@ -31,33 +31,44 @@ module CTrans_funct(M: CModule_type.CMethod_declaration) : CTrans =
(* Returns the procname and whether is instance, according to the selector *)
(* Returns the procname and whether is instance, according to the selector *)
(* information and according to the method signature *)
(* information and according to the method signature with the following priority: *)
(* 1. method is a predefined model *)
(* 2. method is found by clang's resolution *)
(* 3. Method is found by our resolution *)
let get_callee_objc_method context obj_c_message_expr_info act_params =
let get_callee_objc_method context obj_c_message_expr_info act_params =
let ( class_name , method_name , method_pointer_opt , mc_type ) =
let open CContext in
CMethod_trans . get_class_selector_instance context obj_c_message_expr_info act_params in
let ( selector , method_pointer_opt , mc_type ) =
CMethod_trans . get_objc_method_data obj_c_message_expr_info in
let is_instance = mc_type != CMethod_trans . MCStatic in
let is_instance = mc_type != CMethod_trans . MCStatic in
let method_kind = Procname . objc_method_kind_of_bool is_instance in
let method_kind = Procname . objc_method_kind_of_bool is_instance in
let callee_pn = General_utils . mk_procname_from_objc_method class_name method_name method_kind in
let ms_opt =
let open CContext in
match method_pointer_opt with
match CTrans_models . get_predefined_model_method_signature class_name method_name
| Some pointer -> CMethod_trans . method_signature_of_pointer pointer
General_utils . mk_procname_from_objc_method CFrontend_config . OBJC with
| None -> None in
| Some ms ->
let procname =
match CMethod_trans . get_method_name_from_clang context . tenv ms_opt with
| Some ms -> CMethod_signature . ms_get_name ms
| None -> (* fall back to our method resolution if clang's fails *)
let class_name = CMethod_trans . get_class_name_method_call_from_receiver_kind context
obj_c_message_expr_info act_params in
General_utils . mk_procname_from_objc_method class_name selector method_kind in
let class_name = Procname . c_get_class procname in
let predefined_ms_opt =
CTrans_models . get_predefined_model_method_signature class_name selector
General_utils . mk_procname_from_objc_method CFrontend_config . OBJC in
match predefined_ms_opt , ms_opt with
| Some ms , _ ->
ignore ( CMethod_trans . create_local_procdesc context . cfg context . tenv ms [] [] is_instance ) ;
ignore ( CMethod_trans . create_local_procdesc context . cfg context . tenv ms [] [] is_instance ) ;
CMethod_signature . ms_get_name ms , CMethod_trans . MCNoVirtual
CMethod_signature . ms_get_name ms , CMethod_trans . MCNoVirtual
| None ->
| None , Some ms ->
let found_method =
if not ( M . process_getter_setter context procname ) then
match method_pointer_opt with
( ignore ( CMethod_trans . create_local_procdesc context . cfg context . tenv
| Some pointer ->
ms [] [] is_instance ) ) ;
( match CMethod_trans . method_signature_of_pointer pointer with
procname , mc_type
| Some callee_ms ->
| _ ->
if not ( M . process_getter_setter context callee_pn ) then
CMethod_trans . create_external_procdesc context . cfg procname is_instance None ;
( ignore ( CMethod_trans . create_local_procdesc context . cfg context . tenv callee_ms [] [] is_instance ) ) ;
procname , mc_type
| None -> false )
| None -> false in
if not found_method then
CMethod_trans . create_external_procdesc context . cfg callee_pn is_instance None ;
callee_pn , mc_type
let add_autorelease_call context exp typ sil_loc =
let add_autorelease_call context exp typ sil_loc =
let method_name = Procname . c_get_method ( Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name context . CContext . procdesc ) in
let method_name = Procname . c_get_method ( Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name context . CContext . procdesc ) in
@ -817,71 +828,101 @@ struct
Sil . Tvoid
Sil . Tvoid
| _ -> assert false
| _ -> assert false
and objCMessageExpr_trans_special_cases trans_state si obj_c_message_expr_info stmt_list
expr_info method_type trans_state_pri sil_loc act_params =
let context = trans_state . context in
let receiver_kind = obj_c_message_expr_info . Clang_ast_t . omei_receiver_kind in
let selector = obj_c_message_expr_info . Clang_ast_t . omei_selector in
(* class method *)
if selector = CFrontend_config . class_method && CTypes . is_class method_type then
let class_name = CMethod_trans . get_class_name_method_call_from_receiver_kind context
