[thread-safety] refactor ThreadSafetyDomain.Access to make it easier to add new access kinds

Summary: Making it simple to add a new access type for "un-annotated interface call" in an upcoming diff.

Reviewed By: da319

Differential Revision: D5445914

fbshipit-source-id: f29e342
Sam Blackshear 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 30e1f4295b
commit 03120a337e

@ -29,23 +29,28 @@ let container_write_string = "infer.dummy.__CONTAINERWRITE__"
(* return (name of container, name of mutating function call) pair *)
let get_container_write_desc sink =
let (base_var, _), access_list = fst (ThreadSafetyDomain.TraceElem.kind sink) in
let get_container_write_desc_ call_name container_name =
String.chop_prefix (Typ.Fieldname.to_string call_name) ~prefix:container_write_string
| Some call_name
-> Some (container_name, call_name)
| None
-> None
match List.rev access_list with
| (FieldAccess call_name) :: (FieldAccess container_name) :: _
-> get_container_write_desc_ call_name (Typ.Fieldname.to_string container_name)
| [(FieldAccess call_name)]
-> get_container_write_desc_ call_name (F.asprintf "%a" Var.pp base_var)
| _
-> None
match ThreadSafetyDomain.TraceElem.kind sink with
| Write ((base_var, _), access_list)
-> (
let get_container_write_desc_ call_name container_name =
String.chop_prefix (Typ.Fieldname.to_string call_name) ~prefix:container_write_string
| Some call_name
-> Some (container_name, call_name)
| None
-> None
match List.rev access_list with
| (FieldAccess call_name) :: (FieldAccess container_name) :: _
-> get_container_write_desc_ call_name (Typ.Fieldname.to_string container_name)
| [(FieldAccess call_name)]
-> get_container_write_desc_ call_name (F.asprintf "%a" Var.pp base_var)
| _
-> None )
| Read _
-> (* TODO: support Read *)
let is_container_write_sink sink = Option.is_some (get_container_write_desc sink)
@ -259,7 +264,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let is_unprotected is_locked is_threaded pdesc =
not is_locked && not is_threaded && not (Procdesc.is_java_synchronized pdesc)
let add_access exp loc access_kind accesses locks threads attribute_map
let add_access exp loc ~is_write_access accesses locks threads attribute_map
(proc_data: FormalMap.t ProcData.t) =
let open Domain in
(* we don't want to warn on accesses to the field if it is (a) thread-confined, or
@ -282,9 +287,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
| []
-> access_acc
| access :: access_list'
-> let kind =
if List.is_empty access_list' then access_kind else ThreadSafetyDomain.Access.Read
-> let is_write = if List.is_empty access_list' then is_write_access else false in
let access_path = (fst prefix_path, snd prefix_path @ [access]) in
let access_acc' =
if is_owned prefix_path attribute_map
@ -293,7 +296,9 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
(* TODO: I think there's a utility function for this somewhere *)
let accesses = AccessDomain.get_accesses pre access_acc in
let accesses' = PathDomain.add_sink (make_access access_path kind loc) accesses in
let accesses' =
PathDomain.add_sink (make_access access_path ~is_write loc) accesses
AccessDomain.add pre accesses' access_acc
add_field_accesses pre access_path access_acc' access_list'
@ -467,7 +472,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
(fst receiver_ap, snd receiver_ap @ [AccessPath.FieldAccess dummy_fieldname])
AccessDomain.add_access (Unprotected (Some 0))
(make_access dummy_access_ap Write callee_loc) AccessDomain.empty
(make_access dummy_access_ap ~is_write:true callee_loc) AccessDomain.empty
(* TODO: for now all formals escape *)
(* we need a more intelligent escape analysis, that branches on whether
@ -505,7 +510,8 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let add_reads exps loc accesses locks threads attribute_map proc_data =
~f:(fun acc exp -> add_access exp loc Read acc locks threads attribute_map proc_data)
~f:(fun acc exp ->
add_access exp loc ~is_write_access:false acc locks threads attribute_map proc_data)
exps ~init:accesses
let add_escapees_from_exp rhs_exp extras escapees =
@ -726,7 +732,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
-> astate_callee )
| Assign (lhs_access_path, rhs_exp, loc)
-> let rhs_accesses =
add_access rhs_exp loc Read astate.accesses astate.locks astate.threads
add_access rhs_exp loc ~is_write_access:false astate.accesses astate.locks astate.threads
astate.attribute_map proc_data
let rhs_access_paths = HilExp.get_access_paths rhs_exp in
@ -743,8 +749,8 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
report spurious read/write races *)
add_access (AccessPath lhs_access_path) loc Write rhs_accesses astate.locks
astate.threads astate.attribute_map proc_data
add_access (AccessPath lhs_access_path) loc ~is_write_access:true rhs_accesses
astate.locks astate.threads astate.attribute_map proc_data
let attribute_map =
propagate_attributes lhs_access_path rhs_exp astate.attribute_map extras
@ -794,8 +800,8 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
{acc with threads}
let accesses =
add_access assume_exp loc Read astate.accesses astate.locks astate.threads
astate.attribute_map proc_data
add_access assume_exp loc ~is_write_access:false astate.accesses astate.locks
astate.threads astate.attribute_map proc_data
let astate' =
