Defining an AST specification language based on CTL for front-end checkers

This diff introduces a first version of a front-end checkers specification
language. The language is based on the CTL temporal logic that is interpreted
on trees. In this case the model for a formula is the AST of the program produced
by clang.

This diff introduce the language and translate most of the existing checks on
this new language. In other diff I will translate all the other checks.
Then I will generalize the framework to allow the developer to specify only
the CTL formula.

Reviewed By: martinoluca

Differential Revision: D3819211

fbshipit-source-id: f8e01eb
Dino Distefano 9 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent fc28683ea2
commit 05bb4a0db7

@ -10,12 +10,11 @@
open! Utils
open CFrontend_utils
(* To create a new checker you should: *)
(* 1. Define a checker function, say my_checker, in this module. *)
(* my_checker should define: *)
(* -a) a condition that determine if the checker fires *)
(* -b) a warning_desc that describes the warning (see warning_desc definition) *)
(* -b) a issue_desc that describes the warning (see warning_desc definition) *)
(* 2. Add your checker to the CFrontend_checkers interface *)
(* 3. Decide in which element of the AST my_checker should be evaluated. *)
(* - If it is a statement then you need to invoke my_checker from *)
@ -23,252 +22,229 @@ open CFrontend_utils
(* - If it is a declaration invoke it from run_frontend_checkers_on_decl *)
(* Helper functions *)
let get_ivar_attributes ivar_decl =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match ivar_decl with
| ObjCIvarDecl (ivar_decl_info, _, _, _, _) ->
(match Ast_utils.get_property_of_ivar ivar_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.di_pointer with
| Some ObjCPropertyDecl (_, _, obj_c_property_decl_info) ->
| _ -> [])
| _ -> []
let is_method_property_accessor_of_ivar method_decl ivar_pointer =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match method_decl with
| ObjCMethodDecl (_, _, obj_c_method_decl_info) ->
if obj_c_method_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.omdi_is_property_accessor then
let prperty_opt = obj_c_method_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.omdi_property_decl in
match Ast_utils.get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref prperty_opt with
| Some ObjCPropertyDecl (_, _, obj_c_property_decl_info) ->
(match obj_c_property_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.opdi_ivar_decl with
| Some decl_ref -> decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_decl_pointer = ivar_pointer
| None -> false)
| _ -> false
else false
| _ -> false
(* checks if ivar is defined among a set of fields and if it is atomic *)
let is_ivar_atomic attributes =
IList.exists (Ast_utils.property_attribute_eq `Atomic) attributes
let name_contains_word pname word =
let rexp = Str.regexp_string_case_fold word in
Str.search_forward rexp pname.Clang_ast_t.ni_name 0 >= 0
with Not_found -> false
let location_from_sinfo info =
CLocation.get_sil_location_from_range info.Clang_ast_t.si_source_range true
let location_from_stmt stmt =
let info, _ = Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_tuple stmt in
CLocation.get_sil_location_from_range info.Clang_ast_t.si_source_range true
let location_from_dinfo info =
CLocation.get_sil_location_from_range info.Clang_ast_t.di_source_range true
let rec is_self s =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match s with
| ImplicitCastExpr(_, [s], _, _) -> is_self s
| DeclRefExpr(_, _, _, dr) ->
(match dr.drti_decl_ref with
| Some decl_ref ->
(match decl_ref.dr_name with
| Some n -> n.ni_name = CFrontend_config.self
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
let decl_ref_is_in names st =
match st with
| Clang_ast_t.DeclRefExpr (_, _, _, drti) ->
(match drti.drti_decl_ref with
| Some dr -> let ndi, _, _ = CFrontend_utils.Ast_utils.get_info_from_decl_ref dr in
IList.exists (fun n -> n = ndi.ni_name) names
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
let call_function_named st names =
Ast_utils.exists_eventually_st decl_ref_is_in names st
let location_from_decl dec =
let info = Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_tuple dec in
CLocation.get_sil_location_from_range info.Clang_ast_t.di_source_range true
let rec eventually_makes_a_call exp =
CFrontend_utils.Ast_utils.exists_eventually_st is_expensive_function_or_method_call () exp
let decl_name dec =
match Clang_ast_proj.get_named_decl_tuple dec with
| Some (_, n) -> n.Clang_ast_t.ni_name
| None -> ""
and is_expensive_function_or_method_call _ st =
let white_list_functions = ["CGPointMake"] in
let ivar_name stmt =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match st with
| CallExpr (_, st :: _, _) -> (* for C *)
not (call_function_named st white_list_functions)
| CXXConstructExpr (_, stmt_list, _, _) ->
(* Assumption: constructor is expensive iff it has a call inside *)
(IList.exists eventually_makes_a_call) stmt_list
| CXXTemporaryObjectExpr _ (* for C++ *)
| CXXMemberCallExpr _ | CXXOperatorCallExpr _
| ObjCMessageExpr _ -> true (* for ObjC *)
| _ -> false
(* Call method m and on the pn parameter pred holds *)
(* st |= call_method(m(p1,...,pn, /\ pred(pn) *)
let call_method_on_nth pred pn m st =
match st with
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCMessageExpr (_, params, _, omei) when omei.omei_selector = m ->
let p = IList.nth params pn in
pred p
with _ -> false)
| _ -> false
let dec_body_eventually atomic_pred param dec =
match dec with
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCMethodDecl (_, _, omdi) ->
(match omdi.Clang_ast_t.omdi_body with
| Some body -> Ast_utils.exists_eventually_st atomic_pred param body
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
match stmt with
| ObjCIvarRefExpr (_, _, _, rei) ->
let dr_ref = rei.ovrei_decl_ref in
let ivar_pointer = dr_ref.dr_decl_pointer in
(match Ast_utils.get_decl ivar_pointer with
| Some (ObjCIvarDecl (_, named_decl_info, _, _, _)) ->
| _ -> "")
| _ -> ""
(* (is_CallExpr /\ not call_function_named) ||
is_CXXTemporaryObjectExpr || is_CXXMemberCallExpr
|| is_CXXOperatorCallExpr || is_ObjCMessageExpr *)
let ctl_makes_an_expensive_call () =
let open CTL in
let white_list_functions = ["CGPointMake"] in
