[pulse][interproc 2/3] abductive domain

For each operation on the domain, try to record what it requires of the
precondition of the function. This is akin to what happens in the
biabduction backend, hence the terminology used.

Reviewed By: jberdine

Differential Revision: D14387148

fbshipit-source-id: a61fe30c8
Jules Villard 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent f0f66daa4c
commit 0300d5374c

@ -8,6 +8,18 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
open Result.Monad_infix
module AbstractAddress = PulseDomain.AbstractAddress
include (* ocaml ignores the warning suppression at toplevel, hence the [include struct ... end] trick *)
[@@@warning "-60"]
(** Do not use {!PulseDomain} directly as it could result in bypassing abduction mechanisms in
{!PulseOperations} and {!PulseAbductiveDomain} that take care of propagating facts to the
precondition. *)
module PulseDomain = struct end
[@@deprecated "Use PulseAbductiveDomain or PulseOperations instead."]
let report summary diagnostic =
let open PulseDiagnostic in
@ -27,7 +39,7 @@ let check_error summary = function
module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
module CFG = ProcCfg.Exceptional
module Domain = PulseDomain
module Domain = PulseAbductiveDomain
type extras = Summary.t
@ -137,8 +149,7 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
model call_loc ~ret ~actuals astate
let exec_instr (astate : PulseDomain.t) {ProcData.extras= summary} _cfg_node (instr : HilInstr.t)
let exec_instr (astate : Domain.t) {ProcData.extras= summary} _cfg_node (instr : HilInstr.t) =
match instr with
| Assign (lhs_access, rhs_exp, loc) ->
let post = exec_assign summary lhs_access rhs_exp loc astate |> check_error summary in
@ -190,10 +201,10 @@ module DisjunctiveAnalyzer =
let checker {Callbacks.proc_desc; tenv; summary} =
let proc_data = ProcData.make proc_desc tenv summary in
PulseDomain.AbstractAddress.init () ;
AbstractAddress.init () ;
( try
(DisjunctiveAnalyzer.compute_post proc_data
~initial:(DisjunctiveTransferFunctions.Disjuncts.singleton PulseDomain.initial))
~initial:(DisjunctiveTransferFunctions.Disjuncts.singleton PulseAbductiveDomain.empty))
with AbstractDomain.Stop_analysis -> () ) ;

@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
* Copyright (c) 2019-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module AbstractAddress = PulseDomain.AbstractAddress
module Attributes = PulseDomain.Attributes
module BaseStack = PulseDomain.Stack
module BaseMemory = PulseDomain.Memory
(** signature common to the "normal" [Domain], representing the post at the current program point,
and the inverted [InvertedDomain], representing the inferred pre-condition*)
module type BaseDomain = sig
(* private because the lattice is not the same for preconditions and postconditions so we don't
want to confuse them *)
type t = private PulseDomain.t [@@deriving compare]
val empty : t
val make : BaseStack.t -> BaseMemory.t -> t
val update : ?stack:BaseStack.t -> ?heap:BaseMemory.t -> t -> t
include AbstractDomain.NoJoin with type t := t
(* just to expose the [heap] and [stack] record field names without having to type
[PulseDomain.heap] *)
type base_domain = PulseDomain.t = {heap: BaseMemory.t; stack: BaseStack.t}
(** operations common to [Domain] and [InvertedDomain], see also the [BaseDomain] signature *)
module BaseDomainCommon = struct
let make stack heap = {stack; heap}
