@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ open! Utils
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module Unix = Core.Std.Unix
module In_channel = Core.Std.In_channel
(** {2 Source Dirs} *)
@ -96,16 +98,7 @@ let filename_create_dir fname =
then create_dir dirname
let read_whole_file fd =
let stats = Unix.fstat fd in
let size = stats.Unix.st_size in
let buf = Bytes.create size in
let nread = Unix.read fd buf 0 size in
if nread != size then
L.stderr "Error nread:%d size:%d@." nread size;
assert false
In_channel.input_all (Unix.in_channel_of_descr fd)
(** Update the file contents with the update function provided.
If the directory does not exist, it is created.
@ -113,34 +106,37 @@ let read_whole_file fd =
A lock is used to allow write attempts in parallel. *)
let update_file_with_lock dir fname update =
let reset_file fd =
let n = Unix.lseek fd 0 Unix.SEEK_SET in
if n <> 0 then
let n = Unix.lseek fd 0L ~mode:Unix.SEEK_SET in
if n <> 0L then
L.stderr "reset_file: lseek fail@.";
assert false
end in
create_dir dir;
let path = Filename.concat dir fname in
let fd = Unix.openfile path [Unix.O_CREAT; Unix.O_SYNC; Unix.O_RDWR] 0o640 in
Unix.lockf fd Unix.F_LOCK 0;
let fd = Unix.openfile path ~mode:Unix.[O_CREAT; O_SYNC; O_RDWR] ~perm:0o640 in
Unix.lockf fd ~mode:Unix.F_LOCK ~len:0L;
let buf = read_whole_file fd in
reset_file fd;
let str = update buf in
let i = Unix.write fd str 0 (Bytes.length str) in
if (i = (Bytes.length str))
then (Unix.lockf fd Unix.F_ULOCK 0; Unix.close fd)
else (L.err "@.save_with_lock: fail on path: %s@." path;
assert false)
let i = Unix.write fd ~buf:str ~pos:0 ~len:(String.length str) in
if (i = String.length str) then (
Unix.lockf fd ~mode:Unix.F_ULOCK ~len:0L;
Unix.close fd
) else (
L.err "@.save_with_lock: fail on path: %s@." path;
assert false
(** Read a file using a lock to allow write attempts in parallel. *)
let read_file_with_lock dir fname =
let path = Filename.concat dir fname in
let fd = Unix.openfile path [Unix.O_RSYNC; Unix.O_RDONLY] 0o646 in
let fd = Unix.openfile path ~mode:Unix.[O_RSYNC; O_RDONLY] ~perm:0o646 in
Unix.lockf fd Unix.F_RLOCK 0;
Unix.lockf fd ~mode:Unix.F_RLOCK ~len:0L;
let buf = read_whole_file fd in
Unix.lockf fd Unix.F_ULOCK 0;
Unix.lockf fd ~mode:Unix.F_ULOCK ~len:0L;
Unix.close fd;
Some buf
with Unix.Unix_error _ ->
@ -212,7 +208,7 @@ module Results_dir = struct
| filename:: dir_path -> filename, dir_path
| [] -> raise (Failure "create_path") in
let full_fname = Filename.concat (create dir_path) filename in
Unix.openfile full_fname [Unix.O_WRONLY; Unix.O_CREAT; Unix.O_TRUNC] 0o777
Unix.openfile full_fname ~mode:Unix.[O_WRONLY; O_CREAT; O_TRUNC] ~perm:0o777
(** origin of a analysis artifact: current results dir, a spec library, or models *)
@ -246,7 +242,7 @@ let file_was_updated_after_start fname =
This guarantees that it appears updated after start. *)
let mark_file_updated fname =
let near_future = Unix.gettimeofday () +. 1. in
Unix.utimes fname near_future near_future
Unix.utimes fname ~access:near_future ~modif:near_future
(** Fold over all file paths recursively under [dir] which match [p]. *)
let fold_paths_matching ~dir ~p ~init ~f =