Or (Or (Or (Or (And (Atomic ("is_statement_kind", ["CallExpr"]),
Not(Atomic("call_function_named", white_list_functions))),
Atomic ("is_statement_kind", ["CXXTemporaryObjectExpr"])),
Atomic ("is_statement_kind", ["CXXMemberCallExpr"])),
Atomic ("is_statement_kind", ["CXXOperatorCallExpr"])),
Atomic ("is_statement_kind", ["ObjCMessageExpr"]))
(* true if a variable is initialized with a method/function call.*)
(* implemented as decl |= EF is_function_or_method_call *)
let is_initialized_with_expensive_call decl =
match decl with
| Clang_ast_t.VarDecl (_, _ ,_, vdi) ->
(match vdi.vdi_init_expr with
| Some init_expr ->
eventually_makes_a_call init_expr
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
let captured_variables_cxx_ref captured_vars =
let capture_var_is_cxx_ref reference_captured_vars captured_var =
let decl_ref_opt = captured_var.Clang_ast_t.bcv_variable in
match Ast_utils.get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref decl_ref_opt with
| Some VarDecl (_, named_decl_info, qual_type, _)
| Some ParmVarDecl (_, named_decl_info, qual_type, _)
| Some ImplicitParamDecl (_, named_decl_info, qual_type, _) ->
(match Ast_utils.get_desugared_type qual_type.Clang_ast_t.qt_type_ptr with
| Some RValueReferenceType _ | Some LValueReferenceType _ ->
| _ -> reference_captured_vars)
| _ -> reference_captured_vars in
IList.fold_left capture_var_is_cxx_ref [] captured_vars
ET([ObjCMethodDecl][->Body] (EF call_addObserver
Or EF call_addObserverForName)
ET([ObjCMethodDecl][->Body] EF remove_observer) Or
EH([ObjCImplementationDecl, ObjCProtocolDecl] EF remove_observer)
let ctl_ns_notification decl =
let open CTL in
let exists_method_calling_addObserver =
EF (Atomic ("call_method", ["addObserver:selector:name:object:"])) in
let exists_method_calling_addObserverForName =
EF (Atomic ("call_method", ["addObserverForName:object:queue:usingBlock:"])) in
let add_observer = Or (exists_method_calling_addObserver,
exists_method_calling_addObserverForName) in
let eventually_addObserver = ET(["ObjCMethodDecl"], Some Body, add_observer) in
let exists_method_calling_removeObserver =
EF(Atomic ("call_method",["removeObserver:"])) in
let exists_method_calling_removeObserverName =
EF(Atomic ("call_method",["removeObserver:name:object:"])) in
let remove_observer = Or(exists_method_calling_removeObserver,
exists_method_calling_removeObserverName) in
let remove_observer_in_block = ET(["BlockDecl"], Some Body, remove_observer) in
let remove_observer' = Or(remove_observer, remove_observer_in_block) in
let remove_observer_in_method = ET(["ObjCMethodDecl"], Some Body, remove_observer') in
let eventually_removeObserver =
ET(["ObjCImplementationDecl"; "ObjCProtocolDecl"], None,
Or(remove_observer_in_method ,
EH(["ObjCImplementationDecl"; "ObjCProtocolDecl"], remove_observer_in_method))) in
let condition = Not (Implies (eventually_addObserver, eventually_removeObserver)) in
let issue_desc = {
CIssue.issue = CIssue.Registered_observer_being_deallocated;
CIssue.description =
Localise.registered_observer_being_deallocated_str CFrontend_config.self;
CIssue.suggestion =
Some "Consider removing the object from the notification center before its deallocation.";
CIssue.loc = location_from_decl decl;
} in
condition, issue_desc
(* name_contains_delegate AND not name_contains_queue AND is_strong_property *)
let ctl_strong_delegate dec =
let open CTL in
let name_contains_delegate =
Atomic ("property_name_contains_word", ["delegate"]) in
let name_does_not_contains_queue =
Not(Atomic ("property_name_contains_word", ["queue"])) in
let is_strong_property =
Atomic("is_strong_property", []) in
let condition = And (name_contains_delegate,
And (name_does_not_contains_queue,
is_strong_property)) in
let issue_desc = {
CIssue.issue = CIssue.Strong_delegate_warning;
CIssue.description = Printf.sprintf
"Property or ivar %s declared strong" (decl_name dec);
CIssue.suggestion = Some "In general delegates should be declared weak or assign";
CIssue.loc = location_from_decl dec
} in
condition, issue_desc
(* === Warnings on properties === *)
(* (is_ObjC || is_Objc++) /\ is_global_var /\ not is_const_var /\
ET([VarDecl][->InitExpr] EF ctl_makes_an_expensive_call)
let ctl_global_var_init_with_calls_warning decl =
let open CTL in
let ctl_is_global_var =
And (And (Atomic ("is_objc_extension", []), Atomic ("is_global_var", [])),
Not (Atomic ("is_const_var", []))) in
let ctl_is_initialized_with_expensive_call =
ET(["VarDecl"], Some InitExpr, EF (ctl_makes_an_expensive_call ())) in
let condition = And (ctl_is_global_var, ctl_is_initialized_with_expensive_call) in
let issue_desc = {
CIssue.issue = CIssue.Global_variable_initialized_with_function_or_method_call;
CIssue.description = Printf.sprintf
"Global variable %s is initialized using a function or method call"
(decl_name decl);
CIssue.suggestion = Some
"If the function/method call is expensive, it can affect the starting time of the app.";
CIssue.loc = location_from_decl decl
} in
condition, issue_desc
(* Assing Pointer Warning: a property with a pointer type should not be declared `assign` *)
let assign_pointer_warning _ decl_info pname obj_c_property_decl_info =
let open Clang_ast_t in
(* is_assign_property AND is_property_pointer_type *)
let ctl_assign_pointer_warning decl =
let open CTL in
let condition =
let has_assign_property () = ObjcProperty_decl.is_assign_property obj_c_property_decl_info in
let is_pointer_type () =
let type_ptr = obj_c_property_decl_info.opdi_type_ptr in
let raw_ptr = Clang_ast_types.type_ptr_to_clang_pointer type_ptr in
match Clang_ast_main.PointerMap.find raw_ptr !CFrontend_config.pointer_type_index with
| MemberPointerType _ | ObjCObjectPointerType _ | BlockPointerType _ -> true
| TypedefType (_, tti) -> (Ast_utils.name_of_typedef_type_info tti) = CFrontend_config.id_cl
| exception Not_found -> false
| _ -> false in
has_assign_property() && is_pointer_type () in
if condition then
And (Atomic("is_assign_property", []), Atomic("is_property_pointer_type", [])) in
let issue_desc =
{ CIssue.issue = CIssue.Assign_pointer_warning;
CIssue.description =
"Property `%s` is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute"
(decl_name decl);
CIssue.suggestion = Some "Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.";
CIssue.loc = location_from_dinfo decl_info
