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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Multiset - Set with (signed) rational multiplicity for each element *)
open! NS0
module type MULTIPLICITY = sig
type t [@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp]
val zero : t
val add : t -> t -> t
val sub : t -> t -> t
val neg : t -> t
module type S = sig
type mul
type elt
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash_fold_t : elt Hash.folder -> t Hash.folder
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t
val t_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> elt) -> Sexp.t -> t
val pp :
?pre:(unit, unit) fmt
-> ?suf:(unit, unit) fmt
-> (unit, unit) fmt
-> (elt * mul) pp
-> t pp
(* constructors *)
val empty : t
(** The empty multiset over the provided order. *)
val of_ : elt -> mul -> t
val add : elt -> mul -> t -> t
(** Add to multiplicity of single element. [O(log n)] *)
val remove : elt -> t -> t
(** Set the multiplicity of an element to zero. [O(log n)] *)
val union : t -> t -> t
(** Add multiplicities pointwise. [O(n + m)] *)
val diff : t -> t -> t
(** Subtract multiplicities pointwise. [O(n + m)] *)
val map : t -> f:(elt -> mul -> elt * mul) -> t
(** Map over the elements in ascending order. Preserves physical equality
if [f] does. *)
val map_counts : t -> f:(mul -> mul) -> t
(** Map over the multiplicities of the elements in ascending order. *)
val mapi_counts : t -> f:(elt -> mul -> mul) -> t
(** Map over the multiplicities of the elements in ascending order. *)
val flat_map : t -> f:(elt -> mul -> t) -> t
(** Flat map over the elements in ascending order. Preserves physical
equality if [f e m] is a singleton [(e', m')] with [e == e'] and
[Mul.equal m m'] for all elements. *)
val partition : t -> f:(elt -> mul -> bool) -> t * t
val partition_map : t -> f:(elt -> mul -> (mul, mul) Either.t) -> t * t
(* queries *)
val is_empty : t -> bool
val is_singleton : t -> bool
val length : t -> int
(** Number of elements with non-zero multiplicity. [O(1)]. *)
val count : elt -> t -> mul
(** Multiplicity of an element. [O(log n)]. *)
val only_elt : t -> (elt * mul) option
(** The only element of a singleton multiset. [O(1)]. *)
val choose_exn : t -> elt * mul
(** Find an unspecified element. [O(1)]. *)
val choose : t -> (elt * mul) option
(** Find an unspecified element. [O(1)]. *)
val pop : t -> (elt * mul * t) option
(** Find and remove an unspecified element. [O(1)]. *)
val min_elt : t -> (elt * mul) option
(** Minimum element. [O(log n)]. *)
val pop_min_elt : t -> (elt * mul * t) option
(** Find and remove minimum element. [O(log n)]. *)
val classify : t -> [`Zero | `One of elt * mul | `Many]
(** Classify a set as either empty, singleton, or otherwise. *)
val find_and_remove : elt -> t -> (mul * t) option
(** Find and remove an element. *)
val to_iter : t -> (elt * mul) iter
(** Enumerate elements in ascending order. *)
(* traversals *)
val iter : t -> f:(elt -> mul -> unit) -> unit
(** Iterate over the elements in ascending order. *)
val exists : t -> f:(elt -> mul -> bool) -> bool
(** Search for an element satisfying a predicate. *)
val for_all : t -> f:(elt -> mul -> bool) -> bool
(** Test whether all elements satisfy a predicate. *)
val fold : t -> 's -> f:(elt -> mul -> 's -> 's) -> 's
(** Fold over the elements in ascending order. *)