[nullsafe] Handle intermediate typecasts in assignment expressions

When expressions use generics or typecasts, CFG contains intermediate `_fun_cast` nodes which break some nullsafe heuristics and lead to false positives.
This affects different types of checks (null-check on assignment expressions, `map.containsKey` checks in assignment expressions, regular typecasts, etc.
See added tests for examples.

Reviewed By: mityal

Differential Revision: D22815631

fbshipit-source-id: 80d444b1c
Artem Pianykh 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 07887ad30f
commit 089589d3da

@ -14,7 +14,17 @@ type t = Exp.t Ident.Hash.t Lazy.t
let create_ proc_desc =
let map = Ident.Hash.create 1 in
let do_instr _ = function Sil.Load {id; e} -> Ident.Hash.add map id e | _ -> () in
let do_instr _ = function
| Sil.Load {id; e} ->
Ident.Hash.add map id e
| Sil.Call ((res_ident, _), Exp.Const (Const.Cfun fname), [(Exp.Var src_ident, _); _], _, _)
(* [id] = __cast([ex]) when [ex] is a frontend temporary, try to unfold it further *)
when Procname.equal fname BuiltinDecl.__cast ->
Ident.Hash.find_opt map src_ident
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun ex -> Ident.Hash.add map res_ident ex)
| _ ->
Procdesc.iter_instrs do_instr proc_desc ;

@ -717,20 +717,31 @@ let handle_assignment_in_condition_for_sil_prune idenv node pvar =
None )
let pp_normalized_cond fmt (_, exp) = Exp.pp fmt exp
let rec normalize_cond_for_sil_prune_rec idenv ~node ~original_node cond =
L.d_with_indent ~name:"normalize_cond_for_sil_prune_rec" ~pp_result:pp_normalized_cond (fun () ->
L.d_printfln "cond=%a" Exp.pp cond ;
match cond with
| Exp.UnOp (Unop.LNot, c, top) ->
L.d_printfln "UnOp" ;
let node', c' = normalize_cond_for_sil_prune_rec idenv ~node ~original_node c in
(node', Exp.UnOp (Unop.LNot, c', top))
| Exp.BinOp (bop, c1, c2) ->
L.d_printfln "BinOp" ;
let node', c1' = normalize_cond_for_sil_prune_rec idenv ~node ~original_node c1 in
let node'', c2' = normalize_cond_for_sil_prune_rec idenv ~node:node' ~original_node c2 in
L.d_printfln "c1=%a@\nc2=%a" Exp.pp c1 Exp.pp c2 ;
(node'', Exp.BinOp (bop, c1', c2'))
| Exp.Var _ ->
L.d_printfln "Var" ;
let c' = IDEnv.expand_expr idenv cond in
if not (Exp.equal c' cond) then normalize_cond_for_sil_prune_rec idenv ~node ~original_node c'
L.d_printfln "c'=%a" Exp.pp c' ;
if not (Exp.equal c' cond) then
normalize_cond_for_sil_prune_rec idenv ~node ~original_node c'
else (node, c')
| Exp.Lvar pvar when Pvar.is_frontend_tmp pvar -> (
L.d_printfln "Lvar" ;
match handle_assignment_in_condition_for_sil_prune idenv original_node pvar with
| None -> (
match Decompile.find_program_variable_assignment node pvar with
@ -741,7 +752,8 @@ let rec normalize_cond_for_sil_prune_rec idenv ~node ~original_node cond =
| Some e2 ->
(node, e2) )
| c ->
(node, c)
L.d_printfln "other" ;
(node, c) )
(* Normalize the condition by resolving temp variables. *)

@ -233,8 +233,7 @@ public class ReturnNotNullable {
// 1. The argument is a generic,
// 2. The type parameter is not {@code Object}.
// Both are important to trigger the behaviour we're checking (indirection via typecast in CFG).
public List<String> nullCheckGenericAssignmentResultAsNonnullOk_FP(
BlockingQueue<Runnable> queue) {
public List<String> nullCheckGenericAssignmentResultAsNonnullOk(BlockingQueue<Runnable> queue) {
final ArrayList<String> records = new ArrayList<>(queue.size());
try {
Runnable task;
@ -258,7 +257,7 @@ public class ReturnNotNullable {
public void chainedCallsWithAssignmentChecksOk_FP(@Nullable NullableGetter<NullableGetter> c1) {
public void chainedCallsWithAssignmentChecksOk(@Nullable NullableGetter<NullableGetter> c1) {
NullableGetter<NullableGetter> c2, c3;
if (c1 != null && (c2 = c1.get()) != null && (c3 = c2.get()) != null) {

