[IR] add type qualifiers to Typ.t

Reviewed By: jberdine, jvillard

Differential Revision: D4867359

fbshipit-source-id: eef5be0
Andrzej Kotulski 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 5de8161f89
commit 029499cd9d

@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ let get_correct_type_from_objc_class_name type_name =>
switch (find_tenv_from_class_of_proc class_method) {
| Some tenv =>
Some (Typ.Tstruct type_name);
Some (Typ.mk (Tstruct type_name));
type t = {
num_bindings: int,

@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ let specialize_types_proc callee_pdesc resolved_pdesc substitutions => {
let convert_pvar pvar => Pvar.mk (Pvar.get_name pvar) resolved_pname;
let mk_ptr_typ typename =>
/* Only consider pointers from Java objects for now */
Typ.Tptr (Typ.Tstruct typename) Typ.Pk_pointer;
Typ.mk (Tptr (Typ.mk (Tstruct typename)) Typ.Pk_pointer);
let convert_exp =
| Exp.Lvar origin_pvar => Exp.Lvar (convert_pvar origin_pvar)
@ -363,7 +363,10 @@ let specialize_types_proc callee_pdesc resolved_pdesc substitutions => {
let convert_instr instrs =>
| Sil.Load
id (Exp.Lvar origin_pvar as origin_exp) (Typ.Tptr (Tstruct origin_typename) Pk_pointer) loc => {
(Exp.Lvar origin_pvar as origin_exp)
{Typ.desc: Tptr {desc: Tstruct origin_typename} Pk_pointer}
loc => {
let specialized_typname =
try (Mangled.Map.find (Pvar.get_name origin_pvar) substitutions) {
| Not_found => origin_typename
@ -371,9 +374,9 @@ let specialize_types_proc callee_pdesc resolved_pdesc substitutions => {
subst_map := Ident.IdentMap.add id specialized_typname !subst_map;
[Sil.Load id (convert_exp origin_exp) (mk_ptr_typ specialized_typname) loc, ...instrs]
| Sil.Load id (Exp.Var origin_id as origin_exp) (Typ.Tstruct _ as origin_typ) loc => {
let updated_typ =
try (Typ.Tstruct (Ident.IdentMap.find origin_id !subst_map)) {
| Sil.Load id (Exp.Var origin_id as origin_exp) ({Typ.desc: Tstruct _} as origin_typ) loc => {
let updated_typ: Typ.t =
try (Typ.mk default::origin_typ (Tstruct (Ident.IdentMap.find origin_id !subst_map))) {
| Not_found => origin_typ
[Sil.Load id (convert_exp origin_exp) updated_typ loc, ...instrs]
@ -474,8 +477,8 @@ let specialize_types callee_pdesc resolved_pname args => {
fun (params, subts) (param_name, param_typ) (_, arg_typ) =>
switch arg_typ {
| Typ.Tptr (Tstruct typename) Pk_pointer =>
switch arg_typ.Typ.desc {
| Tptr {desc: Tstruct typename} Pk_pointer =>
/* Replace the type of the parameter by the type of the argument */
([(param_name, arg_typ), ...params], Mangled.Map.add param_name typename subts)
| _ => ([(param_name, param_typ), ...params], subts)

@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ let of_sil ~f_resolve_id (instr : Sil.instr) =
| Call (ret_opt, call_exp, formals, loc, call_flags) ->
let hil_ret = Option.map ~f:(fun (ret_id, ret_typ) -> Var.of_id ret_id, ret_typ) ret_opt in
let hil_call =
match HilExp.of_sil ~f_resolve_id call_exp Typ.Tvoid with
match HilExp.of_sil ~f_resolve_id call_exp (Typ.mk Tvoid) with
| Constant (Cfun procname) -> Direct procname
| AccessPath access_path -> Indirect access_path
| call_exp -> invalid_argf "Unexpected call expression %a" HilExp.pp call_exp in
let formals = List.map ~f:(fun (exp, typ) -> HilExp.of_sil ~f_resolve_id exp typ) formals in
Instr (Call (hil_ret, hil_call, formals, call_flags, loc))
| Prune (exp, loc, true_branch, if_kind) ->
let hil_exp = HilExp.of_sil ~f_resolve_id exp (Typ.Tint Typ.IBool) in
let hil_exp = HilExp.of_sil ~f_resolve_id exp (Typ.mk (Tint IBool)) in
let branch = if true_branch then `Then else `Else in
Instr (Assume (hil_exp, branch, if_kind, loc))
| Nullify _ | Remove_temps _

@ -309,12 +309,12 @@ let add_by_call_to_opt problem_str tags proc_name_opt =
problem_str ^ " " ^ by_call_to tags proc_name
| None -> problem_str
let rec format_typ = function
| Typ.Tptr (typ, _) when Config.curr_language_is Config.Java ->
format_typ typ
let rec format_typ typ = match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr (t, _) when Config.curr_language_is Config.Java ->
format_typ t
| Typ.Tstruct name ->
Typ.Name.name name
| typ ->
| _ ->
Typ.to_string typ
let format_field f =
@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ let desc_leak hpred_type_opt value_str_opt resource_opt resource_action_opt loc
MF.monospaced_to_string s, " to ", " on " in
let typ_str =
match hpred_type_opt with
| Some (Exp.Sizeof (Tstruct name, _, _)) when Typ.Name.is_class name ->
| Some (Exp.Sizeof ({desc=Tstruct name}, _, _)) when Typ.Name.is_class name ->
" of type " ^ MF.monospaced_to_string (Typ.Name.name name) ^ " "
| _ -> " " in
let desc_str =

@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ struct
List.mem ~equal:String.equal core_graphics_types o
let rec is_core_lib lib typ =
match typ with
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr (styp, _ ) ->
is_core_lib lib styp
| Typ.Tstruct name ->

@ -99,6 +99,6 @@ let default proc_name language => {
objc_accessor: None,
proc_flags: proc_flags_empty (),
ret_type: Typ.Tvoid,
ret_type: Typ.mk Typ.Tvoid,
source_file_captured: SourceFile.invalid

@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ let hpred_get_lhs h =>
/** {2 Comparision and Inspection Functions} */
let has_objc_ref_counter tenv hpred =>
switch hpred {
| Hpointsto _ _ (Sizeof (Tstruct name) _ _) =>
| Hpointsto _ _ (Sizeof {desc: Tstruct name} _ _) =>
switch (Tenv.lookup tenv name) {
| Some {fields} => List.exists f::Typ.Struct.is_objc_ref_counter_field fields
| _ => false
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ let has_objc_ref_counter tenv hpred =>
/** Returns the zero value of a type, for int, float and ptr types, None othwewise */
let zero_value_of_numerical_type_option typ =>
switch typ {
switch typ.Typ.desc {
| Typ.Tint _ => Some (Exp.Const (Cint IntLit.zero))
| Typ.Tfloat _ => Some (Exp.Const (Cfloat 0.0))
| Typ.Tptr _ => Some (Exp.Const (Cint IntLit.null))

@ -123,9 +123,11 @@ let ptr_kind_string =
type static_length = option IntLit.t [@@deriving compare];
module T = {
type type_quals = {is_const: bool, is_volatile: bool} [@@deriving compare];
/** types for sil (structured) expressions */
type t =
type t = {desc, quals: type_quals} [@@deriving compare]
and desc =
| Tint ikind /** integer type */
| Tfloat fkind /** float type */
| Tvoid /** void type */
@ -146,12 +148,33 @@ module T = {
| NoTemplate
| Template (QualifiedCppName.t, list (option t))
[@@deriving compare];
let equal_desc = [%compare.equal : desc];
let equal_quals = [%compare.equal : type_quals];
let equal = [%compare.equal : t];
let hash = Hashtbl.hash;
include T;
let mk_type_quals ::default=? ::is_const=? ::is_volatile=? () => {
let default_ = {is_const: false, is_volatile: false};
let mk_aux ::default=default_ ::is_const=default.is_const ::is_volatile=default.is_volatile () => {
mk_aux ::?default ::?is_const ::?is_volatile ()
let is_const {is_const} => is_const;
let is_volatile {is_volatile} => is_volatile;
let mk ::default=? ::quals=? desc :t => {
let default_ = {desc, quals: mk_type_quals ()};
let mk_aux ::default=default_ ::quals=default.quals desc => {desc, quals};
mk_aux ::?default ::?quals desc
module Name = {
type t = name [@@deriving compare];
let equal = [%compare.equal : t];
@ -253,8 +276,8 @@ module Tbl = Hashtbl.Make T;
/** Pretty print a type with all the details, using the C syntax. */
let rec pp_full pe f =>
let rec pp_full pe f {desc} =>
switch desc {
| Tstruct tname =>
if (Pp.equal_print_kind pe.Pp.kind Pp.HTML) {
F.fprintf f "%s" (Name.name tname |> Escape.escape_xml)
@ -266,10 +289,10 @@ let rec pp_full pe f =>
| Tvoid => F.fprintf f "void"
| Tfun false => F.fprintf f "_fn_"
| Tfun true => F.fprintf f "_fn_noreturn_"
| Tptr ((Tarray _ | Tfun _) as typ) pk =>
| Tptr ({desc: Tarray _ | Tfun _} as typ) pk =>
F.fprintf f "%a(%s)" (pp_full pe) typ (ptr_kind_string pk)
| Tptr typ pk => F.fprintf f "%a%s" (pp_full pe) typ (ptr_kind_string pk)
| Tarray typ static_len => {
| Tarray typ static_len =>
let pp_array_static_len fmt => (
| Some static_len => IntLit.pp fmt static_len
@ -300,10 +323,11 @@ let d_full (t: t) => L.add_print_action (L.PTtyp_full, Obj.repr t);
/** dump a list of types. */
let d_list (tl: list t) => L.add_print_action (L.PTtyp_list, Obj.repr tl);
let name =
let name typ =>
switch typ.desc {
| Tstruct name => Some name
| _ => None;
| _ => None
let unsome s =>
@ -315,21 +339,23 @@ let unsome s =>
/** turn a *T into a T. fails if [typ] is not a pointer type */
let strip_ptr =
let strip_ptr typ =>
switch typ.desc {
| Tptr t _ => t
| _ => assert false;
| _ => assert false
/** If an array type, return the type of the element.
If not, return the default type if given, otherwise raise an exception */
let array_elem default_opt =>
let array_elem default_opt typ =>
switch typ.desc {
| Tarray t_el _ => t_el
| _ => unsome "array_elem" default_opt;
| _ => unsome "array_elem" default_opt
let is_class_of_kind check_fun typ =>
switch typ {
switch typ.desc {
| Tstruct tname => check_fun tname
| _ => false
@ -341,13 +367,13 @@ let is_cpp_class = is_class_of_kind Name.Cpp.is_class;
let is_java_class = is_class_of_kind Name.Java.is_class;
let rec is_array_of_cpp_class typ =>
switch typ {
switch typ.desc {
| Tarray typ _ => is_array_of_cpp_class typ
| _ => is_cpp_class typ
let is_pointer_to_cpp_class typ =>
switch typ {
switch typ.desc {
| Tptr t _ => is_cpp_class t
| _ => false
@ -364,23 +390,23 @@ let is_block_type typ => has_block_prefix (to_string typ);
/** Java types by name */
let rec java_from_string =
let rec java_from_string: string => t =
| ""
| "void" => Tvoid
| "int" => Tint IInt
| "byte" => Tint IShort
| "short" => Tint IShort
| "boolean" => Tint IBool
| "char" => Tint IChar
| "long" => Tint ILong
| "float" => Tfloat FFloat
| "double" => Tfloat FDouble
| "void" => mk Tvoid
| "int" => mk (Tint IInt)
| "byte" => mk (Tint IShort)
| "short" => mk (Tint IShort)
| "boolean" => mk (Tint IBool)
| "char" => mk (Tint IChar)
| "long" => mk (Tint ILong)
| "float" => mk (Tfloat FFloat)
| "double" => mk (Tfloat FDouble)
| typ_str when String.contains typ_str '[' => {
let stripped_typ = String.sub typ_str pos::0 len::(String.length typ_str - 2);
Tptr (Tarray (java_from_string stripped_typ) None) Pk_pointer
mk (Tptr (mk (Tarray (java_from_string stripped_typ) None)) Pk_pointer)
| typ_str => Tstruct (Name.Java.from_string typ_str);
| typ_str => mk (Tstruct (Name.Java.from_string typ_str));
type typ = t [@@deriving compare];
@ -950,10 +976,12 @@ module Procname = {
/** Return the return type of [pname_java]. */
let java_proc_return_typ pname_java =>
switch (java_from_string (Procname.java_get_return_type pname_java)) {
| Tstruct _ as typ => Tptr typ Pk_pointer
| typ => typ
let java_proc_return_typ pname_java :t => {
let typ = java_from_string (Procname.java_get_return_type pname_java);
switch typ.desc {
| Tstruct _ => mk (Tptr typ Pk_pointer)
| _ => typ
module Struct = {
@ -1032,7 +1060,7 @@ module Struct = {
/** the element typ of the final extensible array in the given typ, if any */
let rec get_extensible_array_element_typ ::lookup (typ: T.t) =>
switch typ {
switch typ.desc {
| Tarray typ _ => Some typ
| Tstruct name =>
switch (lookup name) {
@ -1048,7 +1076,7 @@ module Struct = {
/** If a struct type with field f, return the type of f. If not, return the default */
let fld_typ ::lookup ::default fn (typ: T.t) =>
switch typ {
switch typ.desc {
| Tstruct name =>
switch (lookup name) {
| Some {fields} =>
@ -1059,9 +1087,9 @@ module Struct = {
| _ => default
let get_field_type_and_annotation ::lookup fn (typ: T.t) =>
switch typ {
switch typ.desc {
| Tstruct name
| Tptr (Tstruct name) _ =>
| Tptr {desc: Tstruct name} _ =>
switch (lookup name) {
| Some {fields, statics} =>
@ -1073,7 +1101,7 @@ module Struct = {
let objc_ref_counter_annot = [({Annot.class_name: "ref_counter", parameters: []}, false)];
/** Field used for objective-c reference counting */
let objc_ref_counter_field = (Fieldname.hidden, T.Tint IInt, objc_ref_counter_annot);
let objc_ref_counter_field = (Fieldname.hidden, mk (T.Tint IInt), objc_ref_counter_annot);
let is_objc_ref_counter_field (fld, _, a) =>
Fieldname.is_hidden fld && Annot.Item.equal a objc_ref_counter_annot;

@ -69,9 +69,21 @@ let equal_ptr_kind: ptr_kind => ptr_kind => bool;
/** statically determined length of an array type, if any */
type static_length = option IntLit.t [@@deriving compare];
type type_quals [@@deriving compare];
let mk_type_quals:
default::type_quals? => is_const::bool? => is_volatile::bool? => unit => type_quals;
let is_const: type_quals => bool;
let is_volatile: type_quals => bool;
/** types for sil (structured) expressions */
type t =
/** types for sil (structured) expressions */
type t = {desc, quals: type_quals} [@@deriving compare]
and desc =
| Tint ikind /** integer type */
| Tfloat fkind /** float type */
| Tvoid /** void type */
@ -93,6 +105,10 @@ and template_spec_info =
| Template (QualifiedCppName.t, list (option t))
[@@deriving compare];
/** Create Typ.t from given desc. if [default] is passed then use its value to set other fields such as quals */
let mk: default::t? => quals::type_quals? => desc => t;
module Name: {
/** Named types. */
@ -160,6 +176,10 @@ module Name: {
/** Equality for types. */
let equal: t => t => bool;
let equal_desc: desc => desc => bool;
let equal_quals: type_quals => type_quals => bool;
/** Sets of types. */
module Set: Caml.Set.S with type elt = t;

@ -228,8 +228,8 @@ let find_arithmetic_problem tenv proc_node_session prop exp =
let rec walk = function
| Exp.Var _ -> ()
| Exp.UnOp (Unop.Neg, e, Some (
(Typ.IUChar | Typ.IUInt | Typ.IUShort | Typ.IULong | Typ.IULongLong) as typ))) ->
(Typ.IUChar | Typ.IUInt | Typ.IUShort | Typ.IULong | Typ.IULongLong)} as typ))) ->
uminus_unsigned := (e, typ) :: !uminus_unsigned
| Exp.UnOp(_, e, _) -> walk e
| Exp.BinOp(op, e1, e2) ->
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ let find_equal_formal_path tenv e prop =
match strexp with
| Sil.Eexp (exp2, _) when Exp.equal exp2 e ->
(match find_in_sigma exp1 seen_hpreds with
| Some vfs -> Some (Exp.Lfield (vfs, field, Typ.Tvoid))
| Some vfs -> Some (Exp.Lfield (vfs, field, Typ.mk Tvoid))
| None -> None)
| _ -> None) fields ~init:None
| _ -> None) prop.Prop.sigma ~init:None in

