* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
open! PVariant
open Javalib_pack
open Sawja_pack
module L = Logging
let add_edges (context: JContext.t) start_node exn_node exit_nodes method_body_nodes impl
super_call =
let pc_nb = Array.length method_body_nodes in
let last_pc = pc_nb - 1 in
let is_last pc = Int.equal pc last_pc in
let rec get_body_nodes_ pc visited =
let current_nodes = method_body_nodes.(pc) in
match current_nodes with
| JTrans.Skip when is_last pc && not (JContext.is_goto_jump context pc) ->
| JTrans.Skip ->
direct_successors pc (Int.Set.add visited pc)
| JTrans.Instr node ->
| JTrans.Prune (node_true, node_false) ->
[node_true; node_false]
| JTrans.Loop (join_node, _, _) ->
and direct_successors pc visited =
if is_last pc && not (JContext.is_goto_jump context pc) then exit_nodes
match JContext.get_goto_jump context pc with
| JContext.Next ->
let next_pc = pc + 1 in
if Int.Set.mem visited next_pc then [] else get_body_nodes_ next_pc visited
| JContext.Jump goto_pc when Int.Set.mem visited goto_pc ->
[] (* loop in goto *)
| JContext.Jump goto_pc ->
get_body_nodes_ goto_pc visited
| JContext.Exit ->
let get_body_nodes pc = get_body_nodes_ pc Int.Set.empty in
let get_succ_nodes node pc =
match JContext.get_if_jump context node with
| None ->
direct_successors pc Int.Set.empty
| Some jump_pc ->
get_body_nodes jump_pc
let get_exn_nodes =
if super_call then fun _ -> exit_nodes
else JTransExn.create_exception_handlers context [exn_node] get_body_nodes impl
let connect node pc =
Procdesc.node_set_succs_exn context.procdesc node (get_succ_nodes node pc) (get_exn_nodes pc)
let connect_nodes pc translated_instruction =
match translated_instruction with
| JTrans.Skip ->
| JTrans.Instr node ->
connect node pc
| JTrans.Prune (node_true, node_false) ->
connect node_true pc ; connect node_false pc
| JTrans.Loop (join_node, node_true, node_false) ->
Procdesc.node_set_succs_exn context.procdesc join_node [node_true; node_false] [] ;
connect node_true pc ;
connect node_false pc
let first_nodes =
(* deals with the case of an empty array *)
direct_successors (-1) Int.Set.empty
(* the exceptions edges here are going directly to the exit node *)
Procdesc.node_set_succs_exn context.procdesc start_node first_nodes exit_nodes ;
if not super_call then
(* the exceptions node is just before the exit node *)
Procdesc.node_set_succs_exn context.procdesc exn_node exit_nodes exit_nodes ;
Array.iteri ~f:connect_nodes method_body_nodes
(** Add a concrete method. *)
let add_cmethod source_file program linereader icfg cm proc_name =
let cn, _ = JBasics.cms_split cm.Javalib.cm_class_method_signature in
if Inferconfig.skip_implementation_matcher source_file proc_name then
ignore (JTrans.create_empty_procdesc source_file program linereader icfg cm proc_name)
match JTrans.create_cm_procdesc source_file program linereader icfg cm proc_name with
| None ->
| Some (procdesc, start_node, exit_node, exn_node, jbir_code) ->
let context = JContext.create_context icfg procdesc jbir_code cn source_file program in
let method_body_nodes = Array.mapi ~f:(JTrans.instruction context) (JBir.code jbir_code) in
add_edges context start_node exn_node [exit_node] method_body_nodes jbir_code false
let path_of_cached_classname cn =
let root_path = Config.(results_dir ^/ classnames_dir_name) in
let package_path = List.fold ~f:Filename.concat ~init:root_path (JBasics.cn_package cn) in
Filename.concat package_path (JBasics.cn_simple_name cn ^ ".java")
let cache_classname cn =
let path = path_of_cached_classname cn in
let splitted_root_dir =
let rec split l p =
match p with
| p when String.equal p Filename.current_dir_name ->
| p when String.equal p Filename.dir_sep ->
| p ->
split (Filename.basename p :: l) (Filename.dirname p)
split [] (Filename.dirname path)
let rec mkdir l p =
let () = if Sys.file_exists p <> `Yes then Unix.mkdir p ~perm:493 in
match l with [] -> () | d :: tl -> mkdir tl (Filename.concat p d)
mkdir splitted_root_dir Filename.dir_sep ;
let file_out = Out_channel.create path in
Out_channel.output_string file_out (string_of_float (Unix.time ())) ;
Out_channel.close file_out
let is_classname_cached cn = Sys.file_exists (path_of_cached_classname cn) = `Yes
(* Given a source file and a class, translates the code of this class.
In init - mode, finds out whether this class contains initializers at all,
in this case translates it. In standard mode, all methods are translated *)
let create_icfg source_file linereader program icfg cn node =
L.(debug Capture Verbose) "\tclassname: %s@." (JBasics.cn_name cn) ;
if Config.dependency_mode && not (is_classname_cached cn) then cache_classname cn ;
let translate m =
let proc_name = JTransType.translate_method_name m in
if JClasspath.is_model proc_name then
(* do not translate the method if there is a model for it *)
L.(debug Capture Verbose)
"Skipping method with a model: %s@."
(Typ.Procname.to_string proc_name)
(* each procedure has different scope: start names from id 0 *)
Ident.NameGenerator.reset () ;
match m with
| Javalib.AbstractMethod am ->
ignore (JTrans.create_am_procdesc source_file program icfg am proc_name)
| Javalib.ConcreteMethod cm when JTrans.is_java_native cm ->
ignore (JTrans.create_native_procdesc source_file program icfg cm proc_name)
| Javalib.ConcreteMethod cm ->
add_cmethod source_file program linereader icfg cm proc_name
with JBasics.Class_structure_error error ->
L.internal_error "create_icfg raised JBasics.Class_structure_error %s on %a@." error
Typ.Procname.pp proc_name
Javalib.m_iter translate node
(* returns true for the set of classes that are selected to be translated *)
let should_capture classes package_opt source_basename node =
let classname = Javalib.get_name node in
let match_package pkg cn =
match JTransType.package_to_string (JBasics.cn_package cn) with
| None ->
String.equal pkg ""
| Some found_pkg ->
String.equal found_pkg pkg
if JBasics.ClassSet.mem classname classes then
match Javalib.get_sourcefile node with
| None ->
| Some found_basename ->
match package_opt with
| None ->
String.equal found_basename source_basename
| Some pkg ->
match_package pkg classname && String.equal found_basename source_basename
else false
(* Computes the control - flow graph and call - graph of a given source file.
In the standard - mode, it translated all the classes that correspond to this
source file. *)
let compute_source_icfg linereader classes program tenv source_basename package_opt source_file =
let icfg = {JContext.cfg= Cfg.create (); tenv} in
let select test procedure cn node =
if test node then try procedure cn node with Bir.Subroutine -> ()
let () =
(should_capture classes package_opt source_basename)
(create_icfg source_file linereader program icfg))
(JClasspath.get_classmap program)
let compute_class_icfg source_file linereader program tenv node =
let icfg = {JContext.cfg= Cfg.create (); tenv} in
( try create_icfg source_file linereader program icfg (Javalib.get_name node) node
with Bir.Subroutine -> () ) ;