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* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module Hashtbl = Caml.Hashtbl
(** initial process times *)
let initial_times = Unix.times ()
(** precise time of day at the start of the analysis *)
let initial_timeofday = Unix.gettimeofday ()
(** read a source file and return a list of lines, or None in case of error *)
let read_file fname =
let res = ref [] in
let cin_ref = ref None in
let cleanup () =
match !cin_ref with
| None -> ()
| Some cin -> In_channel.close cin in
let cin = open_in fname in
cin_ref := Some cin;
while true do
let line = input_line cin in
res := line :: !res
assert false
| End_of_file ->
cleanup ();
Some (IList.rev !res)
| Sys_error _ ->
cleanup ();
(** copy a source file, return the number of lines, or None in case of error *)
let copy_file fname_from fname_to =
let res = ref 0 in
let cin_ref = ref None in
let cout_ref = ref None in
let cleanup () =
begin match !cin_ref with
| None -> ()
| Some cin -> In_channel.close cin
begin match !cout_ref with
| None -> ()
| Some cout -> Out_channel.close cout
end in
let cin = open_in fname_from in
cin_ref := Some cin;
let cout = open_out fname_to in
cout_ref := Some cout;
while true do
let line = input_line cin in
output_string cout line;
output_char cout '\n';
incr res
assert false
| End_of_file ->
cleanup ();
Some !res
| Sys_error _ ->
(** type for files used for printing *)
type outfile =
{ fname : string; (** name of the file *)
out_c : out_channel; (** output channel *)
fmt : F.formatter (** formatter for printing *) }
(** create an outfile for the command line *)
let create_outfile fname =
let out_c = open_out fname in
let fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel out_c in
Some { fname = fname; out_c = out_c; fmt = fmt }
with Sys_error _ ->
F.fprintf F.err_formatter "error: cannot create file %s@." fname;
(** operate on an outfile reference if it is not None *)
let do_outf outf_opt f =
match outf_opt with
| None -> ()
| Some outf ->
f outf
(** close an outfile *)
let close_outf outf =
Out_channel.close outf.out_c
(** Convert a filename to an absolute one if it is relative, and normalize "." and ".." *)
let filename_to_absolute fname =
let add_entry rev_done entry =
match entry, rev_done with
| ".", [] -> entry :: rev_done (* id on . *)
| ".", _ -> rev_done (* path/. --> path *)
| "..", ("." | "..") :: _ -> entry :: rev_done (* id on {.,..}/.. *)
| "..", ["/"] -> rev_done (* /.. -> / *)
| "..", _ :: rev_done_parent -> rev_done_parent (* path/dir/.. --> path *)
| _ -> entry :: rev_done
let abs_fname = if Filename.is_absolute fname then fname else (Unix.getcwd ()) ^/ fname in
Filename.of_parts (List.rev (List.fold_left ~f:add_entry ~init:[] ( abs_fname)))
(** Convert an absolute filename to one relative to the current directory. *)
let filename_to_relative root fname =
let rec relativize_if_under origin target =
match origin, target with
| x :: xs, y :: ys when x = y -> relativize_if_under xs ys
| [], [] -> "."