@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ let mk_empty_array_rearranged len =
let extract_array_type typ =
if (Config.curr_language_is Config.Java) then
match typ with
| Typ.Tptr (Typ.Tarray _ as arr, _) -> Some arr
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr ({Typ.desc=Tarray _} as arr, _) -> Some arr
| _ -> None
match typ with
| Typ.Tarray _ as arr -> Some arr
| Typ.Tptr (elt, _) -> Some (Typ.Tarray (elt, None))
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tarray _ -> Some typ
| Typ.Tptr (elt, _) -> Some (Typ.mk ~default:typ (Tarray (elt, None)))
| _ -> None
(** Return a result from a procedure call. *)
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ let create_type tenv n_lexp typ prop =
| None ->
let mhpred =
match typ with
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr (typ', _) ->
let sexp = Sil.Estruct ([], Sil.inst_none) in
let texp = Exp.Sizeof (typ', None, Subtype.subtypes) in
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ let execute___instanceof_cast ~instof
let val1, prop__ = check_arith_norm_exp tenv pname val1_ prop_ in
let texp2, prop = check_arith_norm_exp tenv pname texp2_ prop__ in
let is_cast_to_reference =
match typ1 with
match typ1.desc with
| Typ.Tptr (_, Typ.Pk_reference) -> true
| _ -> false in
(* In Java, we throw an exception, in C++ we return 0 in case of a cast to a pointer, *)
@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ let execute___objc_counter_update
{ Builtin.pdesc; tenv; prop_; path; args; loc; }
: Builtin.ret_typ =
match args with
| [(lexp, (Typ.Tstruct _ as typ | Tptr (Tstruct _ as typ, _)))] ->
| [(lexp, ({Typ.desc=Tstruct _} as typ | {desc=Tptr ({desc=Tstruct _} as typ, _)}))] ->
(* Assumes that lexp is a temp n$1 that has the value of the object. *)
(* This is the case as a call f(o) it's translates as n$1=*&o; f(n$1) *)
(* n$2 = *n$1.hidden *)
@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ let execute___objc_counter_update
removed from the list of args. *)
let get_suppress_npe_flag args =
match args with
| (Exp.Const (Const.Cint i), Typ.Tint Typ.IBool):: args' when IntLit.isone i ->
| (Exp.Const (Const.Cint i), {Typ.desc=Tint Typ.IBool}):: args' when IntLit.isone i ->
false, args' (* this is a CFRelease/CFRetain *)
| _ -> true, args
@ -750,13 +750,13 @@ let execute_alloc mk can_return_null
Exp.BinOp (bop, evaluate_char_sizeof e1', evaluate_char_sizeof e2')
| Exp.Exn _ | Exp.Closure _ | Exp.Const _ | Exp.Cast _ | Exp.Lvar _ | Exp.Lfield _
| Exp.Lindex _ -> e
| Exp.Sizeof (Typ.Tarray (Typ.Tint ik, _), Some len, _) when Typ.ikind_is_char ik ->
| Exp.Sizeof ({Typ.desc=Tarray ({Typ.desc=Tint ik}, _)}, Some len, _) when Typ.ikind_is_char ik ->
evaluate_char_sizeof len
| Exp.Sizeof (Typ.Tarray (Typ.Tint ik, Some len), None, _) when Typ.ikind_is_char ik ->
| Exp.Sizeof ({Typ.desc=Tarray ({Typ.desc=Tint ik}, Some len)}, None, _) when Typ.ikind_is_char ik ->
evaluate_char_sizeof (Exp.Const (Const.Cint len))
| Exp.Sizeof _ -> e in
let size_exp, procname = match args with
| [(Exp.Sizeof (Tstruct (ObjcClass _ as name) as s, len, subt), _)] ->
| [(Exp.Sizeof ({Typ.desc=Tstruct (ObjcClass _ as name)} as s, len, subt), _)] ->
let struct_type =
match AttributesTable.get_correct_type_from_objc_class_name name with
| Some struct_type -> struct_type
@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ let execute_alloc mk can_return_null
let n_size_exp' = evaluate_char_sizeof n_size_exp in
Prop.exp_normalize_prop tenv prop n_size_exp', prop in
let cnt_te =
Exp.Sizeof (Typ.Tarray (Typ.Tint Typ.IChar, None), Some size_exp', Subtype.exact) in
Exp.Sizeof (Typ.mk (Tarray (Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IChar), None)), Some size_exp', Subtype.exact) in
let id_new = Ident.create_fresh Ident.kprimed in
let exp_new = Exp.Var id_new in
let ptsto_new =
@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ let execute___cxx_typeid ({ Builtin.pdesc; tenv; prop_; args; loc} as r)
~default:typ_ in
let typ_string = Typ.to_string typ in
let set_instr =
Sil.Store (field_exp, Typ.Tvoid, Exp.Const (Const.Cstr typ_string), loc) in
Sil.Store (field_exp, Typ.mk Tvoid, Exp.Const (Const.Cstr typ_string), loc) in
SymExec.instrs ~mask_errors:true tenv pdesc [set_instr] res
| _ -> res)
| _ -> raise (Exceptions.Wrong_argument_number __POS__)
@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ let execute___infer_fail { Builtin.pdesc; tenv; prop_; path; args; loc; }
| _ ->
raise (Exceptions.Wrong_argument_number __POS__) in
let set_instr =
Sil.Store (Exp.Lvar Sil.custom_error, Typ.Tvoid, Exp.Const (Const.Cstr error_str), loc) in
Sil.Store (Exp.Lvar Sil.custom_error, Typ.mk Tvoid, Exp.Const (Const.Cstr error_str), loc) in
SymExec.instrs ~mask_errors:true tenv pdesc [set_instr] [(prop_, path)]
(* translate builtin assertion failure *)
@ -946,18 +946,18 @@ let execute___assert_fail { Builtin.pdesc; tenv; prop_; path; args; loc; }
| _ ->
raise (Exceptions.Wrong_argument_number __POS__) in
let set_instr =
Sil.Store (Exp.Lvar Sil.custom_error, Typ.Tvoid, Exp.Const (Const.Cstr error_str), loc) in
Sil.Store (Exp.Lvar Sil.custom_error, Typ.mk Tvoid, Exp.Const (Const.Cstr error_str), loc) in
SymExec.instrs ~mask_errors:true tenv pdesc [set_instr] [(prop_, path)]
let execute_objc_alloc_no_fail
symb_state typ alloc_fun_opt
{ Builtin.pdesc; tenv; ret_id; loc; } =
let alloc_fun = Exp.Const (Const.Cfun BuiltinDecl.__objc_alloc_no_fail) in
let ptr_typ = Typ.Tptr (typ, Typ.Pk_pointer) in
let ptr_typ = Typ.mk (Tptr (typ, Typ.Pk_pointer)) in
let sizeof_typ = Exp.Sizeof (typ, None, Subtype.exact) in
let alloc_fun_exp =
match alloc_fun_opt with
| Some pname -> [Exp.Const (Const.Cfun pname), Typ.Tvoid]
| Some pname -> [Exp.Const (Const.Cfun pname), Typ.mk Tvoid]
| None -> [] in
let alloc_instr =
@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ let execute_objc_NSArray_alloc_no_fail builtin_args symb_state pname =
let ret_typ =
match builtin_args.Builtin.ret_id with
| Some (_, typ) -> typ
| None -> Typ.Tptr (Tvoid, Pk_pointer) in
| None -> Typ.mk (Tptr (Typ.mk Tvoid, Pk_pointer)) in
execute_objc_alloc_no_fail symb_state ret_typ (Some pname) builtin_args
let execute_NSArray_arrayWithObjects_count builtin_args =
@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ let execute_objc_NSDictionary_alloc_no_fail symb_state pname builtin_args =
let ret_typ =
match builtin_args.Builtin.ret_id with
| Some (_, typ) -> typ
| None -> Typ.Tptr (Tvoid, Pk_pointer) in
| None -> Typ.mk (Tptr (Typ.mk Tvoid, Pk_pointer)) in
execute_objc_alloc_no_fail symb_state ret_typ (Some pname) builtin_args
let execute___objc_dictionary_literal builtin_args =

@ -407,17 +407,17 @@ let mk_rules_for_dll tenv (para : Sil.hpara_dll) : rule list =
(****************** Start of Predicate Discovery ******************)
let typ_get_recursive_flds tenv typ_exp =
let filter typ (_, (t: Typ.t), _) =
match t with
match t.desc with
| Tstruct _ | Tint _ | Tfloat _ | Tvoid | Tfun _ ->
| Tptr (Tstruct _ as typ', _) ->
| Tptr ({desc=Tstruct _} as typ', _) ->
Typ.equal typ' typ
| Tptr _ | Tarray _ ->
match typ_exp with
| Exp.Sizeof (typ, _, _) -> (
match typ with
match typ.desc with
| Tstruct name -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some { fields } -> List.map ~f:fst3 (List.filter ~f:(filter typ) fields)
@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ let remove_opt _prop =
let cycle_has_weak_or_unretained_or_assign_field tenv cycle =
(* returns items annotation for field fn in struct t *)
let get_item_annotation (t: Typ.t) fn =
match t with
match t.desc with
| Tstruct name -> (
let equal_fn (fn', _, _) = Fieldname.equal fn fn' in
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ end = struct
L.d_str "t: "; Typ.d_full t; L.d_ln ();
assert false
match se, t, syn_offs with
match se, t.desc, syn_offs with
| _, _, [] -> (se, t)
| Sil.Estruct (fsel, _), Tstruct name, Field (fld, _) :: syn_offs' -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ end = struct
(** Replace a strexp at the given syntactic offset list *)
let rec replace_strexp_at_syn_offsets tenv se (t: Typ.t) syn_offs update =
match se, t, syn_offs with
match se, t.desc, syn_offs with
| _, _, [] ->
update se
| Sil.Estruct (fsel, inst), Tstruct name, Field (fld, _) :: syn_offs' -> (
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ end = struct
let path = (root, offs') in
if pred (path, se, typ) then found := (sigma, hpred, offs') :: !found
else begin
match se, typ with
match se, typ.desc with
| Sil.Estruct (fsel, _), Tstruct name -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some { fields } ->
@ -442,8 +442,8 @@ let keep_only_indices tenv
(** If the type is array, check whether we should do abstraction *)
let array_typ_can_abstract = function
| Typ.Tarray (Typ.Tptr (Typ.Tfun _, _), _) -> false (* don't abstract arrays of pointers *)
let array_typ_can_abstract {Typ.desc} = match desc with
| Tarray ({desc=Tptr ({desc=Tfun _}, _)}, _) -> false (* don't abstract arrays of pointers *)
| _ -> true
(** This function checks whether we can apply an abstraction to a strexp *)
@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ let check_after_array_abstraction tenv prop =
let rec check_se root offs typ = function
| Sil.Eexp _ -> ()
| Sil.Earray (_, esel, _) -> (* check that no more than 2 elements are in the array *)
let typ_elem = Typ.array_elem (Some Typ.Tvoid) typ in
let typ_elem = Typ.array_elem (Some (Typ.mk Tvoid)) typ in
if List.length esel > 2 && array_typ_can_abstract typ then
if List.for_all ~f:(check_index root offs) esel then ()
else report_error prop
@ -549,11 +549,11 @@ let check_after_array_abstraction tenv prop =
| Sil.Estruct (fsel, _) ->
List.iter ~f:(fun (f, se) ->
let typ_f = Typ.Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:Tvoid f typ in
let typ_f = Typ.Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:(Typ.mk Tvoid) f typ in
check_se root (offs @ [Sil.Off_fld (f, typ)]) typ_f se) fsel in
let check_hpred = function
| Sil.Hpointsto (root, se, texp) ->
let typ = Exp.texp_to_typ (Some Typ.Tvoid) texp in
let typ = Exp.texp_to_typ (Some (Typ.mk Tvoid)) texp in
check_se root [] typ se
| Sil.Hlseg _ | Sil.Hdllseg _ -> () in
let check_sigma sigma = List.iter ~f:check_hpred sigma in

@ -995,13 +995,14 @@ and static_length_partial_join l1 l2 =
and dynamic_length_partial_join l1 l2 =
option_partial_join (fun len1 len2 -> Some (length_partial_join len1 len2)) l1 l2
and typ_partial_join t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with
| Typ.Tptr (t1, pk1), Typ.Tptr (t2, pk2) when Typ.equal_ptr_kind pk1 pk2 ->
Typ.Tptr (typ_partial_join t1 t2, pk1)
| Typ.Tarray (typ1, len1), Typ.Tarray (typ2, len2) ->
and typ_partial_join (t1 : Typ.t) (t2 : Typ.t) = match t1.desc, t2.desc with
| Typ.Tptr (t1, pk1), Typ.Tptr (t2, pk2)
when Typ.equal_ptr_kind pk1 pk2 && Typ.equal_quals t1.quals t2.quals ->
Typ.mk ~default:t1 (Tptr (typ_partial_join t1 t2, pk1)) (* quals are the same for t1 and t2 *)
| Typ.Tarray (typ1, len1), Typ.Tarray (typ2, len2) when Typ.equal_quals typ1.quals typ2.quals ->
let t = typ_partial_join typ1 typ2 in
let len = static_length_partial_join len1 len2 in
Typ.Tarray (t, len)
Typ.mk ~default:t1 (Tarray (t, len)) (* quals are the same for t1 and t2 *)
| _ when Typ.equal t1 t2 -> t1 (* common case *)
| _ ->
L.d_str "typ_partial_join no match ";

@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ let rec dotty_mk_node pe sigma =
let n = !dotty_state_count in
incr dotty_state_count;
let do_hpred_lambda exp_color = function
| (Sil.Hpointsto (e, Sil.Earray (e', l, _), Exp.Sizeof (Typ.Tarray (t, _), _, _)), lambda) ->
| (Sil.Hpointsto (e, Sil.Earray (e', l, _), Exp.Sizeof ({Typ.desc=Tarray (t, _)}, _, _)), lambda) ->
incr dotty_state_count; (* increment once more n+1 is the box for the array *)
let e_color_str = color_to_str (exp_color e) in
let e_color_str'= color_to_str (exp_color e') in

@ -511,9 +511,9 @@ let explain_leak tenv hpred prop alloc_att_opt bucket =
(Pvar.is_local pvar || Pvar.is_global pvar) &&
not (Pvar.is_frontend_tmp pvar) &&
match hpred_typ_opt, find_typ_without_ptr prop pvar with
| Some (Exp.Sizeof (t1, _, _)), Some (Exp.Sizeof (Typ.Tptr (t2, _), _, _)) ->
| Some (Exp.Sizeof (t1, _, _)), Some (Exp.Sizeof ({Typ.desc=Tptr (t2, _)}, _, _)) ->
Typ.equal t1 t2
| Some (Exp.Sizeof (Typ.Tint _, _, _)), Some (Exp.Sizeof (Typ.Tint _, _, _))
| Some (Exp.Sizeof ({Typ.desc=Tint _}, _, _)), Some (Exp.Sizeof ({Typ.desc=Tint _}, _, _))
when is_file -> (* must be a file opened with "open" *)
| _ -> false in
@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ let vpath_find tenv prop _exp : DExp.t option * Typ.t option =
(match lexp with
| Exp.Lvar pv ->
let typo = match texp with
| Exp.Sizeof (Tstruct name, _, _) -> (
| Exp.Sizeof ({Typ.desc=Tstruct name}, _, _) -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some {fields} ->
List.find ~f:(fun (f', _, _) -> Fieldname.equal f' f) fields |>

@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ let report_context_leaks pname sigma tenv =
| Some path -> path
| None -> assert false (* a path must exist in order for a leak to be reported *) in
let err_desc =
Errdesc.explain_context_leak pname (Typ.Tstruct name) fld_name leak_path in
Errdesc.explain_context_leak pname (Typ.mk (Tstruct name)) fld_name leak_path in
let exn = Exceptions.Context_leak (err_desc, __POS__) in
Reporting.log_error pname exn)
context_exps in
@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ let report_context_leaks pname sigma tenv =
let context_exps =
~f:(fun exps hpred -> match hpred with
| Sil.Hpointsto (_, Eexp (exp, _), Sizeof (Tptr (Tstruct name, _), _, _))
| Sil.Hpointsto (_, Eexp (exp, _), Sizeof ({desc=Tptr ({desc=Tstruct name}, _)}, _, _))
when not (Exp.is_null_literal exp)
&& AndroidFramework.is_context tenv name
&& not (AndroidFramework.is_application tenv name) ->

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ let add_dispatch_calls pdesc cg tenv =
when call_flags_is_dispatch call_flags ->
(* the frontend should not populate the list of targets *)
assert (List.is_empty call_flags.CallFlags.cf_targets);
let receiver_typ_no_ptr = match receiver_typ with
let receiver_typ_no_ptr = match receiver_typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr (typ', _) ->
| _ ->

@ -466,12 +466,12 @@ let rec create_strexp_of_type tenv struct_init_mode (typ : Typ.t) len inst : Sil
if Config.curr_language_is Config.Java &&
Sil.equal_inst inst Sil.Ialloc
match typ with
match typ.desc with
| Tfloat _ -> Exp.Const (Cfloat 0.0)
| _ -> Exp.zero
create_fresh_var () in
match typ, len with
match typ.desc, len with
| (Tint _ | Tfloat _ | Tvoid | Tfun _ | Tptr _), None ->
Eexp (init_value (), inst)
| Tstruct name, _ -> (
@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ let rec pi_sorted_remove_redundant (pi : pi) = match pi with
let sigma_get_unsigned_exps sigma =
let uexps = ref [] in
let do_hpred (hpred : Sil.hpred) = match hpred with
| Hpointsto (_, Eexp (e, _), Sizeof (Tint ik, _, _))
| Hpointsto (_, Eexp (e, _), Sizeof ({desc=Tint ik}, _, _))
when Typ.ikind_is_unsigned ik ->
uexps := e :: !uexps
| _ -> () in
@ -541,13 +541,13 @@ let sigma_get_unsigned_exps sigma =
to ensure the soundness of this collapsing. *)
let exp_collapse_consecutive_indices_prop (typ : Typ.t) exp =
let typ_is_base (typ1 : Typ.t) =
match typ1 with
match typ1.desc with
| Tint _ | Tfloat _ | Tstruct _ | Tvoid | Tfun _ ->
| _ ->
false in
let typ_is_one_step_from_base =
match typ with
match typ.desc with
| Tptr (t, _) | Tarray (t, _) ->
typ_is_base t
| _ ->
@ -712,10 +712,10 @@ module Normalize = struct
Closure { c with captured_vars; }
| Const _ ->
| Sizeof (Tarray (Tint ik, _), Some l, _)
| Sizeof ({desc=Tarray ({desc=Tint ik}, _)}, Some l, _)
when Typ.ikind_is_char ik && Config.curr_language_is Config.Clang ->
eval l
| Sizeof (Tarray (Tint ik, Some l), _, _)
| Sizeof ({desc=Tarray ({desc=Tint ik}, Some l)}, _, _)
when Typ.ikind_is_char ik && Config.curr_language_is Config.Clang ->
Const (Cint l)
| Sizeof _ ->
@ -991,11 +991,11 @@ module Normalize = struct
Exp.int (IntLit.div n m)
| Const (Cfloat v), Const (Cfloat w) ->
Exp.float (v /.w)
| Sizeof (Tarray (elt, _), Some len, _), Sizeof (elt2, None, _)
| Sizeof ({desc=Tarray (elt, _)}, Some len, _), Sizeof (elt2, None, _)
(* pattern: sizeof(elt[len]) / sizeof(elt) = len *)
when Typ.equal elt elt2 ->
| Sizeof (Tarray (elt, Some len), None, _), Sizeof (elt2, None, _)
| Sizeof ({desc=Tarray (elt, Some len)}, None, _), Sizeof (elt2, None, _)
(* pattern: sizeof(elt[len]) / sizeof(elt) = len *)
when Typ.equal elt elt2 ->
Const (Cint len)
@ -1372,28 +1372,28 @@ module Normalize = struct
let normalized_cnt = strexp_normalize tenv sub cnt in
let normalized_te = texp_normalize tenv sub te in
begin match normalized_cnt, normalized_te with
| Earray (Exp.Sizeof _ as size, [], inst), Sizeof (Tarray _, _, _) ->
| Earray (Exp.Sizeof _ as size, [], inst), Sizeof ({desc=Tarray _}, _, _) ->
(* check for an empty array whose size expression is (Sizeof type), and turn the array
into a strexp of the given type *)
let hpred' = mk_ptsto_exp tenv Fld_init (root, size, None) inst in
replace_hpred hpred'
| Earray (BinOp (Mult, Sizeof (t, None, st1), x), esel, inst),
Sizeof (Tarray (elt, _) as arr, _, _) when Typ.equal t elt ->
Sizeof ({desc=Tarray (elt, _)} as arr, _, _) when Typ.equal t elt ->
let len = Some x in
let hpred' = mk_ptsto_exp tenv Fld_init (root, Sizeof (arr, len, st1), None) inst in
replace_hpred (replace_array_contents hpred' esel)
| Earray (BinOp (Mult, x, Sizeof (t, None, st1)), esel, inst),
Sizeof (Tarray (elt, _) as arr, _, _) when Typ.equal t elt ->
Sizeof ({desc=Tarray (elt, _)} as arr, _, _) when Typ.equal t elt ->
let len = Some x in
let hpred' = mk_ptsto_exp tenv Fld_init (root, Sizeof (arr, len, st1), None) inst in
replace_hpred (replace_array_contents hpred' esel)
| Earray (BinOp (Mult, Sizeof (t, Some len, st1), x), esel, inst),
Sizeof (Tarray (elt, _) as arr, _, _) when Typ.equal t elt ->
Sizeof ({desc=Tarray (elt, _)} as arr, _, _) when Typ.equal t elt ->
let len = Some (Exp.BinOp(Mult, x, len)) in
let hpred' = mk_ptsto_exp tenv Fld_init (root, Sizeof (arr, len, st1), None) inst in
replace_hpred (replace_array_contents hpred' esel)
| Earray (BinOp (Mult, x, Sizeof (t, Some len, st1)), esel, inst),
Sizeof (Tarray (elt, _) as arr, _, _) when Typ.equal t elt ->
Sizeof ({desc=Tarray (elt, _)} as arr, _, _) when Typ.equal t elt ->
let len = Some (Exp.BinOp(Mult, x, len)) in
let hpred' = mk_ptsto_exp tenv Fld_init (root, Sizeof (arr, len, st1), None) inst in
replace_hpred (replace_array_contents hpred' esel)

