Revert "[Inferbo] Add relational domain"

Summary: This reverts commit "[Inferbo] Add relational domain" due to linking issues.

Reviewed By: mbouaziz

Differential Revision: D8821355

fbshipit-source-id: b39bfa6
Sungkeun Cho 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 8ce394942b
commit 06a04ca9f5

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@
@ -43,7 +42,6 @@ LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@
libdir = @libdir@
# override in your `make` command to make the install relocatable
libdir_relative_to_bindir = $(libdir)
mandir = @mandir@
@ -81,7 +79,5 @@ endif
# Export parts of the config relevant to running other programs
export PATH := $(PATH)
export CPATH := $(CPATH)

@ -192,8 +192,6 @@ AC_ASSERT_OCAML_PKG([oUnit], [], [2.0.0])
AC_CHECK_TOOL([UTOP], [utop], [no])
AC_ARG_VAR([CPATH], [Additional directories to search for C headers.])
AC_ARG_VAR([LIBRARY_PATH], [Additional directories to search for C shared objects.])
[Additional directories to search for dynamically-loaded libraries.])
AC_ARG_VAR([OPAMROOT], [Root of the local opam installation.])

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ struct
if debug then (
(Format.asprintf "@[PRE: %a@]@\n@[INSTRS: %a@]@[POST: %a@]@." Domain.pp pre
(Format.asprintf "PRE: %a@.INSTRS: %aPOST: %a@." Domain.pp pre
(Instrs.pp Pp.(html Green))
instrs Domain.pp astate_post) ;
NodePrinter.finish_session (Node.underlying_node node) ) ;

@ -823,13 +823,6 @@ and blacklist =
~meta:"regex" "Skip analysis of files matched by the specified regular expression"
and bo_relational_domain =
CLOpt.mk_symbol_opt ~long:"bo-relational-domain"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_buffer_overrun)]
~symbols:[("oct", `Bo_relational_domain_oct); ("poly", `Bo_relational_domain_poly)]
"Select a relational domain being used in the bufferoverrun checker (experimental)"
and bootclasspath =
CLOpt.mk_string_opt ~long:"bootclasspath"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Capture, manual_java)]
@ -2452,8 +2445,6 @@ and bootclasspath = !bootclasspath
and bo_debug = !bo_debug
and bo_relational_domain = !bo_relational_domain
and buck = !buck
and buck_build_args = !buck_build_args

@ -242,8 +242,6 @@ val bootclasspath : string option
val bo_debug : int
val bo_relational_domain : [`Bo_relational_domain_oct | `Bo_relational_domain_poly] option
val buck : bool
val buck_build_args : string list

@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ module Loc = struct
F.fprintf fmt "%a.%a" pp l Typ.Fieldname.pp f
let to_string x = F.asprintf "%a" pp x
let is_var = function Var _ -> true | _ -> false
let rec contains_allocsite = function
@ -91,12 +89,3 @@ module PowLoc = struct
let is_singleton x = Int.equal (cardinal x) 1
(** unsound but ok for bug catching *)
let always_strong_update = true
let can_strong_update : PowLoc.t -> bool =
fun ploc ->
if always_strong_update then true
else if Int.equal (PowLoc.cardinal ploc) 1 then Loc.is_var (PowLoc.choose ploc)
else false

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ open AbsLoc
open! AbstractDomain.Types
module BoUtils = BufferOverrunUtils
module Dom = BufferOverrunDomain
module Relation = BufferOverrunDomainRelation
module L = Logging
module Models = BufferOverrunModels
module Sem = BufferOverrunSemantics
@ -48,16 +47,16 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
| Typ.Tint ikind ->
let unsigned = Typ.ikind_is_unsigned ikind in
let v =
Dom.Val.make_sym ~unsigned loc pname path new_sym_num
Dom.Val.make_sym ~unsigned pname path new_sym_num
|> Dom.Val.add_trace_elem (Trace.SymAssign (loc, location))
mem |> Dom.Mem.add_heap loc v |> Dom.Mem.init_param_relation loc
Dom.Mem.add_heap loc v mem
| Typ.Tfloat _ ->
let v =
Dom.Val.make_sym loc pname path new_sym_num
Dom.Val.make_sym pname path new_sym_num
|> Dom.Val.add_trace_elem (Trace.SymAssign (loc, location))
mem |> Dom.Mem.add_heap loc v |> Dom.Mem.init_param_relation loc
Dom.Mem.add_heap loc v mem
| Typ.Tptr (typ, _) ->
BoUtils.Exec.decl_sym_arr ~decl_sym_val:(decl_sym_val ~may_last_field) pname path tenv
~node_hash location ~depth loc typ ~inst_num ~new_sym_num ~new_alloc_num mem
@ -183,12 +182,6 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
try List.fold2_exn formals actuals ~init:mem ~f with Invalid_argument _ -> mem
let forget_ret_relation ret callee_pname mem =
let ret_loc = Loc.of_pvar (Pvar.get_ret_pvar callee_pname) in
let ret_var = Loc.of_var (Var.of_id (fst ret)) in
Dom.Mem.forget_locs (PowLoc.add ret_loc (PowLoc.singleton ret_var)) mem
let instantiate_mem
: Tenv.t -> Ident.t * Typ.t -> Procdesc.t option -> Typ.Procname.t -> (Exp.t * Typ.t) list
-> Dom.Mem.astate -> Dom.Summary.t -> Location.t -> Dom.Mem.astate =
@ -198,17 +191,12 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let callee_ret_alias = Dom.Mem.find_ret_alias callee_exit_mem in
match callee_pdesc with
| Some pdesc ->
let bound_subst_map, ret_alias, rel_subst_map =
let subst_map, ret_alias =
Sem.get_subst_map tenv pdesc params caller_mem callee_entry_mem ~callee_ret_alias
let caller_mem =
instantiate_ret ret callee_pname ~callee_entry_mem ~callee_exit_mem bound_subst_map
caller_mem ret_alias location
|> instantiate_param tenv pdesc params callee_entry_mem callee_exit_mem bound_subst_map
|> forget_ret_relation ret callee_pname
Dom.Mem.instantiate_relation rel_subst_map ~caller:caller_mem ~callee:callee_exit_mem
instantiate_ret ret callee_pname ~callee_entry_mem ~callee_exit_mem subst_map caller_mem
ret_alias location
|> instantiate_param tenv pdesc params callee_entry_mem callee_exit_mem subst_map location
| None ->
@ -236,14 +224,6 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
| Store (exp1, _, exp2, location) ->
let locs = Sem.eval exp1 mem |> Dom.Val.get_all_locs in
let v = Sem.eval exp2 mem |> Dom.Val.add_trace_elem (Trace.Assign location) in
let mem =
let sym_exps =
Dom.Relation.SymExp.of_exps ~get_int_sym_f:(Sem.get_sym_f mem)
~get_offset_sym_f:(Sem.get_offset_sym_f mem)
~get_size_sym_f:(Sem.get_size_sym_f mem) exp2
Dom.Mem.store_relation locs sym_exps mem
let mem = Dom.Mem.update_mem locs v mem in
let mem =
if PowLoc.is_singleton locs then
@ -384,9 +364,7 @@ module Report = struct
fun pname ~is_plus ~e1 ~e2 location mem cond_set ->
let arr = Sem.eval e1 mem in
let idx = Sem.eval e2 mem in
let idx_sym_exp = Relation.SymExp.of_exp ~get_sym_f:(Sem.get_sym_f mem) e2 in
let relation = Dom.Mem.get_relation mem in
BoUtils.Check.array_access ~arr ~idx ~idx_sym_exp ~relation ~is_plus pname location cond_set
BoUtils.Check.array_access ~arr ~idx ~is_plus pname location cond_set
let check_binop
@ -425,10 +403,7 @@ module Report = struct
match exp with
| Exp.Var _ ->
let arr = Sem.eval exp mem in
let idx, idx_sym_exp = (, Some in
let relation = Dom.Mem.get_relation mem in
BoUtils.Check.array_access ~arr ~idx ~idx_sym_exp ~relation ~is_plus:true pname location
BoUtils.Check.array_access ~arr ~is_plus:true pname location cond_set
| Exp.BinOp (bop, e1, e2) ->
check_binop pname ~bop ~e1 ~e2 location mem cond_set
| _ ->
@ -443,13 +418,11 @@ module Report = struct
let callee_cond = Dom.Summary.get_cond_set summary in
match callee_pdesc with
| Some pdesc ->
let bound_subst_map, _, rel_subst_map =
let subst_map, _ =
Sem.get_subst_map tenv pdesc params caller_mem callee_entry_mem ~callee_ret_alias:None
let pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc in
let caller_rel = Dom.Mem.get_relation caller_mem in
PO.ConditionSet.subst callee_cond bound_subst_map rel_subst_map caller_rel caller_pname
pname location
PO.ConditionSet.subst callee_cond subst_map caller_pname pname location
| _ ->
@ -585,9 +558,6 @@ module Report = struct
Reporting.log_error summary ~loc:location ~ltr:trace exn
PO.ConditionSet.check_all ~report cond_set
let forget_locs = PO.ConditionSet.forget_locs
let extract_pre = Analyzer.extract_pre
@ -600,34 +570,16 @@ let print_summary : Typ.Procname.t -> Dom.Summary.t -> unit =
"@\n@[<v 2>Summary of %a:@,%a@]@." Typ.Procname.pp proc_name Dom.Summary.pp_summary s
let get_local_decls cfg =
let accum_pvar_list acc pvars =
List.fold pvars ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc (pvar, _) -> PowLoc.add (Loc.of_pvar pvar) acc)
let accum_decls_of_instr acc instr =
match instr with Sil.Declare_locals (vars, _) -> accum_pvar_list acc vars | _ -> acc
let accum_decls_of_node acc node =
Instrs.fold (CFG.instrs node) ~init:acc ~f:accum_decls_of_instr
let decls = CFG.fold_nodes cfg ~init:PowLoc.empty ~f:accum_decls_of_node in
let ret_loc = Loc.of_pvar (Pvar.get_ret_pvar (Procdesc.get_proc_name cfg)) in
PowLoc.remove ret_loc decls
let compute_invariant_map_and_check : Callbacks.proc_callback_args -> invariant_map * Summary.t =
fun {proc_desc; tenv; summary} ->
Preanal.do_preanalysis proc_desc tenv ;
let pdata = ProcData.make_default proc_desc tenv in
let inv_map = Analyzer.exec_pdesc ~initial:Dom.Mem.init pdata in
let cfg = CFG.from_pdesc proc_desc in
let locals = get_local_decls cfg in
let forget_locals mem = ~f:(Dom.Mem.forget_locs locals) mem in
let entry_mem = extract_post (CFG.start_node cfg |> inv_map |> forget_locals in
let exit_mem = extract_post (CFG.exit_node cfg |> inv_map |> forget_locals in
let entry_mem = extract_post (CFG.start_node cfg |> inv_map in
let exit_mem = extract_post (CFG.exit_node cfg |> inv_map in
let cond_set =
Report.check_proc summary proc_desc tenv cfg inv_map |> Report.report_errors summary proc_desc
|> Report.forget_locs locals
let summary =
match (entry_mem, exit_mem) with

