[cost] Extend the polynomial domain for closure field

This diff extended the polynomial domain to include symbols for closure calls.

When the closure symbol is added to the polynomial? Unknown closure is called inside a function

foo() {

Thus, the cost of `foo` becomes `|self->flosure_field|`, rather than unknown. (Note that this
semantics is added only for autoreleasepool size at the moment.)

When the symbol is instantiated? `foo` is called with correct closure contexts.

goo() {
  self->closure_field = ^(){ ... };

The summary of `goo` will have instantiated summary of the closure.

Reviewed By: ezgicicek

Differential Revision: D23992590

fbshipit-source-id: d1d228403
Sungkeun Cho 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent bf1f4c393a
commit 075581ec8d

@ -502,14 +502,9 @@ let mk_eval_sym_trace ?(is_params_ref = false) integer_type_widths
; trace_of_sym }
let mk_eval_sym_mode ~mode integer_type_widths callee_formals actual_exps caller_mem =
let eval_sym_trace =
mk_eval_sym_trace integer_type_widths callee_formals actual_exps caller_mem ~mode
let mk_eval_sym_cost integer_type_widths callee_formals actual_exps caller_mem =
mk_eval_sym_trace integer_type_widths callee_formals actual_exps caller_mem ~mode:EvalCost
let mk_eval_sym_cost = mk_eval_sym_mode ~mode:EvalCost
(* This function evaluates the array length conservatively, which is useful when there are multiple
array locations and their lengths are joined to top. For example, if the [arr_locs] points to

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ val mk_eval_sym_cost :
-> (Pvar.t * Typ.t) list
-> (Exp.t * Typ.t) list
-> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t
-> Bounds.Bound.eval_sym
-> BufferOverrunDomain.eval_sym_trace
(** Make [eval_sym] function of [EvalCost] mode for on-demand symbol evaluation *)
module Prune : sig

