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* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(** Functions for Propositions (i.e., Symbolic Heaps) *)
module L = Logging
module F = Format
let decrease_indent_when_exception thunk =
try thunk ()
with exn when SymOp.exn_not_failure exn ->
IExn.reraise_after exn ~f:(fun () -> L.d_decrease_indent ())
let compute_max_from_nonempty_int_list l = uw (List.max_elt ~compare:IntLit.compare_value l)
let compute_min_from_nonempty_int_list l = uw (List.min_elt ~compare:IntLit.compare_value l)
let rec list_rev_acc acc = function [] -> acc | x :: l -> list_rev_acc (x :: acc) l
let rec remove_redundancy have_same_key acc = function
| [] ->
List.rev acc
| [x] ->
List.rev (x :: acc)
| x :: (y :: l' as l) ->
if have_same_key x y then remove_redundancy have_same_key acc (x :: l')
else remove_redundancy have_same_key (x :: acc) l
let rec is_java_class tenv (typ : Typ.t) =
match typ.desc with
| Tstruct name ->
Typ.Name.Java.is_class name
| Tarray {elt= inner_typ} | Tptr (inner_typ, _) ->
is_java_class tenv inner_typ
| _ ->
(** Negate an atom *)
let atom_negate tenv (atom : Predicates.atom) : Predicates.atom =
match atom with
| Aeq (BinOp (Le, e1, e2), Const (Cint i)) when IntLit.isone i ->
Prop.mk_inequality tenv ( e2 e1)
| Aeq (BinOp (Lt, e1, e2), Const (Cint i)) when IntLit.isone i ->
Prop.mk_inequality tenv (Exp.le e2 e1)
| Aeq (e1, e2) ->
Aneq (e1, e2)
| Aneq (e1, e2) ->
Aeq (e1, e2)
| Apred (a, es) ->
Anpred (a, es)
| Anpred (a, es) ->
Apred (a, es)
(** {2 Ordinary Theorem Proving} *)
let ( ++ ) = IntLit.add
let ( -- ) = IntLit.sub
(** Reasoning about constraints of the form x-y <= n *)
module DiffConstr : sig
type t
val to_leq : t -> Exp.t * Exp.t
val to_lt : t -> Exp.t * Exp.t
val to_triple : t -> Exp.t * Exp.t * IntLit.t
val from_leq : t list -> Exp.t * Exp.t -> t list
val from_lt : t list -> Exp.t * Exp.t -> t list
val saturate : t list -> bool * t list
end = struct
type t = Exp.t * Exp.t * IntLit.t [@@deriving compare]
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
let to_leq (e1, e2, n) = (Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA None, e1, e2), n)
let to_lt (e1, e2, n) =
( ( -- n --, Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA None, e2, e1))
let to_triple entry = entry
let from_leq acc (e1, e2) =
match (e1, e2) with
| ( Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA _, (Exp.Var id11 as e11), (Exp.Var id12 as e12))
, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n) )
when not (Ident.equal id11 id12) -> (
match IntLit.to_signed n with
| None ->
acc (* ignore: constraint algorithm only terminates on signed integers *)
| Some n' ->
(e11, e12, n') :: acc )
| _ ->
let from_lt acc (e1, e2) =
match (e1, e2) with
| ( Exp.Const (Const.Cint n)
, Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA _, (Exp.Var id21 as e21), (Exp.Var id22 as e22)) )
when not (Ident.equal id21 id22) -> (
match IntLit.to_signed n with
| None ->
acc (* ignore: constraint algorithm only terminates on signed integers *)
| Some n' ->
let m = -- n' -- in
(e22, e21, m) :: acc )
| _ ->
let rec generate ((e1, e2, n) as constr) acc = function
| [] ->
(false, acc)
| (f1, f2, m) :: rest ->
let equal_e2_f1 = Exp.equal e2 f1 in
let equal_e1_f2 = Exp.equal e1 f2 in
if equal_e2_f1 && equal_e1_f2 && (n ++ m) then (true, [])
(* constraints are inconsistent *)
else if equal_e2_f1 && equal_e1_f2 then generate constr acc rest
else if equal_e2_f1 then
let constr_new = (e1, f2, n ++ m) in
generate constr (constr_new :: acc) rest
else if equal_e1_f2 then
let constr_new = (f1, e2, m ++ n) in
generate constr (constr_new :: acc) rest
else generate constr acc rest
let sort_then_remove_redundancy constraints =
let constraints_sorted = List.sort ~compare constraints in
let have_same_key (e1, e2, _) (f1, f2, _) = [%compare.equal: Exp.t * Exp.t] (e1, e2) (f1, f2) in
remove_redundancy have_same_key [] constraints_sorted
let remove_redundancy constraints =
let constraints' = sort_then_remove_redundancy constraints in
List.filter ~f:(fun entry -> List.exists ~f:(equal entry) constraints') constraints
let rec combine acc_todos acc_seen constraints_new constraints_old =
match (constraints_new, constraints_old) with
| [], [] ->
(List.rev acc_todos, List.rev acc_seen)
| [], _ ->
(List.rev acc_todos, list_rev_acc constraints_old acc_seen)
| _, [] ->
(list_rev_acc constraints_new acc_todos, list_rev_acc constraints_new acc_seen)
| constr :: rest, constr' :: rest' ->
let e1, e2, n = constr in
let f1, f2, m = constr' in
let c1 = [%compare: Exp.t * Exp.t] (e1, e2) (f1, f2) in
if Int.equal c1 0 && n m then combine acc_todos acc_seen constraints_new rest'
else if Int.equal c1 0 then combine acc_todos acc_seen rest constraints_old
else if c1 < 0 then combine (constr :: acc_todos) (constr :: acc_seen) rest constraints_old
else combine acc_todos (constr' :: acc_seen) constraints_new rest'
let rec saturate_ seen todos =
(* seen is a superset of todos. "seen" is sorted and doesn't have redundancy. *)
match todos with
| [] ->
(false, seen)
| constr :: rest ->
let inconsistent, constraints_new = generate constr [] seen in
if inconsistent then (true, [])
let constraints_new' = sort_then_remove_redundancy constraints_new in
let todos_new, seen_new = combine [] [] constraints_new' seen in
(* Important to use queue here. Otherwise, might diverge *)
let rest_new = remove_redundancy (rest @ todos_new) in
let seen_new' = sort_then_remove_redundancy seen_new in
saturate_ seen_new' rest_new
let saturate constraints =
let constraints_cleaned = sort_then_remove_redundancy constraints in
saturate_ constraints_cleaned constraints_cleaned
(** Return true if the two types have sizes which can be compared *)
let type_size_comparable t1 t2 =
match (t1.Typ.desc, t2.Typ.desc) with Typ.Tint _, Typ.Tint _ -> true | _ -> false
(** Compare the size of comparable types *)
let type_size_compare t1 t2 =
let ik_compare ik1 ik2 =
let ik_size = function
| Typ.IChar | Typ.ISChar | Typ.IUChar | Typ.IBool ->
| Typ.IShort | Typ.IUShort ->
| Typ.IInt | Typ.IUInt ->
| Typ.ILong | Typ.IULong ->
| Typ.ILongLong | Typ.IULongLong ->
| Typ.I128 | Typ.IU128 ->
let n1 = ik_size ik1 in
let n2 = ik_size ik2 in
n1 - n2
match (t1.Typ.desc, t2.Typ.desc) with
| Typ.Tint ik1, Typ.Tint ik2 ->
Some (ik_compare ik1 ik2)
| _ ->
(** Check < on the size of comparable types *)
let check_type_size_lt t1 t2 = match type_size_compare t1 t2 with None -> false | Some n -> n < 0
(** Reasoning about inequalities *)
module Inequalities : sig
(** type for inequalities (and implied disequalities) *)
type t
val from_prop : Tenv.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> t
(** Extract inequalities and disequalities from [prop] *)
val check_ne : t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> bool
(** Check [t |- e1!=e2]. Result [false] means "don't know". *)
val check_le : t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> bool
(** Check [t |- e1<=e2]. Result [false] means "don't know". *)
val check_lt : t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> bool
(** Check [t |- e1<e2]. Result [false] means "don't know". *)
val compute_upper_bound : t -> Exp.t -> IntLit.t option
(** Find a IntLit.t n such that [t |- e<=n] if possible. *)
val compute_lower_bound : t -> Exp.t -> IntLit.t option
(** Find a IntLit.t n such that [t |- n<e] if possible. *)
val inconsistent : t -> bool
(** Return [true] if a simple inconsistency is detected *)
end = struct
type t =
{ mutable leqs: (Exp.t * Exp.t) list (** le fasts [e1 <= e2] *)
; mutable lts: (Exp.t * Exp.t) list (** lt facts [e1 < e2] *)
; mutable neqs: (Exp.t * Exp.t) list (** ne facts [e1 != e2] *) }
let inconsistent_ineq = {leqs= [(,]; lts= []; neqs= []}
let leq_compare (e1, e2) (f1, f2) =
let c1 = e1 f1 in
if c1 <> 0 then c1 else e2 f2
let lt_compare (e1, e2) (f1, f2) =
let c2 = e2 f2 in
if c2 <> 0 then c2 else e1 f1
let leqs_sort_then_remove_redundancy leqs =
let leqs_sorted = List.sort ~compare:leq_compare leqs in
let have_same_key leq1 leq2 =
match (leq1, leq2) with
| (e1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1)), (e2, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n2)) ->
Exp.equal e1 e2 && IntLit.leq n1 n2
| _, _ ->
remove_redundancy have_same_key [] leqs_sorted
let lts_sort_then_remove_redundancy lts =
let lts_sorted = List.sort ~compare:lt_compare lts in
let have_same_key lt1 lt2 =
match (lt1, lt2) with
| (Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1), e1), (Exp.Const (Const.Cint n2), e2) ->
Exp.equal e1 e2 && IntLit.geq n1 n2
| _, _ ->
remove_redundancy have_same_key [] lts_sorted
let saturate {leqs; lts; neqs} =
let diff_constraints1 =
List.fold ~f:DiffConstr.from_lt ~init:(List.fold ~f:DiffConstr.from_leq ~init:[] leqs) lts
let inconsistent, diff_constraints2 = DiffConstr.saturate diff_constraints1 in
if inconsistent then inconsistent_ineq
let umap_add umap e new_upper =
let old_upper = Exp.Map.find e umap in
if IntLit.leq old_upper new_upper then umap else Exp.Map.add e new_upper umap
with Caml.Not_found -> Exp.Map.add e new_upper umap
let lmap_add lmap e new_lower =
let old_lower = Exp.Map.find e lmap in
if IntLit.geq old_lower new_lower then lmap else Exp.Map.add e new_lower lmap
with Caml.Not_found -> Exp.Map.add e new_lower lmap
let rec umap_create_from_leqs umap = function
| [] ->
| (e1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint upper1)) :: leqs_rest ->
let umap' = umap_add umap e1 upper1 in
umap_create_from_leqs umap' leqs_rest
| _ :: leqs_rest ->
umap_create_from_leqs umap leqs_rest
let rec lmap_create_from_lts lmap = function
| [] ->
| (Exp.Const (Const.Cint lower1), e1) :: lts_rest ->
let lmap' = lmap_add lmap e1 lower1 in
lmap_create_from_lts lmap' lts_rest
| _ :: lts_rest ->
lmap_create_from_lts lmap lts_rest
let rec umap_improve_by_difference_constraints umap = function
| [] ->
| constr :: constrs_rest -> (
let e1, e2, n = DiffConstr.to_triple constr (* e1 - e2 <= n *) in
let upper2 = Exp.Map.find e2 umap in
let new_upper1 = upper2 ++ n in
let new_umap = umap_add umap e1 new_upper1 in
umap_improve_by_difference_constraints new_umap constrs_rest
with Caml.Not_found -> umap_improve_by_difference_constraints umap constrs_rest )
let rec lmap_improve_by_difference_constraints lmap = function
| [] ->
| constr :: constrs_rest -> (
(* e2 - e1 > -n-1 *)
let e1, e2, n = DiffConstr.to_triple constr (* e2 - e1 > -n-1 *) in
let lower1 = Exp.Map.find e1 lmap in
let new_lower2 = lower1 -- n -- in
let new_lmap = lmap_add lmap e2 new_lower2 in
lmap_improve_by_difference_constraints new_lmap constrs_rest
with Caml.Not_found -> lmap_improve_by_difference_constraints lmap constrs_rest )
let leqs_res =
let umap = umap_create_from_leqs Exp.Map.empty leqs in
let umap' = umap_improve_by_difference_constraints umap diff_constraints2 in
let leqs' =
Exp.Map.fold (fun e upper acc_leqs -> (e, upper) :: acc_leqs) umap' []
let leqs'' = ~f:DiffConstr.to_leq diff_constraints2 @ leqs' in
leqs_sort_then_remove_redundancy leqs''
let lts_res =
let lmap = lmap_create_from_lts Exp.Map.empty lts in
let lmap' = lmap_improve_by_difference_constraints lmap diff_constraints2 in
let lts' = Exp.Map.fold (fun e lower acc_lts -> ( lower, e) :: acc_lts) lmap' [] in
let lts'' = ~f:DiffConstr.to_lt diff_constraints2 @ lts' in
lts_sort_then_remove_redundancy lts''
{leqs= leqs_res; lts= lts_res; neqs}