let update ?stack ?heap foot =
let new_stack, new_heap =
(Option.value ~default:foot.stack stack, Option.value ~default:foot.heap heap)
if phys_equal new_stack foot.stack && phys_equal new_heap foot.heap then foot
else {stack= new_stack; heap= new_heap}
(** represents the post abstract state at each program point *)
module Domain : BaseDomain = struct
include BaseDomainCommon
include PulseDomain
(** represents the inferred pre-condition at each program point, biabduction style *)
module InvertedDomain : BaseDomain = struct
include BaseDomainCommon
type t = PulseDomain.t [@@deriving compare]
let empty = PulseDomain.empty
let pp = PulseDomain.pp
(** inverted lattice *)
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs = PulseDomain.( <= ) ~rhs:lhs ~lhs:rhs
(** biabduction-style pre/post state *)
type t =
{ post: Domain.t (** state at the current program point*)
; pre: InvertedDomain.t (** inferred pre at the current program point *) }
[@@deriving compare]
let pp f {post; pre} = F.fprintf f "@[<v>%a@;[%a]@]" Domain.pp post InvertedDomain.pp pre
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
PulseDomain.isograph_map PulseDomain.empty_mapping
~lhs:(rhs.pre :> PulseDomain.t)
~rhs:(lhs.pre :> PulseDomain.t)
| NotIsomorphic ->
| IsomorphicUpTo foot_mapping ->
PulseDomain.is_isograph foot_mapping
~lhs:(lhs.post :> PulseDomain.t)
~rhs:(rhs.post :> PulseDomain.t)
module Stack = struct
let is_abducible _var =
(* TODO: need to keep only formals + return variable + globals in the pre *) true
(** [astate] with [astate.post.stack = f astate.post.stack] *)
let map_post_stack ~f astate =
let new_post = Domain.update astate.post ~stack:(f (astate.post :> base_domain).stack) in
if phys_equal new_post astate.post then astate else {astate with post= new_post}
let materialize var astate =
match BaseStack.find_opt var (astate.post :> base_domain).stack with
| Some addr_loc_opt ->
(astate, addr_loc_opt)
| None ->
let addr_loc_opt' = (AbstractAddress.mk_fresh (), None) in
let post_stack = BaseStack.add var addr_loc_opt' (astate.post :> base_domain).stack in
let pre =
if is_abducible var then
let foot_stack = BaseStack.add var addr_loc_opt' (astate.pre :> base_domain).stack in
let foot_heap =
BaseMemory.register_address (fst addr_loc_opt') (astate.pre :> base_domain).heap
InvertedDomain.make foot_stack foot_heap
else astate.pre
({post= Domain.update astate.post ~stack:post_stack; pre}, addr_loc_opt')
let add var addr_loc_opt astate =
map_post_stack astate ~f:(fun stack -> BaseStack.add var addr_loc_opt stack)
let remove_vars vars astate =
map_post_stack astate ~f:(fun stack ->
BaseStack.filter (fun var _ -> not (List.mem ~equal:Var.equal vars var)) stack )
let fold f astate accum = BaseStack.fold f (astate.post :> base_domain).stack accum
let find_opt var astate = BaseStack.find_opt var (astate.post :> base_domain).stack
module Memory = struct
open Result.Monad_infix
module Access = BaseMemory.Access
(** [astate] with [astate.post.heap = f astate.post.heap] *)
let map_post_heap ~f astate =
let new_post = Domain.update astate.post ~heap:(f (astate.post :> base_domain).heap) in
if phys_equal new_post astate.post then astate else {astate with post= new_post}
(** if [address] is in [pre] and it should be valid then that fact goes in the precondition *)
let record_must_be_valid actor address (pre : InvertedDomain.t) =
if BaseMemory.mem_edges address (pre :> base_domain).heap then
