[sledge] Add coverage statistics to test report

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D24989065

fbshipit-source-id: e0385df79
Josh Berdine 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 558921e494
commit 02625ac1ce

@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ let analyze =
Domain_sh.simplify_states := not no_simplify_states ;
Timer.enabled := stats ;
exec {bound; skip_throw; function_summaries; entry_points; globals} pgm ;
Report.coverage pgm ;
Report.safe_or_unsafe ()
let analyze_cmd =

@ -14,15 +14,18 @@ let read filename =
List.iter sexps ~f:(fun sexp ->
let {Report.name; entry} = Report.t_of_sexp sexp in
match (Tbl.find_opt tbl name, entry) with
| None, ProcessTimes ptimes -> Tbl.replace tbl name ([ptimes], [], [])
| None, GcStats gc -> Tbl.replace tbl name ([], [gc], [])
| None, Status status -> Tbl.replace tbl name ([], [], [status])
| Some (times, gcs, statuses), ProcessTimes ptimes ->
Tbl.replace tbl name (ptimes :: times, gcs, statuses)
| Some (times, gcs, statuses), GcStats gc ->
Tbl.replace tbl name (times, gc :: gcs, statuses)
| Some (times, gc, statuses), Status status ->
Tbl.replace tbl name (times, gc, status :: statuses) ) ;
| None, ProcessTimes t -> Tbl.replace tbl name ([t], [], [], [])
| None, GcStats g -> Tbl.replace tbl name ([], [g], [], [])
| None, Coverage c -> Tbl.replace tbl name ([], [], [c], [])
| None, Status s -> Tbl.replace tbl name ([], [], [], [s])
| Some (times, gcs, coverages, statuses), ProcessTimes ptimes ->
Tbl.replace tbl name (ptimes :: times, gcs, coverages, statuses)
| Some (times, gcs, coverages, statuses), GcStats gc ->
Tbl.replace tbl name (times, gc :: gcs, coverages, statuses)
| Some (times, gcs, coverages, statuses), Coverage c ->
Tbl.replace tbl name (times, gcs, c :: coverages, statuses)
| Some (times, gc, coverages, statuses), Status status ->
Tbl.replace tbl name (times, gc, coverages, status :: statuses) ) ;
type times = {etime: float; utime: float; stime: float}
@ -33,6 +36,8 @@ type ('t, 'g) row =
; times_deltas: 't
; gcs: 'g
; gcs_deltas: 'g
; cov: Report.coverage list
; cov_deltas: Report.coverage list option
; status: Report.status list
; status_deltas: Report.status list option }
@ -75,6 +80,27 @@ let add_gcs base_gcs gcs row =
if List.is_empty gcs then {row with gcs_deltas= Option.to_list base_gcs}
else List.fold ~f:(add_gc base_gcs) gcs row
let add_cov base_cov cov row =
if List.mem ~eq:Report.equal_coverage cov row.cov then row
let cov_deltas =
match base_cov with
| Some (base_cov :: _) ->
let covd =
{ steps= cov.steps - base_cov.steps
; hit= cov.hit - base_cov.hit
; fraction= cov.fraction -. base_cov.fraction }
Some (covd :: Option.value row.cov_deltas ~default:[])
| _ -> None
{row with cov= cov :: row.cov; cov_deltas}
let add_covs base_cov covs row =
let row = List.fold ~f:(add_cov base_cov) covs row in
{row with cov= List.sort ~cmp:(Ord.opp Report.compare_coverage) row.cov}
let add_status base_status status row =
if List.mem ~eq:Report.equal_status status row.status then row
@ -103,9 +129,9 @@ let ave_floats flts =
else sum /. Float.of_int num
let combine name b_result c_result =
let base_times, base_gcs, base_status =
let base_times, base_gcs, base_cov, base_status =
match b_result with
| Some (times, gcs, statuses) ->
| Some (times, gcs, covs, statuses) ->
let times =
if List.is_empty times then None
@ -149,11 +175,12 @@ let combine name b_result c_result =
; promoted= ave_floats promos
; peak_size= ave_floats peaks }
let covs = if List.is_empty covs then None else Some covs in
let status =