@ -105,9 +105,16 @@ module NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind = struct
let make_err_trace_symbol symbol = NonNegativeBound.make_err_trace symbol
let pp_magic_parentheses pp fmt x =
let s = F.asprintf "%a" pp x in
if String.contains s ' ' then F.fprintf fmt "(%s)" s else F.pp_print_string fmt s
module NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial = struct
module Key = struct
type t = NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind of NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind.t
type t =
| NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind of NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind.t
| FuncPtr of Symb.SymbolPath.partial
[@@deriving compare]
let lift_valclass = function
@ -115,10 +122,20 @@ module NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial = struct
Symbolic (NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind s)
| (Constant _ | ValTop _) as x ->
let pp_hum ~hum f = function
| NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind bound ->
pp_magic_parentheses (NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind.pp ~hum) f bound
| FuncPtr partial ->
F.fprintf f "|%a|" Symb.SymbolPath.pp_partial partial
let pp = pp_hum ~hum:true
module M = struct
include Caml.Map.Make (Key)
include PrettyPrintable.MakePPMap (Key)
let increasing_union ~f m1 m2 = union (fun _ v1 v2 -> Some (f v1 v2)) m1 m2
@ -195,10 +212,13 @@ module NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial = struct
let rec degree_poly {terms} =
(fun t p cur_max ->
let p = degree_poly p in
let degree_term =
match t with
| NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind t ->
let degree_term =
Degree.succ (NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind.degree_kind t) (degree_poly p)
Degree.succ (NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind.degree_kind t) p
| FuncPtr _ ->
if Degree.compare degree_term cur_max > 0 then degree_term else cur_max )
terms Degree.zero
@ -293,8 +313,6 @@ module NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial = struct
{const= NonNegativeInt.zero; terms}
let mult_symb : t -> Key.t -> t = fun x s -> {x with poly= mult_symb_poly x.poly s}
let rec mult_poly : poly -> poly -> poly =
fun p1 p2 ->
if is_zero_poly p1 || is_zero_poly p2 then zero_poly
@ -324,6 +342,13 @@ module NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial = struct
body )
let singleton key =
{ poly= {const= NonNegativeInt.zero; terms= M.singleton key one_poly}
; autoreleasepool_trace= None }
let of_func_ptr path = singleton (FuncPtr path)
let rec of_valclass : (NonNegativeInt.t, Key.t, 't) valclass -> ('t, t, 't) below_above = function
| ValTop trace ->
Above trace
@ -332,9 +357,7 @@ module NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial = struct
| Symbolic (NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind s as key) -> (
match NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind.split_mult s with
| None ->
{ poly= {const= NonNegativeInt.zero; terms= M.singleton key one_poly}
; autoreleasepool_trace= None }
Val (singleton key)
| Some (s1, s2) -> (
( of_valclass (Key.lift_valclass (NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind.classify s1))
@ -346,6 +369,8 @@ module NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial = struct
assert false
| (Above _ as t), _ | _, (Above _ as t) ->
t ) )
| Symbolic (FuncPtr _ as key) ->
Val (singleton key)
let rec int_lb {const; terms} =
@ -355,7 +380,9 @@ module NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial = struct
| NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind symbol ->
let s_lb = NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind.int_lb symbol in
let p_lb = int_lb polynomial in
NonNegativeInt.((s_lb * p_lb) + acc) )
NonNegativeInt.((s_lb * p_lb) + acc)
| FuncPtr _ ->
acc )
terms const
@ -367,7 +394,9 @@ module NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial = struct
Option.bind acc ~f:(fun acc ->
Option.bind (NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind.int_ub symbol) ~f:(fun s_ub ->
Option.map (int_ub polynomial) ~f:(fun p_ub ->
NonNegativeInt.((s_ub * p_ub) + acc) ) ) ) )
NonNegativeInt.((s_ub * p_ub) + acc) ) ) )
| FuncPtr _ ->
acc )
terms (Some const)
@ -398,9 +427,9 @@ module NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial = struct
; terms=
(fun s p acc ->
let p' = mask_min_max_constant_poly p in
match s with
| NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind s ->
let p' = mask_min_max_constant_poly p in
(NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind.mask_min_max_constant s))
@ -409,7 +438,9 @@ module NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial = struct
Some p'
| Some p ->
if leq_poly ~lhs:p ~rhs:p' then Some p' else Some p )
acc )
| FuncPtr _ as key ->
M.add key p' acc )
terms M.empty }
@ -428,10 +459,11 @@ module NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial = struct
if is_constant p1 then p1 else if is_constant p2 then p2 else p1
let subst callee_pname location =
let subst callee_pname location {poly; autoreleasepool_trace} eval_sym eval_func_ptrs
get_closure_callee_cost ~default_closure_cost =
let exception ReturnTop of (NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind.t * BoundTrace.t) in
(* avoids top-lifting everything *)
let rec subst_poly {const; terms} eval_sym =
let rec subst_poly {const; terms} =
(fun s p acc ->
match s with
@ -442,18 +474,36 @@ module NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial = struct
| None ->
| Some c ->
let p = subst_poly p eval_sym in
let p = subst_poly p in
mult_const_positive p c |> plus_poly acc )
| ValTop trace ->
let p = subst_poly p eval_sym in
let p = subst_poly p in