obj_c_message_expr_info act_params in
raise ( Self . SelfClassException class_name )
(* alloc or new *)
else if ( selector = CFrontend_config . alloc ) | | ( selector = CFrontend_config . new_str ) then
match receiver_kind with
| ` Class type_ptr ->
let class_opt =
CMethod_trans . get_class_name_method_call_from_clang obj_c_message_expr_info in
Some ( new_or_alloc_trans trans_state_pri sil_loc si type_ptr class_opt selector )
| _ -> None
(* assertions *)
else if CTrans_models . is_handleFailureInMethod selector then
if Config . report_assertion_failure then
Some ( CTrans_utils . trans_assertion_failure sil_loc context )
else Some ( CTrans_utils . trans_assume_false sil_loc context trans_state . succ_nodes )
else None
(* If the first argument of the call is self in a static context, remove it as an argument *)
(* and change the call from instance to static *)
and objCMessageExpr_deal_with_static_self trans_state_param stmt_list obj_c_message_expr_info =
match stmt_list with
| stmt :: rest ->
let obj_c_message_expr_info , fst_res_trans =
let fst_res_trans = instruction trans_state_param stmt in
obj_c_message_expr_info , fst_res_trans
with Self . SelfClassException class_name ->
let pointer = obj_c_message_expr_info . Clang_ast_t . omei_decl_pointer in
let selector = obj_c_message_expr_info . Clang_ast_t . omei_selector in
let obj_c_message_expr_info =
Ast_expressions . make_obj_c_message_expr_info_class selector class_name pointer in
obj_c_message_expr_info , empty_res_trans in
let instruction' =
exec_with_self_exception ( exec_with_lvalue_as_reference instruction ) in
let l = IList . map ( instruction' trans_state_param ) rest in
obj_c_message_expr_info , collect_res_trans ( fst_res_trans :: l )
| [] -> obj_c_message_expr_info , empty_res_trans
and objCMessageExpr_trans trans_state si obj_c_message_expr_info stmt_list expr_info =
and objCMessageExpr_trans trans_state si obj_c_message_expr_info stmt_list expr_info =
Printing . log_out " priority node free = '%s' \n @. "
Printing . log_out " priority node free = '%s' \n @. "
( string_of_bool ( PriorityNode . is_priority_free trans_state ) ) ;
( string_of_bool ( PriorityNode . is_priority_free trans_state ) ) ;
let context = trans_state . context in
let context = trans_state . context in
let parent_line_number = trans_state . parent_line_number in
let parent_line_number = trans_state . parent_line_number in
let line_number = CLocation . get_line si parent_line_number in
let sil_loc = CLocation . get_sil_location si parent_line_number context in
let sil_loc = CLocation . get_sil_location si parent_line_number context in
let selector , receiver_kind = get_selector_receiver obj_c_message_expr_info in
let is_alloc_or_new = ( selector = CFrontend_config . alloc ) | | ( selector = CFrontend_config . new_str ) in
Printing . log_out " \n !!!!!!! Calling with selector = '%s' " selector ;
Printing . log_out " receiver_kind= '%s' \n \n " ( Clang_ast_j . string_of_receiver_kind receiver_kind ) ;
let method_type = CTypes_decl . get_type_from_expr_info expr_info context . CContext . tenv in
let method_type = CTypes_decl . get_type_from_expr_info expr_info context . CContext . tenv in
let ret_id = if Sil . typ_equal method_type Sil . Tvoid then []
let ret_id =
if Sil . typ_equal method_type Sil . Tvoid then []
else [ Ident . create_fresh Ident . knormal ] in
else [ Ident . create_fresh Ident . knormal ] in
let trans_state_pri = PriorityNode . try_claim_priority_node trans_state si in
let trans_state_pri = PriorityNode . try_claim_priority_node trans_state si in
let line_number = CLocation . get_line si parent_line_number in
let trans_state_param =
let trans_state_param =
{ trans_state_pri with parent_line_number = line_number ; succ_nodes = [] } in
{ trans_state_pri with parent_line_number = line_number ; succ_nodes = [] } in
let obj_c_message_expr_info , res_trans_par =
let obj_c_message_expr_info , res_trans_par =
( match stmt_list with
objCMessageExpr_deal_with_static_self trans_state_param stmt_list obj_c_message_expr_info in
| stmt :: rest ->
match objCMessageExpr_trans_special_cases trans_state si obj_c_message_expr_info stmt_list
let obj_c_message_expr_info , fst_res_trans =
expr_info method_type trans_state_pri sil_loc res_trans_par . exps with
( try
| Some res -> res
let fst_res_trans = instruction trans_state_param stmt in
| None ->
obj_c_message_expr_info , fst_res_trans