match HilExp.get_access_paths assume_exp with
@ -993,11 +999,12 @@ let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.proc_desc; tenv; summary} =
else Summary.update_summary empty_post summary
module AccessListMap = Caml.Map.Make (struct
type t = AccessPath.Raw.t
type t = AccessPath.Raw.t option
(* TODO -- keep this compare to satisfy the order of tests, consider using Raw.compare *)
let compare access_path1 access_path2 =
List.compare AccessPath.compare_access (snd access_path1) (snd access_path2)
let compare =
Option.compare (fun access_path1 access_path2 ->
List.compare AccessPath.compare_access (snd access_path1) (snd access_path2) )
let get_current_class_and_threadsafe_superclasses tenv pname =
@ -1051,7 +1058,10 @@ let pp_access fmt sink =
| Some container_write_desc
-> pp_container_access fmt container_write_desc
| None
-> let access_path, _ = ThreadSafetyDomain.PathDomain.Sink.kind sink in
-> let access_path =
match ThreadSafetyDomain.PathDomain.Sink.kind sink
with Read access_path | Write access_path -> access_path
F.fprintf fmt "%a" (MF.wrap_monospaced AccessPath.pp_access_list) (snd access_path)
let desc_of_sink sink =
@ -1216,19 +1226,19 @@ let report_unsafe_accesses aggregated_access_map =
let is_duplicate_report access pname {reported_sites; reported_writes; reported_reads} =
CallSite.Set.mem (TraceElem.call_site access) reported_sites
|| Typ.Procname.Set.mem pname
( match snd (TraceElem.kind access) with
| Access.Write
( match TraceElem.kind access with
| Access.Write _
-> reported_writes
| Access.Read
| Access.Read _
-> reported_reads )
let update_reported access pname reported =
let reported_sites = CallSite.Set.add (TraceElem.call_site access) reported.reported_sites in
match snd (TraceElem.kind access) with
| Access.Write
match TraceElem.kind access with
| Access.Write _
-> let reported_writes = Typ.Procname.Set.add pname reported.reported_writes in
{reported with reported_writes; reported_sites}
| Access.Read
| Access.Read _
-> let reported_reads = Typ.Procname.Set.add pname reported.reported_reads in
{reported with reported_reads; reported_sites}
@ -1236,8 +1246,8 @@ let report_unsafe_accesses aggregated_access_map =
let pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc in
if is_duplicate_report access pname reported_acc then reported_acc
match (snd (TraceElem.kind access), pre) with
| Access.Write, AccessPrecondition.Unprotected _ -> (
match (TraceElem.kind access, pre) with
| Access.Write _, AccessPrecondition.Unprotected _ -> (
match Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc with
| Java _
-> if threaded then reported_acc
@ -1249,10 +1259,10 @@ let report_unsafe_accesses aggregated_access_map =
| _
-> (* Do not report unprotected writes for ObjC_Cpp *)
reported_acc )
| Access.Write, AccessPrecondition.Protected _
| Access.Write _, AccessPrecondition.Protected _
-> (* protected write, do nothing *)
| Access.Read, AccessPrecondition.Unprotected _
| Access.Read _, AccessPrecondition.Unprotected _
-> (* unprotected read. report all writes as conflicts for java *)
(* for c++ filter out unprotected writes *)
let is_cpp_protected_write pre =
@ -1276,7 +1286,7 @@ let report_unsafe_accesses aggregated_access_map =
~conflicts:(List.map ~f:(fun (access, _, _, _, _) -> access) all_writes)
access ;
update_reported access pname reported_acc )
| Access.Read, AccessPrecondition.Protected excl
| Access.Read _, AccessPrecondition.Protected excl
-> (* protected read.
report unprotected writes and opposite protected writes as conflicts
Thread and Lock are opposites of one another, and
@ -1403,16 +1413,31 @@ let quotient_access_map acc_map =
let rec aux acc m =
if AccessListMap.is_empty m then acc
let k, vals = AccessListMap.choose m in
let k_opt, vals = AccessListMap.choose m in
let _, _, _, tenv, _ =
List.find_exn vals ~f:(fun (elem, _, _, _, _) ->
AccessPath.Raw.equal k (ThreadSafetyDomain.TraceElem.kind elem |> fst) )
(fun e1 e2 -> AccessPath.Raw.equal e1 e2)
(ThreadSafetyDomain.Access.get_access_path (ThreadSafetyDomain.TraceElem.kind elem))
(* assumption: the tenv for k is sufficient for k' too *)
let k_part, non_k_part = AccessListMap.partition (fun k' _ -> may_alias tenv k k') m in
let k_part, non_k_part =
(fun k_opt' _ ->
match (k_opt', k_opt) with
| Some k', Some k
-> may_alias tenv k k'
| None, None
-> true
| _
-> false)
if AccessListMap.is_empty k_part then failwith "may_alias is not reflexive!" ;
let k_accesses = AccessListMap.fold (fun _ v acc' -> List.append v acc') k_part [] in
let new_acc = AccessListMap.add k k_accesses acc in
let new_acc = AccessListMap.add k_opt k_accesses acc in
aux new_acc non_k_part
aux AccessListMap.empty acc_map
@ -1439,14 +1464,14 @@ let make_results_table file_env =
(fun pre accesses acc ->
(fun access acc ->
let access_path, _ = TraceElem.kind access in
if should_filter_access access_path then acc
let access_path_opt = Access.get_access_path (TraceElem.kind access) in
if Option.exists ~f:should_filter_access access_path_opt then acc
let grouped_accesses =
try AccessListMap.find access_path acc
try AccessListMap.find access_path_opt acc
with Not_found -> []
AccessListMap.add access_path
AccessListMap.add access_path_opt
((access, pre, threaded, tenv, pdesc) :: grouped_accesses) acc)
(PathDomain.sinks accesses) acc)
accesses acc