@ -13,54 +13,31 @@ open AbsLoc
open! AbstractDomain.Types
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module Relation = BufferOverrunDomainRelation
module PO = BufferOverrunProofObligations
module Trace = BufferOverrunTrace
module TraceSet = Trace.Set
(** unsound but ok for bug catching *)
let always_strong_update = true
module Val = struct
type astate =
{ itv: Itv.astate
; sym: Relation.Sym.astate
; powloc: PowLoc.astate
; arrayblk: ArrayBlk.astate
; offset_sym: Relation.Sym.astate
; size_sym: Relation.Sym.astate
; traces: TraceSet.t }
{itv: Itv.astate; powloc: PowLoc.astate; arrayblk: ArrayBlk.astate; traces: TraceSet.t}
type t = astate
let bot : t =
{ itv=
; sym=
; powloc=
; arrayblk=
; offset_sym=
; size_sym=
; traces= TraceSet.empty }
let bot : t = {itv=; powloc=; arrayblk=; traces= TraceSet.empty}
let pp fmt x =
let relation_sym_pp fmt sym =
if Option.is_some Config.bo_relational_domain then F.fprintf fmt ", %a" Relation.Sym.pp sym
let trace_pp fmt traces =
if Config.bo_debug <= 1 then F.fprintf fmt ", %a" TraceSet.pp traces
F.fprintf fmt "(%a%a, %a, %a%a%a%a)" Itv.pp relation_sym_pp x.sym PowLoc.pp x.powloc
ArrayBlk.pp x.arrayblk relation_sym_pp x.offset_sym relation_sym_pp x.size_sym trace_pp
if Config.bo_debug <= 1 then
F.fprintf fmt "(%a, %a, %a)" Itv.pp PowLoc.pp x.powloc ArrayBlk.pp x.arrayblk
F.fprintf fmt "(%a, %a, %a, %a)" Itv.pp PowLoc.pp x.powloc ArrayBlk.pp x.arrayblk
TraceSet.pp x.traces
let unknown : traces:TraceSet.t -> t =
fun ~traces ->
{ itv=
; sym=
; powloc= PowLoc.unknown
; arrayblk= ArrayBlk.unknown
; offset_sym=
; size_sym=
; traces }
fun ~traces -> {itv=; powloc= PowLoc.unknown; arrayblk= ArrayBlk.unknown; traces}
let unknown_from : callee_pname:_ -> location:_ -> t =
@ -74,11 +51,8 @@ module Val = struct
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
if phys_equal lhs rhs then true
Itv.( <= ) && Relation.Sym.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.sym ~rhs:rhs.sym
&& PowLoc.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.powloc ~rhs:rhs.powloc
Itv.( <= ) && PowLoc.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.powloc ~rhs:rhs.powloc
&& ArrayBlk.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.arrayblk ~rhs:rhs.arrayblk
&& Relation.Sym.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.offset_sym ~rhs:rhs.offset_sym
&& Relation.Sym.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.size_sym ~rhs:rhs.size_sym
let equal x y = phys_equal x y || (( <= ) ~lhs:x ~rhs:y && ( <= ) ~lhs:y ~rhs:x)
@ -87,11 +61,8 @@ module Val = struct
if phys_equal prev next then prev
{ itv= Itv.widen ~num_iters
; sym= Relation.Sym.widen ~prev:prev.sym ~next:next.sym ~num_iters
; powloc= PowLoc.widen ~prev:prev.powloc ~next:next.powloc ~num_iters
; arrayblk= ArrayBlk.widen ~prev:prev.arrayblk ~next:next.arrayblk ~num_iters
; offset_sym= Relation.Sym.widen ~prev:prev.offset_sym ~next:next.offset_sym ~num_iters
; size_sym= Relation.Sym.widen ~prev:prev.size_sym ~next:next.size_sym ~num_iters
; traces= TraceSet.join prev.traces next.traces }
@ -100,20 +71,13 @@ module Val = struct
if phys_equal x y then x
{ itv= Itv.join
; sym= Relation.Sym.join x.sym y.sym
; powloc= PowLoc.join x.powloc y.powloc
; arrayblk= ArrayBlk.join x.arrayblk y.arrayblk
; offset_sym= Relation.Sym.join x.offset_sym y.offset_sym
; size_sym= Relation.Sym.join x.size_sym y.size_sym
; traces= TraceSet.join x.traces y.traces }
let get_itv : t -> Itv.t = fun x ->
let get_sym : t -> Relation.Sym.astate = fun x -> x.sym
let get_sym_var : t -> Relation.Var.t option = fun x -> Relation.Sym.get_var x.sym
let get_pow_loc : t -> PowLoc.t = fun x -> x.powloc
let get_array_blk : t -> ArrayBlk.astate = fun x -> x.arrayblk
@ -122,10 +86,6 @@ module Val = struct
let get_all_locs : t -> PowLoc.t = fun x -> PowLoc.join x.powloc (get_array_locs x)
let get_offset_sym : t -> Relation.Sym.astate = fun x -> x.offset_sym
let get_size_sym : t -> Relation.Sym.astate = fun x -> x.size_sym
let get_traces : t -> TraceSet.t = fun x -> x.traces
let set_traces : TraceSet.t -> t -> t = fun traces x -> {x with traces}
@ -136,29 +96,20 @@ module Val = struct
let of_pow_loc : PowLoc.t -> t = fun x -> {bot with powloc= x}
let of_array_blk : allocsite:Allocsite.t -> ArrayBlk.astate -> t =
fun ~allocsite a ->
{ bot with
arrayblk= a
; offset_sym= Relation.Sym.of_allocsite_offset allocsite
; size_sym= Relation.Sym.of_allocsite_size allocsite }
let of_array_blk : ArrayBlk.astate -> t = fun a -> {bot with arrayblk= a}
let modify_itv : Itv.t -> t -> t = fun i x -> {x with itv= i}
let make_sym
: ?unsigned:bool -> Loc.t -> Typ.Procname.t -> Itv.SymbolPath.partial -> Itv.Counter.t -> t =
fun ?(unsigned= false) loc pname path new_sym_num ->
{ bot with
itv= Itv.make_sym ~unsigned pname (Itv.SymbolPath.normal path) new_sym_num
; sym= Relation.Sym.of_loc loc }
let make_sym : ?unsigned:bool -> Typ.Procname.t -> Itv.SymbolPath.partial -> Itv.Counter.t -> t =
fun ?(unsigned= false) pname path new_sym_num ->
{bot with itv= Itv.make_sym ~unsigned pname (Itv.SymbolPath.normal path) new_sym_num}
let unknown_bit : t -> t = fun x -> {x with itv=; sym=}
let unknown_bit : t -> t = fun x -> {x with itv=}
let neg : t -> t = fun x -> {x with itv= Itv.neg; sym=}
let neg : t -> t = fun x -> {x with itv= Itv.neg}
let lnot : t -> t = fun x -> {x with itv= Itv.lnot |> Itv.of_bool; sym=}
let lnot : t -> t = fun x -> {x with itv= Itv.lnot |> Itv.of_bool}
let lift_itv : (Itv.t -> Itv.t -> Itv.t) -> t -> t -> t =
fun f x y -> {bot with itv= f; traces= TraceSet.join x.traces y.traces}
@ -344,15 +295,6 @@ module Heap = struct
fun ~f locs mem -> PowLoc.fold (fun loc -> find loc mem |> f |> add loc) locs mem
let add x v =
let sym = if Itv.is_empty (Val.get_itv v) then else Relation.Sym.of_loc x in
let offset_sym, size_sym =
if ArrayBlk.is_bot (Val.get_array_blk v) then (,
else (Relation.Sym.of_loc_offset x, Relation.Sym.of_loc_size x)
add x {v with Val.sym; Val.offset_sym; Val.size_sym}
let strong_update : PowLoc.t -> Val.t -> astate -> astate =
fun locs v mem -> PowLoc.fold (fun x -> add x v) locs mem
@ -454,9 +396,10 @@ module AliasMap = struct
let pp_sep fmt () = F.fprintf fmt ", @," in
let pp1 fmt (k, v) = F.fprintf fmt "%a=%a" Ident.pp k AliasTarget.pp v in
(* F.fprintf fmt "@[<v 0>Logical Variables :@,"; *)
F.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>{ " ;