InvertedDomain.update pre
(BaseMemory.add_attributes address
(Attributes.singleton (MustBeValid actor))
(pre :> base_domain).heap)
else pre
let check_valid actor addr ({post; pre} as astate) =
BaseMemory.check_valid addr (post :> base_domain).heap
>>| fun () ->
let new_pre = record_must_be_valid actor addr pre in
if phys_equal new_pre pre then astate else {astate with pre= new_pre}
let add_edge addr access new_addr_trace astate =
map_post_heap astate ~f:(fun heap -> BaseMemory.add_edge addr access new_addr_trace heap)
let add_edge_and_back_edge addr access new_addr_trace astate =
map_post_heap astate ~f:(fun heap ->
BaseMemory.add_edge_and_back_edge addr access new_addr_trace heap )
let materialize_edge addr access astate =
match BaseMemory.find_edge_opt addr access (astate.post :> base_domain).heap with
| Some addr_trace' ->
(astate, addr_trace')
| None ->
let addr_trace' = (AbstractAddress.mk_fresh (), []) in
let post_heap =
BaseMemory.add_edge_and_back_edge addr access addr_trace'
(astate.post :> base_domain).heap
let foot_heap =
if BaseMemory.mem_edges addr (astate.pre :> base_domain).heap then
BaseMemory.add_edge_and_back_edge addr access addr_trace'
(astate.pre :> base_domain).heap
|> BaseMemory.register_address (fst addr_trace')
else (astate.pre :> base_domain).heap
( { post= Domain.update astate.post ~heap:post_heap
; pre= InvertedDomain.update astate.pre ~heap:foot_heap }
, addr_trace' )
let invalidate address actor astate =
map_post_heap astate ~f:(fun heap -> BaseMemory.invalidate address actor heap)
let add_attributes address attributes astate =
map_post_heap astate ~f:(fun heap -> BaseMemory.add_attributes address attributes heap)
let std_vector_reserve addr astate =
map_post_heap astate ~f:(fun heap -> BaseMemory.std_vector_reserve addr heap)
let is_std_vector_reserved addr astate =
BaseMemory.is_std_vector_reserved addr (astate.post :> base_domain).heap
let find_opt address astate = BaseMemory.find_opt address (astate.post :> base_domain).heap
let set_cell addr cell astate =
map_post_heap astate ~f:(fun heap -> BaseMemory.set_cell addr cell heap)
module Edges = BaseMemory.Edges
let empty = {post= Domain.empty; pre= InvertedDomain.empty}
let discard_unreachable ({pre; post} as astate) =
let pre_addresses = PulseDomain.visit (pre :> PulseDomain.t) in
let pre_old_heap = (pre :> PulseDomain.t).heap in
let pre_new_heap =
(fun address -> PulseDomain.AbstractAddressSet.mem address pre_addresses)
let post_addresses = PulseDomain.visit (post :> PulseDomain.t) in
let all_addresses = PulseDomain.AbstractAddressSet.union pre_addresses post_addresses in
let post_old_heap = (post :> PulseDomain.t).heap in
let post_new_heap =
(fun address -> PulseDomain.AbstractAddressSet.mem address all_addresses)
if phys_equal pre_new_heap pre_old_heap && phys_equal post_new_heap post_old_heap then astate
{ pre= InvertedDomain.make (pre :> PulseDomain.t).stack pre_new_heap
; post= Domain.make (post :> PulseDomain.t).stack post_new_heap }

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
* Copyright (c) 2019-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module AbstractAddress = PulseDomain.AbstractAddress
module Attributes = PulseDomain.Attributes
(* layer on top of {!PulseDomain} to propagate operations on the current state to the pre-condition
when necessary
The abstract type [t] is a pre/post pair in the style of biabduction.