@ -11,15 +11,16 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
module Access = struct
type kind = Read | Write [@@deriving compare]
type t = Read of AccessPath.Raw.t | Write of AccessPath.Raw.t [@@deriving compare]
type t = AccessPath.Raw.t * kind [@@deriving compare]
let make access_path ~is_write = if is_write then Write access_path else Read access_path
let pp fmt (access_path, access_kind) =
match access_kind with
| Read
let get_access_path = function Read access_path | Write access_path -> Some access_path
let pp fmt = function
| Read access_path
-> F.fprintf fmt "Read of %a" AccessPath.Raw.pp access_path
| Write
| Write access_path
-> F.fprintf fmt "Write to %a" AccessPath.Raw.pp access_path
@ -28,9 +29,9 @@ module TraceElem = struct
type t = {site: CallSite.t; kind: Kind.t} [@@deriving compare]
let is_read {kind} = match snd kind with Read -> true | Write -> false
let is_read {kind} = match kind with Read _ -> true | Write _ -> false
let is_write {kind} = match snd kind with Read -> false | Write -> true
let is_write {kind} = match kind with Read _ -> false | Write _ -> true
let call_site {site} = site
@ -51,9 +52,9 @@ module TraceElem = struct
let make_access access_path access_kind loc =
let make_access access_path ~is_write loc =
let site = CallSite.make Typ.Procname.empty_block loc in
TraceElem.make (access_path, access_kind) site
TraceElem.make (Access.make access_path ~is_write) site
(* In this domain true<=false. The intended denotations [[.]] are
[[true]] = the set of all states where we know according, to annotations

@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
module Access : sig
type kind = Read | Write [@@deriving compare]
type t = Read of AccessPath.Raw.t | Write of AccessPath.Raw.t [@@deriving compare]
type t = AccessPath.Raw.t * kind [@@deriving compare]
val get_access_path : t -> AccessPath.Raw.t option
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
@ -171,6 +171,6 @@ type summary =
include AbstractDomain.WithBottom with type astate := astate
val make_access : AccessPath.Raw.t -> Access.kind -> Location.t -> TraceElem.t
val make_access : AccessPath.Raw.t -> is_write:bool -> Location.t -> TraceElem.t
val pp_summary : F.formatter -> summary -> unit