@ -301,10 +301,7 @@ codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe/PropagatesNullable.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe/PropagatesNullable.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe.TestPropagatesNullable$TestSecondParameter.test(java.lang.String,java.lang.String):void, 7, ERADICATE_NULLABLE_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, WARNING, [`nullable(...)` is nullable and is not locally checked for null when calling `length()`.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe/PropagatesNullable.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe.TestPropagatesNullable$TestSecondParameter.test(java.lang.String,java.lang.String):void, 11, ERADICATE_NULLABLE_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, WARNING, [`nullable(...)` is nullable and is not locally checked for null when calling `length()`.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe/PropagatesNullable.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe.TestPropagatesNullable$TestSecondParameter.test(java.lang.String,java.lang.String):void, 15, ERADICATE_NULLABLE_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, WARNING, [`nullable(...)` is nullable and is not locally checked for null when calling `length()`.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe/ReturnNotNullable.java, Linters_dummy_method, 23, ERADICATE_META_CLASS_NEEDS_IMPROVEMENT, no_bucket, INFO, [], ReturnNotNullable, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe, issues: 12, curr_mode: "Default"
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe/ReturnNotNullable.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe.ReturnNotNullable$AssignmentResultCheck.chainedCallsWithAssignmentChecksOk_FP(codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe.ReturnNotNullable$AssignmentResultCheck$NullableGetter):void, 3, ERADICATE_NULLABLE_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, WARNING, [`c2` is nullable and is not locally checked for null when calling `get()`: call to get() at line 264.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe/ReturnNotNullable.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe.ReturnNotNullable$AssignmentResultCheck.chainedCallsWithAssignmentChecksOk_FP(codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe.ReturnNotNullable$AssignmentResultCheck$NullableGetter):void, 4, ERADICATE_NULLABLE_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, WARNING, [`c3` is nullable and is not locally checked for null when calling `get()`: call to get() at line 264.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe/ReturnNotNullable.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe.ReturnNotNullable$AssignmentResultCheck.nullCheckGenericAssignmentResultAsNonnullOk_FP(java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue):java.util.List, 7, ERADICATE_NULLABLE_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, WARNING, [`task` is nullable and is not locally checked for null when calling `toString()`: call to BlockingQueue.poll(...) at line 242 (declared nullable in nullsafe/third-party-signatures/java.sig at line 3).]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe/ReturnNotNullable.java, Linters_dummy_method, 23, ERADICATE_META_CLASS_NEEDS_IMPROVEMENT, no_bucket, INFO, [], ReturnNotNullable, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe, issues: 9, curr_mode: "Default"
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe/ReturnNotNullable.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe.ReturnNotNullable$ConditionalAssignment.test(boolean):java.lang.Object, 0, ERADICATE_RETURN_NOT_NULLABLE, no_bucket, WARNING, [`test(...)`: return type is declared non-nullable but the method returns a nullable value: field f1 at line 203.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe/ReturnNotNullable.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe.ReturnNotNullable.constantToNullableIsOverannotated():java.lang.String, 0, ERADICATE_RETURN_OVER_ANNOTATED, no_bucket, ADVICE, [Method `constantToNullableIsOverannotated()` is annotated with `@Nullable` but never returns null.]
codetoanalyze/java/nullsafe/ReturnNotNullable.java, codetoanalyze.java.nullsafe.ReturnNotNullable.getResourceNullable(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String):java.net.URL, 0, ERADICATE_RETURN_NOT_NULLABLE, no_bucket, WARNING, [`getResourceNullable(...)`: return type is declared non-nullable but the method returns a nullable value: call to Class.getResource(...) at line 181 (nullable according to nullsafe internal models).]
