* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(** Functions for Propositions (i.e., Symbolic Heaps) *)
module L = Logging
module F = Format
let decrease_indent_when_exception thunk =
try thunk ()
with exn when SymOp.exn_not_failure exn ->
IExn.reraise_after exn ~f:(fun () -> L.d_decrease_indent ())
let compute_max_from_nonempty_int_list l = uw (List.max_elt ~compare:IntLit.compare_value l)
let compute_min_from_nonempty_int_list l = uw (List.min_elt ~compare:IntLit.compare_value l)
let rec list_rev_acc acc = function [] -> acc | x :: l -> list_rev_acc (x :: acc) l
let rec remove_redundancy have_same_key acc = function
| [] ->
List.rev acc
| [x] ->
List.rev (x :: acc)
| x :: (y :: l' as l) ->
if have_same_key x y then remove_redundancy have_same_key acc (x :: l')
else remove_redundancy have_same_key (x :: acc) l
let rec is_java_class tenv (typ : Typ.t) =
match typ.desc with
| Tstruct name ->
Typ.Name.Java.is_class name
| Tarray {elt= inner_typ} | Tptr (inner_typ, _) ->
is_java_class tenv inner_typ
| _ ->
(** Negate an atom *)
let atom_negate tenv (atom : Predicates.atom) : Predicates.atom =
match atom with
| Aeq (BinOp (Le, e1, e2), Const (Cint i)) when IntLit.isone i ->
Prop.mk_inequality tenv (Exp.lt e2 e1)
| Aeq (BinOp (Lt, e1, e2), Const (Cint i)) when IntLit.isone i ->
Prop.mk_inequality tenv (Exp.le e2 e1)
| Aeq (e1, e2) ->
Aneq (e1, e2)
| Aneq (e1, e2) ->
Aeq (e1, e2)
| Apred (a, es) ->
Anpred (a, es)
| Anpred (a, es) ->
Apred (a, es)
(** {2 Ordinary Theorem Proving} *)
let ( ++ ) = IntLit.add
let ( -- ) = IntLit.sub
(** Reasoning about constraints of the form x-y <= n *)
module DiffConstr : sig
type t
val to_leq : t -> Exp.t * Exp.t
val to_lt : t -> Exp.t * Exp.t
val to_triple : t -> Exp.t * Exp.t * IntLit.t
val from_leq : t list -> Exp.t * Exp.t -> t list
val from_lt : t list -> Exp.t * Exp.t -> t list
val saturate : t list -> bool * t list
end = struct
type t = Exp.t * Exp.t * IntLit.t [@@deriving compare]
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
let to_leq (e1, e2, n) = (Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA None, e1, e2), Exp.int n)
let to_lt (e1, e2, n) =
(Exp.int (IntLit.zero -- n -- IntLit.one), Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA None, e2, e1))
let to_triple entry = entry
let from_leq acc (e1, e2) =
match (e1, e2) with
| ( Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA _, (Exp.Var id11 as e11), (Exp.Var id12 as e12))
, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n) )
when not (Ident.equal id11 id12) -> (
match IntLit.to_signed n with
| None ->
acc (* ignore: constraint algorithm only terminates on signed integers *)
| Some n' ->
(e11, e12, n') :: acc )
| _ ->
let from_lt acc (e1, e2) =
match (e1, e2) with
| ( Exp.Const (Const.Cint n)
, Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA _, (Exp.Var id21 as e21), (Exp.Var id22 as e22)) )
when not (Ident.equal id21 id22) -> (
match IntLit.to_signed n with
| None ->
acc (* ignore: constraint algorithm only terminates on signed integers *)
| Some n' ->
let m = IntLit.zero -- n' -- IntLit.one in
(e22, e21, m) :: acc )
| _ ->
let rec generate ((e1, e2, n) as constr) acc = function
| [] ->
(false, acc)
| (f1, f2, m) :: rest ->
let equal_e2_f1 = Exp.equal e2 f1 in
let equal_e1_f2 = Exp.equal e1 f2 in
if equal_e2_f1 && equal_e1_f2 && IntLit.lt (n ++ m) IntLit.zero then (true, [])
(* constraints are inconsistent *)
else if equal_e2_f1 && equal_e1_f2 then generate constr acc rest
else if equal_e2_f1 then
let constr_new = (e1, f2, n ++ m) in
generate constr (constr_new :: acc) rest
else if equal_e1_f2 then
let constr_new = (f1, e2, m ++ n) in
generate constr (constr_new :: acc) rest
else generate constr acc rest
let sort_then_remove_redundancy constraints =
let constraints_sorted = List.sort ~compare constraints in
let have_same_key (e1, e2, _) (f1, f2, _) = [%compare.equal: Exp.t * Exp.t] (e1, e2) (f1, f2) in
remove_redundancy have_same_key [] constraints_sorted
let remove_redundancy constraints =
let constraints' = sort_then_remove_redundancy constraints in
List.filter ~f:(fun entry -> List.exists ~f:(equal entry) constraints') constraints
let rec combine acc_todos acc_seen constraints_new constraints_old =
match (constraints_new, constraints_old) with
| [], [] ->
(List.rev acc_todos, List.rev acc_seen)
| [], _ ->
(List.rev acc_todos, list_rev_acc constraints_old acc_seen)
| _, [] ->
(list_rev_acc constraints_new acc_todos, list_rev_acc constraints_new acc_seen)
| constr :: rest, constr' :: rest' ->
let e1, e2, n = constr in
let f1, f2, m = constr' in
let c1 = [%compare: Exp.t * Exp.t] (e1, e2) (f1, f2) in
if Int.equal c1 0 && IntLit.lt n m then combine acc_todos acc_seen constraints_new rest'
else if Int.equal c1 0 then combine acc_todos acc_seen rest constraints_old
else if c1 < 0 then combine (constr :: acc_todos) (constr :: acc_seen) rest constraints_old
else combine acc_todos (constr' :: acc_seen) constraints_new rest'
let rec saturate_ seen todos =
(* seen is a superset of todos. "seen" is sorted and doesn't have redundancy. *)
match todos with
| [] ->
(false, seen)
| constr :: rest ->
let inconsistent, constraints_new = generate constr [] seen in
if inconsistent then (true, [])
let constraints_new' = sort_then_remove_redundancy constraints_new in
let todos_new, seen_new = combine [] [] constraints_new' seen in
(* Important to use queue here. Otherwise, might diverge *)
let rest_new = remove_redundancy (rest @ todos_new) in
let seen_new' = sort_then_remove_redundancy seen_new in
saturate_ seen_new' rest_new
let saturate constraints =
let constraints_cleaned = sort_then_remove_redundancy constraints in
saturate_ constraints_cleaned constraints_cleaned
(** Return true if the two types have sizes which can be compared *)
let type_size_comparable t1 t2 =
match (t1.Typ.desc, t2.Typ.desc) with Typ.Tint _, Typ.Tint _ -> true | _ -> false
(** Compare the size of comparable types *)
let type_size_compare t1 t2 =
let ik_compare ik1 ik2 =
let ik_size = function
| Typ.IChar | Typ.ISChar | Typ.IUChar | Typ.IBool ->
| Typ.IShort | Typ.IUShort ->
| Typ.IInt | Typ.IUInt ->
| Typ.ILong | Typ.IULong ->
| Typ.ILongLong | Typ.IULongLong ->
| Typ.I128 | Typ.IU128 ->
let n1 = ik_size ik1 in
let n2 = ik_size ik2 in
n1 - n2
match (t1.Typ.desc, t2.Typ.desc) with
| Typ.Tint ik1, Typ.Tint ik2 ->
Some (ik_compare ik1 ik2)
| _ ->
(** Check < on the size of comparable types *)
let check_type_size_lt t1 t2 = match type_size_compare t1 t2 with None -> false | Some n -> n < 0
(** Reasoning about inequalities *)
module Inequalities : sig
(** type for inequalities (and implied disequalities) *)
type t
val from_prop : Tenv.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> t
(** Extract inequalities and disequalities from [prop] *)
val check_ne : t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> bool
(** Check [t |- e1!=e2]. Result [false] means "don't know". *)
val check_le : t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> bool
(** Check [t |- e1<=e2]. Result [false] means "don't know". *)
val check_lt : t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> bool
(** Check [t |- e1<e2]. Result [false] means "don't know". *)
val compute_upper_bound : t -> Exp.t -> IntLit.t option
(** Find a IntLit.t n such that [t |- e<=n] if possible. *)
val compute_lower_bound : t -> Exp.t -> IntLit.t option
(** Find a IntLit.t n such that [t |- n<e] if possible. *)
val inconsistent : t -> bool
(** Return [true] if a simple inconsistency is detected *)
end = struct
type t =
{ mutable leqs: (Exp.t * Exp.t) list (** le fasts [e1 <= e2] *)
; mutable lts: (Exp.t * Exp.t) list (** lt facts [e1 < e2] *)
; mutable neqs: (Exp.t * Exp.t) list (** ne facts [e1 != e2] *) }
let inconsistent_ineq = {leqs= [(Exp.one, Exp.zero)]; lts= []; neqs= []}
let leq_compare (e1, e2) (f1, f2) =
let c1 = Exp.compare e1 f1 in
if c1 <> 0 then c1 else Exp.compare e2 f2
let lt_compare (e1, e2) (f1, f2) =
let c2 = Exp.compare e2 f2 in
if c2 <> 0 then c2 else -Exp.compare e1 f1
let leqs_sort_then_remove_redundancy leqs =
let leqs_sorted = List.sort ~compare:leq_compare leqs in
let have_same_key leq1 leq2 =
match (leq1, leq2) with
| (e1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1)), (e2, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n2)) ->
Exp.equal e1 e2 && IntLit.leq n1 n2
| _, _ ->
remove_redundancy have_same_key [] leqs_sorted
let lts_sort_then_remove_redundancy lts =
let lts_sorted = List.sort ~compare:lt_compare lts in
let have_same_key lt1 lt2 =
match (lt1, lt2) with
| (Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1), e1), (Exp.Const (Const.Cint n2), e2) ->
Exp.equal e1 e2 && IntLit.geq n1 n2
| _, _ ->
remove_redundancy have_same_key [] lts_sorted
let saturate {leqs; lts; neqs} =
let diff_constraints1 =
List.fold ~f:DiffConstr.from_lt ~init:(List.fold ~f:DiffConstr.from_leq ~init:[] leqs) lts
let inconsistent, diff_constraints2 = DiffConstr.saturate diff_constraints1 in
if inconsistent then inconsistent_ineq
let umap_add umap e new_upper =
let old_upper = Exp.Map.find e umap in
if IntLit.leq old_upper new_upper then umap else Exp.Map.add e new_upper umap
with Caml.Not_found -> Exp.Map.add e new_upper umap
let lmap_add lmap e new_lower =
let old_lower = Exp.Map.find e lmap in
if IntLit.geq old_lower new_lower then lmap else Exp.Map.add e new_lower lmap
with Caml.Not_found -> Exp.Map.add e new_lower lmap
let rec umap_create_from_leqs umap = function
| [] ->
| (e1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint upper1)) :: leqs_rest ->
let umap' = umap_add umap e1 upper1 in
umap_create_from_leqs umap' leqs_rest
| _ :: leqs_rest ->
umap_create_from_leqs umap leqs_rest
let rec lmap_create_from_lts lmap = function
| [] ->
| (Exp.Const (Const.Cint lower1), e1) :: lts_rest ->
let lmap' = lmap_add lmap e1 lower1 in
lmap_create_from_lts lmap' lts_rest
| _ :: lts_rest ->
lmap_create_from_lts lmap lts_rest
let rec umap_improve_by_difference_constraints umap = function
| [] ->
| constr :: constrs_rest -> (
let e1, e2, n = DiffConstr.to_triple constr (* e1 - e2 <= n *) in
let upper2 = Exp.Map.find e2 umap in
let new_upper1 = upper2 ++ n in
let new_umap = umap_add umap e1 new_upper1 in
umap_improve_by_difference_constraints new_umap constrs_rest
with Caml.Not_found -> umap_improve_by_difference_constraints umap constrs_rest )
let rec lmap_improve_by_difference_constraints lmap = function
| [] ->
| constr :: constrs_rest -> (
(* e2 - e1 > -n-1 *)
let e1, e2, n = DiffConstr.to_triple constr (* e2 - e1 > -n-1 *) in
let lower1 = Exp.Map.find e1 lmap in
let new_lower2 = lower1 -- n -- IntLit.one in
let new_lmap = lmap_add lmap e2 new_lower2 in
lmap_improve_by_difference_constraints new_lmap constrs_rest
with Caml.Not_found -> lmap_improve_by_difference_constraints lmap constrs_rest )
let leqs_res =
let umap = umap_create_from_leqs Exp.Map.empty leqs in
let umap' = umap_improve_by_difference_constraints umap diff_constraints2 in
let leqs' =
Exp.Map.fold (fun e upper acc_leqs -> (e, Exp.int upper) :: acc_leqs) umap' []
let leqs'' = List.map ~f:DiffConstr.to_leq diff_constraints2 @ leqs' in
leqs_sort_then_remove_redundancy leqs''
let lts_res =
let lmap = lmap_create_from_lts Exp.Map.empty lts in
let lmap' = lmap_improve_by_difference_constraints lmap diff_constraints2 in
let lts' = Exp.Map.fold (fun e lower acc_lts -> (Exp.int lower, e) :: acc_lts) lmap' [] in
let lts'' = List.map ~f:DiffConstr.to_lt diff_constraints2 @ lts' in
lts_sort_then_remove_redundancy lts''
{leqs= leqs_res; lts= lts_res; neqs}