CIssue.loc = location_from_decl decl
} in
condition, issue_desc
not context_in_synchronized_block /\ not is_method_property_accessor_of_ivar
/\ not is_objc_constructor /\ not is_objc_dealloc
let ctl_direct_atomic_property_access_warning stmt =
let open CTL in
let condition =
And (And (And (And (Not (Atomic ("context_in_synchronized_block", [])),
Atomic("is_ivar_atomic", [])),
Not (Atomic ("is_method_property_accessor_of_ivar", []))),
Not (Atomic ("is_objc_constructor", []))),
Not (Atomic ("is_objc_dealloc", []))) in
let issue_desc = {
CIssue.issue = CIssue.Direct_atomic_property_access;
CIssue.description = Printf.sprintf
"Direct access to ivar %s of an atomic property" (ivar_name stmt);
CIssue.suggestion =
Some "Accessing an ivar of an atomic property makes the property nonatomic";
CIssue.loc = location_from_stmt stmt
} in
condition, issue_desc
let ctl_captured_cxx_ref_in_objc_block_warning stmt =
(* Fire if the list of captured references is not empty *)
let condition = CTL.Atomic ("captures_cxx_references", []) in
let issue_desc = {
CIssue.issue = CIssue.Cxx_reference_captured_in_objc_block;
CIssue.description = Printf.sprintf
"C++ Reference variable(s) %s captured by Objective-C block"
(Predicates.var_descs_name stmt);
CIssue.suggestion = Some ("C++ References are unmanaged and may be invalid " ^
"by the time the block executes.");
CIssue.loc = location_from_stmt stmt
} in
condition, issue_desc
(* === Warnings on properties === *)
(* Assing Pointer Warning: a property with a pointer type should not be declared `assign` *)
let assign_pointer_warning lcxt decl =
let open CTL in
let condition, issue_desc = ctl_assign_pointer_warning decl in
if CTL.eval_formula condition (Decl decl) lcxt then
Some issue_desc
else None
(* Strong Delegate Warning: a property with name delegate should not be declared strong *)
let strong_delegate_warning _ decl_info pname obj_c_property_decl_info =
let condition = (name_contains_word pname "delegate")
&& not (name_contains_word pname "queue")
&& ObjcProperty_decl.is_strong_property obj_c_property_decl_info in
if condition then
Some { CIssue.issue = CIssue.Strong_delegate_warning;
CIssue.description = "Property or ivar "^pname.Clang_ast_t.ni_name^" declared strong";
CIssue.suggestion = Some "In general delegates should be declared weak or assign";
CIssue.loc = location_from_dinfo decl_info
let strong_delegate_warning lcxt decl =
let condition, issue_desc = ctl_strong_delegate decl in
if CTL.eval_formula condition (Decl decl) lcxt then
Some issue_desc
else None
(* GLOBAL_VARIABLE_INITIALIZED_WITH_FUNCTION_OR_METHOD_CALL warning: a global variable initialization should not *)
(* a global variable initialization should not *)
(* contain calls to functions or methods as these can be expensive an delay the starting time *)
(* of an app *)
let global_var_init_with_calls_warning _ decl =
let decl_info, gvar =
match Clang_ast_proj.get_named_decl_tuple decl with
| Some (di, ndi) -> di, ndi.ni_name
| None -> assert false (* we cannot be here *) in
let condition = General_utils.is_objc_extension
&& Ast_utils.is_syntactically_global_var decl
&& (not (Ast_utils.is_const_expr_var decl))
&& is_initialized_with_expensive_call decl in
if condition then
Some {
CIssue.issue = CIssue.Global_variable_initialized_with_function_or_method_call;
CIssue.description = "Global variable " ^ gvar ^
" is initialized using a function or method call";
CIssue.suggestion = Some
"If the function/method call is expensive, it can affect the starting time of the app.";
CIssue.loc = location_from_dinfo decl_info
let global_var_init_with_calls_warning lcxt decl =
let condition, issue_desc = ctl_global_var_init_with_calls_warning decl in
if CTL.eval_formula condition (CTL.Decl decl) lcxt then
Some issue_desc
else None
(* Direct Atomic Property access:
a property declared atomic should not be accessed directly via its ivar *)
let direct_atomic_property_access_warning context stmt_info ivar_decl_ref =
let ivar_pointer = ivar_decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_decl_pointer in
match Ast_utils.get_decl ivar_pointer, context.CLintersContext.current_method with
| Some (ObjCIvarDecl (_, named_decl_info, _, _, _) as d), Some method_decl ->
let method_name = match Clang_ast_proj.get_named_decl_tuple method_decl with
| Some (_, method_named_decl) -> method_named_decl.Clang_ast_t.ni_name
| _ -> "" in
let ivar_name = named_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
let condition =
(* We warn when:
(1) we are not inside a @synchronized block
(2) the property has the atomic attribute and
(3) the access of the ivar is not in a getter or setter method
(4) the access of the ivar is not in the init method
Last two conditions avoids false positives *)
not (context.CLintersContext.in_synchronized_block)
&& is_ivar_atomic (get_ivar_attributes d)
&& not (is_method_property_accessor_of_ivar method_decl ivar_pointer)
&& not (Procname.is_objc_constructor method_name)
&& not (Procname.is_objc_dealloc method_name) in
if condition then
Some {
CIssue.issue = CIssue.Direct_atomic_property_access;
CIssue.description = "Direct access to ivar " ^ ivar_name ^
" of an atomic property";
CIssue.suggestion =
Some "Accessing an ivar of an atomic property makes the property nonatomic";
CIssue.loc = location_from_sinfo stmt_info
let direct_atomic_property_access_warning context stmt =
let condition, issue_desc = ctl_direct_atomic_property_access_warning stmt in
if CTL.eval_formula condition (CTL.Stmt stmt) context then
Some issue_desc
else None
| _ -> None
should not be captured in blocks. *)
let captured_cxx_ref_in_objc_block_warning _ stmt_info captured_vars =
let capt_refs = captured_variables_cxx_ref captured_vars in
let var_descs =
let var_desc vars var_named_decl_info =
vars ^ "'" ^ var_named_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name ^ "'" in
IList.fold_left var_desc "" capt_refs in
(* Fire if the list of captured references is not empty *)
let condition = IList.length capt_refs > 0 in
if condition then
Some {
CIssue.issue = CIssue.Cxx_reference_captured_in_objc_block;
CIssue.description = "C++ Reference variable(s) " ^ var_descs ^
" captured by Objective-C block";
CIssue.suggestion = Some ("C++ References are unmanaged and may be invalid " ^
"by the time the block executes.");
CIssue.loc = location_from_sinfo stmt_info