include AbstractDomain.NoJoin
val empty : t
(** stack operations like {!PulseDomain.Stack} but that also take care of propagating facts to the
precondition *)
module Stack : sig
val add : Var.t -> PulseDomain.Stack.value -> t -> t
val remove_vars : Var.t list -> t -> t
val fold : (Var.t -> PulseDomain.Stack.value -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val find_opt : Var.t -> t -> PulseDomain.Stack.value option
val materialize : Var.t -> t -> t * PulseDomain.Stack.value
(** stack operations like {!PulseDomain.Heap} but that also take care of propagating facts to the
precondition *)
module Memory : sig
module Access = PulseDomain.Memory.Access
module Edges = PulseDomain.Memory.Edges
val add_attributes : AbstractAddress.t -> Attributes.t -> t -> t
val add_edge : AbstractAddress.t -> Access.t -> PulseDomain.AddrTracePair.t -> t -> t
val add_edge_and_back_edge :
AbstractAddress.t -> Access.t -> PulseDomain.AddrTracePair.t -> t -> t
val check_valid :
PulseDiagnostic.actor -> AbstractAddress.t -> t -> (t, PulseInvalidation.t) result
val find_opt : AbstractAddress.t -> t -> PulseDomain.Memory.cell option
val set_cell : AbstractAddress.t -> PulseDomain.Memory.cell -> t -> t
val invalidate : AbstractAddress.t -> PulseInvalidation.t -> t -> t
val is_std_vector_reserved : AbstractAddress.t -> t -> bool
val std_vector_reserve : AbstractAddress.t -> t -> t
val materialize_edge : AbstractAddress.t -> Access.t -> t -> t * PulseDomain.AddrTracePair.t
val discard_unreachable : t -> t
(** garbage collect unreachable addresses in the state to make it smaller, just for convenience and
keep its size down *)

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module Attribute = struct
type t =
(* DO NOT MOVE, see toplevel comment *)
| Invalid of Invalidation.t
| MustBeValid of PulseDiagnostic.actor
| AddressOfCppTemporary of Var.t * Location.t option
| Closure of Typ.Procname.t
| StdVectorReserve
@ -28,6 +29,9 @@ module Attribute = struct
let pp f = function
| Invalid invalidation ->
Invalidation.pp f invalidation
| MustBeValid actor ->
F.fprintf f "MustBeValid (read by %a @ %a)" HilExp.AccessExpression.pp actor.access_expr
Location.pp actor.location
| AddressOfCppTemporary (var, location_opt) ->
F.fprintf f "&%a (%a)" Var.pp var (Pp.option Location.pp) location_opt
| Closure pname ->
@ -86,6 +90,8 @@ end = struct
let set_state counter = next_fresh := counter
module AbstractAddressSet = PrettyPrintable.MakePPSet (AbstractAddress)
(* {3 Heap domain } *)
module AddrTracePair = struct
@ -120,8 +126,12 @@ module Memory : sig
val set_cell : AbstractAddress.t -> cell -> t -> t
val mem_edges : AbstractAddress.t -> t -> bool
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
val register_address : AbstractAddress.t -> t -> t
val add_edge : AbstractAddress.t -> Access.t -> AddrTracePair.t -> t -> t
val add_edge_and_back_edge : AbstractAddress.t -> Access.t -> AddrTracePair.t -> t -> t
@ -162,6 +172,11 @@ end = struct
~snd:(Graph.pp ~pp_value:Attributes.pp)
let register_address addr memory =
if Graph.mem addr (fst memory) then memory
else (Graph.add addr Edges.empty (fst memory), snd memory)
(* {3 Helper functions to traverse the two maps at once } *)
let add_edge addr_src access value memory =
@ -248,6 +263,9 @@ end = struct
let heap = Graph.filter (fun address _ -> f address) (fst memory) in
let attrs = Graph.filter (fun address _ -> f address) (snd memory) in
if phys_equal heap (fst memory) && phys_equal attrs (snd memory) then memory else (heap, attrs)
let mem_edges addr memory = Graph.mem addr (fst memory)
(** Stacks: map addresses of variables to values and initialisation location. *)
@ -285,7 +303,7 @@ end
type t = {heap: Memory.t; stack: Stack.t} [@@deriving compare]
let initial =
let empty =
{ heap=
(* TODO: we could record that 0 is an invalid address at this point but this makes the
@ -447,16 +465,14 @@ let pp fmt {heap; stack} =
module GraphGC : sig
val minimize : t -> t
val visit : t -> AbstractAddressSet.t
(** compute the set of abstract addresses that are "used" in the abstract state, i.e. reachable
from the stack variables, then removes all the unused addresses from the heap *)
from the stack variables *)
end = struct
module AddressSet = PrettyPrintable.MakePPSet (AbstractAddress)
let visit address visited =