if is_zero_poly p then acc else raise (ReturnTop (s, trace))
| Symbolic s ->
let p = subst_poly p eval_sym in
mult_symb_poly p (NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind s) |> plus_poly acc ) )
let p = subst_poly p in
mult_symb_poly p (NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind s) |> plus_poly acc )
| FuncPtr s ->
let funcptr_p =
let p = subst_poly p in
match FuncPtr.Set.is_singleton_or_more (eval_func_ptrs s) with
| Singleton (Closure {name}) ->
let closure_p =
match get_closure_callee_cost name with
| Some {poly= closure_p} ->
| None ->
poly_of_non_negative_int default_closure_cost
mult_poly closure_p p
| Singleton (Path path) ->
mult_symb_poly p (FuncPtr path)
| Empty | More ->
mult_poly (poly_of_non_negative_int default_closure_cost) p
plus_poly acc funcptr_p )
terms (poly_of_non_negative_int const)
fun {poly; autoreleasepool_trace} eval_sym ->
match subst_poly poly eval_sym with
match subst_poly poly with
| poly ->
let autoreleasepool_trace =
Option.map autoreleasepool_trace ~f:(BoundTrace.call ~callee_pname ~location)
@ -464,24 +514,44 @@ module NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial = struct
(** Emit a pair (d,t) where d is the degree of the polynomial and t is the first term with such
degree *)
degree. When calculating the degree, it ignores symbols of function pointer, so they are
addressed as if zero cost. *)
let degree_with_term {poly; autoreleasepool_trace} =
let rec degree_with_term_poly {terms} =
let rec is_func_ptr_poly {const; terms} =
NonNegativeInt.is_zero const
&& M.for_all
(fun key v ->
match key with
| FuncPtr _ ->
| NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind _ ->
is_func_ptr_poly v )
let rec degree_with_term_poly ({terms} as poly) =
if is_func_ptr_poly poly then (Degree.zero, true, poly)
(fun t p cur_max ->
match t with
| NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind t ->
let d, p' = degree_with_term_poly p in
let degree_term =
( Degree.succ (NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind.degree_kind t) d
, mult_symb p' (NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind t) )
match (t, degree_with_term_poly p) with
| NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind b, (d, false, p') ->
( Degree.succ (NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind.degree_kind b) d
, false
, mult_symb_poly p' t )
| FuncPtr _, (_, _, p') | _, (_, true, p') ->
(* It ignores function pointers when calculating degree of polynomial, since their
semantics is different to the other symbolic values. For example, when a
function has a complexity of |fptr| where fptr is a function pointer, it does
not make sense to say the function has a linear complexity. *)
(Degree.zero, true, mult_symb_poly p' t)
if [%compare: Degree.t * t] degree_term cur_max > 0 then degree_term else cur_max )
(Degree.zero, one ())
if [%compare: Degree.t * bool * poly] degree_term cur_max > 0 then degree_term
else cur_max )
terms (Degree.zero, false, one_poly)
let d, p = degree_with_term_poly poly in
(d, {p with autoreleasepool_trace})
let d, _, poly = degree_with_term_poly poly in
(d, {poly; autoreleasepool_trace})
let degree p = fst (degree_with_term p)
@ -500,16 +570,7 @@ module NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial = struct
let pp_exp fmt (e : PositiveInt.t) =
if Z.(gt (e :> Z.t) one) then PositiveInt.pp_exponent fmt e
let pp_magic_parentheses pp fmt x =
let s = F.asprintf "%a" pp x in
if String.contains s ' ' then F.fprintf fmt "(%s)" s else F.pp_print_string fmt s
let pp_symb ~hum fmt symb =
match (symb : Key.t) with
| NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind symb ->
pp_magic_parentheses (NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind.pp ~hum) fmt symb
let pp_symb_exp ~hum fmt (symb, exp) = F.fprintf fmt "%a%a" (pp_symb ~hum) symb pp_exp exp in
let pp_symb_exp ~hum fmt (symb, exp) = F.fprintf fmt "%a%a" (Key.pp_hum ~hum) symb pp_exp exp in
let pp_symbs ~hum fmt (last, others) =
List.rev_append others [last] |> Pp.seq ~sep:multiplication_sep (pp_symb_exp ~hum) fmt
@ -547,9 +608,14 @@ module NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial = struct
let rec get_symbols_sub {terms} acc =
(fun s p acc ->
let acc =
match s with
| NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind s ->
get_symbols_sub p (NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind.symbol s :: acc) )
NonNegativeBoundWithDegreeKind.symbol s :: acc
| FuncPtr _ ->
get_symbols_sub p acc )
terms acc
get_symbols_sub p.poly []
@ -738,6 +804,8 @@ module NonNegativePolynomial = struct
|> make_trace_set ~map_above:TopTrace.unbounded_loop
let of_func_ptr path = Val (NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.of_func_ptr path)
let is_symbolic = function
| Below _ | Above _ ->
@ -783,7 +851,8 @@ module NonNegativePolynomial = struct
let subst callee_pname location p eval_sym =
let subst callee_pname location p eval_sym eval_func_ptrs get_closure_callee_cost
~default_closure_cost =
match p with
| Above callee_traces ->
@ -796,7 +865,16 @@ module NonNegativePolynomial = struct
(fun callee_trace -> UnreachableTrace.call ~callee_pname ~location callee_trace)
| Val p ->
NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.subst callee_pname location p eval_sym
let get_closure_callee_cost pname =
match get_closure_callee_cost pname with
| Some (Val p) ->
Some p
| None | Some (Below _ | Above _) ->
(* It doesn't propagate Top/Bottoms if the closure has these costs. *)
NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.subst callee_pname location p eval_sym eval_func_ptrs
get_closure_callee_cost ~default_closure_cost
|> make_trace_set ~map_above:(fun (symbol, bound_trace) ->
TopTrace.unbounded_symbol ~location ~symbol bound_trace )