(** Extract inequalities and disequalities from [pi] *)
let from_pi pi =
let leqs = ref [] in
(* <= facts *)
let lts = ref [] in
(* < facts *)
let neqs = ref [] in
(* != facts *)
let process_atom (atom : Predicates.atom) =
match atom with
| Aneq (e1, e2) ->
(* != *)
neqs := (e1, e2) :: !neqs
| Aeq (BinOp (Le, e1, e2), Const (Cint i)) when IntLit.isone i ->
leqs := (e1, e2) :: !leqs (* <= *)
| Aeq (BinOp (Lt, e1, e2), Const (Cint i)) when IntLit.isone i ->
lts := (e1, e2) :: !lts (* < *)
| Aeq _ | Apred _ | Anpred _ ->
List.iter ~f:process_atom pi ;
saturate {leqs= !leqs; lts= !lts; neqs= !neqs}
(** Extract inequalities and disequalities from [sigma] *)
let from_sigma tenv sigma =
let lookup = Tenv.lookup tenv in
let leqs = ref [] in
let lts = ref [] in
let add_lt_minus1_e e = lts := (Exp.minus_one, e) :: !lts in
let type_opt_is_unsigned = function
| Some {Typ.desc= Tint ik} ->
Typ.ikind_is_unsigned ik
| _ ->
let type_of_texp = function Exp.Sizeof {typ} -> Some typ | _ -> None in
let texp_is_unsigned texp = type_opt_is_unsigned @@ type_of_texp texp in
let strexp_lt_minus1 = function Predicates.Eexp (e, _) -> add_lt_minus1_e e | _ -> () in
let rec strexp_extract = function
| Predicates.Eexp (e, _), t ->
if type_opt_is_unsigned t then add_lt_minus1_e e
| Predicates.Estruct (fsel, _), t ->
let get_field_type f =
Option.bind t ~f:(fun t' -> ~f:fst @@ Struct.get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup f t' )
List.iter ~f:(fun (f, se) -> strexp_extract (se, get_field_type f)) fsel
| Predicates.Earray (len, isel, _), t ->
let elt_t = match t with Some {Typ.desc= Tarray {elt}} -> Some elt | _ -> None in
add_lt_minus1_e len ;
~f:(fun (idx, se) ->
add_lt_minus1_e idx ;
strexp_extract (se, elt_t) )
let hpred_extract = function
| Predicates.Hpointsto (_, se, texp) ->
if texp_is_unsigned texp then strexp_lt_minus1 se ;
strexp_extract (se, type_of_texp texp)
| Predicates.Hlseg _ | Predicates.Hdllseg _ ->
List.iter ~f:hpred_extract sigma ;
saturate {leqs= !leqs; lts= !lts; neqs= []}
(** Join two sets of inequalities *)
let join ineq1 ineq2 =
let leqs_new = ineq1.leqs @ ineq2.leqs in
let lts_new = ineq1.lts @ ineq2.lts in
let neqs_new = ineq1.neqs @ ineq2.neqs in
saturate {leqs= leqs_new; lts= lts_new; neqs= neqs_new}
let from_prop tenv prop =
let sigma = prop.Prop.sigma in
let pi = prop.Prop.pi in
let ineq_sigma = from_sigma tenv sigma in
let ineq_pi = from_pi pi in
saturate (join ineq_sigma ineq_pi)
(** Return true if the two pairs of expressions are equal *)
let exp_pair_eq (e1, e2) (f1, f2) = Exp.equal e1 f1 && Exp.equal e2 f2
(** Check [t |- e1<=e2]. Result [false] means "don't know". *)
let check_le {leqs; lts; neqs= _} e1 e2 =
(* L.d_str "check_le "; Predicates.d_exp e1; L.d_str " "; Predicates.d_exp e2; L.d_ln (); *)
match (e1, e2) with
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1), Exp.Const (Const.Cint n2) ->
IntLit.leq n1 n2
| ( Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA _, Exp.Sizeof {nbytes= Some nb1}, Exp.Sizeof {nbytes= Some nb2})
, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n2) ) ->
(* [ sizeof(t1) - sizeof(t2) <= n2 ] *)
IntLit.(leq (sub (of_int nb1) (of_int nb2)) n2)
| ( Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA _, Exp.Sizeof {typ= t1}, Exp.Sizeof {typ= t2})
, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n2) )
when IntLit.isminusone n2 && type_size_comparable t1 t2 ->
(* [ sizeof(t1) - sizeof(t2) <= -1 ] *)
check_type_size_lt t1 t2
| e, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n) ->
(* [e <= n' <= n |- e <= n] *)
| e', Exp.Const (Const.Cint n') -> Exp.equal e e' && IntLit.leq n' n | _, _ -> false )
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n), e ->
(* [ n-1 <= n' < e |- n <= e] *)
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n'), e' ->
Exp.equal e e' && IntLit.leq (n -- n'
| _, _ ->
false )
| _ ->
Exp.equal e1 e2
(** Check [prop |- e1<e2]. Result [false] means "don't know". *)
let check_lt {leqs; lts; neqs= _} e1 e2 =
(* L.d_str "check_lt "; Predicates.d_exp e1; L.d_str " "; Predicates.d_exp e2; L.d_ln (); *)
match (e1, e2) with
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1), Exp.Const (Const.Cint n2) -> n1 n2
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n), e ->
(* [n <= n' < e |- n < e] *)
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n'), e' -> Exp.equal e e' && IntLit.leq n n' | _, _ -> false )
| e, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n) ->
(* [e <= n' <= n-1 |- e < n] *)
| e', Exp.Const (Const.Cint n') ->
Exp.equal e e' && IntLit.leq n' (n --
| _, _ ->
false )
| _ ->
(** Check [prop |- e1!=e2]. Result [false] means "don't know". *)
let check_ne ineq e1_ e2_ =
let e1, e2 = if e1_ e2_ <= 0 then (e1_, e2_) else (e2_, e1_) in
List.exists ~f:(exp_pair_eq (e1, e2)) ineq.neqs || check_lt ineq e1 e2 || check_lt ineq e2 e1
(** Find a IntLit.t n such that [t |- e<=n] if possible. *)
let compute_upper_bound {leqs; lts= _; neqs= _} e1 =
match e1 with
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1) ->
Some n1
| _ ->
let e_upper_list =
~f:(function e', Exp.Const (Const.Cint _) -> Exp.equal e1 e' | _, _ -> false)
let upper_list = ~f:(function _, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n) -> n | _ -> assert false) e_upper_list
if List.is_empty upper_list then None
else Some (compute_min_from_nonempty_int_list upper_list)
(** Find a IntLit.t n such that [t |- n < e] if possible. *)
let compute_lower_bound {leqs= _; lts; neqs= _} e1 =
match e1 with
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1) ->
Some (n1 --
| Exp.Sizeof {nbytes= Some n1} ->
Some (IntLit.of_int n1 --
| Exp.Sizeof _ ->
| _ ->
let e_lower_list =
~f:(function Exp.Const (Const.Cint _), e' -> Exp.equal e1 e' | _, _ -> false)
let lower_list = ~f:(function Exp.Const (Const.Cint n), _ -> n | _ -> assert false) e_lower_list
if List.is_empty lower_list then None
else Some (compute_max_from_nonempty_int_list lower_list)
(** Return [true] if a simple inconsistency is detected *)
let inconsistent ({leqs; lts; neqs} as ineq) =
let inconsistent_neq (e1, e2) = check_le ineq e1 e2 && check_le ineq e2 e1 in
let inconsistent_leq (e1, e2) = check_lt ineq e2 e1 in
let inconsistent_lt (e1, e2) = check_le ineq e2 e1 in
List.exists ~f:inconsistent_neq neqs
|| List.exists ~f:inconsistent_leq leqs
|| List.exists ~f:inconsistent_lt lts
(* End of module Inequalities *)
(** Check [prop |- e1=e2]. Result [false] means "don't know". *)
let check_equal tenv prop e1_0 e2_0 =
let n_e1 = Prop.exp_normalize_prop ~destructive:true tenv prop e1_0 in
let n_e2 = Prop.exp_normalize_prop ~destructive:true tenv prop e2_0 in
let check_equal () = Exp.equal n_e1 n_e2 in
let check_equal_const () =
match (n_e1, n_e2) with
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint d)), e2
| e2, Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint d)) ->
if Exp.equal e1 e2 then IntLit.iszero d else false
| Exp.Const c1, Exp.Lindex (Exp.Const c2, Exp.Const (Const.Cint i)) when IntLit.iszero i ->
Const.equal c1 c2
| Exp.Lindex (Exp.Const c1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint i)), Exp.Const c2 when IntLit.iszero i ->
Const.equal c1 c2
| _, _ ->
let check_equal_pi () =
let eq = Predicates.Aeq (n_e1, n_e2) in
let n_eq = Prop.atom_normalize_prop tenv prop eq in
let pi = prop.Prop.pi in
List.exists ~f:(Predicates.equal_atom n_eq) pi
check_equal () || check_equal_const () || check_equal_pi ()
(** Check [|- e=0]. Result [false] means "don't know". *)
let check_zero tenv e = check_equal tenv Prop.prop_emp e
(** [is_root prop base_exp exp] checks whether [base_exp = exp.offlist] for some list of offsets
[offlist]. If so, it returns [Some(offlist)]. Otherwise, it returns [None]. Assumes that
[base_exp] points to the beginning of a structure, not the middle. *)
let is_root tenv prop base_exp exp =
let rec f offlist_past e =
match e with
| Exp.Var _
| Exp.Const _
| Exp.UnOp _
| Exp.BinOp _
| Exp.Exn _
| Exp.Closure _
| Exp.Lvar _
| Exp.Sizeof _ ->
if check_equal tenv prop base_exp e then Some offlist_past else None
| Exp.Cast (_, sub_exp) ->
f offlist_past sub_exp
| Exp.Lfield (sub_exp, fldname, typ) ->
f (Predicates.Off_fld (fldname, typ) :: offlist_past) sub_exp
| Exp.Lindex (sub_exp, e) ->
f (Predicates.Off_index e :: offlist_past) sub_exp
f [] exp
(** Get upper and lower bounds of an expression, if any *)
let get_bounds tenv prop e0 =
let e_norm = Prop.exp_normalize_prop ~destructive:true tenv prop e0 in
let e_root, off =
match e_norm with
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1)) ->
(e, IntLit.neg n1)
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA _, e, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1)) ->
(e, n1)
| _ ->
let ineq = Inequalities.from_prop tenv prop in
let upper_opt = Inequalities.compute_upper_bound ineq e_root in
let lower_opt = Inequalities.compute_lower_bound ineq e_root in
let ( +++ ) n_opt k = match n_opt with None -> None | Some n -> Some (n ++ k) in
(upper_opt +++ off, lower_opt +++ off)
(** Check whether [prop |- e1!=e2]. *)
let check_disequal tenv prop e1 e2 =
let spatial_part = prop.Prop.sigma in
let n_e1 = Prop.exp_normalize_prop ~destructive:true tenv prop e1 in
let n_e2 = Prop.exp_normalize_prop ~destructive:true tenv prop e2 in
let rec check_expr_disequal ce1 ce2 =
match (ce1, ce2) with
| Exp.Const c1, Exp.Const c2 ->
Const.kind_equal c1 c2 && not (Const.equal c1 c2)
| Exp.Const c1, Exp.Lindex (Exp.Const c2, Exp.Const (Const.Cint d)) ->
if IntLit.iszero d then not (Const.equal c1 c2) (* offset=0 is no offset *)
else Const.equal c1 c2 (* same base, different offsets *)
| ( Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint d1))
, Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e2, Exp.Const (Const.Cint d2)) ) ->
if Exp.equal e1 e2 then IntLit.neq d1 d2 else false
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint d)), e2
| e2, Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint d)) ->
if Exp.equal e1 e2 then not (IntLit.iszero d) else false
| Exp.Lindex (Exp.Const c1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint d)), Exp.Const c2 ->
if IntLit.iszero d then not (Const.equal c1 c2) else Const.equal c1 c2
| Exp.Lindex (Exp.Const c1, Exp.Const d1), Exp.Lindex (Exp.Const c2, Exp.Const d2) ->
Const.equal c1 c2 && not (Const.equal d1 d2)
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n), Exp.BinOp (Binop.Mult _, Exp.Sizeof _, e21)
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n), Exp.BinOp (Binop.Mult _, e21, Sizeof _)
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.Mult _, Exp.Sizeof _, e21), Exp.Const (Const.Cint n)
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.Mult _, e21, Exp.Sizeof _), Exp.Const (Const.Cint n) ->
IntLit.iszero n && not (Exp.is_zero e21)
| Exp.Lvar pv0, Exp.Lvar pv1 ->
(* Addresses of any two local vars must be different *)
not (Pvar.equal pv0 pv1)
| Exp.Lvar pv, Exp.Var id | Exp.Var id, Exp.Lvar pv ->
(* Address of any non-global var must be different from the value of any footprint var *)
(not (Pvar.is_global pv)) && Ident.is_footprint id
| Exp.Lvar _, Exp.Const (Const.Cint _) | Exp.Const (Const.Cint _), Exp.Lvar _ ->
(* Comparing pointer with nonzero integer is undefined behavior in ISO C++ *)
(* Assume they are not equal *)
| Exp.UnOp (op1, e1, _), Exp.UnOp (op2, e2, _) ->
if Unop.equal op1 op2 then check_expr_disequal e1 e2 else false