Some (List.sort_uniq ~cmp:Report.compare_status statuses)
(times, gcs, status)
| None -> (None, None, None)
(times, gcs, covs, status)
| None -> (None, None, None, None)
let row =
{ name
@ -161,6 +188,8 @@ let combine name b_result c_result =
; times_deltas= []
; gcs= []
; gcs_deltas= []
; cov= []
; cov_deltas= None
; status= []
; status_deltas= None }
@ -168,12 +197,14 @@ let combine name b_result c_result =
| None ->
let times_deltas = Option.to_list base_times in
let gcs_deltas = Option.to_list base_gcs in
let cov_deltas = base_cov in
let status_deltas = base_status in
{row with times_deltas; gcs_deltas; status_deltas}
| Some (c_times, c_gcs, c_statuses) ->
{row with times_deltas; gcs_deltas; cov_deltas; status_deltas}
| Some (c_times, c_gcs, c_cov, c_statuses) ->
|> add_times base_times c_times
|> add_gcs base_gcs c_gcs
|> add_covs base_cov c_cov
|> add_statuses base_status c_statuses
type ranges =
@ -258,7 +289,8 @@ let color max dat =
Printf.sprintf "#%2x%2x%2x" (to_int r) (to_int g) (to_int b)
let rat = dat /. max in
if Float.is_nan rat then rgb_to_hex lace else rgb_to_hex (gradient rat)
if Float.(abs dat < 0.000001 || is_nan rat) then rgb_to_hex lace
else rgb_to_hex (gradient rat)
let write_html ranges rows chan =
let pf fmt = Printf.fprintf chan fmt in
@ -295,11 +327,24 @@ let write_html ranges rows chan =
</tr>|} ;
pf "\n" ;
Iter.iter rows ~f:(fun row ->
let {name; times; times_deltas; gcs; gcs_deltas; status; status_deltas}
let { name
; times
; times_deltas
; gcs
; gcs_deltas
; cov
; cov_deltas
; status
; status_deltas } =
let max_name_length = 50 in
@ -354,6 +399,41 @@ let write_html ranges rows chan =
let status_to_string = Format.asprintf "%a" Report.pp_status in
Printf.fprintf ppf "%s" (String.take 50 (status_to_string s))
let steps attr ppf = function
| [] -> Printf.fprintf ppf "<td %s></td>\n" attr
| cs ->
List.iter cs ~f:(fun {Report.steps} ->
if steps = 0 then Printf.fprintf ppf "<td></td>\n"
Printf.fprintf ppf "<td %s align=\"right\">%i</td>\n" attr
steps )
let hit attr ppf = function
| [] -> Printf.fprintf ppf "<td %s></td>\n" attr
| cs ->
List.iter cs ~f:(fun {Report.hit} ->
if hit = 0 then Printf.fprintf ppf "<td></td>\n"
Printf.fprintf ppf "<td %s align=\"right\">%i</td>\n" attr
hit )
let coverage attr ppf = function
| [] -> Printf.fprintf ppf "<td align=\"right\"></td>\n"
| cs ->
List.iter cs ~f:(fun {Report.fraction} ->
if Float.(abs fraction < 0.000001) then
Printf.fprintf ppf "<td></td>\n"
Printf.fprintf ppf
"<td %s align=\"right\">%12.0f%%</td>\n" attr
(Base.Float.round_decimal ~decimal_digits:2
(100. *. fraction)) )
let coveraged coverage ppf cs =
let cs = Option.value cs ~default:[] in
let attr = if List.is_empty cs then "" else " class=\"neutral\"" in
Printf.fprintf ppf "%a" (coverage attr) cs
let stat ppf = function
| [] ->
Printf.fprintf ppf
@ -437,6 +517,13 @@ let write_html ranges rows chan =
<td style=\"border-left: 2px solid \
#eee8d5\";></td><td></td><td></td>\n" ) ;
pf "%a%a" stat status statd status_deltas ;
pf "%a%a"
(steps " style=\"border-left: 2px solid #eee8d5\";")
cov (coveraged steps) cov_deltas ;
pf "%a%a"
(hit " style=\"border-left: 2px solid #eee8d5\";")
cov (coverage "") cov ;
pf "%a%a" (coveraged hit) cov_deltas (coveraged coverage) cov_deltas ;
pf "</tr>\n" ) ;
pf "<table>\n" ;
pf "</body></html>\n"
@ -488,6 +575,8 @@ let add_total rows =
; times_deltas= Some {etime= 0.; utime= 0.; stime= 0.}
; gcs= Some {Report.allocated= 0.; promoted= 0.; peak_size= 0.}
; gcs_deltas= Some {Report.allocated= 0.; promoted= 0.; peak_size= 0.}
; cov= []
; cov_deltas= None
; status= []
; status_deltas= None }