F.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>{ @," ;
F.pp_print_list ~pp_sep pp1 fmt (M.bindings x) ;
F.fprintf fmt " }@]"
F.fprintf fmt " }@]" ;
F.fprintf fmt "@]"
let load : Ident.t -> AliasTarget.t -> t -> t = fun id loc m -> M.add id loc m
@ -563,7 +506,7 @@ module Alias = struct
let pp : F.formatter -> astate -> unit =
fun fmt (aliasmap, aliasret) ->
F.fprintf fmt "AliasMap:@;%a@;AliasRet:@;%a" AliasMap.pp aliasmap AliasRet.pp aliasret
F.fprintf fmt "AliasMap:@;%a@;AliasRet:@;%a@;" AliasMap.pp aliasmap AliasRet.pp aliasret
module PrunePairs = struct
@ -650,21 +593,11 @@ end
module MemReach = struct
type astate =
{ stack: Stack.astate
; heap: Heap.astate
; alias: Alias.astate
; latest_prune: LatestPrune.astate
; relation: Relation.astate }
{stack: Stack.astate; heap: Heap.astate; alias: Alias.astate; latest_prune: LatestPrune.astate}
type t = astate
let init : t =
{ stack=
; heap=
; alias=
; latest_prune=
; relation= Relation.empty }
let init : t = {stack=; heap=; alias=; latest_prune=}
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
if phys_equal lhs rhs then true
@ -672,7 +605,6 @@ module MemReach = struct
Stack.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.stack ~rhs:rhs.stack && Heap.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.heap ~rhs:rhs.heap
&& Alias.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.alias ~rhs:rhs.alias
&& LatestPrune.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.latest_prune ~rhs:rhs.latest_prune
&& Relation.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.relation ~rhs:rhs.relation
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
@ -682,7 +614,7 @@ module MemReach = struct
; heap= Heap.widen ~prev:prev.heap ~next:next.heap ~num_iters
; alias= Alias.widen ~prev:prev.alias ~next:next.alias ~num_iters
; latest_prune= LatestPrune.widen ~prev:prev.latest_prune ~next:next.latest_prune ~num_iters
; relation= Relation.widen ~prev:prev.relation ~next:next.relation ~num_iters }
let join : t -> t -> t =
@ -690,15 +622,12 @@ module MemReach = struct
{ stack= Stack.join x.stack y.stack
; heap= Heap.join x.heap y.heap
; alias= Alias.join x.alias y.alias
; latest_prune= LatestPrune.join x.latest_prune y.latest_prune
; relation= Relation.join x.relation y.relation }
; latest_prune= LatestPrune.join x.latest_prune y.latest_prune }
let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt x ->
F.fprintf fmt "Stack:@;%a@;Heap:@;%a@;%a" Stack.pp x.stack Heap.pp x.heap Alias.pp x.alias ;
if Option.is_some Config.bo_relational_domain then
F.fprintf fmt "@;Relation:@;%a" Relation.pp x.relation
F.fprintf fmt "Stack:@;%a@;Heap:@;%a@;%a" Stack.pp x.stack Heap.pp x.heap Alias.pp x.alias
let pp_summary : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
@ -760,6 +689,13 @@ module MemReach = struct
let get_return : t -> Val.t = fun m -> Heap.get_return m.heap
let can_strong_update : PowLoc.t -> bool =
fun ploc ->
if always_strong_update then true
else if Int.equal (PowLoc.cardinal ploc) 1 then Loc.is_var (PowLoc.choose ploc)
else false
let update_mem : PowLoc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t =
fun ploc v s ->
if can_strong_update ploc then strong_update_heap ploc v s
@ -832,41 +768,6 @@ module MemReach = struct
let heap_range : filter_loc:(Loc.t -> bool) -> t -> Itv.NonNegativePolynomial.astate =
fun ~filter_loc {heap} -> Heap.range ~filter_loc heap
let get_relation : t -> Relation.astate = fun m -> m.relation
let is_relation_unsat : t -> bool = fun m -> Relation.is_unsat m.relation
let lift_relation : (Relation.astate -> Relation.astate) -> t -> t =
fun f m -> {m with relation= f m.relation}
let meet_constraints : Relation.Constraints.t -> t -> t =
fun constrs -> lift_relation (Relation.meet_constraints constrs)
let store_relation
: PowLoc.t -> Relation.SymExp.t option * Relation.SymExp.t option * Relation.SymExp.t option
-> t -> t =
fun locs symexp_opts -> lift_relation (Relation.store_relation locs symexp_opts)
let forget_locs : PowLoc.t -> t -> t = fun locs -> lift_relation (Relation.forget_locs locs)
let init_param_relation : Loc.t -> t -> t = fun loc -> lift_relation (Relation.init_param loc)
let init_array_relation
: Allocsite.t -> offset:Itv.t -> size:Itv.t -> size_exp_opt:Relation.SymExp.t option -> t
-> t =
fun allocsite ~offset ~size ~size_exp_opt ->
lift_relation (Relation.init_array allocsite ~offset ~size ~size_exp_opt)
let instantiate_relation : Relation.SubstMap.t -> caller:t -> callee:t -> t =
fun subst_map ~caller ~callee ->
{ caller with
relation= Relation.instantiate subst_map ~caller:caller.relation ~callee:callee.relation }
module Mem = struct
@ -993,42 +894,6 @@ module Mem = struct
let update_latest_prune : Exp.t -> Exp.t -> t -> t =
fun e1 e2 -> f_lift (MemReach.update_latest_prune e1 e2)
let get_relation : t -> Relation.astate =
fun m -> f_lift_default MemReach.get_relation m
let meet_constraints : Relation.Constraints.t -> t -> t =
fun constrs -> f_lift (MemReach.meet_constraints constrs)
let is_relation_unsat m = f_lift_default ~default:true MemReach.is_relation_unsat m
let store_relation
: PowLoc.t -> Relation.SymExp.t option * Relation.SymExp.t option * Relation.SymExp.t option
-> t -> t =
fun locs symexp_opts -> f_lift (MemReach.store_relation locs symexp_opts)
let forget_locs : PowLoc.t -> t -> t = fun locs -> f_lift (MemReach.forget_locs locs)
let init_param_relation : Loc.t -> t -> t = fun loc -> f_lift (MemReach.init_param_relation loc)
let init_array_relation
: Allocsite.t -> offset:Itv.t -> size:Itv.t -> size_exp_opt:Relation.SymExp.t option -> t
-> t =
fun allocsite ~offset ~size ~size_exp_opt ->
f_lift (MemReach.init_array_relation allocsite ~offset ~size ~size_exp_opt)
let instantiate_relation : Relation.SubstMap.t -> caller:t -> callee:t -> t =
fun subst_map ~caller ~callee ->
match callee with
| Bottom ->
| NonBottom callee ->
f_lift (fun caller -> MemReach.instantiate_relation subst_map ~caller ~callee) caller
module Summary = struct
@ -1056,5 +921,5 @@ module Summary = struct
let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt (entry_mem, exit_mem, condition_set) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a@;%a@;%a" Mem.pp entry_mem Mem.pp exit_mem PO.ConditionSet.pp condition_set
F.fprintf fmt "%a@,%a@,%a@," Mem.pp entry_mem Mem.pp exit_mem PO.ConditionSet.pp condition_set