| Exp.Lfield (e1, f1, _), Exp.Lfield (e2, f2, _) ->
if Fieldname.equal f1 f2 then check_expr_disequal e1 e2 else false
| Exp.Exn e1, Exp.Exn e2 ->
check_expr_disequal e1 e2
| _, _ ->
let ineq = lazy (Inequalities.from_prop tenv prop) in
let check_pi_implies_disequal e1 e2 = Inequalities.check_ne (Lazy.force ineq) e1 e2 in
let neq_spatial_part () =
let rec f sigma_irrelevant e = function
| [] ->
| (Predicates.Hpointsto (base, _, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest -> (
match is_root tenv prop base e with
| None ->
let sigma_irrelevant' = hpred :: sigma_irrelevant in
f sigma_irrelevant' e sigma_rest
| Some _ ->
let sigma_irrelevant' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
Some (true, sigma_irrelevant') )
| (Predicates.Hlseg (k, _, e1, e2, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest -> (
match is_root tenv prop e1 e with
| None ->
let sigma_irrelevant' = hpred :: sigma_irrelevant in
f sigma_irrelevant' e sigma_rest
| Some _ ->
if Predicates.equal_lseg_kind k Lseg_NE || check_pi_implies_disequal e1 e2 then
let sigma_irrelevant' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
Some (true, sigma_irrelevant')
else if Exp.equal e2 then
let sigma_irrelevant' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
Some (false, sigma_irrelevant')
let sigma_rest' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
f [] e2 sigma_rest' )
| Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_NE, _, iF, _, _, iB, _) :: sigma_rest ->
if Option.is_some (is_root tenv prop iF e) || Option.is_some (is_root tenv prop iB e) then
let sigma_irrelevant' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
Some (true, sigma_irrelevant')
let sigma_irrelevant' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
Some (false, sigma_irrelevant')
| (Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_PE, _, iF, _, oF, _, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest -> (
match is_root tenv prop iF e with
| None ->
let sigma_irrelevant' = hpred :: sigma_irrelevant in
f sigma_irrelevant' e sigma_rest
| Some _ ->
if check_pi_implies_disequal iF oF then
let sigma_irrelevant' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
Some (true, sigma_irrelevant')
else if Exp.equal oF then
let sigma_irrelevant' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
Some (false, sigma_irrelevant')
let sigma_rest' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
f [] oF sigma_rest' )
let f_null_check sigma_irrelevant e sigma_rest =
if not (Exp.equal e then f sigma_irrelevant e sigma_rest
let sigma_irrelevant' = List.rev_append sigma_irrelevant sigma_rest in
Some (false, sigma_irrelevant')
match f_null_check [] n_e1 spatial_part with
| None ->
| Some (e1_allocated, spatial_part_leftover) -> (
match f_null_check [] n_e2 spatial_part_leftover with
| None ->
| Some ((e2_allocated : bool), _) ->
e1_allocated || e2_allocated )
let check_disequal_expr () = check_expr_disequal n_e1 n_e2 in
let neq_pure_part () = check_pi_implies_disequal n_e1 n_e2 in
check_disequal_expr () || neq_pure_part () || neq_spatial_part ()
(** Check [prop |- e1<=e2], to be called from normalized atom *)
let check_le_normalized tenv prop e1 e2 =
let eL, eR, off =
match (e1, e2) with
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA _, f1, f2), Exp.Const (Const.Cint n) ->
if Exp.equal f1 f2 then (,, n) else (f1, f2, n)
| _ ->
(e1, e2,
let ineq = Inequalities.from_prop tenv prop in
let upper_lower_check () =
let upperL_opt = Inequalities.compute_upper_bound ineq eL in
let lowerR_opt = Inequalities.compute_lower_bound ineq eR in
match (upperL_opt, lowerR_opt) with
| None, _ | _, None ->
| Some upper1, Some lower2 ->
IntLit.leq upper1 (lower2 ++ ++ off)
upper_lower_check () || Inequalities.check_le ineq e1 e2 || check_equal tenv prop e1 e2
(** Check [prop |- e1<e2], to be called from normalized atom *)
let check_lt_normalized tenv prop e1 e2 =
let ineq = Inequalities.from_prop tenv prop in
let upper_lower_check () =
let upper1_opt = Inequalities.compute_upper_bound ineq e1 in
let lower2_opt = Inequalities.compute_lower_bound ineq e2 in
match (upper1_opt, lower2_opt) with
| None, _ | _, None ->
| Some upper1, Some lower2 ->
IntLit.leq upper1 lower2
upper_lower_check () || Inequalities.check_lt ineq e1 e2
(** Given an atom and a proposition returns a unique identifier. We use this to distinguish among
different queries. *)
let get_smt_key a p =
let tmp_filename = Filename.temp_file "smt_query" ".cns" in
let outc_tmp = Out_channel.create tmp_filename in
let fmt_tmp = F.formatter_of_out_channel outc_tmp in
let () = F.fprintf fmt_tmp "%a%a" (Predicates.pp_atom Pp.text) a (Prop.pp_prop Pp.text) p in
Out_channel.close outc_tmp ;
Caml.Digest.to_hex (Caml.Digest.file tmp_filename)
(** Check whether [prop |- a]. False means dont know. *)
let check_atom tenv prop a0 =
let a = Prop.atom_normalize_prop tenv prop a0 in
let prop_no_fp = Prop.set prop ~pi_fp:[] ~sigma_fp:[] in
if Config.smt_output then (
let key = get_smt_key a prop_no_fp in
let key_filename =
let source = (AnalysisState.get_loc_exn ()).file in
DB.Results_dir.path_to_filename (DB.Results_dir.Abs_source_dir source) [key ^ ".cns"]
let outc = Out_channel.create (DB.filename_to_string key_filename) in
let fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel outc in
L.d_printfln "ID: %s" key ;
L.d_str "CHECK_ATOM_BOUND: " ;
Predicates.d_atom a ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "WHERE:" ;
Prop.d_prop prop_no_fp ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_ln () ;
F.fprintf fmt "ID: %s @\nCHECK_ATOM_BOUND: %a@\nWHERE:@\n%a" key (Predicates.pp_atom Pp.text) a
(Prop.pp_prop Pp.text) prop_no_fp ;
Out_channel.close outc ) ;
match (a : Predicates.atom) with
| Aeq (BinOp (Le, e1, e2), Const (Cint i)) when IntLit.isone i ->
check_le_normalized tenv prop e1 e2
| Aeq (BinOp (Lt, e1, e2), Const (Cint i)) when IntLit.isone i ->
check_lt_normalized tenv prop e1 e2
| Aeq (e1, e2) ->
check_equal tenv prop e1 e2
| Aneq (e1, e2) ->
check_disequal tenv prop e1 e2
| Apred _ | Anpred _ ->
List.exists ~f:(Predicates.equal_atom a) prop.Prop.pi
(** Check whether [prop |- allocated(e)]. *)
let check_allocatedness tenv prop e =
let n_e = Prop.exp_normalize_prop ~destructive:true tenv prop e in
let spatial_part = prop.Prop.sigma in
let f = function
| Predicates.Hpointsto (base, _, _) ->
Option.is_some (is_root tenv prop base n_e)
| Predicates.Hlseg (k, _, e1, e2, _) ->
if Predicates.equal_lseg_kind k Lseg_NE || check_disequal tenv prop e1 e2 then
Option.is_some (is_root tenv prop e1 n_e)
else false
| Predicates.Hdllseg (k, _, iF, oB, oF, iB, _) ->
Predicates.equal_lseg_kind k Lseg_NE
|| check_disequal tenv prop iF oF || check_disequal tenv prop iB oB
then Option.is_some (is_root tenv prop iF n_e) || Option.is_some (is_root tenv prop iB n_e)
else false
List.exists ~f spatial_part
(** Check if two hpreds have the same allocated lhs *)
let check_inconsistency_two_hpreds tenv prop =
let sigma = prop.Prop.sigma in
let rec f e sigma_seen = function
| [] ->
| (Predicates.Hpointsto (e1, _, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_NE, _, e1, _, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest ->
if Exp.equal e1 e then true else f e (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_NE, _, iF, _, _, iB, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest ->
if Exp.equal iF e || Exp.equal iB e then true else f e (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_PE, _, e1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint i), _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest
when IntLit.iszero i ->
if Exp.equal e1 e then true else f e (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_PE, _, e1, e2, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest ->
if Exp.equal e1 e then
let prop' = Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.from_sigma (sigma_seen @ sigma_rest)) in
let prop_new = Prop.conjoin_eq tenv e1 e2 prop' in
let sigma_new = prop_new.Prop.sigma in
let e_new = Prop.exp_normalize_prop ~destructive:true tenv prop_new e in
f e_new [] sigma_new
else f e (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_PE, _, e1, _, Exp.Const (Const.Cint i), _, _) as hpred)
:: sigma_rest
when IntLit.iszero i ->
if Exp.equal e1 e then true else f e (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_PE, _, e1, _, e3, _, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest ->
if Exp.equal e1 e then
let prop' = Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.from_sigma (sigma_seen @ sigma_rest)) in
let prop_new = Prop.conjoin_eq tenv e1 e3 prop' in
let sigma_new = prop_new.Prop.sigma in
let e_new = Prop.exp_normalize_prop ~destructive:true tenv prop_new e in
f e_new [] sigma_new
else f e (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
let rec check sigma_seen = function
| [] ->
| (Predicates.Hpointsto (e1, _, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_NE, _, e1, _, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest ->
if f e1 [] (sigma_seen @ sigma_rest) then true else check (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_NE, _, iF, _, _, iB, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest ->
if f iF [] (sigma_seen @ sigma_rest) || f iB [] (sigma_seen @ sigma_rest) then true
else check (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_PE, _, _, _, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest
| (Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_PE, _, _, _, _, _, _) as hpred) :: sigma_rest ->
check (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
check [] sigma
(** Inconsistency checking ignoring footprint. *)
let check_inconsistency_base tenv prop =
let pi = prop.Prop.pi in
let sigma = prop.Prop.sigma in
let inconsistent_ptsto _ = check_allocatedness tenv prop in
let inconsistent_this_self_var () =
match State.get_prop_tenv_pdesc () with
| None ->
| Some (_, _, pdesc) ->
let procedure_attr = Procdesc.get_attributes pdesc in
let language = Procname.get_language (Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc) in
let is_java_this pvar = Language.equal language Java && Pvar.is_this pvar in
let is_objc_instance_self pvar =
Language.equal language Clang && Pvar.is_self pvar
&& ClangMethodKind.equal procedure_attr.ProcAttributes.clang_method_kind
let is_cpp_this pvar =
Language.equal language Clang && Pvar.is_this pvar
&& ClangMethodKind.equal procedure_attr.ProcAttributes.clang_method_kind
let do_hpred = function
| Predicates.Hpointsto (Lvar pv, Eexp (e, _), _) ->
Exp.equal e && Pvar.is_seed pv
&& (is_java_this pv || is_cpp_this pv || is_objc_instance_self pv)
| _ ->
List.exists ~f:do_hpred sigma
let inconsistent_atom = function
| Predicates.Aeq (e1, e2) -> (
match (e1, e2) with
| Exp.Const c1, Exp.Const c2 ->
not (Const.equal c1 c2)
| _ ->
check_disequal tenv prop e1 e2 )
| Predicates.Aneq (e1, e2) -> (
match (e1, e2) with Exp.Const c1, Exp.Const c2 -> Const.equal c1 c2 | _ -> Exp.equal e1 e2 )
| Predicates.Apred _ | Anpred _ ->
let inconsistent_inequalities () =
let ineq = Inequalities.from_prop tenv prop in
L.d_strln "Inequalities:";
L.d_strln "Prop: "; Prop.d_prop prop; L.d_ln ();
L.d_str "leqs: "; Inequalities.d_leqs ineq; L.d_ln ();
L.d_str "lts: "; Inequalities.d_lts ineq; L.d_ln ();
L.d_str "neqs: "; Inequalities.d_neqs ineq; L.d_ln ();
Inequalities.inconsistent ineq
let tests =
[ lazy (inconsistent_ptsto ())