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ let rec remove_redundancy have_same_key acc = function
else remove_redundancy have_same_key (x:: acc) l
let rec is_java_class tenv (typ: Typ.t) =
match typ with
match typ.desc with
| Tstruct name -> Typ.Name.Java.is_class name
| Tarray (inner_typ, _) | Tptr (inner_typ, _) -> is_java_class tenv inner_typ
| _ -> false
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ end = struct
(** Return true if the two types have sizes which can be compared *)
let type_size_comparable t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with
let type_size_comparable t1 t2 = match t1.Typ.desc, t2.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tint _, Typ.Tint _ -> true
| _ -> false
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ let type_size_compare t1 t2 =
let n1 = ik_size ik1 in
let n2 = ik_size ik2 in
n1 - n2 in
match t1, t2 with
match t1.Typ.desc, t2.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tint ik1, Typ.Tint ik2 ->
Some (ik_compare ik1 ik2)
| _ -> None
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ end = struct
let add_lt_minus1_e e =
lts := (Exp.minus_one, e)::!lts in
let type_opt_is_unsigned = function
| Some Typ.Tint ik -> Typ.ikind_is_unsigned ik
| Some {Typ.desc=Tint ik} -> Typ.ikind_is_unsigned ik
| _ -> false in
let type_of_texp = function
| Exp.Sizeof (t, _, _) -> Some t
@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ end = struct
List.iter ~f:(fun (f, se) -> strexp_extract (se, get_field_type f)) fsel
| Sil.Earray (len, isel, _), t ->
let elt_t = match t with
| Some Typ.Tarray (t, _) -> Some t
| Some {Typ.desc=Tarray (t, _)} -> Some t
| _ -> None in
add_lt_minus1_e len;
List.iter ~f:(fun (idx, se) ->
@ -1339,11 +1339,12 @@ let rec sexp_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs se1 se2 typ2 :
sexp_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs se1' se2 typ2
| Sil.Earray (len, _, _), Sil.Eexp (_, inst) ->
let se2' = Sil.Earray (len, [(Exp.zero, se2)], inst) in
let typ2' = Typ.Tarray (typ2, None) in
let typ2' = Typ.mk (Tarray (typ2, None)) in
(* In the sexp_imply, struct_imply, array_imply, and sexp_imply_nolhs functions, the typ2
argument is only used by eventually passing its value to Typ.Struct.fld, Exp.Lfield,
Typ.Struct.fld, or Typ.array_elem. None of these are sensitive to the length field
of Tarray, so forgetting the length of typ2' here is not a problem. *)
of Tarray, so forgetting the length of typ2' here is not a problem. Not one of those
functions use typ.quals either *)
sexp_imply tenv source true calc_missing subs se1 se2' typ2' (* calculate index_frame because the rhs is a singleton array *)
| _ ->
d_impl_err ("sexp_imply not implemented", subs, (EXC_FALSE_SEXPS (se1, se2)));
@ -1357,7 +1358,7 @@ and struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs fsel1 fsel2 typ2 : subst2 * ((Fie
match Fieldname.compare f1 f2 with
| 0 ->
let typ' = Typ.Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:Typ.Tvoid f2 typ2 in
let typ' = Typ.Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:(Typ.mk Tvoid) f2 typ2 in
let subs', se_frame, se_missing =
sexp_imply tenv (Exp.Lfield (source, f2, typ2)) false calc_missing subs se1 se2 typ' in
let subs'', fld_frame, fld_missing = struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs' fsel1' fsel2' typ2 in
@ -1372,7 +1373,7 @@ and struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs fsel1 fsel2 typ2 : subst2 * ((Fie
let subs', fld_frame, fld_missing = struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs fsel1' fsel2 typ2 in
subs', ((f1, se1) :: fld_frame), fld_missing
| _ ->
let typ' = Typ.Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:Typ.Tvoid f2 typ2 in
let typ' = Typ.Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:(Typ.mk Tvoid) f2 typ2 in
let subs' =
sexp_imply_nolhs tenv (Exp.Lfield (source, f2, typ2)) calc_missing subs se2 typ' in
let subs', fld_frame, fld_missing = struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs' fsel1 fsel2' typ2 in
@ -1380,7 +1381,7 @@ and struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs fsel1 fsel2 typ2 : subst2 * ((Fie
subs', fld_frame, fld_missing'
| [], (f2, se2) :: fsel2' ->
let typ' = Typ.Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:Typ.Tvoid f2 typ2 in
let typ' = Typ.Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:(Typ.mk Tvoid) f2 typ2 in
let subs' = sexp_imply_nolhs tenv (Exp.Lfield (source, f2, typ2)) calc_missing subs se2 typ' in
let subs'', fld_frame, fld_missing = struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs' [] fsel2' typ2 in
subs'', fld_frame, (f2, se2):: fld_missing
@ -1388,7 +1389,7 @@ and struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs fsel1 fsel2 typ2 : subst2 * ((Fie
and array_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs esel1 esel2 typ2
: subst2 * ((Exp.t * Sil.strexp) list) * ((Exp.t * Sil.strexp) list)
let typ_elem = Typ.array_elem (Some Typ.Tvoid) typ2 in
let typ_elem = Typ.array_elem (Some (Typ.mk Tvoid)) typ2 in
match esel1, esel2 with
| _,[] -> subs, esel1, []
| (e1, se1) :: esel1', (e2, se2) :: esel2' ->
@ -1498,7 +1499,7 @@ let expand_hpred_pointer =
| Sil.Hpointsto (Lfield (adr_base, fld, adr_typ), cnt, cnt_texp) ->
let cnt_texp' =
match adr_typ with
match adr_typ.desc with
| Tstruct name -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some _ ->
@ -1518,7 +1519,7 @@ let expand_hpred_pointer =
incr count ;
let fields = [(fld, cnt_typ, Annot.Item.empty)] in
ignore (Tenv.mk_struct tenv ~fields name) ;
Exp.Sizeof (Tstruct name, len, st)
Exp.Sizeof (Typ.mk (Tstruct name), len, st)
| _ ->
(* type of struct at adr_base and of contents are both unknown: give up *)
raise (Failure "expand_hpred_pointer: Unexpected non-sizeof type in Lfield") in
@ -1526,7 +1527,7 @@ let expand_hpred_pointer =
expand true true hpred'
| Sil.Hpointsto (Exp.Lindex (e, ind), se, t) ->
let t' = match t with
| Exp.Sizeof (t_, len, st) -> Exp.Sizeof (Typ.Tarray (t_, None), len, st)
| Exp.Sizeof (t_, len, st) -> Exp.Sizeof (Typ.mk (Tarray (t_, None)), len, st)
| _ -> raise (Failure "expand_hpred_pointer: Unexpected non-sizeof type in Lindex") in
let len = match t' with
| Exp.Sizeof (_, Some len, _) -> len
@ -1547,7 +1548,7 @@ struct
(** check that t1 and t2 are the same primitive type *)
let check_subtype_basic_type t1 t2 =
match t2 with
match t2.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tint Typ.IInt | Typ.Tint Typ.IBool
| Typ.Tint Typ.IChar | Typ.Tfloat Typ.FDouble
| Typ.Tfloat Typ.FFloat | Typ.Tint Typ.ILong
@ -1556,7 +1557,7 @@ struct
(** check if t1 is a subtype of t2, in Java *)
let rec check_subtype_java tenv (t1: Typ.t) (t2: Typ.t) =
match t1, t2 with
match t1.Typ.desc, t2.Typ.desc with
| Tstruct (JavaClass _ as cn1), Tstruct (JavaClass _ as cn2) ->
Subtype.is_known_subtype tenv cn1 cn2
| Tarray (dom_type1, _), Tarray (dom_type2, _) ->
@ -1580,7 +1581,7 @@ struct
| _ -> false
let rec case_analysis_type tenv ((t1: Typ.t), st1) ((t2: Typ.t), st2) =
match t1, t2 with
match t1.desc, t2.desc with
| Tstruct (JavaClass _ as cn1), Tstruct (JavaClass _ as cn2) ->
Subtype.case_analysis tenv (cn1, st1) (cn2, st2)
| Tstruct (JavaClass _ as cn1), Tarray _
@ -1642,7 +1643,7 @@ let cast_exception tenv texp1 texp2 e1 subs =
Note: [pname] wil never be included in the returned result *)
let get_overrides_of tenv supertype pname =
let typ_has_method pname (typ: Typ.t) =
match typ with
match typ.desc with
| Tstruct name -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some { methods } ->
@ -1652,7 +1653,7 @@ let get_overrides_of tenv supertype pname =
| _ -> false in
let gather_overrides tname _ overrides_acc =
let typ = Typ.Tstruct tname in
let typ = Typ.mk (Tstruct tname) in (* TODO shouldn't really create type here...*)
(* get all types in the type environment that are non-reflexive subtypes of [supertype] *)
if not (Typ.equal typ supertype) && Subtyping_check.check_subtype tenv typ supertype then
(* only select the ones that implement [pname] as overrides *)
@ -1677,7 +1678,7 @@ let texp_imply tenv subs texp1 texp2 e1 calc_missing =
let types_subject_to_dynamic_cast =
match texp1, texp2 with
| Exp.Sizeof (typ1, _, _), Exp.Sizeof (typ2, _, _) -> (
match typ1, typ2 with
match typ1.desc, typ2.desc with
| (Tstruct _ | Tarray _), (Tstruct _ | Tarray _) ->
is_java_class tenv typ1
|| (Typ.is_cpp_class typ1 && Typ.is_cpp_class typ2)
@ -1742,7 +1743,7 @@ let handle_parameter_subtype tenv prop1 sigma2 subs (e1, se1, texp1) (se2, texp2
| _ -> false in
if List.exists ~f:filter sigma2 then !sub_opt else None in
let add_subtype () = match texp1, texp2, se1, se2 with
| Exp.Sizeof (Tptr (t1, _), None, _), Exp.Sizeof (Tptr (t2, _), None, _),
| Exp.Sizeof ({desc=Tptr (t1, _)}, None, _), Exp.Sizeof ({desc=Tptr (t2, _)}, None, _),
Sil.Eexp (e1', _), Sil.Eexp (e2', _)
when not (is_allocated_lhs e1') ->
@ -1783,7 +1784,7 @@ let rec hpred_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 hpred2
(match Prop.prop_iter_current tenv iter1' with
| Sil.Hpointsto (e1, se1, texp1), _ ->
let typ2 = Exp.texp_to_typ (Some Typ.Tvoid) texp2 in
let typ2 = Exp.texp_to_typ (Some (Typ.mk Tvoid)) texp2 in
let typing_frame, typing_missing = texp_imply tenv subs texp1 texp2 e1 calc_missing in
let se1' = sexp_imply_preprocess se1 texp1 se2 in
let subs', fld_frame, fld_missing = sexp_imply tenv e1 calc_index_frame calc_missing subs se1' se2 typ2 in
@ -1988,10 +1989,10 @@ and sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 : (subst2 *
let const_string_texp =
match !Config.curr_language with
| Config.Clang ->
Exp.Sizeof (Typ.Tarray (Typ.Tint Typ.IChar, Some len), None, Subtype.exact)
Exp.Sizeof (Typ.mk (Tarray (Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IChar), Some len)), None, Subtype.exact)
| Config.Java ->
let object_type = Typ.Name.Java.from_string "java.lang.String" in
Exp.Sizeof (Tstruct object_type, None, Subtype.exact) in
Exp.Sizeof (Typ.mk (Tstruct object_type), None, Subtype.exact) in
Sil.Hpointsto (root, sexp, const_string_texp) in
let mk_constant_class_hpred s = (* creat an hpred from a constant class *)
let root = Exp.Const (Const.Cclass (Ident.string_to_name s)) in
@ -2001,7 +2002,7 @@ and sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 : (subst2 *
Sil.Eexp ((Exp.Const (Const.Cstr s), Sil.Inone)))], Sil.inst_none) in
let class_texp =
let class_type = Typ.Name.Java.from_string "java.lang.Class" in
Exp.Sizeof (Tstruct class_type, None, Subtype.exact) in
Exp.Sizeof (Typ.mk (Tstruct class_type), None, Subtype.exact) in
Sil.Hpointsto (root, sexp, class_texp) in
(match move_primed_lhs_from_front subs sigma2 with
@ -2036,7 +2037,7 @@ and sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 : (subst2 *
| None ->
let subs' = match hpred2' with
| Sil.Hpointsto (e2, se2, te2) ->
let typ2 = Exp.texp_to_typ (Some Typ.Tvoid) te2 in
let typ2 = Exp.texp_to_typ (Some (Typ.mk Tvoid)) te2 in
sexp_imply_nolhs tenv e2 calc_missing subs se2 typ2
| _ -> subs in
ProverState.add_missing_sigma [hpred2'];

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ let rec create_struct_values pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp
L.d_str "create_struct_values type:"; Typ.d_full t;
L.d_str " off: "; Sil.d_offset_list off; L.d_ln();
raise (Exceptions.Bad_footprint pos) in
match t, off with
match t.desc, off with
| Tstruct _, [] ->
([], Sil.Estruct ([], inst), t)
| Tstruct name, (Off_fld (f, _)) :: off' -> (
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ let rec create_struct_values pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp
let e' = Sil.array_clean_new_index footprint_part e in
let len = Exp.Var (new_id ()) in
let se = Sil.Earray (len, [(e', se')], inst) in
let res_t = Typ.Tarray (res_t', None) in
let res_t = Typ.mk (Tarray (res_t', None)) in
(Sil.Aeq (e, e') :: atoms', se, res_t)
| Tarray (t', len_), off ->
let len = match len_ with
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ let rec create_struct_values pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp
pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp t' off' inst in
let e' = Sil.array_clean_new_index footprint_part e in
let se = Sil.Earray (len, [(e', se')], inst) in
let res_t = Typ.Tarray (res_t', len_) in
let res_t = Typ.mk ~default:t (Tarray (res_t', len_)) in
(Sil.Aeq(e, e') :: atoms', se, res_t)
| (Sil.Off_fld _) :: _ ->
assert false
@ -159,16 +159,16 @@ let rec create_struct_values pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp
([], Sil.Eexp (Exp.Var id, inst), t)
| (Tint _ | Tfloat _ | Tvoid | Tfun _ | Tptr _), (Off_index e) :: off' ->
(* In this case, we lift t to the t array. *)
let t' = match t with
| Typ.Tptr(t', _) -> t'
| _ -> t in
let t', mk_typ_f = match t.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr(t', _) -> t', (function desc -> Typ.mk ~default:t desc)
| _ -> t, fun desc -> Typ.mk desc in
let len = Exp.Var (new_id ()) in
let atoms', se', res_t' =
pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp t' off' inst in
let e' = Sil.array_clean_new_index footprint_part e in
let se = Sil.Earray (len, [(e', se')], inst) in
let res_t = Typ.Tarray (res_t', None) in
let res_t = mk_typ_f (Tarray (res_t', None)) in
(Sil.Aeq(e, e') :: atoms', se, res_t)
| Tint _, _ | Tfloat _, _ | Tvoid, _ | Tfun _, _ | Tptr _, _ ->
fail t off __POS__
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ let rec _strexp_extend_values
let new_id () =
incr max_stamp;
Ident.create kind !max_stamp in
match off, se, typ with
match off, se, typ.desc with
| [], Sil.Eexp _, _
| [], Sil.Estruct _, _ ->
[([], se, typ)]
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ let rec _strexp_extend_values
if Config.type_size then Exp.one (* Exp.Sizeof (typ, Subtype.exact) *)
else Exp.Var (new_id ()) in
let se_new = Sil.Earray (len, [(Exp.zero, se)], inst) in
let typ_new = Typ.Tarray (typ, None) in
let typ_new = Typ.mk (Tarray (typ, None)) in
pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp se_new typ_new off inst
| (Off_index e) :: off', Sil.Earray (len, esel, inst_arr), Tarray (typ', len_for_typ') -> (
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ let rec _strexp_extend_values
if (Typ.equal res_typ' typ') || Int.equal (List.length res_esel') 1 then
( res_atoms'
, Sil.Earray (len, res_esel', inst_arr)
, Typ.Tarray (res_typ', len_for_typ') )
, Typ.mk ~default:typ (Tarray (res_typ', len_for_typ')) )
:: acc
raise (Exceptions.Bad_footprint __POS__) in
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ let rec _strexp_extend_values
array_case_analysis_index pname tenv orig_prop
footprint_part kind max_stamp
len esel
len_for_typ' typ'
len_for_typ' typ' typ
e off' inst_arr inst
| _, _, _ ->
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ let rec _strexp_extend_values
and array_case_analysis_index pname tenv orig_prop
footprint_part kind max_stamp
array_len array_cont
typ_array_len typ_cont
typ_array_len typ_cont typ_array
index off inst_arr inst
let check_sound t' =
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ and array_case_analysis_index pname tenv orig_prop
if index_in_array then
let array_default = Sil.Earray (array_len, array_cont, inst_arr) in
let typ_default = Typ.Tarray (typ_cont, typ_array_len) in
let typ_default = Typ.mk ~default:typ_array (Tarray (typ_cont, typ_array_len)) in
[([], array_default, typ_default)]
else if !Config.footprint then begin
let atoms, elem_se, elem_typ =
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ and array_case_analysis_index pname tenv orig_prop
check_sound elem_typ;
let cont_new = List.sort ~cmp:[%compare: Exp.t * Sil.strexp] ((index, elem_se):: array_cont) in
let array_new = Sil.Earray (array_len, cont_new, inst_arr) in
let typ_new = Typ.Tarray (elem_typ, typ_array_len) in
let typ_new = Typ.mk ~default:typ_array (Tarray (elem_typ, typ_array_len)) in
[(atoms, array_new, typ_new)]
else begin
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ and array_case_analysis_index pname tenv orig_prop
let cont_new =
List.sort ~cmp:[%compare: Exp.t * Sil.strexp] ((index, elem_se):: array_cont) in
let array_new = Sil.Earray (array_len, cont_new, inst_arr) in
let typ_new = Typ.Tarray (elem_typ, typ_array_len) in
let typ_new = Typ.mk ~default:typ_array (Tarray (elem_typ, typ_array_len)) in
[(atoms, array_new, typ_new)]
end in
let rec handle_case acc isel_seen_rev = function
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ and array_case_analysis_index pname tenv orig_prop
let atoms_new = Sil.Aeq (index, i) :: atoms' in
let isel_new = list_rev_and_concat isel_seen_rev ((i, se'):: isel_unseen) in
let array_new = Sil.Earray (array_len, isel_new, inst_arr) in
let typ_new = Typ.Tarray (typ', typ_array_len) in
let typ_new = Typ.mk ~default:typ_array (Tarray (typ', typ_array_len)) in
(atoms_new, array_new, typ_new):: acc')
atoms_se_typ_list in
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ let mk_ptsto_exp_footprint
let st = match !Config.curr_language with
| Config.Clang -> Subtype.exact
| Config.Java -> Subtype.subtypes in
let create_ptsto footprint_part off0 = match root, off0, typ with
let create_ptsto footprint_part off0 = match root, off0, typ.Typ.desc with
| Exp.Lvar pvar, [], Typ.Tfun _ ->
let fun_name = Typ.Procname.from_string_c_fun (Mangled.to_string (Pvar.get_name pvar)) in
let fun_exp = Exp.Const (Const.Cfun fun_name) in
@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ let add_guarded_by_constraints tenv prop lexp pdesc =
let match_on_field_type typ flds =
match String.rsplit2 guarded_by_str0 ~on:'.' with
| Some (class_part, field_part) ->
let typ_matches_guarded_by _ = function
let typ_matches_guarded_by _ {Typ.desc} = match desc with
| Typ.Tptr (ptr_typ, _) ->
String.is_suffix ~suffix:class_part (Typ.to_string ptr_typ);
| _ ->
@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ let add_guarded_by_constraints tenv prop lexp pdesc =
let rec is_read_write_lock typ =
let str_is_read_write_lock str = String.is_suffix ~suffix:"ReadWriteUpdateLock" str ||
String.is_suffix ~suffix:"ReadWriteLock" str in
match typ with
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tstruct name -> str_is_read_write_lock (Typ.Name.name name)
| Typ.Tptr (typ, _) -> is_read_write_lock typ
| _ -> false in
@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ let iter_rearrange_pe_dllseg_last tenv recurse_on_iters default_case_iter iter p
(** find the type at the offset from the given type expression, if any *)
let type_at_offset tenv texp off =
let rec strip_offset (off: Sil.offset list) (typ: Typ.t) =
match off, typ with
match off, typ.desc with
| [], _ -> Some typ
| (Off_fld (f, _)) :: off', Tstruct name -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
@ -1184,22 +1184,22 @@ let rec iter_rearrange
inst: (Sil.offset list) Prop.prop_iter list =
let rec root_typ_of_offsets = function
| Sil.Off_fld (f, fld_typ) :: _ -> (
match fld_typ with
| Tstruct _ as struct_typ ->
match fld_typ.desc with
| Tstruct _ ->
(* access through field: get the struct type from the field *)
if Config.trace_rearrange then begin
L.d_increase_indent 1;
L.d_str "iter_rearrange: root of lexp accesses field "; L.d_strln (Fieldname.to_string f);
L.d_str " struct type from field: "; Typ.d_full struct_typ; L.d_ln();
L.d_str " struct type from field: "; Typ.d_full fld_typ; L.d_ln();
L.d_decrease_indent 1;
| _ ->
| Sil.Off_index _ :: off ->
Typ.Tarray (root_typ_of_offsets off, None)
Typ.mk (Tarray (root_typ_of_offsets off, None))
| _ ->
typ_from_instr in
let typ = root_typ_of_offsets (Sil.exp_get_offsets lexp) in
@ -1286,7 +1286,7 @@ let is_weak_captured_var pdesc var_name =
match pname with
| Block _ ->
let is_weak_captured (var, typ) =
match typ with
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr (_, Pk_objc_weak) ->
String.equal var_name (Mangled.to_string var)
| _ -> false in