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ module BoUtils = BufferOverrunUtils
module Dom = BufferOverrunDomain
module PO = BufferOverrunProofObligations
module Sem = BufferOverrunSemantics
module Relation = BufferOverrunDomainRelation
module Trace = BufferOverrunTrace
module TraceSet = Trace.Set
@ -83,17 +82,12 @@ let malloc size_exp =
let typ, stride, length0, dyn_length = get_malloc_info size_exp in
let length = Sem.eval length0 mem in
let traces = TraceSet.add_elem (Trace.ArrDecl location) (Dom.Val.get_traces length) in
let allocsite = Sem.get_allocsite pname ~node_hash ~inst_num:0 ~dimension:1 in
let offset, size = (, Dom.Val.get_itv length) in
let size_exp_opt =
let size_exp = Option.value dyn_length ~default:length0 in
Relation.SymExp.of_exp ~get_sym_f:(Sem.get_sym_f mem) size_exp
let v =
Sem.eval_array_alloc allocsite typ ~stride ~offset ~size |> Dom.Val.set_traces traces
Sem.eval_array_alloc pname ~node_hash typ ~stride
~size:(Dom.Val.get_itv length) ~inst_num:0 ~dimension:1
|> Dom.Val.set_traces traces
mem |> Dom.Mem.add_stack (Loc.of_id id) v
|> Dom.Mem.init_array_relation allocsite ~offset ~size ~size_exp_opt
|> set_uninitialized location typ (Dom.Val.get_array_locs v)
|> BoUtils.Exec.init_array_fields tenv pname ~node_hash typ (Dom.Val.get_array_locs v)
@ -184,8 +178,10 @@ let set_array_length array length_exp =
| Exp.Lvar array_pvar, {Typ.desc= Typ.Tarray {elt; stride}} ->
let length = Sem.eval length_exp mem |> Dom.Val.get_itv in
let stride = ~f:IntLit.to_int stride in
let allocsite = Sem.get_allocsite pname ~node_hash ~inst_num:0 ~dimension:1 in
let v = Sem.eval_array_alloc allocsite elt ~stride ~size:length in
let v =
Sem.eval_array_alloc pname ~node_hash elt ~stride ~size:length
~inst_num:0 ~dimension:1
mem |> Dom.Mem.add_stack (Loc.of_pvar array_pvar) v
|> set_uninitialized location elt (Dom.Val.get_array_locs v)
| _ ->