let captured_cxx_ref_in_objc_block_warning lcxt stmt =
let condition, issue_desc = ctl_captured_cxx_ref_in_objc_block_warning stmt in
if CTL.eval_formula condition (CTL.Stmt stmt) lcxt then
Some issue_desc
else None
@ -307,55 +283,8 @@ let bad_pointer_comparison_warning _ stmt_info stmts =
(* exist m1: m1.body |- EF call_method(addObserver:) =>
exists m2 : m2.body |- EF call_method(removeObserver:) *)
let checker_NSNotificationCenter _ decl_info impl_decl_info decls =
let exists_method_calling_addObserver =
(dec_body_eventually (call_method_on_nth is_self 1)
"addObserver:selector:name:object:") decls in
let exists_method_calling_addObserverForName =
(dec_body_eventually (call_method_on_nth is_self 1)
"addObserverForName:object:queue:usingBlock:") decls in
let eventually_addObserver = exists_method_calling_addObserver
|| exists_method_calling_addObserverForName in
let eventually_removeObserver decls =
let exists_method_calling_removeObserver =
IList.exists (dec_body_eventually (call_method_on_nth is_self 1) "removeObserver:") decls in
let exists_method_calling_removeObserverName =
(dec_body_eventually (call_method_on_nth is_self 1)
"removeObserver:name:object:") decls in
exists_method_calling_removeObserver || exists_method_calling_removeObserverName in
let rec exists_on_hierarchy f super =
match super with
| Some (decl_list, impl_decl_info) ->
(f decl_list
|| exists_on_hierarchy f (Ast_utils.get_super_impl impl_decl_info))
| None -> false in
let eventually_removeObserver_in_whole_hierarchy decls impl_decl_info =
exists_on_hierarchy eventually_removeObserver (Some (decls, impl_decl_info)) in
(* if registration happens among the given decls, then search for removeObserver across the *)
(* whole hierarchy of classes *)
let condition =
eventually_addObserver &&
match impl_decl_info with
| Some idi ->
not (eventually_removeObserver_in_whole_hierarchy decls idi)
| None -> not (eventually_removeObserver decls) in
if condition then
Some {
CIssue.issue = CIssue.Registered_observer_being_deallocated;
CIssue.description =
Localise.registered_observer_being_deallocated_str CFrontend_config.self;
CIssue.suggestion =
Some "Consider removing the object from the notification center before its deallocation.";
CIssue.loc = location_from_dinfo decl_info
let checker_NSNotificationCenter lcxt dec =
let condition, issue_desc = ctl_ns_notification dec in
if CTL.eval_formula condition (CTL.Decl dec) lcxt then
Some issue_desc
else None

@ -13,25 +13,21 @@ open! Utils
(* Strong Delegate Warning: a property with name delegate should not be declared strong *)
val strong_delegate_warning :
CLintersContext.context -> Clang_ast_t.decl_info -> Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info ->
Clang_ast_t.obj_c_property_decl_info -> CIssue.issue_desc option
CLintersContext.context -> Clang_ast_t.decl -> CIssue.issue_desc option
(* Assing Pointer Warning: a property with a pointer type should not be declared `assign` *)
val assign_pointer_warning :
CLintersContext.context -> Clang_ast_t.decl_info -> Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info ->
Clang_ast_t.obj_c_property_decl_info -> CIssue.issue_desc option
CLintersContext.context -> Clang_ast_t.decl -> CIssue.issue_desc option
(* Direct Atomic Property access:
a property declared atomic should not be accesses directly via its iva *)
val direct_atomic_property_access_warning :
CLintersContext.context -> Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> Clang_ast_t.decl_ref ->
CIssue.issue_desc option
CLintersContext.context -> Clang_ast_t.stmt -> CIssue.issue_desc option
should not be captured in blocks. *)
val captured_cxx_ref_in_objc_block_warning :
CLintersContext.context -> Clang_ast_t.stmt_info ->
Clang_ast_t.block_captured_variable list -> CIssue.issue_desc option
CLintersContext.context -> Clang_ast_t.stmt -> CIssue.issue_desc option
val bad_pointer_comparison_warning :
CLintersContext.context ->
@ -40,9 +36,7 @@ val bad_pointer_comparison_warning :
(* REGISTERED_OBSERVER_BEING_DEALLOCATED: an object is registered in a notification center
but not removed before deallocation *)
val checker_NSNotificationCenter :
CLintersContext.context ->
Clang_ast_t.decl_info -> Clang_ast_t.obj_c_implementation_decl_info option ->
Clang_ast_t.decl list -> CIssue.issue_desc option
CLintersContext.context -> Clang_ast_t.decl -> CIssue.issue_desc option
(* GLOBAL_VARIABLE_INITIALIZED_WITH_FUNCTION_OR_METHOD_CALL warning: a global variable initialization should not *)
(* contain calls to functions or methods as these can be expensive an delay the starting time *)

@ -16,29 +16,29 @@ let property_checkers_list = [CFrontend_checkers.strong_delegate_warning;
(* Invocation of checker belonging to property_checker_list *)
let checkers_for_property decl_info pname_info pdi checker context =
checker context decl_info pname_info pdi
let checkers_for_property decl checker context =
checker context decl
(* List of checkers on ivar access *)
let ivar_access_checker_list = [CFrontend_checkers.direct_atomic_property_access_warning]
(* Invocation of checker belonging to ivar_access_checker_list *)
let checkers_for_ivar stmt_info ivar_decl_ref checker context =
checker context stmt_info ivar_decl_ref
let checkers_for_ivar stmt checker context =
checker context stmt
(* List of checkers for captured vars in objc blocks *)
let captured_vars_checker_list = [CFrontend_checkers.captured_cxx_ref_in_objc_block_warning]
(* Invocation of checker belonging to captured_vars_checker_list *)
let checkers_for_capture_vars stmt_info captured_vars checker context =
checker context stmt_info captured_vars
let checkers_for_capture_vars stmt checker context =
checker context stmt
(* List of checkers on NSNotificationCenter *)
let ns_notification_checker_list = [CFrontend_checkers.checker_NSNotificationCenter]
(* Invocation of checker belonging to ns_notification_center_list *)
let checkers_for_ns decl_info impl_decl_info decls checker context =
checker context decl_info impl_decl_info decls
let checkers_for_ns decl checker context =
checker context decl
(* List of checkers on variables *)
let var_checker_list = [CFrontend_checkers.global_var_init_with_calls_warning;
@ -117,16 +117,14 @@ let invoke_set_of_checkers f context key checkers =