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ let unroll_type tenv (typ: Typ.t) (off: Sil.offset) =
L.d_str "Type : "; Typ.d_full typ; L.d_ln ();
raise (Exceptions.Bad_footprint __POS__)
match (typ, off) with
match (typ.desc, off) with
| Tstruct name, Off_fld (fld, _) -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some { fields; statics } -> (
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ let rec apply_offlist
L.d_str "offlist : "; Sil.d_offset_list offlist; L.d_ln ();
L.d_str "type : "; Typ.d_full typ; L.d_ln ();
L.d_str "prop : "; Prop.d_prop p; L.d_ln (); L.d_ln () in
match offlist, strexp, typ with
match offlist, strexp, typ.Typ.desc with
| [], Sil.Eexp (e, inst_curr), _ ->
let inst_is_uninitialized = function
| Sil.Ialloc ->
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ let rec apply_offlist
then (idx_ese', res_se')
else ese in
let res_se = Sil.Earray (len, List.map ~f:replace_ese esel, inst1) in
let res_t = Typ.Tarray (res_t', len') in
let res_t = Typ.mk ~default:typ (Tarray (res_t', len')) in
(res_e', res_se, res_t, res_pred_insts_op')
| None ->
(* return a nondeterministic value if the index is not found after rearrangement *)
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ let resolve_typename prop receiver_exp =
| _ :: hpreds -> loop hpreds in
loop prop.Prop.sigma in
match typexp_opt with
| Some (Exp.Sizeof (Tstruct name, _, _)) -> Some name
| Some (Exp.Sizeof ({desc=Tstruct name}, _, _)) -> Some name
| _ -> None
(** If the dynamic type of the receiver actual T_actual is a subtype of the reciever type T_formal
@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ let resolve_virtual_pname tenv prop actuals callee_pname call_flags : Typ.Procna
let name = Typ.Procname.java_get_class_type_name pname_java in
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some _ -> Typ.Tptr (Tstruct name, Pk_pointer)
| Some _ -> Typ.mk (Typ.Tptr (Typ.mk (Tstruct name), Pk_pointer))
| None -> fallback_typ
| _ ->
@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ let add_constraints_on_retval tenv pdesc prop ret_exp ~has_nullable_annot typ ca
prop (* don't assume nonnull if the procedure is annotated with @Nullable *)
match typ with
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr _ -> Prop.conjoin_neq tenv exp Exp.zero prop
| _ -> prop in
let add_tainted_post ret_exp callee_pname prop =
@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ let add_taint prop lhs_id rhs_exp pname tenv =
prop in
match rhs_exp with
| Exp.Lfield (_, fieldname, (Tstruct typname | Tptr (Tstruct typname, _))) ->
| Exp.Lfield (_, fieldname, ({desc=Tstruct typname} | {desc=Tptr ({desc=Tstruct typname}, _)})) ->
match Tenv.lookup tenv typname with
| Some struct_typ -> add_attribute_if_field_tainted prop fieldname struct_typ
@ -1309,8 +1309,8 @@ and add_constraints_on_actuals_by_ref tenv prop actuals_by_ref callee_pname call
if !Config.footprint then
let prop', abduced_strexp =
match actual_typ with
| Typ.Tptr ((Tstruct _) as typ, _) ->
match actual_typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr ({desc=Tstruct _} as typ, _) ->
(* for struct types passed by reference, do abduction on the fields of the
struct *)
add_struct_value_to_footprint tenv abduced_ref_pv typ prop
@ -1319,10 +1319,10 @@ and add_constraints_on_actuals_by_ref tenv prop actuals_by_ref callee_pname call
let (prop', fresh_fp_var) =
add_to_footprint tenv abduced_ref_pv typ prop in
prop', Sil.Eexp (fresh_fp_var, Sil.Inone)
| typ ->
| _ ->
("No need for abduction on non-pointer type " ^
(Typ.to_string typ)) in
(Typ.to_string actual_typ)) in
(* replace [actual] |-> _ with [actual] |-> [fresh_fp_var] *)
let filtered_sigma =
@ -1440,7 +1440,7 @@ and unknown_or_scan_call ~is_scan ret_type_option ret_annots
let actuals_by_ref =
~f:(fun i actual -> match actual with
| (Exp.Lvar _ as e, (Typ.Tptr _ as t)) -> Some (e, t, i)
| (Exp.Lvar _ as e, ({Typ.desc=Tptr _} as t)) -> Some (e, t, i)
| _ -> None)
args in
let has_nullable_annot = Annotations.ia_is_nullable ret_annots in
@ -1536,7 +1536,7 @@ and sym_exec_objc_getter field_name ret_typ tenv ret_id pdesc pname loc args pro
| Some (ret_id, _) -> ret_id
| None -> assert false in
match args with
| [(lexp, (Typ.Tstruct _ as typ | Tptr (Tstruct _ as typ, _)))] ->
| [(lexp, ({Typ.desc=Tstruct _} as typ | {desc=Tptr ({desc=Tstruct _} as typ, _)}))] ->
let field_access_exp = Exp.Lfield (lexp, field_name, typ) in
~report_deref_errors:false pname pdesc tenv ret_id field_access_exp ret_typ loc prop
@ -1546,7 +1546,7 @@ and sym_exec_objc_setter field_name _ tenv _ pdesc pname loc args prop =
L.d_strln ("No custom setter found. Executing the ObjC builtin setter with ivar "^
(Fieldname.to_string field_name)^".");
match args with
| (lexp1, (Typ.Tstruct _ as typ1 | Tptr (typ1, _))) :: (lexp2, typ2) :: _ ->
| (lexp1, ({Typ.desc=Tstruct _} as typ1 | {Typ.desc=Tptr (typ1, _)})) :: (lexp2, typ2) :: _ ->
let field_access_exp = Exp.Lfield (lexp1, field_name, typ1) in
execute_store ~report_deref_errors:false pname pdesc tenv field_access_exp typ2 lexp2 loc prop
| _ -> raise (Exceptions.Wrong_argument_number __POS__)
@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@ and proc_call summary {Builtin.pdesc; tenv; prop_= pre; path; ret_id; args= actu
let ret_typ = Specs.get_ret_type summary in
let check_return_value_ignored () =
(* check if the return value of the call is ignored, and issue a warning *)
let is_ignored = match ret_typ, ret_id with
let is_ignored = match ret_typ.Typ.desc, ret_id with
| Typ.Tvoid, _ -> false
| _, None -> true
| _, Some (id, _) -> Errdesc.id_is_assigned_then_dead (State.get_node ()) id in

@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ let texp_star tenv texp1 texp2 =
| 0 -> ftal_sub ftal1' ftal2'
| _ -> ftal_sub ftal1 ftal2' end in
let typ_star (t1: Typ.t) (t2: Typ.t) =
match t1, t2 with
match t1.desc, t2.desc with
| Tstruct name1, Tstruct name2
when Typ.Name.is_same_type name1 name2 -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name1, Tenv.lookup tenv name2 with
@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ let prop_get_exn_name pname prop =
let ret_pvar = Exp.Lvar (Pvar.get_ret_pvar pname) in
let rec search_exn e = function
| [] -> None
| Sil.Hpointsto (e1, _, Sizeof (Tstruct name, _, _)) :: _
| Sil.Hpointsto (e1, _, Sizeof ({desc=Tstruct name}, _, _)) :: _
when Exp.equal e1 e ->
Some name
| _ :: tl -> search_exn e tl in

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ struct
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.Mult, Exp.Sizeof (typ, _, _), size)
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.Mult, size, Exp.Sizeof (typ, _, _)) -> (typ, size)
| Exp.Sizeof (typ, _, _) -> (typ, Exp.one)
| x -> (Typ.Tint Typ.IChar, x)
| x -> (Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IChar), x)
let model_malloc
: Typ.Procname.t -> (Ident.t * Typ.t) option -> (Exp.t * Typ.t) list -> CFG.node
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ struct
match ret with
| Some (id, _) ->
let set_uninitialized typ loc mem =
match typ with
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tint _
| Typ.Tfloat _ ->
Dom.Mem.weak_update_heap loc Dom.Val.top_itv mem
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ struct
let loc =
Loc.of_allocsite (Sem.get_allocsite pname node inst_num dimension)
match typ with
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tarray (typ, Some len) ->
declare_array pname node loc typ len ~inst_num
~dimension:(dimension + 1) mem
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ struct
mem |> Dom.Mem.find_heap loc |> Dom.Val.get_all_locs |> PowLoc.choose
let field = Loc.append_field loc fn in
match typ with
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tint _
| Typ.Tfloat _ ->
let v = Dom.Val.make_sym pname sym_num in
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ struct
(Dom.Mem.add_heap field v mem, sym_num + 4)
| _ -> (mem, sym_num)
match typ with
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tstruct typename ->
(match Tenv.lookup tenv typename with
| Some str ->
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ struct
= fun pdesc tenv node inst_num mem ->
let pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc in
let add_formal (mem, inst_num, sym_num) (pvar, typ) =
match typ with
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tint _ ->
let v = Dom.Val.make_sym pname sym_num in
let mem = Dom.Mem.add_heap (Loc.of_pvar pvar) v mem in
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ struct
= fun mem { pdesc; tenv; extras } node instr ->
let pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc in
let try_decl_arr (mem, inst_num) (pvar, typ) =
match typ with
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tarray (typ, Some len) ->
let loc = Loc.of_var (Var.of_pvar pvar) in
let mem =

@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ struct
| Typ.FDouble | Typ.FLongDouble -> 8
(* NOTE: assume 32bit machine *)
let rec sizeof : Typ.t -> int
= function
let rec sizeof (typ : Typ.t) : int =
match typ.desc with
| Typ.Tint ikind -> sizeof_ikind ikind
| Typ.Tfloat fkind -> sizeof_fkind fkind
| Typ.Tvoid -> 1
@ -372,8 +372,8 @@ struct
add_pair_val v1' v2' pairs
let add_pair_ptr typ v1 v2 pairs =
match typ with
| Typ.Tptr (Typ.Tstruct typename, _) ->
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr ({desc=Tstruct typename}, _) ->
(match Tenv.lookup tenv typename with
| Some str ->
let fns = List.map ~f:get_field_name str.Typ.Struct.fields in

@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let is_safe_access access prefix_path tenv =
match access, AccessPath.Raw.get_typ prefix_path tenv with
| AccessPath.FieldAccess fieldname,
Some (Typ.Tstruct typename | Tptr (Tstruct typename, _)) ->
Some ({Typ.desc=Tstruct typename} | {desc=Tptr ({desc=Tstruct typename}, _)}) ->
match Tenv.lookup tenv typename with
| Some struct_typ ->
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
match List.rev accesses,
AccessPath.Raw.get_typ (AccessPath.Raw.truncate access_path) tenv with
| AccessPath.FieldAccess fieldname :: _,
Some (Typ.Tstruct typename | Tptr (Tstruct typename, _)) ->
Some {Typ.desc=Tstruct typename | Tptr ({Typ.desc=Tstruct typename}, _)} ->
match Tenv.lookup tenv typename with
| Some struct_typ ->
@ -482,8 +482,8 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
is_annotated_synchronized base_typename container_field tenv
| [AccessPath.FieldAccess container_field] ->
match base_typ with
| Typ.Tstruct base_typename | Tptr (Tstruct base_typename, _) ->
match base_typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tstruct base_typename | Tptr ({Typ.desc=Tstruct base_typename}, _) ->
is_annotated_synchronized base_typename container_field tenv
| _ ->
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
| Sil.Call (Some (ret_id, _), Const (Cfun callee_pname),
(target_exp, target_typ) :: (Exp.Sizeof (cast_typ, _, _), _) :: _ , _, _)
when Typ.Procname.equal callee_pname BuiltinDecl.__cast ->
let lhs_access_path = AccessPath.of_id ret_id (Typ.Tptr (cast_typ, Pk_pointer)) in
let lhs_access_path = AccessPath.of_id ret_id (Typ.mk (Tptr (cast_typ, Pk_pointer))) in
let attribute_map =
lhs_access_path target_exp target_typ ~f_resolve_id astate.attribute_map extras in
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
astate in
match ret_opt with
| Some (_, (Typ.Tint ILong | Tfloat FDouble)) ->
| Some (_, {Typ.desc=Tint ILong | Tfloat FDouble}) ->
(* writes to longs and doubles are not guaranteed to be atomic in Java, so don't
bother tracking whether a returned long or float value is functional *)

@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ let of_exp exp0 typ0 ~(f_resolve_id : Var.t -> Raw.t option) =
of_exp_ root_exp root_exp_typ (field_access :: accesses) acc
| Exp.Lindex (root_exp, _) ->
let array_access = ArrayAccess typ in
let array_typ = Typ.Tarray (typ, None) in
let array_typ = Typ.mk (Tarray (typ, None)) in
of_exp_ root_exp array_typ (array_access :: accesses) acc
| Exp.Cast (cast_typ, cast_exp) ->
of_exp_ cast_exp cast_typ [] acc

@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let exec_instr astate _ _ = function
| Sil.Store (_, Tptr _, rhs_exp, _) ->
| Sil.Store (_, {desc=Tptr _}, rhs_exp, _) ->
add_address_taken_pvars rhs_exp astate
| Sil.Call (_, _, actuals, _, _) ->
let add_actual_by_ref astate_acc = function
| actual_exp, Typ.Tptr _ -> add_address_taken_pvars actual_exp astate_acc
| actual_exp, {Typ.desc=Tptr _} -> add_address_taken_pvars actual_exp astate_acc
| _ -> astate_acc in
List.fold ~f:add_actual_by_ref ~init:astate actuals
| Sil.Store _ | Load _ | Prune _ | Nullify _ | Abstract _ | Remove_temps _

@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ let callback_check_write_to_parcel_java
let expr_match () = Exp.is_this this_expr in
let type_match () =
let class_name = Typ.Name.Java.from_string "android.os.Parcelable" in
match this_type with
| Typ.Tptr (Tstruct name, _) | Tstruct name ->
match this_type.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr ({desc=Tstruct name}, _) | Tstruct name ->
PatternMatch.is_immediate_subtype tenv name class_name
| _ -> false in
method_match () && expr_match () && type_match () in
@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ let callback_check_write_to_parcel_java
proc_desc pname_java ["android.os.Parcel"] in
let parcel_constructors tenv typ =
match typ with
| Typ.Tptr (Tstruct name, _) -> (
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr ({desc=Tstruct name}, _) -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some { methods } -> List.filter ~f:is_parcel_constructor methods
| None -> []
@ -325,11 +325,11 @@ let callback_monitor_nullcheck { Callbacks.proc_desc; idenv; summary } =
let formals = Procdesc.get_formals proc_desc in
let class_formals =
let is_class_type (p, typ) =
match typ with
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr _ when String.equal (Mangled.to_string p) "this" ->
false (* no need to null check 'this' *)
| Typ.Tstruct _ -> true
| Typ.Tptr (Typ.Tstruct _, _) -> true
| Typ.Tptr ({desc=Tstruct _}, _) -> true
| _ -> false in
List.filter ~f:is_class_type formals in
List.map ~f:fst class_formals) in

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let kill_ret_id (id,_) =
Domain.kill_copies_with_var (Var.of_id id) astate in
let kill_actuals_by_ref astate_acc = function
| (Exp.Lvar pvar, Typ.Tptr _) -> Domain.kill_copies_with_var (Var.of_pvar pvar) astate_acc
| (Exp.Lvar pvar, {Typ.desc=Tptr _}) -> Domain.kill_copies_with_var (Var.of_pvar pvar) astate_acc
| _ -> astate_acc in
let astate' = Option.value_map ~f:kill_ret_id ~default:astate ret_id in
if Config.curr_language_is Config.Java

@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ let callback_fragment_retains_view_java
(* TODO: complain if onDestroyView is not defined, yet the Fragment has View fields *)
(* TODO: handle fields nullified in callees in the same file *)
let is_on_destroy_view = String.equal (Typ.Procname.java_get_method pname_java) "onDestroyView" in
let fld_typ_is_view = function
| Typ.Tptr (Tstruct tname, _) -> AndroidFramework.is_view tenv tname
let fld_typ_is_view typ = match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr ({desc=Tstruct tname}, _) -> AndroidFramework.is_view tenv tname
| _ -> false in
(* is [fldname] a View type declared by [class_typename]? *)
let is_declared_view_typ class_typename (fldname, fld_typ, _) =
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ let callback_fragment_retains_view_java
~f:(fun (fname, fld_typ, _) ->
if not (Fieldname.Set.mem fname fields_nullified) then
(Tstruct class_typename) fname fld_typ summary proc_desc)
(Typ.mk (Tstruct class_typename)) fname fld_typ summary proc_desc)
| _ -> ()