(** Extract inequalities and disequalities from [pi] *)
let from_pi pi =
let leqs = ref [] in
(* <= facts *)
let lts = ref [] in
(* < facts *)
let neqs = ref [] in
(* != facts *)
let process_atom (atom : Predicates.atom) =
match atom with
| Aneq (e1, e2) ->
(* != *)
neqs := (e1, e2) :: !neqs
| Aeq (BinOp (Le, e1, e2), Const (Cint i)) when IntLit.isone i ->
leqs := (e1, e2) :: !leqs (* <= *)
| Aeq (BinOp (Lt, e1, e2), Const (Cint i)) when IntLit.isone i ->
lts := (e1, e2) :: !lts (* < *)
| Aeq _ | Apred _ | Anpred _ ->
List.iter ~f:process_atom pi ;
saturate {leqs= !leqs; lts= !lts; neqs= !neqs}
(** Extract inequalities and disequalities from [sigma] *)
let from_sigma tenv sigma =
let lookup = Tenv.lookup tenv in
let leqs = ref [] in
let lts = ref [] in
let add_lt_minus1_e e = lts := (Exp.minus_one, e) :: !lts in
let type_opt_is_unsigned = function
| Some {Typ.desc= Tint ik} ->
Typ.ikind_is_unsigned ik
| _ ->
let type_of_texp = function Exp.Sizeof {typ} -> Some typ | _ -> None in
let texp_is_unsigned texp = type_opt_is_unsigned @@ type_of_texp texp in
let strexp_lt_minus1 = function Predicates.Eexp (e, _) -> add_lt_minus1_e e | _ -> () in
let rec strexp_extract = function
| Predicates.Eexp (e, _), t ->
if type_opt_is_unsigned t then add_lt_minus1_e e
| Predicates.Estruct (fsel, _), t ->
let get_field_type f =
Option.bind t ~f:(fun t' ->
Option.map ~f:fst @@ Struct.get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup f t' )
List.iter ~f:(fun (f, se) -> strexp_extract (se, get_field_type f)) fsel
| Predicates.Earray (len, isel, _), t ->
let elt_t = match t with Some {Typ.desc= Tarray {elt}} -> Some elt | _ -> None in
add_lt_minus1_e len ;
~f:(fun (idx, se) ->
add_lt_minus1_e idx ;
strexp_extract (se, elt_t) )
let hpred_extract = function
| Predicates.Hpointsto (_, se, texp) ->
if texp_is_unsigned texp then strexp_lt_minus1 se ;
strexp_extract (se, type_of_texp texp)
| Predicates.Hlseg _ | Predicates.Hdllseg _ ->
List.iter ~f:hpred_extract sigma ;
saturate {leqs= !leqs; lts= !lts; neqs= []}
(** Join two sets of inequalities *)
let join ineq1 ineq2 =
let leqs_new = ineq1.leqs @ ineq2.leqs in
let lts_new = ineq1.lts @ ineq2.lts in
let neqs_new = ineq1.neqs @ ineq2.neqs in
saturate {leqs= leqs_new; lts= lts_new; neqs= neqs_new}
let from_prop tenv prop =
let sigma = prop.Prop.sigma in
let pi = prop.Prop.pi in
let ineq_sigma = from_sigma tenv sigma in
let ineq_pi = from_pi pi in
saturate (join ineq_sigma ineq_pi)
(** Return true if the two pairs of expressions are equal *)
let exp_pair_eq (e1, e2) (f1, f2) = Exp.equal e1 f1 && Exp.equal e2 f2
(** Check [t |- e1<=e2]. Result [false] means "don't know". *)
let check_le {leqs; lts; neqs= _} e1 e2 =
(* L.d_str "check_le "; Predicates.d_exp e1; L.d_str " "; Predicates.d_exp e2; L.d_ln (); *)
match (e1, e2) with
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1), Exp.Const (Const.Cint n2) ->
IntLit.leq n1 n2
| ( Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA _, Exp.Sizeof {nbytes= Some nb1}, Exp.Sizeof {nbytes= Some nb2})
, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n2) ) ->
(* [ sizeof(t1) - sizeof(t2) <= n2 ] *)
IntLit.(leq (sub (of_int nb1) (of_int nb2)) n2)
| ( Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA _, Exp.Sizeof {typ= t1}, Exp.Sizeof {typ= t2})
, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n2) )
when IntLit.isminusone n2 && type_size_comparable t1 t2 ->
(* [ sizeof(t1) - sizeof(t2) <= -1 ] *)
check_type_size_lt t1 t2
| e, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n) ->
(* [e <= n' <= n |- e <= n] *)
| e', Exp.Const (Const.Cint n') -> Exp.equal e e' && IntLit.leq n' n | _, _ -> false )
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n), e ->
(* [ n-1 <= n' < e |- n <= e] *)
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n'), e' ->
Exp.equal e e' && IntLit.leq (n -- IntLit.one) n'
| _, _ ->
false )
| _ ->
Exp.equal e1 e2
(** Check [prop |- e1<e2]. Result [false] means "don't know". *)
let check_lt {leqs; lts; neqs= _} e1 e2 =
(* L.d_str "check_lt "; Predicates.d_exp e1; L.d_str " "; Predicates.d_exp e2; L.d_ln (); *)
match (e1, e2) with
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1), Exp.Const (Const.Cint n2) ->
IntLit.lt n1 n2
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n), e ->
(* [n <= n' < e |- n < e] *)
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n'), e' -> Exp.equal e e' && IntLit.leq n n' | _, _ -> false )
| e, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n) ->
(* [e <= n' <= n-1 |- e < n] *)
| e', Exp.Const (Const.Cint n') ->
Exp.equal e e' && IntLit.leq n' (n -- IntLit.one)
| _, _ ->
false )
| _ ->
(** Check [prop |- e1!=e2]. Result [false] means "don't know". *)
let check_ne ineq e1_ e2_ =
let e1, e2 = if Exp.compare e1_ e2_ <= 0 then (e1_, e2_) else (e2_, e1_) in
List.exists ~f:(exp_pair_eq (e1, e2)) ineq.neqs || check_lt ineq e1 e2 || check_lt ineq e2 e1
(** Find a IntLit.t n such that [t |- e<=n] if possible. *)
let compute_upper_bound {leqs; lts= _; neqs= _} e1 =
match e1 with
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1) ->
Some n1
| _ ->
let e_upper_list =
~f:(function e', Exp.Const (Const.Cint _) -> Exp.equal e1 e' | _, _ -> false)
let upper_list =
List.map ~f:(function _, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n) -> n | _ -> assert false) e_upper_list
if List.is_empty upper_list then None
else Some (compute_min_from_nonempty_int_list upper_list)
(** Find a IntLit.t n such that [t |- n < e] if possible. *)
let compute_lower_bound {leqs= _; lts; neqs= _} e1 =
match e1 with
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1) ->
Some (n1 -- IntLit.one)
| Exp.Sizeof {nbytes= Some n1} ->
Some (IntLit.of_int n1 -- IntLit.one)
| Exp.Sizeof _ ->
Some IntLit.zero
| _ ->
let e_lower_list =
~f:(function Exp.Const (Const.Cint _), e' -> Exp.equal e1 e' | _, _ -> false)
let lower_list =
List.map ~f:(function Exp.Const (Const.Cint n), _ -> n | _ -> assert false) e_lower_list
if List.is_empty lower_list then None
else Some (compute_max_from_nonempty_int_list lower_list)
(** Return [true] if a simple inconsistency is detected *)
let inconsistent ({leqs; lts; neqs} as ineq) =
let inconsistent_neq (e1, e2) = check_le ineq e1 e2 && check_le ineq e2 e1 in
let inconsistent_leq (e1, e2) = check_lt ineq e2 e1 in
let inconsistent_lt (e1, e2) = check_le ineq e2 e1 in
List.exists ~f:inconsistent_neq neqs
|| List.exists ~f:inconsistent_leq leqs
|| List.exists ~f:inconsistent_lt lts
(* End of module Inequalities *)
(** Check [prop |- e1=e2]. Result [false] means "don't know". *)
let check_equal tenv prop e1_0 e2_0 =
let n_e1 = Prop.exp_normalize_prop ~destructive:true tenv prop e1_0 in
let n_e2 = Prop.exp_normalize_prop ~destructive:true tenv prop e2_0 in
let check_equal () = Exp.equal n_e1 n_e2 in
let check_equal_const () =
match (n_e1, n_e2) with
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint d)), e2
| e2, Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint d)) ->
if Exp.equal e1 e2 then IntLit.iszero d else false
| Exp.Const c1, Exp.Lindex (Exp.Const c2, Exp.Const (Const.Cint i)) when IntLit.iszero i ->
Const.equal c1 c2
| Exp.Lindex (Exp.Const c1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint i)), Exp.Const c2 when IntLit.iszero i ->
Const.equal c1 c2
| _, _ ->
let check_equal_pi () =
let eq = Predicates.Aeq (n_e1, n_e2) in
let n_eq = Prop.atom_normalize_prop tenv prop eq in
let pi = prop.Prop.pi in
List.exists ~f:(Predicates.equal_atom n_eq) pi
check_equal () || check_equal_const () || check_equal_pi ()
(** Check [|- e=0]. Result [false] means "don't know". *)
let check_zero tenv e = check_equal tenv Prop.prop_emp e Exp.zero
(** [is_root prop base_exp exp] checks whether [base_exp = exp.offlist] for some list of offsets
[offlist]. If so, it returns [Some(offlist)]. Otherwise, it returns [None]. Assumes that
[base_exp] points to the beginning of a structure, not the middle. *)
let is_root tenv prop base_exp exp =
let rec f offlist_past e =
match e with
| Exp.Var _
| Exp.Const _
| Exp.UnOp _
| Exp.BinOp _
| Exp.Exn _
| Exp.Closure _
| Exp.Lvar _
| Exp.Sizeof _ ->
if check_equal tenv prop base_exp e then Some offlist_past else None
| Exp.Cast (_, sub_exp) ->
f offlist_past sub_exp
| Exp.Lfield (sub_exp, fldname, typ) ->
f (Predicates.Off_fld (fldname, typ) :: offlist_past) sub_exp
| Exp.Lindex (sub_exp, e) ->
f (Predicates.Off_index e :: offlist_past) sub_exp
f [] exp
(** Get upper and lower bounds of an expression, if any *)
let get_bounds tenv prop e0 =
let e_norm = Prop.exp_normalize_prop ~destructive:true tenv prop e0 in
let e_root, off =
match e_norm with
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1)) ->
(e, IntLit.neg n1)
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA _, e, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1)) ->
(e, n1)
| _ ->
(e_norm, IntLit.zero)
let ineq = Inequalities.from_prop tenv prop in
let upper_opt = Inequalities.compute_upper_bound ineq e_root in
let lower_opt = Inequalities.compute_lower_bound ineq e_root in
let ( +++ ) n_opt k = match n_opt with None -> None | Some n -> Some (n ++ k) in
(upper_opt +++ off, lower_opt +++ off)
(** Check whether [prop |- e1!=e2]. *)
let check_disequal tenv prop e1 e2 =
let spatial_part = prop.Prop.sigma in
let n_e1 = Prop.exp_normalize_prop ~destructive:true tenv prop e1 in
let n_e2 = Prop.exp_normalize_prop ~destructive:true tenv prop e2 in
let rec check_expr_disequal ce1 ce2 =
match (ce1, ce2) with
| Exp.Const c1, Exp.Const c2 ->
Const.kind_equal c1 c2 && not (Const.equal c1 c2)
| Exp.Const c1, Exp.Lindex (Exp.Const c2, Exp.Const (Const.Cint d)) ->
if IntLit.iszero d then not (Const.equal c1 c2) (* offset=0 is no offset *)
else Const.equal c1 c2 (* same base, different offsets *)
| ( Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint d1))
, Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e2, Exp.Const (Const.Cint d2)) ) ->
if Exp.equal e1 e2 then IntLit.neq d1 d2 else false
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint d)), e2
| e2, Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint d)) ->
if Exp.equal e1 e2 then not (IntLit.iszero d) else false
| Exp.Lindex (Exp.Const c1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint d)), Exp.Const c2 ->
if IntLit.iszero d then not (Const.equal c1 c2) else Const.equal c1 c2
| Exp.Lindex (Exp.Const c1, Exp.Const d1), Exp.Lindex (Exp.Const c2, Exp.Const d2) ->
Const.equal c1 c2 && not (Const.equal d1 d2)
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n), Exp.BinOp (Binop.Mult _, Exp.Sizeof _, e21)
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n), Exp.BinOp (Binop.Mult _, e21, Sizeof _)
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.Mult _, Exp.Sizeof _, e21), Exp.Const (Const.Cint n)
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.Mult _, e21, Exp.Sizeof _), Exp.Const (Const.Cint n) ->
IntLit.iszero n && not (Exp.is_zero e21)
| Exp.Lvar pv0, Exp.Lvar pv1 ->
(* Addresses of any two local vars must be different *)
not (Pvar.equal pv0 pv1)
| Exp.Lvar pv, Exp.Var id | Exp.Var id, Exp.Lvar pv ->
(* Address of any non-global var must be different from the value of any footprint var *)
(not (Pvar.is_global pv)) && Ident.is_footprint id
| Exp.Lvar _, Exp.Const (Const.Cint _) | Exp.Const (Const.Cint _), Exp.Lvar _ ->
(* Comparing pointer with nonzero integer is undefined behavior in ISO C++ *)
(* Assume they are not equal *)
| Exp.UnOp (op1, e1, _), Exp.UnOp (op2, e2, _) ->
if Unop.equal op1 op2 then check_expr_disequal e1 e2 else false