; lazy (check_inconsistency_two_hpreds tenv prop)
; lazy (List.exists ~f:inconsistent_atom pi)
; lazy (inconsistent_inequalities ())
; lazy (inconsistent_this_self_var ()) ]
let f index = function
| None ->
fun test -> Option.some_if (Lazy.force test) index
| s ->
fun _ -> s
List.foldi ~init:None ~f tests
(** Shadows the above, adding some debug output. *)
let check_inconsistency_base tenv prop =
let reason = check_inconsistency_base tenv prop in
L.d_printfln "Prover.check_inconsistency_base: inconsistency reason %a" (Pp.option Int.pp) reason ;
Option.is_some reason
(** Inconsistency checking. *)
let check_inconsistency tenv prop =
check_inconsistency_base tenv prop
|| check_inconsistency_base tenv (Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.extract_footprint prop))
(** Inconsistency checking for the pi part ignoring footprint. *)
let check_inconsistency_pi tenv pi =
check_inconsistency_base tenv (Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.from_pi pi))
(** {2 Abduction prover} *)
type subst2 = Predicates.subst * Predicates.subst
type exc_body =
| EXC_FALSE_HPRED of Predicates.hpred
| EXC_FALSE_EXPS of Exp.t * Exp.t
| EXC_FALSE_SEXPS of Predicates.strexp * Predicates.strexp
| EXC_FALSE_ATOM of Predicates.atom
| EXC_FALSE_SIGMA of Predicates.hpred list
exception IMPL_EXC of string * subst2 * exc_body
exception MISSING_EXC of string
type check = Bounds_check | Class_cast_check of Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t
let d_typings typings =
let d_elem (exp, texp) =
Exp.d_exp exp ;
L.d_str ": " ;
Exp.d_texp_full texp ;
L.d_str " "
List.iter ~f:d_elem typings
(** Module to encapsulate operations on the internal state of the prover *)
module ProverState : sig
val reset : Prop.normal Prop.t -> Prop.t -> unit
val checks : check list ref
(** type for array bounds checks *)
type bounds_check =
| BClen_imply of Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t list (** coming from array_len_imply *)
| BCfrom_pre of Predicates.atom (** coming implicitly from preconditions *)
val add_bounds_check : bounds_check -> unit
val add_frame_fld : Predicates.hpred -> unit
val add_frame_typ : Exp.t * Exp.t -> unit
val add_missing_fld : Predicates.hpred -> unit
val add_missing_pi : Predicates.atom -> unit
val add_missing_sigma : Predicates.hpred list -> unit
val add_missing_typ : Exp.t * Exp.t -> unit
val atom_is_array_bounds_check : Predicates.atom -> bool
(** check if atom in pre is a bounds check *)
val get_bounds_checks : unit -> bounds_check list
val get_frame_fld : unit -> Predicates.hpred list
val get_frame_typ : unit -> (Exp.t * Exp.t) list
val get_missing_fld : unit -> Predicates.hpred list
val get_missing_pi : unit -> Predicates.atom list
val get_missing_sigma : unit -> Predicates.hpred list
val get_missing_typ : unit -> (Exp.t * Exp.t) list
val d_implication : Predicates.subst * Predicates.subst -> 'a Prop.t * 'b Prop.t -> unit
val d_implication_error : string * (Predicates.subst * Predicates.subst) * exc_body -> unit
end = struct
type bounds_check = BClen_imply of Exp.t * Exp.t * Exp.t list | BCfrom_pre of Predicates.atom
let implication_lhs = ref Prop.prop_emp
let implication_rhs = ref (Prop.expose Prop.prop_emp)
let fav_in_array_len = ref Ident.Set.empty
(* free variables in array len position *)
let bounds_checks = ref []
(* delayed bounds check for arrays *)
let frame_fld = ref []
let missing_fld = ref []
let missing_pi = ref []
let missing_sigma = ref []
let frame_typ = ref []
let missing_typ = ref []
let checks = ref []
(** free vars in array len position in current strexp part of prop *)
let prop_fav_len prop =
let do_hpred fav = function
| Predicates.Hpointsto (_, Earray ((Var _ as len), _, _), _) ->
Exp.free_vars len |> Ident.set_of_sequence ~init:fav
| _ ->
List.fold_left ~init:Ident.Set.empty ~f:do_hpred prop.Prop.sigma
let reset lhs rhs =
checks := [] ;
implication_lhs := lhs ;
implication_rhs := rhs ;
fav_in_array_len := prop_fav_len rhs ;
bounds_checks := [] ;
frame_fld := [] ;
frame_typ := [] ;
missing_fld := [] ;
missing_pi := [] ;
missing_sigma := [] ;
missing_typ := []
let add_bounds_check bounds_check = bounds_checks := bounds_check :: !bounds_checks
let add_frame_fld hpred = frame_fld := hpred :: !frame_fld
let add_missing_fld hpred = missing_fld := hpred :: !missing_fld
let add_frame_typ typing = frame_typ := typing :: !frame_typ
let add_missing_typ typing = missing_typ := typing :: !missing_typ
let add_missing_pi a = missing_pi := a :: !missing_pi
let add_missing_sigma sigma = missing_sigma := sigma @ !missing_sigma
(** atom considered array bounds check if it contains vars present in array length position in the
pre *)
let atom_is_array_bounds_check atom =
Prop.atom_is_inequality atom
&& Predicates.atom_free_vars atom
|> Sequence.exists ~f:(fun id -> Ident.Set.mem id !fav_in_array_len)
let get_bounds_checks () = !bounds_checks
let get_frame_fld () = !frame_fld
let get_frame_typ () = !frame_typ
let get_missing_fld () = !missing_fld
let get_missing_pi () = !missing_pi
let get_missing_sigma () = !missing_sigma
let get_missing_typ () = !missing_typ
let d_missing_ sub =
L.d_strln "SUB: " ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
Prop.d_sub sub ;
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
if (not (List.is_empty !missing_pi)) && not (List.is_empty !missing_sigma) then (
L.d_ln () ;
Prop.d_pi !missing_pi ;
L.d_strln "*" ;
Prop.d_sigma !missing_sigma )
else if not (List.is_empty !missing_pi) then (
L.d_ln () ;
Prop.d_pi !missing_pi )
else if not (List.is_empty !missing_sigma) then (
L.d_ln () ;
Prop.d_sigma !missing_sigma ) ;
if not (List.is_empty !missing_fld) then (
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "MISSING FLD:" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
Prop.d_sigma !missing_fld ;
L.d_decrease_indent () ) ;
if not (List.is_empty !missing_typ) then (
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "MISSING TYPING:" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
d_typings !missing_typ ;
L.d_decrease_indent () )
let d_missing sub =
(* optional print of missing: if print something, prepend with newline *)
(not (List.is_empty !missing_pi))
|| (not (List.is_empty !missing_sigma))
|| (not (List.is_empty !missing_fld))
|| (not (List.is_empty !missing_typ))
|| not (Predicates.is_sub_empty sub)
then (
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_str "[" ;
d_missing_ sub ;
L.d_str "]" )
let d_frame_fld () =
(* optional print of frame fld: if print something, prepend with newline *)
if not (List.is_empty !frame_fld) then (
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "[FRAME FLD:" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
Prop.d_sigma !frame_fld ;
L.d_str "]" ;
L.d_decrease_indent () )
let d_frame_typ () =
(* optional print of frame typ: if print something, prepend with newline *)
if not (List.is_empty !frame_typ) then (
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "[FRAME TYPING:" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
d_typings !frame_typ ;
L.d_str "]" ;
L.d_decrease_indent () )
(** Dump an implication *)
let d_implication (sub1, sub2) (p1, p2) =
let p1, p2 = (Prop.prop_sub sub1 p1, Prop.prop_sub sub2 p2) in
L.d_strln "SUB:" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
Prop.d_sub sub1 ;
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
L.d_ln () ;
Prop.d_prop p1 ;
d_missing sub2 ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "|-" ;
Prop.d_prop p2 ;
d_frame_fld () ;
d_frame_typ ()
let d_implication_error (s, subs, body) =
let p1, p2 = (!implication_lhs, !implication_rhs) in
let d_inner () =
match body with
| EXC_FALSE_HPRED hpred ->
L.d_str " on " ;
Predicates.d_hpred hpred
| EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2) ->
L.d_str " on " ;
Exp.d_exp e1 ;
L.d_str "," ;
Exp.d_exp e2
| EXC_FALSE_SEXPS (se1, se2) ->
L.d_str " on " ;
Predicates.d_sexp se1 ;
L.d_str "," ;
Predicates.d_sexp se2
L.d_str " on " ;
Predicates.d_atom a
| EXC_FALSE_SIGMA sigma ->
L.d_str " on " ;
Prop.d_sigma sigma
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "$$$$$$$ Implication" ;
d_implication subs (p1, p2) ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_printf "$$$$$$ error: %s" s ;
d_inner () ;
L.d_strln " returning FALSE" ;
L.d_ln ()
let d_impl (s1, s2) = ProverState.d_implication (s1, s2)
let d_impl_err (arg1, (s1, s2), arg3) = ProverState.d_implication_error (arg1, (s1, s2), arg3)
(** extend a substitution *)
let extend_sub sub v e =
let new_exp_sub = Predicates.subst_of_list [(v, e)] in
Predicates.sub_join new_exp_sub (Predicates.sub_range_map (Predicates.exp_sub new_exp_sub) sub)
(** Extend [sub1] and [sub2] to witnesses that each instance of [e1\[sub1\]] is an instance of
[e2\[sub2\]]. Raise IMPL_FALSE if not possible. *)
let exp_imply tenv calc_missing (subs : subst2) e1_in e2_in : subst2 =
let e1 = Prop.exp_normalize_noabs tenv (fst subs) e1_in in
let e2 = Prop.exp_normalize_noabs tenv (snd subs) e2_in in
let var_imply (subs : subst2) v1 v2 : subst2 =
match (Ident.is_primed v1, Ident.is_primed v2) with
| false, false ->
if Ident.equal v1 v2 then subs
else if calc_missing && Ident.is_footprint v1 && Ident.is_footprint v2 then
let () = ProverState.add_missing_pi (Aeq (e1_in, e2_in)) in
else raise (IMPL_EXC ("exps", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| true, false ->
raise (IMPL_EXC ("exps", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| false, true ->
let sub2' = extend_sub (snd subs) v2 (Predicates.exp_sub (fst subs) (Exp.Var v1)) in
(fst subs, sub2')
| true, true ->
let v1' = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let sub1' = extend_sub (fst subs) v1 (Exp.Var v1') in
let sub2' = extend_sub (snd subs) v2 (Exp.Var v1') in
(sub1', sub2')
let rec do_imply subs e1 e2 : subst2 =
L.d_str "do_imply " ;
Exp.d_exp e1 ;
L.d_str " " ;
Exp.d_exp e2 ;
L.d_ln () ;
match (e1, e2) with
| Exp.Var v1, Exp.Var v2 ->
var_imply subs v1 v2
| Exp.BinOp ((PlusA _ | PlusPI | MinusA _ | MinusPI), Exp.Var v1, e2), Exp.Var v2
when Ident.equal v1 v2 ->
do_imply subs e2
| Exp.BinOp ((PlusA _ | PlusPI), e2, Exp.Var v1), Exp.Var v2 when Ident.equal v1 v2 ->
do_imply subs e2
| e1, Exp.Var v2 ->
let occurs_check v e =
(* check whether [v] occurs in normalized [e] *)
Exp.ident_mem e v
&& Exp.ident_mem (Prop.exp_normalize_prop ~destructive:true tenv Prop.prop_emp e) v
then raise (IMPL_EXC ("occurs check", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
if Ident.is_primed v2 then
let () = occurs_check v2 e1 in
let sub2' = extend_sub (snd subs) v2 e1 in
(fst subs, sub2')
else raise (IMPL_EXC ("expressions not equal", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| e1, Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, (Exp.Var v2 as e2), e2')
when Ident.is_primed v2 || Ident.is_footprint v2 ->
(* here e2' could also be a variable that we could try to substitute (as in the next match
case), but we ignore that to avoid backtracking *)
let e' = Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA None, e1, e2') in
do_imply subs (Prop.exp_normalize_noabs tenv Predicates.sub_empty e') e2
| e1, Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, e2, (Exp.Var v2 as e2'))
when Ident.is_primed v2 || Ident.is_footprint v2 ->
(* symmetric of above case *)
let e' = Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA None, e1, e2') in