@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ type taint_spec = {
let type_is_object typ =
match typ with
| Typ.Tptr (Tstruct name, _) -> Typ.Name.equal name Typ.Name.Java.java_lang_object
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Tptr ({desc=Tstruct name}, _) -> Typ.Name.equal name Typ.Name.Java.java_lang_object
| _ -> false
let java_proc_name_with_class_method pn_java class_with_path method_name =
@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ let get_this_type proc_attributes = match proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.formals
| _ -> None
let type_get_direct_supertypes tenv (typ: Typ.t) =
match typ with
| Tptr (Tstruct name, _)
match typ.desc with
| Tptr ({desc=Tstruct name}, _)
| Tstruct name -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some { supers } -> supers
@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ let type_get_direct_supertypes tenv (typ: Typ.t) =
| _ ->
let type_get_class_name = function
let type_get_class_name {Typ.desc} = match desc with
| Typ.Tptr (typ, _) -> Typ.name typ
| _ -> None
let type_get_annotation tenv (typ: Typ.t): Annot.Item.t option =
match typ with
| Tptr (Tstruct name, _)
match typ.desc with
| Tptr ({desc=Tstruct name}, _)
| Tstruct name -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some { annots } -> Some annots
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ let type_has_supertype
let supers = type_get_direct_supertypes tenv typ in
let match_supertype cn =
let match_name () = Typ.Name.equal cn class_name in
let has_indirect_supertype () = has_supertype (Typ.Tstruct cn) (Typ.Set.add typ visited) in
let has_indirect_supertype () = has_supertype (Typ.mk (Tstruct cn)) (Typ.Set.add typ visited) in
(match_name () || has_indirect_supertype ()) in
List.exists ~f:match_supertype supers in
has_supertype typ Typ.Set.empty
@ -121,7 +121,8 @@ let type_is_nested_in_direct_supertype tenv t n =
let is_nested_in cn1 cn2 = String.is_prefix ~prefix:(Typ.Name.name cn1 ^ "$") (Typ.Name.name cn2) in
List.exists ~f:(is_nested_in n) (type_get_direct_supertypes tenv t)
let rec get_type_name = function
let rec get_type_name {Typ.desc} =
match desc with
| Typ.Tstruct name ->
Typ.Name.name name
| Typ.Tptr (t, _) -> get_type_name t
@ -130,8 +131,8 @@ let rec get_type_name = function
let get_field_type_name tenv
(typ: Typ.t)
(fieldname: Fieldname.t): string option =
match typ with
| Tstruct name | Tptr (Tstruct name, _) -> (
match typ.desc with
| Tstruct name | Tptr ({desc=Tstruct name}, _) -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some { fields } -> (
match List.find
@ -245,10 +246,10 @@ let get_java_method_call_formal_signature = function
let type_is_class typ =
match typ with
| Typ.Tptr (Typ.Tstruct _, _) -> true
| Typ.Tptr (Typ.Tarray _, _) -> true
| Typ.Tstruct _ -> true
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Tptr ({desc=Tstruct _}, _) -> true
| Tptr ({desc=Tarray _}, _) -> true
| Tstruct _ -> true
| _ -> false
let initializer_classes =
@ -349,7 +350,7 @@ let override_exists f tenv proc_name =
let type_name = Typ.Name.Java.from_string (Typ.Procname.java_get_class_name proc_name_java) in
~f:(super_type_exists tenv)
(type_get_direct_supertypes tenv (Typ.Tstruct type_name))
(type_get_direct_supertypes tenv (Typ.mk (Tstruct type_name)))
| _ ->
false (* Only java supported at the moment *)

@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ open! IStd
module L = Logging
let add_pointer_to_typ typ =
Typ.Tptr(typ, Typ.Pk_pointer)
Typ.mk (Tptr(typ, Typ.Pk_pointer))
let remove_pointer_to_typ typ =
match typ with
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr(typ, Typ.Pk_pointer) -> typ
| _ -> typ
let objc_classname_of_type typ =
match typ with
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tstruct name -> name
| Typ.Tfun _ -> Typ.Name.Objc.from_string CFrontend_config.objc_object
| _ ->
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ let objc_classname_of_type typ =
Typ.Name.Objc.from_string "undefined"
let is_class typ =
match typ with
| Typ.Tptr (Tstruct name, _) ->
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr ({desc=Tstruct name}, _) ->
String.equal (Typ.Name.name name) CFrontend_config.objc_class
| _ -> false

@ -158,15 +158,16 @@ and get_superclass_list_cpp tenv decl =
let get_super_field super_decl = get_record_typename ~tenv super_decl in
List.map ~f:get_super_field base_decls
and get_record_struct_type tenv definition_decl =
and get_record_struct_type tenv definition_decl : Typ.t =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match definition_decl with
| ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl (_, _, _, type_ptr, _, _, record_decl_info, _, _)
| CXXRecordDecl (_, _, _, type_ptr, _, _, record_decl_info, _)
| RecordDecl (_, _, _, type_ptr, _, _, record_decl_info) ->
let sil_typename = get_record_typename ~tenv definition_decl in
let sil_type = Typ.mk (Tstruct sil_typename) in
(match Tenv.lookup tenv sil_typename with
| Some _ -> Typ.Tstruct sil_typename (* just reuse what is already in tenv *)
| Some _ -> sil_type (* just reuse what is already in tenv *)
| None ->
let is_complete_definition = record_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.rdi_is_complete_definition in
let extra_fields =
@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ and get_record_struct_type tenv definition_decl =
if Typ.Name.Cpp.is_class sil_typename then Annot.Class.cpp
else Annot.Item.empty (* No annotations for structs *) in
if is_complete_definition then (
CAst_utils.update_sil_types_map type_ptr (Typ.Tstruct sil_typename);
CAst_utils.update_sil_types_map type_ptr sil_type;
let non_statics = get_struct_fields tenv definition_decl in
let fields = CGeneral_utils.append_no_duplicates_fields non_statics extra_fields in
let statics = [] in (* Note: We treat static field same as global variables *)
@ -186,16 +187,14 @@ and get_record_struct_type tenv definition_decl =
let specialization = get_template_specialization tenv definition_decl in
Tenv.mk_struct tenv ~fields ~statics ~methods ~supers ~annots ~specialization
sil_typename |> ignore;
let sil_type = Typ.Tstruct sil_typename in
CAst_utils.update_sil_types_map type_ptr sil_type;
) else (
(* There is no definition for that struct in whole translation unit.
Put empty struct into tenv to prevent backend problems *)
ignore (Tenv.mk_struct tenv ~fields:extra_fields sil_typename);
let tvar_type = Typ.Tstruct sil_typename in
CAst_utils.update_sil_types_map type_ptr tvar_type;
CAst_utils.update_sil_types_map type_ptr sil_type;
| _ -> assert false
and add_types_from_decl_to_tenv tenv decl =
@ -220,8 +219,8 @@ let get_type_from_expr_info ei tenv =
type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv tp
let class_from_pointer_type tenv type_ptr =
match type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv type_ptr with
| Typ.Tptr(Typ.Tstruct typename, _) -> typename
match (type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv type_ptr).Typ.desc with
| Tptr({desc=Tstruct typename}, _) -> typename
| _ -> assert false
let get_class_type_np tenv expr_info obj_c_message_expr_info =

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ let assignment_arc_mode e1 typ e2 loc rhs_owning_method is_e1_decl =
let mk_call procname e t =
let bi_retain = Exp.Const (Const.Cfun procname) in
Sil.Call (None, bi_retain, [(e, t)], loc, CallFlags.default) in
match typ with
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr (_, Typ.Pk_pointer) when not rhs_owning_method && not is_e1_decl ->
(* for __strong e1 = e2 the semantics is*)
(* retain(e2); tmp=e1; e1=e2; release(tmp); *)

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ let enum_decl decl =
match decl with
| EnumDecl (_, _, _, type_ptr, decl_list, _, _) ->
add_enum_constants_to_map (List.rev decl_list);
let sil_type = Typ.Tint Typ.IInt in
let sil_type = Typ.mk (Typ.Tint Typ.IInt) in
CAst_utils.update_sil_types_map type_ptr sil_type;

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ let fields_superclass tenv interface_decl_info =
let build_sil_field type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv field_name type_ptr prop_attributes =
let prop_atts = List.map ~f:Clang_ast_j.string_of_property_attribute prop_attributes in
let annotation_from_type t =
match t with
match t.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr (_, Typ.Pk_objc_weak) -> [Config.weak]
| Typ.Tptr (_, Typ.Pk_objc_unsafe_unretained) -> [Config.unsafe_unret]
| _ -> [] in
@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ let add_missing_fields tenv class_name missing_fields =
| _ -> ()
let modelled_fields_in_classes =
[("NSData", "_bytes", Typ.Tptr (Typ.Tvoid, Typ.Pk_pointer));
("NSArray", "elementData", Typ.Tint Typ.IInt)]
[("NSData", "_bytes", Typ.mk (Tptr (Typ.mk Tvoid, Typ.Pk_pointer)));
("NSArray", "elementData", Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IInt))]
let modelled_field class_name_info =
let modelled_field_in_class res (class_name, field_name, typ) =

@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ let get_class_param function_method_decl_info =
let should_add_return_param return_type ~is_objc_method =
match return_type with
| Typ.Tstruct _ -> not is_objc_method
match return_type.Typ.desc with
| Tstruct _ -> not is_objc_method
| _ -> false
let is_objc_method function_method_decl_info =
@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ let get_parameters trans_unit_ctx tenv function_method_decl_info =
let _, mangled = CGeneral_utils.get_var_name_mangled name_info var_decl_info in
let param_typ = CType_decl.type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv qt.Clang_ast_t.qt_type_ptr in
let qt_type_ptr =
match param_typ with
| Typ.Tstruct _ when CGeneral_utils.is_cpp_translation trans_unit_ctx ->
match param_typ.Typ.desc with
| Tstruct _ when CGeneral_utils.is_cpp_translation trans_unit_ctx ->
Ast_expressions.create_reference_type qt.Clang_ast_t.qt_type_ptr
| _ -> qt.Clang_ast_t.qt_type_ptr in
(mangled, {qt with qt_type_ptr})
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ let get_return_val_and_param_types tenv function_method_decl_info =
let return_typ = CType_decl.type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv return_type_ptr in
let is_objc_method = is_objc_method function_method_decl_info in
if should_add_return_param return_typ ~is_objc_method then
Ast_expressions.create_void_type, Some (Typ.Tptr (return_typ, Typ.Pk_pointer))
Ast_expressions.create_void_type, Some (CType.add_pointer_to_typ return_typ)
else return_type_ptr, None
let build_method_signature trans_unit_ctx tenv decl_info procname function_method_decl_info
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ let get_class_name_method_call_from_receiver_kind context obj_c_message_expr_inf
(CType.objc_classname_of_type sil_type)
| `Instance ->
(match act_params with
| (_, Typ.Tptr(t, _)):: _
| (_, {Typ.desc=Tptr(t, _)}):: _
| (_, t):: _ -> CType.objc_classname_of_type t
| _ -> assert false)
| `SuperInstance ->get_superclass_curr_class_objc context
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ let create_external_procdesc cfg proc_name is_objc_inst_method type_opt =
(match type_opt with
| Some (ret_type, arg_types) ->
ret_type, List.map ~f:(fun typ -> (Mangled.from_string "x", typ)) arg_types
| None -> Typ.Tvoid, []) in
| None -> Typ.mk Typ.Tvoid, []) in
let loc = Location.dummy in
let proc_attributes =
{ (ProcAttributes.default proc_name Config.Clang) with