with Self . SelfClassException class_name ->
let obj_c_message_expr_info = Ast_expressions . make_obj_c_message_expr_info_class selector class_name in
obj_c_message_expr_info , empty_res_trans ) in
let instruction' =
exec_with_self_exception ( exec_with_lvalue_as_reference instruction ) in
let l = IList . map ( instruction' trans_state_param ) rest in
obj_c_message_expr_info , collect_res_trans ( fst_res_trans :: l )
| [] -> obj_c_message_expr_info , empty_res_trans ) in
let ( class_type , _ , _ , _ ) = CMethod_trans . get_class_selector_instance context obj_c_message_expr_info res_trans_par . exps in
if ( selector = CFrontend_config . class_method && CTypes . is_class method_type ) then
raise ( Self . SelfClassException class_type )
else if is_alloc_or_new then
new_or_alloc_trans trans_state_pri sil_loc si class_type selector
else if ( CTrans_models . is_handleFailureInMethod selector ) then
if Config . report_assertion_failure then
CTrans_utils . trans_assertion_failure sil_loc context
CTrans_utils . trans_assume_false sil_loc context trans_state . succ_nodes
let procname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name context . CContext . procdesc in
let procname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name context . CContext . procdesc in
let callee_name , method_call_type = get_callee_objc_method context obj_c_message_expr_info res_trans_par . exps in
let callee_name , method_call_type =
get_callee_objc_method context obj_c_message_expr_info res_trans_par . exps in
let res_trans_par = Self . add_self_parameter_for_super_instance context procname sil_loc
let res_trans_par = Self . add_self_parameter_for_super_instance context procname sil_loc
obj_c_message_expr_info res_trans_par in
obj_c_message_expr_info res_trans_par in
let is_virtual = method_call_type = CMethod_trans . MCVirtual in
let is_virtual = method_call_type = CMethod_trans . MCVirtual in
Cg . add_edge context . CContext . cg procname callee_name ;
Cg . add_edge context . CContext . cg procname callee_name ;
let call_flags = { Sil . cf_virtual = is_virtual ; Sil . cf_noreturn = false ; Sil . cf_is_objc_block = false ; } in
let call_flags = {
let param_exps , instr_block_param , ids_block_param = extract_block_from_tuple procname res_trans_par . exps sil_loc in
Sil . cf_virtual = is_virtual ;
let stmt_call = Sil . Call ( ret_id , ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cfun callee_name ) ) , param_exps , sil_loc , call_flags ) in
Sil . cf_noreturn = false ;
Sil . cf_is_objc_block = false ; } in
let param_exps , instr_block_param , ids_block_param =
extract_block_from_tuple procname res_trans_par . exps sil_loc in
let stmt_call =
Sil . Call ( ret_id , ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cfun callee_name ) ) , param_exps , sil_loc , call_flags ) in
let selector = obj_c_message_expr_info . Clang_ast_t . omei_selector in
let nname = " Message Call: " ^ selector in
let nname = " Message Call: " ^ selector in
let res_trans_tmp = {
let res_trans_tmp = {
res_trans_par with
res_trans_par with
ids = ret_id @ res_trans_par . ids @ ids_block_param ;
ids = ret_id @ res_trans_par . ids @ ids_block_param ;
instrs = res_trans_par . instrs @ instr_block_param @ [ stmt_call ] ;
instrs = res_trans_par . instrs @ instr_block_param @ [ stmt_call ] ;
exps = []
exps = []
} in
} in
let res_trans_to_parent = (
let res_trans_to_parent = (
PriorityNode . compute_results_to_parent trans_state_pri sil_loc nname si res_trans_tmp ) in
PriorityNode . compute_results_to_parent trans_state_pri sil_loc nname si res_trans_tmp ) in
( match ret_id with
match ret_id with
| [] -> { res_trans_to_parent with exps = [] }
| [] -> { res_trans_to_parent with exps = [] }
| [ ret_id' ] -> { res_trans_to_parent with exps = [ ( Sil . Var ret_id' , method_type ) ] }
| [ ret_id' ] -> { res_trans_to_parent with exps = [ ( Sil . Var ret_id' , method_type ) ] }
| _ -> assert false ) (* by construction of red_id, we cannot be in this case *)
| _ -> assert false (* by construction of red_id, we cannot be in this case *)
and dispatch_function_trans trans_state stmt_info stmt_list ei n =
and dispatch_function_trans trans_state stmt_info stmt_list ei n =
Printing . log_out " \n Call to a dispatch function treated as special case... \n " ;
Printing . log_out " \n Call to a dispatch function treated as special case... \n " ;
@ -1816,16 +1857,16 @@ struct