do_imply subs (Prop.exp_normalize_noabs tenv Predicates.sub_empty e') e2
| Exp.Var id, Exp.Lvar pv when Ident.is_footprint id && Pvar.is_local pv ->
(* Footprint var could never be the same as local address *)
raise (IMPL_EXC ("expression not equal", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| Exp.Var _, e2 ->
if calc_missing then
let () = ProverState.add_missing_pi (Aeq (e1_in, e2_in)) in
else raise (IMPL_EXC ("expressions not equal", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| Exp.Lvar pv1, Exp.Const _ when Pvar.is_global pv1 ->
if calc_missing then
let () = ProverState.add_missing_pi (Aeq (e1_in, e2_in)) in
else raise (IMPL_EXC ("expressions not equal", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| Exp.Lvar v1, Exp.Lvar v2 ->
if Pvar.equal v1 v2 then subs
else raise (IMPL_EXC ("expressions not equal", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| Exp.Const c1, Exp.Const c2 ->
if Const.equal c1 c2 then subs
else raise (IMPL_EXC ("constants not equal", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint _), Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusPI, _, _) ->
(IMPL_EXC ("pointer+index cannot evaluate to a constant", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n1), Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, f1, Exp.Const (Const.Cint n2)) ->
do_imply subs ( (n1 -- n2)) f1
| Exp.BinOp (op1, e1, f1), Exp.BinOp (op2, e2, f2) when Binop.equal op1 op2 ->
do_imply (do_imply subs e1 e2) f1 f2
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, Exp.Var v1, e1), e2 ->
do_imply subs (Exp.Var v1) (Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA None, e2, e1))
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusPI, Exp.Lvar pv1, e1), e2 ->
do_imply subs (Exp.Lvar pv1) (Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA None, e2, e1))
| ( Exp.Sizeof {typ= t1; dynamic_length= None; subtype= st1}
, Exp.Sizeof {typ= t2; dynamic_length= None; subtype= st2} )
when Typ.equal t1 t2 && Subtype.equal_modulo_flag st1 st2 ->
| ( Exp.Sizeof {typ= t1; dynamic_length= Some d1; subtype= st1}
, Exp.Sizeof {typ= t2; dynamic_length= Some d2; subtype= st2} )
when Typ.equal t1 t2 && Exp.equal d1 d2 && Subtype.equal_modulo_flag st1 st2 ->
| e', Exp.Const (Const.Cint n)
when IntLit.iszero n && check_disequal tenv Prop.prop_emp e' ->
raise (IMPL_EXC ("expressions not equal", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint n), e'
when IntLit.iszero n && check_disequal tenv Prop.prop_emp e' ->
raise (IMPL_EXC ("expressions not equal", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| e1, Exp.Const _ ->
raise (IMPL_EXC ("lhs not constant", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)))
| Exp.Lfield (e1, fd1, _), Exp.Lfield (e2, fd2, _) when Fieldname.equal fd1 fd2 ->
do_imply subs e1 e2
| Exp.Lindex (e1, f1), Exp.Lindex (e2, f2) ->
do_imply (do_imply subs e1 e2) f1 f2
| Exp.Exn e1, Exp.Exn e2 ->
do_imply subs e1 e2
| _ ->
d_impl_err ("exp_imply not implemented", subs, EXC_FALSE_EXPS (e1, e2)) ;
raise (Exceptions.Abduction_case_not_implemented __POS__)
do_imply subs e1 e2
(** Convert a path (from lhs of a |-> to a field name present only in the rhs) into an id. If the
lhs was a footprint var, the id is a new footprint var. Othewise it is a var with the path in
the name and stamp - 1 *)
let path_to_id path =
let rec f = function
| Exp.Var id ->
if Ident.is_footprint id then None
else Some (Ident.name_to_string (Ident.get_name id) ^ string_of_int (Ident.get_stamp id))
| Exp.Lfield (e, fld, _) -> (
match f e with None -> None | Some s -> Some (s ^ "_" ^ Fieldname.to_string fld) )
| Exp.Lindex (e, ind) -> (
match f e with None -> None | Some s -> Some (s ^ "_" ^ Exp.to_string ind) )
| Exp.Lvar _ ->
Some (Exp.to_string path)
| Exp.Const (Const.Cstr s) ->
Some ("_const_str_" ^ s)
| Exp.Const (Const.Cclass c) ->
Some ("_const_class_" ^ Ident.name_to_string c)
| Exp.Const _ ->
| _ ->
L.d_str "path_to_id undefined on " ;
Exp.d_exp path ;
L.d_ln () ;
assert false
(* None *)
if !BiabductionConfig.footprint then Ident.create_fresh Ident.kfootprint
match f path with None -> Ident.create_fresh Ident.kfootprint | Some s -> Ident.create_path s
(** Implication for the length of arrays *)
let array_len_imply tenv calc_missing subs len1 len2 indices2 =
match (len1, len2) with
| _, Exp.Var _
| _, Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, Exp.Var _, _)
| _, Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, _, Exp.Var _)
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.Mult _, _, _), _ -> (
try exp_imply tenv calc_missing subs len1 len2
with IMPL_EXC (s, subs', x) -> raise (IMPL_EXC ("array len:" ^ s, subs', x)) )
| _ ->
ProverState.add_bounds_check (ProverState.BClen_imply (len1, len2, indices2)) ;
(** Extend [sub1] and [sub2] to witnesses that each instance of [se1\[sub1\]] is an instance of
[se2\[sub2\]]. Raise IMPL_FALSE if not possible. *)
let rec sexp_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs se1 se2 typ2 :
subst2 * Predicates.strexp option * Predicates.strexp option =
(* L.d_str "sexp_imply "; Predicates.d_sexp se1; L.d_str " "; Predicates.d_sexp se2;
L.d_str " : "; Typ.d_full typ2; L.d_ln(); *)
match (se1, se2) with
| Predicates.Eexp (e1, _), Predicates.Eexp (e2, _) ->
(exp_imply tenv calc_missing subs e1 e2, None, None)
| Predicates.Estruct (fsel1, inst1), Predicates.Estruct (fsel2, _) ->
let subs', fld_frame, fld_missing =
struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs fsel1 fsel2 typ2
let fld_frame_opt =
if not (List.is_empty fld_frame) then Some (Predicates.Estruct (fld_frame, inst1)) else None
let fld_missing_opt =
if not (List.is_empty fld_missing) then Some (Predicates.Estruct (fld_missing, inst1))
else None
(subs', fld_frame_opt, fld_missing_opt)
| Predicates.Estruct _, Predicates.Eexp (e2, _) -> (
let e2' = Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e2 in
match e2' with
| Exp.Var id2 when Ident.is_primed id2 ->
let id2' = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let sub2' = extend_sub (snd subs) id2 (Exp.Var id2') in
((fst subs, sub2'), None, None)
| _ ->
d_impl_err ("sexp_imply not implemented", subs, EXC_FALSE_SEXPS (se1, se2)) ;
raise (Exceptions.Abduction_case_not_implemented __POS__) )
| Predicates.Earray (len1, esel1, inst1), Predicates.Earray (len2, esel2, _) ->
let indices2 = ~f:fst esel2 in
let subs' = array_len_imply tenv calc_missing subs len1 len2 indices2 in
let subs'', index_frame, index_missing =
array_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs' esel1 esel2 typ2
let index_frame_opt =
if not (List.is_empty index_frame) then Some (Predicates.Earray (len1, index_frame, inst1))
else None
let index_missing_opt =
if (not (List.is_empty index_missing)) && !BiabductionConfig.footprint then
Some (Predicates.Earray (len1, index_missing, inst1))
else None
(subs'', index_frame_opt, index_missing_opt)
| Predicates.Eexp (_, inst), Predicates.Estruct (fsel, inst') ->
( "WARNING: function call with parameters of struct type, treating as unknown"
, subs
, EXC_FALSE_SEXPS (se1, se2) ) ;
let fsel' =
let g (f, _) = (f, Predicates.Eexp (Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal), inst)) in ~f:g fsel
sexp_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs
(Predicates.Estruct (fsel', inst'))
se2 typ2
| Predicates.Eexp _, Predicates.Earray (len, _, inst)
| Predicates.Estruct _, Predicates.Earray (len, _, inst) ->
let se1' = Predicates.Earray (len, [(, se1)], inst) in
sexp_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs se1' se2 typ2
| Predicates.Earray (len, _, _), Predicates.Eexp (_, inst) ->
let se2' = Predicates.Earray (len, [(, se2)], inst) in
let typ2' = Typ.mk_array typ2 in
(* In the sexp_imply, struct_imply, array_imply, and sexp_imply_nolhs functions, the typ2
argument is only used by eventually passing its value to Struct.fld, Exp.Lfield,
Struct.fld, or Typ.array_elem. None of these are sensitive to the length field
of Tarray, so forgetting the length of typ2' here is not a problem. Not one of those
functions use typ.quals either *)
sexp_imply tenv source true calc_missing subs se1 se2' typ2'
(* calculate index_frame because the rhs is a singleton array *)
| _ ->
d_impl_err ("sexp_imply not implemented", subs, EXC_FALSE_SEXPS (se1, se2)) ;
raise (Exceptions.Abduction_case_not_implemented __POS__)
and struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs fsel1 fsel2 typ2 :
subst2 * (Fieldname.t * Predicates.strexp) list * (Fieldname.t * Predicates.strexp) list =
let lookup = Tenv.lookup tenv in
match (fsel1, fsel2) with
| _, [] ->
(subs, fsel1, [])
| (f1, se1) :: fsel1', (f2, se2) :: fsel2' -> (
match f1 f2 with
| 0 ->
let typ' = Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:StdTyp.void f2 typ2 in
let subs', se_frame, se_missing =
sexp_imply tenv (Exp.Lfield (source, f2, typ2)) false calc_missing subs se1 se2 typ'
let subs'', fld_frame, fld_missing =
struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs' fsel1' fsel2' typ2
let fld_frame' =
match se_frame with None -> fld_frame | Some se -> (f1, se) :: fld_frame
let fld_missing' =
match se_missing with None -> fld_missing | Some se -> (f1, se) :: fld_missing
(subs'', fld_frame', fld_missing')
| n when n < 0 ->
let subs', fld_frame, fld_missing =
struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs fsel1' fsel2 typ2
(subs', (f1, se1) :: fld_frame, fld_missing)
| _ ->
let typ' = Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:StdTyp.void f2 typ2 in
let subs' =
sexp_imply_nolhs tenv (Exp.Lfield (source, f2, typ2)) calc_missing subs se2 typ'
let subs', fld_frame, fld_missing =
struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs' fsel1 fsel2' typ2
let fld_missing' = (f2, se2) :: fld_missing in
(subs', fld_frame, fld_missing') )
| [], (f2, se2) :: fsel2' ->
let typ' = Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:StdTyp.void f2 typ2 in
let subs' =
sexp_imply_nolhs tenv (Exp.Lfield (source, f2, typ2)) calc_missing subs se2 typ'
let subs'', fld_frame, fld_missing =
struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs' [] fsel2' typ2
(subs'', fld_frame, (f2, se2) :: fld_missing)
and array_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs esel1 esel2 typ2 :
subst2 * (Exp.t * Predicates.strexp) list * (Exp.t * Predicates.strexp) list =
let typ_elem = Typ.array_elem (Some StdTyp.void) typ2 in
match (esel1, esel2) with
| _, [] ->
(subs, esel1, [])
| (e1, se1) :: esel1', (e2, se2) :: esel2' ->
let e1n = Prop.exp_normalize_noabs tenv (fst subs) e1 in
let e2n = Prop.exp_normalize_noabs tenv (snd subs) e2 in
let n = e1n e2n in
if n < 0 then array_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs esel1' esel2 typ2
else if n > 0 then
array_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs esel1 esel2' typ2
(* n=0 *)
let subs', _, _ =
sexp_imply tenv (Exp.Lindex (source, e1)) false calc_missing subs se1 se2 typ_elem
array_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs' esel1' esel2' typ2
| [], (e2, se2) :: esel2' ->
let subs' = sexp_imply_nolhs tenv (Exp.Lindex (source, e2)) calc_missing subs se2 typ_elem in
let subs'', index_frame, index_missing =
array_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs' [] esel2' typ2
let index_missing' = (e2, se2) :: index_missing in
(subs'', index_frame, index_missing')
and sexp_imply_nolhs tenv source calc_missing (subs : subst2) se2 typ2 =
match se2 with