@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ module NonNegativePolynomial : sig
val of_non_negative_bound : ?degree_kind:DegreeKind.t -> Bounds.NonNegativeBound.t -> t
val of_func_ptr : Symb.SymbolPath.partial -> t
val plus : t -> t -> t
val mult_unreachable : t -> t -> t
@ -82,7 +84,15 @@ module NonNegativePolynomial : sig
val min_default_left : t -> t -> t
val subst : Procname.t -> Location.t -> t -> Bounds.Bound.eval_sym -> t
val subst :
-> Location.t
-> t
-> Bounds.Bound.eval_sym
-> FuncPtr.Set.eval_func_ptrs
-> (Procname.t -> t option)
-> default_closure_cost:Ints.NonNegativeInt.t
-> t
val degree : t -> Degree.t option

@ -25,13 +25,18 @@ type extras_WorstCaseCost =
; get_formals: Procname.t -> (Pvar.t * Typ.t) list option
; proc_resolve_attributes: Procname.t -> ProcAttributes.t option }
let instantiate_cost integer_type_widths ~inferbo_caller_mem ~callee_pname ~callee_formals ~params
~callee_cost ~loc =
let eval_sym =
let instantiate_cost ?get_closure_callee_cost ~default_closure_cost integer_type_widths
~inferbo_caller_mem ~callee_pname ~callee_formals ~params ~callee_cost ~loc =
let {BufferOverrunDomain.eval_sym; eval_func_ptrs} =
BufferOverrunSemantics.mk_eval_sym_cost integer_type_widths callee_formals params
BasicCostWithReason.subst callee_pname loc callee_cost eval_sym
let get_closure_callee_cost pname =
Option.bind get_closure_callee_cost ~f:(fun get_closure_callee_cost ->
get_closure_callee_cost pname )
BasicCostWithReason.subst callee_pname loc callee_cost eval_sym eval_func_ptrs
get_closure_callee_cost ~default_closure_cost
module InstrBasicCostWithReason = struct
@ -101,6 +106,21 @@ module InstrBasicCostWithReason = struct
|> Option.value ~default:(Option.value callee_cost_opt ~default:BasicCostWithReason.zero)
let dispatch_autoreleasepool_func_ptr_call {inferbo_invariant_map; integer_type_widths} instr_node
fun_exp =
BufferOverrunAnalysis.extract_pre (InstrCFG.Node.id instr_node) inferbo_invariant_map
|> Option.value_map ~default:BasicCostWithReason.zero ~f:(fun inferbo_mem ->
let func_ptrs =
BufferOverrunSemantics.eval integer_type_widths fun_exp inferbo_mem
|> BufferOverrunDomain.Val.get_func_ptrs
match FuncPtr.Set.is_singleton_or_more func_ptrs with
| Singleton (Path path) ->
BasicCost.of_func_ptr path |> BasicCostWithReason.of_basic_cost
| _ ->
BasicCostWithReason.zero )
let get_instr_cost_record tenv extras cfg instr_node instr =
match instr with
| Sil.Call (ret, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun callee_pname), params, location, _)
@ -126,12 +146,25 @@ module InstrBasicCostWithReason = struct
integer_type_widths inferbo_get_summary )
let get_callee_cost_opt kind inferbo_mem =
let default_closure_cost =
match (kind : CostKind.t) with
| OperationCost ->
| AllocationCost | AutoreleasepoolSize ->
match (get_summary callee_pname, get_formals callee_pname) with
| Some {CostDomain.post= callee_cost_record}, Some callee_formals ->
CostDomain.find_opt kind callee_cost_record
|> Option.map ~f:(fun callee_cost ->
instantiate_cost integer_type_widths ~inferbo_caller_mem:inferbo_mem
~callee_pname ~callee_formals ~params ~callee_cost ~loc:location )
let get_closure_callee_cost pname =
get_summary pname
|> Option.map ~f:(fun {CostDomain.post} ->
CostDomain.get_cost_kind kind post )
instantiate_cost ~get_closure_callee_cost ~default_closure_cost
integer_type_widths ~inferbo_caller_mem:inferbo_mem ~callee_pname
~callee_formals ~params ~callee_cost ~loc:location )
| _ ->
@ -152,12 +185,21 @@ module InstrBasicCostWithReason = struct
model_env ret cfg location inferbo_mem ) )
| Sil.Call (_, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun _), _, _, _) ->
| Sil.Call (_, fun_exp, _, _location, _) ->
CostDomain.construct ~f:(fun kind ->
match kind with
| OperationCost ->
BasicCostWithReason.one ()
| AllocationCost ->
| AutoreleasepoolSize ->
dispatch_autoreleasepool_func_ptr_call extras instr_node fun_exp )
| Sil.Load {id= lhs_id} when Ident.is_none lhs_id ->
(* dummy deref inserted by frontend--don't count as a step. In
JDK 11, dummy deref disappears and causes cost differences
otherwise. *)
| Sil.Load _ | Sil.Store _ | Sil.Call _ | Sil.Prune _ ->
| Sil.Load _ | Sil.Store _ | Sil.Prune _ ->
| Sil.Metadata Skip -> (
match InstrCFG.Node.kind instr_node with

