@ -25,8 +25,32 @@ and disjunction = starjunction list
type t = starjunction [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
type t = starjunction [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
let map_seg {loc; bas; len; siz; arr} ~f =
(** Traversals *)
{loc= f loc; bas= f bas; len= f len; siz= f siz; arr= f arr}
let map_seg ~f h =
let loc = f h.loc in
let bas = f h.bas in
let len = f h.len in
let siz = f h.siz in
let arr = f h.arr in
loc == h.loc && bas == h.bas && len == h.len && siz == h.siz
&& arr == h.arr
then h
else {loc; bas; len; siz; arr}
let map ~f_sjn ~f_cong ~f_trm ({us= _; xs= _; cong; pure; heap; djns} as q)
let cong = f_cong cong in
let pure = List.map_preserving_phys_equal pure ~f:f_trm in
let heap = List.map_preserving_phys_equal heap ~f:(map_seg ~f:f_trm) in
let djns =
List.map_preserving_phys_equal djns
~f:(List.map_preserving_phys_equal ~f:f_sjn)
if cong == q.cong && pure == q.pure && heap == q.heap && djns == q.djns
then q
else {q with cong; pure; heap; djns}
let fold_terms_seg {loc; bas; len; siz; arr} ~init ~f =
let fold_terms_seg {loc; bas; len; siz; arr} ~init ~f =
let f b s = f s b in
let f b s = f s b in
@ -44,6 +68,8 @@ let fold_vars fold_vars {us= _; xs= _; cong; pure; heap; djns} ~init ~f =
|> fun init ->
|> fun init ->
List.fold ~init djns ~f:(fun init -> List.fold ~init ~f:fold_vars)
List.fold ~init djns ~f:(fun init -> List.fold ~init ~f:fold_vars)
(** Pretty-printing *)
let var_strength q =
let var_strength q =
let rec var_strength_ xs m q =
let rec var_strength_ xs m q =
let xs = Set.union xs q.xs in
let xs = Set.union xs q.xs in
@ -256,33 +282,12 @@ let rec simplify {us; xs; cong; pure; heap; djns} =
(** Quantification and Vocabulary *)
(** Quantification and Vocabulary *)
let rename_seg sub ({loc; bas; len; siz; arr} as h) =
let loc = Term.rename sub loc in
let bas = Term.rename sub bas in
let len = Term.rename sub len in
let siz = Term.rename sub siz in
let arr = Term.rename sub arr in
( if
loc == h.loc && bas == h.bas && len == h.len && siz == h.siz
&& arr == h.arr
then h
else {loc; bas; len; siz; arr} )
|> check (fun h' ->
assert (Set.disjoint (fv_seg h') (Var.Subst.domain sub)) )
(** primitive application of a substitution, ignores us and xs, may violate
(** primitive application of a substitution, ignores us and xs, may violate
invariant *)
invariant *)
let rec apply_subst sub ({us= _; xs= _; cong; pure; heap; djns} as q) =
let rec apply_subst sub q =
let cong = Equality.rename cong sub in
map q ~f_sjn:(rename sub)
let pure = List.map_preserving_phys_equal pure ~f:(Term.rename sub) in
~f_cong:(fun r -> Equality.rename r sub)
let heap = List.map_preserving_phys_equal heap ~f:(rename_seg sub) in
~f_trm:(Term.rename sub)
let djns =
List.map_preserving_phys_equal djns ~f:(fun d ->
List.map_preserving_phys_equal d ~f:(fun q -> rename sub q) )
( if cong == q.cong && pure == q.pure && heap == q.heap && djns == q.djns
then q
else {q with cong; pure; heap; djns} )
|> check (fun q' -> assert (Set.disjoint (fv q') (Var.Subst.domain sub)))
|> check (fun q' -> assert (Set.disjoint (fv q') (Var.Subst.domain sub)))
and rename sub q =
and rename sub q =