if AddressSet.mem address visited then `AlreadyVisited
if AbstractAddressSet.mem address visited then `AlreadyVisited
let visited = AddressSet.add address visited in
let visited = AbstractAddressSet.add address visited in
`NotAlreadyVisited visited
@ -478,17 +494,11 @@ end = struct
edges visited
let visit_stack astate visited =
let visit astate =
(fun _var (address, _loc) visited -> visit_address astate address visited)
astate.stack visited
let minimize astate =
let visited = visit_stack astate AddressSet.empty in
let heap = Memory.filter (fun address -> AddressSet.mem address visited) astate.heap in
if phys_equal heap astate.heap then astate else {astate with heap}
astate.stack AbstractAddressSet.empty
include GraphGC
include GraphComparison
include GraphGC

@ -11,12 +11,15 @@ module F = Format
module Attribute : sig
type t =
| Invalid of PulseInvalidation.t
| MustBeValid of PulseDiagnostic.actor
| AddressOfCppTemporary of Var.t * Location.t option
| Closure of Typ.Procname.t
| StdVectorReserve
[@@deriving compare]
module Attributes : PrettyPrintable.PPSet with type elt = Attribute.t
module AbstractAddress : sig
type t = private int [@@deriving compare]
@ -35,6 +38,8 @@ module AbstractAddress : sig
val set_state : state -> unit
module AbstractAddressSet : PrettyPrintable.PPSet with type elt = AbstractAddress.t
module Stack : sig
@ -50,8 +55,6 @@ module AddrTracePair : sig
type t = AbstractAddress.t * PulseTrace.t [@@deriving compare]
module Attributes : PrettyPrintable.PPSet with type elt = Attribute.t
module Memory : sig
module Access :
PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType with type t = AbstractAddress.t HilExp.Access.t
@ -64,10 +67,16 @@ module Memory : sig
type t [@@deriving compare]
val filter : (AbstractAddress.t -> bool) -> t -> t
val find_opt : AbstractAddress.t -> t -> cell option
val set_cell : AbstractAddress.t -> cell -> t -> t
val mem_edges : AbstractAddress.t -> t -> bool
val register_address : AbstractAddress.t -> t -> t
val add_edge : AbstractAddress.t -> Access.t -> AddrTracePair.t -> t -> t
val add_edge_and_back_edge : AbstractAddress.t -> Access.t -> AddrTracePair.t -> t -> t
@ -87,8 +96,22 @@ end
type t = {heap: Memory.t; stack: Stack.t} [@@deriving compare]
val initial : t
val empty : t
include AbstractDomain.NoJoin with type t := t
val minimize : t -> t
val visit : t -> AbstractAddressSet.t
(** compute the set of abstract addresses that are "used" in the abstract state, i.e. reachable
from the stack variables *)
type mapping
val empty_mapping : mapping
type isograph_relation =
| NotIsomorphic (** no mapping was found that can make LHS the same as the RHS *)
| IsomorphicUpTo of mapping (** [mapping(lhs)] is isomorphic to [rhs] *)
val isograph_map : lhs:t -> rhs:t -> mapping -> isograph_relation
val is_isograph : lhs:t -> rhs:t -> mapping -> bool

@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ type exec_fun =
-> ret:Var.t * Typ.t
-> actuals:HilExp.t list
-> PulseDomain.t
-> PulseDomain.t PulseOperations.access_result
-> PulseAbductiveDomain.t
-> PulseAbductiveDomain.t PulseOperations.access_result
type model = exec_fun
module Misc = struct
let early_exit : model = fun _ ~ret:_ ~actuals:_ _ -> Ok PulseDomain.initial
let early_exit : model = fun _ ~ret:_ ~actuals:_ _ -> Ok PulseAbductiveDomain.empty
module C = struct

@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ type exec_fun =
-> ret:Var.t * Typ.t
-> actuals:HilExp.t list
-> PulseDomain.t
-> PulseDomain.t PulseOperations.access_result
-> PulseAbductiveDomain.t
-> PulseAbductiveDomain.t PulseOperations.access_result
type model = exec_fun

@ -9,21 +9,27 @@ module L = Logging
module AbstractAddress = PulseDomain.AbstractAddress
module Attribute = PulseDomain.Attribute
module Attributes = PulseDomain.Attributes
module Memory = PulseDomain.Memory
module Stack = PulseDomain.Stack
module Memory = PulseAbductiveDomain.Memory
module Stack = PulseAbductiveDomain.Stack
open Result.Monad_infix
type t = PulseDomain.t = {heap: Memory.t; stack: Stack.t}
include (* ocaml ignores the warning suppression at toplevel, hence the [include struct ... end] trick *)
[@@@warning "-60"]
(** Do not use {!PulseDomain} directly, go through {!PulseAbductiveDomain} instead *)
module PulseDomain = struct end [@@deprecated "Use PulseAbductiveDomain instead."]