let run_frontend_checkers_on_stmt context instr =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match instr with
| ObjCIvarRefExpr (stmt_info, _, _, obj_c_ivar_ref_expr_info) ->
let dr_ref = obj_c_ivar_ref_expr_info.Clang_ast_t.ovrei_decl_ref in
let call_checker_for_ivar = checkers_for_ivar stmt_info dr_ref in
| ObjCIvarRefExpr _ ->
let call_checker_for_ivar = checkers_for_ivar instr in
let key = Ast_utils.generate_key_stmt instr in
call_checker_for_ivar context key ivar_access_checker_list;
| BlockExpr (stmt_info, _ , _, Clang_ast_t.BlockDecl (_, block_decl_info)) ->
let captured_block_vars = block_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.bdi_captured_variables in
let call_captured_vars_checker = checkers_for_capture_vars stmt_info captured_block_vars in
| BlockExpr _ ->
let call_captured_vars_checker = checkers_for_capture_vars instr in
let key = Ast_utils.generate_key_stmt instr in
invoke_set_of_checkers call_captured_vars_checker context key
@ -158,12 +156,8 @@ let run_frontend_checkers_on_stmt context instr =
let run_frontend_checkers_on_decl context dec =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match dec with
| ObjCImplementationDecl (decl_info, _, decl_list, _, _)
| ObjCProtocolDecl (decl_info, _, decl_list, _, _) ->
let idi = match dec with
| ObjCImplementationDecl (_, _, _, _, impl_decl_info) -> Some impl_decl_info
| _ -> None in
let call_ns_checker = checkers_for_ns decl_info idi decl_list in
| ObjCImplementationDecl _ | ObjCProtocolDecl _ ->
let call_ns_checker = checkers_for_ns dec in
let key = Ast_utils.generate_key_decl dec in
invoke_set_of_checkers call_ns_checker context key ns_notification_checker_list;
@ -172,8 +166,8 @@ let run_frontend_checkers_on_decl context dec =
let key = Ast_utils.generate_key_decl dec in
invoke_set_of_checkers call_var_checker context key var_checker_list;
| ObjCPropertyDecl (decl_info, pname_info, pdi) ->
let call_property_checker = checkers_for_property decl_info pname_info pdi in
| ObjCPropertyDecl _ ->
let call_property_checker = checkers_for_property dec in
let key = Ast_utils.generate_key_decl dec in
invoke_set_of_checkers call_property_checker context key property_checkers_list;

@ -419,6 +419,24 @@ struct
Some (decl_list, impl_decl_info)
| _ -> None
let get_super_ObjCImplementationDecl impl_decl_info =
let objc_interface_decl_current =
impl_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.oidi_class_interface in
let objc_interface_decl_super = get_super_if objc_interface_decl_current in
let objc_implementation_decl_super =
match objc_interface_decl_super with
| Some ObjCInterfaceDecl(_, _, _, _, interface_decl_info) ->
| _ -> None in
let get_impl_decl_info dec =
match dec with
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCImplementationDecl (_, _, _, _, idi) -> Some idi
| _ -> None
let is_in_main_file decl =
let decl_info = Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_tuple decl in
let file_opt = (fst decl_info.Clang_ast_t.di_source_range).Clang_ast_t.sl_file in

@ -141,6 +141,8 @@ sig
the superclass, if any. *)
val get_super_if : Clang_ast_t.decl option -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
val get_impl_decl_info : Clang_ast_t.decl -> Clang_ast_t.obj_c_implementation_decl_info option
(** Given an objc impl decl info, return the super class's list of decls and
its objc impl decl info. *)
val get_super_impl :
@ -149,6 +151,10 @@ sig
(** Given an objc impl decl info, return its super class implementation decl *)
val get_super_ObjCImplementationDecl :
Clang_ast_t.obj_c_implementation_decl_info -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
(** Returns true if the declaration or statement is inside the main source
file, as opposed to an imported header file. For statements, this refers
to the parent decl. *)

@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! Utils
open CFrontend_utils
(* This module defines a language to define checkers. These checkers
are intepreted over the AST of the program. A checker is defined by a
CTL formula which express a condition saying when the checker should
report a problem *)
(* Label that allows switching from a decl node to a stmt node *)
type transition_decl_to_stmt =
| Body
| InitExpr
(* In formulas below prefix
"E" means "exists a path"
"A" means "for all path" *)
type t = (* A ctl formula *)
| True
| False (* not really necessary but it makes it evaluation faster *)
| Atomic of Predicates.t
| Not of t
| And of t * t
| Or of t * t
| Implies of t * t
| AX of t
| EX of t
| AF of t
| EF of t
| AG of t
| EG of t
| AU of t * t
| EU of t * t
| EH of string list * t
| ET of string list * transition_decl_to_stmt option * t
(* the kind of AST nodes where formulas are evaluated *)
type ast_node =
| Stmt of Clang_ast_t.stmt
| Decl of Clang_ast_t.decl
(* Helper functions *)
(* true iff an ast node is a node of type among the list tl *)
let node_has_type tl an =
let an_str = match an with
| Decl d -> Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_kind_string d
| Stmt s -> Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_kind_string s in
IList.mem (string_equal) an_str tl
(* given a decl returns a stmt such that decl--->stmt via label trs *)
let transition_from_decl_to_stmt d trs =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match trs, d with
| Some Body, ObjCMethodDecl (_, _, omdi) -> omdi.omdi_body
| Some Body, FunctionDecl (_, _, _, fdi)
| Some Body, CXXMethodDecl (_, _, _, fdi,_ )
| Some Body, CXXConstructorDecl (_, _, _, fdi, _)
| Some Body, CXXConversionDecl (_, _, _, fdi, _)
| Some Body, CXXDestructorDecl (_, _, _, fdi, _) -> fdi.fdi_body
| Some Body, BlockDecl (_, bdi) -> bdi.bdi_body
| Some InitExpr, VarDecl (_, _ ,_, vdi) -> vdi.vdi_init_expr
| Some InitExpr, ObjCIvarDecl (_, _, _, fldi, _)
| Some InitExpr, FieldDecl (_, _, _, fldi)
| Some InitExpr, ObjCAtDefsFieldDecl (_, _, _, fldi)-> fldi.fldi_init_expr
| Some InitExpr, CXXMethodDecl _
| Some InitExpr, CXXConstructorDecl _
| Some InitExpr, CXXConversionDecl _
| Some InitExpr, CXXDestructorDecl _ ->
assert false (* to be done. Requires extending to lists *)
| Some InitExpr, EnumConstantDecl (_, _, _, ecdi) -> ecdi.ecdi_init_expr
| _, _ -> None
(* given a stmt returns a decl such that stmt--->decl via label trs
NOTE: for the moment we don't have any transitions stmt to decl as
we don't have much experience.
