* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
module F = Format
module MockTraceElem = struct
type t =
| Kind1
| Kind2
| Footprint
| Unknown
[@@deriving compare]
let unknown = Unknown
let call_site _ = CallSite.dummy
let kind t = t
let make kind _ = kind
let pp fmt = function
| Kind1 -> F.fprintf fmt "Kind1"
| Kind2 -> F.fprintf fmt "Kind2"
| Footprint -> F.fprintf fmt "Footprint"
| Unknown -> F.fprintf fmt "Unknown"
module Kind = struct
type nonrec t = t
let compare = compare
let pp = pp
module Set = PrettyPrintable.MakePPSet(struct
type nonrec t = t
let compare = compare
let pp_element = pp
let with_callsite t _ = t
module MockSource = struct
include MockTraceElem
let get _ = assert false
let get_tainted_formals _ = assert false
let equal = [%compare.equal : t]
module MockSink = struct
include MockTraceElem
type parameter = { sink : t; index : int; report_reachable : bool; }
let get _ = assert false
let equal = [%compare.equal : t]
module MockTrace = Trace.Make(struct
module Source = MockSource
module Sink = MockSink
let should_report source sink =
[%compare.equal : MockTraceElem.t] (Source.kind source) (Sink.kind sink)
let tests =
let source1 = MockSource.make MockTraceElem.Kind1 CallSite.dummy in
let source2 = MockSource.make MockTraceElem.Kind2 CallSite.dummy in
let sink1 = MockSink.make MockTraceElem.Kind1 CallSite.dummy in
let sink2 = MockSink.make MockTraceElem.Kind2 CallSite.dummy in
let open OUnit2 in
let get_reports =
let get_reports_ _ =
let trace =
MockTrace.of_source source1
|> MockTrace.add_source source2
|> MockTrace.add_sink sink1
|> MockTrace.add_sink sink2 in
let reports = MockTrace.get_reports trace in
assert_equal (IList.length reports) 2;
"Reports should contain source1 -> sink1"
(fun (source, sink, _) -> MockSource.equal source source1 && MockSink.equal sink sink1)
"Reports should contain source2 -> sink2"
(fun (source, sink, _) -> MockSource.equal source source2 && MockSink.equal sink sink2)
reports) in
"get_reports">::get_reports_ in
let append =
let append_ _ =
let call_site = CallSite.dummy in
let footprint_ap = AccessPath.Exact (AccessPath.of_id (Ident.create_none ()) Typ.Tvoid) in
let footprint_source = MockSource.make_footprint footprint_ap call_site in
let source_trace =
MockTrace.of_source source1 in
let footprint_trace =
MockTrace.of_source footprint_source
|> MockTrace.add_sink sink1 in
let expected_trace =
MockTrace.of_source source1
|> MockTrace.add_sink sink1 in
"Appended trace should contain source and sink"
(MockTrace.equal (MockTrace.append source_trace footprint_trace call_site) expected_trace);
let appended_trace = MockTrace.append source_trace source_trace call_site in
"Appending a trace that doesn't add a new source/sink should add a passthrough"
(Passthrough.make call_site) (MockTrace.passthroughs appended_trace)) in
"append">::append_ in
"trace_domain_suite">:::[get_reports; append]