| Exp.Lfield (e1, f1, _), Exp.Lfield (e2, f2, _) ->
if Fieldname.equal f1 f2 then check_expr_disequal e1 e2 else false
| Exp.Exn e1, Exp.Exn e2 ->
check_expr_disequal e1 e2
| _, _ ->
let ineq = lazy (Inequalities.from_prop tenv prop) in
let check_pi_implies_disequal e1 e2 = Inequalities.check_ne (Lazy.force ineq) e1 e2 in
let neq_spatial_part () =
let rec f sigma_irrelevant e = function
| [] ->
| (Predicates.Hpointsto (base, _, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest -> (
match is_root tenv prop base e with
| None ->
let sigma_irrelevant' = hpred :: sigma_irrelevant in
f sigma_irrelevant' e sigma_rest
| Some _ ->
let sigma_irrelevant' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
Some (true, sigma_irrelevant') )
| (Predicates.Hlseg (k, _, e1, e2, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest -> (
match is_root tenv prop e1 e with
| None ->
let sigma_irrelevant' = hpred :: sigma_irrelevant in
f sigma_irrelevant' e sigma_rest
| Some _ ->
if Predicates.equal_lseg_kind k Lseg_NE || check_pi_implies_disequal e1 e2 then
let sigma_irrelevant' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
Some (true, sigma_irrelevant')
else if Exp.equal e2 Exp.zero then
let sigma_irrelevant' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
Some (false, sigma_irrelevant')
let sigma_rest' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
f [] e2 sigma_rest' )
| Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_NE, _, iF, _, _, iB, _) :: sigma_rest ->
if Option.is_some (is_root tenv prop iF e) || Option.is_some (is_root tenv prop iB e) then
let sigma_irrelevant' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
Some (true, sigma_irrelevant')
let sigma_irrelevant' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
Some (false, sigma_irrelevant')
| (Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_PE, _, iF, _, oF, _, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest -> (
match is_root tenv prop iF e with
| None ->
let sigma_irrelevant' = hpred :: sigma_irrelevant in
f sigma_irrelevant' e sigma_rest
| Some _ ->
if check_pi_implies_disequal iF oF then
let sigma_irrelevant' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
Some (true, sigma_irrelevant')
else if Exp.equal oF Exp.zero then
let sigma_irrelevant' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
Some (false, sigma_irrelevant')
let sigma_rest' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
f [] oF sigma_rest' )
let f_null_check sigma_irrelevant e sigma_rest =
if not (Exp.equal e Exp.zero) then f sigma_irrelevant e sigma_rest
let sigma_irrelevant' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
Some (false, sigma_irrelevant')
match f_null_check [] n_e1 spatial_part with
| None ->
| Some (e1_allocated, spatial_part_leftover) -> (
match f_null_check [] n_e2 spatial_part_leftover with
| None ->
| Some ((e2_allocated : bool), _) ->
e1_allocated || e2_allocated )
let check_disequal_expr () = check_expr_disequal n_e1 n_e2 in
let neq_pure_part () = check_pi_implies_disequal n_e1 n_e2 in
check_disequal_expr () || neq_pure_part () || neq_spatial_part ()
(** Check [prop |- e1<=e2], to be called from normalized atom *)
let check_le_normalized tenv prop e1 e2 =
let eL, eR, off =
match (e1, e2) with
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA _, f1, f2), Exp.Const (Const.Cint n) ->
if Exp.equal f1 f2 then (Exp.zero, Exp.zero, n) else (f1, f2, n)
| _ ->
(e1, e2, IntLit.zero)
let ineq = Inequalities.from_prop tenv prop in
let upper_lower_check () =
let upperL_opt = Inequalities.compute_upper_bound ineq eL in
let lowerR_opt = Inequalities.compute_lower_bound ineq eR in
match (upperL_opt, lowerR_opt) with
| None, _ | _, None ->
| Some upper1, Some lower2 ->
IntLit.leq upper1 (lower2 ++ IntLit.one ++ off)
upper_lower_check () || Inequalities.check_le ineq e1 e2 || check_equal tenv prop e1 e2
(** Check [prop |- e1<e2], to be called from normalized atom *)
let check_lt_normalized tenv prop e1 e2 =
let ineq = Inequalities.from_prop tenv prop in
let upper_lower_check () =
let upper1_opt = Inequalities.compute_upper_bound ineq e1 in
let lower2_opt = Inequalities.compute_lower_bound ineq e2 in
match (upper1_opt, lower2_opt) with
| None, _ | _, None ->
| Some upper1, Some lower2 ->
IntLit.leq upper1 lower2
upper_lower_check () || Inequalities.check_lt ineq e1 e2
(** Given an atom and a proposition returns a unique identifier. We use this to distinguish among
different queries. *)
let get_smt_key a p =
let tmp_filename = Filename.temp_file "smt_query" ".cns" in
let outc_tmp = Out_channel.create tmp_filename in
let fmt_tmp = F.formatter_of_out_channel outc_tmp in
let () = F.fprintf fmt_tmp "%a%a" (Predicates.pp_atom Pp.text) a (Prop.pp_prop Pp.text) p in
Out_channel.close outc_tmp ;
Caml.Digest.to_hex (Caml.Digest.file tmp_filename)
(** Check whether [prop |- a]. False means dont know. *)
let check_atom tenv prop a0 =
let a = Prop.atom_normalize_prop tenv prop a0 in
let prop_no_fp = Prop.set prop ~pi_fp:[] ~sigma_fp:[] in
if Config.smt_output then (
let key = get_smt_key a prop_no_fp in
let key_filename =
let source = (AnalysisState.get_loc_exn ()).file in
DB.Results_dir.path_to_filename (DB.Results_dir.Abs_source_dir source) [key ^ ".cns"]
let outc = Out_channel.create (DB.filename_to_string key_filename) in
let fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel outc in
L.d_printfln "ID: %s" key ;
L.d_str "CHECK_ATOM_BOUND: " ;
Predicates.d_atom a ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "WHERE:" ;
Prop.d_prop prop_no_fp ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_ln () ;
F.fprintf fmt "ID: %s @\nCHECK_ATOM_BOUND: %a@\nWHERE:@\n%a" key (Predicates.pp_atom Pp.text) a
(Prop.pp_prop Pp.text) prop_no_fp ;
Out_channel.close outc ) ;
match (a : Predicates.atom) with
| Aeq (BinOp (Le, e1, e2), Const (Cint i)) when IntLit.isone i ->
check_le_normalized tenv prop e1 e2
| Aeq (BinOp (Lt, e1, e2), Const (Cint i)) when IntLit.isone i ->
check_lt_normalized tenv prop e1 e2
| Aeq (e1, e2) ->
check_equal tenv prop e1 e2
| Aneq (e1, e2) ->
check_disequal tenv prop e1 e2
| Apred _ | Anpred _ ->
List.exists ~f:(Predicates.equal_atom a) prop.Prop.pi
(** Check whether [prop |- allocated(e)]. *)
let check_allocatedness tenv prop e =
let n_e = Prop.exp_normalize_prop ~destructive:true tenv prop e in
let spatial_part = prop.Prop.sigma in
let f = function
| Predicates.Hpointsto (base, _, _) ->
Option.is_some (is_root tenv prop base n_e)
| Predicates.Hlseg (k, _, e1, e2, _) ->
if Predicates.equal_lseg_kind k Lseg_NE || check_disequal tenv prop e1 e2 then
Option.is_some (is_root tenv prop e1 n_e)
else false
| Predicates.Hdllseg (k, _, iF, oB, oF, iB, _) ->
Predicates.equal_lseg_kind k Lseg_NE
|| check_disequal tenv prop iF oF || check_disequal tenv prop iB oB
then Option.is_some (is_root tenv prop iF n_e) || Option.is_some (is_root tenv prop iB n_e)
else false
List.exists ~f spatial_part
(** Check if two hpreds have the same allocated lhs *)
let check_inconsistency_two_hpreds tenv prop =
let sigma = prop.Prop.sigma in
let rec f e sigma_seen = function
| [] ->
| (Predicates.Hpointsto (e1, _, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_NE, _, e1, _, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest ->
if Exp.equal e1 e then true else f e (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_NE, _, iF, _, _, iB, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest ->
if Exp.equal iF e || Exp.equal iB e then true else f e (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_PE, _, e1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint i), _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest
when IntLit.iszero i ->
if Exp.equal e1 e then true else f e (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_PE, _, e1, e2, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest ->
if Exp.equal e1 e then
let prop' = Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.from_sigma (sigma_seen @ sigma_rest)) in
let prop_new = Prop.conjoin_eq tenv e1 e2 prop' in
let sigma_new = prop_new.Prop.sigma in
let e_new = Prop.exp_normalize_prop ~destructive:true tenv prop_new e in
f e_new [] sigma_new
else f e (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_PE, _, e1, _, Exp.Const (Const.Cint i), _, _) as hpred)
:: sigma_rest
when IntLit.iszero i ->
if Exp.equal e1 e then true else f e (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_PE, _, e1, _, e3, _, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest ->
if Exp.equal e1 e then
let prop' = Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.from_sigma (sigma_seen @ sigma_rest)) in
let prop_new = Prop.conjoin_eq tenv e1 e3 prop' in
let sigma_new = prop_new.Prop.sigma in
let e_new = Prop.exp_normalize_prop ~destructive:true tenv prop_new e in
f e_new [] sigma_new
else f e (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
let rec check sigma_seen = function
| [] ->
| (Predicates.Hpointsto (e1, _, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_NE, _, e1, _, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest ->
if f e1 [] (sigma_seen @ sigma_rest) then true else check (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_NE, _, iF, _, _, iB, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest ->
if f iF [] (sigma_seen @ sigma_rest) || f iB [] (sigma_seen @ sigma_rest) then true
else check (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_PE, _, _, _, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_PE, _, _, _, _, _, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest ->
check (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
check [] sigma
(** Inconsistency checking ignoring footprint. *)
let check_inconsistency_base tenv prop =
let pi = prop.Prop.pi in
let sigma = prop.Prop.sigma in
let inconsistent_ptsto _ = check_allocatedness tenv prop Exp.zero in
let inconsistent_this_self_var () =
match State.get_prop_tenv_pdesc () with
| None ->
| Some (_, _, pdesc) ->
let procedure_attr = Procdesc.get_attributes pdesc in
let language = Procname.get_language (Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc) in
let is_java_this pvar = Language.equal language Java && Pvar.is_this pvar in
let is_objc_instance_self pvar =
Language.equal language Clang && Pvar.is_self pvar
&& ClangMethodKind.equal procedure_attr.ProcAttributes.clang_method_kind
let is_cpp_this pvar =
Language.equal language Clang && Pvar.is_this pvar
&& ClangMethodKind.equal procedure_attr.ProcAttributes.clang_method_kind
let do_hpred = function
| Predicates.Hpointsto (Lvar pv, Eexp (e, _), _) ->
Exp.equal e Exp.zero && Pvar.is_seed pv
&& (is_java_this pv || is_cpp_this pv || is_objc_instance_self pv)
| _ ->
List.exists ~f:do_hpred sigma
let inconsistent_atom = function
| Predicates.Aeq (e1, e2) -> (
match (e1, e2) with
| Exp.Const c1, Exp.Const c2 ->
not (Const.equal c1 c2)
| _ ->
check_disequal tenv prop e1 e2 )
| Predicates.Aneq (e1, e2) -> (
match (e1, e2) with Exp.Const c1, Exp.Const c2 -> Const.equal c1 c2 | _ -> Exp.equal e1 e2 )
| Predicates.Apred _ | Anpred _ ->
let inconsistent_inequalities () =
let ineq = Inequalities.from_prop tenv prop in
L.d_strln "Inequalities:";
L.d_strln "Prop: "; Prop.d_prop prop; L.d_ln ();
L.d_str "leqs: "; Inequalities.d_leqs ineq; L.d_ln ();
L.d_str "lts: "; Inequalities.d_lts ineq; L.d_ln ();
L.d_str "neqs: "; Inequalities.d_neqs ineq; L.d_ln ();
Inequalities.inconsistent ineq
let tests =
[ lazy (inconsistent_ptsto ())
; lazy (check_inconsistency_two_hpreds tenv prop)