@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ val checker :
-> CostDomain.summary option
val instantiate_cost :
?get_closure_callee_cost:(Procname.t -> CostDomain.BasicCostWithReason.t option)
-> default_closure_cost:Ints.NonNegativeInt.t
-> Typ.IntegerWidths.t
-> inferbo_caller_mem:BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t
-> callee_pname:Procname.t
-> callee_formals:(Pvar.t * Typ.t) list

@ -33,8 +33,15 @@ module BasicCostWithReason = struct
let of_basic_cost cost = {cost; top_pname_opt= None}
let subst callee_pname location {cost; top_pname_opt} eval_sym =
let cost = BasicCost.subst callee_pname location cost eval_sym in
let subst callee_pname location {cost; top_pname_opt} eval_sym eval_func_ptrs
get_closure_callee_cost ~default_closure_cost =
let get_closure_callee_cost pname =
get_closure_callee_cost pname |> Option.map ~f:(fun {cost} -> cost)
let cost =
BasicCost.subst callee_pname location cost eval_sym eval_func_ptrs get_closure_callee_cost
if BasicCost.is_top cost then {cost; top_pname_opt= Some callee_pname} else {cost; top_pname_opt}

@ -43,7 +43,15 @@ module BasicCostWithReason : sig
val plus : t -> t -> t
val subst : Procname.t -> Location.t -> t -> Bounds.Bound.eval_sym -> t
val subst :
-> Location.t
-> t
-> Bounds.Bound.eval_sym
-> FuncPtr.Set.eval_func_ptrs
-> (Procname.t -> t option)
-> default_closure_cost:Ints.NonNegativeInt.t
-> t
val degree : t -> Polynomials.Degree.t option

@ -113,8 +113,9 @@ let get_cost_if_expensive tenv integer_type_widths get_callee_cost_summary_and_f
let callee_cost = CostDomain.get_operation_cost cost_record in
if CostDomain.BasicCost.is_symbolic callee_cost.cost then
(Cost.instantiate_cost integer_type_widths ~inferbo_caller_mem:inferbo_mem
~callee_pname:pname ~callee_formals ~params ~callee_cost ~loc)
(Cost.instantiate_cost ~default_closure_cost:Ints.NonNegativeInt.one integer_type_widths
~inferbo_caller_mem:inferbo_mem ~callee_pname:pname ~callee_formals ~params
~callee_cost ~loc)
else None
| None ->

@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_caller.m, ArcCaller.callGiveMeObject_line
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_caller.m, ArcCaller.callMutableCopyObject_zero:x:, 0, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_caller.m, ArcCaller.callNewObject_zero:, 0, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_caller.m, ArcCaller.dealloc, 0, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_enumerator.m, ArcEnumerator.callMyEnumerator_linear_FN:, 0, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_enumerator.m, ArcEnumerator.callMyEnumerator_linear_FN:, 1, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_enumerator.m, ArcEnumerator.dealloc, 0, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_enumerator.m, ArcEnumerator.makeMyEnumerator_zero:, 0, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_enumerator.m, MyEnumerator.dealloc, 0, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_enumerator.m, MyEnumerator.initWithArray:filter:, 0, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_enumerator.m, MyEnumerator.nextObject, 0, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_enumerator.m, MyEnumerator.nextObject, |self->_filter|, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_enumerator.m, objc_blockArcEnumerator.makeMyEnumerator_zero:_1, 1, OnUIThread:false, [autorelease,Call to NoArcCallee.giveMeObject,Modeled call to NSObject.autorelease]
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_keyed_unarchiver.m, ArcKeyedUnarchiver.callInitForReadingFromData_constant:data:, 1, OnUIThread:false, [autorelease,Modeled call to NSKeyedUnarchiver.initForReadingFromData:error:]
codetoanalyze/objc/autoreleasepool/arc_keyed_unarchiver.m, ArcKeyedUnarchiver.callInitForReadingWithData_constant:data:, 1, OnUIThread:false, [autorelease,Modeled call to NSKeyedUnarchiver.initForReadingWithData:]