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ struct
not (CTrans_utils.is_owning_name method_name) &&
ObjcInterface_decl.is_pointer_to_objc_class typ then
let fname = BuiltinDecl.__set_autorelease_attribute in
let ret_id = Some (Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal, Typ.Tvoid) in
let ret_id = Some (Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal, Typ.mk Typ.Tvoid) in
(* TODO(jjb): change ret_id to None? *)
let stmt_call =
Sil.Call (ret_id, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun fname), [(exp, typ)], sil_loc, CallFlags.default) in
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ struct
Logging.out_debug "-----> field: '%s'\n" (Fieldname.to_string fn)) fields;
let block_typename = Typ.Name.Objc.from_string block_name in
ignore (Tenv.mk_struct tenv ~fields block_typename);
let block_type = Typ.Tstruct block_typename in
let block_type = Typ.mk (Typ.Tstruct block_typename) in
let trans_res =
trans_state loc (Ast_expressions.dummy_stmt_info ()) block_type true None in
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ struct
let mblock = Mangled.from_string block_name in
let block_var = Pvar.mk mblock procname in
let declare_block_local =
Sil.Declare_locals ([(block_var, Typ.Tptr (block_type, Typ.Pk_pointer))], loc) in
Sil.Declare_locals ([(block_var, CType.add_pointer_to_typ block_type)], loc) in
let set_instr = Sil.Store (Exp.Lvar block_var, block_type, Exp.Var id_block, loc) in
let create_field_exp (var, typ) =
let id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ struct
match es with
| [] -> []
| (Exp.Closure {name; captured_vars},
(Typ.Tptr((Typ.Tfun _), _ ) as t)) :: es' ->
({Typ.desc=Tptr({Typ.desc=Tfun _}, _ )} as t)) :: es' ->
let app =
let function_name = make_function_name t name in
let args = List.map ~f:(make_arg t) captured_vars in
@ -207,23 +207,23 @@ struct
f trans_state stmt
with Self.SelfClassException class_name ->
let typ = Typ.Tstruct class_name in
let typ = Typ.mk (Tstruct class_name) in
{ empty_res_trans with
exps = [(Exp.Sizeof (typ, None, Subtype.exact), Tint IULong)] }
exps = [Exp.Sizeof (typ, None, Subtype.exact), Typ.mk (Tint IULong)] }
let add_reference_if_glvalue typ expr_info =
let add_reference_if_glvalue (typ : Typ.t) expr_info =
(* glvalue definition per C++11:*)
(* http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/value_category *)
let is_glvalue = match expr_info.Clang_ast_t.ei_value_kind with
| `LValue | `XValue -> true
| `RValue -> false in
match is_glvalue, typ with
| true, Typ.Tptr (_, Typ.Pk_reference) ->
match is_glvalue, typ.desc with
| true, Tptr (_, Pk_reference) ->
(* reference of reference is not allowed in C++ - it's most likely frontend *)
(* trying to add same reference to same type twice*)
(* this is hacky and should be fixed (t9838691) *)
| true, _ -> Typ.Tptr (typ, Typ.Pk_reference)
| true, _ -> Typ.mk (Tptr (typ, Pk_reference))
| _ -> typ
(** Execute translation and then possibly adjust the type of the result of translation:
@ -273,14 +273,14 @@ struct
Procdesc.append_locals procdesc [(Pvar.get_name pvar, typ)];
Exp.Lvar pvar, typ
let create_call_instr trans_state return_type function_sil params_sil sil_loc
let create_call_instr trans_state (return_type : Typ.t) function_sil params_sil sil_loc
call_flags ~is_objc_method =
let ret_id = if (Typ.equal return_type Typ.Tvoid) then None
let ret_id = if (Typ.equal_desc return_type.desc Typ.Tvoid) then None
else Some (Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal, return_type) in
let ret_id', params, initd_exps, ret_exps =
(* Assumption: should_add_return_param will return true only for struct types *)
if CMethod_trans.should_add_return_param return_type ~is_objc_method then
let param_type = Typ.Tptr (return_type, Typ.Pk_pointer) in
let param_type = Typ.mk (Typ.Tptr (return_type, Typ.Pk_pointer)) in
let var_exp = match trans_state.var_exp_typ with
| Some (exp, _) -> exp
| _ ->
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ struct
let cxxScalarValueInitExpr_trans trans_state expr_info =
let typ = CType_decl.get_type_from_expr_info expr_info trans_state.context.CContext.tenv in
(* constant will be different depending on type *)
let zero_opt = match typ with
let zero_opt = match typ.desc with
| Typ.Tfloat _ | Typ.Tptr _ | Typ.Tint _ -> Some (Sil.zero_value_of_numerical_type typ)
| Typ.Tvoid -> None
| _ -> Some (Exp.Const (Const.Cint IntLit.zero)) in
@ -493,13 +493,13 @@ struct
let field_typ = CType_decl.type_ptr_to_sil_type context.tenv type_ptr in
let (obj_sil, class_typ) = extract_exp_from_list pre_trans_result.exps
"WARNING: in Field dereference we expect to know the object\n" in
let is_pointer_typ = match class_typ with
let is_pointer_typ = match class_typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr _ -> true
| _ -> false in
let class_typ =
match class_typ with
match class_typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr (t, _) -> t
| t -> t in
| _ -> class_typ in
Logging.out_debug "Type is '%s' @." (Typ.to_string class_typ);
let field_name = CGeneral_utils.mk_class_field_name name_info in
let field_exp = Exp.Lfield (obj_sil, field_name, class_typ) in
@ -549,12 +549,12 @@ struct
| [] -> [], []
(* We need to add a dereference before a method call to find null dereferences when *)
(* calling a method with null *)
| [(exp, Typ.Tptr (typ, _) )] when decl_kind <> `CXXConstructor ->
| [(exp, {Typ.desc=Tptr (typ, _)})] when decl_kind <> `CXXConstructor ->
let no_id = Ident.create_none () in
let extra_instrs = [Sil.Load (no_id, exp, typ, sil_loc)] in
pre_trans_result.exps, extra_instrs
| [(_, Typ.Tptr _ )] -> pre_trans_result.exps, []
| [(sil, typ)] -> [(sil, Typ.Tptr (typ, Typ.Pk_reference))], []
| [(_, {Typ.desc=Tptr _})] -> pre_trans_result.exps, []
| [(sil, typ)] -> [(sil, Typ.mk (Tptr (typ, Typ.Pk_reference)))], []
| _ -> assert false
@ -625,10 +625,10 @@ struct
let _, _, type_ptr = CAst_utils.get_info_from_decl_ref decl_ref in
let ast_typ = CType_decl.type_ptr_to_sil_type context.tenv type_ptr in
let typ =
match ast_typ with
match ast_typ.Typ.desc with
| Tstruct _ when decl_ref.dr_kind = `ParmVar ->
if CGeneral_utils.is_cpp_translation context.translation_unit_context then
Typ.Tptr (ast_typ, Pk_reference)
Typ.mk (Tptr (ast_typ, Pk_reference))
else ast_typ
| _ -> ast_typ in
let procname = Procdesc.get_proc_name context.procdesc in
@ -641,12 +641,12 @@ struct
if (CType.is_class typ) then
raise (Self.SelfClassException class_typename)
let typ = CType.add_pointer_to_typ (Typ.Tstruct class_typename) in
let typ = CType.add_pointer_to_typ (Typ.mk (Tstruct class_typename)) in
[(var_exp, typ)]
else [(var_exp, typ)] in
Logging.out_debug "\n\n PVAR ='%s'\n\n" (Pvar.to_string pvar);
let res_trans = { empty_res_trans with exps } in
match typ with
match typ.desc with
| Tptr (_, Pk_reference) ->
(* dereference pvar due to the behavior of reference types in clang's AST *)
dereference_value_from_result sil_loc res_trans ~strip_pointer:false
@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ struct
(Logging.out_debug "ERROR: stmt_list and res_trans_par.exps must have same size\n";
assert false) in
let act_params = if is_cf_retain_release then
(Exp.Const (Const.Cint IntLit.one), Typ.Tint Typ.IBool) :: act_params
(Exp.Const (Const.Cint IntLit.one), Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IBool)) :: act_params
else act_params in
let res_trans_call =
let cast_trans_fun = cast_trans act_params sil_loc function_type in
@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ struct
let class_type = CType_decl.get_type_from_expr_info ei context.CContext.tenv in
Procdesc.append_locals procdesc [(Pvar.get_name pvar, class_type)];
Exp.Lvar pvar, class_type in
let this_type = Typ.Tptr (class_type, Typ.Pk_pointer) in
let this_type = CType.add_pointer_to_typ class_type in
let this_res_trans = { empty_res_trans with
exps = [(var_exp, this_type)];
initd_exps = [var_exp];
@ -983,13 +983,13 @@ struct
to be extra Load instruction before returning the trans_result of constructorExpr.
There is no LValueToRvalue cast in the AST afterwards since clang doesn't know
that class type is translated as pointer type. It gets added here instead. *)
let extra_res_trans = match class_type with
let extra_res_trans = match class_type.desc with
| Typ.Tptr _ -> dereference_value_from_result sil_loc tmp_res_trans ~strip_pointer:false
| _ -> tmp_res_trans in
let res_trans_callee = decl_ref_trans trans_state this_res_trans si decl_ref
~is_constructor_init:false in
let res_trans = cxx_method_construct_call_trans trans_state_pri res_trans_callee
params_stmt si Typ.Tvoid false extra_res_trans in
params_stmt si (Typ.mk Tvoid) false extra_res_trans in
{ res_trans with exps=extra_res_trans.exps }
and cxx_destructor_call_trans trans_state si this_res_trans class_type_ptr =
@ -997,7 +997,7 @@ struct
let res_trans_callee = destructor_deref_trans trans_state this_res_trans class_type_ptr si in
let is_cpp_call_virtual = res_trans_callee.is_cpp_call_virtual in
if res_trans_callee.exps <> [] then
cxx_method_construct_call_trans trans_state_pri res_trans_callee [] si Typ.Tvoid
cxx_method_construct_call_trans trans_state_pri res_trans_callee [] si (Typ.mk Tvoid)
is_cpp_call_virtual empty_res_trans
else empty_res_trans
@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@ struct
Logging.out_debug " No short-circuit condition\n";
let res_trans_cond =
if is_null_stmt cond then {
empty_res_trans with exps = [(Exp.Const (Const.Cint IntLit.one), (Typ.Tint Typ.IBool))]
empty_res_trans with exps = [(Exp.Const (Const.Cint IntLit.one), Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IBool))]
(* Assumption: If it's a null_stmt, it is a loop with no bound, so we set condition to 1 *)
@ -1613,7 +1613,7 @@ struct
and initListExpr_trans trans_state stmt_info expr_info stmts =
let context = trans_state.context in
let tenv = context.tenv in
let is_array typ = match typ with | Typ.Tarray _ -> true | _ -> false in
let is_array typ = match typ.Typ.desc with | Typ.Tarray _ -> true | _ -> false in
let (var_exp, typ) =
match trans_state.var_exp_typ with
| Some var_exp_typ -> var_exp_typ
@ -1906,7 +1906,7 @@ struct
let pvar = Pvar.mk (Mangled.from_string name) procname in
let id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let instr = Sil.Load (id, Exp.Lvar pvar, ret_param_typ, sil_loc) in
let ret_typ = match ret_param_typ with Typ.Tptr (t, _) -> t | _ -> assert false in
let ret_typ = match ret_param_typ.desc with Typ.Tptr (t, _) -> t | _ -> assert false in
Exp.Var id, ret_typ, [instr]
| None ->
Exp.Lvar (Procdesc.get_ret_var procdesc), ret_type, [] in
@ -2003,7 +2003,7 @@ struct
let context = trans_state.context in
let sil_loc = CLocation.get_sil_location stmt_info context in
let fname = BuiltinDecl.__objc_release_autorelease_pool in
let ret_id = Some (Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal, Typ.Tvoid) in
let ret_id = Some (Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal, Typ.mk Tvoid) in
(* TODO(jjb): change ret_id to None? *)
let autorelease_pool_vars = CVar_decl.compute_autorelease_pool_vars context stmts in
let stmt_call =
@ -2068,7 +2068,7 @@ struct
| _ -> assert false
and initListExpr_initializers_trans trans_state var_exp n stmts typ is_dyn_array stmt_info =
let (var_exp_inside, typ_inside) = match typ with
let (var_exp_inside, typ_inside) = match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tarray (t, _) when Typ.is_array_of_cpp_class typ ->
Exp.Lindex (var_exp, Exp.Const (Const.Cint (IntLit.of_int n))), t
| _ when is_dyn_array ->
@ -2129,7 +2129,7 @@ struct
let stmt_opt = CAst_utils.get_stmt_opt cxx_new_expr_info.Clang_ast_t.xnei_initializer_expr in
let trans_state_init = { trans_state_pri with succ_nodes = []; } in
let var_exp_typ = match res_trans_new.exps with
| [var_exp, Typ.Tptr (t, _)] -> (var_exp, t)
| [var_exp, {Typ.desc=Tptr (t, _)}] -> (var_exp, t)
| _ -> assert false in
(* Need a new stmt_info for the translation of the initializer, so that it can create nodes *)
(* if it needs to, with the same stmt_info it doesn't work. *)
@ -2224,14 +2224,14 @@ struct
let tenv = context.CContext.tenv in
let sil_loc = CLocation.get_sil_location stmt_info context in
let cast_type = CType_decl.type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv cast_type_ptr in
let sizeof_expr = match cast_type with
let sizeof_expr = match cast_type.desc with
| Typ.Tptr (typ, _) -> Exp.Sizeof (typ, None, subtypes)
| _ -> assert false in
let builtin = Exp.Const (Const.Cfun BuiltinDecl.__cast) in
let stmt = match stmts with [stmt] -> stmt | _ -> assert false in
let res_trans_stmt = exec_with_glvalue_as_reference instruction trans_state' stmt in
let exp = match res_trans_stmt.exps with | [e] -> e | _ -> assert false in
let args = [exp; (sizeof_expr, Typ.Tvoid)] in
let args = [exp; (sizeof_expr, Typ.mk Tvoid)] in
let ret_id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let call = Sil.Call (Some (ret_id, cast_type), builtin, args, sil_loc, CallFlags.default) in
let res_ex = Exp.Var ret_id in
@ -2272,7 +2272,7 @@ struct
and cxxPseudoDestructorExpr_trans () =
let fun_name = Typ.Procname.from_string_c_fun CFrontend_config.infer_skip_fun in
{ empty_res_trans with exps = [(Exp.Const (Const.Cfun fun_name), Typ.Tvoid)] }
{ empty_res_trans with exps = [(Exp.Const (Const.Cfun fun_name), Typ.mk Tvoid)] }
and cxxTypeidExpr_trans trans_state stmt_info stmts expr_info =
let tenv = trans_state.context.CContext.tenv in
@ -2288,12 +2288,13 @@ struct
let fun_name = BuiltinDecl.__cxx_typeid in
let sil_fun = Exp.Const (Const.Cfun fun_name) in
let ret_id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let type_info_objc = (Exp.Sizeof (typ, None, Subtype.exact), Typ.Tvoid) in
let void_typ = Typ.mk Tvoid in
let type_info_objc = (Exp.Sizeof (typ, None, Subtype.exact), void_typ) in
let field_name_decl = CAst_utils.make_qual_name_decl ["type_info"; "std"] "__type_name" in
let field_name = CGeneral_utils.mk_class_field_name field_name_decl in
let ret_exp = Exp.Var ret_id in
let field_exp = Exp.Lfield (ret_exp, field_name, typ) in
let args = type_info_objc :: (field_exp, Typ.Tvoid) :: res_trans_subexpr.exps in
let args = type_info_objc :: (field_exp, void_typ) :: res_trans_subexpr.exps in
let call_instr = Sil.Call (Some (ret_id, typ), sil_fun, args, sil_loc, CallFlags.default) in
let res_trans_call = { empty_res_trans with
instrs = [call_instr];
@ -2616,7 +2617,7 @@ struct
implicitValueInitExpr_trans trans_state expr_info
| GenericSelectionExpr _ (* to be fixed when we dump the right info in the ast *)
| SizeOfPackExpr _ ->
{ empty_res_trans with exps = [(Exp.get_undefined false, Typ.Tvoid)] }
{ empty_res_trans with exps = [(Exp.get_undefined false, Typ.mk Tvoid)] }
| GCCAsmStmt (stmt_info, stmts) ->
gccAsmStmt_trans trans_state stmt_info stmts
@ -2683,7 +2684,7 @@ struct
"WARNING: There should be one expression for 'this' in constructor. \n" in
(* Hack: Strip pointer from type here since cxxConstructExpr_trans expects it this way *)
(* it will add pointer back before making it a parameter to a call *)
let class_typ = match this_typ with Typ.Tptr (t, _) -> t | _ -> assert false in
let class_typ = match this_typ.Typ.desc with Tptr (t, _) -> t | _ -> assert false in
{ this_res_trans with exps = [this_exp, class_typ] }
| `Member (decl_ref) ->
decl_ref_trans trans_state' this_res_trans child_stmt_info decl_ref

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ let extract_item_from_singleton l warning_string failure_val =
| [item] -> item
| _ -> Logging.err_debug "%s" warning_string; failure_val
let dummy_exp = (Exp.minus_one, Typ.Tint Typ.IInt)
let dummy_exp = (Exp.minus_one, Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IInt))
(* Extract the element of a singleton list. If the list is not a singleton *)
(* Gives a warning and return -1 as standard value indicating something *)
@ -294,20 +294,20 @@ end
(** This function handles ObjC new/alloc and C++ new calls *)
let create_alloc_instrs sil_loc function_type fname size_exp_opt procname_opt =
let function_type, function_type_np =
match function_type with
| Typ.Tptr (styp, Typ.Pk_pointer)
| Typ.Tptr (styp, Typ.Pk_objc_weak)
| Typ.Tptr (styp, Typ.Pk_objc_unsafe_unretained)
| Typ.Tptr (styp, Typ.Pk_objc_autoreleasing) ->
match function_type.Typ.desc with
| Tptr (styp, Typ.Pk_pointer)
| Tptr (styp, Typ.Pk_objc_weak)
| Tptr (styp, Typ.Pk_objc_unsafe_unretained)
| Tptr (styp, Typ.Pk_objc_autoreleasing) ->
function_type, styp
| _ -> Typ.Tptr (function_type, Typ.Pk_pointer), function_type in
| _ -> CType.add_pointer_to_typ function_type, function_type in
let sizeof_exp_ = Exp.Sizeof (function_type_np, None, Subtype.exact) in
let sizeof_exp = match size_exp_opt with
| Some exp -> Exp.BinOp (Binop.Mult, sizeof_exp_, exp)
| None -> sizeof_exp_ in
let exp = (sizeof_exp, Typ.Tint Typ.IULong) in
let exp = (sizeof_exp, Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IULong)) in
let procname_arg = match procname_opt with
| Some procname -> [Exp.Const (Const.Cfun (procname)), Typ.Tvoid]
| Some procname -> [Exp.Const (Const.Cfun (procname)), Typ.mk Tvoid]
| None -> [] in
let args = exp :: procname_arg in
let ret_id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ let create_cast_instrs exp cast_from_typ cast_to_typ sil_loc =
let typ = CType.remove_pointer_to_typ cast_to_typ in
let sizeof_exp = Exp.Sizeof (typ, None, Subtype.exact) in
let pname = BuiltinDecl.__objc_cast in
let args = [(exp, cast_from_typ); (sizeof_exp, Typ.Tint Typ.IULong)] in
let args = [(exp, cast_from_typ); (sizeof_exp, Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IULong))] in
let stmt_call =
Sil.Call (ret_id_typ, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun pname), args, sil_loc, CallFlags.default) in
(stmt_call, Exp.Var ret_id)
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ let dereference_var_sil (exp, typ) sil_loc =
assigned to it *)
let dereference_value_from_result sil_loc trans_result ~strip_pointer =
let (obj_sil, class_typ) = extract_exp_from_list trans_result.exps "" in
let typ_no_ptr = match class_typ with | Typ.Tptr (typ, _) -> typ | _ -> assert false in
let typ_no_ptr = match class_typ.Typ.desc with | Tptr (typ, _) -> typ | _ -> assert false in
let cast_typ = if strip_pointer then typ_no_ptr else class_typ in
let cast_inst, cast_exp = dereference_var_sil (obj_sil, cast_typ) sil_loc in
{ trans_result with
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ let cast_operation trans_state cast_kind exps cast_typ sil_loc is_objc_bridged =
let trans_assertion_failure sil_loc (context : CContext.t) =
let assert_fail_builtin = Exp.Const (Const.Cfun BuiltinDecl.__infer_fail) in
let args = [Exp.Const (Const.Cstr Config.default_failure_name), Typ.Tvoid] in
let args = [Exp.Const (Const.Cstr Config.default_failure_name), Typ.mk Tvoid] in
let call_instr = Sil.Call (None, assert_fail_builtin, args, sil_loc, CallFlags.default) in
let exit_node = Procdesc.get_exit_node (CContext.get_procdesc context)
and failure_node =
@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ struct
let typ, self_expr, ins =
let t' =
(Typ.Tstruct (CContext.get_curr_class_typename context)) in
(Typ.mk (Tstruct (CContext.get_curr_class_typename context))) in
let e = Exp.Lvar (Pvar.mk (Mangled.from_string CFrontend_config.self) procname) in
let id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
t', Exp.Var id, [Sil.Load (id, e, t', loc)] in
@ -658,7 +658,8 @@ let rec contains_opaque_value_expr s =
(* checks if a unary operator is a logic negation applied to integers*)
let is_logical_negation_of_int tenv ei uoi =
match CType_decl.type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv ei.Clang_ast_t.ei_type_ptr, uoi.Clang_ast_t.uoi_kind with
match (CType_decl.type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv ei.Clang_ast_t.ei_type_ptr).desc,
uoi.Clang_ast_t.uoi_kind with
| Typ.Tint _,`LNot -> true
| _, _ -> false
@ -710,8 +711,8 @@ let is_block_enumerate_function mei =
let var_or_zero_in_init_list tenv e typ ~return_zero:return_zero =
let rec var_or_zero_in_init_list' e typ tns =
let open CGeneral_utils in
match typ with
| Typ.Tstruct tn -> (
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Tstruct tn -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv tn with
| Some { fields } ->
let lh_exprs =
@ -722,7 +723,7 @@ let var_or_zero_in_init_list tenv e typ ~return_zero:return_zero =
| None ->
assert false
| Typ.Tarray (arrtyp, Some n) ->
| Tarray (arrtyp, Some n) ->
let size = IntLit.to_int n in
let indices = list_range 0 (size - 1) in
let index_constants =
@ -733,10 +734,10 @@ let var_or_zero_in_init_list tenv e typ ~return_zero:return_zero =
let exp_types = zip lh_exprs lh_types in
List.map ~f:(fun (e, t) ->
List.concat (var_or_zero_in_init_list' e t tns)) exp_types
| Typ.Tint _ | Typ.Tfloat _ | Typ.Tptr _ ->
| Tint _ | Tfloat _ | Tptr _ ->
let exp = if return_zero then Sil.zero_value_of_numerical_type typ else e in
[ [(exp, typ)] ]
| Typ.Tfun _ | Typ.Tvoid | Typ.Tarray _ -> assert false in
| Tfun _ | Tvoid | Tarray _ -> assert false in
List.concat (var_or_zero_in_init_list' e typ String.Set.empty)