; lazy (List.exists ~f:inconsistent_atom pi)
; lazy (inconsistent_inequalities ())
; lazy (inconsistent_this_self_var ()) ]
let f index = function
| None ->
fun test -> Option.some_if (Lazy.force test) index
| s ->
fun _ -> s
List.foldi ~init:None ~f tests
(** Shadows the above, adding some debug output. *)
let check_inconsistency_base tenv prop =
let reason = check_inconsistency_base tenv prop in
L.d_printfln "Prover.check_inconsistency_base: inconsistency reason %a" (Pp.option Int.pp) reason ;
Option.is_some reason
(** Inconsistency checking. *)
let check_inconsistency tenv prop =
check_inconsistency_base tenv prop
|| check_inconsistency_base tenv (Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.extract_footprint prop))
(** Inconsistency checking for the pi part ignoring footprint. *)
let check_inconsistency_pi tenv pi =
check_inconsistency_base tenv (Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.from_pi pi))
(** {2 Abduction prover} *)
type subst2 = Predicates.subst * Predicates.subst
type exc_body =
| EXC_FALSE_HPRED of Predicates.hpred
| EXC_FALSE_EXPS of Exp.t * Exp.t
| EXC_FALSE_SEXPS of Predicates.strexp * Predicates.strexp
| EXC_FALSE_ATOM of Predicates.atom
| EXC_FALSE_SIGMA of Predicates.hpred list
exception IMPL_EXC of string * subst2 * exc_body
exception MISSING_EXC of string
type check = Bounds_check | Class_cast_check of Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t
let d_typings typings =
let d_elem (exp, texp) =
Exp.d_exp exp ;
L.d_str ": " ;
Exp.d_texp_full texp ;
L.d_str " "
List.iter ~f:d_elem typings
(** Module to encapsulate operations on the internal state of the prover *)
module ProverState : sig
val reset : Prop.normal Prop.t -> Prop.exposed Prop.t -> unit
val checks : check list ref
(** type for array bounds checks *)
type bounds_check =
| BClen_imply of Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t list (** coming from array_len_imply *)
| BCfrom_pre of Predicates.atom (** coming implicitly from preconditions *)
val add_bounds_check : bounds_check -> unit
val add_frame_fld : Predicates.hpred -> unit
val add_frame_typ : Exp.t * Exp.t -> unit
val add_missing_fld : Predicates.hpred -> unit
val add_missing_pi : Predicates.atom -> unit
val add_missing_sigma : Predicates.hpred list -> unit
val add_missing_typ : Exp.t * Exp.t -> unit
val atom_is_array_bounds_check : Predicates.atom -> bool
(** check if atom in pre is a bounds check *)
val get_bounds_checks : unit -> bounds_check list
val get_frame_fld : unit -> Predicates.hpred list
val get_frame_typ : unit -> (Exp.t * Exp.t) list
val get_missing_fld : unit -> Predicates.hpred list
val get_missing_pi : unit -> Predicates.atom list
val get_missing_sigma : unit -> Predicates.hpred list
val get_missing_typ : unit -> (Exp.t * Exp.t) list
val d_implication : Predicates.subst * Predicates.subst -> 'a Prop.t * 'b Prop.t -> unit
val d_implication_error : string * (Predicates.subst * Predicates.subst) * exc_body -> unit
end = struct
type bounds_check = BClen_imply of Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t list | BCfrom_pre of Predicates.atom
let implication_lhs = ref Prop.prop_emp
let implication_rhs = ref (Prop.expose Prop.prop_emp)
let fav_in_array_len = ref Ident.Set.empty
(* free variables in array len position *)
let bounds_checks = ref []
(* delayed bounds check for arrays *)
let frame_fld = ref []
let missing_fld = ref []
let missing_pi = ref []
let missing_sigma = ref []
let frame_typ = ref []
let missing_typ = ref []
let checks = ref []
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
(** free vars in array len position in current strexp part of prop *)
let prop_fav_len prop =
let do_hpred fav = function
| Predicates.Hpointsto (_, Earray ((Var _ as len), _, _), _) ->
Exp.free_vars len |> Ident.set_of_sequence ~init:fav
| _ ->
List.fold_left ~init:Ident.Set.empty ~f:do_hpred prop.Prop.sigma
let reset lhs rhs =
checks := [] ;
implication_lhs := lhs ;
implication_rhs := rhs ;
fav_in_array_len := prop_fav_len rhs ;
bounds_checks := [] ;
frame_fld := [] ;
frame_typ := [] ;
missing_fld := [] ;
missing_pi := [] ;
missing_sigma := [] ;
missing_typ := []
let add_bounds_check bounds_check = bounds_checks := bounds_check :: !bounds_checks
let add_frame_fld hpred = frame_fld := hpred :: !frame_fld
let add_missing_fld hpred = missing_fld := hpred :: !missing_fld
let add_frame_typ typing = frame_typ := typing :: !frame_typ
let add_missing_typ typing = missing_typ := typing :: !missing_typ
let add_missing_pi a = missing_pi := a :: !missing_pi
let add_missing_sigma sigma = missing_sigma := sigma @ !missing_sigma
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
(** atom considered array bounds check if it contains vars present in array length position in the
pre *)
let atom_is_array_bounds_check atom =
Prop.atom_is_inequality atom
&& Predicates.atom_free_vars atom
|> Sequence.exists ~f:(fun id -> Ident.Set.mem id !fav_in_array_len)
let get_bounds_checks () = !bounds_checks
let get_frame_fld () = !frame_fld
let get_frame_typ () = !frame_typ
let get_missing_fld () = !missing_fld
let get_missing_pi () = !missing_pi
let get_missing_sigma () = !missing_sigma
let get_missing_typ () = !missing_typ
let d_missing_ sub =
L.d_strln "SUB: " ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
Prop.d_sub sub ;
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
if (not (List.is_empty !missing_pi)) && not (List.is_empty !missing_sigma) then (
L.d_ln () ;
Prop.d_pi !missing_pi ;
L.d_strln "*" ;
Prop.d_sigma !missing_sigma )
else if not (List.is_empty !missing_pi) then (
L.d_ln () ;
Prop.d_pi !missing_pi )
else if not (List.is_empty !missing_sigma) then (
L.d_ln () ;
Prop.d_sigma !missing_sigma ) ;
if not (List.is_empty !missing_fld) then (
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "MISSING FLD:" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
Prop.d_sigma !missing_fld ;
L.d_decrease_indent () ) ;
if not (List.is_empty !missing_typ) then (
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "MISSING TYPING:" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
d_typings !missing_typ ;
L.d_decrease_indent () )
let d_missing sub =
(* optional print of missing: if print something, prepend with newline *)
(not (List.is_empty !missing_pi))
|| (not (List.is_empty !missing_sigma))
|| (not (List.is_empty !missing_fld))
|| (not (List.is_empty !missing_typ))
|| not (Predicates.is_sub_empty sub)
then (
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_str "[" ;
d_missing_ sub ;
L.d_str "]" )
let d_frame_fld () =
(* optional print of frame fld: if print something, prepend with newline *)
if not (List.is_empty !frame_fld) then (
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "[FRAME FLD:" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
Prop.d_sigma !frame_fld ;
L.d_str "]" ;
L.d_decrease_indent () )
let d_frame_typ () =
(* optional print of frame typ: if print something, prepend with newline *)
if not (List.is_empty !frame_typ) then (
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "[FRAME TYPING:" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
d_typings !frame_typ ;
L.d_str "]" ;
L.d_decrease_indent () )
(** Dump an implication *)
let d_implication (sub1, sub2) (p1, p2) =
let p1, p2 = (Prop.prop_sub sub1 p1, Prop.prop_sub sub2 p2) in
L.d_strln "SUB:" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
Prop.d_sub sub1 ;
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
L.d_ln () ;
Prop.d_prop p1 ;
d_missing sub2 ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "|-" ;
Prop.d_prop p2 ;
d_frame_fld () ;
d_frame_typ ()
let d_implication_error (s, subs, body) =
let p1, p2 = (!implication_lhs, !implication_rhs) in
let d_inner () =
match body with
| EXC_FALSE_HPRED hpred ->
L.d_str " on " ;
Predicates.d_hpred hpred
| EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2) ->
L.d_str " on " ;
Exp.d_exp e1 ;
L.d_str "," ;
Exp.d_exp e2
| EXC_FALSE_SEXPS (se1, se2) ->
L.d_str " on " ;
Predicates.d_sexp se1 ;
L.d_str "," ;
Predicates.d_sexp se2
L.d_str " on " ;
Predicates.d_atom a
| EXC_FALSE_SIGMA sigma ->
L.d_str " on " ;
Prop.d_sigma sigma
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "$$$$$$$ Implication" ;
d_implication subs (p1, p2) ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_printf "$$$$$$ error: %s" s ;
d_inner () ;
L.d_strln " returning FALSE" ;
L.d_ln ()
let d_impl (s1, s2) = ProverState.d_implication (s1, s2)
let d_impl_err (arg1, (s1, s2), arg3) = ProverState.d_implication_error (arg1, (s1, s2), arg3)
(** extend a substitution *)
let extend_sub sub v e =
let new_exp_sub = Predicates.subst_of_list [(v, e)] in
Predicates.sub_join new_exp_sub (Predicates.sub_range_map (Predicates.exp_sub new_exp_sub) sub)
(** Extend [sub1] and [sub2] to witnesses that each instance of [e1\[sub1\]] is an instance of
[e2\[sub2\]]. Raise IMPL_FALSE if not possible. *)
let exp_imply tenv calc_missing (subs : subst2) e1_in e2_in : subst2 =
let e1 = Prop.exp_normalize_noabs tenv (fst subs) e1_in in
let e2 = Prop.exp_normalize_noabs tenv (snd subs) e2_in in
let var_imply (subs : subst2) v1 v2 : subst2 =
match (Ident.is_primed v1, Ident.is_primed v2) with
| false, false ->
if Ident.equal v1 v2 then subs
else if calc_missing && Ident.is_footprint v1 && Ident.is_footprint v2 then
let () = ProverState.add_missing_pi (Aeq (e1_in, e2_in)) in
else raise (IMPL_EXC ("exps", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| true, false ->
raise (IMPL_EXC ("exps", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| false, true ->
let sub2' = extend_sub (snd subs) v2 (Predicates.exp_sub (fst subs) (Exp.Var v1)) in
(fst subs, sub2')
| true, true ->
let v1' = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let sub1' = extend_sub (fst subs) v1 (Exp.Var v1') in
let sub2' = extend_sub (snd subs) v2 (Exp.Var v1') in
(sub1', sub2')
let rec do_imply subs e1 e2 : subst2 =
L.d_str "do_imply " ;
Exp.d_exp e1 ;
L.d_str " " ;
Exp.d_exp e2 ;
L.d_ln () ;
match (e1, e2) with
| Exp.Var v1, Exp.Var v2 ->
var_imply subs v1 v2
| Exp.BinOp ((PlusA _ | PlusPI | MinusA _ | MinusPI), Exp.Var v1, e2), Exp.Var v2
when Ident.equal v1 v2 ->
do_imply subs e2 Exp.zero
| Exp.BinOp ((PlusA _ | PlusPI), e2, Exp.Var v1), Exp.Var v2 when Ident.equal v1 v2 ->
do_imply subs e2 Exp.zero
| e1, Exp.Var v2 ->
let occurs_check v e =
(* check whether [v] occurs in normalized [e] *)
Exp.ident_mem e v
&& Exp.ident_mem (Prop.exp_normalize_prop ~destructive:true tenv Prop.prop_emp e) v
then raise (IMPL_EXC ("occurs check", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
if Ident.is_primed v2 then
let () = occurs_check v2 e1 in
let sub2' = extend_sub (snd subs) v2 e1 in
(fst subs, sub2')
else raise (IMPL_EXC ("expressions not equal", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| e1, Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, (Exp.Var v2 as e2), e2')
when Ident.is_primed v2 || Ident.is_footprint v2 ->
(* here e2' could also be a variable that we could try to substitute (as in the next match
case), but we ignore that to avoid backtracking *)
let e' = Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA None, e1, e2') in
do_imply subs (Prop.exp_normalize_noabs tenv Predicates.sub_empty e') e2
| e1, Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e2, (Exp.Var v2 as e2'))
when Ident.is_primed v2 || Ident.is_footprint v2 ->
(* symmetric of above case *)
let e' = Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA None, e1, e2') in
do_imply subs (Prop.exp_normalize_noabs tenv Predicates.sub_empty e') e2