| Predicates.Eexp (e2_, _) -> (
let e2 = Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e2_ in
match e2 with
| Exp.Var v2 when Ident.is_primed v2 ->
let v2' = path_to_id source in
(* L.d_str "called path_to_id on "; Exp.d_exp e2; *)
(* L.d_str " returns "; Exp.d_exp (Exp.Var v2'); L.d_ln (); *)
let sub2' = extend_sub (snd subs) v2 (Exp.Var v2') in
(fst subs, sub2')
| Exp.Var _ ->
if calc_missing then subs
else raise (IMPL_EXC ("exp only in rhs is not a primed var", subs, EXC_FALSE))
| Exp.Const _ when calc_missing ->
let id = path_to_id source in
ProverState.add_missing_pi (Predicates.Aeq (Exp.Var id, e2_)) ;
| _ ->
raise (IMPL_EXC ("exp only in rhs is not a primed var", subs, EXC_FALSE)) )
| Predicates.Estruct (fsel2, _) ->
(fun (x, _, _) -> x) (struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs [] fsel2 typ2)
| Predicates.Earray (_, esel2, _) ->
(fun (x, _, _) -> x) (array_imply tenv source false calc_missing subs [] esel2 typ2)
let rec exp_list_imply tenv calc_missing subs l1 l2 =
match (l1, l2) with
| [], [] ->
| e1 :: l1, e2 :: l2 ->
exp_list_imply tenv calc_missing (exp_imply tenv calc_missing subs e1 e2) l1 l2
| _ ->
assert false
let filter_ne_lhs sub e0 = function
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e, _, _) ->
if Exp.equal e0 (Predicates.exp_sub sub e) then Some () else None
| Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_NE, _, e, _, _) ->
if Exp.equal e0 (Predicates.exp_sub sub e) then Some () else None
| Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_NE, _, e, _, _, e', _) ->
if Exp.equal e0 (Predicates.exp_sub sub e) || Exp.equal e0 (Predicates.exp_sub sub e') then
Some ()
else None
| _ ->
let filter_hpred sub hpred2 hpred1 =
match (Predicates.hpred_sub sub hpred1, hpred2) with
| Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_NE, hpara1, e1, f1, el1), Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_PE, _, _, _, _) ->
if Predicates.equal_hpred (Hlseg (Lseg_PE, hpara1, e1, f1, el1)) hpred2 then Some false
else None
| Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_PE, hpara1, e1, f1, el1), Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_NE, _, _, _, _) ->
if Predicates.equal_hpred (Hlseg (Lseg_NE, hpara1, e1, f1, el1)) hpred2 then Some true
else None (* return missing disequality *)
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e1, _, _), Predicates.Hlseg (_, _, e2, _, _) ->
if Exp.equal e1 e2 then Some false else None
| hpred1, hpred2 ->
if Predicates.equal_hpred hpred1 hpred2 then Some false else None
let hpred_has_primed_lhs sub hpred =
let rec find_primed e =
match e with
| Exp.Lfield (e, _, _) ->
find_primed e
| Exp.Lindex (e, _) ->
find_primed e
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusPI, e1, _) ->
find_primed e1
| _ ->
Exp.free_vars e |> Sequence.exists ~f:Ident.is_primed
let exp_has_primed e = find_primed (Predicates.exp_sub sub e) in
match hpred with
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e, _, _) ->
exp_has_primed e
| Predicates.Hlseg (_, _, e, _, _) ->
exp_has_primed e
| Predicates.Hdllseg (_, _, iF, _, _, iB, _) ->
exp_has_primed iF && exp_has_primed iB
let move_primed_lhs_from_front subs sigma =
match sigma with
| [] ->
| hpred :: _ ->
if hpred_has_primed_lhs (snd subs) hpred then
let sigma_primed, sigma_unprimed =
List.partition_tf ~f:(hpred_has_primed_lhs (snd subs)) sigma
match sigma_unprimed with
| [] ->
(IMPL_EXC ("every hpred has primed lhs, cannot proceed", subs, EXC_FALSE_SIGMA sigma))
| _ :: _ ->
sigma_unprimed @ sigma_primed
else sigma
(** [expand_hpred_pointer calc_index_frame hpred] expands [hpred] if it is a |-> whose lhs is a
Lfield or Lindex or ptr+off. Return [(changed, calc_index_frame', hpred')] where [changed]
indicates whether the predicate has changed. *)
let expand_hpred_pointer =
let count = ref 0 in
fun tenv calc_index_frame hpred ->
let rec expand changed calc_index_frame hpred =
match hpred with
| Predicates.Hpointsto (Lfield (adr_base, fld, adr_typ), cnt, cnt_texp) ->
let cnt_texp' =
match adr_typ.desc with
| Tstruct name -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some _ ->
(* type of struct at adr_base is known *)
{typ= adr_typ; nbytes= None; dynamic_length= None; subtype= Subtype.exact})
| None ->
None )
| _ ->
| Some se ->
| None -> (
match cnt_texp with
| Sizeof ({typ= cnt_typ} as sizeof_data) ->
(* type of struct at adr_base is unknown (typically Tvoid), but
type of contents is known, so construct struct type for single fld:cnt_typ *)
let name = Typ.Name.C.from_string ("counterfeit" ^ string_of_int !count) in
incr count ;
let fields = [(fld, cnt_typ, Annot.Item.empty)] in
ignore (Tenv.mk_struct tenv ~fields name) ;
Exp.Sizeof {sizeof_data with typ= (Tstruct name)}
| _ ->
(* type of struct at adr_base and of contents are both unknown: give up *)
L.(die InternalError) "expand_hpred_pointer: Unexpected non-sizeof type in Lfield"
let hpred' =
Predicates.Hpointsto (adr_base, Estruct ([(fld, cnt)], Predicates.inst_none), cnt_texp')
expand true true hpred'
| Predicates.Hpointsto (Lindex (e, ind), se, t) ->
let t' =
match t with
| Exp.Sizeof ({typ= t_} as sizeof_data) ->
Exp.Sizeof {sizeof_data with typ= Typ.mk_array t_}
| _ ->
L.(die InternalError) "expand_hpred_pointer: Unexpected non-sizeof type in Lindex"
let len =
match t' with
| Exp.Sizeof {dynamic_length= Some len} ->
| _ ->
Exp.get_undefined false
let hpred' =
Predicates.Hpointsto (e, Predicates.Earray (len, [(ind, se)], Predicates.inst_none), t')
expand true true hpred'
| Predicates.Hpointsto (BinOp (PlusPI, e1, e2), Earray (len, esel, inst), t) ->
let shift_exp e = Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, e, e2) in
let len' = shift_exp len in
let esel' = ~f:(fun (e, se) -> (shift_exp e, se)) esel in
let hpred' = Predicates.Hpointsto (e1, Predicates.Earray (len', esel', inst), t) in
expand true calc_index_frame hpred'
| _ ->
(changed, calc_index_frame, hpred)
expand false calc_index_frame hpred
let cast_exception tenv texp1 texp2 e1 subs =
( match (texp1, texp2) with
| Exp.Sizeof {typ= t1}, Exp.Sizeof {typ= t2; subtype= st2} ->
|| (Subtype.is_cast st2 && not (SubtypingCheck.check_subtype tenv t1 t2))
then ProverState.checks := Class_cast_check (texp1, texp2, e1) :: !ProverState.checks
| _ ->
() ) ;
raise (IMPL_EXC ("class cast exception", subs, EXC_FALSE))
(** Check the equality of two types ignoring flags in the subtyping components *)
let texp_equal_modulo_subtype_flag texp1 texp2 =
match (texp1, texp2) with
| ( Exp.Sizeof {typ= t1; dynamic_length= len1; subtype= st1}
, Exp.Sizeof {typ= t2; dynamic_length= len2; subtype= st2} ) ->
[%compare.equal: Typ.t * Exp.t option] (t1, len1) (t2, len2)
&& Subtype.equal_modulo_flag st1 st2
| _ ->
Exp.equal texp1 texp2
(** check implication between type expressions *)
let texp_imply tenv subs texp1 texp2 e1 calc_missing =
(* check whether the types could be subject to dynamic cast: *)
(* classes and arrays in Java, and just classes in C++ and ObjC *)
let types_subject_to_dynamic_cast =
match (texp1, texp2) with
| Exp.Sizeof {typ= typ1}, Exp.Sizeof {typ= typ2} -> (
match (typ1.desc, typ2.desc) with
| (Tstruct _ | Tarray _), (Tstruct _ | Tarray _) ->
is_java_class tenv typ1
|| (Typ.is_cpp_class typ1 && Typ.is_cpp_class typ2)
|| (Typ.is_objc_class typ1 && Typ.is_objc_class typ2)
| _ ->
false )
| _ ->
if types_subject_to_dynamic_cast then
let pos_type_opt, neg_type_opt = SubtypingCheck.subtype_case_analysis tenv texp1 texp2 in
let has_changed =
match pos_type_opt with
| Some texp1' ->
not (texp_equal_modulo_subtype_flag texp1' texp1)
| None ->
if calc_missing then
(* footprint *)
match pos_type_opt with
| None ->
cast_exception tenv texp1 texp2 e1 subs
| Some _ ->
if has_changed then (None, pos_type_opt) (* missing *) else (pos_type_opt, None)
(* frame *)
(* re-execution *)
match neg_type_opt with
| Some _ ->
cast_exception tenv texp1 texp2 e1 subs
| None ->
if has_changed then cast_exception tenv texp1 texp2 e1 subs (* missing *)
else (pos_type_opt, None) (* frame *)
else (None, None)
(** pre-process implication between a non-array and an array: the non-array is turned into an array
of length given by its type only active in type_size mode *)
let sexp_imply_preprocess se1 texp1 se2 =
match (se1, texp1, se2) with
| Predicates.Eexp (_, inst), Exp.Sizeof _, Predicates.Earray _ when Config.type_size ->
let se1' = Predicates.Earray (texp1, [(, se1)], inst) in
L.d_strln ~color:Orange "sexp_imply_preprocess" ;
L.d_str " se1: " ;
Predicates.d_sexp se1 ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_str " se1': " ;
Predicates.d_sexp se1' ;
L.d_ln () ;
| _ ->
(** handle parameter subtype: when the type of a callee variable in the caller is a strict subtype
of the one in the callee, add a type frame and type missing *)
let handle_parameter_subtype tenv prop1 sigma2 subs (e1, se1, texp1) (se2, texp2) =
let is_callee = match e1 with Exp.Lvar pv -> Pvar.is_callee pv | _ -> false in
let is_allocated_lhs e =
let filter = function Predicates.Hpointsto (e', _, _) -> Exp.equal e' e | _ -> false in
List.exists ~f:filter prop1.Prop.sigma
let type_rhs e =
let sub_opt = ref None in
let filter = function
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e', _, Exp.Sizeof sizeof_data) when Exp.equal e' e ->
sub_opt := Some sizeof_data ;
| _ ->
if List.exists ~f:filter sigma2 then !sub_opt else None
let add_subtype () =
match (texp1, texp2, se1, se2) with
| ( Exp.Sizeof {typ= {desc= Tptr (t1, _)}; dynamic_length= None}
, Exp.Sizeof {typ= {desc= Tptr (t2, _)}; dynamic_length= None}
, Predicates.Eexp (e1', _)
, Predicates.Eexp (e2', _) )
when not (is_allocated_lhs e1') -> (
match type_rhs e2' with
| Some sizeof_data2 -> (
if (not (Typ.equal t1 t2)) && SubtypingCheck.check_subtype tenv t1 t2 then
let pos_type_opt, _ =
SubtypingCheck.subtype_case_analysis tenv
(Exp.Sizeof {typ= t1; nbytes= None; dynamic_length= None; subtype= Subtype.subtypes})
(Exp.Sizeof sizeof_data2)
match pos_type_opt with
| Some t1_noptr ->
ProverState.add_frame_typ (e1', t1_noptr) ;
ProverState.add_missing_typ (e2', t1_noptr)
| None ->
cast_exception tenv texp1 texp2 e1 subs )
| None ->
() )
| _ ->
if is_callee && !BiabductionConfig.footprint then add_subtype ()
let rec hpred_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 hpred2 :
subst2 * Prop.normal Prop.t =
match hpred2 with
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e2_, se2, texp2) -> (
let e2 = Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e2_ in
( match e2 with
| Exp.Lvar _ ->
| Exp.Var v ->
if Ident.is_primed v then (
d_impl_err ("rhs |-> not implemented", subs, EXC_FALSE_HPRED hpred2) ;
raise (Exceptions.Abduction_case_not_implemented __POS__) )
| _ ->
() ) ;
match Prop.prop_iter_create prop1 with
| None ->
raise (IMPL_EXC ("lhs is empty", subs, EXC_FALSE))
| Some iter1 -> (
match Prop.prop_iter_find iter1 (filter_ne_lhs (fst subs) e2) with
| None ->
raise (IMPL_EXC ("lhs does not have e|->", subs, EXC_FALSE_HPRED hpred2))
| Some iter1' -> (
match Prop.prop_iter_current tenv iter1' with
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e1, se1, texp1), _ -> (
let typ2 = Exp.texp_to_typ (Some StdTyp.void) texp2 in
let typing_frame, typing_missing = texp_imply tenv subs texp1 texp2 e1 calc_missing in
let se1' = sexp_imply_preprocess se1 texp1 se2 in
let subs', fld_frame, fld_missing =
sexp_imply tenv e1 calc_index_frame calc_missing subs se1' se2 typ2