@ -15,42 +15,42 @@ let get_builtin_objc_typename builtin_type =
| `ObjCClass -> Typ.Name.C.from_string CFrontend_config.objc_class
let get_builtin_objc_type builtin_type =
let typ = Typ.Tstruct (get_builtin_objc_typename builtin_type) in
let typ = Typ.mk (Tstruct (get_builtin_objc_typename builtin_type)) in
match builtin_type with
| `ObjCId -> typ
| `ObjCClass -> Typ.Tptr (typ, Typ.Pk_pointer)
| `ObjCClass -> Typ.mk (Tptr (typ, Typ.Pk_pointer))
let sil_type_of_builtin_type_kind builtin_type_kind =
match builtin_type_kind with
| `Void -> Typ.Tvoid
| `Bool -> Typ.Tint Typ.IBool
| `Char_U -> Typ.Tint Typ.IUChar
| `UChar -> Typ.Tint Typ.IUChar
| `WChar_U -> Typ.Tint Typ.IUChar
| `Char_S -> Typ.Tint Typ.IChar
| `SChar -> Typ.Tint Typ.ISChar
| `Void -> Typ.mk Tvoid
| `Bool -> Typ.mk (Tint IBool)
| `Char_U -> Typ.mk (Tint IUChar)
| `UChar -> Typ.mk (Tint IUChar)
| `WChar_U -> Typ.mk (Tint IUChar)
| `Char_S -> Typ.mk (Tint IChar)
| `SChar -> Typ.mk (Tint ISChar)
| `WChar_S
| `Char16
| `Char32 -> Typ.Tint Typ.IChar
| `Char32 -> Typ.mk (Tint IChar)
| `UShort
| `Short -> Typ.Tint Typ.IShort
| `Short -> Typ.mk (Tint IShort)
| `UInt
| `UInt128 -> Typ.Tint Typ.IUInt
| `ULong -> Typ.Tint Typ.IULong
| `ULongLong -> Typ.Tint Typ.IULongLong
| `UInt128 -> Typ.mk (Tint IUInt)
| `ULong -> Typ.mk (Tint IULong)
| `ULongLong -> Typ.mk (Tint IULongLong)
| `Int
| `Int128 -> Typ.Tint Typ.IInt
| `Long -> Typ.Tint Typ.ILong
| `LongLong -> Typ.Tint Typ.ILongLong
| `Half -> Typ.Tint Typ.IShort (*?*)
| `Float -> Typ.Tfloat Typ.FFloat
| `Double -> Typ.Tfloat Typ.FDouble
| `LongDouble -> Typ.Tfloat Typ.FLongDouble
| `NullPtr -> Typ.Tint Typ.IInt
| `Int128 -> Typ.mk (Tint IInt)
| `Long -> Typ.mk (Tint ILong)
| `LongLong -> Typ.mk (Tint ILongLong)
| `Half -> Typ.mk (Tint IShort) (*?*)
| `Float -> Typ.mk (Tfloat FFloat)
| `Double -> Typ.mk (Tfloat FDouble)
| `LongDouble -> Typ.mk (Tfloat FLongDouble)
| `NullPtr -> Typ.mk (Tint IInt)
| `ObjCId -> get_builtin_objc_type `ObjCId
| `ObjCClass -> get_builtin_objc_type `ObjCClass
| _ -> Typ.Tvoid
| _ -> Typ.mk Tvoid
let pointer_attribute_of_objc_attribute attr_info =
match attr_info.Clang_ast_t.ati_lifetime with
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ let pointer_attribute_of_objc_attribute attr_info =
let rec build_array_type translate_decl tenv type_ptr n_opt =
let array_type = type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv type_ptr in
let len = Option.map ~f:(fun n -> IntLit.of_int64 (Int64.of_int n)) n_opt in
Typ.Tarray (array_type, len)
Typ.mk (Tarray (array_type, len))
and sil_type_of_attr_type translate_decl tenv type_info attr_info =
match type_info.Clang_ast_t.ti_desugared_type with
@ -70,14 +70,14 @@ and sil_type_of_attr_type translate_decl tenv type_info attr_info =
(match CAst_utils.get_type type_ptr with
| Some Clang_ast_t.ObjCObjectPointerType (_, {Clang_ast_t.qt_type_ptr}) ->
let typ = type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv qt_type_ptr in
Typ.Tptr (typ, pointer_attribute_of_objc_attribute attr_info)
Typ.mk (Tptr (typ, pointer_attribute_of_objc_attribute attr_info))
| _ -> type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv type_ptr)
| None -> Typ.Tvoid
| None -> Typ.mk Tvoid
and sil_type_of_c_type translate_decl tenv c_type =
and sil_type_of_c_type translate_decl tenv c_type : Typ.t =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match c_type with
| NoneType _ -> Typ.Tvoid
| NoneType _ -> Typ.mk Tvoid
| BuiltinType (_, builtin_type_kind) ->
sil_type_of_builtin_type_kind builtin_type_kind
| PointerType (_, {Clang_ast_t.qt_type_ptr})
@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ and sil_type_of_c_type translate_decl tenv c_type =
let typ = type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv qt_type_ptr in
if Typ.equal typ (get_builtin_objc_type `ObjCClass) then
else Typ.Tptr (typ, Typ.Pk_pointer)
else Typ.mk (Tptr (typ, Typ.Pk_pointer))
| ObjCObjectType (_, objc_object_type_info) ->
type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv objc_object_type_info.Clang_ast_t.base_type
| BlockPointerType (_, type_ptr) ->
let typ = type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv type_ptr in
Typ.Tptr (typ, Typ.Pk_pointer)
Typ.mk (Tptr (typ, Typ.Pk_pointer))
| IncompleteArrayType (_, type_ptr)
| DependentSizedArrayType (_, type_ptr)
| VariableArrayType (_, type_ptr) ->
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ and sil_type_of_c_type translate_decl tenv c_type =
build_array_type translate_decl tenv type_ptr (Some n)
| FunctionProtoType _
| FunctionNoProtoType _ ->
Typ.Tfun false
Typ.mk (Tfun false)
| ParenType (_, type_ptr) ->
type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv type_ptr
| DecayedType (_, type_ptr) ->
@ -110,20 +110,20 @@ and sil_type_of_c_type translate_decl tenv c_type =
| ElaboratedType (type_info) ->
(match type_info.Clang_ast_t.ti_desugared_type with
Some type_ptr -> type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv type_ptr
| None -> Typ.Tvoid)
| None -> Typ.mk Tvoid)
| ObjCInterfaceType (_, pointer) ->
decl_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv pointer
| RValueReferenceType (_, {Clang_ast_t.qt_type_ptr})
| LValueReferenceType (_, {Clang_ast_t.qt_type_ptr}) ->
let typ = type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv qt_type_ptr in
Typ.Tptr (typ, Typ.Pk_reference)
Typ.mk (Tptr (typ, Typ.Pk_reference))
| AttributedType (type_info, attr_info) ->
sil_type_of_attr_type translate_decl tenv type_info attr_info
| _ -> (* TypedefType, etc *)
let type_info = Clang_ast_proj.get_type_tuple c_type in
match type_info.Clang_ast_t.ti_desugared_type with
| Some typ -> type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv typ
| None -> Typ.Tvoid
| None -> Typ.mk Tvoid
and decl_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv decl_ptr =
let open Clang_ast_t in
@ -143,11 +143,11 @@ and decl_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv decl_ptr =
| Some _ ->
Logging.err_debug "Warning: Wrong decl found for pointer %s "
(Clang_ast_j.string_of_pointer decl_ptr);
Typ.mk Tvoid
| None ->
Logging.err_debug "Warning: Decl pointer %s not found."
(Clang_ast_j.string_of_pointer decl_ptr);
Typ.mk Tvoid
and clang_type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv type_ptr =
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ and clang_type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv type_ptr =
let sil_type = sil_type_of_c_type translate_decl tenv c_type in
CAst_utils.update_sil_types_map type_ptr sil_type;
| _ -> Typ.Tvoid)
| _ -> Typ.mk Tvoid)
and type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv type_ptr =
match type_ptr with
@ -166,12 +166,12 @@ and type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv type_ptr =
| Clang_ast_extend.Builtin kind -> sil_type_of_builtin_type_kind kind
| Clang_ast_extend.PointerOf typ ->
let sil_typ = type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv typ in
Typ.Tptr (sil_typ, Typ.Pk_pointer)
Typ.mk (Tptr (sil_typ, Pk_pointer))
| Clang_ast_extend.ReferenceOf typ ->
let sil_typ = type_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv typ in
Typ.Tptr (sil_typ, Typ.Pk_reference)
Typ.mk (Tptr (sil_typ, Pk_reference))
| Clang_ast_extend.ClassType typename ->
Typ.Tstruct typename
Typ.mk (Tstruct typename)
| Clang_ast_extend.DeclPtr ptr -> decl_ptr_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv ptr
| Clang_ast_extend.ErrorType -> Typ.Tvoid
| Clang_ast_extend.ErrorType -> Typ.mk Tvoid
| _ -> raise (invalid_arg "unknown variant for type_ptr")

@ -68,8 +68,9 @@ let get_base_class_name_from_category decl =
let process_category type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv class_name decl_info decl_list =
let decl_fields = CField_decl.get_fields type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv decl_list in
let class_tn_name = Typ.Name.Objc.from_qual_name class_name in
let class_tn_type = Typ.mk (Typ.Tstruct class_tn_name) in
let decl_key = Clang_ast_extend.DeclPtr decl_info.Clang_ast_t.di_pointer in
CAst_utils.update_sil_types_map decl_key (Typ.Tstruct class_tn_name);
CAst_utils.update_sil_types_map decl_key class_tn_type;
(match Tenv.lookup tenv class_tn_name with
| Some ({ fields } as struct_typ) ->
let new_fields = CGeneral_utils.append_no_duplicates_fields decl_fields fields in
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ let process_category type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv class_name decl_info decl_list =
~default:struct_typ ~fields:new_fields ~statics:[] ~methods:[] class_tn_name );
Logging.out_debug " Updating info for class '%a' in tenv\n" QualifiedCppName.pp class_name
| _ -> ());
Typ.Tstruct class_tn_name
let category_decl type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv decl =
let open Clang_ast_t in

@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ open! IStd
module L = Logging
let is_pointer_to_objc_class typ =
match typ with
| Typ.Tptr (typ, _) when Typ.is_objc_class typ -> true
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Tptr (typ, _) when Typ.is_objc_class typ -> true
| _ -> false
let get_super_interface_decl otdi_super =
@ -78,8 +78,9 @@ let add_class_to_tenv type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv decl_info name_info decl_list oc
let class_name = CAst_utils.get_qualified_name name_info in
Logging.out_debug "ADDING: ObjCInterfaceDecl for '%a'\n" QualifiedCppName.pp class_name;
let interface_name = Typ.Name.Objc.from_qual_name class_name in
let interface_type = Typ.mk (Tstruct interface_name) in
let decl_key = Clang_ast_extend.DeclPtr decl_info.Clang_ast_t.di_pointer in
CAst_utils.update_sil_types_map decl_key (Typ.Tstruct interface_name);
CAst_utils.update_sil_types_map decl_key interface_type;
let decl_supers, decl_fields =
create_supers_fields type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv decl_list
@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ let add_class_to_tenv type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv decl_info name_info decl_list oc
Logging.out_debug " >>>OK. Found typ='%a'\n"
(Typ.Struct.pp Pp.text interface_name) st
| None -> Logging.out_debug " >>>NOT Found!!\n");
Typ.Tstruct interface_name
(* Interface_type_info has the name of instance variables and the name of methods. *)
let interface_declaration type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv decl =
@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ let interface_impl_declaration type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv decl =
CField_decl.add_missing_fields tenv class_name fields;
let class_tn_name = Typ.Name.Objc.from_qual_name class_name in
let decl_key = Clang_ast_extend.DeclPtr decl_info.Clang_ast_t.di_pointer in
let class_typ = Typ.Tstruct class_tn_name in
let class_typ = Typ.mk (Tstruct class_tn_name) in
CAst_utils.update_sil_types_map decl_key class_typ;
| _ -> assert false

@ -26,11 +26,12 @@ let protocol_decl type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv decl =
(* It may turn out that we need a more specific treatment for protocols*)
Logging.out_debug "ADDING: ObjCProtocolDecl for '%a'\n" QualifiedCppName.pp name;
let protocol_name = Typ.Name.Objc.protocol_from_qual_name name in
let protocol_type = Typ.mk (Tstruct protocol_name) in
let decl_key = Clang_ast_extend.DeclPtr decl_info.Clang_ast_t.di_pointer in
CAst_utils.update_sil_types_map decl_key (Typ.Tstruct protocol_name);
CAst_utils.update_sil_types_map decl_key protocol_type;
ignore( Tenv.mk_struct tenv ~methods:[] protocol_name );
add_protocol_super type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv obj_c_protocol_decl_info;
Typ.Tstruct protocol_name
| _ -> assert false
let is_protocol decl =

@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ let check_condition tenv case_zero find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc
(* That always happens in the bytecode generated by try-with-resources. *)
let loc = Procdesc.Node.get_loc node in
let throwable_found = ref false in
let typ_is_throwable = function
let typ_is_throwable {Typ.desc} = match desc with
| Typ.Tstruct (Typ.JavaClass _ as name) ->
String.equal (Typ.Name.name name) "java.lang.Throwable"
| _ -> false in
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ let check_constructor_initialization tenv
if Typ.Procname.is_constructor curr_pname
then begin
match PatternMatch.get_this_type (Procdesc.get_attributes curr_pdesc) with
| Some (Tptr (Tstruct name as ts, _)) -> (
| Some ({desc=Tptr ({desc=Tstruct name} as ts, _)}) -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some { fields } ->
let do_field (fn, ft, _) =

@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ let typecheck_instr
(* check if there are errors in exp1 *)
let typecheck_expr_for_errors typestate1 exp1 loc1 : unit =
ignore (typecheck_expr_simple typestate1 exp1 Typ.Tvoid TypeOrigin.Undef loc1) in
ignore (typecheck_expr_simple typestate1 exp1 (Typ.mk Tvoid) TypeOrigin.Undef loc1) in
match instr with
| Sil.Remove_temps (idl, _) ->
@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ let typecheck_instr
Typ.Tint (Typ.IInt),
Typ.mk (Tint (Typ.IInt)),
TypeAnnotation.const AnnotatedSignature.Nullable false TypeOrigin.New,
@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ let typecheck_instr
Pvar.mk (Mangled.from_string e_str) curr_pname in
let e1 = Exp.Lvar pvar in
let (typ, ta, _) =
typecheck_expr_simple typestate e1 Typ.Tvoid TypeOrigin.ONone loc in
typecheck_expr_simple typestate e1 (Typ.mk Tvoid) TypeOrigin.ONone loc in
let range = (typ, ta, [loc]) in
let typestate1 = TypeState.add pvar range typestate in
typestate1, e1, EradicateChecks.From_containsKey
@ -1027,7 +1027,6 @@ let typecheck_instr
| Exp.Lvar pvar ->
pvar_apply loc handle_pvar typestate2 pvar
| _ -> typestate2 in
begin match c with
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.Eq, Exp.Const (Const.Cint i), e)
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.Eq, e, Exp.Const (Const.Cint i)) when IntLit.iszero i ->
@ -1039,7 +1038,7 @@ let typecheck_instr
typestate, e, EradicateChecks.From_condition in
let e', typestate2 = convert_complex_exp_to_pvar node' false e1 typestate1 loc in
let (typ, ta, _) =
typecheck_expr_simple typestate2 e' Typ.Tvoid TypeOrigin.ONone loc in
typecheck_expr_simple typestate2 e' (Typ.mk Tvoid) TypeOrigin.ONone loc in
if checks.eradicate then
EradicateChecks.check_zero tenv
@ -1086,7 +1085,7 @@ let typecheck_instr
end in
let e', typestate2 = convert_complex_exp_to_pvar node' false e1 typestate1 loc in
let (typ, ta, _) =
typecheck_expr_simple typestate2 e' Typ.Tvoid TypeOrigin.ONone loc in
typecheck_expr_simple typestate2 e' (Typ.mk Tvoid) TypeOrigin.ONone loc in
if checks.eradicate then
EradicateChecks.check_nonzero tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ let try_create_lifecycle_trace name lifecycle_name lifecycle_procs tenv =
| Typ.JavaClass _ ->
if PatternMatch.is_subtype tenv name lifecycle_name &&
not (AndroidFramework.is_android_lib_class name) then
let ptr_to_struct_typ = Some (Typ.Tptr (Tstruct name, Pk_pointer)) in
let ptr_to_struct_typ = Some (Typ.mk (Tptr (Typ.mk (Tstruct name), Pk_pointer))) in
~f:(fun trace lifecycle_proc ->
(* given a lifecycle subclass T, resolve the call T.lifecycle_proc() to the procname

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ let inhabit_alloc sizeof_typ sizeof_len ret_typ alloc_kind env =
let call_instr =
let fun_new = fun_exp_from_name alloc_kind in
let sizeof_exp = Exp.Sizeof (sizeof_typ, sizeof_len, Subtype.exact) in
let args = [(sizeof_exp, Typ.Tptr (ret_typ, Typ.Pk_pointer))] in
let args = [(sizeof_exp, Typ.mk (Tptr (ret_typ, Typ.Pk_pointer)))] in
Sil.Call (Some (retval, ret_typ), fun_new, args, env.pc, cf_alloc) in
(inhabited_exp, env_add_instr call_instr env)
@ -83,19 +83,19 @@ let inhabit_alloc sizeof_typ sizeof_len ret_typ alloc_kind env =
let rec inhabit_typ tenv typ cfg env =
try (TypMap.find typ env.cache, env)
with Not_found ->
let inhabit_internal typ env = match typ with
| Typ.Tptr (Typ.Tarray (inner_typ, Some _), Typ.Pk_pointer) ->
let inhabit_internal typ env = match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr ({desc=Tarray (inner_typ, Some _)}, Typ.Pk_pointer) ->
let len = Exp.Const (Const.Cint (IntLit.one)) in
let arr_typ = Typ.Tarray (inner_typ, Some IntLit.one) in
let arr_typ = Typ.mk (Tarray (inner_typ, Some IntLit.one)) in
inhabit_alloc arr_typ (Some len) typ BuiltinDecl.__new_array env
| Typ.Tptr (typ, Typ.Pk_pointer) as ptr_to_typ ->
| Typ.Tptr (typ, Typ.Pk_pointer) ->
(* TODO (t4575417): this case does not work correctly for enums, but they are currently
* broken in Infer anyway (see t4592290) *)
let (allocated_obj_exp, env) = inhabit_alloc typ None typ BuiltinDecl.__new env in
(* select methods that are constructors and won't force us into infinite recursion because
* we are already inhabiting one of their argument types *)
let get_all_suitable_constructors (typ: Typ.t) =
match typ with
match typ.desc with
| Tstruct name when Typ.Name.is_class name -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some { methods } ->
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ let rec inhabit_typ tenv typ cfg env =
(* arbitrarily choose a constructor for typ and invoke it. eventually, we may want to
* nondeterministically call all possible constructors instead *)
let env =
inhabit_constructor tenv constructor (allocated_obj_exp, ptr_to_typ) cfg env in
inhabit_constructor tenv constructor (allocated_obj_exp, typ) cfg env in
(* try to get the unqualified name as a class (e.g., Object for java.lang.Object so we
* we can use it as a descriptive local variable name in the harness *)
let typ_class_name =
@ -133,14 +133,14 @@ let rec inhabit_typ tenv typ cfg env =
let fresh_local_exp =
Exp.Lvar (Pvar.mk typ_class_name (Typ.Procname.Java env.harness_name)) in
let write_to_local_instr =
Sil.Store (fresh_local_exp, ptr_to_typ, allocated_obj_exp, env.pc) in
Sil.Store (fresh_local_exp, typ, allocated_obj_exp, env.pc) in
let env' = env_add_instr write_to_local_instr env in
let fresh_id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let read_from_local_instr = Sil.Load (fresh_id, fresh_local_exp, ptr_to_typ, env'.pc) in
let read_from_local_instr = Sil.Load (fresh_id, fresh_local_exp, typ, env'.pc) in
(Exp.Var fresh_id, env_add_instr read_from_local_instr env')
| Typ.Tint (_) -> (Exp.Const (Const.Cint (IntLit.zero)), env)
| Typ.Tfloat (_) -> (Exp.Const (Const.Cfloat 0.0), env)
| typ ->
| _ ->
L.err "Couldn't inhabit typ: %a@." (Typ.pp Pp.text) typ;
assert false in
let (inhabited_exp, env') =
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ and inhabit_constructor tenv constr_name (allocated_obj, obj_type) cfg env =
let inhabit_call_with_args procname procdesc args env =
let retval =
let ret_typ = Procdesc.get_ret_type procdesc in
let is_void = Typ.equal ret_typ Typ.Tvoid in
let is_void = Typ.equal_desc ret_typ.Typ.desc Typ.Tvoid in
if is_void then None else Some (Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal, ret_typ) in
let call_instr =
let fun_exp = fun_exp_from_name procname in