type t = PulseAbductiveDomain.t
type 'a access_result = ('a, PulseDiagnostic.t) result
(** Check that the address is not known to be invalid *)
let check_addr_access actor (address, trace) astate =
match Memory.check_valid address astate.heap with
| Ok () ->
Ok astate
| Error invalidated_by ->
Error (PulseDiagnostic.AccessToInvalidAddress {invalidated_by; accessed_by= actor; trace})
Memory.check_valid actor address astate
|> Result.map_error ~f:(fun invalidated_by ->
PulseDiagnostic.AccessToInvalidAddress {invalidated_by; accessed_by= actor; trace} )
(** Walk the heap starting from [addr] and following [path]. Stop either at the element before last
@ -46,38 +52,22 @@ let rec walk ~dereference_to_ignore actor ~on_last addr_trace path astate =
| [a], `Overwrite new_addr_trace ->
check_addr_access_optional actor addr_trace astate
>>| fun astate ->
let heap = Memory.add_edge_and_back_edge (fst addr_trace) a new_addr_trace astate.heap in
({astate with heap}, new_addr_trace)
| a :: path, _ -> (
let astate = Memory.add_edge_and_back_edge (fst addr_trace) a new_addr_trace astate in
(astate, new_addr_trace)
| a :: path, _ ->
check_addr_access_optional actor addr_trace astate
>>= fun astate ->
let dereference_to_ignore =
Option.map ~f:(fun index -> max 0 (index - 1)) dereference_to_ignore
let addr = fst addr_trace in
match Memory.find_edge_opt addr a astate.heap with
| None ->
let addr_trace' = (AbstractAddress.mk_fresh (), []) in
let heap = Memory.add_edge_and_back_edge addr a addr_trace' astate.heap in
let astate = {astate with heap} in
let astate, addr_trace' = Memory.materialize_edge (fst addr_trace) a astate in
walk ~dereference_to_ignore actor ~on_last addr_trace' path astate
| Some addr_trace' ->
walk ~dereference_to_ignore actor ~on_last addr_trace' path astate )
let write_var var new_addr_trace astate =
let astate, var_address_of =
match Stack.find_opt var astate.stack with
| Some (addr, _) ->
(astate, addr)
| None ->
let addr = AbstractAddress.mk_fresh () in
let stack = Stack.add var (addr, None) astate.stack in
({astate with stack}, addr)
let astate, (var_address_of, _) = Stack.materialize var astate in
(* Update heap with var_address_of -*-> new_addr *)
let heap = Memory.add_edge var_address_of HilExp.Access.Dereference new_addr_trace astate.heap in
{astate with heap}
Memory.add_edge var_address_of HilExp.Access.Dereference new_addr_trace astate
let ends_with_addressof = function HilExp.AccessExpression.AddressOf _ -> true | _ -> false
@ -129,17 +119,12 @@ and walk_access_expr ~on_last astate access_expr location =
Ok (write_var access_var new_addr_trace astate, new_addr_trace)
| `Access, _ | `Overwrite _, _ :: _ -> (
let astate, base_addr_trace =
match Stack.find_opt access_var astate.stack with
| Some (addr, init_loc_opt) ->
let astate, (addr, init_loc_opt) = Stack.materialize access_var astate in
let trace =
Option.value_map init_loc_opt ~default:[] ~f:(fun init_loc ->
[PulseTrace.VariableDeclaration init_loc] )
(astate, (addr, trace))
| None ->
let addr = AbstractAddress.mk_fresh () in
let stack = Stack.add access_var (addr, None) astate.stack in
({astate with stack}, (addr, []))
match access_list with
| [HilExp.Access.TakeAddress] ->
@ -189,9 +174,7 @@ let overwrite_address astate access_expr new_addr_trace =
(** Add the given address to the set of know invalid addresses. *)
let mark_invalid actor address astate =