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ open! AbstractDomain.Types
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module ItvPure = Itv.ItvPure
module Relation = BufferOverrunDomainRelation
module MF = MarkupFormatter
module ValTraceSet = BufferOverrunTrace.Set
@ -94,13 +93,7 @@ module AllocSizeCondition = struct
module ArrayAccessCondition = struct
type t =
{ idx: ItvPure.astate
; size: ItvPure.astate
; idx_sym_exp: Relation.SymExp.t option
; size_sym_exp: Relation.SymExp.t option
; relation: Relation.astate }
[@@deriving compare]
type t = {idx: ItvPure.astate; size: ItvPure.astate} [@@deriving compare]
let get_symbols c = ItvPure.get_symbols c.idx @ ItvPure.get_symbols c.size
@ -113,10 +106,7 @@ module ArrayAccessCondition = struct
let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt c ->
let c = set_size_pos c in
F.fprintf fmt "%a < %a" ItvPure.pp c.idx ItvPure.pp c.size ;
if Option.is_some Config.bo_relational_domain then
F.fprintf fmt "@,%a < %a when %a" Relation.SymExp.pp_opt c.idx_sym_exp Relation.SymExp.pp_opt
c.size_sym_exp Relation.pp c.relation
F.fprintf fmt "%a < %a" ItvPure.pp c.idx ItvPure.pp c.size
let pp_description : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
@ -125,12 +115,9 @@ module ArrayAccessCondition = struct
F.fprintf fmt "Offset: %a Size: %a" ItvPure.pp c.idx ItvPure.pp c.size
let make
: idx:ItvPure.t -> size:ItvPure.t -> idx_sym_exp:Relation.SymExp.t option
-> size_sym_exp:Relation.SymExp.t option -> relation:Relation.astate -> t option =
fun ~idx ~size ~idx_sym_exp ~size_sym_exp ~relation ->
if ItvPure.is_invalid idx || ItvPure.is_invalid size then None
else Some {idx; size; idx_sym_exp; size_sym_exp; relation}
let make : idx:ItvPure.t -> size:ItvPure.t -> t option =
fun ~idx ~size ->
if ItvPure.is_invalid idx || ItvPure.is_invalid size then None else Some {idx; size}
let have_similar_bounds {idx= lidx; size= lsiz} {idx= ridx; size= rsiz} =
@ -219,15 +206,8 @@ module ArrayAccessCondition = struct
(* idx = [il, iu], size = [sl, su], we want to check that 0 <= idx < size *)
let c' = set_size_pos c in
(* if sl < 0, use sl' = 0 *)
let not_overrun =
if Relation.lt_sat_opt c'.idx_sym_exp c'.size_sym_exp c'.relation then Itv.Boolean.true_
else ItvPure.lt_sem c'.idx c'.size
let not_underrun =
if Relation.le_sat_opt (Some c'.idx_sym_exp c'.relation then
else ItvPure.le_sem c'.idx
let not_overrun = ItvPure.lt_sem c'.idx c'.size in
let not_underrun = ItvPure.le_sem c'.idx in
(* il >= 0 and iu < sl, definitely not an error *)
if Itv.Boolean.is_true not_overrun && Itv.Boolean.is_true not_underrun then
{report_issue_type= None; propagate= false} (* iu < 0 or il >= su, definitely an error *)
@ -255,22 +235,13 @@ module ArrayAccessCondition = struct
{report_issue_type; propagate= is_symbolic}
let subst
: Itv.Bound.t bottom_lifted Itv.SymbolMap.t -> Relation.SubstMap.t -> Relation.astate -> t
-> t option =
fun bound_map rel_map caller_relation c ->
let subst : Itv.Bound.t bottom_lifted Itv.SymbolMap.t -> t -> t option =
fun bound_map c ->
match (ItvPure.subst c.idx bound_map, ItvPure.subst c.size bound_map) with
| NonBottom idx, NonBottom size ->
let idx_sym_exp = Relation.SubstMap.symexp_subst_opt rel_map c.idx_sym_exp in
let size_sym_exp = Relation.SubstMap.symexp_subst_opt rel_map c.size_sym_exp in
let relation = Relation.instantiate rel_map ~caller:caller_relation ~callee:c.relation in
Some {idx; size; idx_sym_exp; size_sym_exp; relation}
Some {idx; size}
| _ ->
let forget_locs : AbsLoc.PowLoc.t -> t -> t =
fun locs c -> {c with relation= Relation.forget_locs locs c.relation}
module Condition = struct
@ -287,11 +258,11 @@ module Condition = struct
ArrayAccessCondition.get_symbols c
let subst bound_map rel_map caller_relation = function
let subst bound_map = function
| AllocSize c ->
AllocSizeCondition.subst bound_map c |> make_alloc_size
| ArrayAccess c ->
ArrayAccessCondition.subst bound_map rel_map caller_relation c |> make_array_access
ArrayAccessCondition.subst bound_map c |> make_array_access
let have_similar_bounds c1 c2 =
@ -335,14 +306,6 @@ module Condition = struct
AllocSizeCondition.check c
| ArrayAccess c ->
ArrayAccessCondition.check c
let forget_locs locs x =
match x with
| ArrayAccess c ->
ArrayAccess (ArrayAccessCondition.forget_locs locs c)
| AllocSize _ ->
module ConditionTrace = struct
@ -423,12 +386,12 @@ module ConditionWithTrace = struct
let subst (bound_map, trace_map) rel_map caller_relation caller_pname callee_pname location cwt =
let subst (bound_map, trace_map) caller_pname callee_pname location cwt =
match Condition.get_symbols cwt.cond with
| [] ->
Some cwt
| symbols ->
match Condition.subst bound_map rel_map caller_relation cwt.cond with
match Condition.subst bound_map cwt.cond with
| None ->
| Some cond ->
@ -462,9 +425,6 @@ module ConditionWithTrace = struct
report_issue_type |> ~f:(set_buffer_overrun_u5 cwt)
|> Option.iter ~f:(report cwt.cond cwt.trace) ;
let forget_locs locs cwt = {cwt with cond= Condition.forget_locs locs cwt.cond}
module ConditionSet = struct
@ -526,10 +486,9 @@ module ConditionSet = struct
join [cwt] condset
let add_array_access pname location ~idx ~size ~idx_sym_exp ~size_sym_exp ~relation val_traces
condset =
ArrayAccessCondition.make ~idx ~size ~idx_sym_exp ~size_sym_exp ~relation
|> Condition.make_array_access |> add_opt pname location val_traces condset
let add_array_access pname location ~idx ~size val_traces condset =
ArrayAccessCondition.make ~idx ~size |> Condition.make_array_access
|> add_opt pname location val_traces condset
let add_alloc_size pname location ~length val_traces condset =
@ -537,12 +496,10 @@ module ConditionSet = struct
|> add_opt pname location val_traces condset
let subst condset bound_map_trace_map rel_subst_map caller_relation caller_pname callee_pname
location =
let subst condset bound_map_trace_map caller_pname callee_pname location =
let subst_add_cwt condset cwt =
ConditionWithTrace.subst bound_map_trace_map rel_subst_map caller_relation caller_pname
callee_pname location cwt
ConditionWithTrace.subst bound_map_trace_map caller_pname callee_pname location cwt
| None ->
@ -567,13 +524,11 @@ module ConditionSet = struct
let pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt condset ->
let pp_sep fmt () = F.fprintf fmt ", @," in
F.fprintf fmt "Safety conditions:@;@[<hov 2>{ %a }@]"
(F.pp_print_list ~pp_sep ConditionWithTrace.pp)
let forget_locs : AbsLoc.PowLoc.t -> t -> t =
fun locs x -> x ~f:(ConditionWithTrace.forget_locs locs)
F.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>Safety conditions :@," ;
F.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 1>{" ;
F.pp_print_list ~pp_sep ConditionWithTrace.pp fmt condset ;
F.fprintf fmt " }@]" ;
F.fprintf fmt "@]"
let description cond trace =