| Exp.Var id, Exp.Lvar pv when Ident.is_footprint id && Pvar.is_local pv ->
(* Footprint var could never be the same as local address *)
raise (IMPL_EXC ("expression not equal", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| Exp.Var _, e2 ->
if calc_missing then
let () = ProverState.add_missing_pi (Aeq (e1_in, e2_in)) in
else raise (IMPL_EXC ("expressions not equal", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| Exp.Lvar pv1, Exp.Const _ when Pvar.is_global pv1 ->
if calc_missing then
let () = ProverState.add_missing_pi (Aeq (e1_in, e2_in)) in
else raise (IMPL_EXC ("expressions not equal", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| Exp.Lvar v1, Exp.Lvar v2 ->
if Pvar.equal v1 v2 then subs
else raise (IMPL_EXC ("expressions not equal", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| Exp.Const c1, Exp.Const c2 ->
if Const.equal c1 c2 then subs
else raise (IMPL_EXC ("constants not equal", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint _), Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusPI, _, _) ->
(IMPL_EXC ("pointer+index cannot evaluate to a constant", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1), Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, f1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n2)) ->
do_imply subs (Exp.int (n1 -- n2)) f1
| Exp.BinOp (op1, e1, f1), Exp.BinOp (op2, e2, f2) when Binop.equal op1 op2 ->
do_imply (do_imply subs e1 e2) f1 f2
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, Exp.Var v1, e1), e2 ->
do_imply subs (Exp.Var v1) (Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA None, e2, e1))
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusPI, Exp.Lvar pv1, e1), e2 ->
do_imply subs (Exp.Lvar pv1) (Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA None, e2, e1))
| ( Exp.Sizeof {typ= t1; dynamic_length= None; subtype= st1}
, Exp.Sizeof {typ= t2; dynamic_length= None; subtype= st2} )
when Typ.equal t1 t2 && Subtype.equal_modulo_flag st1 st2 ->
| ( Exp.Sizeof {typ= t1; dynamic_length= Some d1; subtype= st1}
, Exp.Sizeof {typ= t2; dynamic_length= Some d2; subtype= st2} )
when Typ.equal t1 t2 && Exp.equal d1 d2 && Subtype.equal_modulo_flag st1 st2 ->
| e', Exp.Const (Const.Cint n)
when IntLit.iszero n && check_disequal tenv Prop.prop_emp e' Exp.zero ->
raise (IMPL_EXC ("expressions not equal", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n), e'
when IntLit.iszero n && check_disequal tenv Prop.prop_emp e' Exp.zero ->
raise (IMPL_EXC ("expressions not equal", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| e1, Exp.Const _ ->
raise (IMPL_EXC ("lhs not constant", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| Exp.Lfield (e1, fd1, _), Exp.Lfield (e2, fd2, _) when Fieldname.equal fd1 fd2 ->
do_imply subs e1 e2
| Exp.Lindex (e1, f1), Exp.Lindex (e2, f2) ->
do_imply (do_imply subs e1 e2) f1 f2
| Exp.Exn e1, Exp.Exn e2 ->
do_imply subs e1 e2
| _ ->
d_impl_err ("exp_imply not implemented", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)) ;
raise (Exceptions.Abduction_case_not_implemented __POS__)
do_imply subs e1 e2
(** Convert a path (from lhs of a |-> to a field name present only in the rhs) into an id. If the
lhs was a footprint var, the id is a new footprint var. Othewise it is a var with the path in
the name and stamp - 1 *)
let path_to_id path =
let rec f = function
| Exp.Var id ->
if Ident.is_footprint id then None
else Some (Ident.name_to_string (Ident.get_name id) ^ string_of_int (Ident.get_stamp id))
| Exp.Lfield (e, fld, _) -> (
match f e with None -> None | Some s -> Some (s ^ "_" ^ Fieldname.to_string fld) )
| Exp.Lindex (e, ind) -> (
match f e with None -> None | Some s -> Some (s ^ "_" ^ Exp.to_string ind) )
| Exp.Lvar _ ->
Some (Exp.to_string path)
| Exp.Const (Const.Cstr s) ->
Some ("_const_str_" ^ s)
| Exp.Const (Const.Cclass c) ->
Some ("_const_class_" ^ Ident.name_to_string c)
| Exp.Const _ ->
| _ ->
L.d_str "path_to_id undefined on " ;
Exp.d_exp path ;
L.d_ln () ;
assert false
(* None *)
if !BiabductionConfig.footprint then Ident.create_fresh Ident.kfootprint
match f path with None -> Ident.create_fresh Ident.kfootprint | Some s -> Ident.create_path s
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
(** Implication for the length of arrays *)
let array_len_imply tenv calc_missing subs len1 len2 indices2 =
match (len1, len2) with
| _, Exp.Var _
| _, Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, Exp.Var _, _)
| _, Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, _, Exp.Var _)
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.Mult _, _, _), _ -> (
try exp_imply tenv calc_missing subs len1 len2
with IMPL_EXC (s, subs', x) -> raise (IMPL_EXC ("array len:" ^ s, subs', x)) )
| _ ->
ProverState.add_bounds_check (ProverState.BClen_imply (len1, len2, indices2)) ;
(** Extend [sub1] and [sub2] to witnesses that each instance of [se1\[sub1\]] is an instance of
[se2\[sub2\]]. Raise IMPL_FALSE if not possible. *)
let rec sexp_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs se1 se2 typ2 :
subst2 * Predicates.strexp option * Predicates.strexp option =
(* L.d_str "sexp_imply "; Predicates.d_sexp se1; L.d_str " "; Predicates.d_sexp se2;
L.d_str " : "; Typ.d_full typ2; L.d_ln(); *)
match (se1, se2) with
| Predicates.Eexp (e1, _), Predicates.Eexp (e2, _) ->
(exp_imply tenv calc_missing subs e1 e2, None, None)
| Predicates.Estruct (fsel1, inst1), Predicates.Estruct (fsel2, _) ->
let subs', fld_frame, fld_missing =
struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs fsel1 fsel2 typ2
let fld_frame_opt =
if not (List.is_empty fld_frame) then Some (Predicates.Estruct (fld_frame, inst1)) else None
let fld_missing_opt =
if not (List.is_empty fld_missing) then Some (Predicates.Estruct (fld_missing, inst1))
else None
(subs', fld_frame_opt, fld_missing_opt)
| Predicates.Estruct _, Predicates.Eexp (e2, _) -> (
let e2' = Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e2 in
match e2' with
| Exp.Var id2 when Ident.is_primed id2 ->
let id2' = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let sub2' = extend_sub (snd subs) id2 (Exp.Var id2') in
((fst subs, sub2'), None, None)
| _ ->
d_impl_err ("sexp_imply not implemented", subs, EXC_FALSE_SEXPS (se1, se2)) ;
raise (Exceptions.Abduction_case_not_implemented __POS__) )
| Predicates.Earray (len1, esel1, inst1), Predicates.Earray (len2, esel2, _) ->
let indices2 = List.map ~f:fst esel2 in
let subs' = array_len_imply tenv calc_missing subs len1 len2 indices2 in
let subs'', index_frame, index_missing =
array_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs' esel1 esel2 typ2
let index_frame_opt =
if not (List.is_empty index_frame) then Some (Predicates.Earray (len1, index_frame, inst1))
else None
let index_missing_opt =
if (not (List.is_empty index_missing)) && !BiabductionConfig.footprint then
Some (Predicates.Earray (len1, index_missing, inst1))
else None
(subs'', index_frame_opt, index_missing_opt)
| Predicates.Eexp (_, inst), Predicates.Estruct (fsel, inst') ->
( "WARNING: function call with parameters of struct type, treating as unknown"
, subs
, EXC_FALSE_SEXPS (se1, se2) ) ;
let fsel' =
let g (f, _) = (f, Predicates.Eexp (Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal), inst)) in
List.map ~f:g fsel
sexp_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs
(Predicates.Estruct (fsel', inst'))
se2 typ2
| Predicates.Eexp _, Predicates.Earray (len, _, inst)
| Predicates.Estruct _, Predicates.Earray (len, _, inst) ->
let se1' = Predicates.Earray (len, [(Exp.zero, se1)], inst) in
sexp_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs se1' se2 typ2
| Predicates.Earray (len, _, _), Predicates.Eexp (_, inst) ->
let se2' = Predicates.Earray (len, [(Exp.zero, se2)], inst) in
let typ2' = Typ.mk_array typ2 in
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
(* In the sexp_imply, struct_imply, array_imply, and sexp_imply_nolhs functions, the typ2
argument is only used by eventually passing its value to Struct.fld, Exp.Lfield,
Struct.fld, or Typ.array_elem. None of these are sensitive to the length field
of Tarray, so forgetting the length of typ2' here is not a problem. Not one of those
functions use typ.quals either *)
sexp_imply tenv source true calc_missing subs se1 se2' typ2'
(* calculate index_frame because the rhs is a singleton array *)
| _ ->
d_impl_err ("sexp_imply not implemented", subs, EXC_FALSE_SEXPS (se1, se2)) ;
raise (Exceptions.Abduction_case_not_implemented __POS__)
and struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs fsel1 fsel2 typ2 :
subst2 * (Fieldname.t * Predicates.strexp) list * (Fieldname.t * Predicates.strexp) list =
let lookup = Tenv.lookup tenv in
match (fsel1, fsel2) with
| _, [] ->
(subs, fsel1, [])
| (f1, se1) :: fsel1', (f2, se2) :: fsel2' -> (
match Fieldname.compare f1 f2 with
| 0 ->
let typ' = Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:StdTyp.void f2 typ2 in
let subs', se_frame, se_missing =
sexp_imply tenv (Exp.Lfield (source, f2, typ2)) false calc_missing subs se1 se2 typ'
let subs'', fld_frame, fld_missing =
struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs' fsel1' fsel2' typ2
let fld_frame' =
match se_frame with None -> fld_frame | Some se -> (f1, se) :: fld_frame
let fld_missing' =
match se_missing with None -> fld_missing | Some se -> (f1, se) :: fld_missing
(subs'', fld_frame', fld_missing')
| n when n < 0 ->
let subs', fld_frame, fld_missing =
struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs fsel1' fsel2 typ2
(subs', (f1, se1) :: fld_frame, fld_missing)
| _ ->
let typ' = Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:StdTyp.void f2 typ2 in
let subs' =
sexp_imply_nolhs tenv (Exp.Lfield (source, f2, typ2)) calc_missing subs se2 typ'
let subs', fld_frame, fld_missing =
struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs' fsel1 fsel2' typ2
let fld_missing' = (f2, se2) :: fld_missing in
(subs', fld_frame, fld_missing') )
| [], (f2, se2) :: fsel2' ->
let typ' = Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:StdTyp.void f2 typ2 in
let subs' =
sexp_imply_nolhs tenv (Exp.Lfield (source, f2, typ2)) calc_missing subs se2 typ'
let subs'', fld_frame, fld_missing =
struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs' [] fsel2' typ2
(subs'', fld_frame, (f2, se2) :: fld_missing)
and array_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs esel1 esel2 typ2 :
subst2 * (Exp.t * Predicates.strexp) list * (Exp.t * Predicates.strexp) list =
let typ_elem = Typ.array_elem (Some StdTyp.void) typ2 in
match (esel1, esel2) with
| _, [] ->
(subs, esel1, [])
| (e1, se1) :: esel1', (e2, se2) :: esel2' ->
let e1n = Prop.exp_normalize_noabs tenv (fst subs) e1 in
let e2n = Prop.exp_normalize_noabs tenv (snd subs) e2 in
let n = Exp.compare e1n e2n in
if n < 0 then array_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs esel1' esel2 typ2
else if n > 0 then
array_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs esel1 esel2' typ2
(* n=0 *)
let subs', _, _ =
sexp_imply tenv (Exp.Lindex (source, e1)) false calc_missing subs se1 se2 typ_elem
array_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs' esel1' esel2' typ2
| [], (e2, se2) :: esel2' ->
let subs' = sexp_imply_nolhs tenv (Exp.Lindex (source, e2)) calc_missing subs se2 typ_elem in
let subs'', index_frame, index_missing =
array_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs' [] esel2' typ2
let index_missing' = (e2, se2) :: index_missing in
(subs'', index_frame, index_missing')
and sexp_imply_nolhs tenv source calc_missing (subs : subst2) se2 typ2 =