@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ let translate_locals program tenv formals bytecode jbir_code =
~f:(fun accu jbir_var ->
let var = Mangled.from_string (JBir.var_name_g jbir_var) in
collect accu (var, Typ.Tvoid))
collect accu (var, Typ.mk Tvoid))
(JBir.vars jbir_code) in
snd with_jbir_vars
@ -426,13 +426,13 @@ let rec expression (context : JContext.t) pc expr =
| JBir.Neg _ -> (instrs, Exp.UnOp (Unop.Neg, sil_ex, Some type_of_expr), type_of_expr)
| JBir.ArrayLength ->
let array_typ_no_ptr =
match type_of_ex with
match type_of_ex.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr (typ, _) -> typ
| _ -> type_of_ex in
let deref = create_sil_deref sil_ex array_typ_no_ptr loc in
let args = [(sil_ex, type_of_ex)] in
let ret_id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let ret_typ = Typ.Tint IInt in
let ret_typ = Typ.mk (Tint IInt) in
let call_instr =
(Some (ret_id, ret_typ), builtin_get_array_length, args, loc, CallFlags.default) in
@ -453,10 +453,10 @@ let rec expression (context : JContext.t) pc expr =
| JBir.InstanceOf _ -> Exp.Const (Const.Cfun BuiltinDecl.__instanceof)
| JBir.Cast _ -> Exp.Const (Const.Cfun BuiltinDecl.__cast)
| _ -> assert false) in
let args = [(sil_ex, type_of_ex); (sizeof_expr, Typ.Tvoid)] in
let args = [(sil_ex, type_of_ex); (sizeof_expr, Typ.mk Tvoid)] in
let ret_id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let call =
Sil.Call (Some (ret_id, Tint IBool), builtin, args, loc, CallFlags.default) in
Sil.Call (Some (ret_id, Typ.mk (Tint IBool)), builtin, args, loc, CallFlags.default) in
let res_ex = Exp.Var ret_id in
(instrs @ [call], res_ex, type_of_expr)
@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ let rec expression (context : JContext.t) pc expr =
match binop with
| JBir.ArrayLoad _ ->
(* add an instruction that dereferences the array *)
let array_typ = Typ.Tarray (type_of_expr, None) in
let array_typ = Typ.mk (Tarray (type_of_expr, None)) in
let deref_array_instr = create_sil_deref sil_ex1 array_typ loc in
let id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let load_instr =
@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ let method_invocation
match sil_obj_expr with
| Exp.Var _ when is_non_constructor_call && not Config.report_runtime_exceptions ->
let obj_typ_no_ptr =
match sil_obj_type with
match sil_obj_type.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr (typ, _) -> typ
| _ -> sil_obj_type in
[create_sil_deref sil_obj_expr obj_typ_no_ptr loc]
@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ let method_invocation
let callee_fun = Exp.Const (Const.Cfun callee_procname) in
let return_type =
match JBasics.ms_rtype ms with
| None -> Typ.Tvoid
| None -> Typ.mk Tvoid
| Some vt -> JTransType.value_type program tenv vt in
let call_ret_instrs sil_var =
let ret_id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ let get_array_length context pc expr_list content_type =
(instrs @ other_instrs, sil_len_expr :: other_exprs) in
let (instrs, sil_len_exprs) = List.fold_right ~f:get_expr_instr expr_list ~init:([],[]) in
let get_array_type_len sil_len_expr (content_type, _) =
(Typ.Tarray (content_type, None), Some sil_len_expr) in
(Typ.mk (Tarray (content_type, None)), Some sil_len_expr) in
let array_type, array_len =
List.fold_right ~f:get_array_type_len sil_len_exprs ~init:(content_type, None) in
let array_size = Exp.Sizeof (array_type, array_len, Subtype.exact) in
@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ let assume_not_null loc sil_expr =
let not_null_expr =
Exp.BinOp (Binop.Ne, sil_expr, Exp.null) in
let assume_call_flag = { CallFlags.default with CallFlags.cf_noreturn = true; } in
let call_args = [(not_null_expr, Typ.Tint Typ.IBool)] in
let call_args = [(not_null_expr, Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IBool))] in
Sil.Call (None, builtin_infer_assume, call_args, loc, assume_call_flag)
@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ let rec instruction (context : JContext.t) pc instr : translation =
let instrs, sil_expr, sil_type = expression context pc expr in
let builtin_const = Exp.Const (Const.Cfun builtin) in
let instr = Sil.Call (None, builtin_const, [(sil_expr, sil_type)], loc, CallFlags.default) in
let typ_no_ptr = match sil_type with
let typ_no_ptr = match sil_type.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr (typ, _) -> typ
| _ -> sil_type in
let deref_instr = create_sil_deref sil_expr typ_no_ptr loc in
@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ let rec instruction (context : JContext.t) pc instr : translation =
and sizeof_expr =
JTransType.sizeof_of_object_type program tenv object_type Subtype.subtypes_instof in
let check_cast = Exp.Const (Const.Cfun BuiltinDecl.__instanceof) in
let args = [(sil_expr, sil_type); (sizeof_expr, Typ.Tvoid)] in
let args = [(sil_expr, sil_type); (sizeof_expr, Typ.mk Tvoid)] in
let call = Sil.Call (Some (ret_id, ret_type), check_cast, args, loc, CallFlags.default) in
let res_ex = Exp.Var ret_id in
let is_instance_node =

@ -65,16 +65,16 @@ let translate_exceptions (context : JContext.t) exit_nodes get_body_nodes handle
| Some cn -> cn in
match JTransType.get_class_type
context.program (JContext.get_tenv context) class_name with
| Typ.Tptr (typ, _) -> typ
| {Typ.desc=Tptr (typ, _)} -> typ
| _ -> assert false in
let id_instanceof = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let instr_call_instanceof =
let instanceof_builtin = Exp.Const (Const.Cfun BuiltinDecl.__instanceof) in
let args = [
(Exp.Var id_exn_val, Typ.Tptr(exn_type, Typ.Pk_pointer));
(Exp.Sizeof (exn_type, None, Subtype.exact), Typ.Tvoid)] in
(Exp.Var id_exn_val, Typ.mk (Tptr(exn_type, Typ.Pk_pointer)));
(Exp.Sizeof (exn_type, None, Subtype.exact), Typ.mk Tvoid)] in
(Some (id_instanceof, Tint IBool), instanceof_builtin, args, loc, CallFlags.default) in
(Some (id_instanceof, Typ.mk (Tint IBool)), instanceof_builtin, args, loc, CallFlags.default) in
let if_kind = Sil.Ik_switch in
let instr_prune_true = Sil.Prune (Exp.Var id_instanceof, loc, true, if_kind) in
let instr_prune_false =

@ -18,32 +18,32 @@ open Sawja_pack
exception Type_tranlsation_error of string
let basic_type = function
| `Int -> Typ.Tint Typ.IInt
| `Bool -> Typ.Tint Typ.IBool
| `Byte -> Typ.Tint Typ.IChar
| `Char -> Typ.Tint Typ.IChar
| `Double -> Typ.Tfloat Typ.FDouble
| `Float -> Typ.Tfloat Typ.FFloat
| `Long -> Typ.Tint Typ.ILong
| `Short -> Typ.Tint Typ.IShort
| `Int -> Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IInt)
| `Bool -> Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IBool)
| `Byte -> Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IChar)
| `Char -> Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IChar)
| `Double -> Typ.mk (Tfloat Typ.FDouble)
| `Float -> Typ.mk (Tfloat Typ.FFloat)
| `Long -> Typ.mk (Tint Typ.ILong)
| `Short -> Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IShort)
let cast_type = function
| JBir.F2I
| JBir.L2I
| JBir.D2I -> Typ.Tint Typ.IInt
| JBir.D2I -> Typ.mk (Typ.Tint Typ.IInt)
| JBir.D2L
| JBir.F2L
| JBir.I2L -> Typ.Tint Typ.ILong
| JBir.I2L -> Typ.mk (Typ.Tint Typ.ILong)
| JBir.I2F
| JBir.L2F
| JBir.D2F -> Typ.Tfloat Typ.FFloat
| JBir.D2F -> Typ.mk (Typ.Tfloat Typ.FFloat)
| JBir.L2D
| JBir.F2D
| JBir.I2D -> Typ.Tfloat Typ.FDouble
| JBir.I2B -> Typ.Tint Typ.IBool
| JBir.I2C -> Typ.Tint Typ.IChar
| JBir.I2S -> Typ.Tint Typ.IShort
| JBir.I2D -> Typ.mk (Typ.Tfloat Typ.FDouble)
| JBir.I2B -> Typ.mk (Typ.Tint Typ.IBool)
| JBir.I2C -> Typ.mk (Typ.Tint Typ.IChar)
| JBir.I2S -> Typ.mk (Typ.Tint Typ.IShort)
let const_type const =
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ let typename_of_classname cn =
Typ.Name.Java.from_string (JBasics.cn_name cn)
let rec get_named_type vt =
let rec get_named_type vt : Typ.t =
match vt with
| JBasics.TBasic bt -> basic_type bt
| JBasics.TObject ot ->
@ -69,13 +69,14 @@ let rec get_named_type vt =
match ot with
| JBasics.TArray vt ->
let content_type = get_named_type vt in
Typ.Tptr (Typ.Tarray (content_type, None), Typ.Pk_pointer)
| JBasics.TClass cn -> Typ.Tptr (Typ.Tstruct (typename_of_classname cn), Typ.Pk_pointer)
Typ.mk (Tptr (Typ.mk (Tarray (content_type, None)), Typ.Pk_pointer))
| JBasics.TClass cn ->
Typ.mk (Tptr (Typ.mk (Tstruct (typename_of_classname cn)), Typ.Pk_pointer))
let extract_cn_type_np typ =
match typ with
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr(vtyp, Typ.Pk_pointer) ->
| _ -> typ
@ -83,12 +84,12 @@ let extract_cn_type_np typ =
let rec create_array_type typ dim =
if dim > 0 then
let content_typ = create_array_type typ (dim - 1) in
Typ.Tptr(Typ.Tarray (content_typ, None), Typ.Pk_pointer)
Typ.mk (Tptr(Typ.mk (Tarray (content_typ, None)), Typ.Pk_pointer))
else typ
let extract_cn_no_obj typ =
match typ with
| Typ.Tptr (Tstruct (JavaClass _ as name), Pk_pointer) ->
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr ({desc=Tstruct (JavaClass _ as name)}, Pk_pointer) ->
let class_name = JBasics.make_cn (Typ.Name.name name) in
if JBasics.cn_equal class_name JBasics.java_lang_object then None
@ -340,10 +341,10 @@ and get_class_struct_typ program tenv cn =
let get_class_type_no_pointer program tenv cn =
ignore (get_class_struct_typ program tenv cn);
Typ.Tstruct (typename_of_classname cn)
Typ.mk (Tstruct (typename_of_classname cn))
let get_class_type program tenv cn =
Typ.Tptr (get_class_type_no_pointer program tenv cn, Pk_pointer)
Typ.mk (Tptr (get_class_type_no_pointer program tenv cn, Pk_pointer))
(** return true if [field_name] is the autogenerated C.$assertionsDisabled field for class C *)
let is_autogenerated_assert_field field_name =
@ -362,7 +363,8 @@ let is_closeable program tenv typ =
let rec object_type program tenv ot =
match ot with
| JBasics.TClass cn -> get_class_type program tenv cn
| JBasics.TArray at -> Typ.Tptr (Typ.Tarray (value_type program tenv at, None), Typ.Pk_pointer)
| JBasics.TArray at ->
Typ.mk (Tptr (Typ.mk (Tarray (value_type program tenv at, None)), Typ.Pk_pointer))
(** translate a value type *)
and value_type program tenv vt =
@ -373,7 +375,7 @@ and value_type program tenv vt =
(** Translate object types into Exp.Sizeof expressions *)
let sizeof_of_object_type program tenv ot subtypes =
match object_type program tenv ot with
match (object_type program tenv ot).Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr (typ, _) ->
Exp.Sizeof (typ, None, subtypes)
| _ ->
@ -407,8 +409,8 @@ let get_var_type context var =
let extract_array_type typ =
match typ with
| Typ.Tptr(Typ.Tarray (vtyp, _), Typ.Pk_pointer) -> vtyp
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr({desc=Tarray (vtyp, _)}, Typ.Pk_pointer) -> vtyp
| _ -> typ
@ -433,7 +435,7 @@ let rec expr_type (context : JContext.t) expr =
specified in ms. *)
let return_type program tenv ms =
match JBasics.ms_rtype ms with
| None -> Typ.Tvoid
| None -> Typ.mk Tvoid
| Some vt -> value_type program tenv vt

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ include
| _ -> assert false
let handle_unknown_call pname ret_typ_opt actuals tenv =
let types_match typ class_string tenv = match typ with
| Typ.Tptr (Tstruct original_typename, _) ->
let types_match typ class_string tenv = match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr ({desc=Tstruct original_typename}, _) ->
(fun typename _ -> String.equal (Typ.Name.name typename) class_string)
@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ include
| _ when Typ.Procname.is_constructor pname ->
| _, _, (Some Typ.Tvoid | None) when not is_static ->
| _, _, (Some {Typ.desc=Tvoid} | None) when not is_static ->
(* for instance methods with no return value, propagate the taint to the receiver *)
| classname, _, Some (Typ.Tptr _ | Tstruct _) ->
| classname, _, Some ({Typ.desc=Tptr _ | Tstruct _}) ->
match actuals with
| (_, receiver_typ) :: _
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ include
failwithf "Non-Java procname %a in Java analysis@." Typ.Procname.pp pname
let is_taintable_type typ=
match typ with
| Typ.Tptr (Tstruct (JavaClass typename), _) | Tstruct (JavaClass typename) ->
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr ({desc=Tstruct (JavaClass typename)}, _) | Tstruct (JavaClass typename) ->
match Mangled.to_string_full typename with
| "android.content.Intent"

@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ module SourceKind = struct
name, typ, None in
let taint_formals_with_types type_strs kind formals =
let taint_formal_with_types ((formal_name, formal_typ) as formal) =
let matches_classname = match formal_typ with
| Typ.Tptr (Tstruct typename, _) ->
let matches_classname = match formal_typ.Typ.desc with
| Tptr ({desc=Tstruct typename}, _) ->
List.mem ~equal:String.equal type_strs (Typ.Name.name typename)
| _ ->
false in

@ -203,9 +203,9 @@ module Make (TaintSpecification : TaintSpec.S) = struct
match AccessPath.of_lhs_exp actual_exp actual_typ ~f_resolve_id with
| Some actual_ap_raw ->
let actual_ap =
let is_array_typ = match actual_typ with
| Typ.Tptr (Tarray _, _) (* T* [] (Java-style) *)
| Tptr (Tptr _, _) (* T** (C/C++ style 1) *)
let is_array_typ = match actual_typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr ({desc=Tarray _}, _) (* T* [] (Java-style) *)
| Tptr ({desc=Tptr _}, _) (* T** (C/C++ style 1) *)
| Tarray _ (* T[] C/C++ style 2 *) ->
| _ ->
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ module Make (TaintSpecification : TaintSpec.S) = struct
| Sil.Store (Exp.Lvar lhs_pvar, _, rhs_exp, _)
when Pvar.is_return lhs_pvar && Exp.is_null_literal rhs_exp &&
Typ.equal Tvoid (Procdesc.get_ret_type proc_data.pdesc) ->
Typ.equal_desc Tvoid (Procdesc.get_ret_type proc_data.pdesc).desc ->
(* similar to the case above; the Java frontend translates "return no exception" as
`return null` in a void function *)

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ let tests =
let initial = BoundedCallTree.Domain.empty in
let f_proc_name = Typ.Procname.from_string_c_fun "f" in
let g_proc_name = Typ.Procname.from_string_c_fun "g" in
let g_args = [((Exp.Const (Const.Cint (IntLit.one))), (Typ.Tint IInt))] in
let g_ret_id = Some (ident_of_str "r", Typ.Tint IInt) in
let g_args = [((Exp.Const (Const.Cint (IntLit.one))), (Typ.mk (Tint IInt)))] in
let g_ret_id = Some (ident_of_str "r", Typ.mk (Tint IInt)) in
let class_name = "com.example.SomeClass" in
let file_name = "SomeClass.java" in
let trace = Stacktrace.make "java.lang.NullPointerException"

@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ let tests =
call_sink_with_exp (Exp.Var (ident_of_str actual_str)) in
let assign_id_to_field root_str fld_str rhs_id_str =
let rhs_exp = Exp.Var (ident_of_str rhs_id_str) in
make_store ~rhs_typ:Typ.Tvoid (Exp.Var (ident_of_str root_str)) fld_str ~rhs_exp in
make_store ~rhs_typ:(Typ.mk Tvoid) (Exp.Var (ident_of_str root_str)) fld_str ~rhs_exp in
let read_field_to_id lhs_id_str root_str fld_str =
make_load_fld ~rhs_typ:Typ.Tvoid lhs_id_str fld_str (Exp.Var (ident_of_str root_str)) in
make_load_fld ~rhs_typ:(Typ.mk Tvoid) lhs_id_str fld_str (Exp.Var (ident_of_str root_str)) in
let assert_empty = invariant "{ }" in
(* hack: register an empty analyze_ondemand to prevent a crash because the callback is unset *)
let analyze_ondemand _ summary _ = summary in
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ let tests =
"source -> sink via cast",
assign_to_source "ret_id";
cast_id_to_id "cast_id" Typ.Tvoid "ret_id";
cast_id_to_id "cast_id" (Typ.mk Tvoid) "ret_id";
call_sink "cast_id";
invariant "{ ret_id$0 => (SOURCE -> SINK) }";

@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ let tests =
let append =
let append_ _ =
let call_site = CallSite.dummy in
let footprint_ap = AccessPath.Exact (AccessPath.of_id (Ident.create_none ()) Typ.Tvoid) in
let footprint_ap = AccessPath.Exact (AccessPath.of_id (Ident.create_none ()) (Typ.mk Tvoid)) in
let dummy_pdesc =
(Cfg.create_cfg ())

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ open! IStd
let make_var var_str =
Pvar.mk (Mangled.from_string var_str) Typ.Procname.empty_block
let make_base ?(typ=Typ.Tvoid) base_str =
let make_base ?(typ=Typ.mk Tvoid) base_str =
AccessPath.base_of_pvar (make_var base_str) typ
let make_fieldname = Fieldname.Java.from_string

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ let tests =
let xFG = make_access_path "x" ["f"; "g";] in
let yF = make_access_path "y" ["f"] in
let xArr =
let dummy_typ = Typ.Tvoid in
let dummy_arr_typ = Typ.Tarray (dummy_typ, None) in
let dummy_typ = Typ.mk Tvoid in
let dummy_arr_typ = Typ.mk (Tarray (dummy_typ, None)) in
let base = make_base "x" ~typ:dummy_arr_typ in
base, [make_array_access dummy_typ] in
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ let tests =
let of_exp_test =
let f_resolve_id _ = None in
let dummy_typ = Typ.Tvoid in
let dummy_typ = Typ.mk Tvoid in
let check_make_ap exp expected_ap ~f_resolve_id =
let make_ap exp =

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ let tests =
let f = make_field_access "f" in
let g = make_field_access "g" in
let array = make_array_access Typ.Tvoid in
let array = make_array_access (Typ.mk Tvoid) in
let x = AccessPath.Exact (make_access_path "x" []) in
let xF = AccessPath.Exact (make_access_path "x" ["f"]) in

@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ let tests =
let open OUnit2 in
let open AnalyzerTester.StructuredSil in
let assert_empty = invariant "{ }" in
let int_typ = Typ.Tint IInt in
let int_ptr_typ = Typ.Tptr (int_typ, Pk_pointer) in
let fun_ptr_typ = Typ.Tptr (Tfun false, Pk_pointer) in
let int_typ = Typ.mk (Tint IInt) in
let int_ptr_typ = Typ.mk (Tptr (int_typ, Pk_pointer)) in
let fun_ptr_typ = Typ.mk (Tptr (Typ.mk (Tfun false), Pk_pointer)) in
let closure_exp captureds =
let mk_captured_var str = (Exp.Var (ident_of_str str), pvar_of_str str, int_ptr_typ) in
let captured_vars = List.map ~f:mk_captured_var captureds in

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ module StructuredSil = struct
let pp_structured_program = pp_structured_instr_list
let dummy_typ = Typ.Tvoid
let dummy_typ = Typ.mk Tvoid
let dummy_loc = Location.dummy
let dummy_procname = Typ.Procname.empty_block
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ module StructuredSil = struct
let var_assign_int lhs rhs =
let rhs_exp = Exp.int (IntLit.of_int rhs) in
let rhs_typ = Typ.Tint Typ.IInt in
let rhs_typ = Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IInt) in
var_assign_exp ~rhs_typ lhs rhs_exp
let var_assign_id ?(rhs_typ=dummy_typ) lhs rhs =

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ let tests =
let open OUnit2 in
let open AnalyzerTester.StructuredSil in
let assert_empty = invariant "{ }" in
let fun_ptr_typ = Typ.Tptr (Tfun false, Pk_pointer) in
let fun_ptr_typ = Typ.mk (Tptr (Typ.mk (Tfun false), Pk_pointer)) in
let closure_exp captured_pvars =
let mk_captured_var str = (Exp.Var (ident_of_str str), pvar_of_str str, dummy_typ) in
let captured_vars = List.map ~f:mk_captured_var captured_pvars in
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ let tests =
call_unknown (Some ("y", Typ.Tint IInt)) [];
call_unknown (Some ("y", Typ.mk (Tint IInt))) [];
invariant "{ y$0 }";
id_assign_id "x" "y";