@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ let rec eval_arr : Exp.t -> Mem.astate -> Val.t =
let get_allocsite : Typ.Procname.t -> node_hash:int -> inst_num:int -> dimension:int -> Allocsite.t =
let get_allocsite : Typ.Procname.t -> node_hash:int -> inst_num:int -> dimension:int -> string =
fun proc_name ~node_hash ~inst_num ~dimension ->
let proc_name = Typ.Procname.to_string proc_name in
let node_num = string_of_int node_hash in
@ -324,19 +324,15 @@ let get_allocsite : Typ.Procname.t -> node_hash:int -> inst_num:int -> dimension
let eval_array_alloc
: Allocsite.t -> Typ.t -> stride:int option -> offset:Itv.t -> size:Itv.t -> Val.t =
fun allocsite typ ~stride ~offset ~size ->
: Typ.Procname.t -> node_hash:int -> Typ.t -> stride:int option -> offset:Itv.t -> size:Itv.t
-> inst_num:int -> dimension:int -> Val.t =
fun pdesc ~node_hash typ ~stride ~offset ~size ~inst_num ~dimension ->
let allocsite = get_allocsite pdesc ~node_hash ~inst_num ~dimension in
let int_stride = match stride with None -> sizeof typ | Some stride -> stride in
let stride = Itv.of_int int_stride in
ArrayBlk.make allocsite ~offset ~size ~stride |> Val.of_array_blk ~allocsite
ArrayBlk.make allocsite ~offset ~size ~stride |> Val.of_array_blk
let get_sym_f mem e = Val.get_sym (eval e mem)
let get_offset_sym_f mem e = Val.get_offset_sym (eval e mem)
let get_size_sym_f mem e = Val.get_size_sym (eval e mem)
module Prune = struct
type astate = {prune_pairs: PrunePairs.t; mem: Mem.astate}
@ -427,16 +423,12 @@ module Prune = struct
let is_unreachable_constant : Exp.t -> Mem.astate -> bool =
fun e m ->
let v = eval e m in
Itv.( <= ) ~lhs:(Val.get_itv v) ~rhs:(Itv.of_int 0) && PowLoc.is_bot (Val.get_pow_loc v)
&& ArrayBlk.is_bot (Val.get_array_blk v)
fun e m -> Val.( <= ) ~lhs:(eval e m) ~rhs:(Val.of_int 0)
let prune_unreachable : Exp.t -> astate -> astate =
fun e ({mem} as astate) ->
if is_unreachable_constant e mem || Mem.is_relation_unsat mem then {astate with mem=}
else astate
if is_unreachable_constant e mem then {astate with mem=} else astate
let rec prune_helper e astate =
@ -469,10 +461,6 @@ module Prune = struct
let prune : Exp.t -> Mem.astate -> Mem.astate =
fun e mem ->
let mem = Mem.apply_latest_prune e mem in
let mem =
let constrs = Relation.Constraints.of_exp e ~get_sym_f:(get_sym_f mem) in
Mem.meet_constraints constrs mem
let {mem; prune_pairs} = prune_helper e {mem; prune_pairs= PrunePairs.empty} in
Mem.set_prune_pairs prune_pairs mem
@ -484,17 +472,13 @@ let get_formals : Procdesc.t -> (Pvar.t * Typ.t) list =
let get_matching_pairs
: Tenv.t -> Val.t -> Val.t -> Exp.t option -> Typ.t -> Mem.astate -> Mem.astate
: Tenv.t -> Val.t -> Val.t -> Typ.t -> Mem.astate -> Mem.astate
-> callee_ret_alias:AliasTarget.t option
-> (Itv.Bound.t * Itv.Bound.t bottom_lifted * TraceSet.t) list
* AliasTarget.t option
* (Relation.Var.t * Relation.SymExp.t option) list =
fun tenv formal actual actual_exp_opt typ caller_mem callee_mem ~callee_ret_alias ->
-> (Itv.Bound.t * Itv.Bound.t bottom_lifted * TraceSet.t) list * AliasTarget.t option =
fun tenv formal actual typ caller_mem callee_mem ~callee_ret_alias ->
let get_itv v = Val.get_itv v in
let get_offset v = v |> Val.get_array_blk |> ArrayBlk.offsetof in
let get_size v = v |> Val.get_array_blk |> ArrayBlk.sizeof in
let get_offset_sym v = Val.get_offset_sym v in
let get_size_sym v = Val.get_size_sym v in
let get_field_name (fn, _, _) = fn in
let append_field v fn = PowLoc.append_field (Val.get_all_locs v) ~fn in
let deref_field v fn mem = Mem.find_heap_set (append_field v fn) mem in
@ -522,38 +506,17 @@ let get_matching_pairs
else (lb itv1, NonBottom (lb itv2), traces) :: (ub itv1, NonBottom (ub itv2), traces) :: l
else l
let add_pair_sym_main_value v1 v2 ~e2_opt l =
Option.value_map (Val.get_sym_var v1) ~default:l ~f:(fun var ->
let sym_exp_opt =
(Relation.SymExp.of_exp_opt ~get_sym_f:(get_sym_f caller_mem) e2_opt)
(Relation.SymExp.of_sym (Val.get_sym v2))
(var, sym_exp_opt) :: l )
let add_pair_sym s1 s2 l =
Option.value_map (Relation.Sym.get_var s1) ~default:l ~f:(fun var ->
(var, Relation.SymExp.of_sym s2) :: l )
let add_pair_val v1 v2 ~e2_opt (bound_pairs, rel_pairs) =
let add_pair_val v1 v2 pairs =
add_ret_alias (Val.get_all_locs v1) (Val.get_all_locs v2) ;
let bound_pairs =
bound_pairs |> add_pair_itv (get_itv v1) (get_itv v2) (Val.get_traces v2)
pairs |> add_pair_itv (get_itv v1) (get_itv v2) (Val.get_traces v2)
|> add_pair_itv (get_offset v1) (get_offset v2) (Val.get_traces v2)
|> add_pair_itv (get_size v1) (get_size v2) (Val.get_traces v2)
let rel_pairs =
rel_pairs |> add_pair_sym_main_value v1 v2 ~e2_opt
|> add_pair_sym (get_offset_sym v1) (get_offset_sym v2)
|> add_pair_sym (get_size_sym v1) (get_size_sym v2)
(bound_pairs, rel_pairs)
let add_pair_field v1 v2 pairs fn =
add_ret_alias (append_field v1 fn) (append_field v2 fn) ;
let v1' = deref_field v1 fn callee_mem in
let v2' = deref_field v2 fn caller_mem in
add_pair_val v1' v2' ~e2_opt:None pairs
add_pair_val v1' v2' pairs
let add_pair_ptr typ v1 v2 pairs =
add_ret_alias (Val.get_all_locs v1) (Val.get_all_locs v2) ;
@ -568,17 +531,15 @@ let get_matching_pairs
| Typ.Tptr (_, _) ->
let v1' = deref_ptr v1 callee_mem in
let v2' = deref_ptr v2 caller_mem in
add_pair_val v1' v2' ~e2_opt:None pairs
add_pair_val v1' v2' pairs
| _ ->
let bound_pairs, rel_pairs =
([], []) |> add_pair_val formal actual ~e2_opt:actual_exp_opt |> add_pair_ptr typ formal actual
(bound_pairs, !ret_alias, rel_pairs)
let pairs = [] |> add_pair_val formal actual |> add_pair_ptr typ formal actual in
(pairs, !ret_alias)
let subst_map_of_bound_pairs
let subst_map_of_pairs
: (Itv.Bound.t * Itv.Bound.t bottom_lifted * TraceSet.t) list
-> Itv.Bound.t bottom_lifted Itv.SymbolMap.t * TraceSet.t Itv.SymbolMap.t =
fun pairs ->
@ -591,16 +552,8 @@ let subst_map_of_bound_pairs
List.fold ~f:add_pair ~init:(Itv.SymbolMap.empty, Itv.SymbolMap.empty) pairs
let subst_map_of_rel_pairs
: (Relation.Var.t * Relation.SymExp.t option) list -> Relation.SubstMap.t =
fun pairs ->
let add_pair rel_map (x, e) = Relation.SubstMap.add x e rel_map in
List.fold pairs ~init:Relation.SubstMap.empty ~f:add_pair
let rec list_fold2_def
: default:Val.t * Exp.t option -> f:('a -> Val.t * Exp.t option -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list
-> (Val.t * Exp.t option) list -> init:'b -> 'b =
: default:Val.t -> f:('a -> Val.t -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list -> Val.t list -> init:'b -> 'b =
fun ~default ~f xs ys ~init:acc ->
match (xs, ys) with
| [], _ ->
@ -608,9 +561,7 @@ let rec list_fold2_def
| x :: xs', [] ->
list_fold2_def ~default ~f xs' ys ~init:(f x default acc)
| [x], _ :: _ ->
let v = List.fold ys ~f:(fun acc (y, _) -> Val.join y acc) in
let exp_opt = match ys with [(_, exp_opt)] -> exp_opt | _ -> None in
f x (v, exp_opt) acc
f x (List.fold ~f:Val.join ys) acc
| x :: xs', y :: ys' ->
list_fold2_def ~default ~f xs' ys' ~init:(f x y acc)
@ -619,22 +570,18 @@ let get_subst_map
: Tenv.t -> Procdesc.t -> (Exp.t * 'a) list -> Mem.astate -> Mem.astate
-> callee_ret_alias:AliasTarget.t option
-> (Itv.Bound.t bottom_lifted Itv.SymbolMap.t * TraceSet.t Itv.SymbolMap.t)
* AliasTarget.t option
* Relation.SubstMap.t =
* AliasTarget.t option =
fun tenv callee_pdesc params caller_mem callee_entry_mem ~callee_ret_alias ->
let add_pair (formal, typ) (actual, actual_exp) (bound_l, ret_alias, rel_l) =
let add_pair (formal, typ) actual (l, ret_alias) =
let formal = Mem.find_heap (Loc.of_pvar formal) callee_entry_mem in
let new_bound_matching, ret_alias', new_rel_matching =
get_matching_pairs tenv formal actual actual_exp typ caller_mem callee_entry_mem
let new_matching, ret_alias' =
get_matching_pairs tenv formal actual typ caller_mem callee_entry_mem ~callee_ret_alias
( List.rev_append new_bound_matching bound_l
, Option.first_some ret_alias ret_alias'
, List.rev_append new_rel_matching rel_l )
(List.rev_append new_matching l, Option.first_some ret_alias ret_alias')
let formals = get_formals callee_pdesc in
let actuals = ~f:(fun (a, _) -> (eval a caller_mem, Some a)) params in
let bound_pairs, ret_alias, rel_pairs =
list_fold2_def ~default:(, None) ~f:add_pair formals actuals ~init:([], None, [])
let actuals = ~f:(fun (a, _) -> eval a caller_mem) params in
let pairs, ret_alias =
list_fold2_def ~f:add_pair formals actuals ~init:([], None)
(subst_map_of_bound_pairs bound_pairs, ret_alias, subst_map_of_rel_pairs rel_pairs)
(subst_map_of_pairs pairs, ret_alias)