TBD: the list need to be populated when we know what we need *)
let transition_from_stmt_to_decl st trs =
match trs, st with
| _, _ -> None (* For the moment always no transitions. TBD add transitions *)
(* Evaluation of formulas *)
(* evaluate an atomic formula (i.e. a predicate) on a ast node an and a
linter context lcxt. That is: an, lcxt |= pred_name(params) *)
let eval_Atomic pred_name params an lcxt =
match pred_name, params, an with
| "call_method", [p1], Stmt st -> Predicates.call_method p1 st
| "property_name_contains_word", [p1] , Decl d -> Predicates.property_name_contains_word d p1
| "is_objc_extension", [], _ -> Predicates.is_objc_extension
| "is_global_var", [], Decl d -> Predicates.is_syntactically_global_var d
| "is_const_var", [], Decl d -> Predicates.is_const_expr_var d
| "call_function_named", _, Stmt st -> Predicates.call_function_named st params
| "is_statement_kind", [p1], Stmt st -> Predicates.is_statement_kind st p1
| "is_declaration_kind", [p1], Decl d -> Predicates.is_declaration_kind d p1
| "is_strong_property", [], Decl d -> Predicates.is_strong_property d
| "is_assign_property", [], Decl d -> Predicates.is_assign_property d
| "is_property_pointer_type", [], Decl d -> Predicates.is_property_pointer_type d
| "context_in_synchronized_block", [], _ -> Predicates.context_in_synchronized_block lcxt
| "is_ivar_atomic", [], Stmt st -> Predicates.is_ivar_atomic st
| "is_method_property_accessor_of_ivar", [], Stmt st ->
Predicates.is_method_property_accessor_of_ivar st lcxt
| "is_objc_constructor", [], _ -> Predicates.is_objc_constructor lcxt
| "is_objc_dealloc", [], _ -> Predicates.is_objc_dealloc lcxt
| "captures_cxx_references", [], Stmt st -> Predicates.captures_cxx_references st
| _ -> failwith ("ERROR: Undefined Predicate: "^pred_name)
(* st, lcxt |= EF phi <=>
st, lcxt |= phi or exists st' in Successors(st): st', lcxt |= EF phi
That is: a (st, lcxt) satifies EF phi if and only if
either (st,lcxt) satifies phi or there is a child st' of the node st
such that (st', lcxt) satifies EF phi
let rec eval_EF_st phi st lcxt =
Printing.log_out "\n->>>> Evaluating EF in %s\n"
(Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_kind_string st);
let _, succs = Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_tuple st in
(eval_formula phi (Stmt st) lcxt) ||
IList.exists (fun s -> eval_EF phi (Stmt s) lcxt) succs
(* dec, lcxt |= EF phi <=>
dec, lcxt |= phi or exists dec' in Successors(dec): dec', lcxt |= EF phi
This is as eval_EF_st but for decl.
and eval_EF_decl phi dec lcxt =
Printing.log_out "\n->>>> Evaluating EF in %s\n"
(Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_kind_string dec);
(eval_formula phi (Decl dec) lcxt) ||
(match Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_context_tuple dec with
| Some (decl_list, _) ->
IList.exists (fun d -> eval_EF phi (Decl d) lcxt) decl_list
| None -> false)
(* an, lcxt |= EF phi evaluates on decl or stmt depending on an *)
and eval_EF phi an lcxt =
match an with
| Stmt st -> eval_EF_st phi st lcxt
| Decl dec -> eval_EF_decl phi dec lcxt
(* st, lcxt |= EX phi <=> exists st' in Successors(st): st', lcxt |= phi
That is: a (st, lcxt) satifies EX phi if and only if
there exists is a child st' of the node st
such that (st', lcxt) satifies phi
and eval_EX_st phi st lcxt =
Printing.log_out "\n->>>> Evaluating EX in %s\n"
(Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_kind_string st);
let _, succs = Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_tuple st in
IList.exists (fun s -> eval_formula phi (Stmt s) lcxt) succs
(* dec, lcxt |= EX phi <=> exists dec' in Successors(dec): dec',lcxt|= phi
Same as eval_EX_st but for decl.
and eval_EX_decl phi dec lcxt =
Printing.log_out "\n->>>> Evaluating EF in %s\n"
(Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_kind_string dec);
match Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_context_tuple dec with
| Some (decl_list, _) ->
IList.exists (fun d -> eval_formula phi (Decl d) lcxt) decl_list
| None -> false
(* an |= EX phi evaluates on decl/stmt depending on the ast_node an *)
and eval_EX phi an lcxt =
match an with
| Stmt st -> eval_EX_st phi st lcxt
| Decl decl -> eval_EX_decl phi decl lcxt
(* an, lcxt |= E(phi1 U phi2) evaluated using the equivalence
an, lcxt |= E(phi1 U phi2) <=> an, lcxt |= phi2 or (phi1 and EX(E(phi1 U phi2)))
That is: a (an,lcxt) satifies E(phi1 U phi2) if and only if
an,lcxt satifies the formula phi2 or (phi1 and EX(E(phi1 U phi2)))
and eval_EU phi1 phi2 an lcxt =
let f = Or (phi2, And (phi1, EX (EU (phi1, phi2)))) in
eval_formula f an lcxt
(* an |= A(phi1 U phi2) evaluated using the equivalence
an |= A(phi1 U phi2) <=> an |= phi2 or (phi1 and AX(A(phi1 U phi2)))
Same as EU but for the all path quantifier A
and eval_AU phi1 phi2 an lcxt =
let f = Or (phi2, And (phi1, AX (AU (phi1, phi2)))) in
eval_formula f an lcxt
(* Intuitive meaning: (an,lcxt) satifies EH[Classes] phi
if the node an is among the declaration specified by the list Classes and
there exists a super class in its hierarchy whose declaration satisfy phi.