if calc_missing then (
handle_parameter_subtype tenv prop1 sigma2 subs (e1, se1, texp1) (se2, texp2) ;
( match fld_missing with
| Some fld_missing ->
ProverState.add_missing_fld (Predicates.Hpointsto (e2_, fld_missing, texp1))
| None ->
() ) ;
( match fld_frame with
| Some fld_frame ->
ProverState.add_frame_fld (Predicates.Hpointsto (e1, fld_frame, texp1))
| None ->
() ) ;
( match typing_missing with
| Some t_missing ->
ProverState.add_missing_typ (e2_, t_missing)
| None ->
() ) ;
match typing_frame with
| Some t_frame ->
ProverState.add_frame_typ (e1, t_frame)
| None ->
() ) ;
let prop1' = Prop.prop_iter_remove_curr_then_to_prop tenv iter1' in
(subs', prop1')
with IMPL_EXC (s, _, _) when calc_missing -> raise (MISSING_EXC s) )
| Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_NE, para1, e1, f1, elist1), _ ->
(* Unroll lseg *)
let n' = Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh Ident.kprimed) in
let _, para_inst1 = Predicates.hpara_instantiate para1 e1 n' elist1 in
let hpred_list1 = para_inst1 @ [Prop.mk_lseg tenv Lseg_PE para1 n' f1 elist1] in
let iter1'' = Prop.prop_iter_update_current_by_list iter1' hpred_list1 in
L.d_increase_indent () ;
let res =
decrease_indent_when_exception (fun () ->
hpred_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs
(Prop.prop_iter_to_prop tenv iter1'')
sigma2 hpred2 )
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
| Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_NE, para1, iF1, oB1, oF1, iB1, elist1), _
when Exp.equal (Predicates.exp_sub (fst subs) iF1) e2 ->
(* Unroll dllseg forward *)
let n' = Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh Ident.kprimed) in
let _, para_inst1 = Predicates.hpara_dll_instantiate para1 iF1 oB1 n' elist1 in
let hpred_list1 =
para_inst1 @ [Prop.mk_dllseg tenv Lseg_PE para1 n' iF1 oF1 iB1 elist1]
let iter1'' = Prop.prop_iter_update_current_by_list iter1' hpred_list1 in
L.d_increase_indent () ;
let res =
decrease_indent_when_exception (fun () ->
hpred_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs
(Prop.prop_iter_to_prop tenv iter1'')
sigma2 hpred2 )
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
| Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_NE, para1, iF1, oB1, oF1, iB1, elist1), _
when Exp.equal (Predicates.exp_sub (fst subs) iB1) e2 ->
(* Unroll dllseg backward *)
let n' = Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh Ident.kprimed) in
let _, para_inst1 = Predicates.hpara_dll_instantiate para1 iB1 n' oF1 elist1 in
let hpred_list1 =
para_inst1 @ [Prop.mk_dllseg tenv Lseg_PE para1 iF1 oB1 iB1 n' elist1]
let iter1'' = Prop.prop_iter_update_current_by_list iter1' hpred_list1 in
L.d_increase_indent () ;
let res =
decrease_indent_when_exception (fun () ->
hpred_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs
(Prop.prop_iter_to_prop tenv iter1'')
sigma2 hpred2 )
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
| _ ->
assert false ) ) )
| Predicates.Hlseg (k, para2, e2_, f2_, elist2_) -> (
(* for now ignore implications between PE and NE *)
let e2, f2 = (Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e2_, Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) f2_) in
( match e2 with
| Exp.Lvar _ ->
| Exp.Var v ->
if Ident.is_primed v then (
d_impl_err ("rhs |-> not implemented", subs, EXC_FALSE_HPRED hpred2) ;
raise (Exceptions.Abduction_case_not_implemented __POS__) )
| _ ->
() ) ;
if Exp.equal e2 f2 && Predicates.equal_lseg_kind k Lseg_PE then (subs, prop1)
match Prop.prop_iter_create prop1 with
| None ->
raise (IMPL_EXC ("lhs is empty", subs, EXC_FALSE))
| Some iter1 -> (
Prop.prop_iter_find iter1
(filter_hpred (fst subs) (Predicates.hpred_sub (snd subs) hpred2))
| None ->
let elist2 = ~f:(fun e -> Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e) elist2_ in
let _, para_inst2 = Predicates.hpara_instantiate para2 e2 f2 elist2 in
L.d_increase_indent () ;
let res =
decrease_indent_when_exception (fun () ->
sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame false subs prop1 para_inst2 )
(* calc_missing is false as we're checking an instantiation of the original list *)
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
| Some iter1' -> (
let elist2 = ~f:(fun e -> Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e) elist2_ in
(* force instantiation of existentials *)
let subs' = exp_list_imply tenv calc_missing subs (f2 :: elist2) (f2 :: elist2) in
let prop1' = Prop.prop_iter_remove_curr_then_to_prop tenv iter1' in
let hpred1 =
match Prop.prop_iter_current tenv iter1' with
| hpred1, b ->
if b then ProverState.add_missing_pi (Predicates.Aneq (e2_, f2_)) ;
(* for PE |- NE *)
match hpred1 with
| Predicates.Hlseg _ ->
(subs', prop1')
| Predicates.Hpointsto _ ->
(* unroll rhs list and try again *)
let n' = Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh Ident.kprimed) in
let _, para_inst2 = Predicates.hpara_instantiate para2 e2_ n' elist2 in
let hpred_list2 = para_inst2 @ [Prop.mk_lseg tenv Lseg_PE para2 n' f2_ elist2_] in
L.d_increase_indent () ;
let res =
decrease_indent_when_exception (fun () ->
try sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 hpred_list2
with exn when SymOp.exn_not_failure exn ->
L.d_strln ~color:Red "backtracking lseg: trying rhs of length exactly 1" ;
let _, para_inst3 = Predicates.hpara_instantiate para2 e2_ f2_ elist2 in
sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 para_inst3 )
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
| Predicates.Hdllseg _ ->
assert false ) ) )
| Predicates.Hdllseg (Lseg_PE, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
d_impl_err ("rhs dllsegPE not implemented", subs, EXC_FALSE_HPRED hpred2) ;
raise (Exceptions.Abduction_case_not_implemented __POS__)
| Predicates.Hdllseg (_, para2, iF2, oB2, oF2, iB2, elist2) -> (
(* for now ignore implications between PE and NE *)
let iF2, oF2 = (Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) iF2, Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) oF2) in
let iB2, oB2 = (Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) iB2, Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) oB2) in
( match oF2 with
| Exp.Lvar _ ->
| Exp.Var v ->
if Ident.is_primed v then (
d_impl_err ("rhs dllseg not implemented", subs, EXC_FALSE_HPRED hpred2) ;
raise (Exceptions.Abduction_case_not_implemented __POS__) )
| _ ->
() ) ;
( match oB2 with
| Exp.Lvar _ ->
| Exp.Var v ->
if Ident.is_primed v then (
d_impl_err ("rhs dllseg not implemented", subs, EXC_FALSE_HPRED hpred2) ;
raise (Exceptions.Abduction_case_not_implemented __POS__) )
| _ ->
() ) ;
match Prop.prop_iter_create prop1 with
| None ->
raise (IMPL_EXC ("lhs is empty", subs, EXC_FALSE))
| Some iter1 -> (
Prop.prop_iter_find iter1
(filter_hpred (fst subs) (Predicates.hpred_sub (snd subs) hpred2))
| None ->
let elist2 = ~f:(fun e -> Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e) elist2 in
let _, para_inst2 =
if Exp.equal iF2 iB2 then Predicates.hpara_dll_instantiate para2 iF2 oB2 oF2 elist2
else assert false
(* Only base case of rhs list considered for now *)
L.d_increase_indent () ;
let res =
decrease_indent_when_exception (fun () ->
sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame false subs prop1 para_inst2 )
(* calc_missing is false as we're checking an instantiation of the original list *)
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
| Some iter1' ->
(* Only consider implications between identical listsegs for now *)
let elist2 = ~f:(fun e -> Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e) elist2 in
(* force instantiation of existentials *)
let subs' =
exp_list_imply tenv calc_missing subs
(iF2 :: oB2 :: oF2 :: iB2 :: elist2)
(iF2 :: oB2 :: oF2 :: iB2 :: elist2)
let prop1' = Prop.prop_iter_remove_curr_then_to_prop tenv iter1' in
(subs', prop1') ) )
(** Check that [sigma1] implies [sigma2] and return two substitution instantiations for the primed
variables of [sigma1] and [sigma2] and a frame. Raise IMPL_FALSE if the implication cannot be
proven. *)
and sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 : subst2 * Prop.normal Prop.t =
let is_constant_string_class subs = function
(* if the hpred represents a constant string, return the string *)
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e2_, _, _) -> (
let e2 = Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e2_ in
match e2 with
| Exp.Const (Const.Cstr s) ->
Some (s, true)
| Exp.Const (Const.Cclass c) ->
Some (Ident.name_to_string c, false)
| _ ->
None )
| _ ->
let mk_constant_string_hpred s =
(* create an hpred from a constant string *)
let len = IntLit.of_int (1 + String.length s) in
let root = Exp.Const (Const.Cstr s) in
let sexp =
let index = (IntLit.of_int (String.length s)) in
match !Language.curr_language with
| Clang ->
( len
, [(index, Predicates.Eexp (, Predicates.inst_none))]
, Predicates.inst_none )
| Java ->
let mk_fld_sexp field_name =
let fld = Fieldname.make StdTyp.Name.Java.java_lang_string field_name in
let se =
Predicates.Eexp (Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh Ident.kprimed), Predicates.Inone)
(fld, se)
let fields = ["count"; "hash"; "offset"; "value"] in
Predicates.Estruct ( ~f:mk_fld_sexp fields, Predicates.inst_none)
| CIL ->
let mk_fld_sexp field_name =
let fld = Fieldname.make StdTyp.Name.CSharp.system_string field_name in
let se =
Predicates.Eexp (Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh Ident.kprimed), Predicates.Inone)
(fld, se)
let fields =
["System.String.Empty" (* ; "System.String.Chars" *); "System.String.Length"]
Predicates.Estruct ( ~f:mk_fld_sexp fields, Predicates.inst_none)
let const_string_texp =
match !Language.curr_language with
| Clang ->
{ typ= Typ.mk_array ( (Tint Typ.IChar)) ~length:len ~stride:(IntLit.of_int 1)
; nbytes= None
; dynamic_length= None
; subtype= Subtype.exact }
| Java ->
let object_type = StdTyp.Name.Java.java_lang_string in
{ typ= (Tstruct object_type)
; nbytes= None
; dynamic_length= None
; subtype= Subtype.exact }
| CIL ->
(* cil todo *)
(* Logging.die Logging.InternalError "No string constant support for CIL yet." *)
let object_type = Typ.Name.CSharp.from_string "System.String" in
{ typ= (Tstruct object_type)
; nbytes= None
; dynamic_length= None
; subtype= Subtype.exact }
Predicates.Hpointsto (root, sexp, const_string_texp)
let mk_constant_class_hpred s =
(* create an hpred from a constant class *)
let root = Exp.Const (Const.Cclass (Ident.string_to_name s)) in
let sexp =
(* TODO: add appropriate fields *)
( [ ( Fieldname.make StdTyp.Name.Java.java_lang_class "name"
, Predicates.Eexp (Exp.Const (Const.Cstr s), Predicates.Inone) ) ]
, Predicates.inst_none )
let class_texp =
let class_type = StdTyp.Name.Java.java_lang_class in
{ typ= (Tstruct class_type)
; nbytes= None
; dynamic_length= None
; subtype= Subtype.exact }
Predicates.Hpointsto (root, sexp, class_texp)
match move_primed_lhs_from_front subs sigma2 with
| [] ->
L.d_strln "Final Implication" ;
d_impl subs (prop1, Prop.prop_emp) ;
(subs, prop1)
| hpred2 :: sigma2' -> (
L.d_strln "Current Implication" ;
d_impl subs (prop1, Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.from_sigma (hpred2 :: sigma2'))) ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_ln () ;
let normal_case hpred2' =
let subs', prop1' =
L.d_increase_indent () ;
let res =
decrease_indent_when_exception (fun () ->
hpred_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 hpred2' )