match se2 with
| Predicates.Eexp (e2_, _) -> (
let e2 = Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e2_ in
match e2 with
| Exp.Var v2 when Ident.is_primed v2 ->
let v2' = path_to_id source in
(* L.d_str "called path_to_id on "; Exp.d_exp e2; *)
(* L.d_str " returns "; Exp.d_exp (Exp.Var v2'); L.d_ln (); *)
let sub2' = extend_sub (snd subs) v2 (Exp.Var v2') in
(fst subs, sub2')
| Exp.Var _ ->
if calc_missing then subs
else raise (IMPL_EXC ("exp only in rhs is not a primed var", subs, EXC_FALSE))
| Exp.Const _ when calc_missing ->
let id = path_to_id source in
ProverState.add_missing_pi (Predicates.Aeq (Exp.Var id, e2_)) ;
| _ ->
raise (IMPL_EXC ("exp only in rhs is not a primed var", subs, EXC_FALSE)) )
| Predicates.Estruct (fsel2, _) ->
(fun (x, _, _) -> x) (struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs [] fsel2 typ2)
| Predicates.Earray (_, esel2, _) ->
(fun (x, _, _) -> x) (array_imply tenv source false calc_missing subs [] esel2 typ2)
let rec exp_list_imply tenv calc_missing subs l1 l2 =
match (l1, l2) with
| [], [] ->
| e1 :: l1, e2 :: l2 ->
exp_list_imply tenv calc_missing (exp_imply tenv calc_missing subs e1 e2) l1 l2
| _ ->
assert false
let filter_ne_lhs sub e0 = function
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e, _, _) ->
if Exp.equal e0 (Predicates.exp_sub sub e) then Some () else None
| Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_NE, _, e, _, _) ->
if Exp.equal e0 (Predicates.exp_sub sub e) then Some () else None
| Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_NE, _, e, _, _, e', _) ->
if Exp.equal e0 (Predicates.exp_sub sub e) || Exp.equal e0 (Predicates.exp_sub sub e') then
Some ()
else None
| _ ->
let filter_hpred sub hpred2 hpred1 =
match (Predicates.hpred_sub sub hpred1, hpred2) with
| Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_NE, hpara1, e1, f1, el1), Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_PE, _, _, _, _) ->
if Predicates.equal_hpred (Hlseg (Lseg_PE, hpara1, e1, f1, el1)) hpred2 then Some false
else None
| Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_PE, hpara1, e1, f1, el1), Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_NE, _, _, _, _) ->
if Predicates.equal_hpred (Hlseg (Lseg_NE, hpara1, e1, f1, el1)) hpred2 then Some true
else None (* return missing disequality *)
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e1, _, _), Predicates.Hlseg (_, _, e2, _, _) ->
if Exp.equal e1 e2 then Some false else None
| hpred1, hpred2 ->
if Predicates.equal_hpred hpred1 hpred2 then Some false else None
let hpred_has_primed_lhs sub hpred =
let rec find_primed e =
match e with
| Exp.Lfield (e, _, _) ->
find_primed e
| Exp.Lindex (e, _) ->
find_primed e
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusPI, e1, _) ->
find_primed e1
| _ ->
Exp.free_vars e |> Sequence.exists ~f:Ident.is_primed
let exp_has_primed e = find_primed (Predicates.exp_sub sub e) in
match hpred with
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e, _, _) ->
exp_has_primed e
| Predicates.Hlseg (_, _, e, _, _) ->
exp_has_primed e
| Predicates.Hdllseg (_, _, iF, _, _, iB, _) ->
exp_has_primed iF && exp_has_primed iB
let move_primed_lhs_from_front subs sigma =
match sigma with
| [] ->
| hpred :: _ ->
if hpred_has_primed_lhs (snd subs) hpred then
let sigma_primed, sigma_unprimed =
List.partition_tf ~f:(hpred_has_primed_lhs (snd subs)) sigma
match sigma_unprimed with
| [] ->
(IMPL_EXC ("every hpred has primed lhs, cannot proceed", subs, EXC_FALSE_SIGMA sigma))
| _ :: _ ->
sigma_unprimed @ sigma_primed
else sigma
(** [expand_hpred_pointer calc_index_frame hpred] expands [hpred] if it is a |-> whose lhs is a
Lfield or Lindex or ptr+off. Return [(changed, calc_index_frame', hpred')] where [changed]
indicates whether the predicate has changed. *)
let expand_hpred_pointer =
let count = ref 0 in
fun tenv calc_index_frame hpred ->
let rec expand changed calc_index_frame hpred =
match hpred with
| Predicates.Hpointsto (Lfield (adr_base, fld, adr_typ), cnt, cnt_texp) ->
let cnt_texp' =
match adr_typ.desc with
| Tstruct name -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some _ ->
(* type of struct at adr_base is known *)
{typ= adr_typ; nbytes= None; dynamic_length= None; subtype= Subtype.exact})
| None ->
None )
| _ ->
| Some se ->
| None -> (
match cnt_texp with
| Sizeof ({typ= cnt_typ} as sizeof_data) ->
(* type of struct at adr_base is unknown (typically Tvoid), but
type of contents is known, so construct struct type for single fld:cnt_typ *)
let name = Typ.Name.C.from_string ("counterfeit" ^ string_of_int !count) in
incr count ;
let fields = [(fld, cnt_typ, Annot.Item.empty)] in
ignore (Tenv.mk_struct tenv ~fields name) ;
Exp.Sizeof {sizeof_data with typ= Typ.mk (Tstruct name)}
| _ ->
(* type of struct at adr_base and of contents are both unknown: give up *)
L.(die InternalError) "expand_hpred_pointer: Unexpected non-sizeof type in Lfield"
let hpred' =
Predicates.Hpointsto (adr_base, Estruct ([(fld, cnt)], Predicates.inst_none), cnt_texp')
expand true true hpred'
| Predicates.Hpointsto (Lindex (e, ind), se, t) ->
let t' =
match t with
| Exp.Sizeof ({typ= t_} as sizeof_data) ->
Exp.Sizeof {sizeof_data with typ= Typ.mk_array t_}
| _ ->
L.(die InternalError) "expand_hpred_pointer: Unexpected non-sizeof type in Lindex"
let len =
match t' with
| Exp.Sizeof {dynamic_length= Some len} ->
| _ ->
Exp.get_undefined false
let hpred' =
Predicates.Hpointsto (e, Predicates.Earray (len, [(ind, se)], Predicates.inst_none), t')
expand true true hpred'
| Predicates.Hpointsto (BinOp (PlusPI, e1, e2), Earray (len, esel, inst), t) ->
let shift_exp e = Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, e, e2) in
let len' = shift_exp len in
let esel' = List.map ~f:(fun (e, se) -> (shift_exp e, se)) esel in
let hpred' = Predicates.Hpointsto (e1, Predicates.Earray (len', esel', inst), t) in
expand true calc_index_frame hpred'
| _ ->
(changed, calc_index_frame, hpred)
expand false calc_index_frame hpred
let cast_exception tenv texp1 texp2 e1 subs =
( match (texp1, texp2) with
| Exp.Sizeof {typ= t1}, Exp.Sizeof {typ= t2; subtype= st2} ->
|| (Subtype.is_cast st2 && not (SubtypingCheck.check_subtype tenv t1 t2))
then ProverState.checks := Class_cast_check (texp1, texp2, e1) :: !ProverState.checks
| _ ->
() ) ;
raise (IMPL_EXC ("class cast exception", subs, EXC_FALSE))
(** Check the equality of two types ignoring flags in the subtyping components *)
let texp_equal_modulo_subtype_flag texp1 texp2 =
match (texp1, texp2) with
| ( Exp.Sizeof {typ= t1; dynamic_length= len1; subtype= st1}
, Exp.Sizeof {typ= t2; dynamic_length= len2; subtype= st2} ) ->
[%compare.equal: Typ.t * Exp.t option] (t1, len1) (t2, len2)
&& Subtype.equal_modulo_flag st1 st2
| _ ->
Exp.equal texp1 texp2
(** check implication between type expressions *)
let texp_imply tenv subs texp1 texp2 e1 calc_missing =
(* check whether the types could be subject to dynamic cast: *)
(* classes and arrays in Java, and just classes in C++ and ObjC *)
let types_subject_to_dynamic_cast =
match (texp1, texp2) with
| Exp.Sizeof {typ= typ1}, Exp.Sizeof {typ= typ2} -> (
match (typ1.desc, typ2.desc) with
| (Tstruct _ | Tarray _), (Tstruct _ | Tarray _) ->
is_java_class tenv typ1
|| (Typ.is_cpp_class typ1 && Typ.is_cpp_class typ2)
|| (Typ.is_objc_class typ1 && Typ.is_objc_class typ2)
| _ ->
false )
| _ ->
if types_subject_to_dynamic_cast then
let pos_type_opt, neg_type_opt = SubtypingCheck.subtype_case_analysis tenv texp1 texp2 in
let has_changed =
match pos_type_opt with
| Some texp1' ->
not (texp_equal_modulo_subtype_flag texp1' texp1)
| None ->
if calc_missing then
(* footprint *)
match pos_type_opt with
| None ->
cast_exception tenv texp1 texp2 e1 subs
| Some _ ->
if has_changed then (None, pos_type_opt) (* missing *) else (pos_type_opt, None)
(* frame *)
(* re-execution *)
match neg_type_opt with
| Some _ ->
cast_exception tenv texp1 texp2 e1 subs
| None ->
if has_changed then cast_exception tenv texp1 texp2 e1 subs (* missing *)
else (pos_type_opt, None) (* frame *)
else (None, None)
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
(** pre-process implication between a non-array and an array: the non-array is turned into an array
of length given by its type only active in type_size mode *)
let sexp_imply_preprocess se1 texp1 se2 =
match (se1, texp1, se2) with
| Predicates.Eexp (_, inst), Exp.Sizeof _, Predicates.Earray _ when Config.type_size ->
let se1' = Predicates.Earray (texp1, [(Exp.zero, se1)], inst) in
L.d_strln ~color:Orange "sexp_imply_preprocess" ;
L.d_str " se1: " ;
Predicates.d_sexp se1 ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_str " se1': " ;
Predicates.d_sexp se1' ;
L.d_ln () ;
| _ ->
(** handle parameter subtype: when the type of a callee variable in the caller is a strict subtype
of the one in the callee, add a type frame and type missing *)
let handle_parameter_subtype tenv prop1 sigma2 subs (e1, se1, texp1) (se2, texp2) =
let is_callee = match e1 with Exp.Lvar pv -> Pvar.is_callee pv | _ -> false in
let is_allocated_lhs e =
let filter = function Predicates.Hpointsto (e', _, _) -> Exp.equal e' e | _ -> false in
List.exists ~f:filter prop1.Prop.sigma
let type_rhs e =
let sub_opt = ref None in
let filter = function
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e', _, Exp.Sizeof sizeof_data) when Exp.equal e' e ->
sub_opt := Some sizeof_data ;
| _ ->
if List.exists ~f:filter sigma2 then !sub_opt else None
let add_subtype () =
match (texp1, texp2, se1, se2) with
| ( Exp.Sizeof {typ= {desc= Tptr (t1, _)}; dynamic_length= None}
, Exp.Sizeof {typ= {desc= Tptr (t2, _)}; dynamic_length= None}
, Predicates.Eexp (e1', _)
, Predicates.Eexp (e2', _) )
when not (is_allocated_lhs e1') -> (
match type_rhs e2' with
| Some sizeof_data2 -> (
if (not (Typ.equal t1 t2)) && SubtypingCheck.check_subtype tenv t1 t2 then
let pos_type_opt, _ =
SubtypingCheck.subtype_case_analysis tenv
(Exp.Sizeof {typ= t1; nbytes= None; dynamic_length= None; subtype= Subtype.subtypes})
(Exp.Sizeof sizeof_data2)
match pos_type_opt with
| Some t1_noptr ->
ProverState.add_frame_typ (e1', t1_noptr) ;
ProverState.add_missing_typ (e2', t1_noptr)
| None ->
cast_exception tenv texp1 texp2 e1 subs )
| None ->
() )
| _ ->
if is_callee && !BiabductionConfig.footprint then add_subtype ()
let rec hpred_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 hpred2 :
subst2 * Prop.normal Prop.t =
match hpred2 with
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e2_, se2, texp2) -> (
let e2 = Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e2_ in
( match e2 with
| Exp.Lvar _ ->
| Exp.Var v ->
if Ident.is_primed v then (
d_impl_err ("rhs |-> not implemented", subs, EXC_FALSE_HPRED hpred2) ;
raise (Exceptions.Abduction_case_not_implemented __POS__) )
| _ ->
() ) ;
match Prop.prop_iter_create prop1 with
| None ->
raise (IMPL_EXC ("lhs is empty", subs, EXC_FALSE))
| Some iter1 -> (
match Prop.prop_iter_find iter1 (filter_ne_lhs (fst subs) e2) with
| None ->
raise (IMPL_EXC ("lhs does not have e|->", subs, EXC_FALSE_HPRED hpred2))
| Some iter1' -> (
match Prop.prop_iter_current tenv iter1' with
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e1, se1, texp1), _ -> (
let typ2 = Exp.texp_to_typ (Some StdTyp.void) texp2 in
let typing_frame, typing_missing = texp_imply tenv subs texp1 texp2 e1 calc_missing in
let se1' = sexp_imply_preprocess se1 texp1 se2 in
let subs', fld_frame, fld_missing =
sexp_imply tenv e1 calc_index_frame calc_missing subs se1' se2 typ2
if calc_missing then (