{astate with heap= Memory.invalidate address actor astate.heap}
let mark_invalid actor address astate = Memory.invalidate address actor astate
let havoc_var trace var astate = write_var var (AbstractAddress.mk_fresh (), trace) astate
@ -215,7 +198,7 @@ let invalidate_array_elements cause location access_expr astate =
>>= fun (astate, addr_trace) ->
check_addr_access {access_expr; location} addr_trace astate
>>| fun astate ->
match Memory.find_opt (fst addr_trace) astate.heap with
match Memory.find_opt (fst addr_trace) astate with
| None ->
| Some (edges, _) ->
@ -233,10 +216,10 @@ let check_address_of_local_variable proc_desc address astate =
let proc_location = Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc in
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
let check_address_of_cpp_temporary () =
Memory.find_opt address astate.heap
Memory.find_opt address astate
|> Option.fold_result ~init:() ~f:(fun () (_, attrs) ->
Container.fold_result ~fold:(IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_fold ~fold:Attributes.fold)
attrs ~init:() ~f:(fun () attr ->
IContainer.iter_result ~fold:(IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_fold ~fold:Attributes.fold)
attrs ~f:(fun attr ->
match attr with
| Attribute.AddressOfCppTemporary (variable, location_opt) ->
let location = Option.value ~default:proc_location location_opt in
@ -245,57 +228,58 @@ let check_address_of_local_variable proc_desc address astate =
Ok () ) )
let check_address_of_stack_variable () =
Container.fold_result ~fold:(IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_map_fold ~fold:Stack.fold)
astate.stack ~init:() ~f:(fun () (variable, (var_address, init_location)) ->
IContainer.iter_result ~fold:(IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_map_fold ~fold:Stack.fold) astate
~f:(fun (variable, (var_address, init_location)) ->
AbstractAddress.equal var_address address
&& ( Var.is_cpp_temporary variable
|| Var.is_local_to_procedure proc_name variable
&& not (Procdesc.is_captured_var proc_desc variable) )
then (
let location = Option.value ~default:proc_location init_location in
Error (PulseDiagnostic.StackVariableAddressEscape {variable; location})
L.d_printfln_escaped "Stack Variable &%a detected at address %a" Var.pp variable
AbstractAddress.pp address ;
Error (PulseDiagnostic.StackVariableAddressEscape {variable; location}) )
else Ok () )
check_address_of_cpp_temporary () >>= check_address_of_stack_variable >>| fun () -> astate
let mark_address_of_cpp_temporary location variable address heap =
let mark_address_of_cpp_temporary location variable address astate =
Memory.add_attributes address
(Attributes.singleton (AddressOfCppTemporary (variable, location)))
let remove_vars vars astate =
let heap =
List.fold vars ~init:astate.heap ~f:(fun heap var ->
match Stack.find_opt var astate.stack with
let astate =
List.fold vars ~init:astate ~f:(fun heap var ->
match Stack.find_opt var astate with
| Some (address, location) when Var.is_cpp_temporary var ->
(* TODO: it would be good to record the location of the temporary creation in the
stack and save it here in the attribute for reporting *)
mark_address_of_cpp_temporary location var address heap
mark_address_of_cpp_temporary location var address astate
| _ ->
heap )
let stack = Stack.filter (fun var _ -> not (List.mem ~equal:Var.equal vars var)) astate.stack in