and objCBoxedExpr_trans trans_state info sel stmt_info stmts =
and objCBoxedExpr_trans trans_state info sel stmt_info stmts =
let typ = CTypes_decl . class_from_pointer_type trans_state . context . CContext . tenv info . Clang_ast_t . ei_type_ptr in
let typ = CTypes_decl . class_from_pointer_type trans_state . context . CContext . tenv info . Clang_ast_t . ei_type_ptr in
let obj_c_message_expr_info = Ast_expressions . make_obj_c_message_expr_info_class sel typ in
let obj_c_message_expr_info = Ast_expressions . make_obj_c_message_expr_info_class sel typ None in
let message_stmt = Clang_ast_t . ObjCMessageExpr ( stmt_info , stmts , info , obj_c_message_expr_info ) in
let message_stmt = Clang_ast_t . ObjCMessageExpr ( stmt_info , stmts , info , obj_c_message_expr_info ) in
instruction trans_state message_stmt
instruction trans_state message_stmt
and objCArrayLiteral_trans trans_state info stmt_info stmts =
and objCArrayLiteral_trans trans_state info stmt_info stmts =
let typ = CTypes_decl . class_from_pointer_type trans_state . context . CContext . tenv info . Clang_ast_t . ei_type_ptr in
let typ = CTypes_decl . class_from_pointer_type trans_state . context . CContext . tenv info . Clang_ast_t . ei_type_ptr in
let obj_c_message_expr_info =
let meth = CFrontend_config . array_with_objects_count_m in
Ast_expressions . make_obj_c_message_expr_info_class CFrontend_config . array_with_objects_count_m typ in
let obj_c_mes_expr_info = Ast_expressions . make_obj_c_message_expr_info_class meth typ None in
let stmts = stmts @ [ Ast_expressions . create_nil stmt_info ] in
let stmts = stmts @ [ Ast_expressions . create_nil stmt_info ] in
let message_stmt = Clang_ast_t . ObjCMessageExpr ( stmt_info , stmts , info , obj_c_mes sage _expr_info) in
let message_stmt = Clang_ast_t . ObjCMessageExpr ( stmt_info , stmts , info , obj_c_mes _expr_info) in
instruction trans_state message_stmt
instruction trans_state message_stmt
and objCDictionaryLiteral_trans trans_state info stmt_info stmts =
and objCDictionaryLiteral_trans trans_state info stmt_info stmts =
@ -1833,7 +1874,7 @@ struct
let dictionary_literal_pname = SymExec . ModelBuiltins . __objc_dictionary_literal in
let dictionary_literal_pname = SymExec . ModelBuiltins . __objc_dictionary_literal in
let dictionary_literal_s = Procname . c_get_method dictionary_literal_pname in
let dictionary_literal_s = Procname . c_get_method dictionary_literal_pname in
let obj_c_message_expr_info =
let obj_c_message_expr_info =
Ast_expressions . make_obj_c_message_expr_info_class dictionary_literal_s typ in
Ast_expressions . make_obj_c_message_expr_info_class dictionary_literal_s typ None in
let stmts = General_utils . swap_elements_list stmts in
let stmts = General_utils . swap_elements_list stmts in
let stmts = stmts @ [ Ast_expressions . create_nil stmt_info ] in
let stmts = stmts @ [ Ast_expressions . create_nil stmt_info ] in
let message_stmt = Clang_ast_t . ObjCMessageExpr ( stmt_info , stmts , info , obj_c_message_expr_info ) in
let message_stmt = Clang_ast_t . ObjCMessageExpr ( stmt_info , stmts , info , obj_c_message_expr_info ) in
@ -1843,9 +1884,9 @@ struct
let stmts = [ Ast_expressions . create_implicit_cast_expr stmt_info stmts
let stmts = [ Ast_expressions . create_implicit_cast_expr stmt_info stmts
Ast_expressions . create_char_star_type ` ArrayToPointerDecay ] in
Ast_expressions . create_char_star_type ` ArrayToPointerDecay ] in
let typ = CTypes_decl . class_from_pointer_type trans_state . context . CContext . tenv info . Clang_ast_t . ei_type_ptr in
let typ = CTypes_decl . class_from_pointer_type trans_state . context . CContext . tenv info . Clang_ast_t . ei_type_ptr in
let obj_c_message_expr_info =
let meth = CFrontend_config . string_with_utf8_m in
Ast_expressions . make_obj_c_message_expr_info_class CFrontend_config . string_with_utf8_m typ in
let obj_c_mess_expr_info = Ast_expressions . make_obj_c_message_expr_info_class meth typ None in
let message_stmt = Clang_ast_t . ObjCMessageExpr ( stmt_info , stmts , info , obj_c_mess age _expr_info) in
let message_stmt = Clang_ast_t . ObjCMessageExpr ( stmt_info , stmts , info , obj_c_mess _expr_info) in
instruction trans_state message_stmt
instruction trans_state message_stmt
(* * When objects are autoreleased, they get added a flag AUTORELEASE. All these objects will be
(* * When objects are autoreleased, they get added a flag AUTORELEASE. All these objects will be