| [], ys -> Filename.of_parts ys
| _ -> fname
relativize_if_under ( root) ( fname)
let directory_fold f init path =
let collect current_dir (accu, dirs) path =
let full_path = current_dir ^/ path in
if Sys.is_directory full_path = `Yes then
(accu, full_path:: dirs)
(f accu full_path, dirs)
with Sys_error _ ->
(accu, dirs) in
let rec loop accu dirs =
match dirs with
| [] -> accu
| d:: tl ->
let (new_accu, new_dirs) = Array.fold ~f:(collect d) ~init:(accu, tl) (Sys.readdir d) in
loop new_accu new_dirs in
if Sys.is_directory path = `Yes then
loop init [path]
f init path
let directory_iter f path =
let apply current_dir dirs path =
let full_path = current_dir ^/ path in
if Sys.is_directory full_path = `Yes then
full_path:: dirs
let () = f full_path in
with Sys_error _ ->
dirs in
let rec loop dirs =
match dirs with
| [] -> ()
| d:: tl ->
let new_dirs = Array.fold ~f:(apply d) ~init:tl (Sys.readdir d) in
loop new_dirs in
if Sys.is_directory path = `Yes then
loop [path]
f path
let remove_directory_tree path =
Stream.from (fun _ -> Fts.fts_read (Fts.fts_open ?compar:None ~path_argv:[path] ~options:[]))
|> Stream.iter (fun ent ->
match ent with
| FTS_D | FTS_DOT -> ()
| _ -> Unix.remove ( ent)
let string_crc_hex32 s = Digest.to_hex (Digest.string s)
let string_append_crc_cutoff ?(cutoff=100) ?(key="") name =
let name_up_to_cutoff =
if String.length name <= cutoff
then name
else String.sub name ~pos:0 ~len:cutoff in
let crc_str =
let name_for_crc = name ^ key in
string_crc_hex32 name_for_crc in
name_up_to_cutoff ^ "." ^ crc_str
let read_optional_json_file path =
if Sys.file_exists path = `Yes then
Ok (Yojson.Basic.from_file path)
with Sys_error msg | Yojson.Json_error msg ->
Error msg
else Ok (`Assoc [])
let do_finally f g =
let res = try f () with exc -> g () |> ignore; raise exc in
let res' = g () in
(res, res')
let with_file file ~f =
let oc = open_out file in
let f () = f oc in
let g () = Out_channel.close oc in
do_finally f g |> fst
let write_json_to_file destfile json =
with_file destfile ~f:(fun oc -> Yojson.Basic.pretty_to_channel oc json)
let consume_in chan_in =
while true do input_line chan_in |> ignore done
with End_of_file -> ()
let with_process_in command read =
let chan = Unix.open_process_in command in
let f () = read chan in
let g () =
consume_in chan;
Unix.close_process_in chan in
do_finally f g
(** Create a directory if it does not exist already. *)
let create_dir dir =
if (Unix.stat dir).Unix.st_kind <> Unix.S_DIR then
failwithf "@.ERROR: file %s exists and is not a directory@." dir
with Unix.Unix_error _ ->
try Unix.mkdir dir ~perm:0o700 with
Unix.Unix_error _ ->
let created_concurrently = (* check if another process created it meanwhile *)
try (Unix.stat dir).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_DIR
with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false in
if not created_concurrently then
failwithf "@.ERROR: cannot create directory %s@." dir
let realpath_cache = Hashtbl.create 1023
let realpath path =
match Hashtbl.find realpath_cache path with
| exception Not_found -> (
match Filename.realpath path with
| realpath ->
Hashtbl.add realpath_cache path (Ok realpath);
| exception Unix.Unix_error (code, f, arg) ->
"WARNING: Failed to resolve file %s with \"%s\" \n@." arg (Unix.error_message code);
(* cache failures as well *)
Hashtbl.add realpath_cache path (Error (code, f, arg));
raise (Unix.Unix_error (code, f, arg))
| Ok path -> path
| Error (code, f, arg) -> raise (Unix.Unix_error (code, f, arg))
(* never closed *)
let devnull = lazy (Unix.openfile "/dev/null" ~mode:[Unix.O_WRONLY])
let suppress_stderr2 f2 x1 x2 =
let restore_stderr src =
Unix.dup2 ~src ~dst:Unix.stderr;
Unix.close src in
let orig_stderr = Unix.dup Unix.stderr in
Unix.dup2 ~src:(Lazy.force devnull) ~dst:Unix.stderr;
let f () = f2 x1 x2 in
let finally () = restore_stderr orig_stderr in
protect ~f ~finally
let compare_versions v1 v2 =
let int_list_of_version v =
let lv = String.split ~on:'.' v in
let int_of_string_or_zero v =
try int_of_string v
with Failure _ -> 0 in ~f:int_of_string_or_zero lv in
let lv1 = int_list_of_version v1 in
let lv2 = int_list_of_version v2 in
[%compare : int list] lv1 lv2