an, lcxt |= EH[Classes] phi <=>
the node an is in Classes and there exists a declaration d in Hierarchy(an)
such that d,lcxt |= phi *)
and eval_EH classes phi an lcxt =
let rec eval_super impl_decl_info =
match impl_decl_info with
| Some idi ->
(match Ast_utils.get_super_ObjCImplementationDecl idi with
| Some (Clang_ast_t.ObjCImplementationDecl(_, _, _, _, idi') as d) ->
eval_formula phi (Decl d) lcxt
|| (eval_super (Some idi'))
| _ -> false)
| None -> false in
match an with
| Decl d when node_has_type classes (Decl d) ->
Printing.log_out "\n->>>> Evaluating EH in %s\n"
(Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_kind_string d);
eval_super (Ast_utils.get_impl_decl_info d)
| _ -> false
(* an, lcxt |= ET[T][->l]phi <=>
an is a node among those defined in T and an-l->an'
("an transitions" to another node an' via an edge labelled l)
such that an',lcxt |= phi
or an is a node among those defined in T, and l is unspecified,
and an,lcxt |= EF phi
or an is not of type in T and exists an' in Successors(an):
an', lcxt |= ET[T][->l]phi
and eval_ET tl trs phi an lcxt =
let open Clang_ast_t in
let evaluate_on_subdeclarations d eval =
match Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_context_tuple d with
| None -> false
| Some (decl_list, _) ->
IList.exists (fun d' -> eval phi (Decl d') lcxt) decl_list in
let evaluate_on_substmt st eval =
let _, stmt_list = Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_tuple st in
IList.exists (fun s -> eval phi (Stmt s) lcxt) stmt_list in
let do_decl d =
Printing.log_out "\n->>>> Evaluating ET in %s\n"
(Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_kind_string d);
match trs, node_has_type tl (Decl d) with
| Some _, true ->
Printing.log_out "\n ->>>> Declaration is in types and has label";
(match transition_from_decl_to_stmt d trs with
| None ->
Printing.log_out "\n ->>>> NO transition returned";
| Some st ->
Printing.log_out "\n ->>>> A transition is returned \n";
eval_formula phi (Stmt st) lcxt)
| None, true ->
Printing.log_out "\n ->>>> Declaration has NO transition label\n";
eval_EF_decl phi d lcxt
| _, false ->
Printing.log_out "\n ->>>> Declaration is NOT in types and _ label\n";
evaluate_on_subdeclarations d (eval_ET tl trs) in
let do_stmt st =
Printing.log_out "\n->>>> Evaluating ET in %s\n"
(Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_kind_string st);
match trs, node_has_type tl (Stmt st) with
| Some _, true ->
Printing.log_out "\n ->>>> Statement is in types and has label";
(match transition_from_stmt_to_decl st trs with
| None ->
Printing.log_out "\n ->>>> NO transition returned\n";
| Some d ->
Printing.log_out "\n ->>>> A transition is returned \n";
eval_formula phi (Decl d) lcxt)
| None, true ->
Printing.log_out "\n ->>>> Statement has NO transition label\n";
eval_EF_st phi st lcxt
| _, false ->
Printing.log_out "\n ->>>> Declaration is NOT in types and _ label\n";
evaluate_on_substmt st (eval_ET tl trs) in
match an with
| Decl d -> do_decl d
| Stmt BlockExpr(_, _, _, d) ->
(* From BlockExpr we jump directly to its BlockDecl *)
Printing.log_out "\n->>>> BlockExpr evaluated in ET, evaluating its BlockDecl \n";
eval_ET tl trs phi (Decl d) lcxt
| Stmt st -> do_stmt st
(* Formulas are evaluated on a AST node an and a linter context lcxt *)
and eval_formula f an lcxt =
match f with
| True -> true
| False -> false
| Atomic (name, params) -> eval_Atomic name params an lcxt
| Not f1 -> not (eval_formula f1 an lcxt)
| And (f1, f2) -> (eval_formula f1 an lcxt) && (eval_formula f2 an lcxt)
| Or (f1, f2) -> (eval_formula f1 an lcxt) || (eval_formula f2 an lcxt)
| Implies (f1, f2) ->
not (eval_formula f1 an lcxt) || (eval_formula f2 an lcxt)
| AU (f1, f2) -> eval_AU f1 f2 an lcxt
| EU (f1, f2) -> eval_EU f1 f2 an lcxt
| EF f1 -> eval_EF f1 an lcxt
| AF f1 -> eval_formula (AU (True, f1)) an lcxt
| AG f1 -> eval_formula (Not (EF (Not f1))) an lcxt
| EX f1 -> eval_EX f1 an lcxt
| AX f1 -> eval_formula (Not (EX (Not f1))) an lcxt
| EH (cl, phi) -> eval_EH cl phi an lcxt
| EG f1 -> (* st |= EG f1 <=> st |= f1 /\ EX EG f1 *)
eval_formula (And (f1, EX (EG (f1)))) an lcxt
| ET (tl, sw, phi) -> eval_ET tl sw phi an lcxt

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(* This module defines a language to define checkers. These checkers
are intepreted over the AST of the program. A checker is defined by a
CTL formula which express a condition saying when the checker should
report a problem *)
type transition_decl_to_stmt =
| Body
| InitExpr
(* In formulas below prefix
"E" means "exists a path"
"A" means "for all path" *)
(** A ctl formula *)
type t =
| True
| False
| Atomic of Predicates.t (** Atomic formula *)
| Not of t
| And of t * t
| Or of t * t
| Implies of t * t
| AX of t (** AX phi <=> for all children of the current node phi holds *)
| EX of t (** EX phi <=> exist a child of the current node such that phi holds *)
| AF of t (** AF phi <=> for all path from the current node there is a descendant where phi holds *)
| EF of t (** EF phi <=> there exits a a path from the current node with a descendant where phi hold *)
| AG of t (** AG phi <=> for all discendant of the current node phi hold *)
| EG of t (** EG phi <=>
there exists a path (of descendants) from the current node where phi hold at each node of the path *)
| AU of t * t (** AU(phi1, phi2) <=>
for all paths from the current node phi1 holds in every node until ph2 holds *)
| EU of t * t (** EU(phi1, phi2) <=>
there exists a path from the current node such that phi1 holds until phi2 holds *)
| EH of string list * t (** EH[classes]phi <=>
there exists a node defining a super class in the hierarchy of the class
defined by the current node (if any) where phi holds *)
| ET of string list * transition_decl_to_stmt option * t (** ET[T][l] phi <=>
there exists a descentant an of the current node such that an is of type in set T
making a transition to a node an' via label l, such that in an phi holds. *)
(** the kind of AST nodes where formulas are evaluated *)
type ast_node =
| Stmt of Clang_ast_t.stmt
| Decl of Clang_ast_t.decl
val eval_formula : t -> ast_node -> CLintersContext.context -> bool

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! Utils
open CFrontend_utils
let get_ivar_attributes ivar_decl =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match ivar_decl with
| ObjCIvarDecl (ivar_decl_info, _, _, _, _) ->
(match Ast_utils.get_property_of_ivar ivar_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.di_pointer with
| Some ObjCPropertyDecl (_, _, obj_c_property_decl_info) ->
| _ -> [])
| _ -> []
(* list of cxx references captured by stmt *)
let captured_variables_cxx_ref stmt =
let capture_var_is_cxx_ref reference_captured_vars captured_var =
