@ -189,8 +189,45 @@ let set_stamp i stamp =
let get_stamp i =
(** Map from names to stamps. *)
let name_map = NameHash.create 1000
module NameGenerator = struct
type t = int NameHash.t
let create () : t = NameHash.create 17
(** Map from names to stamps. *)
let name_map = ref (create ())
let get_current () =
let set_current map =
name_map := map
(** Reset the name generator *)
let reset () =
name_map := create ()
(** Create a fresh identifier with the given kind and name. *)
let create_fresh_ident kind name =
let stamp =
let stamp = NameHash.find !name_map name in
NameHash.replace !name_map name (stamp + 1);
stamp + 1
with Not_found ->
NameHash.add !name_map name 0;
0 in
{ kind = kind; name = name; stamp = stamp }
(** Make sure that fresh ids after whis one will be with different stamps *)
let update_name_hash name stamp =
let curr_stamp = NameHash.find !name_map name in
let new_stamp = max curr_stamp stamp in
NameHash.replace !name_map name new_stamp
with Not_found ->
NameHash.add !name_map name stamp
(** Name used for primed tmp variables *)
let name_primed = string_to_name "t"
@ -215,15 +252,8 @@ let standard_name kind =
(** Every identifier with a given stamp should unltimately be created using this function *)
let create_with_stamp kind name stamp =
let update_name_hash () = (* make sure that fresh ids after whis one will be with different stamps *)
let curr_stamp = NameHash.find name_map name in
let new_stamp = max curr_stamp stamp in
NameHash.replace name_map name new_stamp
with Not_found ->
NameHash.add name_map name stamp in
update_name_hash ();
{ kind = kind; name = name; stamp = stamp }
NameGenerator.update_name_hash name stamp;
{ kind = kind; name = name; stamp = stamp; }
(** Create an identifier with default name for the given kind *)
let create kind stamp =
@ -273,30 +303,14 @@ let make_unprimed id =
if id.kind <> kprimed then assert false
else { id with kind = knormal }
(** Reset the name generator *)
let reset_name_generator () =
NameHash.clear name_map
(** Update the name generator so that the given id's are not generated again *)
let update_name_generator ids =
let upd id = ignore (create_with_stamp id.kind id.name id.stamp) in
IList.iter upd ids
(** Create a fresh identifier with the given kind and name. *)
let create_fresh_ident kind name =
let stamp =
let stamp = NameHash.find name_map name in
NameHash.replace name_map name (stamp + 1);
stamp + 1
with Not_found ->
NameHash.add name_map name 0;
0 in
{ kind = kind; name = name; stamp = stamp }
(** Create a fresh identifier with default name for the given kind. *)
let create_fresh kind =
create_fresh_ident kind (standard_name kind)
NameGenerator.create_fresh_ident kind (standard_name kind)
(** Generate a normal identifier whose name encodes a path given as a string. *)
let create_path pathstring =