if phys_equal stack astate.stack && phys_equal heap astate.heap then astate
else PulseDomain.minimize {stack; heap}
let astate' = Stack.remove_vars vars astate in
if phys_equal astate' astate then astate else PulseAbductiveDomain.discard_unreachable astate'
let record_var_decl_location location var astate =
let addr =
match Stack.find_opt var astate.stack with
match Stack.find_opt var astate with
| Some (addr, _) ->
| None ->
AbstractAddress.mk_fresh ()
let stack = Stack.add var (addr, Some location) astate.stack in
{astate with stack}
Stack.add var (addr, Some location) astate
module Closures = struct
open Result.Monad_infix
module Memory = PulseAbductiveDomain.Memory
let fake_capture_field_prefix = "__capture_"
@ -324,7 +308,7 @@ module Closures = struct
let check_captured_addresses location lambda addr astate =
match Memory.find_opt addr astate.heap with
match Memory.find_opt addr astate with
| None ->
Ok astate
| Some (edges, attributes) ->
@ -350,12 +334,7 @@ module Closures = struct
>>| fun astate ->
let fake_capture_edges = mk_capture_edges captured in
let heap =
Memory.set_cell closure_addr
(fake_capture_edges, Attributes.singleton (Closure pname))
{astate with heap}
Memory.set_cell closure_addr (fake_capture_edges, Attributes.singleton (Closure pname)) astate
let record location access_expr pname captured astate =
@ -377,13 +356,14 @@ end
module StdVector = struct
open Result.Monad_infix
module Memory = PulseAbductiveDomain.Memory
let is_reserved location vector_access_expr astate =
read location vector_access_expr astate
>>| fun (astate, (addr, _)) -> (astate, Memory.is_std_vector_reserved addr astate.heap)
>>| fun (astate, (addr, _)) -> (astate, Memory.is_std_vector_reserved addr astate)
let mark_reserved location vector_access_expr astate =
read location vector_access_expr astate
>>| fun (astate, (addr, _)) -> {astate with heap= Memory.std_vector_reserve addr astate.heap}
>>| fun (astate, (addr, _)) -> Memory.std_vector_reserve addr astate

@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
open! IStd
module AbstractAddress = PulseDomain.AbstractAddress
type t = PulseDomain.t = {heap: PulseDomain.Memory.t; stack: PulseDomain.Stack.t}
type t = PulseAbductiveDomain.t
type 'a access_result = ('a, PulseDiagnostic.t) result
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ val read :
-> HilExp.AccessExpression.t
-> t
-> (t * (PulseDomain.AbstractAddress.t * PulseTrace.t)) access_result
-> (t * (AbstractAddress.t * PulseTrace.t)) access_result
val read_all : Location.t -> HilExp.AccessExpression.t list -> t -> t access_result
@ -48,12 +49,12 @@ val havoc_var : PulseTrace.t -> Var.t -> t -> t
val havoc : PulseTrace.t -> Location.t -> HilExp.AccessExpression.t -> t -> t access_result
val write_var : Var.t -> PulseDomain.AbstractAddress.t * PulseTrace.t -> t -> t
val write_var : Var.t -> AbstractAddress.t * PulseTrace.t -> t -> t
val write :
-> HilExp.AccessExpression.t
-> PulseDomain.AbstractAddress.t * PulseTrace.t
-> AbstractAddress.t * PulseTrace.t
-> t
-> t access_result
@ -68,5 +69,4 @@ val record_var_decl_location : Location.t -> Var.t -> t -> t
val remove_vars : Var.t list -> t -> t
(* TODO: better name and pass location to report where we returned *)
val check_address_of_local_variable :
Procdesc.t -> PulseDomain.AbstractAddress.t -> t -> t access_result
val check_address_of_local_variable : Procdesc.t -> AbstractAddress.t -> t -> t access_result