@ -119,7 +119,9 @@ module Make (Dom : Domain_intf.Dom) = struct
| _ -> acc
let n = count_f_in_stack 0 return stk in
( if n > bound then None
( if n > bound then (
Report.hit_bound n ;
None )
else Some (push_throw throw (push_return call from_call stk)) )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} _ ->
@ -219,6 +221,7 @@ module Make (Dom : Domain_intf.Dom) = struct
let depth = if retreating then depth + 1 else depth in
if depth > bound then (
[%Trace.info "prune: %i: %a" depth Edge.pp edge] ;
Report.hit_bound bound ;
work )
let pq = FHeap.add pq (depth, edge) in
@ -395,7 +398,7 @@ module Make (Dom : Domain_intf.Dom) = struct
fun opts pgm stk state block ->
"@[<2>exec term@\n@[%a@]@\n%a@]" Dom.pp state Llair.Term.pp block.term] ;
Report.step () ;
Report.step_term block.term ;
match block.term with
| Switch {key; tbl; els} ->
@ -460,7 +463,7 @@ module Make (Dom : Domain_intf.Dom) = struct
fun inst state ->
"@[<2>exec inst@\n@[%a@]@\n%a@]" Dom.pp state Llair.Inst.pp inst] ;
Report.step () ;
Report.step_inst inst ;
Dom.exec_inst inst state
|> function
| Some state -> Result.Ok state | None -> Result.Error (state, inst)

@ -335,7 +335,12 @@ and dummy_func =
(** Instructions *)
module Inst = struct
module T = struct
type t = inst [@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp]
include T
module Tbl = HashTable.Make (T)
let pp = pp_inst
let move ~reg_exps ~loc = Move {reg_exps; loc}
@ -404,7 +409,12 @@ end
(** Basic-Block Terminators *)
module Term = struct
module T = struct
type t = term [@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp_of]
include T
module Tbl = HashTable.Make (T)
let pp = pp_term
@ -519,7 +529,7 @@ module Func = struct
| {entry= {cmnd; term= Unreachable; _}; _} -> IArray.is_empty cmnd
| _ -> false
let fold_cfg ~f func s =
let fold_cfg func s ~f =
let seen = BlockS.create 0 in
let rec fold_cfg_ blk s =
if not (BlockS.add seen blk) then s

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ and func = private
; entry: block
; loc: Loc.t }
type functions
type functions = func Function.Map.t
type program = private
{ globals: GlobalDefn.t iarray (** Global definitions. *)
@ -125,6 +125,8 @@ module Inst : sig
val loc : inst -> Loc.t
val locals : inst -> Reg.Set.t
val fold_exps : inst -> 's -> f:(Exp.t -> 's -> 's) -> 's
module Tbl : HashTable.S with type key := t
module Jump : sig
@ -164,6 +166,8 @@ module Term : sig
val throw : exc:Exp.t -> loc:Loc.t -> term
val unreachable : term
val loc : term -> Loc.t
module Tbl : HashTable.S with type key := t
module Block : sig
@ -203,6 +207,9 @@ module Func : sig
val find : Function.t -> functions -> t option
(** Look up a function of the given name in the given functions. *)
val fold_cfg : func -> 'a -> f:(block -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a
(** Fold over the blocks of the control-flow graph of a function. *)
val is_undefined : t -> bool
(** Holds of functions that are declared but not defined. *)