handle_parameter_subtype tenv prop1 sigma2 subs (e1, se1, texp1) (se2, texp2) ;
( match fld_missing with
| Some fld_missing ->
ProverState.add_missing_fld (Predicates.Hpointsto (e2_, fld_missing, texp1))
| None ->
() ) ;
( match fld_frame with
| Some fld_frame ->
ProverState.add_frame_fld (Predicates.Hpointsto (e1, fld_frame, texp1))
| None ->
() ) ;
( match typing_missing with
| Some t_missing ->
ProverState.add_missing_typ (e2_, t_missing)
| None ->
() ) ;
match typing_frame with
| Some t_frame ->
ProverState.add_frame_typ (e1, t_frame)
| None ->
() ) ;
let prop1' = Prop.prop_iter_remove_curr_then_to_prop tenv iter1' in
(subs', prop1')
with IMPL_EXC (s, _, _) when calc_missing -> raise (MISSING_EXC s) )
| Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_NE, para1, e1, f1, elist1), _ ->
(* Unroll lseg *)
let n' = Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh Ident.kprimed) in
let _, para_inst1 = Predicates.hpara_instantiate para1 e1 n' elist1 in
let hpred_list1 = para_inst1 @ [Prop.mk_lseg tenv Lseg_PE para1 n' f1 elist1] in
let iter1'' = Prop.prop_iter_update_current_by_list iter1' hpred_list1 in
L.d_increase_indent () ;
let res =
decrease_indent_when_exception (fun () ->
hpred_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs
(Prop.prop_iter_to_prop tenv iter1'')
sigma2 hpred2 )
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
| Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_NE, para1, iF1, oB1, oF1, iB1, elist1), _
when Exp.equal (Predicates.exp_sub (fst subs) iF1) e2 ->
(* Unroll dllseg forward *)
let n' = Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh Ident.kprimed) in
let _, para_inst1 = Predicates.hpara_dll_instantiate para1 iF1 oB1 n' elist1 in
let hpred_list1 =
para_inst1 @ [Prop.mk_dllseg tenv Lseg_PE para1 n' iF1 oF1 iB1 elist1]
let iter1'' = Prop.prop_iter_update_current_by_list iter1' hpred_list1 in
L.d_increase_indent () ;
let res =
decrease_indent_when_exception (fun () ->
hpred_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs
(Prop.prop_iter_to_prop tenv iter1'')
sigma2 hpred2 )
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
| Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_NE, para1, iF1, oB1, oF1, iB1, elist1), _
when Exp.equal (Predicates.exp_sub (fst subs) iB1) e2 ->
(* Unroll dllseg backward *)
let n' = Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh Ident.kprimed) in
let _, para_inst1 = Predicates.hpara_dll_instantiate para1 iB1 n' oF1 elist1 in
let hpred_list1 =
para_inst1 @ [Prop.mk_dllseg tenv Lseg_PE para1 iF1 oB1 iB1 n' elist1]
let iter1'' = Prop.prop_iter_update_current_by_list iter1' hpred_list1 in
L.d_increase_indent () ;
let res =
decrease_indent_when_exception (fun () ->
hpred_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs
(Prop.prop_iter_to_prop tenv iter1'')
sigma2 hpred2 )
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
| _ ->
assert false ) ) )
| Predicates.Hlseg (k, para2, e2_, f2_, elist2_) -> (
(* for now ignore implications between PE and NE *)
let e2, f2 = (Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e2_, Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) f2_) in
( match e2 with
| Exp.Lvar _ ->
| Exp.Var v ->
if Ident.is_primed v then (
d_impl_err ("rhs |-> not implemented", subs, EXC_FALSE_HPRED hpred2) ;
raise (Exceptions.Abduction_case_not_implemented __POS__) )
| _ ->
() ) ;
if Exp.equal e2 f2 && Predicates.equal_lseg_kind k Lseg_PE then (subs, prop1)
match Prop.prop_iter_create prop1 with
| None ->
raise (IMPL_EXC ("lhs is empty", subs, EXC_FALSE))
| Some iter1 -> (
Prop.prop_iter_find iter1
(filter_hpred (fst subs) (Predicates.hpred_sub (snd subs) hpred2))
| None ->
let elist2 = List.map ~f:(fun e -> Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e) elist2_ in
let _, para_inst2 = Predicates.hpara_instantiate para2 e2 f2 elist2 in
L.d_increase_indent () ;
let res =
decrease_indent_when_exception (fun () ->
sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame false subs prop1 para_inst2 )
(* calc_missing is false as we're checking an instantiation of the original list *)
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
| Some iter1' -> (
let elist2 = List.map ~f:(fun e -> Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e) elist2_ in
(* force instantiation of existentials *)
let subs' = exp_list_imply tenv calc_missing subs (f2 :: elist2) (f2 :: elist2) in
let prop1' = Prop.prop_iter_remove_curr_then_to_prop tenv iter1' in
let hpred1 =
match Prop.prop_iter_current tenv iter1' with
| hpred1, b ->
if b then ProverState.add_missing_pi (Predicates.Aneq (e2_, f2_)) ;
(* for PE |- NE *)
match hpred1 with
| Predicates.Hlseg _ ->
(subs', prop1')
| Predicates.Hpointsto _ ->
(* unroll rhs list and try again *)
let n' = Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh Ident.kprimed) in
let _, para_inst2 = Predicates.hpara_instantiate para2 e2_ n' elist2 in
let hpred_list2 = para_inst2 @ [Prop.mk_lseg tenv Lseg_PE para2 n' f2_ elist2_] in
L.d_increase_indent () ;
let res =
decrease_indent_when_exception (fun () ->
try sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 hpred_list2
with exn when SymOp.exn_not_failure exn ->
L.d_strln ~color:Red "backtracking lseg: trying rhs of length exactly 1" ;
let _, para_inst3 = Predicates.hpara_instantiate para2 e2_ f2_ elist2 in
sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 para_inst3 )
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
| Predicates.Hdllseg _ ->
assert false ) ) )
| Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_PE, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
d_impl_err ("rhs dllsegPE not implemented", subs, EXC_FALSE_HPRED hpred2) ;
raise (Exceptions.Abduction_case_not_implemented __POS__)
| Predicates.Hdllseg (_, para2, iF2, oB2, oF2, iB2, elist2) -> (
(* for now ignore implications between PE and NE *)
let iF2, oF2 = (Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) iF2, Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) oF2) in
let iB2, oB2 = (Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) iB2, Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) oB2) in
( match oF2 with
| Exp.Lvar _ ->
| Exp.Var v ->
if Ident.is_primed v then (
d_impl_err ("rhs dllseg not implemented", subs, EXC_FALSE_HPRED hpred2) ;
raise (Exceptions.Abduction_case_not_implemented __POS__) )
| _ ->
() ) ;
( match oB2 with
| Exp.Lvar _ ->
| Exp.Var v ->
if Ident.is_primed v then (
d_impl_err ("rhs dllseg not implemented", subs, EXC_FALSE_HPRED hpred2) ;
raise (Exceptions.Abduction_case_not_implemented __POS__) )
| _ ->
() ) ;
match Prop.prop_iter_create prop1 with
| None ->
raise (IMPL_EXC ("lhs is empty", subs, EXC_FALSE))
| Some iter1 -> (
Prop.prop_iter_find iter1
(filter_hpred (fst subs) (Predicates.hpred_sub (snd subs) hpred2))
| None ->
let elist2 = List.map ~f:(fun e -> Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e) elist2 in
let _, para_inst2 =
if Exp.equal iF2 iB2 then Predicates.hpara_dll_instantiate para2 iF2 oB2 oF2 elist2
else assert false
(* Only base case of rhs list considered for now *)
L.d_increase_indent () ;
let res =
decrease_indent_when_exception (fun () ->
sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame false subs prop1 para_inst2 )
(* calc_missing is false as we're checking an instantiation of the original list *)
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
| Some iter1' ->
(* Only consider implications between identical listsegs for now *)
let elist2 = List.map ~f:(fun e -> Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e) elist2 in
(* force instantiation of existentials *)
let subs' =
exp_list_imply tenv calc_missing subs
(iF2 :: oB2 :: oF2 :: iB2 :: elist2)
(iF2 :: oB2 :: oF2 :: iB2 :: elist2)
let prop1' = Prop.prop_iter_remove_curr_then_to_prop tenv iter1' in
(subs', prop1') ) )
(** Check that [sigma1] implies [sigma2] and return two substitution instantiations for the primed
variables of [sigma1] and [sigma2] and a frame. Raise IMPL_FALSE if the implication cannot be
proven. *)
and sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 : subst2 * Prop.normal Prop.t =
let is_constant_string_class subs = function
(* if the hpred represents a constant string, return the string *)
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e2_, _, _) -> (
let e2 = Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e2_ in
match e2 with
| Exp.Const (Const.Cstr s) ->
Some (s, true)
| Exp.Const (Const.Cclass c) ->
Some (Ident.name_to_string c, false)
| _ ->
None )
| _ ->
let mk_constant_string_hpred s =
(* create an hpred from a constant string *)
let len = IntLit.of_int (1 + String.length s) in
let root = Exp.Const (Const.Cstr s) in
let sexp =
let index = Exp.int (IntLit.of_int (String.length s)) in
match !Language.curr_language with
| Clang ->
( Exp.int len
, [(index, Predicates.Eexp (Exp.zero, Predicates.inst_none))]
, Predicates.inst_none )
| Java ->
let mk_fld_sexp field_name =
let fld = Fieldname.make StdTyp.Name.Java.java_lang_string field_name in
let se =
Predicates.Eexp (Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh Ident.kprimed), Predicates.Inone)
(fld, se)
let fields = ["count"; "hash"; "offset"; "value"] in
Predicates.Estruct (List.map ~f:mk_fld_sexp fields, Predicates.inst_none)
| CIL ->
let mk_fld_sexp field_name =
let fld = Fieldname.make StdTyp.Name.CSharp.system_string field_name in
let se =
Predicates.Eexp (Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh Ident.kprimed), Predicates.Inone)
(fld, se)
let fields =
["System.String.Empty" (* ; "System.String.Chars" *); "System.String.Length"]
Predicates.Estruct (List.map ~f:mk_fld_sexp fields, Predicates.inst_none)
let const_string_texp =
match !Language.curr_language with
| Clang ->
{ typ= Typ.mk_array (Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IChar)) ~length:len ~stride:(IntLit.of_int 1)
; nbytes= None
; dynamic_length= None
; subtype= Subtype.exact }
| Java ->
let object_type = StdTyp.Name.Java.java_lang_string in
{ typ= Typ.mk (Tstruct object_type)
; nbytes= None
; dynamic_length= None
; subtype= Subtype.exact }
| CIL ->
(* cil todo *)
(* Logging.die Logging.InternalError "No string constant support for CIL yet." *)
let object_type = Typ.Name.CSharp.from_string "System.String" in
{ typ= Typ.mk (Tstruct object_type)
; nbytes= None
; dynamic_length= None
; subtype= Subtype.exact }
Predicates.Hpointsto (root, sexp, const_string_texp)
let mk_constant_class_hpred s =
(* create an hpred from a constant class *)
let root = Exp.Const (Const.Cclass (Ident.string_to_name s)) in
let sexp =
(* TODO: add appropriate fields *)
( [ ( Fieldname.make StdTyp.Name.Java.java_lang_class "name"
, Predicates.Eexp (Exp.Const (Const.Cstr s), Predicates.Inone) ) ]
, Predicates.inst_none )
let class_texp =
let class_type = StdTyp.Name.Java.java_lang_class in
{ typ= Typ.mk (Tstruct class_type)
; nbytes= None
; dynamic_length= None
; subtype= Subtype.exact }
Predicates.Hpointsto (root, sexp, class_texp)
match move_primed_lhs_from_front subs sigma2 with
| [] ->
L.d_strln "Final Implication" ;
d_impl subs (prop1, Prop.prop_emp) ;
(subs, prop1)
| hpred2 :: sigma2' -> (
L.d_strln "Current Implication" ;
d_impl subs (prop1, Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.from_sigma (hpred2 :: sigma2'))) ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_ln () ;
let normal_case hpred2' =
let subs', prop1' =
L.d_increase_indent () ;
let res =
decrease_indent_when_exception (fun () ->
hpred_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 hpred2' )