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ open AbsLoc
open! AbstractDomain.Types
module L = Logging
module Dom = BufferOverrunDomain
module Relation = BufferOverrunDomainRelation
module PO = BufferOverrunProofObligations
module Sem = BufferOverrunSemantics
module Trace = BufferOverrunTrace
@ -34,18 +33,15 @@ module Exec = struct
-> length:IntLit.t option -> ?stride:int -> inst_num:int -> dimension:int -> Dom.Mem.astate
-> Dom.Mem.astate * int =
fun ~decl_local pname ~node_hash location loc typ ~length ?stride ~inst_num ~dimension mem ->
let offset = in
let size = Option.value_map ~f:Itv.of_int_lit length in
let allocsite = Sem.get_allocsite pname ~node_hash ~inst_num ~dimension in
let arr =
Sem.eval_array_alloc allocsite typ ~stride ~offset ~size
Sem.eval_array_alloc pname ~node_hash typ ~stride ~size ~inst_num ~dimension
|> Dom.Val.add_trace_elem (Trace.ArrDecl location)
let mem =
if Int.equal dimension 1 then Dom.Mem.add_stack loc arr mem else Dom.Mem.add_heap loc arr mem
let mem = Dom.Mem.init_array_relation allocsite ~offset ~size ~size_exp_opt:None mem in
let loc = Loc.of_allocsite allocsite in
let loc = Loc.of_allocsite (Sem.get_allocsite pname ~node_hash ~inst_num ~dimension) in
let mem, _ =
decl_local pname ~node_hash location loc typ ~inst_num ~dimension:(dimension + 1) mem
@ -73,14 +69,12 @@ module Exec = struct
let alloc_num = new_alloc_num in
let elem = Trace.SymAssign (loc, location) in
let allocsite = Sem.get_allocsite pname ~node_hash ~inst_num ~dimension:alloc_num in
let arr =
Sem.eval_array_alloc allocsite typ ~stride:None ~offset ~size |> Dom.Val.add_trace_elem elem
let mem =
mem |> Dom.Mem.add_heap loc arr |> Dom.Mem.init_param_relation loc
|> Dom.Mem.init_array_relation allocsite ~offset ~size ~size_exp_opt:None
Sem.eval_array_alloc pname ~node_hash typ ~stride:None ~offset ~size ~inst_num
|> Dom.Val.add_trace_elem elem
let mem = Dom.Mem.add_heap loc arr mem in
let deref_loc =
Loc.of_allocsite (Sem.get_allocsite pname ~node_hash ~inst_num ~dimension:alloc_num)
@ -101,11 +95,11 @@ module Exec = struct i length )
let stride = stride ~f:IntLit.to_int in
let allocsite = Sem.get_allocsite pname ~node_hash ~inst_num ~dimension in
let offset, size = (, length) in
let v = Sem.eval_array_alloc allocsite typ ~stride ~offset ~size in
mem |> Dom.Mem.strong_update_heap field_loc v
|> Dom.Mem.init_array_relation allocsite ~offset ~size ~size_exp_opt:None
let v =
Sem.eval_array_alloc pname ~node_hash typ ~stride ~size:length
~inst_num ~dimension
Dom.Mem.strong_update_heap field_loc v mem
| _ ->
init_fields field_typ field_loc dimension ?dyn_length mem
@ -147,21 +141,14 @@ module Exec = struct
module Check = struct
let array_access ~arr ~idx ~idx_sym_exp ~relation ~is_plus pname location cond_set =
let array_access ~arr ~idx ~is_plus pname location cond_set =
let arr_blk = Dom.Val.get_array_blk arr in
let arr_traces = Dom.Val.get_traces arr in
let size = ArrayBlk.sizeof arr_blk in
let size_sym_exp = Relation.SymExp.of_sym (Dom.Val.get_size_sym arr) in
let offset = ArrayBlk.offsetof arr_blk in
let offset_sym_exp = Relation.SymExp.of_sym (Dom.Val.get_offset_sym arr) in
let idx_itv = Dom.Val.get_itv idx in
let idx_traces = Dom.Val.get_traces idx in
let idx_in_blk = (if is_plus then else Itv.minus) offset idx_itv in
let idx_sym_exp =
Option.map2 offset_sym_exp idx_sym_exp ~f:(fun offset_sym_exp idx_sym_exp ->
let op = if is_plus then else Relation.SymExp.minus in
op idx_sym_exp offset_sym_exp )
L.(debug BufferOverrun Verbose) "@[<v 2>Add condition :@," ;
L.(debug BufferOverrun Verbose) "array: %a@," ArrayBlk.pp arr_blk ;
L.(debug BufferOverrun Verbose) " idx: %a@," Itv.pp idx_in_blk ;
@ -169,8 +156,7 @@ module Check = struct
match (size, idx_in_blk) with
| NonBottom size, NonBottom idx ->
let traces = TraceSet.merge ~arr_traces ~idx_traces location in
PO.ConditionSet.add_array_access pname location ~size ~idx ~size_sym_exp ~idx_sym_exp
~relation traces cond_set
PO.ConditionSet.add_array_access pname location ~size ~idx traces cond_set
| _ ->
@ -178,7 +164,5 @@ module Check = struct
let lindex ~array_exp ~index_exp mem pname location cond_set =
let arr = Sem.eval_arr array_exp mem in
let idx = Sem.eval index_exp mem in
let idx_sym_exp = Relation.SymExp.of_exp ~get_sym_f:(Sem.get_sym_f mem) index_exp in
let relation = Dom.Mem.get_relation mem in
array_access ~arr ~idx ~idx_sym_exp ~relation ~is_plus:true pname location cond_set
array_access ~arr ~idx ~is_plus:true pname location cond_set