@ -38,13 +38,25 @@ let invalid_access_term fmt_thunk term =
(** Functional statistics *)
let steps = ref 0
let step () = Int.incr steps
let hit_insts = Llair.Inst.Tbl.create ()
let hit_terms = Llair.Term.Tbl.create ()
let step_inst i =
Llair.Inst.Tbl.incr hit_insts i ;
Int.incr steps
let step_term t =
Llair.Term.Tbl.incr hit_terms t ;
Int.incr steps
let bound = ref (-1)
let hit_bound n = bound := n
(** Status reporting *)
type status =
| Safe of {steps: int}
| Unsafe of {alarms: int; steps: int}
| Safe of {bound: int}
| Unsafe of {alarms: int; bound: int}
| Ok
| Unsound
| Incomplete
@ -60,8 +72,10 @@ type status =
let pp_status ppf stat =
let pf fmt = Format.fprintf ppf fmt in
match stat with
| Safe {steps} -> pf "Safe (%i)" steps
| Unsafe {alarms; steps} -> pf "Unsafe: %i (%i)" alarms steps
| Safe {bound= -1} -> pf "Safe"
| Safe {bound} -> pf "Safe (%i)" bound
| Unsafe {alarms; bound= -1} -> pf "Unsafe: %i" alarms
| Unsafe {alarms; bound} -> pf "Unsafe: %i (%i)" alarms bound
| Ok -> pf "Ok"
| Unsound -> pf "Unsound"
| Incomplete -> pf "Incomplete"
@ -74,8 +88,8 @@ let pp_status ppf stat =
| UnknownError msg -> pf "Unknown error: %s" msg
let safe_or_unsafe () =
if !invalid_access_count = 0 then Safe {steps= !steps}
else Unsafe {alarms= !invalid_access_count; steps= !steps}
if !invalid_access_count = 0 then Safe {bound= !bound}
else Unsafe {alarms= !invalid_access_count; bound= !bound}
type gc_stats = {allocated: float; promoted: float; peak_size: float}
[@@deriving sexp]
@ -84,10 +98,14 @@ type times =
{etime: float; utime: float; stime: float; cutime: float; cstime: float}
[@@deriving sexp]
type coverage = {steps: int; hit: int; fraction: float}
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
type entry =
| ProcessTimes of times
| GcStats of gc_stats
| Status of status
| Coverage of coverage
[@@deriving sexp]
let process_times () =
@ -140,4 +158,16 @@ let init ?append filename =
output (gc_stats ()) ;
Option.iter ~f:Out_channel.close_no_err !chan )
let coverage (pgm : Llair.program) =
let size =
Llair.Function.Map.fold pgm.functions 0 ~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:func n ->
Llair.Func.fold_cfg func n ~f:(fun blk n ->
n + IArray.length blk.cmnd + 1 ) )
let hit =
Llair.Inst.Tbl.length hit_insts + Llair.Term.Tbl.length hit_terms
let fraction = Float.(of_int hit /. of_int size) in
output (Coverage {steps= !steps; hit; fraction})
let status s = output (Status s)

@ -8,14 +8,16 @@
(** Issue reporting *)
val init : ?append:bool -> string -> unit
val step : unit -> unit
val step_inst : Llair.inst -> unit
val step_term : Llair.term -> unit
val hit_bound : int -> unit
val unknown_call : Llair.term -> unit
val invalid_access_inst : (Format.formatter -> unit) -> Llair.inst -> unit
val invalid_access_term : (Format.formatter -> unit) -> Llair.term -> unit
type status =
| Safe of {steps: int}
| Unsafe of {alarms: int; steps: int}
| Safe of {bound: int}
| Unsafe of {alarms: int; bound: int}
| Ok
| Unsound
| Incomplete
@ -31,17 +33,23 @@ type status =
val pp_status : status pp
val safe_or_unsafe : unit -> status
val status : status -> unit
val coverage : Llair.program -> unit
type gc_stats = {allocated: float; promoted: float; peak_size: float}
[@@deriving sexp]
type times =
{etime: float; utime: float; stime: float; cutime: float; cstime: float}
[@@deriving sexp]
type coverage = {steps: int; hit: int; fraction: float}
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
type entry =
| ProcessTimes of times
| GcStats of gc_stats
| Status of status
| Coverage of coverage
[@@deriving sexp]
type t = {name: string; entry: entry} [@@deriving sexp]
