee_elem :: _ ->
(* TODO: pick the shortest path to a sink here instead (t14242809) *)
(* arbitrarily pick one elem and explore it further *)
expand_ callee_elem ((elem, passthroughs) :: elems_passthroughs_acc)
| [] ->
(elem, Passthrough.Set.empty) :: elems_passthroughs_acc in
expand_ elem0 []
module Make (Spec : Spec) = struct
include Spec
module Sources = Source.Set
module Sinks = Sink.Set
module Passthroughs = Passthrough.Set
module SourceExpander = Expander(Source)
module SinkExpander = Expander(Sink)
type t =
sources : Sources.t; (** last functions in the trace that returned tainted data *)
sinks : Sinks.t;
(** last callees in the trace that transitively called a tainted function (if any) *)
passthroughs : Passthrough.Set.t; (** calls that occurred between source and sink *)
type astate = t
let compare t1 t2 = t1.sources t2.sources
|> next t1.sinks t2.sinks
|> next t1.passthroughs t2.passthroughs
let equal t1 t2 =
compare t1 t2 = 0
let pp fmt t =
"%a -> %a via %a"
Sources.pp t.sources Sinks.pp t.sinks Passthroughs.pp t.passthroughs
let sources t =
let sinks t =
let passthroughs t =
let is_empty t =
(* sources empty => sinks empty and passthroughs empty *)
Sources.is_empty t.sources
let get_reports t =
if Sinks.is_empty t.sinks
then []
let report_one source sink acc =
if Spec.should_report source sink
then (source, sink, t.passthroughs) :: acc
else acc in
Sources.fold (fun source acc -> Sinks.fold (report_one source) t.sinks acc) t.sources []
let get_reportable_traces t cur_pname ?(expand_trace=true) ~trace_of_pname =
let pp_passthroughs fmt passthroughs =
if not (Passthrough.Set.is_empty passthroughs)
then F.fprintf fmt "(via %a)" Passthrough.Set.pp passthroughs in
let get_expanded_trace_string
cur_pname cur_passthroughs sources_passthroughs sinks_passthroughs =
let pp_elems elem_to_callsite fmt elems_passthroughs =
let pp_sep fmt () = F.fprintf fmt "@." in
let pp_elem fmt (elem, passthroughs) =
"|=> %a %a"
CallSite.pp (elem_to_callsite elem) pp_passthroughs passthroughs in
(F.pp_print_list ~pp_sep) pp_elem fmt elems_passthroughs in
let pp_sources = pp_elems Source.call_site in
let pp_sinks = pp_elems Sink.call_site in
let original_source = fst (IList.hd sources_passthroughs) in
let final_sink = fst (IList.hd sinks_passthroughs) in
"Error: %a -> %a. Full trace:@.%a@.Current procedure %a %a@.%a"
Source.pp original_source
Sink.pp final_sink
pp_sources sources_passthroughs
Procname.pp cur_pname
pp_passthroughs cur_passthroughs
pp_sinks (IList.rev sinks_passthroughs) in
let get_trace_string source sink cur_passthroughs =
if expand_trace
let sources_of_pname pname =
let trace = trace_of_pname pname in
Sources.elements (sources trace), passthroughs trace in
let sinks_of_pname pname =
let trace = trace_of_pname pname in
Sinks.elements (sinks trace), passthroughs trace in
let sources_passthroughs =
SourceExpander.expand source ~elems_passthroughs_of_pname:sources_of_pname in
let sinks_passthroughs =
SinkExpander.expand sink ~elems_passthroughs_of_pname:sinks_of_pname in
get_expanded_trace_string cur_pname cur_passthroughs sources_passthroughs sinks_passthroughs
"Error: %a -> %a %a"
Source.pp source Sink.pp sink pp_passthroughs cur_passthroughs in
(fun (source, sink, passthroughs) ->
let trace_string = get_trace_string source sink passthroughs in
source, sink, trace_string)
(get_reports t)
let of_source source =
let sources = Sources.singleton source in
let passthroughs = Passthroughs.empty in
let sinks = Sinks.empty in
{ sources; passthroughs; sinks; }
let add_source source t =
let sources = Sources.add source t.sources in
{ t with sources; }
let add_sink sink t =
let sinks = Sinks.add sink t.sinks in
{ t with sinks; }
let filter_sinks t sinks_to_filter =
let sinks = Sinks.diff t.sinks (Sinks.of_list sinks_to_filter) in
{ t with sinks; }
(** compute caller_trace + callee_trace *)
let append caller_trace callee_trace callee_site =
if is_empty callee_trace
then caller_trace
let non_footprint_callee_sources =
Sources.filter (fun source -> not (Source.is_footprint source)) callee_trace.sources in
let sources =
if Sources.subset non_footprint_callee_sources caller_trace.sources
(fun sink -> Source.to_callee sink callee_site)
(Sources.elements non_footprint_callee_sources)
|> Sources.of_list
|> Sources.union caller_trace.sources in
let sinks =
if Sinks.subset callee_trace.sinks caller_trace.sinks
(fun sink -> Sink.to_callee sink callee_site)
(Sinks.elements callee_trace.sinks)
|> Sinks.of_list
|> Sinks.union caller_trace.sinks in
let passthroughs =
if sources == caller_trace.sources && sinks == caller_trace.sinks
(* this callee didn't add any new sources or any news sinks; it's just a passthrough *)
Passthroughs.add (Passthrough.make callee_site) caller_trace.passthroughs
caller_trace.passthroughs in
{ sources; sinks; passthroughs; }
let initial =
let sources = Sources.empty in
let sinks = Sinks.empty in
let passthroughs = Passthroughs.empty in
{ sources; sinks; passthroughs; }
let (<=) ~lhs ~rhs =
lhs == rhs ||
(Sources.subset lhs.sources rhs.sources &&
Sinks.subset lhs.sinks rhs.sinks &&
Passthroughs.subset lhs.passthroughs rhs.passthroughs)
let join t1 t2 =
if t1 == t2
then t1
let sources = Sources.union t1.sources t2.sources in
let sinks = Sinks.union t1.sinks t2.sinks in
let passthroughs = Passthroughs.union t1.passthroughs t2.passthroughs in
{ sources; sinks; passthroughs; }
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ =
join prev next