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
with IMPL_EXC _ when calc_missing -> (
match is_constant_string_class subs hpred2' with
| Some (s, is_string) ->
(* allocate constant string hpred1', do implication, then add hpred1' as missing *)
let hpred1' =
if is_string then mk_constant_string_hpred s else mk_constant_class_hpred s
let prop1' =
Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.set prop1 ~sigma:(hpred1' :: prop1.Prop.sigma))
let subs', frame_prop =
hpred_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1' sigma2 hpred2'
(* ProverState.add_missing_sigma [hpred1']; *)
(subs', frame_prop)
| None ->
let subs' =
match hpred2' with
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e2, se2, te2) ->
let typ2 = Exp.texp_to_typ (Some StdTyp.void) te2 in
sexp_imply_nolhs tenv e2 calc_missing subs se2 typ2
| _ ->
ProverState.add_missing_sigma [hpred2'] ;
(subs', prop1) )
L.d_increase_indent () ;
let res =
decrease_indent_when_exception (fun () ->
sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs' prop1' sigma2' )
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
match hpred2 with
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e2_, se2, t) ->
let changed, calc_index_frame', hpred2' =
expand_hpred_pointer tenv calc_index_frame
(Predicates.Hpointsto (Prop.exp_normalize_noabs tenv (snd subs) e2_, se2, t))
if changed then
sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame' calc_missing subs prop1 (hpred2' :: sigma2')
(* calc_index_frame=true *)
else normal_case hpred2'
| _ ->
normal_case hpred2 )
with IMPL_EXC (s, _, _) when calc_missing ->
L.d_printfln "Adding rhs as missing: %s" s ;
ProverState.add_missing_sigma sigma2 ;
(subs, prop1)
let prepare_prop_for_implication tenv (_, sub2) pi1 sigma1 =
let pi1' = Prop.pi_sub sub2 (ProverState.get_missing_pi ()) @ pi1 in
let sigma1' = Prop.sigma_sub sub2 (ProverState.get_missing_sigma ()) @ sigma1 in
let ep = Prop.set Prop.prop_emp ~sub:sub2 ~sigma:sigma1' ~pi:pi1' in
Prop.normalize tenv ep
let imply_pi tenv calc_missing (sub1, sub2) prop pi2 =
let do_atom a =
let a' = Predicates.atom_sub sub2 a in
if not (check_atom tenv prop a') then
raise (IMPL_EXC ("rhs atom missing in lhs", (sub1, sub2), EXC_FALSE_ATOM a'))
with IMPL_EXC _ when calc_missing ->
L.d_str "imply_pi: adding missing atom " ;
Predicates.d_atom a ;
L.d_ln () ;
ProverState.add_missing_pi a
List.iter ~f:do_atom pi2
let imply_atom tenv calc_missing (sub1, sub2) prop a =
imply_pi tenv calc_missing (sub1, sub2) prop [a]
(** Check pure implications before looking at the spatial part. Add necessary instantiations for
equalities and check that instantiations are possible for disequalities. *)
let rec pre_check_pure_implication tenv calc_missing (subs : subst2) pi1 pi2 =
match pi2 with
| [] ->
| (Predicates.Aeq (e2_in, f2_in) as a) :: pi2' when not (Prop.atom_is_inequality a) -> (
let e2, f2 = (Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e2_in, Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) f2_in) in
if Exp.equal e2 f2 then pre_check_pure_implication tenv calc_missing subs pi1 pi2'
match (e2, f2) with
| Exp.Var v2, f2 when Ident.is_primed v2 (* && not (Predicates.mem_sub v2 (snd subs)) *) ->
(* The commented-out condition should always hold. *)
let sub2' = extend_sub (snd subs) v2 f2 in
pre_check_pure_implication tenv calc_missing (fst subs, sub2') pi1 pi2'
| e2, Exp.Var v2 when Ident.is_primed v2 (* && not (Predicates.mem_sub v2 (snd subs)) *) ->
(* The commented-out condition should always hold. *)
let sub2' = extend_sub (snd subs) v2 e2 in
pre_check_pure_implication tenv calc_missing (fst subs, sub2') pi1 pi2'
| _ ->
let pi1' = Prop.pi_sub (fst subs) pi1 in
let prop_for_impl = prepare_prop_for_implication tenv subs pi1' [] in
imply_atom tenv calc_missing subs prop_for_impl (Predicates.Aeq (e2_in, f2_in)) ;
pre_check_pure_implication tenv calc_missing subs pi1 pi2' )
| (Predicates.Aneq (e, _) | Apred (_, e :: _) | Anpred (_, e :: _)) :: _
when (not calc_missing) && match e with Var v -> not (Ident.is_primed v) | _ -> true ->
( "ineq e2=f2 in rhs with e2 not primed var"
, (Predicates.sub_empty, Predicates.sub_empty)
| (Predicates.Aeq _ | Aneq _ | Apred _ | Anpred _) :: pi2' ->
pre_check_pure_implication tenv calc_missing subs pi1 pi2'
(** Perform the array bound checks delayed (to instantiate variables) by the prover. If there is a
provable violation of the array bounds, set the prover status to Bounds_check and make the proof
fail. *)
let check_array_bounds tenv (sub1, sub2) prop =
let check_failed atom =
ProverState.checks := Bounds_check :: !ProverState.checks ;
L.d_str ~color:Red "bounds_check failed: provable atom: " ;
Predicates.d_atom atom ;
L.d_ln () ;
if not Config.bound_error_allowed_in_procedure_call then
raise (IMPL_EXC ("bounds check", (sub1, sub2), EXC_FALSE))
let fail_if_le e' e'' =
let lt_ineq = Prop.mk_inequality tenv (Exp.BinOp (Binop.Le, e', e'')) in
if check_atom tenv prop lt_ineq then check_failed lt_ineq
let check_bound = function
| ProverState.BClen_imply (len1_, len2_, _indices2) ->
let len1 = Predicates.exp_sub sub1 len1_ in
let len2 = Predicates.exp_sub sub2 len2_ in
(* L.d_strln ~color:Orange "check_bound ";
Exp.d_exp len1; L.d_str " "; Exp.d_exp len2; L.d_ln(); *)
let indices_to_check =
[Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, len2, Exp.minus_one)]
(* only check len *)
List.iter ~f:(fail_if_le len1) indices_to_check
| ProverState.BCfrom_pre atom_ ->
let atom_neg = atom_negate tenv (Predicates.atom_sub sub2 atom_) in
(* L.d_strln ~color:Orange "BCFrom_pre"; Predicates.d_atom atom_neg; L.d_ln (); *)
if check_atom tenv prop atom_neg then check_failed atom_neg
List.iter ~f:check_bound (ProverState.get_bounds_checks ())
(** [check_implication_base] returns true if [prop1|-prop2], ignoring the footprint part of the
props *)
let check_implication_base {InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; err_log; tenv} check_frame_empty
calc_missing prop1 prop2 =
ProverState.reset prop1 prop2 ;
let filter (id, e) =
Ident.is_normal id && Exp.free_vars e |> Sequence.for_all ~f:Ident.is_normal
let sub1_base = Predicates.sub_filter_pair ~f:filter prop1.Prop.sub in
let pi1, pi2 = (Prop.get_pure prop1, Prop.get_pure prop2) in
let sigma1, sigma2 = (prop1.Prop.sigma, prop2.Prop.sigma) in
let subs = pre_check_pure_implication tenv calc_missing (prop1.Prop.sub, sub1_base) pi1 pi2 in
let pi2_bcheck, pi2_nobcheck =
(* find bounds checks implicit in pi2 *)
List.partition_tf ~f:ProverState.atom_is_array_bounds_check pi2
List.iter ~f:(fun a -> ProverState.add_bounds_check (ProverState.BCfrom_pre a)) pi2_bcheck ;
L.d_strln "pre_check_pure_implication" ;
L.d_strln "pi1:" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
Prop.d_pi pi1 ;
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "pi2:" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
Prop.d_pi pi2 ;
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
L.d_ln () ;
if not (List.is_empty pi2_bcheck) then (
L.d_str "pi2 bounds checks: " ;
Prop.d_pi pi2_bcheck ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
L.d_strln "returns" ;
L.d_strln "sub1:" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
Prop.d_sub (fst subs) ;
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "sub2:" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
Prop.d_sub (snd subs) ;
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
L.d_ln () ;
let (sub1, sub2), frame_prop = sigma_imply tenv false calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 in
let pi1' = Prop.pi_sub sub1 pi1 in
let sigma1' = Prop.sigma_sub sub1 sigma1 in
L.d_ln () ;
let prop_for_impl = prepare_prop_for_implication tenv (sub1, sub2) pi1' sigma1' in
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
(* only deal with pi2 without bound checks *)
imply_pi tenv calc_missing (sub1, sub2) prop_for_impl pi2_nobcheck ;
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
(* handle implicit bound checks, plus those from array_len_imply *)
check_array_bounds tenv (sub1, sub2) prop_for_impl ;
L.d_strln "Result of Abduction" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
d_impl (sub1, sub2) (prop1, prop2) ;
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "returning TRUE" ;
let frame = frame_prop.Prop.sigma in
if check_frame_empty && not (List.is_empty frame) then
raise (IMPL_EXC ("frame not empty", subs, EXC_FALSE)) ;
Some ((sub1, sub2), frame)
| IMPL_EXC (s, subs, body) ->
d_impl_err (s, subs, body) ;
L.d_printfln "WARNING: footprint failed to find MISSING because: %s" s ;
| Exceptions.Abduction_case_not_implemented _ as exn ->
BiabductionReporting.log_issue_deprecated_using_state proc_desc err_log exn ;
type implication_result =
| ImplOK of
( check list
* Predicates.subst
* Predicates.subst
* Predicates.hpred list
* Predicates.atom list
* Predicates.hpred list
* Predicates.hpred list
* Predicates.hpred list
* (Exp.t * Exp.t) list
* (Exp.t * Exp.t) list )
| ImplFail of check list
(** [check_implication_for_footprint p1 p2] returns [Some(sub, frame, missing)] if
[sub(p1 * missing) |- sub(p2 * frame)] where [sub] is a substitution which instantiates the
primed vars of [p1] and [p2], which are assumed to be disjoint. *)
let check_implication_for_footprint analysis_data p1 (p2 : Prop.exposed Prop.t) =
let check_frame_empty = false in
let calc_missing = true in
match check_implication_base analysis_data check_frame_empty calc_missing p1 p2 with
| Some ((sub1, sub2), frame) ->
( !ProverState.checks
, sub1
, sub2
, frame
, ProverState.get_missing_pi ()
, ProverState.get_missing_sigma ()
, ProverState.get_frame_fld ()
, ProverState.get_missing_fld ()
, ProverState.get_frame_typ ()
, ProverState.get_missing_typ () )
| None ->
ImplFail !ProverState.checks
(** [check_implication p1 p2] returns true if [p1|-p2] *)
let check_implication ({InterproceduralAnalysis.tenv; _} as analysis_data) p1 p2 =
let check p1 p2 =
let check_frame_empty = true in
let calc_missing = false in
match check_implication_base analysis_data check_frame_empty calc_missing p1 p2 with
| Some _ ->
| None ->
check p1 p2
if !BiabductionConfig.footprint then
check (Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.extract_footprint p1)) (Prop.extract_footprint p2)
else true
(** {2 Cover: miminum set of pi's whose disjunction is equivalent to true} *)
(** check if the pi's in [cases] cover true *)
let is_cover tenv cases =
let cnt = ref 0 in
(* counter for timeout checks, as this function can take exponential time *)
let check () =
incr cnt ;
if Int.equal (!cnt mod 100) 0 then SymOp.check_wallclock_alarm ()
let rec is_cover_ acc_pi cases =
check () ;
match cases with
| [] ->
check_inconsistency_pi tenv acc_pi
| (pi, _) :: cases' ->
List.for_all ~f:(fun a -> is_cover_ (atom_negate tenv a :: acc_pi) cases') pi
is_cover_ [] cases
exception NO_COVER
(** Find miminum set of pi's in [cases] whose disjunction covers true *)
let find_minimum_pure_cover tenv cases =
let cases =
let compare (pi1, _) (pi2, _) = Int.compare (List.length pi1) (List.length pi2) in
List.sort ~compare cases
let rec grow seen todo =
match todo with
| [] ->
raise NO_COVER
| (pi, x) :: todo' ->
if is_cover tenv ((pi, x) :: seen) then (pi, x) :: seen else grow ((pi, x) :: seen) todo'
let rec shrink_ seen todo =
match todo with
| [] ->
| (pi, x) :: todo' ->
if is_cover tenv (seen @ todo') then shrink_ seen todo' else shrink_ ((pi, x) :: seen) todo'
let shrink cases = if List.length cases > 2 then shrink_ [] cases else cases in
try Some (shrink (grow [] cases)) with NO_COVER -> None