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
with IMPL_EXC _ when calc_missing -> (
match is_constant_string_class subs hpred2' with
| Some (s, is_string) ->
(* allocate constant string hpred1', do implication, then add hpred1' as missing *)
let hpred1' =
if is_string then mk_constant_string_hpred s else mk_constant_class_hpred s
let prop1' =
Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.set prop1 ~sigma:(hpred1' :: prop1.Prop.sigma))
let subs', frame_prop =
hpred_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1' sigma2 hpred2'
(* ProverState.add_missing_sigma [hpred1']; *)
(subs', frame_prop)
| None ->
let subs' =
match hpred2' with
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e2, se2, te2) ->
let typ2 = Exp.texp_to_typ (Some StdTyp.void) te2 in
sexp_imply_nolhs tenv e2 calc_missing subs se2 typ2
| _ ->
ProverState.add_missing_sigma [hpred2'] ;
(subs', prop1) )
L.d_increase_indent () ;
let res =
decrease_indent_when_exception (fun () ->
sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs' prop1' sigma2' )
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
match hpred2 with
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e2_, se2, t) ->
let changed, calc_index_frame', hpred2' =
expand_hpred_pointer tenv calc_index_frame
(Predicates.Hpointsto (Prop.exp_normalize_noabs tenv (snd subs) e2_, se2, t))
if changed then
sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame' calc_missing subs prop1 (hpred2' :: sigma2')
(* calc_index_frame=true *)
else normal_case hpred2'
| _ ->
normal_case hpred2 )
with IMPL_EXC (s, _, _) when calc_missing ->
L.d_printfln "Adding rhs as missing: %s" s ;
ProverState.add_missing_sigma sigma2 ;
(subs, prop1)
let prepare_prop_for_implication tenv (_, sub2) pi1 sigma1 =
let pi1' = Prop.pi_sub sub2 (ProverState.get_missing_pi ()) @ pi1 in
let sigma1' = Prop.sigma_sub sub2 (ProverState.get_missing_sigma ()) @ sigma1 in
let ep = Prop.set Prop.prop_emp ~sub:sub2 ~sigma:sigma1' ~pi:pi1' in
Prop.normalize tenv ep
let imply_pi tenv calc_missing (sub1, sub2) prop pi2 =
let do_atom a =
let a' = Predicates.atom_sub sub2 a in
if not (check_atom tenv prop a') then
raise (IMPL_EXC ("rhs atom missing in lhs", (sub1, sub2), EXC_FALSE_ATOM a'))
with IMPL_EXC _ when calc_missing ->
L.d_str "imply_pi: adding missing atom " ;
Predicates.d_atom a ;
L.d_ln () ;
ProverState.add_missing_pi a
List.iter ~f:do_atom pi2
let imply_atom tenv calc_missing (sub1, sub2) prop a =
imply_pi tenv calc_missing (sub1, sub2) prop [a]
(** Check pure implications before looking at the spatial part. Add necessary instantiations for
equalities and check that instantiations are possible for disequalities. *)
let rec pre_check_pure_implication tenv calc_missing (subs : subst2) pi1 pi2 =
match pi2 with
| [] ->
| (Predicates.Aeq (e2_in, f2_in) as a) :: pi2' when not (Prop.atom_is_inequality a) -> (
let e2, f2 = (Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) e2_in, Predicates.exp_sub (snd subs) f2_in) in
if Exp.equal e2 f2 then pre_check_pure_implication tenv calc_missing subs pi1 pi2'
match (e2, f2) with
| Exp.Var v2, f2 when Ident.is_primed v2 (* && not (Predicates.mem_sub v2 (snd subs)) *) ->
(* The commented-out condition should always hold. *)
let sub2' = extend_sub (snd subs) v2 f2 in
pre_check_pure_implication tenv calc_missing (fst subs, sub2') pi1 pi2'
| e2, Exp.Var v2 when Ident.is_primed v2 (* && not (Predicates.mem_sub v2 (snd subs)) *) ->
(* The commented-out condition should always hold. *)
let sub2' = extend_sub (snd subs) v2 e2 in
pre_check_pure_implication tenv calc_missing (fst subs, sub2') pi1 pi2'
| _ ->
let pi1' = Prop.pi_sub (fst subs) pi1 in
let prop_for_impl = prepare_prop_for_implication tenv subs pi1' [] in
imply_atom tenv calc_missing subs prop_for_impl (Predicates.Aeq (e2_in, f2_in)) ;
pre_check_pure_implication tenv calc_missing subs pi1 pi2' )
| (Predicates.Aneq (e, _) | Apred (_, e :: _) | Anpred (_, e :: _)) :: _
when (not calc_missing) && match e with Var v -> not (Ident.is_primed v) | _ -> true ->
( "ineq e2=f2 in rhs with e2 not primed var"
, (Predicates.sub_empty, Predicates.sub_empty)
| (Predicates.Aeq _ | Aneq _ | Apred _ | Anpred _) :: pi2' ->
pre_check_pure_implication tenv calc_missing subs pi1 pi2'
(** Perform the array bound checks delayed (to instantiate variables) by the prover. If there is a
provable violation of the array bounds, set the prover status to Bounds_check and make the proof
fail. *)
let check_array_bounds tenv (sub1, sub2) prop =
let check_failed atom =
ProverState.checks := Bounds_check :: !ProverState.checks ;
L.d_str ~color:Red "bounds_check failed: provable atom: " ;
Predicates.d_atom atom ;
L.d_ln () ;
if not Config.bound_error_allowed_in_procedure_call then
raise (IMPL_EXC ("bounds check", (sub1, sub2), EXC_FALSE))
let fail_if_le e' e'' =
let lt_ineq = Prop.mk_inequality tenv (Exp.BinOp (Binop.Le, e', e'')) in
if check_atom tenv prop lt_ineq then check_failed lt_ineq
let check_bound = function
| ProverState.BClen_imply (len1_, len2_, _indices2) ->
let len1 = Predicates.exp_sub sub1 len1_ in
let len2 = Predicates.exp_sub sub2 len2_ in
(* L.d_strln ~color:Orange "check_bound ";
Exp.d_exp len1; L.d_str " "; Exp.d_exp len2; L.d_ln(); *)
let indices_to_check =
[Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, len2, Exp.minus_one)]
(* only check len *)
List.iter ~f:(fail_if_le len1) indices_to_check
| ProverState.BCfrom_pre atom_ ->
let atom_neg = atom_negate tenv (Predicates.atom_sub sub2 atom_) in
(* L.d_strln ~color:Orange "BCFrom_pre"; Predicates.d_atom atom_neg; L.d_ln (); *)
if check_atom tenv prop atom_neg then check_failed atom_neg
List.iter ~f:check_bound (ProverState.get_bounds_checks ())
(** [check_implication_base] returns true if [prop1|-prop2], ignoring the footprint part of the
props *)
let check_implication_base {InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; err_log; tenv} check_frame_empty
calc_missing prop1 prop2 =
ProverState.reset prop1 prop2 ;
let filter (id, e) =
Ident.is_normal id && Exp.free_vars e |> Sequence.for_all ~f:Ident.is_normal
let sub1_base = Predicates.sub_filter_pair ~f:filter prop1.Prop.sub in
let pi1, pi2 = (Prop.get_pure prop1, Prop.get_pure prop2) in
let sigma1, sigma2 = (prop1.Prop.sigma, prop2.Prop.sigma) in
let subs = pre_check_pure_implication tenv calc_missing (prop1.Prop.sub, sub1_base) pi1 pi2 in
let pi2_bcheck, pi2_nobcheck =
(* find bounds checks implicit in pi2 *)
List.partition_tf ~f:ProverState.atom_is_array_bounds_check pi2
List.iter ~f:(fun a -> ProverState.add_bounds_check (ProverState.BCfrom_pre a)) pi2_bcheck ;
L.d_strln "pre_check_pure_implication" ;
L.d_strln "pi1:" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
Prop.d_pi pi1 ;
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "pi2:" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
Prop.d_pi pi2 ;
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
L.d_ln () ;
if not (List.is_empty pi2_bcheck) then (
L.d_str "pi2 bounds checks: " ;
Prop.d_pi pi2_bcheck ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
L.d_strln "returns" ;
L.d_strln "sub1:" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
Prop.d_sub (fst subs) ;
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "sub2:" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
Prop.d_sub (snd subs) ;
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
L.d_ln () ;
let (sub1, sub2), frame_prop = sigma_imply tenv false calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 in
let pi1' = Prop.pi_sub sub1 pi1 in
let sigma1' = Prop.sigma_sub sub1 sigma1 in
L.d_ln () ;
let prop_for_impl = prepare_prop_for_implication tenv (sub1, sub2) pi1' sigma1' in
(* only deal with pi2 without bound checks *)
imply_pi tenv calc_missing (sub1, sub2) prop_for_impl pi2_nobcheck ;
(* handle implicit bound checks, plus those from array_len_imply *)
check_array_bounds tenv (sub1, sub2) prop_for_impl ;
L.d_strln "Result of Abduction" ;
L.d_increase_indent () ;
d_impl (sub1, sub2) (prop1, prop2) ;
L.d_decrease_indent () ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_strln "returning TRUE" ;
let frame = frame_prop.Prop.sigma in
if check_frame_empty && not (List.is_empty frame) then
raise (IMPL_EXC ("frame not empty", subs, EXC_FALSE)) ;
Some ((sub1, sub2), frame)
| IMPL_EXC (s, subs, body) ->
d_impl_err (s, subs, body) ;
L.d_printfln "WARNING: footprint failed to find MISSING because: %s" s ;
| Exceptions.Abduction_case_not_implemented _ as exn ->
BiabductionReporting.log_issue_deprecated_using_state proc_desc err_log exn ;
type implication_result =
| ImplOK of
( check list
* Predicates.subst
* Predicates.subst
* Predicates.hpred list
* Predicates.atom list
* Predicates.hpred list
* Predicates.hpred list
* Predicates.hpred list
* (Exp.t * Exp.t) list
* (Exp.t * Exp.t) list )
| ImplFail of check list
(** [check_implication_for_footprint p1 p2] returns [Some(sub, frame, missing)] if
[sub(p1 * missing) |- sub(p2 * frame)] where [sub] is a substitution which instantiates the
primed vars of [p1] and [p2], which are assumed to be disjoint. *)
let check_implication_for_footprint analysis_data p1 (p2 : Prop.t) =
let check_frame_empty = false in
let calc_missing = true in
match check_implication_base analysis_data check_frame_empty calc_missing p1 p2 with
| Some ((sub1, sub2), frame) ->
( !ProverState.checks
, sub1
, sub2
, frame
, ProverState.get_missing_pi ()
, ProverState.get_missing_sigma ()
, ProverState.get_frame_fld ()
, ProverState.get_missing_fld ()
, ProverState.get_frame_typ ()
, ProverState.get_missing_typ () )
| None ->
ImplFail !ProverState.checks
(** [check_implication p1 p2] returns true if [p1|-p2] *)
let check_implication ({InterproceduralAnalysis.tenv; _} as analysis_data) p1 p2 =
let check p1 p2 =
let check_frame_empty = true in
let calc_missing = false in
match check_implication_base analysis_data check_frame_empty calc_missing p1 p2 with
| Some _ ->
| None ->
check p1 p2
if !BiabductionConfig.footprint then
check (Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.extract_footprint p1)) (Prop.extract_footprint p2)
else true
(** {2 Cover: miminum set of pi's whose disjunction is equivalent to true} *)
(** check if the pi's in [cases] cover true *)
let is_cover tenv cases =
let cnt = ref 0 in
(* counter for timeout checks, as this function can take exponential time *)
let check () =
incr cnt ;
if Int.equal (!cnt mod 100) 0 then SymOp.check_wallclock_alarm ()
let rec is_cover_ acc_pi cases =
check () ;
match cases with
| [] ->
check_inconsistency_pi tenv acc_pi
| (pi, _) :: cases' ->
List.for_all ~f:(fun a -> is_cover_ (atom_negate tenv a :: acc_pi) cases') pi
is_cover_ [] cases
exception NO_COVER
(** Find miminum set of pi's in [cases] whose disjunction covers true *)
let find_minimum_pure_cover tenv cases =
let cases =
let compare (pi1, _) (pi2, _) = (List.length pi1) (List.length pi2) in
List.sort ~compare cases
let rec grow seen todo =
match todo with
| [] ->
raise NO_COVER
| (pi, x) :: todo' ->
if is_cover tenv ((pi, x) :: seen) then (pi, x) :: seen else grow ((pi, x) :: seen) todo'
let rec shrink_ seen todo =
match todo with
| [] ->
| (pi, x) :: todo' ->
if is_cover tenv (seen @ todo') then shrink_ seen todo' else shrink_ ((pi, x) :: seen) todo'
let shrink cases = if List.length cases > 2 then shrink_ [] cases else cases in
try Some (shrink (grow [] cases)) with NO_COVER -> None