* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module Hashtbl = Caml.Hashtbl
(** Module for Type Environments. *)
(** Hash tables on strings. *)
module TypenameHash = Hashtbl.Make (struct
type t = Typ.Name.t
let equal tn1 tn2 = Typ.Name.equal tn1 tn2
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
(** Type for type environment. *)
type t = Typ.Struct.t TypenameHash.t
let pp fmt (tenv: t) =
(fun name typ ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<6>NAME: %s@." (Typ.Name.to_string name) ;
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<6>TYPE: %a@." (Typ.Struct.pp Pp.text name) typ )
(** Create a new type environment. *)
let create () = TypenameHash.create 1000
(** Construct a struct type in a type environment *)
let mk_struct tenv ?default ?fields ?statics ?methods ?supers ?annots name =
let struct_typ =
Typ.Struct.internal_mk_struct ?default ?fields ?statics ?methods ?supers ?annots ()
TypenameHash.replace tenv name struct_typ ;
(** Look up a name in the global type environment. *)
let lookup tenv name : Typ.Struct.t option =
try Some (TypenameHash.find tenv name) with Not_found ->
(* ToDo: remove the following additional lookups once C/C++ interop is resolved *)
match (name : Typ.Name.t) with
| CStruct m -> (
try Some (TypenameHash.find tenv (CppClass (m, NoTemplate))) with Not_found -> None )
| CppClass (m, NoTemplate) -> (
try Some (TypenameHash.find tenv (CStruct m)) with Not_found -> None )
| _ ->
let compare_fields (name1, _, _) (name2, _, _) = Typ.Fieldname.compare name1 name2
let equal_fields f1 f2 = Int.equal (compare_fields f1 f2) 0
(** Add a field to a given struct in the global type environment. *)
let add_field tenv class_tn_name field =
match lookup tenv class_tn_name with
| Some ({fields} as struct_typ) ->
if not (List.mem ~equal:equal_fields fields field) then
let new_fields = List.merge [field] fields ~cmp:compare_fields in
ignore (mk_struct tenv ~default:struct_typ ~fields:new_fields ~statics:[] class_tn_name)
| _ ->
(** Serializer for type environments *)
let tenv_serializer : t Serialization.serializer =
Serialization.create_serializer Serialization.Key.tenv
let global_tenv : t option ref = ref None
let tenv_filename_of_source_file source_file =
DB.source_dir_get_internal_file (DB.source_dir_from_source_file source_file) ".tenv"
let load source_file : t option =
tenv_filename_of_source_file source_file |> Serialization.read_from_file tenv_serializer
let global_tenv_path = Config.(captured_dir ^/ global_tenv_filename) |> DB.filename_from_string
let load_global () : t option =
if is_none !global_tenv then
global_tenv := Serialization.read_from_file tenv_serializer global_tenv_path ;
let store_to_filename tenv tenv_filename =
Serialization.write_to_file tenv_serializer tenv_filename ~data:tenv ;
if Config.debug_mode then (
let debug_filename = DB.filename_to_string (DB.filename_add_suffix tenv_filename ".debug") in
let out_channel = Out_channel.create debug_filename in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel out_channel in
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" pp tenv ; Out_channel.close out_channel )
let store source_file tenv = tenv_filename_of_source_file source_file |> store_to_filename tenv
let store_global tenv =
(* update in-memory global tenv for later uses by this process, e.g. in single-core mode the
frontend and backend run in the same process *)
global_tenv := Some tenv ;
store_to_filename tenv global_tenv_path
exception Found of Typ.Name.t
let language_is tenv lang =
match TypenameHash.iter (fun n -> raise (Found n)) tenv with
| () ->
| exception Found JavaClass _ ->
Language.equal lang Java
| exception Found _ ->
Language.equal lang Clang