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
open! IStd
open AbsLoc
module Dom = BufferOverrunDomain
module Relation = BufferOverrunDomainRelation
module PO = BufferOverrunProofObligations
module Exec : sig
@ -42,8 +41,7 @@ end
module Check : sig
val array_access :
arr:Dom.Val.t -> idx:Dom.Val.t -> idx_sym_exp:Relation.SymExp.t option
-> relation:Relation.astate -> is_plus:bool -> Typ.Procname.t -> Location.t
arr:Dom.Val.t -> idx:Dom.Val.t -> is_plus:bool -> Typ.Procname.t -> Location.t
-> PO.ConditionSet.t -> PO.ConditionSet.t
val lindex :

@ -35,8 +35,6 @@ module Boolean = struct
let top = Top
let true_ = True
let equal = [%compare.equal : t]
let is_false = function False -> true | _ -> false

@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ module Boolean : sig
val top : t
val true_ : t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val is_false : t -> bool

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ module TransferFunctionsNodesBasicCost = struct
let callee_entry_mem = BufferOverrunDomain.Summary.get_input inferbo_summary in
let callee_exit_mem = BufferOverrunDomain.Summary.get_output inferbo_summary in
let callee_ret_alias = BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.find_ret_alias callee_exit_mem in
let (subst_map, _), _, _ =
let (subst_map, _), _ =
BufferOverrunSemantics.get_subst_map tenv callee_pdesc params inferbo_caller_mem
callee_entry_mem ~callee_ret_alias

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
(* -*- tuareg -*- *)
(* NOTE: prepend jbuild.common to this file! *)
let deadcode_cflags = common_cflags @ ["-cclib -lparmap_stubs"]
;; Format.sprintf
@ -14,7 +12,7 @@ let deadcode_cflags = common_cflags @ ["-cclib -lparmap_stubs"]
(preprocess (pps (ppx_compare ppx_sexp_conv -no-check)))
(String.concat " " deadcode_cflags)
(String.concat " " common_cflags)
(String.concat " " common_optflags)
(String.concat " " common_libraries)
|> Jbuild_plugin.V1.send

@ -55,9 +55,6 @@ let common_optflags = match build_mode with Opt -> ["-O3"] | Default | Test -> [
let common_libraries =
(if java then ["javalib"; "ptrees"; "sawja"] else [])
@ [ "ANSITerminal"
; "apron"
; "apron.octMPQ"
; "elina"
; "atdgen"
; "base"
; "base64"

@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ let infer_cflags =
; "-open"
; "InferIR"
; "-open"
; "InferBase"
; "-cclib -lparmap_stubs" ]
; "InferBase" ]
(** The build stanzas to be passed to jbuilder *)

@ -86,10 +86,6 @@ codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/prune_constant.c, prune_constant_not_Bad, 3, CONDI
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/prune_constant.c, prune_constant_not_Bad, 4, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: [1, 1] Size: [1, 1]]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/prune_constant.c, prune_constant_true_Ok, 3, CONDITION_ALWAYS_TRUE, no_bucket, WARNING, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/prune_constant.c, prune_constant_value_Ok, 3, CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE, no_bucket, WARNING, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/relation.c, FP_array_access2_Ok, 4, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,ArrayAccess: Offset: [3, 3] Size: [1, 1]]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/relation.c, FP_array_access3_Ok, 5, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,ArrayAccess: Offset: [3, 3] Size: [1, 1]]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/relation.c, FP_array_access4_Ok, 5, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,ArrayAccess: Offset: [3, 3] Size: [1, 1]]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/relation.c, FP_call_array_access_Ok, 0, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [Call,ArrayDeclaration,Parameter: x,ArrayAccess: Offset: [-1, -1] Size: [1, 1] by call to `array_access_Ok()` ]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/sizeof.c, FN_static_stride_bad, 5, CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE, no_bucket, WARNING, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/sizeof.c, eval_sizeof_bad, 1, CONDITION_ALWAYS_TRUE, no_bucket, WARNING, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/sizeof.c, eval_sizeof_bad, 4, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,ArrayAccess: Offset: [1, 1] Size: [0, 0]]

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
void array_access_Ok(int x, int y) {
int a[1];
if (x + y == 1) {
a[x + y - 1] = 0;
void FP_call_array_access_Ok() { array_access_Ok(0, 0); }
void FP_array_access2_Ok(int x, int y) {
int a[1];
if (x + y == 1) {
if (x + y != 1) {
a[3] = 0;
void FP_array_access3_Ok(int x, int* y) {
int a[1];
*y = x + 1;
if (x + 1 == 1) {
if (*y != 1) {
a[3] = 0;
void FP_array_access4_Ok(int x, int* y) {
int a[1];
*y = x * 3 + 1;
if (x * 3 + 1 == 1) {
if (*y != 1) {
a[3] = 0;

@ -27,18 +27,14 @@ remove: [
ocaml-version: [ >= "4.04.2" ]
depends: [
"ANSITerminal" {>="0.7"}
"atdgen" {>="1.6.0"}
"cmdliner" {>="1.0.0"}
"conf-autoconf" {build}
"conf-gmp" {build}
"conf-mpfr" {build}
"conf-sqlite3" {build}
"conf-zlib" {build}
"ctypes" {>="0.9.2"}
"javalib" {>="2.3.4"}
"jbuilder" {build & >="1.0+beta14"}

@ -1,21 +1,16 @@
ANSITerminal = 0.8
apron = 20160125
atd = 1.12.0
atdgen = 1.12.0
base = v0.11.0
base64 = 2.2.0
bin_prot = v0.11.0
biniou = 1.2.0
camlidl = 1.05
camlp4 = 4.06+1
camlzip = 1.07
cmdliner = 1.0.2
conf-aclocal = 1.0.0
conf-autoconf = 0.1
conf-gmp = 1
conf-m4 = 1
conf-mpfr = 1
conf-perl = 1
conf-pkg-config = 1.0
conf-sqlite3 = 1
conf-which = 1
@ -27,7 +22,6 @@ cppo = 1.6.4
cppo_ocamlbuild = 1.6.0
ctypes = 0.14.0
easy-format = 1.3.1
elina = 1.0
extlib-compat = 1.7.2
fieldslib = v0.11.0
integers = 0.2.2
@ -35,7 +29,6 @@ jane-street-headers = v0.11.0
javalib = 2.3.4
jbuilder = 1.0+beta20
menhir = 20171222
mlgmpidl = 1.2.6-1
mtime = 1.1.0
num = 1.1
ocaml-compiler-libs = v0.11.0
