[sledge] Simplify Fol normalizing constructor code

Move the punting between arrays and lists out of the clients of the
n-ary application normalizing constructors.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D24306071

fbshipit-source-id: f3d2cb5df
Josh Berdine 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 615f245027
commit 09c9a0a1ff

@ -128,6 +128,8 @@ module Array = struct
map_inplace a ~f ;
let to_list_rev_map xs ~f = fold ~f:(fun ys x -> f x :: ys) ~init:[] xs
include Array.Import

@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ module Array : sig
val fold_map_inplace :
'a array -> init:'s -> f:('s -> 'a -> 's * 'a) -> 's
val to_list_rev_map : 'a array -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'b list
include module type of Array.Import

@ -790,16 +790,17 @@ let rev_mapN_cnd :
loop [] rev_xs
(** Map an nary function on terms over expressions. *)
let apNt : (trm list -> trm) -> exp array -> exp =
let apNt : (trm array -> trm) -> exp array -> exp =
fun f xs ->
rev_mapN_cnd ite
(fun xs -> `Trm (f xs))
(Array.fold ~f:(fun xs x -> embed_into_cnd x :: xs) ~init:[] xs)
(fun xs -> `Trm (f (Array.of_list xs)))
(Array.to_list_rev_map ~f:embed_into_cnd xs)
let apNf : (trm list -> fml) -> exp iarray -> fml =
let apNf : (trm array -> fml) -> exp array -> fml =
fun f xs ->
rev_mapN_cnd _Cond f
(IArray.fold ~f:(fun xs x -> embed_into_cnd x :: xs) ~init:[] xs)
rev_mapN_cnd _Cond
(fun xs -> f (Array.of_list xs))
(Array.to_list_rev_map ~f:embed_into_cnd xs)
* Terms: exposed interface
@ -867,18 +868,18 @@ module Term = struct
let splat = ap1t _Splat
let sized ~seq ~siz = ap2t _Sized seq siz
let extract ~seq ~off ~len = ap3t _Extract seq off len
let concat elts = apNt (fun es -> _Concat (Array.of_list es)) elts
let concat elts = apNt _Concat elts
(* records *)
let select ~rcd ~idx = ap1t (_Select idx) rcd
let update ~rcd ~idx ~elt = ap2t (_Update idx) rcd elt
let record elts = apNt (fun es -> _Record (Array.of_list es)) elts
let record elts = apNt _Record elts
let ancestor i = `Trm (_Ancestor i)
(* tuples *)
let tuple elts = apNt (fun es -> _Tuple (Array.of_list es)) elts
let tuple elts = apNt _Tuple elts
let project ~ary ~idx tup = ap1t (_Project ary idx) tup
(* if-then-else *)
@ -887,8 +888,7 @@ module Term = struct
(* uninterpreted *)
let apply sym args =
apNt (fun es -> _Apply sym (_Tuple (Array.of_list es))) args
let apply sym args = apNt (fun es -> _Apply sym (_Tuple es)) args
(** Destruct *)
@ -1172,8 +1172,8 @@ let uap1 f = ap1t (fun x -> Apply (f, Tuple [|x|]))
let uap2 f = ap2t (fun x y -> Apply (f, Tuple [|x; y|]))
let upos2 p = ap2f (fun x y -> _UPosLit p (Tuple [|x; y|]))
let uneg2 p = ap2f (fun x y -> _UNegLit p (Tuple [|x; y|]))
let uposN p = apNf (fun xs -> _UPosLit p (Tuple (Array.of_list xs)))
let unegN p = apNf (fun xs -> _UNegLit p (Tuple (Array.of_list xs)))
let uposN p = apNf (fun xs -> _UPosLit p (Tuple xs))
let unegN p = apNf (fun xs -> _UNegLit p (Tuple xs))
let rec uap_tt f a = uap1 f (of_ses a)
and uap_ttt f a b = uap2 f (of_ses a) (of_ses b)
@ -1212,8 +1212,10 @@ and of_ses : Ses.Term.t -> exp =
| Ap2 (Dq, d, e) -> ap2_f xor dq d e
| Ap2 (Lt, d, e) -> ap2_f (fun p q -> and_ (not_ p) q) lt d e
| Ap2 (Le, d, e) -> ap2_f (fun p q -> or_ (not_ p) q) le d e
| PosLit (p, es) -> `Fml (uposN p (IArray.map ~f:of_ses es))
| NegLit (p, es) -> `Fml (unegN p (IArray.map ~f:of_ses es))
| PosLit (p, es) ->
`Fml (uposN p (IArray.to_array (IArray.map ~f:of_ses es)))
| NegLit (p, es) ->
`Fml (unegN p (IArray.to_array (IArray.map ~f:of_ses es)))
| Add sum -> (
match Ses.Term.Qset.pop_min_elt sum with
| None -> zero