let decl_ref_opt = captured_var.Clang_ast_t.bcv_variable in
match Ast_utils.get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref decl_ref_opt with
| Some VarDecl (_, named_decl_info, qual_type, _)
| Some ParmVarDecl (_, named_decl_info, qual_type, _)
| Some ImplicitParamDecl (_, named_decl_info, qual_type, _) ->
(match Ast_utils.get_desugared_type qual_type.Clang_ast_t.qt_type_ptr with
| Some RValueReferenceType _ | Some LValueReferenceType _ ->
| _ -> reference_captured_vars)
| _ -> reference_captured_vars in
let captured_vars = match stmt with
| Clang_ast_t.BlockExpr (_, _ , _, Clang_ast_t.BlockDecl (_, bdi)) ->
| _ -> [] in
IList.fold_left capture_var_is_cxx_ref [] captured_vars
let var_descs_name stmt =
let capt_refs = captured_variables_cxx_ref stmt in
let var_desc vars var_named_decl_info =
vars ^ "'" ^ var_named_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name ^ "'" in
IList.fold_left var_desc "" capt_refs
type t = string * string list (* (name, [param1,...,paramK]) *)
let is_declaration_kind decl s =
Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_kind_string decl = s
let is_statement_kind stmt s =
Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_kind_string stmt = s
(* st |= call_method(m) *)
let call_method m st =
match st with
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCMessageExpr (_, _, _, omei) -> omei.omei_selector = m
| _ -> false
let property_name_contains_word decl word =
match Clang_ast_proj.get_named_decl_tuple decl with
| Some (_, n) -> let pname = n.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
let rexp = Str.regexp_string_case_fold word in
Str.search_forward rexp pname 0 >= 0
with Not_found -> false)
| _ -> false
let is_objc_extension = General_utils.is_objc_extension
let is_syntactically_global_var decl =
Ast_utils.is_syntactically_global_var decl
let is_const_expr_var decl =
Ast_utils.is_const_expr_var decl
let decl_ref_is_in names st =
match st with
| Clang_ast_t.DeclRefExpr (_, _, _, drti) ->
(match drti.drti_decl_ref with
| Some dr -> let ndi, _, _ = CFrontend_utils.Ast_utils.get_info_from_decl_ref dr in
IList.exists (fun n -> n = ndi.ni_name) names
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
let call_function_named st names =
Ast_utils.exists_eventually_st decl_ref_is_in names st
let is_strong_property decl =
match decl with
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCPropertyDecl (_, _, pdi) ->
ObjcProperty_decl.is_strong_property pdi
| _ -> false
let is_assign_property decl =
match decl with
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCPropertyDecl (_, _, pdi) ->
ObjcProperty_decl.is_assign_property pdi
| _ -> false
let is_property_pointer_type decl =
match decl with
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCPropertyDecl (_, _, pdi) ->
let type_ptr = pdi.opdi_type_ptr in
let raw_ptr = Clang_ast_types.type_ptr_to_clang_pointer type_ptr in
(match Clang_ast_main.PointerMap.find raw_ptr !CFrontend_config.pointer_type_index with
| MemberPointerType _ | ObjCObjectPointerType _ | BlockPointerType _ -> true
| TypedefType (_, tti) ->
(Ast_utils.name_of_typedef_type_info tti) = CFrontend_config.id_cl
| exception Not_found -> false
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
let context_in_synchronized_block context =
(* checks if ivar is defined among a set of fields and if it is atomic *)
let is_ivar_atomic stmt =
match stmt with
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCIvarRefExpr (_, _, _, irei) ->
let dr_ref = irei.Clang_ast_t.ovrei_decl_ref in
let ivar_pointer = dr_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_decl_pointer in
(match Ast_utils.get_decl ivar_pointer with
| Some d ->
let attributes = get_ivar_attributes d in
IList.exists (Ast_utils.property_attribute_eq `Atomic) attributes
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
let is_method_property_accessor_of_ivar stmt context =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match stmt with
| ObjCIvarRefExpr (_, _, _, irei) ->
let dr_ref = irei.Clang_ast_t.ovrei_decl_ref in
let ivar_pointer = dr_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_decl_pointer in
(match context.CLintersContext.current_method with
| Some ObjCMethodDecl (_, _, mdi) ->
if mdi.omdi_is_property_accessor then
let property_opt = mdi.omdi_property_decl in
match Ast_utils.get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref property_opt with
| Some ObjCPropertyDecl (_, _, pdi) ->
(match pdi.opdi_ivar_decl with
| Some decl_ref -> decl_ref.dr_decl_pointer = ivar_pointer
| None -> false)
| _ -> false
else false
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
let is_objc_constructor context =
match context.CLintersContext.current_method with
| Some method_decl ->
let method_name = (match Clang_ast_proj.get_named_decl_tuple method_decl with
| Some (_, mnd) -> mnd.Clang_ast_t.ni_name
| _ -> "") in
Procname.is_objc_constructor method_name
| _ -> false
let is_objc_dealloc context =
match context.CLintersContext.current_method with
| Some method_decl ->
let method_name = (match Clang_ast_proj.get_named_decl_tuple method_decl with
| Some (_, mnd) -> mnd.Clang_ast_t.ni_name
| _ -> "") in
Procname.is_objc_dealloc method_name
| _ -> false
let captures_cxx_references stmt =
IList.length (captured_variables_cxx_ref stmt) > 0

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
type t = string * string list (* (name, [param1,...,paramK]) *)
val var_descs_name : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> string (* Helper function *)
val call_method : string -> Clang_ast_t.stmt -> bool
val property_name_contains_word : Clang_ast_t.decl -> string -> bool
val is_objc_extension : bool
val is_syntactically_global_var : Clang_ast_t.decl -> bool
val is_const_expr_var : Clang_ast_t.decl -> bool
val is_declaration_kind : Clang_ast_t.decl -> string -> bool
val is_statement_kind : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> string -> bool
val call_function_named : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> string list -> bool
val is_strong_property : Clang_ast_t.decl -> bool
val is_assign_property : Clang_ast_t.decl -> bool
val is_property_pointer_type : Clang_ast_t.decl -> bool
val context_in_synchronized_block : CLintersContext.context -> bool
val is_ivar_atomic : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> bool
val is_method_property_accessor_of_ivar : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> CLintersContext.context -> bool
val is_objc_constructor : CLintersContext.context -> bool
val is_objc_dealloc : CLintersContext.context -> bool
val captures_cxx_references : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> bool